Minecraft Manhunt, but I Can Disguise as Mobs…

This is Minecraft but you can disguise as mobs in this video I had the ability to look like any mob in the game to hide from the hunters this means I could be anything from a chicken to even the Ender Dragon this was super funny and really intense so make sure you guys

Drop a sub and a like to help us beat the YouTube algorithm also big shout out to Shar craft for making this plugin his patreon will be in the description now let’s get right to the video uh guys turn around you can see my head what are

You guys using what are you using yeah at least it’s cooler than that I’m you I’m you I got to hit you is he where he’s going just hit you can’t just hit my babe like that oh oh my God thanks for the boost my guy I

Just took damage doing that thanks for the Boost okay dude is it just me or does K look like an old Dev old wrinkly Dev SK I don’t know but he lowkey does but maybe he killed me cuz I’m Kier I’m not Dev so maybe he killed Dev and took

A skin I don’t know oh God fall in there fall in there fall in there K what’s something here would say what’s something here would say um um um whales whales whales um um um what else what what’s something Dev say what’s something Dev oh there’s no twist there’s no twist there’s no

Twist which there isn’t by the way oh he’s right there this is yeah I know there’s no twist already I’m here I I know everything here I it’s weird being here I literally know everything oh there’s a shipwreck there’s a shipwreck ooh actually I didn’t even see that and

I know who the Imposter is every time yeah yeah yeah you do you do you do I got feathers I got feathers I got feathers I got feathers I gots I got paper I got paper oh I got coal I got paper I got I’m going to drown I got

More oh oh this is so dumb I’m on him I’m on him I’m on him God I I didn’t oh it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I can still what what CH it’s chill nothing I didn’t nothing nothing didn’t do the twist I think he about to do the twist nothing

Didn’t work uhhuh uhhuh where’s this guy going oh he’s going down it’s fine for Min fine wait what huh wait what did he go under my compass says this way yeah my compass also says this way I just see a dolphin swimming in the distance honestly get it get it get it

Um yeah it’s still this way what the hell wait is it oh my God I think it’s an invisible thing Boer oh or it’s teleporting or something oh no do that why why does that dolphin have potion particles just about to say that wait can you disguise as um what are the

Chances that a dolphin I’m trying to change is just going right away from anded that had weird potion effects and it just took damage from swimming no you guys didn’t see anything okay we we figured it out we figur it out you guys didn’t see anything by the way Bo you’re

Walking on water I’m out of here Jesus where this guy oh my God look at it no this is not this is not me this is not me you guys are you guys are false yeah the Dolphin’s definitely not parkouring on at least he doesn’t get

Like extra speed when he’s in the water that would have been annoying awesome you guys are false though that would have sucked all right so what’s something here would say um I still don’t know what the twist is there we go there we go there we go D what’s the

Twist I don’t know there’s no twist I got to be oh no check the check the hit boxes check the hit box oh it’s going to be the no yes this is my only way I can survive right now I’m sorry this is I swear if he has the same Health as us

Too this is going to be awful booster I totally do I totally do oh no oh this is amazing I have one hunger bar left by the way booster I got to stop and kill this cow oh my God can you guys chill out yes please chill you got you stay on

Them you stay on them you stay on them don’t stay I’m going back right on him as soon as I get this all right let’s go I’m coming back oh my God guys guys relax why see where is he okay booer we got to

Think of a hunter Strat now yeah I got a hunter Strat just turn on the hit boxes oh yeah okay oh he’s right there he’s right here he’s right there no got bre how did I miss that oh cuz his freaking hit box isn’t the same guys I’m sorry I

Didn’t want to pull this out this early but I had to survive you can’t even hit me oh I hit him chill I hit him chill you know he could outplay us right now right right if we just like out maneuver us he can’t he can’t he can’t he can’t

Yeah I have one hunger bar oh yeah so this this is my one shot my one opportunity but he’s so freaking small I hate this oh my God I’m out of Sprint oh my God he’s going to escape let’s go that’s so annoying finally UND disguise

Go back to my normal form oh yeah that’s a good idea woo well I’m act I’m acting like Kier so yeah same same that’s the thing Kier would say why are you acting like me cuz I have your skin on what do you expect so okay what what does me

What like what does that mean be me for a second let’s hear it what’s the twist what’s the twist whales whales whales wallpaper wallpaper um Dark Forest Oak biome stupid what what the heck that’s not what I do what what wait wait I know what he says booer you’re the

Imposter he does say that you guys sound super cool and smart think well we’re you so that’s why we sound super cool and smart I think oh I’m ready to kill this guy I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared you should be you should be you should be uming some Stone okay okay

Respectable yeah thank you thank you very much I don’t know what he’s up to he’s probably being an idiot somewhere yeah he’s probably like hiding as a be or something oh my God if he can fly I’m quitting right now the video I don’t care I think his brain all over the

Place right now he’s I’m not going to be able to see his name tag or anything this is not going to be fun this is not going to be a fun day fine it’s fine I can’t see anything I the llama’s in me Dev get back

Here no this is it’s so weird when the llama’s in you save me boo turn around de save you turn around I need some help I really need some help right there yeah yeah yeah I’m I really need you be a l a fight you can beat a l in a fight you’re

Good oh oh my God oh my God I’m back at spawn oh where is oh no boo okay boo for you it’s all up to you that actually scared me dude why did you die I was right behind you dude no I wasn’t I know you

Weren oh thank God I thought you were near me I was about to freak out how far did you run K oh my God I was just trying to get away man I don’t have much health I have a you should like get a little bit

Better yeah you should get a life too while you’re at it okay guys wow yeah see this is what happens when you’re speedrunner you you get roasted a lot you got to get used to it okay I mean I get roasted as a hunter either way so

Yeah but not as much as a speedrunner okay can these zombies get away Dev is not even in this video someone killed Dev what just happened that out how does that happen that witch outplayed me dude we got lots of time still he still doesn’t even have iron we’re good we’re

Good and he hasn’t been to the nether like he’s got to get we got lots of time plus we can always plow Jessica if we no ex’s never K’s never experienced Jessica yeah we can yeah we can actually yeah we can yeah we can I have you’ve never

Experienced Jessica you guys don’t know about the new Strat I call her beatric oh God I do not want to want oh my God we got to meet booster she so oh oh double we can go to double date booser we can go to double date I’ll do beatric

And you do Jessica yeah yeah I’ll do Jessica you do guys chill out guys I’m not good at you guys you guys can’t do it wait actually guys Todd might oh my God Todd’s gonna visit too I know about Todd I don’t even know what you guys are talking about anymore I

Just almost died how far did this guy go oh myness to be honest with you if if we’re talking if we’re talking the like the length of the entire universe I really didn’t go that far at all if we’re talking longitude and latitude we

Went far if you look at the Sun and the Moon times 12 you can see how far you really went latitude it’s the it’s the lines across the Earth pretty sure that’s called the equator my guy okay I’m not going to lie to them Lebron k kind of getting annoying LeBron

Here is the way highly getting annoying it’s been annoying since the start you don’t understand LeBron I don’t want to understand LeBron Kier tell us a little LeBron actually what’s his back uh he’s 66 he’s who sucks at Minecraft okay that’s all I know beautiful backstory it

Might have been the best back story I heard all day how many Back stories did you use you know what this is really going great so far oh isn’t an iron wait do you have full iron armor oh God Bron I feel like I feel like he made a

Pickaxe before he made armor it’s here it’s devb we’re talking about over here we’re talking about devb he’s an idiot yeah okay okay oh he found diamonds I’m going to SM my eye you actually oh my God oh my God oh my oh what oh Dev chill out buddy

What do you mean chill out stop getting armor some kind of try hard you have armor wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what I just saw what there’s something inside my skin time to strike time to strike time to strike he confused he

Confused yeah yeah go go go go go go go go go I’m going I’m going what is this who made this skin what oh my God this guy’s cheating yes yes that’s what I’m talking about babe yes I’m cool I don’t know what happened you

Found this portal I’m so oh my God thank God POG POG no were hyping him up and thanks game what is this nether spawn really where I want to win oh on him Dev oh my God no excuses right now I’m trying to get some food I have no food

You mean no excus oh my God what do you oh my god booster oh my goodness I will I will I will how are you doing K oh thank God thank god oh this is literally the worst freaking nether spawn of all time why when I speedrun this happens because they’re

Trying to give you a challenge who the speedrun gods didn’t bring enough for a boat guys let’s go we can build some redstone contraptions D no let’s build um a 25,000 TNT launcher I still have the bet I I have a special weapon by the

Way oh my God you have that no way it’s insane he’s he has no chance he has no chance what is it I want to know called a secret weapon for a reason bro yeah SEC for a reason I heard the new the new definition of secret weapon is telling

Everyone what it is makes it cooler oh my God finally I’m out of this horrible biome my Nemesis guys guys my that’s so mean why would you roast the biome like that it’s trying to provide remember remember my what is this spawn guys remember my previous death message

Well this suck my ass suck oh my God I ran out of wood I I I’m stuck in the nether booster oh that’s great but I I built another portal too by the way I built a new portal but still it still put me there he’s already got a fortress

What the hell’s going on I got so lucky about the freaking way I went you know what that might become useful oh I just had a plan holy honestly just from talking to us these blazes are so dumb and accurate why are you flirting with the blaz blazes these blazes get how far

Do I have to mine in this wall okay okay okay this is good you know what these blazes are kind of they’re kind of in the right spot you know bles please Mercy okay I think not going lie kind of kind of impressed with kill’s performance so far yeah yeah what the Hell oh my God great great great oh my God I had coal in my inventory the whole time I’m stupid how on Earth do I get over there oh this nether is so sketchy and like every second I’m like scared if I’m going to fall love that we’ve been

Enchanting in every single man hunt now you guys Enchanted no no oh look at this boost for my God feel like I took it okay okay okay there we go I can relax that was fun that was fun wait the compass is up there I think wait what oh

The compass this guy always roasts me for how I travel the nether have you seen this nether no exactly so just get some boost for luck it’s simple yeah I’ll just get some boost for Lu you easy I’ll just do that okay there we go there we go there

We go there we go where does one get food in the ne are you kidding me huh you went this this is a huge I need to get over there I need get over there oh you’re in the blue Forest we’re going we’re going over there in the blue

Forest no um no uh what’s a blue Forest LeBron here where you going LeBron here uh I’m going over here I’m going over here follow me follow me yes yes yes yes why you hitting me yeah yeah yeah we got to go to him what are you doing can this guy just please

Cooperate don’t slap me yet yes let’s go oh wait this oh is that a that’s a what’s it called let’s go boys uhoh oh no saddle where’d he go oh my I see a Strider moving in front of us what’s up guys uh wait is he a Strider on a Strider

What uper on what oh my God wait a minute is that what I think it is oh oh there’s a Bastion right there too oh my God all right thank you Strider you have done your oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what is oh I forgot what boost for skin

Is it’s so cursed yeah but I forgot how cursed it was yeah but this this skin is actually the PNG of the skin is called Wedding those were the oh cure when he doesn’t know the actual names of the Bastion let’s see if that

Yeah oh no I know this one this is the uh this is the unnamed one or housing it does have he doesn’t know how to rout it God where is the there it is there it is okay okay uh-oh can you guys chill yeah oh my God I was without food for so

Long what the hell boo where we should have killed him if he comes over here and just disguises a piglin and just destroys us I’m going to be so mad same why are you giving him the idea dumbass he’s not that smart yeah exactly then

Why are you giving him the idea no he doesn’t know how to move like a piglin oh wait what oh kier’s here oh he’s being all quiet too oh an apple away keeps the doctors away that’s not what it’s saying it’s an apple a day

Keeps the doctor as a one did I not just say that said an apple away it keeps an no I didn’t I said an apple a day keeps a do what did he say I don’t know replay replay right now bubble bubble replay right now oh K is

Here here is the so we can see his name tag uhoh well I’m at the top of the Bas like the stap this part cuz I went to go for the other chest over here oh my God I’m bad at the game wo oh my god did you just c a

Freaking hogin okay he’s here be careful be careful be careful be careful yeah yeah yeah be careful he’s up he’s up he’s up he built himself in I can see I can you remember the staircase we went through okay I’m down right now I’m down

But I’ll okay one sec screw it screw it I got to do this oh my God I almost died my compass is pointing to kir but I don’t know where this guy is I think he’s uh he’s disguised yeah oh are you fighting him um are you fighting him I kind of

Ran into his trap oh my God into his cobweb trap with uh piglins did did you get killed by piglins no no no no no oh I hear you dying I’m coming over no no no I’m good I’m good I escaped it I escaped it I

Escaped it okay okay okay but I didn’t even have a sword oh my God I didn’t K’s being really quiet oh he’s right okay he’s he’s near me he’s near me he’s near me I see him I see him see him yo Kier where are you going I’m

Running he’s just running oh my God he looks so weird when he’s running cuz he’s got the piglin animations like when he’s running is oh my God he decided to dip dip okay I know he went over here booer I see I see the evidence he left oh my God it’s annoying what

Happened ah piglins are on me bro wait oh he’s on me he’s on me he’s on me he’s on me he’s on me he’s on me he’s on me oh you got this you got this I’m so get back here I really don’t I’ll be there

Shortly I really don’t he burned me I’m going to die it’s to fire oh okay oh oh my God D I’m on my way D I’m on my way yeah where you going no no yes no no I burned your stuff oh no where is he oh no he’s he

Must be low right now he must be low right now I’m coming I’m cominging that fight didn’t even make sense low he’s low didn’t even make sense oh I see him what is up fight me Bro no yeah what’s up oh Yo way did you see that knockback that knock back what I got flown back like five blocks holy crap wait BR for no how did you just take that not I’m not complaining but okay he’s stacked now then oh no almost all my stuff burned it’s fine I have food

Now that’s all I needed I just needed food piglin piglin piglin piglin if I can get lucky and get my first two trades pearls then I’ll be happy and if not not going to happen I’m not going to be happy come on pearls come on pearls oh what you got pearls for like

Second trade what let’s go what yeah you got good ones and then they traed me garbage oh I got six PE wait what all right let’s do this hey booer hi Mr he’s still changed as the piglin dude oh am I I didn’t I forgot I’m not even

There Brer oh I see him come get me come fight Meer be careful please oh my god he has oh my God that crossbow does damage oh no oh no booster yes yes what please tell me you brought me food but it lagged it kind did lag please

Tell me you brought me some food I crit him I crit him I swear I crit him it lagged I swear I crit him no on my screen I literally crit him and backed away but he was frozen don’t worry oh I’m full iron I got almost extra iron for you now

Boo you think Such a good name booster balls I suck at Minecraft okay oh my God I’m so bad it’s okay I’m still going to win I when I speed run I always say I’m so good I don’t know what he’s doing there’s been so many instances in this video where I just like nearly die

For no reason it’s okay guys it’s okay I got you on the edge of your seats I got you on the edge of your seat totally totally totally oh booster I think is getting close to be yes finally you guys don’t know how long running in this nether

Know he’s still in the nether he’s still in the nether he’s still in the nether okay we’re good bro I know it’s here there I knew it I knew it get the compass oh my God he was not slick about that at all now we know exactly where okay he’s out he’s out

He’s out I’m not out stop looking all right I’m running right now cuz if Kier can beat me and D then like what’s the point of living dud anyone could beat us then wow disrespectful I’m sorry but I have to do this to win I feel so Bad holy everything in this world just wants me dead right now well I’m still running towards him I don’t know how far it actually is but still or how far he is but okay oh there we go there we go Um oh that wasn’t supposed to happen that wasn’t supposed to happen that is definitely cure that was not supposed to happen that is definitely cure together now supposed to happen I just saw another booster next to me you were not supposed to see that where’d he go where’

He yo hey booer you were not supposed to see that are you maybe this is a fake boost for with me with me I yeah I have a diamond helmet I’m the one with that’s true that’s true no no it doesn’t I have a diamond helmet oh my God I don’t even

Have a boat it’s okay guys don’t wor let me get in with you baby you don’t have to come why do you have a golden helmet Dev cuz it’s POG oh there’s some sheep deep I mean there’s some um Pig let’s enchant actually y let’s enchant Dev

Come here I thought you said chanting twice no where’ you go oh I got a fish dish Rod the whole n Island in uh water and get a conduit oh it’s right there it’s right there booster booster it’s right there look I can see it yeah it’s

Right there it’s right there oh that’s the portal room no it’s no it’s not no it’s not I think it’s the library where oh my God where um okay let’s let’s make this a defense now where let’s go find the library real quick over here oh it’s right here it’s

Right here booster come over here never mind don’t come over here this was ass oh how did I not see that what am I yeah yeah he just exposed it he just exposed it why is there lava here where’s the staircase oh he’s in he’s in I’m coming

I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming wait I don’t see him where is he where is he he’s not up here maybe he’s an wait wait wait remember the rule he can’t he cannot turn into an endm because he will only turn into one thing uh one time he’s here

He’s he’s a fish oh he’s a fish a fish and I can’t see it come on let me out of here wait wait set a bed set a bed set a bed set a bed there we go I didn’t see his armor how did he get through wait what

Oh my God okay this is oh this is bad the fish will me place should I come this oh my God there’s no way I’m winning this there’s no chance I’m winning this you know what beatric is now yeah them y yep yep I have I have a pretty good idea oh it’s

Protecting those this is a very good idea until it’s not but wait we’re covering it up booer it’s not even going to do it’s not even going to heal the dragon oh it is what are you guys doing oh my God I do not like beatress what is

That you have a no I don’t no I no yes Dragon destroy Dragon destroys the block this doesn’t work B doesn’t work yes should we go down should we go down okay here I’ll place a boat get in my boat look at our to I was about to say oh my

Good is pretty oh wait Kier is where kier’s um okay he’s up there I don’t know what he I think he’s still a fish isn’t he don’t worry don’t worry them now we know how to actually do beatric I’ll do it next time yeah I completely

Forgot he’s disguised as a fish or he might have switch I don’t even know if he switch that’s the Thing that’s to I know I looked around it I couldn’t see him wait He’s oh oh oh oh my God please can I can I do this on my leash no oh my God okay this this might work guys this might work wait wait he’s behind us he’s the dragon yes right there right there right there that’s him

How box how we going to hit him I can’t hit him the hit box yes I’m a cheater I’m a cheater I can’t hit him yes wait his hit box is huge but we can’t hit him I’m trying to hit him I can’t hit him I’m

Trying to hit him as well what yes oh no what yes oh I’m trying to save you but I can’t I can’t please that’s the only way in me he was in me what we him we can’t get out can you come to to the platform and

Uh oh my God Jessica Jessica Jessica hey End Dragon don’t hit me I’m you this is great I’m going to keep this until I get all the towers cuz I feel like I’m super unfair where is he where’s where’s the second Dragon there he is there’s the

Second dragon like I actually can’t hit him though like wait that’s awesome can’t even fishing on him my on why why you’re mine actually actually yes wait what what why the dragon just oh wait you got the dragon death animation he had the dragon death animation does that mean that means I

Won though that means I won cuz I killed the End Dragon I just won cuz I killed the I just won I killed the End Dragon I just cuz I killed theend don’t even go there I just won cuz I the don’t even try it don’t even try it

Won my first man let’s go boys guys comment down below if I want that come on

Minecraft Manhunt, but I Can Disguise as Mobs…

Boosfer: @Boosfer

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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt


  1. they say everything 3x

    whats the twist whats the twist whats the twist
    whales whales whales
    imscared imscared imscared
    yushudbe yushudbe yushudbe

  2. Puget and bite to go with it take a while and then get back tv Tecate rectangle if it helps for the future to do it then it would probably 😮a bit to do it on my phone but then 😮😮😮the next one

  3. judging by his game and the reaction of his friends, it is an obvious fact that he died more than once in his “survival game” , these scenes were simply cut off during editing and restarted in a copy of the world in Minecraft

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