Terraria Ep1 || Mine O’Clock 2024-02-20

W hello everybody and welcome to m a clock here at the loading R run Mega Entertainment Network my name is Serge and today well we’re doing something a little bit different I believe for the first time in the nearly 8 year history of this show we’re not playing Minecraft instead I’m going to

Be taking James and Uno through a magical journey of discovering the video game that is called Terraria so long story short we’re in kind of a lull when it comes to interesting new things to do in Minecraft right now and while we were punching a chunk last stream we thought

What if we just played other crafting survival games that are in the genre and this is just such a classic Banger and shockingly neither James nor Uno have really played this game before so because I have the most hours a little bit of experience in it uh I’m going to

Be leading them and basically showing you my perspective on stuff that we do there but first a reminder that everything we do is brought to you by you with your support of the patreon over at patreon.com loadingreadyrun you can also support us over at our store at store.

Loading run.com right here on Twitch and on the YouTubes what up the YouTubes all right without further Ado good morning gentlemen Hi how are you oh I’m okay are you excited for this adventure into something new and unfamiliar no I’m terrified really I’m I’m terrorfied damn it was right there man

James I’m disappointed in you bud rarified yeah no that was good that was good amazing I goofed I goofed so the first thing I’m going to do is I am going to create a new character I’m not going to be using my uh my 31-hour character you giant character of dude

Wait you’ve only played 31 hours of this game on that character oh okay uh my Terraria hours are please hold my Terraria hours are 180 oh okay that’s not I thought it was higher than that all right what do I want to do I thought I thought we hired a professional thank

You thank you uh professionals got the good swoopy hair what about an up swoop sorry I had to so I could have done this ahead of time but I decided it was extremely important for chat uh to join me on the process of creating my character being a part of this journey

That kind of looks like me uh and then creating the world together there something there that looks like Ed the duck it’s true it’s possible all right oo that’s a good that’s a good color all right what kind of what kind of eyeballs do I have I have more bluish

Eyeballs uh that doesn’t seem to be making them any more blue there we go Blue eyeballs what is this oh this is my skin tone uh it’s about closer you know what I think I look cute as heck now we’re going to play Serge Jagger not to be confused with

Serge and we’re going to make a brand new world here so last time I was playing I was playing on a master world uh the forge of regret and instead what we’re going to do is this world is going to be called m: clock not infection of disgust and so very importantly here

Gentlemen we’re going to be playing on a medium world uh chat might have tried to talk us into a making a large world that is a trap for firsttime players that is large world is not a good idea for new players full stop small is too small I like small

From mining worlds so some stuff to note uh for James and Uno uh there’s actually a lot of Randomness in Worlds every world that you make uh actually has the possibility of spawning different starting resources now they’re all equivalent but if you’re trying to do like a completion run it’s not all going

To be there so for example um you could start with iron or you could start with lead is that right or does iron or does lead replace copper chat something like like that so sometimes you end up making multiple worlds because you want to collect everything

Right uh the other thing is you have two possible main threats that you need to overcome uh there’s the corruption and there’s the Crimson they’re functionally identical oh pardon me yeah iron and Lead replace each other copper and Tin replace each other yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh I’m going to choose corruption

It doesn’t really matter just because I don’t like the aesthetic of crimson I just think corruption is cooler uh there’s no really real real difference between the two of them in in my opinion for the purposes of this and again chat I’m going to get ahead of all of you right now yes

Everything I’m saying has like three asteres beside it for two new players it doesn’t matter just just saying for new players it does not matter all right uh we’re going to create this world and then I’m going to go to the booth because I have to I have to do a

Um a secret password at some point 1 two 3 4 five that’s my luggage dude please a pumpkin Medallion can be used to sukin sukin the pumpkin pumpkin spooky oh my God I realized I realized um yesterday Minecraft needs those tips oh right you can go to the nether

By doing whatever all right the password has been made welcome to Terraria let’s wait for everybody to hop in here I should probably a wait can I change Colin’s name or no no it’s fine oh by the way as always chat let me know how volume is if it

Could be louder if it could be quieter please let me know 60% of the world is sensored I know I know we can rename him that way chat but that’s evil I’ll protect you jimothy who the heck is jimothy it is I jimothy the wizard you

I’m going need you to go back and change your name to something that Chad will recognize jimothy how would they not recognize jimothy also where do you even see the names uh when you hover over with a mouse oh do you need to invite me again uh you

Should just be able to join yeah so I go join via steam I go to sege yeah and then it’ll just this is what I did and yeah it doesn’t do anything ah there we go Serge invited all right so uh James I’m gon get you right now to start chop chopping

Trees wait for Uno to get into because much like Minecraft we want to have a little bit of a base set up by the time Knight gets here all right uh some important things as we look around uh there’s an NPC the NPC’s name is Colin Colin is here to

Help us out with stuff so if you got questions about things in your inventory you can go and you can click on Colin and Colin will tell us some interesting stuff uh let’s just do a very quick exploration to left and the right here just to see if there’s anything interesting seen uh

Otherwise okay nothing to the right really let’s go over to the left yeah so one of the big parts of this game is going to be getting more NPCs and bringing them up um unlike Minecraft villagers uh these ones are are pretty temperamental and we’ll uh we’ll throw

Hands that’s not entirely true all right so there’s no real reason rabbit go ahead no oh my God he just murdered that bunny all I did so what we want to do right now is we want to kind of go over to the side here if you two could just

Start chop chopping a bunch of trees we’re going to make ourselves a little starter house Chop Chop in a bunch of Collins yeah I feel like had a I feel like I just had like a little like box that was hovering over so uh something that can help you

Mind if you hit control it’ll bring up um Auto Harvest ah uh or you can turn that off I use it kind of interchangeably for whatever reason the number one way that chat will backit you playing this game is it doesn’t matter how many hours you have somebody will

Always come into this chat and say did you know that you can use controlled Auto Harvest how how do I use control to Auto Harvest it’s it’s like my number one pet peeve but like how does it auto Harvest well it doesn’t it just automatically suggests suggests blocks that you can click on

Yeah yeah that makes sense so it’s not actually it’s Auto Harvest whatever all right uh one of the first things that you want to do gentlemen if you want to join me over this way oh you can get rid of like individual tree branches that’s neat and

Weird I’m coming amazing all right so what you’re going to want to do uh and realistically only one of you needs to do this but similar to Minecraft we need a crafting bench so does one of you want to hit Escape Escape is going to bring

Up your crafting menu and then kind of a cool thing in this game is in the bottom left corner it will show you how to autof finish a bunch of recipes that you have and now walk away from the crafting table look at the recipes you have

Access to and then walk closer to the the bench and then you could see that you have access to more and more recipes one weird thing though the most wheel is actually inverted from the way that you want to uh the way that you want to harest stuff

Why I know I know I actually don’t know how to reverse that it’s extremely frustrating like it’s it’s trying to mimic like uh the phone experience right guess like yeah this game is actually so old it predates cell phones James anyways don’t um I need you two to start

Constructing us a house so please make a pretty big house uh we just want to avoid spawn spawn can probably be outside see on the mini map we’ve got the spawn there so probably from about here to here just make a big rectangle uh with wood on the sides and then what

I would like you to do is to also um to also start making torches you two feel comfortable doing that I I’ll make the walls I guess why did you start with a chair Uno I wanted to put chair at the crafting table but you can only have the chair facing

Away there we go okay how do I all right so to build what you want to do is you want to have a block in your inventory like the wood scroll your mouse wheel just like you would in Minecraft so it’s selected and then just place anywhere in the world there you

Go so now you’ll notice that I can’t get in there right Uno please stop with the furniture all right we need doors so if you hit Escape you can go and you can craft a door we want two doors one on either side what just no that’s not door

Crafted can I how do I make what so Uno’s already crafted the doors now in order to place a door down Uno you need to it needs to be inside of the solid foundation so I believe doors are three high so now try placing the door there

You go and now doors automatically open and close for us but they’ll keep out enemies so you can’t just put a door down all right oh I’m wait I’m out of walls where did all my walls go I made so many what do you mean you made walls well I made those

Like oh if you made some all right you those to me which is totally fine so walls are a background thing all right first things first we need to place another door so I’m just going to go ahead and craft one really quickly here wait how do I please hold all right

Walls are walls are not what you think they are all right hold on hold on on I i’ I’ve obviously let the boys flounder uh can I make a hammer I can fantastic all right so first things first walls are background material pardon me walls are background material so if

We just make ourselves a box which was sort of the goal here if we just make ourselves a box stupid slime we just make ourselves a box we’ll get there in just a second there we go and now look at this the Minecraft starter houses never come together faster eh

We’ll make it pretty later don’t worry so what a wall does is you’ll notice so far this doesn’t really look like a house a mhm but if you start putting the wall blocks behind it and this is actually an important this is actually an important qualifier

For whether or not this qualifies as an indoor space or an outdoor space so you put walls behind it it goes from just being like a house to actually being like a safe place wait what what so what could happen if uh mobs can spawn inside of this and another important difference is

That NPCs won’t treat this as a home so one of the really important things that you want to do and this is important later on too if you want to like set a spawn underground or something like that these are the qualifications for a house now another thing that Uno is

Noticing you can hang torches from the back here whereas we couldn’t do that before all right uh the second and probably most important thing you’re going to want to do uh in your inventory you can craft something called The Wooden platform the wooden platform is going to be your best

Friend so go ahead and make about a 100 wooden platforms I assure you you will not be disappointed uh okay wood so wooden platforms are an amazing block because you can walk on it but you can also jump through it and drop through it kind of like Mario Style

And these are going to be an extremely important thing that we use to navigate around all right let’s just finish putting in the back of this uh the last thing I want you two to do is both of you go into your inventory and craft a wooden hammer I got no hobo

What just got an achievement yeah okay so a hammer is one of the few blocks in the game that will actually interact with these blocks behind us so go ahead and uh and add a window or two and you can do that by using the hammer and you’re going to want to

Remove like a 2X two and real quick here I’m going to just replant some of the trees that we have had punched so we have a source of wood in the future all right and now exactly like in Minecraft it’s night time which means scary monsters are going to start showing

Up when you say window do you mean like that yeah that’s perfect let’s add another one here for symmetry why why can’t I reach are you having issues with the mouse reach sort of thing yeah well like I have the the control thing on uh if you if you’re ever trying to do

Something and it’s not working hit control just to turn it off okay all right so now what we have is uh we have nighttime so we don’t want to go out so let’s go down and sort of in about the middle of our B b or we can

End up carving this over later uh what we’re going to want to do is we’re going to want to have a way to go up and down so you can explore in every single Direction in this game if you go left and right you find new biomes uh if you

Go down every time you go down a certain distance you also start to find new and and difficult and challenging biomes and stuff like that if it was daytime I was going to suggest that we actually explore above ground but it’s getting a little bit late so let’s not worry about

It outside pardon me there’s some scary boys outside yeah you go fight them if you’d like sometimes they drop stuff is you going to break that door down no I don’t think uh not now definitely not now it need to be oh you’re you are starting a hole sure that’s what you

Said down so uh here’s an important thing dig straight down make it four wide please and now something that I’d like you to do is keep track of your jump height right and then every time it’s uncomfortable to jump put a wooden platform on one side just one block and

A torch on the other I don’t have any torches so uh come up stop kill some slimes and make some torches please I mean I probably can make torches all right while you two do that I’ll fight those torch there we go oh God ow so many dead all right all right we

Already have a mistake the Torches are supposed to be on the same side and then the platform is supposed to be on the same side yeah I don’t know why that torch got placed what button is torch shift there we go there you go all right good luck godspeed

Gentlemen oh you can so while you’re mining down keep your eyes peeled to the side much like Minecraft for anything that looks like it might be ore uhoh nothing wow wait how do I you can just sort of click on the wall with the torch in your hand is it like

A like a left click yeah it doesn’t do anything try turning control off again James if you’re like if you’re trying to play stuff and it’s not working uh the other thing you can do with a torch is hold down shift and then place um I’m going to I’m so confused excuse

Me youo can you hop onto the right side there you’re spacing between this like I have a torch in my hand and I’m looking directly across y uh don’t there you go oh there we go okay what is happening here five was there we go yeah your mouse cursor has to be over

From the wall instead of right on the wall maybe that was the difference yeah you’ll you you’ll get the hang out eventually so I’m going to keep farming these zombies for money for us and may that looks like a cave like an anklet or something like oh do you find us a cave

Yeah it looks like a cave this one is yeah now is there fall damage yes there is absolutely fall damage in this game yeah uh you’re going to die way more in this game than Minecraft and that’s just okay so like fully accept that death is going to happen death

Comes for us all dying is Fun the spacing here is yeah it’s not it’s not easy to properly work out what the spacing oh God this is there we go seems about right dark here now so exploration is super fun in this game now one of the things that we do want to

Be mindful of is the is the um the biome depth and we’ll tell when things change once we get a little bit lower there we go I how we looking there this one is wrong that’s cuz it was going down that’s okay uh oh hey James directly underneath

You that’s actually a metal ore that you could grab there uh oh yeah so what do you got there this just says Stone oh wait what so dark what is this is this stone or is this metal this is also Stone yeah these all look like Stone all right uh another

Important lesson is water physics in this game are going to be very fun and very interesting so sometimes water management is going to be something that we just have to deal with we’re kind of Lucky now that this pools off to our side but as an example here join me over

To the left here oh you can absolutely drown goodbye James that’s fine all right so we’re we’re going to do is we’re going to try and actually move this water over to the side just to see just to have some fun with it right there any resources down here that

Are even worth getting I think there’s metal down on this side all right so hello what is the what are the things you’re hitting right now uh the block beside me that’s clay that’s not an ore yet either oh yeah how do you place the torches on the

Back wall like that uh you can just place it anywhere now much like the house up above oh okay it’s cuz it’s got a backing yeah is there a chest there oh there is oo what do we get uh spear we got some tin amazing I didn’t even see

That chest thank you chat and is it um what do I use to pick up a chest is it the hammer you can barely see that yeah I couldn’t either uh chat noticed that for me here here’s another little treat you can do a little trick you can do you can go one

In so it’s behind the water my trick isn’t working oh wait you can and you can put a torch behind it so you can see there you can dig past you can dig one away all right we got some metal right here which is very exciting wait you can dig past the yes

Space you’re on yeah if you turn off control you can click Beyond it all right hold on am I dying a little all right so it should be daytime now join me upstairs gentlemen ah oh does the mini map show day night by the way I wasn’t paying attention no

It does not okay it’s not quite daytime yet but it should be pretty quick all right let’s do do a spear instead check this out shing shing and actually you two can fight over who uses this one enjoy that we have access to some tin and we

Also have our first chest so what I’m going to do is I’m going to build a little shelf for our first chest here yes James kill there a floaty eyeball out here there is that is an enemy that you can fight weird game bro so I’m trying to

Remember I guess you you just craft metal into ingots or do we have to make a SM y this Spar is op well you you have AOE damage you have knock pack damage and you’re also doing significantly more damage that we had before which is kind of exciting how do

You make a furnace oh we probably need uh probably need stone for it don’t we um I don’t want to wreck our our elevator so I’m going to go down and grab some stuff okay so this chest is all the red squares I assume the inventory in this game is

What do you mean by red squares sorry well it like I right clicked the chest and I have a bunch of red squares that weren’t there before so I assume that that’s the chest contents uh I have to come up and actually do the same thing to understand

What you’re saying if it looks like a second inventory that’s separate from your inventory then yes yeah yeah yeah it is so I can just move all this stuff I don’t know what any of this uh now it’s important to know that only one person can interact with a chest at time

All right I put a bunch of stuff that I got from killing those monsters in that chest I have no idea what any of that is oh there’s a chest all right uh I’m sorry un we need to move these chairs uh cuz we need we need easy access to our

Crafting all right so now what we have access to why can’t I place that oh I need a third thing underneath it actually let’s do this the other way around so um as you noticed before uh one of you picked up the furnace can I have it back

Please uh I don’t think it was me I don’t see it in my inventory did I destroy the furnace can you not pick up the furnace no are you sure you don’t have it James I’m positive if I do I don’t know wait there’s coins too I’m so

Somebody has it it’s not me one of you obviously has it it’s not me I don’t is it Colin like it’s a giant gray Square James picked it up chat is saying 100% that James picked it up where the hell where where hit Escape check all of your

Blocks in the top left corner check the top bar too I’m looking at the top bar I do not see it I see Wood Walls wood day Bloom seeds wood platforms I apparently have it Uno okay to drop something right click you don’t have to place it all right there we

Go so what we have now is two crafting tables on top of each other so we walk up to we get a bonus and like stuff you can do now you can make like a campfire and stuff like that all right now can you craft from

Stuff that’s in a chest nearby or not you cannot know but that’s okay we’ll get there later so uh open your inventory I just threw a bunch of metal ingots down to somebody so what you should be able to do now is you should be able to craft those by standing over

The smelter into bars I don’t know if James or Uno got those I’ve got them all right there you go we got four tin bars now uh unfortunately we don’t have enough to do anything interesting with those but that’s fine all right let’s go for an adventure uh whoever got

That healing potion go ahead and put that in your inventory uh I put it in the chest I think cuz I didn’t know what it was so I’m going to leave it in the chest okay o and the other thing you want to do all right really really quickly here um you

Hit escape and you’ve got your hot bar and you got four rows of inventory yes and then you’ve got coins yes which are what they’re currency uh as you get more and more NPCs you can eventually go up and you can buy stuff okay so for example never mind go ahead keep going

Well I was just going to say and then what’s all the just to kind of get an idea of what like all of this is what’s all the the stuff on the right side below the mini map so real quick before that so you got coins and then the next

Slot you have before bes deid it is ammunition so if you get bows if you get guns you can put extra stuff there so it doesn’t take up a slot in your inventory down and to the right you have um you have basically three different rows that are the same thing uh the

Furthest one which is equipment is stats like an RPG you put on an item you get a bonus uh the one beside it is a cosmetic so you can have a piece of armor that’s good but you could wear a fancy hat and it’ll it it’s basically like a transmog

System or Glam system okay and then finally there’s dyes you can just change the color of it so here for example James open up the chest that you you uh did before and there’s an anklet that you found in there it gives plus one to Armor Plus 1% damage and

Equip that into one of the five accessory slots that you have done all right uh we’re going to go left and what we’re going to do now is we’re actually going to go and explore the overw world and we’re going to do that until darkness comes and one of the actually James you

Lead cuz you’re the tank and you’ve got the spear uh Uno is the last person out please close the door wait the door do CL close on its own uh if somebody right click to open it it doesn’t how do I close it there we go

Again that just that’s a that’s a stark change in the background there yeah we’re in a different biome welcome to the desert now we are fighting bird kill it James can I throw my spear good job James excellent fighting all right let’s keep going to left can

You throw the spear or I do not believe so now I believe that is a poke spear not a javelin yeah all right and what we’re looking for is uh surface chests so you can either grab you can either make everything you want in the game or you

Can just explore for Stuff whichever is more exciting look at that that was the world’s smallest desert biome and then and back to the forest and oh jeez we found the Crimson all right we’re going to run away we’re going to run away I need you to kill that James

Please oh an eer of souls don’t worry I can kill the Eater of souls in the first 12 minutes of the day out a boy proud of you James no biggie all right how do I bring it head back we’re going to the right we’re going to the

Right so um when you chose the world side guys I assume that oh my God there’s another one I assume that this is what that relates to like how far you can go yeah how big biomes are how far things go to the side but it also

Changes uh the vertical size of the world as well is there up in this game there is there is there is up is up you know I’ve watched a decent amount of Terraria over the years just sort of incidental and I don’t think I’ve ever seen up I’ve seen

And down but I don’t feel like I’ve ever seen up so uh we’ll probably get to it later but what up gives us access to is something called Sky Islands which are very cool we we’re definitely not there yet o so we can go we can go up and down

But not side to side or back in time boo uh all right so wait what was that thing uh go ahead I’m just going to plant some more trees before we leave here what was your question that was a that was a on the balloon on a balloon I was going to

Say what was the thing that we just ran away from so uh remember at the beginning we chose between uh the Crimson in the corruption wait why did the door stay open I’m confused I’m maybe it’s the maybe it’s the um the NPC I don’t know cuz like yeah we just run

Through it there’s no reason to okay whatever weird so when we begin there’s a there’s a corruption on this world there’s a blight upon this world and you can choose your FL flavor of poison man we have desert on both sides interesting is it Colin is Colin the BL upon the

World a little bit more tin let’s go damn it Colin and uh what that is is we can basically think of that as the next challenging biome that we want to go to actually uh you know what James this is not a bad idea good idea UNO let’s

Grab some Cactus we can actually make a pretty good starter set of armor with the cactus so let’s grab all of the cacti as we walk by oh we’re being really unlucky by the way when it comes to surface chests we’ve gotten like no caves or anything

To explore so far there is there is a cave C right down here no we don’t want to go through desert though uh we’re looking for different kinds of caves cave cave no not like that no it’s there there’s a different kind of cave oh scorpions oh yeah these are passive

Okay I’m sorry I’m sorry this guy I didn’t know hey there’s an ocean and by ocean I mean a small pond no that’s definitely not the ocean we’ll know when we hit the ocean but and this I believe is called an oasis Get Wrecked Bird yeah you tuno

Don’t jump on lily pads in this game no nope these reads anything I have I actually have no idea what enemy that is I have no idea what we just fought ow PL is being a dick hey there’s a bird bird look I didn’t want to have to hurt

You bird you’re the one who’s killing us who’s that in the background God vultures a you’re supposed to be um there’s a blimp in the background yeah I see that that’s cool I want to wait what oh is there like I don’t want to go

Down there I think I’m going no no you definitely don’t no so later on we can actually get glow sticks which are super cool they are basically um balloons or light sources balloons sorry I saw the Slime they’re light sources that work underwat oh no we found the blight again wow all

Right uh we get no caves we are completely surround on both sides all right fall back fall back fall back fall back fall back fall back don’t fight there don’t fight there James run James I’m going I’m going oh God I don’t want to die yeah I’m Too

Young To Die oh God there’s three of them I’m out they can’t get you underwater sure yeah if you would to believe that nice shot keep running keep running keep running wait did I not get how do you get Hearts back do they just start coming back they come underwater Oh what a

Jerk you got the spear James okay I also need you to kill the bird the bird rocked yeah all right all right all right all right all right so uh turns out we don’t get a lot of good free loot from the beginning uh we’re

Going to have to we’re going to have to go and explore ourselves for that neat pave the P pave the save all right there is an enemy you can see the ant lion right there so James I need you to go poke it please don’t kill that duck wait what

Ow very good very good ooh oh I got a banana split that’s food it’s a it’s a GRE it’ll tell you what it does improvements to all stats make like a banana and split 10 minute duration all right we need to get home pretty quick

Here did I need it I think I ate it uh if you I believe if you right click you use it I’m not entirely sure all right well this was a this is not a very generous start I’m just going to put it that way the game has not been kind to us

PVE it well you say that and no I mean i’ I’ve I’ve worked out how uh how bows work pretty well so oh God slime ow go ahead and clear these stumps yeah that Bow’s kind of cool actually when you’re chop chopping trees you can do it from the very

Bottom all right right well that was a uh that was an interesting beginning one of the things I’m going to do right away is I’m going to make a campfire campfire is going to give us the ability to regen a little bit faster so let’s uh let’s go ahead and

Put that here and then if you stand next to it uh you should regen your health a little bit faster yeah all right well it looks like everything that we want to get is going to have to be earned oh I can make a cactus workbench uh don’t make a cactus bench

Is there no difference yes workbench is workbench now with all the cacti that we got we should be able to make Cactus armor wait do you need the cactus workbench for that no uh no no no you can just go up one you can just go up one all right so what

Do we have here uh that takes 20 that takes 30 all right you already have armor so UNO let’s give all of the cactus to James give me gimme nope yeah don’t don’t left place right click to throw right click to throw wait uh not break that you need

Your pickaxe pickaxe breaks basically everything okay did I throw it yes all right so James jump upstairs jump up a level and you want to craft it at the crafting bench okay so while I’m here so prioritize the armor you should have a helmet and armor and there should

Be maybe boots or something I don’t think it’s a full four piece four piece armor got Cactus helmet breastplate leggings and I think that’s it yeah you can make a sword as well you can also make a sword yeah he’s already got the spear though so let’s just prioritize

Armor he’s going to be our front liner Uno okay so uh Cactus helmet uh which goes here Cactus breastplate here and leggings here uh yes weird lizard man yes you are cactus man no I looked so cool before now I look that’s what the transmogs are for so don’t worry about that

Right all right so what we’re going to do uh let’s go ahead and so again important stuff that you want to keep in your inventory at all times uh you’re a front line James so grab that um grab that um what’s it called uh that health potion and I

Believe it’s B for potion chat is that correct yes James slay so something else we can do out here by the way is we can also put torches on the ground just to see better all right what is it to make uh arrows is it h Health the recipe for

Arrows is wood and stone Uno oh I haven’t got any stone that’s all right let’s get down let’s keep oning there was a lot of cactus there by the way so I I put some back how much extra it’s like 70 for a cactus suit though uh only one person can use a

Chest at a time so if you’re done with it hop out yeah I’m just putting Stu I don’t I don’t know what any of this crap is so I’m just basically put put put it all away is it worth it to like Farm mobs not really zombies give us anklets uh

The eyeballs give us eyeball lenses but we don’t really need it right now I’m basically get done as quick as possible both of you and then let’s uh let’s keep mining so the big thing we want to do is we want to get as much tin as possible

And so we want to head down into the mines for that so come join me in the mines oh dear that was a lot that was all right Uno make sure you’re mining within the 4×4 of the of the above so we actually want to we want to really

Respect I move over to the right please zuno really want to respect the the elevator this is going to be very handy later on it might not make sense now but that’s fine all right Uno keep on mining I’ll place things behind us as we go

Nope that’s not where that goes here Uno you just dig I’ll I’ll worry about the spacing the yeah I’m definitely noticing that the the the like the manipulation of your tools and where you’re placing stuff is like a little it’s a little janky it’s a little it’s a it’s a little bit weird

Yeah it just doesn’t feel like very precise I guess word I it is too much so I got I got something oh I got more tin there you go yeah mine it all grab all of that metal that’s awesome maybe maybe if you set your zoom up a bit there’s a

Way to like Auto space some stuff but uh yeah this is really interesting so now take a look at where we are sorry one second you know take a second at where we are notice the background see how the background has changed colors yeah oh yeah so we can actually no longer Place

Torches on the background how the freaking eyeball get down here hey yep right nobody invited you to this party let’s keep mining up metal here J oh worm worm it’s a worm there’s an enemy that’s hiding in there where hear it coming there it is oh yeah there it is what nice good

Job Rock sword it’s box ores love it all right careful careful kids would say all right looks like there’s no other metal down here so our goal is going to be to grab as much ore as possible possible let’s just keep digging straight down we’ll get lots of

Stone as we mine down Uno have to ask me twice is there not things off to the left within the stone I don’t think so I can take a peek no that’s just solid Stone pardon me bless you is there no durability in this game no isn’t that great ow ow no skeleton

Get out of here ow all right enjoy ah it’s your problem now ow my problem uh I got any torches on me no torches uh are even more so than Minecraft torches are so important in this game you don’t even need to put in your hot bar it

Could just be anywhere in your inventory and hold shift and it’ll let you place it do torches do anything with like spawning in this game or is it most they do not no no no no no spawning just comes from Open Spaces So eventually what we want to do is we want to

Actually completely seal this tunnel so it’s a safe vertical way to go up and down o all right hold on slow down there gentlemen slow down we’re getting into some neat stuff now all right we’ve hit a cave so let’s start exploring it and also up and to the right from you

There’s another ore that we can get there up and to the right yeah you can see there’s a there’s an ore right beside you oh was it silver all right almost finish this nope please stop upop all right let’s explore this cave why I I’m not understanding the torch

Placing so now that we are in a different biome the previous biome we’re in was the easiest biome and you could place it right on the background now the issue is with the new biome that we’re in we can’t place on it so instead what

We’re going to have to do if we want to get access to stuff is you’re going to have to place blocks to attach it to and whatever vice versa stuff like that all right so as we as we explore just place it on you could either place

It on the roof or on the floor so I I assume that this will uh pour out if we break through it yeah so my thought is let’s actually head to this from above and so something you can do see how I have these platforms you can just leave those as like temporary

Scaffolding to get around right yep there’s like a waterfall too yeah so let’s go check out what this cave has to offer now check it take a look at this this is a different different biome now right so now we can place on the background back on okay cool cool cool

So basically every time you get into a new biome you want to do a quick little check of like okay can I place on it can I not place on it what resources are there what enemies are there so I got a bunch of tin and silver above us so yeah

Basically right now we can spread out a bit we want to grab all this metal we want to explore these caves uh and what we really want to do is we want to find chests cuz that’s going to really accelerate how quickly we get loot

Obviously we can get loot if we just you know collect enough metal but that’s going to take a while all I got this already you know you can find other stuff oh hang on can I get out of this yeah so under that waterfall you can see

There’s some metal as well yeah that’s what I’m trying to get to I have lots of torch oh there we go I’m going to try and get up above you here Aya Aya no armor no weapons no worries chat so my secret here is because we gave Uno uh

And ooh a glow light because we gave Uno and James the starter stuff the first set of really good metal armor I’m claiming for myself oh wait what tab oh right okay it’s moving the mini map James neither James nor Uno have really played Terraria before this is

Their first play through yeah I’ve literally played play through um ooh that is a rich or vin let’s go yeah so in general uh consider this basically like a brand new blind play through so as much as possible try not to spoil anything right we got new

People here uh I know most things that are going on so it might make sense there but I I am going to try and like not withhold information but for like really fun surprises and reveals and stuff like that let us get to it you know we’ll figure it out yeah all

Right so big jackpots that you’re looking for uh one thing if you find what looks like an underground structure that’s a huge jackpot that feels so good good when you hit it so you’re looking for a house house will have a guaranteed chest inside of

It uh and another thing that we kind of want to keep in mind is we don’t want to get too too far from our tunnel unless we’re exploring a cave system so at some point if you’re like hey I found a huge thing come gather back on me and let’s

Go and explore that together you know what I mean I like that you just full sent into that James get it there we go yeah and the only other thing is try and always leave uh torches where you go just so that we know that we’re not like wasting time and covering

Each other o web rope I think there’s actually something above us here James or is that just more Stone I think this is silver yeah big old silver right here oh here James if you’re trying to are you trying to like get a foothold to mine

Into uh yeah use a wooden platform it’s a platform right so put a wooden platform out of the wall and give yourself a shelf there you go yeah there we go yeah y can’t believe we only found one chest so far chat what is with this start this little

Stone so something I like to do kind of on at the end of something if I’m curious if I want to keep going or not I like the Pokey hole method o what’s that what’s what oh that that’s what you’re talking you yeah so I

I I mine in a little bit and then I put a torch in it and it illuminates just a little bit around it so I I’m going to call this side pretty fully exhausted all right let head works all right uh let’s just start extending the elevator down

Again how deep can you go well how much do you want uh deep the answer is deep James here can I get you two to uh to come back where we are you might have to dig up that’s okay digging up I was always Tau never dig up wrong

Game digging up is actually cool and good in this game Madness absolute Madness uh if you’ve got some dirt you can see the lines that I’m putting on the sides there we want to we want to fill this in it can either be dirt or it could be whatever later but

Uh got bombs that is the plan will that to pardon me I have bombs uh those won’t help us build but they will help us dig uh bombs are really handy to use especially later on when we are um like if you want to drain a lake or something like that real

Good nice so we’re just going straight down here again yeah we’re looking for a Cave System we’re looking for uh when we get to another biome it’s probably going to be too deep so yeah we’re looking for caves we’re looking for chests we’re looking for ore oh you found a little

Little Lake there that’s exciting yeah but how are you supposed to like what are you supposed to do when you hit these well we have a couple of different options how how full ham do you want to go oh that one’s pretty easy okay so something you can do with that

With that glow stick is you can actually throw that in so with that in your hand left click there you go and so we have a temporary light that’s going to help us out there so something else we can do right now is uh throw a bomb at that

Glow light I’m going to jump up I’m a little afraid there you go getting the hell out of here go for Uno so just left click there yeah there you go you can see it’s lowering the water level keep going and there’s is that stone yes everything

That you blew up there is is dropping how many more bombs do you have uh yeah I have one more bomb perfect and you can see it’s going to drain down into that cave which is very exciting oh we found a rail all right our luck is changing here boys all right

So here’s what we’re going to do uh let’s continue the elevator going down Uno go ahead and uh and trigger a little flood there you’re going to want to no no no hold on uh let’s let Uno drain it from his side first and can you remove those other blocks as as

Well all right all right please please keep on mining James can I can I get back back in the shaft no stay outside work for it buddy there’s Stone you’re going to want to use your pick you’re going to want to use your pick Uno i’ I’m try to oh I was

Trying to place the shaft you’re in the way there you go all right keep going sure do see a little Minecart uh thing when I yeah yeah you do all right we get down to there once you get down to there give me one second here uh all right hold

On can can we jump to that we can kill here James we need you to get out of that and fight oh wait that’s Uno who got in there all right we going left or right friends left or right you pick uh right right’s always

Right how do you get in it is it right click I can’t remember I I don’t know but I don’t know how to get out of it all right right click and then you how do you get out again chat I actually don’t remember how to get out of out of this thing

Help r r gets you out oh obviously r or E all right well oh it’s so dark hold up are you supposed to I’ll lead I’ll lead uh that’s left who said oh okay actually here let’s let’s get out let’s get out come back too fast too

Fast oh we found so much good stuff here ow what’s hitting me oh there’s a poison trap oh no I’m dying no I was the first one to die no oh that’s devastating all right uh now real quick see where I died H I don’t but hold on please hold now I

Should be able to drop all the way down cuz we fall in water right this shouldn’t kill me uh yeah yeah we’ll go with that sick all right so when you die you lose some of your stuff you don’t lose all your stuff you lose some of your stuff so

Ignore that hard for now uh let me get out of here get out of here you butt you lose all the money that you’re carrying so can I please have my 20 silver back whoever picked that up I assume Uno cuz I wasn’t here Uno uh maybe is it that probably that

All right okay so real quick look look uh look where I am mhm now right here oh right I see the little thing there’s a pressure plate oops there’s the pressure pressure plate and then right here there’s a trap uh oh so uh yes there are traps in this

Game so let’s go ahead and repair that there you go now another very important thing you can see where Uno is right now mhm hold on sorry let’s get a light source there there’s this heart now chat who do you think deserves the first heart who do you think deserves our

First heart I mean clear because you’re you’re easiest to die yeah that’s cuz I’m not wearing armor like an idiot I mean yeah if you want me to continue to be the tank sure all right you’re the tank so take your your pickaxe and go mine

That now what you want to do is you want to get out of water yeah hold on oh God yeah and just like food you want to eat that and then hurry up with it cuz I’m dying to a slime there you go and now you have permanently increased your max health

By 20 y all right now kill okay all right there you go so that’s another one of the goals that we have in the early game is we want all of us to max out our Max Health all right let’s explore in here really quickly there’s a lot of ore

Nearby oh there’s another pressure plate thing up here there you go uh what all right was there any ore back this way that we miss chat or you think we’re okay oh I cannot make this jump you know what I don’t need to make this

Jump okay so what happens if I stand on this will that TNT explode well hold on uh let me at least look as the streamer yeah that’s why I’m not doing anything oh you got an interesting question well what do you think is going to happen when you there’s two pie blow

Up there’s two pieces of data here now uh do you fancy yourself to be a scientist how do how do you want to how do you want to solve this particular one I do not want to no I’m I’m not a big fan of science you know who loves

Science Uno loves science Uno is a scientist all right Uno do you want to do some science for us here I I’ll do some science all right yeah so we got a we got a Detonator and we got a TNT what do you think’s going to happen

Here well I mean if I step on it perfect little bit bigger than you think it is thank you for your service Uno the part where yeah I like the part where Uno went Kaboom what is the uh gravestone here well Uno’s top knot was carved off by

Explosives and there’s a time does that stay there forever so you can pick it up you can move them uh later on I think if there’s enough of them they can actually like summon ghosts which is good or bad just got vehiculum man slaughter all right dropped I think it was 54

Copper yeah and and the rest of my stuff uh oh I did not want to destroy that how do you split there we go so I want to turn one of these whatever you know what who know you know what who know don’t spend it

All one place there you go there you go Bud yeah can I can I have the rest of my stuff you don’t drop your stuff open your inventory yeah it’s not there I dropped I dropped all my stuff how did wait how did I but I had all my stuff when I died

What maybe explosions are different no chat why did I keep my inventory when Uno lost his oh is he playing a different I must be set to are you on medium core I guess somebody in chat is saying medium core uh go ahead and turn yourself back to not medium

Core how uh I have no idea I don’t know how you you made yourself medium core it’s character select when you built your character you selected medium core might be worth actually remaking your character Uno unless you really want to play by those rules I mean that that’s the Minecraft

Rules so that’s why I selected that okay uh we’re going to die a lot more in this than Minecraft but that’s up to you so at this point right now there’s no cost in you rrolling like you die a lot in this game like a lot a lot a lot um everything you

Have on your inventory just put in a chest and I would just remake your character it’ll take you of 2 seconds uh can I craft a chest uh just go like up to the base cuz that’s where you’re going to spawn anyways right well now I’m kind of curious to

Know if I’m pretty sure I just a default I don’t know what a defaulted to so God it takes a while to get up this thing what world difficulty are we on baby we’ve got two brand new First Time Players there’s a shiny block just underneath you to the left there James

If you want to try and mine that up this one I’ll fall if I do what is our length our goal for this playthrough is to get to prehard mode um again we have first-time players so you don’t have to say anything more than that if you know you know if you

Don’t we’re not going to explain it but that’s sort of the goal for now and I will revisit at that time so you can’t edit your character nope characters are set because there are lots of other game modes like hardcore and like challenge modes and stuff like that that when you make your

When you make your when you choose your difficulty you kind of commit to it all right huge or pocket oh you all right James yeah you got some stuff yeah good or pocket right where I am and then I think after this what we probably want

To do if it’s not too dangerous is we want to kind of just explore uh the mine track all the way to the left uh and if we die we’re going to make new armor uh or if it goes into too dangerous of a biome we’re going to make new armor and otherwise

Not so much like in any Survival game the most important first thing that we want to upgrade is going to be our pickaxes our tools and then after that it’s going to be uh weapon and then armor last uh and we’re mining sort of two materials at the same time which are

Silver and Lead uh which are medium tier resources kind of at this point just above us right here join via steam oh you me to reinvite you sorry one second yeah why it doesn’t give me the the option all right James come back and protect me please James I’m

Scared oh interesting so a little a little tell that we have right here if we go to the left you’ll notice the watercolor actually changes yeah and that’s just a sign that we’re in a new biome um uh should we get back on the rail cart I think we should probably go a

Little bit slower and on foot just because everything that we’re grabbing right now is actually still really valuable to us uh I think that might be Amber actually no that was a hardened sand block okay I don’t actually care about you so once again we are looking for house

We’re looking for all kinds of stuff actually we’re looking for more caves uh we’re looking for more Ores and realistically we’re looking for chests and the fact that we have only found one chest this entire playthrough is wild to me so this is another biome that you can put stuff on the

Back all right right back down we go yeah is that a pressure plate no that’s a slug good so just keep going until it gets dark it’s uh it’s Uno with the saveo with the with the minecart kill what timing watch out for the water that was that was je that was I

Thought actually uh give me a second here I’m going to throw a bomb down that hole there we go just to drain a little bit of water all right there’s some ore right above us here actually uh James or Uno if you want us to dig all the way to the right

To grab that ore there we go found some more ore Uno uh do you want to mine down from there and I’ll go up from there up from here you could see uh kind of to the left side of that water that aquifer there’s uh there’s some more metal I’m getting

Lead this is currently the number one poutin stream God I hope so oh and silver nice all right think that’s everything there okay straight above us there’s some more stuff as well oh you know what I’m going to go ahead and to Uno for being such a

Good sport and going and re-rolling the character I’m going to reward you with a heart here you go Bud yay there you go so open your inventory hold it in your left hand then left click to consume this is the end of the track Eh

This is the end of the track and that’s right where the Crimson is man no chests again all right we went all the way all the way to the right and we got two hearts all right so here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to get back on the track let’s go

Back to the elevator actually hold on a second here what is what is that good stop all right uh two things we can explored is one of you want to go down into that hole kind of to the right and then there’s also one right here beneath us

All right down to the right yeah there’s a little water hole there some sacks ow O some kill Uno kill Uno Uno Uno woooo o what are you uh lead anything down there James no boo not that I can see at least okay all right all righty all right back to the elevator

We wait what there was something glowing and blue down here uh it’s probably a glowing and blue fish uh how did I get on top of a torch oh like a a glowing jellyfish yeah it’s a jellyfish all right let’s just grab this ore and then I’m feeling pretty

Confident feeling pretty confident that if we oh actually give me a second let’s try and drain this just a little bit actually no no no we’re not going to drain this because because we’re falling onto water uh this is actually a completely safe thing for us to drop

Into to make getting up and down faster all right up we go and what we’re going to do is we’re going to start craftting new materials for ourselves oh my goodness James we’re dying James what I you said up how am I missing this jump no I’m dying again

Yeah just get in a just get in a mine cart and oh God aim for the water R aim for the water I mean this is this is the cre uh the quickest way back up oh my God this worm James kill it James I’m trying I’m trying it’s dead it’s dead it’s

Dead all right good talk everybody hey Uno found the fastest way up unlike us they didn’t have to jump up like a chump all right so what we want to do is want to go to the furnace and you want to convert all of your ore into ingots

Woo so just click come is that yes uh if you hold down right click you’ll be able to finish it quicker ooh silver silver bricks all right and then when you are done I’m going to be a little bit greedy if you’d be so kind as to give it all to the

Chest uh any left left any leftover ore you have as well and then so there are different tears we really need to get a second chest the fact that you can’t interact with the same chest is kind of weird it’s an odd design for sure all right maybe if I place it there

It’ll be close enough that we can do this All right so we have an anvil now which is Big all right and so we’ve got this this this this this this this and this amazing wait how do we get iron oh we got iron from a chest that’s kind of

Funny got a little bit of platinum which is very cool all right so I’m going to be a little bit cheeky with myself and the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to make sure that all of us can get a pickaxe so silver is 45% okay

Wait do we only do we literally only have enough for one different metal here oh no no no there we go I have to go way up silver is 45 lead is 43 tin is 35 how much does these cost costs eight okay so I should be

Able to get all of us a silver pick now our current pick has 35% as copper so we don’t want to we want to do better than that all right now gentlemen a light silver pickaxe James yep here you go oh [ __ ] all right so now

We’re now we’re gaming and correct me if I’m mistaken we just destroy the tin the the copper pick right it like doesn’t matter we don’t use it for anything so one of the frustrating things about this game is you end up upgrading everything forever all right bottom right corner of

Your inventory There’s a garbage can let’s just go ahead and destroy that so now with Tim I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to craft myself a full set of the worst armor just because Uno has the worst worst tier then James has the next one and so what we’re going

To do is we’re going to give me the tier after that and we’re just kind of Leap Frog each other eventually there’s basically three builds in this game uh there’s four now there’s melee Magic ranged and Summoner and what we can do later on is we can start to specialize

Into who does what which is kind of cool goodbye squirrel so uh with that sort of in mind you can start to think about what you like the most actually you know what we’re going to do I’m just going to call it right now I want to be

The yo-yo guy I’d like to do melee okay uh because it just makes me the happiest um all right next thing’s next Uno Uno you seem to be enjoying bow is that correct yep yep all right Uno I’m going to upgrade damaged that’s unlucky there we go woo that’s way

Better so another thing to look at here really quickly um is I crafted Two bows there are random modifiers when you make them as well so you’ll notice that one of those bows is significantly better than the other oh yeah one’s Hasty and the other is terrible yeah yeah yeah those are those

Are the two statistics you’re looking at there uh haste and terrible correct all right the next thing we’re going to do is I’m going to upgrade my my sword I’m going to go with a broadsword here ruthless I I assume there’s no point me keeping the damage

The terrible one no none at all so you can’t like recycle or anything like that Noe nope just just ship it how are we doing for time right now has it been about 90 minutes all right it has been all right uh let’s take a quick second here to ask any questions

So now that you’re getting like a a better feel for the game what do you what do you think anything making sense anything kind of weird uh no I mean it’s it it’s making sense yeah I’m assuming that like yeah like I guess the next stage is just like

Eventually you kill something yeah yeah we’re not quite there yet we’re not quite there yet uh and you know what Uno actually hold on maybe I’ll upgrade myself no no no no no I get this here this is for youo here’s an upgrade so you’ve got a bow and you’ve got a backup

Weapon oh a better sword so James is going to be our tank Uno is our Archer I’m kind of mixed I’m our guide yeah when do I get a better spear one last piece of advice for you gentlemen is um try and keep like dirt blocks on

You or something like that dirt blocks are really quite handy God these slimes just die to this sword it’s the hope all right uh if someone wants to do me a solid oops somebody’s in the chest already later on you can reforge you can rroll yes sorry yes later on in the game

You can reroll stuff but that’s yeah not something to really worry about right now where did those seeds go there they are congratulations jimothy for defeating the 50th green slime actually James you should have just gotten a uh something in your inventory from that you should have gotten a

Banner yes I got a green slime Banner okay hang that in the house we now get a combat bonus against slimes when we’re in the radius of it when we’re in the radius of it so it doesn’t matter where I put it uh well in the house cuz the further away we get

That’ll be fine there’s some other stuff to look forward to all right uh so friends I’m going to take a quick break here we just upgraded our gear next time we’re going to come down we’re going to explore the right side of that uh if you two want to

Do something if you don’t want to take a break to maybe like chopping trees and whatever but I have to use the washroom okay all right everybody I also take a break stick around we’ll be right back after these short breaks and we’re back hello everybody how you doing

Yo are you chilling are you partying like rock stars I hope always uh one little Pro tip Uno uh unfortunately in this game trees need space between them to grow so you need uh you need probably three or four blocks between every sapper Lane you got to use the the

Pickaxe all right so here’s my plan uh there are sort of three things that we want to do at the very start of this game uh one of the big part is we have is we want to get as many hearts as we can through Explorations we want to keep

Exploring stuff uh two we want to start modifying our house so that more NPC friends are going to move in we’re not quite there yet and then three we want to start prepping for our first bosses so those are the um those are sort of the three main goals and I think

What we want to do first is let’s explore so let’s go down back and let’s go to the right this time right and see how that goes now before we leave the house first thing we want to do we want to make sure that we have probably about 100 torches on

Us and you want to make sure that you’ve got more than 100 wooden platforms and lots of wood on you as well and then some random building blocks uh random building blocks yeah so I’ve Got Dirt cuz we’re going to get lots of dirt but it’s very handy to be

Able to build with something how do you make uh torches pardon me uh torches and wood are just you you want the uh slime so slime is probably one of the most important things you always want to have on you and that’s what you get from killing slimes so things that you basically

Never want to put into a chest one are the Slime balls or the gel sorry uh and then the other is wood always keep that on you just get more and more and more of it uh no that’s a dark trap all right so should be safe to drop

Straight down Famous Last Words hopefully the water did not drain nope it uh it drained just enough that that way is death we all died none of you thought to save yourself after I I you I tried to catch I’d Fallen too far yeah so when I

Like when you called it I tried to catch myself but I had already taken we got the three for oh let’s go let’s go the hatrick the natural where’s my coins ah oh man easiest 26 silver I’ve ever made chat now something we can do here James kill James

James he’s he’s all the way up there hold on I’m C like I died did I drop stuff uh oh interesting well open your inventory one uh I kept everything but did I drop coins or do you lose coins you still drop coins coins are the one thing that you

Lose but I still have all my coins you still have all your coins Co are you on Journey you’re on a different level of difficulty than I am cuz I Dro my coins well it said I dropped my coins but I don’t see where I dropped them I picked

Them up oh they fell down to the bottom well they fall wherever you died yeah yeah this is uh for new people just joining this is a brand new playthrough uh we’ve got two first timers and I’m acting a little bit as the guide here helping them out so we’re at a lower

Difficulty cuz uh everyone’s got to learn somewhere right all right so we’re going to slowly make our way across here oh it I’m at the end well that’s disappointing uh we want that’s it man where are our houses at all right all right you can you you can bust your way

Through here though yeah but it doesn’t sometimes they lead to like a train station at the end and you get sweet stuff that’s that’s what I’m more bummed about oh by the way how good does that new pick feel eh why is my torch button uh Uno if I might give you one

Suggestion yeah uh don’t uh don’t start from where you are go to the wall right yeah I couldn’t reach to I was trying to get to here you got it all right we we doing a little bit of Splunk in here James oh what the hell this is very disappointing where

Are our houses where are chests where’s our stons where’s our profit so confused what a what a disappointing adventure to the right eh if I’m acting as the guy does it mean I’m going to open the door and let the zombie in constantly all right well our other option all right chat

Hold on all right let’s have a little meeting you and I chat ear muffs James and Uno so do you think we should keep going down do you think we should challenge the Crimson we got a little bit of an upgrade we could probably do some Crimson right now I don’t think our

Hammer is good enough we probably have to go deeper right our gear isn’t good enough to do the Crimson yet right so we go back to the start and uh keep going down yeah we could just keep doing the elevator okay so our biome map right now is uh I

Can’t really show it too well here but to the left and the right we’ve got pretty close Crimson so we don’t we’re not really in a great spot to do anything else give me a second here James I’m just going to drain a little bit of this

Water just so we don’t have to deal with it as we mine down so no more falling in well no no no we want that little pocket of water that we’ve got with us cuz that’s going to make it easier and it’s the depth is

Such that we just won’t die to it you know what I mean so now we’re going to just shift over the no keep digging straight down please in the water yes cuz what we’re going to do is we’re going to bring our own little fall protection with us you know

What I mean oh I see how that yeah okay I see how this works uh I have uh worm killer please worm killer Turner there you go oh God I’m hello oh hi that scared me how do we do this maybe you know what maybe we just close this off

I’m just going go straight down what’s up you don’t want to keep going down from here no sorry I’m closing off the uh the rail what I’m saying oh that’s you it I was trying to work out what sounded like people banging about with plates uh Uno can you

Do me a favor can you use dirt and extend the the elevator down for me yep all right let’s keep going down when do you get rope we’re one uh we’re one vendor away I believe still oh so that’s different oh there more cobwebs as well

There you go we’re now in a third biome fourth biome that we’ve seen so far so be careful uh this is going to be a more challenging biome so we’re going to want to start taking it a little bit slower now and as always if we see any ores

While we go we want to stop and grab all of them uh is that can’t pile of bones here sick it’s probably nothing I don’t believe you and then just a a gentle note when you’re going down if you can at all extend the dirt makes my life a lot

Easier yeah oo I was trying to work out what that was Place torch there nothing else in the in the room over to the right doesn’t look like it just disappointing Goodbye Mr Turner oh there’s like there’s silver I’m going to go get that oh yeah yeah yeah no no

No all right we’ve somehow lost all of our water so our our our drop ability score has gone down a fair amount but that’s fine you could always break in the wall where there’s a little bit on that left hand side oh did you see some more

Platinum to the left oh wait sorry what’ you see is that Platinum that’s Platinum all right hold on one sec one sec nice spot nice spot oh that’s a huge Platinum oh my god let’s go thank you big plats the water the water has very much gone

Now nice spot well done well done chat so normally I’d be excited to show these guys like all kinds of new stuff that we should be finding this whole way we just haven’t hit any of the normal like exploration beats you know what I mean which is a little bit

Disappointing uh right like no chests no houses all right we find we finally found a big Cave System all right hold on so UNO let’s not worry oh jeez no uh can you make a wooden never mind I fell what we’re going to do is we’re actually going to make a wooden platform

Here and we’re going to go explore kind of in the direction that James is and then let’s uh let’s explore this area we got ourselves a huge cave system oh that’s a lot of stuff down there exactly isn’t that exciting so lots of metal Lots ofor we

Can finally do some proper spunking J death down there no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I got everything on stun lock baby he’s living that spear luno he’s got that reach fair fair enough nothing can touch me uh un no I got a present for you ooh

Oh what’ you get wait uh oh did I just use it I might have just used it or give it to him archery potion oh yeah right click to drop left click to use if it’s in your hand yeah I think you probably used it

It’s fine I used it don’t worry about it what was it it was an archery potion oh thought you said a tree potion you can tell it’s an old school Terraria player when they have their pick pickaxe in their hot bar what do new wait hold

On hold on do people not put pickaxes in their hot bars what do you do hold on what’s changed oh if you hold shift and hover over something you can pickaxe it’ll just pickaxe for but that’s how I use my torch yeah you can do that as well hold on

Hold on time out timeout shift is Auto Tool it’s uh but I just no no no no no no I just threw glow sticks hold on this is this no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t like this I don’t like

Change no no all right sorry the the the the Boomer is coming out you damn kids have it too easy I mean to be fair it’s it’s less the Boomer it’s more the Minecraft player back in my day I had to hold my pickaxe I got another heart over here oo

All right that’s my turn now damn kids these days no appreciation what do you what else you can even put in your hot bar I don’t want that many weapons that sounds that’s too too much no I don’t like it I don’t like it all right James said he found a heart

I’m assuming you’re down into left James yeah now uh neat thing that you passed yeah you see that purple stone don’t you what see see that purple thing right beside you yeah that’s above me yeah go mine that how explosive is that amethyst yeah our first gem m

Ow stupid bird so where’s the amethyst can be placed material cool love material that can be placed love materials all all my homies love materials that can be placed all right Uno’s up that way uh so before we get too too far from this it might be worth oh see James you’re

Actually uh down about one more biome here I I don’t think we’re quite ready to head to that next biome this is where the bats are coming from if you’re curious uh remember wooden platforms too wooden platforms are your best friend yeah yeah I just wanted a jumpable way all right um

Okay so we’re not going down no so I actually think we should uh spread out a bit on this level here cuz we’ll get a good density of or and we want to be mining more uh in particular if you can find it Platinum is the way to

Go and then so let’s hang out here until we hit probably I mean I’m still wearing baby armor uh Uno’s still wearing baby armor so let’s let’s probably grind a bit on this level until we get to uh and this is where I love that we don’t have durability On

Tools yeah cuz you can just keep mining this forever Yep this is also why I upgraded our picks on everybody until my keyboard needs plugging in charge look at this that tag team mining oh my God look at this teamw work look at this DreamWork Terraria punch a chunk when you’re seing

It there we go hey uh above us there’s something too oo found Redstone so tin isn’t that exciting but we’re going to grab it anyways rubies why is this why is this uh Place blue uh what have you found uh no it’s just the stone has got blue on it you

Might have found a mushroom biome hold on let’s go let’s go find wherever Uno is I went left uh is it like fuzzy blue sorry left from what height though um oh I see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s like a fuzzy blue on the rocks oh

Yeah no that’s not a mushroom biome yet I think you might have just found some blue stuff some more AME this above us I’m going to go grab that let’s explore this Cave System we want to grab resources we want to grab all kinds of stuff that’s just Mossy Rock that’s just

Aesthetic stuff yeah okay I thought so o nice that is a big that is a big deposit Uno very nice find that is a lot of silver yeah still no chests unbelievable where are my water chests at how are we so unlucky chat oh and there’s a huge hole of tin

In here as well so tin is starting to get to the point that we don’t really care about anymore which is kind of unfortunate wow can’t believe you just hurt tin’s feelings like that tin knows what it did here James you want to come mine with me I I’ll collect you

Tin maybe I was just lucky in my previous playthroughs what to find and chest that’s too lucky uh I’m going to go down wait is that just tin again no no no we don’t care about tin we over tin silver robust Platinum ideally oh spiders ooh is this a full-on spider

Biome oh God oh God James James okay hey we found an area we can Farm oh we found a friend we found a friend all right all right so you’ll notice that there’s a person there yeah rescue them James rescue them Jeepers Creepers right click on

Them yep now I can finally do my hair hell yeah so I can I can stop clothes hairstyle or happiness so what we want to do now is remember I was talking a little bit about like um uh the the happiness of people if we want them to

Move in with us mhm so now we have to go back to our base at some point and upgrade our place do I want to do anything with this person uh I wouldn’t worry about it right now but we can we can Farm the spider cave now careful they’re going to be a

Little bit stronger than us so don’t push ahead too aggressively or you might just die this is platinum oh spider please please do you know who I am so chat help me out here does this spider drop the armor set or does it drop pieces that

You craft the armor set with I can’t remember it drops pieces right and it’s good for ranged as well I believe oh it’s only in hard mode oh never mind never mind yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s fine we can still just explore this thank you ooh Sapphire yeah yeah

Uh that looks like maybe silver above us oh God oh God oh God I don’t what the heck is this I found a gold chest oh oh I I did I died oh careful yeah you saw the the the pressure plate there right you know yeah oh he found a house

He found a house all right so here’s what we’re going to Doo oh man I died which CH I died I can’t actually see but I seem to be hitting how the hell do I get back to you uh don’t worry we’ll come to you in just a second

Here we got that loot boot all right what do we got uh Hermes booties all right I’m going to take those for myself how have I got stuck here uh and a recall potion take the chest take the chandela here oh there’s a pressure plate right

In front of you know right to the right of the Rope you can see that little pixel don’t step on it let me let me get out there we go all right um we’re going to stay here just for another second let’s mine this stuff and

Let’s go get James and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to up upgrade some stuff uh oh that’s a big scary slime oh that’s a big slime you’re probably going to die very big slime that is a mother slime yes and then guess what happens when you kill a mother

Slime babies oh I’m out of arrows now goodbye goodbye Uno I dropped seven silver and 31 copper all right all right hi just how yall doing I teleported back here all right neat well well well isn’t that a fun adventure so some neat stuff one check

This out uh we have access to another storage room all right before we do any of this we need to we need to redesign our entire house and what we need to start thinking about is dormitories for our new villagers to want to move into all right

Does that all make sense okay uhuh so in order for a person to want to move in and again chat this is just the basics this is just the basics uh they need I think it’s something like a minimum of a 5x seven room and the room needs to have

A door a light source and two pieces of uh Furniture right is that correct don’t worry about biomes don’t worry about happiness we literally just care about the room they’re so needy wow one surface and one comfort so like a table and a chair yeah sorry I didn’t know if it was two

Furniture or is the table and the chair okay all right so real quick before we do that let’s upgrade this floor cuz this floor is hideous right GH so ugly all right so gentlemen what we’re going to do is our floor needs a second

House so uh if you would be so kind oh there’s a fish outside there’s a goldfish outside I mean I kind of man I kind of want to change the whole thing I also want to all right hold on ear muffs ear muffs ear muffs should we start building

This as a fortress or should we let a bad thing happen first don’t say any other details no other details should we build knowing certain events or should we not worry about it chat let the bad thing happen first all right sick well all right cool uh let’s let’s pull the roof

Off so I just uh you want to turn all this stuff into its bar form as well what uh don’t worry about Metal right now just throw it all in the chest okay that’ll be that’ll be after so we want to do some we want to do some home renovations all

Right all right home Renos so what we want to do is we want to probably one higher than it is right now here help me out with the building one higher than it is right now is that a good height no no no no maybe the same height it is right now that’s

Fine uh can somebody count to make this symmetrical also James can you give me a solid could you go out to left uh kill everything and put about three or four torches out so we can just see when things are walking up to us oh got to love doing this at 9 in

Here we don’t have the tape measure yet uh we’re going to kind of eyeball this I’m going to go one more let’s go two more all right what is that wood stuff called what not wooden platform oh the backer wall I’ve already got that crafted no the the regular wall

That feels there is no regular wall it’s just wood oh it’s that just wood yeah like the stuff that we’re building out of right now is just wood uh that feels like it needed to be one Higher y okay o uh actually real quick James can

You kill that one in the rain coat rain jackets might drop a special cosmetic if you killed them oh you have a measuring tape just buy it I thought you had to drop the measuring tape yellow icon where ruler uh he dropped some glow stick okay I think we nailed

It all right uh can you remove this lower level please like this yes perfect thank you no keep thinking James is some sort of weird fish man James are you muted or you just vibing what I’m talking hello I had heard you we haven’t heard you yeah we

Hadn’t heard you in a very long time oh all right inside of that chest there’s a door uh and inside of that chest there is also a uh a chair and now I also need you to craft uh we want two chairs I make three chairs and three tables and three doors

Total please and thank you hey I found a fallen star is that good yes you want to collect all of those hey what’s up Joe all right who’s on who’s on furniture Duty uh so what what furniture do we need I think James is on it we need

Total of three chairs we need a total three tables and a total of three doors and we have some of those in a chest right now right so there are three chairs there are one door so I will make two more doors is that perfect God if

That’s perfect I’m going to be so happy that’s three doors and you want three tables yeah correct all right three tables is that actually correct or is that last one one off I mean I guess I could measure the last one I they don’t look exactly the same the closest one looks

One smaller all right do me a solid do me a solid and uh move that entire right over entire right wall over by one uncountable unit pleas and thank you the right wall or the left I the wall that I just moved right all right uh may have all of that furniture please

Zuno needs to be one Higher is that too small okay right James’s now got the furniture James now has the furniture classic James all right James in each of these little gaties please put a door yep oh god um there’s doors door door door all right now yep in the

Middle of each room place down a table table table table and now chairs are directional so I I think it looks better if it’s on the right hand side of the table here but you pick just make it symmetrical in each room put a chair there now that should

Be that is three 7×5 rooms that should be all that they need to come and move in right the next thing we want is we want a level you should be able to check with a housing tab where’s the housing tab again it’s been a while chat House

Icon when your inventory is open Where’s the house icon though housing there we go y yeah yeah yeah we got it oh it’s the hammer for the back wall isn’t it correct yep yep yep yep uh what health bar that’s a in-game option so if you go to settings and you

Go to uh was it interface you can click on health and anab bar has to change that around all right how do we want to do this storage wise so my thought is going to be trophies maybe underground storage we don’t have enough rope yet

Did y all loot a bunch of rope yet or no yeah there’s rope in the chest I believe 120 we can craft it as well who open the door it’s not a question of assigning blame uh-huh uh-huh that’s it that’s all I had okay all right

Uh next step is going to be let’s grab all of the precious metals and you know what James and or Uno you two work together and you tell me where you think we should put our storage room I’m thinking I’m thinking maybe underground are y all down with that I I

Was I was going to I was going to say basement okay so do we got to dig Colin now that door was Colin that’s Colin’s fault so I would give Colin come on man I would give about three of stone here and actually let’s replace this really

Quickly so yeah uh give us and using the same elevator uh give us a little a little storage area maybe do like um like a 7x 10 or something like that if you want to hollow out a little space like that underneath from what side just pick one

Like using the elevator to get to it yeah picking a side from the elevator well I mean with the it would have to be on the left side right with all the planks up to you it really does doesn’t matter that much cuz we’ll just put a we’ll just put a platform there

Right so you want it there could you go down one just so that they’re even yeah there you go all right so that’s going to be our storage room uh and then meanwhile I’m going to start trying to craft us some more uh armor and weapon sets here okay so that’s silver that’s

Platinum I want I want his little umbrella yeah can I not get his little umbrella you do want that umbrella correct so Uno’s currently using wood I’m using tin James is wearing um cactus cactus uh all of the metal and ore that y all collected that all got put away is

There any more or no no I think it’s all all in there uh yeah it should all be in there how big did you want this like a 7 by 10 and you can you can put torches just on the back wall too it doesn’t have to be attached on that background

Yeah God can you imagine if there was a chest right there this whole time that’d be so funny three four five six all right how we looking for metal uh not great maybe I just make a fishing rod that’s that’s we just spend the rest of the episode

Fishing what we can fish let’s fish oh my God fishing in this game is deep all right hold on if we want to fish we need a bait mat my first yoyo oh my God maybe I make myself a yo-yo already okay I have made a little storage area

Hey the Merchant’s here nice all right uh go talk to them and see if what they’ve got for sale Merchant’s a big deal shop mining helmet a piggy bank piggy bank is Big a bug net uh the heavy workbench I think we want this I think we want the

Heavy work workbench healing potions arrows sickle a forest pylon ooh shuriken I want a Shu did I actually care about this heavy crafting bench chat what does this get us let’s gets Us trophies and stuff no I didn’t actually care about this did I does that does that not come

Back all right what what you got bud Anvil mining helmet’s kind of important oh three gold though dang uh bug net I’m going to buy a bug net and I don’t think we can afford the pylon right now oh eight gold yeah we is someone bought a piggy bank I

Just bought I just bought the piggy bank I got the buget as well all right piggy bank piggy bank lets you do basically exactly what you think it does piggy bank I believe is um it’s like an ender chest so you can throw whatever you want in

There so it’s up top uh that’s a great place to put your money basically just straight up oh they piggy banks personal as well they are ender chests piggy banks are ender chests all right uh uh we don’t have enough to do anything here James what’s the armor

Value of your armor just hover over it uh or better yet hit Escape in the bottom left corner what’s the shield what number does it say in your shield and Uno can you say that too four uno what’s your armor value I looking uh hit Escape bottom right

Corner to the left it’s three okay Uno needs the next upgrade uh so Uno I’m going to get you a full tin set Tin Tin Tin uh everybody has a silver pickaxe or no what’s uh what kind of pickaxe does everybody have light the silver one that

You you made okay so we’re going to make two Platinum ones um Uno and James pick a number between one and 10 closest gets the pick who it’s always two Uno three the number was seven Uno gets oh I clicked on the wrong thing well uh okay somebody check if that pickaxe

Is better than what you have Uno that’s an upgrade and oh my God I can’t believe it moved on me that is a Nimble yep and then there you go that weapons for you too bud oh that’s so frustrating I can’t believe I that happened so the short sword is F but less

Damage here is an entire tin suit of armor for you Uno all right uh next thing oh no no no no no no everything’s fine careful uh I think that light silver pickaxe is actually worse all right give it to James sorry the light silver pickaxe is

Plus 16% speed the Nimble one is 5% speed all right this is going to be our storage room pardon me please James uh let’s make a space between these actually sure wait what am I getting am I supposed to be getting something I’ve put a pickaxe in the chest up here if

You want to check it oh and it’s better it might silver uh what am I looking for six melee four crit mining speed is the best thing so if the mining speed is better that’s an upgrade it’s the exact same it just gives plus five speed there you go then just upgrade it

There beans oh I am loot all right so what we want to do here is we want to take everything so a really cool thing that this game has is the ability to just sort to a chest so what we’re going to start doing is we’re going to start just putting

Stuff away uh the gold chest is going to be for our Richies so it’s going to be the sapphire all the metals and all that stuff uh the first plant the first chest here is going to be all of the plant stuff goodbye excellent work anything that’s plant related is going

To go in there uh and then this one is going to be garbage can you bring down the chest that’s up top please thinking this will be mob drops next where did you put the Stars I haven’t put them any anywhere yet so one of the cool things that you can do

Though is this game has a button quick stacked a nearby chest so if you hit escape and then you look in sort of there’s the top left there’s your whole inventory there’s four little buttons in sort of the corner right by the garbage can and so once something is put away it

Just automatically sorts to it which is rad all right uh can you put that other wooden chest on the bottom layer kind of where You’ think it would go nope not there right we can’t Center on that it’s a little frustrating sure you go there now very pretty can you make more chests

Yep we might be a little resource poor for it currently though and we’re going to find so many chests while we keep exploring though sticky glow stick Grim no chests near your work area so you can pull from them uh I didn’t think you could pull from chests also the work

Area gets so busy eventually that I’m not too worried about it all right do I care about a Detonator no this heavy workbench ended up being kind of a mistake as well you can pull from an open chest sure how maybe we’ll put like a metal

Chest up there later but like I’m not too worried about it Wormhole all right uh give me a second here so the next thing we’re going to do we’re going to go on another adventure and then that’ll probably be the only one how do I split again right

Right click first all right uh please take one of these each this is just like in um just like in Diablo it’s a Teleport home I don’t think I got one uh I’ve got second on how do I split so right click with it in your inventory and then right click to drop

It right I gave it to you how how how are we so bad at this there thank you it’s like it’s like you’ve got a magnet so what are we doing that is a very good question um what are we doing chat I think we might be strong enough

To take on the Crimson oh hold on does nobody else need a better pick than silver are we done with silver yeah I think so Uno that’s right with you yeah yeah I well I mean I’ve got a silver and that one the Platinum one wasn’t better all

Right so I’m just going to destroy it I don’t care about these detonators I don’t care about any of this stuff and I know that you can have like a pressure plate in your hand and scan for stuff maybe I’ll hold on to it for now all right let’s

Go you feeling oh we could we could fish I’m going to use the bug net to catch stuff in the meantime chat but uh like there’s no point in we’ll try and maybe fish for the last 30 minutes do you think we should go do the Crimson I think we should maybe go

Challenge the Crimson look if it’s Crimson or it’s corruption you know what I mean you’re being pedantic if I’m getting that backwards who cares who why are you so fast oh I have fast boots what the I don’t got no F we’re going to go

Left okay oh you can sell things to the merchant see these are the things things I forgot about all right we’re going to go challenge whatever the mysterious biome to our side is uh actually can whoever’s in front of me just use your pickaxe and swing constantly uh what that’s going to

Do and then just do that while we run to the left all that’s going to do is that’s going to bring up bugs that I can grab and now we kill all right we’re going to explore this and then what we’re going to try and do actually is we’re going to try

And get to the other side of it if at all possible uh don’t go too deep if you can help it goodbye do we want to dig while we’re in here uh we cannot dig uh so this is a material that’s too hard for us to mine through so what

We’re going to try and do is we’re going to try and get to the opposite side of this I was talking about this lead that was here oh I did that backwards all right we’re going to try and get across this area cuz this area sucks kill kill

Kill oh maybe I should have made a better bow before I got here oh well we don’t want to spend a lot of time here if you can help me with the pillaring up and stuff like that that’d be huge too so what we want to do is we want to

Try and get across this so anytime we get to the top of a cave uh we want to make a little platform across all right we’re going to try and just move to the left as far as we can all right James is on protection duty all right

Actually you know what James and Uno you two are on kill Duty I’ll be on build Duty uh but I need you to move forward with me please there we go yes good James good see how I protected you there thank you you did a great job you can’t mine through that

James oh God there’s a lot of these here yes that’s why we want to try and get through this as quickly as possible can’t mine through it James you’re going to have to place blocks I’m aware sorry bud I can’t you stuck I feel like I’m stuck inside

This yeah like I can’t wait really oh yeah I don’t think I like I don’t see how I’m supposed to get out of this you think I can mine them out no I can’t all right well we got bombs but bombs might kill the James can you go

Down James get on theat as far over to the left as you can I’m as far to the left as I can oh you’re completely stuck there like I’m stuck in between like three little pieces wow oh I’m out there you go nice nice nice nice sorry

Bud yeah okay we’re good all right let’s get you out of here all right let’s keep going keep going careful there are prickly things in front of us all right we did it we’re free Freedom horrible Freedom now this biome might be a little bit bigger so there’s

A chance that we get to the other side and there’s also some issues here but we’ll see okay okay there we go let’s keep going death behind us what biome is this just flower Forest yay finally a chest this is only our third chest this entire game uh

Brisk guide to plant fiber cordate all right uh that’s not that exciting o more recall potions that’s a big get and what’s that is that tin beneath us or no choke point all right while you two do that I’m going to try and keep going this way here

All right join me over to the left whenever you’re ready gentlemen oh my God hey chat give me a reminder here uh just the name uh what’s the first boss people normally fight just trying to think what we should be setting up for is it is it Barry it is the okay it

Is the eye and what’s the start condition for the eye again we just we find it right o hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on it’s craftable yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay h right right right no thank you thank you

Thank you thank you that’s all that’s all familiar it’s all coming back to me this is an excellent little fishing spot by the way look at this no man sometimes the Auto Placer eh is it because oh my goodness how do people live with this why do people always suggest the autop Placer

Ooh an ice biome oh my goodness an early ice chest will be really great and how we doing for time here it’s 1:30 all right so I got a question for you jameso first off you know we’re approaching the end of your first day of Terraria what what did you think that

You’ve got maybe a little bit more Direction still a little bit overwhelming is it a little bit better uh I mean it’s not overwhelming but I would definitely uh not classified as the most uh control intuitive kind of game yeah very fair all right do you want to spend the

Last bit of the stream today vibing and fishing or do you want to try and do a little bit of chaos and fight a boss oh do our torches change or do you so no I picked up some ice torches is what’s going on there oh Vibe Vibe fishing or or uh

Violence uh violence I mean I’m I’m always full of violence basically all I’ve been doing this entire time is just killing things so interesting where are we uh sorry I’m still off to the left here I’m looking for uh I’m looking for an ice cave hopeful fight the fish smort Best of Both

Worlds am I out of torches I’m out of torches I’ve discovered the problem oh you’ve really gone far oh careful falling in there looks like an excellent way to die you’re right we haven’t we haven’t found alter yet all right maybe maybe we’ll chill today with some fishing and then I’ll spend a

Little bit of time yeah grabbing that shooting star is going to be good too uh so you know how we got uh hearts and then increased our Max Health man no surface ice chests either that’s too bad you know how we um we increased our Max Health the shooting stars are used

To increase our Max mana and the priority there is going to be basically for whoever ends up oh no a second one no all right everything is terrible we found corruption to Electric Baloo all right let’s head let’s head to the right we don’t want this your fall back they’re going to keep

Spawning yeah okay let’s go and a rash shackle oh nice so a shackle is a common drop from a zombie uh I believe James has one already and you got a shackle that has a modifier on it uh melee speed all right we’re going back we’re

Going back ooh James is really low uh if you don’t want to die we’re running a little bit low recall potions but like I got healing potions I could oh yeah uh hit H you’ll Auto use one so it’s important to note that healing potions actually come with a

Debuff so you can’t spam them forever oh y one minute cool down man a kingdom for an ice chest he chat no let’s just keep going should be relatively easy to get back is there something you see something down there I thought it it might just I think it’s just rocks never

Mind oh they are they are better than the uh tin Graves I have another pair of uh snow pants bye three defense is there a run button uh nope okay it’s it’s move left and move right you’re always running okay eventually later on you get the ability to move

Faster like me just ditching you to if at any point you feel like you don’t want to keep walking uh we do have recall potions they’re a little bit precious right now so I’m hesitant to use it but like obviously you do you me oh right we have to go back through

This again huh cool do these mobs just follow you forever uh no maybe I actually can’t remember there are a lot of them all right where eventually fall off yeah ah oh I got stuck uh that thing happened with you know the same thing that happened to you

I got stuck between some uh I got a bird can I use a bird for fishing bait or no consumable no why why would you kill the murder stop murdering the cute squirrels I didn’t really get a lot of chat all right so we going to go fishing

Then yeah so the issue with fishing is we need bait I volunteer James as bait so the thing we could do is we could get we could set them up fishing or whatever hey that uh hairdress is moved in oh the hairdresser’s there that’s exciting all right uh let’s grab

Metal and think for starters just because we’re not very good at this game uh you know what n let’s be a little bougie let’s be a little bougie we’re going to use silver here for bit oh the quick stack even goes into your piggy bank yes anything that you’re basically

Next to where are the Rocks uh I will be back in just one moment I really need a glass of water yep um surface rocks can help out all right let’s get a couple of fishing rods here and I’m thinking silver bars should be good enough to get us there

Right wait does silver not make you a fishing rod oh that’s frustrating all right well I’ve got it I’m going to make myself a bow just upgrade my wooden one only iron or lead okay how are we doing for iron and Lead yikes well maybe not maybe we’re not all fishing

Material Endor wood all right hold on what can we do here it’s eight well it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine so do you need bait or do you just want bait chat you want it okay so that’s for James oh you need it that hairstyle is expensive like nine gold for that

Hair without bait you’re wasting time all right let’s find some surface rocks here got a stink bug got a worm o where’ everybody go well I’m trying to get us bait so that we can fish how do you get bait uh well you need a net so it’s kind of a good twers

Job here here join me to the left of the house please and thank you to the left or the right what is that is that the bottom of a tree num what what is that all right so James can you go around and break all of these bushes and all of these little

Surface rocks with your pickaxe and we want to see if any bugs come out no no don’t don’t break the ground though please now we need to patch that hole where’ my dirt go oh wait how is it oh I’m just see all right I need you to come

Back and I need you to fill that hole there you go see how that yeah all right who’s got who’s got two dirt on them yes good thank you all right let’s keep going to the left and uh we only have one net cuz we

Got that off of the merchant so yeah go break those surface rocks let’s hope for bugs nope yes yes yes yes oh oh oh the worm jackpot so many worms one more one more right here right here unlucky all right so let’s go all the

Way to the right now cuz there was a so here’s a question chat should we start in an underground Watering Hole or should we go to the Desert Oasis I think all things even right the Oasis is pretty the Oasis is pretty that’s fair we’re on medium map it’s like an Unstoppable

Juggernaut uh Uno can I get you to chop chop some trees please y I was just keeping James out of trouble but uh we’re going to need some wood oops I caught a bird bird is not bait all right oh caugh a butterfly I don’t know if a butterfly is bait or not

All right let’s get over let’s get over to this uh this no we can’t get to the coast yet no no no no Coast to run right now although that would be fun for fishing so when you guys are done please please join me over in the Oasis oo oh it’s beautiful all

Right going to need a little bit more wood I don’t really want to chop chop the palm tree awesome hello so here’s what we need to do I need an door very good do you need this platforming over uh that’s good enough all right can you throw me a bunch of

Wood please and thank you Uno that was like 500 also oh that was so much wood you’re beautiful thank you friend all right do I want to make this pretty uh sure we’ll get some different wood in here in a bit we can mix it up and make it even

Prettier oh no don’t chop those trees those trees are pretty all right come join us in our little uh our little wooden area here friends so I tossed a fishing rod to all of you right um You should have a fishing rod in your inventory from before we

Left wooden wooden fishing poow very good can I drop bait and it stays an item or will it get set free and it’ll be like a bug chat oh wooden fish wood fishing pole there we go uh can you move please thank you uh don’t fish yet you don’t have

Bait yeah I was trying to place the walls all right so o wow all right Uno wow here James come step outside with me please there you go pick up those worms so now when you fish you will automatically use your bait and so what we’re doing is we made

A little house so that if enemies try and attack us here uh they stay on the outside and we stay on the inside yeah which I think is very clever I just I just need us to have a little window here so uh how does fishing work I mean

How does fishing work well you you put the the bobber in there and then after a while uh the the fish come and then you and you click and you catch them uh can you move over to the right James when you say the fish come yes cuz it occasionally does that little

Blobby thing is and at that point you should click to try and catch that fish right there it’s beautiful when your bobber shakes click it again cool I got a cola that makes sense I got a tin can fish better got a rock lobster there you go so one of the

Things now obviously is our skill is low and our our our sorry our fishing rods are low and our bait is bad which means the things that we catch are bad Uno can you move all the way to the right please actually maybe all the way to left I’m trying to make this

Pretty which it really doesn’t need to be but I need it to be your bait is bad and you should feel bad there look at that isn’t that cute the effective lake is Tiny in size this should be pretty good shouldn’t it we’re getting a lot of trash the

Fishing hole might not be big enough so give me a second like this should be enough right the water is now low too you think that was the problem there that should be good now right all right let’s see what we get a wooden crate oh I got a

Flounder so a wooden crate is great wooden crates will have we can get Loot on here we can get better weapons we can get metals and ores all kinds of stuff I also think I just got a bomb fish sick why does it not look like my worms are

Being used so uh there’s only a chance that bait gets used when you catch it oh actually give me a second okay yeah this needs a support thank you I believe the the background Wood Walls don’t count against this size right there we go there we go now that looks cute right there

H why do our Bobbers look different than your bobbers uh I have a different fishing rod I had enough material to make one good fishing rod and two peasant fishing rods and I made my choice yeah see how it is oh an oyster what is an oyster yeah

Like I haven’t used a single one of the five worms you’ve given me which seems kind of strange uh I’ve used one of the five so I I must two of the five now I must be getting them back out of the fish all right episode one of Terraria

So episode two we’re going to focus more on bosses I’m going to be honest this was a little bit slower of a start than I was hoping for uh I think we got I’m going to say and I’m going to wait for chat’s input on this I’m going to say we

Got a little unlucky there you go have a rock lobster I have many I’m going to say we got a little unlucky in terms of like starting chests stuff like that our seed is awful yeah very unlucky like no early chests um nothing really interesting between

Ourselves sorry there we go put a light source over James for you there chat no no real interesting biomes nearby either no Tree of Life no nothing you got really bad adjacent biomes yeah so like a little bit of a spoiler for you James and Uno but like the desert

Has a chance to spawn something that would have been very beneficial for us that we didn’t get ice caves have amazing chests that we didn’t get uh for that barrel uh right click with it in your inventory like you would use a potion or something like that we had none surface chests we’ve

Had one water chest which was actually just a wooden chest yeah it’s been kind of unreal we’ve only found one underground house so far too what is this actual seed some lead sorry what’s that who know came it had some lead and uh five Mana Potions

There you go I got five I got five iron bars nice so iron bars we can use to actually craft you better fishing rods maybe our our dungeon chest will be pretty good yeah so we’ll uh we’ll spend a little bit of time I mean the other

Thing we can do which is very funny we can take our character we can always just roll which is the beautiful thing about this game the important thing to know for a playthrough is our characters in our world are decoupled so we can always do whatever we want right if we

Feel we were a little weak in the start we can try another map just hit all the chests and move on like we don’t really lose all that much and anything that we do lose uh or or that we care about we put in our inventory when we switch over

I have no idea what our actual seed though is chat I don’t even know how I would check so that’s something that we can talk about in between uh turns out T is throw okay I think James you’ve got my fishing rod yeah uh oh God wait you threw your fishing

Rod to somebody is what you’re trying to communicate any yeah yeah you got it yep I was trying to open like chat to see if there was like a I got got a black pearl interesting a seed command Apprentice bait journeyman bait some tin ore and some iron ore let’s go

Right you can kind of go infinite with your fishing sometimes too which is neat there’s a um there’s a whole like quest line you can get with uh there’s a special NPC specifically just for fishing and what the fishing NPC will get you to do is go to different biomes

It’ll be like very specific fish from a very specific biome which is kind of fun it’s kind of cool you hate the Fisher kid yeah like you can do you can’t fish your way through the whole game but like fishing is a very fun mid to late game

Thing that you can just entirely focus on like you can spend hours just fishing in this game so do you not get weapons from this biome if open ocean fishing actually really accelerates uh the weapons that we have as well we haven’t done anything for NPCs chat we haven’t done

Anything fishing used to be a big progress grip but they might have fixed that now yeah ocean fishing would be a lot stronger than what we’re doing right now but we can’t quite make it to the ocean yet the seed oh thank you for finding that chronal magistrate all right the

Seed is in chat right now if you’re curious if anyone needs Terraria items we’re good but thank you kazuto another wooden crate let’s go we fixed the most egregious skipping interesting all right so next stream we’re probably I’m going to say next stream we can get two bosses I bet you

We could get iron worm H one do you want to grab that star please thank you I bet you we could do iron worm next next stream this is medium we can join the same team I’m going to going to stop I’m not doing it just cuz he keeps adjusting it no

Teams chat only chaos what do teams do I don’t even remember I think it just lets you see each other on the mini map I think that’s about it I already see you on the mini map though no no no no when you’re further away from each other that’s about

It but we’re just like sticking together so it doesn’t really matter oh and you can see Health oh that makes sense oh can I grab that through I can nice y o can grab that one yeah let’s go oh I’m at a bait I still haven’t used a single bait

Really no have you caught anything goodbye yes Lots o the 50th zomb zombie Banner yeah I mean I don’t have room to put all this here hold on hold on hold on flounders and rock lobsters but I’m definitely catching stuff I don’t know am I doing something wrong no I

Obviously not all right Uno come over here please got some bait for you there oh I just used one bait proud of you but it didn’t even get me anything good can’t wait to see an official surge artisanal bait Arena oh it’s going to be such a treat another another

Star now you can start seeing the genius of the fishing House eh we can fish in peace while they’re stuck outside I could let them in please don’t I’m enjoying my peaceful fish hello Jesus Funko that is not the acronym we’re going to use but thank you bud where are these eyeballs keeping

These coins in their pockets where does an eyeball have a pocket doesn’t have an eyelid now we’re asking the real questions oh now I’m not catching anything all right let’s uh let’s head back to the base and let’s start getting ready to call it a day shall

We so you kept your bait for so long and then used it all up at the last minute the real question is what are the coins in Terraria made of it says right there copper and silver ow out of the way slime okay so we need a special chest to

Put all of our fishing stuff away into uh don’t bother keeping old armor uh just just like right now uh let’s put all the fish in the last chest we got all the fishing stuff and we can go ahead and shook it then uh the other

Thing we’re going to do is let’s put the reminder that you also have access to a piggy bank things you want to hold on to like I put your bait in the piggy bank just so that you can grab it next time we’ll get another piggy bank we can put it there

Later oh you can put bait in your piggy bank you can put anything it’s an Ender Chest it’s not just for coins ah got a snow Hood I don’t think I saw getting that uh you know what let’s put potions in uh put potions in with a potion

Ingredients for now eventually we’ll get more chests and gold we’ll put weird Relic stuff all right how else did I do here I got an extractinator that’s kind of cool actually I think that’s a very good hit right can’t remember can’t remember if I care about this or not

There we go a zombie Banner oh another Black Pearl lesser Mana potion do we have any of us that cares about being a wizard yet or no I don’t think so okay I mean I’ll be a wizard if you want me to be a wizard but you can be a

Wizard whenever you want to be a wizard James Who Am I who am might to tell you otherwise down get the rare G pearls all right did everybody crack all the boxes they got too yep yeah how do we do for ores not great eh really I got five iron bars I think

That’s all I got that’s all good all right well let’s call that here uh for day one of Terraria I hope you two had fun uh we’re going to get into boss stuff next stream and I think you I hopefully at that point things really start to click for you you

Know who I found the zoom feature oh any final thoughts or anything you want to add or should I just say goodbye uh I’m good excited to come back next week awesome all right thank you Uno thank you James talk to you soon bye bye bye all right everybody uh first off

Thank you this has been super fun I hope you enjoyed episode one of mina clock plays Terraria so the goal here is we’re going to try and do little bite-sized chunks we’re going to explore this game together and once we hit Out Hard Mode we’re going to evaluate because we don’t want

To lock ourselves into playing this game for forever because you know this game goes deep we all know that this game goes deep uh but this has been great thank you as well like you provided kind of the perfect amount of help in the background there of uh you know giving

When when asked but without having to worry too much about like the heavy back seating so thank you thank you for being your normal delightful little selves that was fun God I want to play so much more Terraria now it’s actually kind of dangerous uh thank you for all the

Support over here at loading ready run we really do appreciate it uh thank you for all the subs and the bits and a reminder that everything we do is brought to you by you with your support over the patreon at patreon.com ready run you can also support us over at store with our

Merchandise store. loing run.com as well as the YouTubes what up the YouTubes uh reminder that we will be doing this every Tuesday so look forward to seeing this next time same bat Channel same bat time on Tuesday the 27th seventh all right

Broadcast 2024-02-20

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