Terraria, But Damaging Enemies UPGRADE My Guns…

In this video I try beating Terraria with guns only but here’s the twist I installed a mod that allows my weapons to gain experience for hitting enemies with each level increases the damage Critical Strike chance size and best of all the number of projectiles just how

Strong will my guns become at the end of this stay tuned to find out all right let’s go get my first gun because I’m in a world with corruption it’s possible for me to get my hand on the musket from the shadow orbs there is also the option of finding the boomstick

In The Jungle which would be a lot better but it’d be much harder to find so once I find some bombs I’ll be going for the musket first to start off now once I break the shadow orb to get the musket it also comes with a 100 bullets

But these bullets aren’t going to last very long luckily having any gun ins my inventory then the arm stealer will be allowed to spawn and then I can buy some more bullets all right I’ve got enough wood let’s go find some bombs there we go got 18 bombs now I’m

Just going to stay in the jungle for just a bit cuz I did see some Life Crystals from before and who knows there might be a chance to get the boomstick what did I say let’s go but unlike getting the boomstick getting the musket does not come with

Any bullets unfortunately so I won’t be able to kill any monsters magic mirror I will take that wow that okay then I should not have done that but since I’m back up here let’s go make ourselves a little house to store some of my stuff away and it’s the perfect

Opportunity to build some NPC houses to try to get the Arms Dealer to move in there we go inventory is cleaned out I know I just got my hands on the boomstick but I am still going to go to the corruption to get the musket because

It does still come with the 100 bullets which I really want cuz I am dying to all of these monsters he finally made it down without dying oh that’s an underground pyramid wait okay let’s go check this one out first okay maybe I should have started from the

Top this is taking a very long time okay I’ve had enough of this just going to throw a dynamite down let’s see am I close yes I am there it is okay if I get the Pharaoh set I am going to be so pissed off cuz otherwise I did all that mining for

Nothing okay Moment of Truth 3 2 1 yes okay oh I will take that warning oh and we just got paid oh my I got 26 gold okay that was worth it and there are some Life Crystals down here so let’s go pick those up real quick and then let’s get back on

Task and that should be it okay time to break some Shadow orbs perfect first one is a musket and we’ve got 100 musk balls I can afford to break one more so let’s do that as well there we go and we just got a light source let’s head back up and let’s test

Out these two weapons now so one shot from the boomstick gains us 21 points of experience okay and now with the musket six yeah the boomstick is going to be leveling up way faster let’s make the tungsten pickaxe and some NPC houses because I really need some more bullets from the

Arms Dealer okay hopefully six should be enough but it looks like night time is arriving pretty shortly so it looks like I’m going to have to wait until daytime for the Arms Dealer to spawn in the meantime I’m going to go back down into the jungle to find more Life Crystals and

Accessories okay I found some rubies which means I will be summoning the king’s slime cuz that boss gives a bunch of experience oh wow that’s a lot of rubies actually oh okay that’s enough for a hook then as well as some slime crowns okay Goblin Army is

Approaching that’s kind of not what I wanted right now actually you know what no it’s completely fine since the Arms Dealer did arrive but I’m just going to stay down here until I reach Max Health ooh okay suspicious looking eye which means I can summon the I cthulu

Whenever I want and because there are two anvils here I can just craft the Ruby hook okay that’s what I was looking for guarding Hermes boots also don’t tell me those are diamonds right here I just made the Ruby hook okay no it’s Sapphire nope it’s Diamond what am I

Saying God damn it I literally just made the Ruby hook like 1 minute ago I guess I’m making the diamond hook then and there is the last life Crystal or Max Health okay let’s return back home and take care of the goblin army but first I need to buy some ammo perfect

Okay and this event is going to be perfect for leveling up my weapons and I think My Boomstick yeah is almost at level one so let’s see what changes it’s at 14 range damage and 4% Critical Strike chance after it gets level one it increased to 16 damage and 5% Critical

Strike chance but projectile wise I don’t think it has changed oh never mind cuz the boomstick shoots out three to four bullets and I think I just saw five yeah right there so it has changed then and the Goblin Army has been defeated and judging from the number of projectiles that I’m shooting

Out I think I’ve leveled this weapon quite a bit Moment of Truth oh yeah level four with 24 range damage and 8% Critical Strike chance I can’t even count how many bullets I’m shooting out now that looks to be like over eight oh my God now I’ve racked up a good amount of

Gold so I’ve decided that I’ll be purchasing the mini shark from the Arms Dealer why well if you guys know this weapon shoots insanely fast and the faster I can attack the faster I gain experience it’s also way more accurate than the boomstick which also means that I will

No longer be using the boomstick and the musket it let’s make some armor now so the tungsten helmet chain mail and gold griefs as well as the diamond hook of course God damn it and since it has turned into nighttime with me having Max health and some pretty good accessories I’d say for

Now I think I’m ready to take on the I have cthulu so let’s build this platform real quick okay and then let’s place down a campfire and let’s summon the boss oh let’s also check real quick six damage on the mini shark and 4% Critical Strike

Chance and we’ll check it out after this boss okay second phase oh I’m starting to shoot out two bullets now wait did my attack spe get faster too and you’re dead Okay that was pretty quick got the shield of cthulu so now I can Dash and now my mini shark is at level

One almost level two actually but to level this weapon up some more I’ll be fighting the King Slime so let’s make a couple of gold crowns and I do have to wait until daytime so that slimes can spawn for their gel wait really another Goblin Army oh my wait

Okay no no that’s good actually that’s good that just means more experience there we go the Goblin Army has been defeated once again which brings the mini shark to oh boy level five with 18 range damage and 9% critical Shake chance and my shots look like this

Now oh yeah that’s pretty good very soon it’s going to have the spread of a shotgun and I cannot wait for that okay that should be enough gel yep I just needed 20 to make a slime Crown there we go and let’s get this thing started right

Away oh my God look at that I’m shredding this boss holy just like that wait that was insane and now I have way more gel to make a lot more King Slime summons let’s make three more Jesus oh that’s one that’s two and that’s the last

One What’s My Level going to be okay not bad it gained two more levels hopefully within these four treasure bags I can get the slimy saddle there it is and I think I’m just going to replace my current armor with the ninja armor set just because it gives Critical

Strike chance and the movement speed is really nice so my mini shark now has 22% Critical Strike chance the next boss that I’ll be taking on which many of you guys can guess the Eater of Worlds and to be honest I really don’t think I need

To build an arena for this one all right here we go go now will this boss be able to touch me at least once oh yep okay that was a bit cocky there oh my God this is so satisfying one more there we go I see that there are enough Shadow

Orbs to summon the Eater of Worlds once again so I’m going to do that for some more experience here we go again okay this time will the boss be able to touch me oh no okay oh that was close so far so good oh my God that was scary and Mission

Successful okay that time perfect run let’s check out the mini Shar now ooh okay level 9 so it has gained two levels I believe with some Demonite bars and Shadow skills I can now craft the full Shadow Armor as well as the nightmare Pickaxe okay and this armor set gives a

Bunch more Critical Strike chance so from 24 Critical Strike chance all the way to 30 there’s just one more boss to fight before taking on the wall of flesh which is Skeletron so let’s head over to the dungeon to summon the boss and hopefully I can defeat it before day time arrives

It’s going to be very risky it’s definitely going to be a close one okay here we are come on get up quick quick quick summon the boss go oh I’m stuck oh my God wait what’s happening okay there we go and first of course oh yeah the hands are done for okay just

Ahead oh wait this is not close at all what am I saying that took mere seconds well the mini shark is officially a shotgun oh my God cuz one click that’s like three to four bullets coming out and the mini shark has has gained a full level cool now that I have access

Into the dungeon there’s a couple of things I want to get but they’re kind of optional one is of course the Cobalt Shield which is the mandatory one and the other which is the handgun now that one is the optional one I don’t think I’m going to

Go for that cuz the mini shark is just infinitely better but I really don’t know cuz the handgun can be upgraded into the Phoenix Blaster but I know that the Phoenix Blaster does not have any special effects it doesn’t set any enemies on fire nothing like that so

Yeah I think I’m just going to settle with the mini shark for now first gold chest there’s the Cobalt shield and there’s the handgun okay that’s everything that I wanted and as you guys can tell the handgun it’s not really that good o and the traveling Merchant is

Selling the DPS metor I will buy that just so I can keep track and show you guys how much damage I’ll be dealing okay all that’s left is to take on the wall of flesh so let’s mine down to Hell okay finally made it down to Hell I

Did say I was going to fight the wall of flesh but I think think I’ll put a hold on that for now instead I’ll be mining some hellstone to craft the molten pickaxe and to turn the handgun into the Phoenix Blaster just to see how good the

Weapon is now if I can find an Obsidian Skin Potion that would be great cuz that will make mining the hellstone a lot easier if not then I’ll just carefully mine them like this cuz I don’t need that much hellstone to craft it too okay well I just got the Obsidian Skin Potion

But I I think I collected enough already so let’s head back now I can craft the molten pickaxe and the Phoenix Blaster ooh okay and we got unpleasant on it okay let’s see yeah it’s still very slow yeah comparing the Phoenix Blaster to the mini shark it doesn’t even come close and

Leveling up this weapon would take forever okay I just remembered that I did defeat the Goblin Army twice which means the goblin Tinker is now allowed to spawn so let’s look for him so that I can combine all of my accessories together oh there he is let’s buy the rocket boots and the

Workshop I’m also going to reforge the mini shark as well try to get it to Unreal if that’s possible but I’m might end up losing all of my gold oh my God please rapid yeah I think I’m going to have to settle with that o okay I will take that

Blizzard in a bottle and a gravitation potion which means that once I do find the shiny red balloon I can combine it with the blizzard in a bottle first things first let’s go up to some Sky Islands first one what have we got perfect shiny red balloon second

One okay there we go lucky horseshoe that means I won’t have to go to the third one cuz the last one has the Star Fairy okay first things first Spectre boots oh okay I’ll take the armored then the blizzard in a balloon turn it into the White Horseshoe

Balloon and and then let’s combine the obsidian skull with the Cobalt shield for the Obsidian Shield I should be good to take on the wall of flesh now oh and there’s the Voodoo Demon okay I can now summon the wall of flesh made it to the end of the world let’s drink our

Potions and into the lava you go okay my guess is that this boss is going to take no longer than 10 seconds seconds once I start shooting everyone start the counter 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 what did I

Say that was a bit close 9 seconds let’s open the treasure bag now and hopefully I can get the ranger emblem yes let’s go that’s an additional 15% increased range damage and I might as well summon the a cthulu just for a bit more experience Jesus okay and just an update my mini

Shark is now at level 12 yeah that’s crazy so now that I’m in hard mode let’s talk to the Arms Dealer and purchase the ammo box to save some ammo I might as well buy the illegal gun parts cuz I’ll be using that later on for another

Weapon and lastly I will be purchasing the shotgun cuz it is a material and I believe you can turn it into the Onyx Blaster so I do need to farm two dark shards and 10 Souls of knights let’s go to the corruption now to break some Demon

Alters oh I just got my first Dark Shard I’ll get the other one right after I break some Alters so we got Cobalt or Calum and lastly titanium and there’s the last Dark Shard okay that’s enough Cobalt Ore onto the or Calcom good on the orac Calum and lastly the

Titanium and that’s enough Souls of Knight for the Onyx Blaster but I’m going to stay down here until I mine enough Titanium Ore or the full armor sets oh wait that’s the bound wizard okay let’s buy the crystal ball cuz with this I can make the endless

Musk pouch and that should be enough titanium 31 now is 67 bars enough let’s see titanium helmet breastplate and leggings yep it is so right now with the shadow armor on my mini shark has 43 range damage and after equipping the titanium armor 52 that is a huge difference oh my God

Then let’s make the Onyx blast there so the attacks look like this and I’m assuming after I level this thing up a bit I can shoot multiple of the Onyx blast which is the large projectile in the middle let’s buy enough musket balls to reach

3,996 okay there we go let’s go over to the crystal ball and now I can make the endless musket pouch okay so I don’t have to worry about Ammo anymore I can shoot to my heart’s content oh and let’s also reforge the Onyx Blaster yep I’ll take rapid now let’s go

Up to a sky island to kill some wyverns for their Souls of Flight so that I can craft myself a pair of wings okay first kill and that’s actually enough 20 now I need to farm for some more souls of Knight okay and that should be

Enough got 15 Souls of Knight now I can craft demon wings beautiful I’m all set to take on the mechanical bosses now but seeing that it is 3:00 a.m. there is just no time for that so I’ll have to fight them the next night in the meantime I am going to

Level up the Onyx Blaster and currently it’s at level three and and I believe it’s able to shoot out two of the Onyx blasts right there I think yeah yeah right there okay that’s enough killing spiders my Onyx Blaster is now at level 10 so it now has 67 range damage and 27%

Critical Strike chance the attacks it looks like this yeah this will replace my mini shark now hopefully from selling all of these spider drops I can reforge the Onyx Blaster into unreal come on I know you want to give it to me ooh Godly no I can’t

Settle yes let’s go okay let’s see what changes okay the Onyx Blaster is insanely strong now I’m also going to buy a bunch of musket balls and with the cursed Flames that I farmed let’s make some cursed bullets all right that’s going to increase our

Damage by a bit more and I believe it’s officially night time now yep 8:00 p.m. so let’s summon our first boss which is going to be the Destroyer 3 2 1 run run run oh come on hit the clump up part oh yeah there we go look at that 10,000 damage per

Second and just doing regular attacks that’s still 9,000 damage per second holy crap well I got plenty of time to summon the rest of the bosses so let’s do the twins next and this is going to be fairly fast as well second pH already oh my God it didn’t even have

The chance to shoot out its cured flames and you dead as well and lastly skeleton Prime hopefully I can kill all four of its hands first before actually killing the boss cuz I want to gain as much experience as possible Jesus that was like four shots to take out one hand okay all

Done now just ahead oh my God that’s satisfying well there you have it all three mechanical bosses have been the defeated I did manage to get another mechanical eye from the spiders so might as Well all done and from those four mechanical bosses that’s going to bring my Onyx Blaster to Holy wait that’s such a huge increase what level 17 it leveled up seven times that’s crazy oh my God look at that shotgun spread with some Souls of Might I can

Upgrade the mini shark into the mega shark so I only need to farm five shark bins okay just one more shark spin to go oh my God finally okay got the last shark fin that took so long now I can craft the mega shark ooh Godly I think I’m going to have to

Reforge it to Unreal come on give it to me oh God nope and I’m out and unfortunately making the mega shark did reset all of my stats so we’re back at level zero and with the hollow bars I’ll be making the full hollowed armor sets just for that

Invincibility now let’s head into the jungle to take on planta and luckily it’s right here perfect so I don’t have to potentially spend like 30 minutes trying to find this thing okay the arena is is all complete and I did kill a bunch of mimics so I really want to get this Mega

Shark to Unreal or at least something with more attack speed before I take on planta yeah yep there we go perfect oh yeah that’s so much faster now holy So the plan is to use the mega shark for this boss fight cuz I do want

To this weapon up but if things get a bit too shaky then I’ll switch over to the Onyx Blaster okay 3 2 1 Come to Papa oh and I just forgot to check the level on the mega shark before I fought this boss but it’s okay second phase coming up pretty soon

There we go okay yeah don’t need to use the onx Blaster and you’re done okay mega shark is at level seven okay so the only weapon that I’m looking for inside this treasure bag is the Venus Magnum so hopefully I can get it oh yes there we go 72 range

Damage shoots a powerful High Velocity bullet so the attacks look like this it’s very similar to the uzi I would have to say and I’m very curious when I level this weapon up since it has such high velocity bullets it might be very accurate with the additional projectiles

Unlike the mega shark for example so let’s go and find out oh there we go unreal almost run out of gold there yeah that’s way better let’s go take on Golem now okay made it into the boss room and it’s a pretty big arena so I should have

No problems dodging attacks let’s clear out all of the traps first and a onlevel platform should be enough let’s start this thing up 3 2 1 okay so the spread on this gun isn’t what I expected I thought it’d be much more narrow I guess but it looks like

The spread is just as bad as the mega shark head is down okay that’s one down let’s use up the remaining four Jesus this gun shoots so fast now what is this holy crap look at my damage per second a constant 8,000 okay I’ve got one more to

Go so fast now that I have the eye of the Golem let’s take out our Ranger emblem let’s make the Avenger emblem and then the the Destroyer emblem and that’s going to increase our damage by 10% and our Critical Strike Chance by 8% so my Venus Magnum now has

132 range damage and 50% Critical Strike chance and from all those Golems it brought it to level 15 but to level this weapon up even more I am going to summon the solar eclipse God damn that Moon got shredded oh my God wait a second I just realized something since the spread of

The bullets are so wide I can easily fix that by making chloride bullets okay after this Eclipse I’m going to go farm a crazy amounts okay the solar eclipse has finally ended did let’s go to the Jungle to farm some chlorites and from that event my Venus

Magnum is now at level 20 and the mega shark level 15 so the Venus Magnum first looks like this and the mega shark looks like this I’m pretty sure the mega shark shoots a lot faster judging from the sound but that’s just me let me know what you guys

Think okay I think that should be enough chlorop FY 565 okay how many chlorop FY bullets can I make almost 7,000 and that amount should last me throughout the end of the game let’s go test out these bullets against the lunatic cultist here we are let’s begin oh yeah okay 6,000 damage per

Second oh all every single one of these bullets are locked on I think I might have been able to do more damage if I used the Venus Magnum cuz it does have 142 range damage and the attack speed doesn’t fall too far from the mega shark let’s go take down the vortex

Pillar first okay Vortex pillar is done with the fragments I can now craft the vortex beater let’s reforge this to Unreal there we go and the attacks look like this and that blue projectile that you guys see that is a homing projectile now once I level this weapon

Up there’s going to be multiple of those blue projectiles pair it up with the chlorified bullets and you’re going to end up with a death machine gun oh yeah it is coming along look at that that’s over five homing projectiles now okay nebula pillar is done two more to

Go solar pillar is done one more to go Jesus and the size of the vortex speeder to it increased what all right and that’s the last pillar done let’s go get ready for Moon Lord and from all those Celestial pillars it has brought my Vortex beeder to level 17 God

Damn yeah Moon’s going to get obliterated okay let’s swap into our chlorified bullets here we go oh oh my God my game what my game legit froze Jesus I swear I saw 880,000 damage per second oh yeah yeah look at that oh my frames all right that’s going to be it

Everyone hope you all enjoyed I know there were a bunch of other guns that I didn’t use but if you guys want to try those ones out for yourselves I’ll leave all the mods I’ve used in the description below if you’ve enjoyed watching don’t forget to leave a like

Comment if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all in the next one peace

In this video I try beating Terraria with guns only but here’s the twist… I installed a mod that allows my weapons to gain experience for hitting enemies. With each level increases the damage, critical strike chance, size, and best of all the number of projectiles. Just how strong will my guns become at the end of this? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner
Signature Equipment

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For business inquiries:

#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


  1. Id love to see use the unique enchanted sword or the shadow flame knife with this mod and only that. Also, is it just me that would like to see actual like, weapon level grinding?

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