Terraria’s Most Ambitious Mod… Mod of Redemption #2

All right so good morning everyone welcome back to chippy’s Couch today we return for another day of the mod of redemption now to speak to the mods quality we have a lot that we can be doing today almost an overwhelming amount we have so much stuff to see so

Many places to explore I don’t know where to begin I am so excited to be playing this mod truth be told I didn’t sleep great last night it was probably the worst night sleep I’ve had an ages and why well I was like oh I can’t wait

To get up and record the mod of redemption and that is no word of a lie I woke up randomly it was about half 2 in the morning and I was like ah yes only 5 more hours I get to wake up I get

To do my you know I went to the gym this morning we’ll talk about that later right but I was like after that after that mod of redemption time let’s go so yeah there really is so much that we can can do and we’re uh we’re taking this

One slow so the very first thing I want to see is if the NPC we spotted very briefly has stuck around because apparently uh this little NPC this little character only sticks around for a couple of days and then they leave and then I think it’s rare that they come

Back so if I haven’t butchered this we should be able to see a new NPC they should be hopefully over this hill near the cherry blossom they have gone i’ i’ I’ve butchered it it’s all right they’ll be back I’m sure we’ll keep an eye out okay they do

Apparently pop back I don’t know if I’ve how bad how bad have I butchered it I don’t know so the next thing that we need to be working on is apparently a secret tunnel there is a secret tunnel that was near this portal I think and

We’re meant to follow it we’re meant to descend downwards people left time codes uh I should probably go and look them up I think it might be this one is it this tunnel was this the one if not oh yeah no clearly this is going to be something

Right cuz look at it there’s a there’s pots this looks like a a tomb I don’t know why Daryl has decided to uh to opt himself to live down here uh do I break it oh it’s Noob what do you think Joe oh who you where are am I wow I didn’t realize

They’ve added me they’ve added me uh heyo I’m Noob want to be friends yeah sure why not you seem Pleasant enough uh great thanks everyone big secret they said they said I must head down the tunnel straight away listen if Noob becomes the final boss that’s it you’re

All done for um apparently as well darl we can cycle options and we can get some advice and this advice device leads into the greater mod did I drop something on my way back into the portal oh these glowing fragments it seems to be guiding you somewhere important i’ follow it

Before taking on any major foes okay so that’s what we’re meant to do we’re meant to use this we’re meant to find the secret uh more advice ever see Tiny lights dancing from a slain skeleton or perhaps a lantern carrying ghosts underground those are lost souls and as

Far as I know only Arcane or holy weapons may bring them harm not that I suggest harming those helpless things want to know about some insects if you want to find Leaf beetles or tree bugs as they’re called here then chop down some trees they live on Treetops with

Their green shell camouflaging them in the foliage co- scarabs can be found on palm trees at the beach their shells Sparkle when wet Grand lava um I’ve always struggled with this word is it lava la lava la well rather gross though you can make some excellent bait that is

If you’re brave enough to get close to one when encountering skeletons and Undead I think it’s logical to assume Shadow weapons aren’t effective against them while holy weapons are I used to like the exploring caves until me and zepos encountered a skeleton Vex so skeletons Undead Shadow are not that great okay

Best way to deal with slimes burn them alternatively ice weapons can freeze them in place then you can burn them if you ever want to sneak up on epid skeletons or chickens invisibility potions are real Handy for the job you don’t need to tell me how to slay a

Chicken all right I’m I’m fine uh the weapons skeletons can wield are very Rusty so it’d be bad to be wounded by them if you do take a dip in some water and the dirty wounds will disappear appear okay it’s like a te shot see foes wearing armor or holding Shields you’ll

Need to break their guard to deal with them a hammer or explosion should be most effective just make sure your weapon isn’t super weak there really is a lot to this I can see why you’ve why you’ve said this rering bow sure what did you do to it oh it’s a

Okay it’s a bu all right 10 silver that’s not bad you can poison your weapon uh and that’s it yeah go on then why not do I have I’ve got 25 Silver uh melee attacks andb poison that is kind of sick that was a lot for the start of

The video but I hope that sets the tone for what we’re trying to do here we’re taking things slow we’re taking this one at a a different pace like for example um you know instead of jumping straight into the I Gulu we’re hanging up a beautiful painting look at me go and you

Know what as well we we got time for a gnome hell yeah right so let’s follow the Chalice fragments and we will go and find whatever secret is down there and um and yeah discover what else is new I am genuinely so grateful to you lot oh

Here’s one all right here’s a here’s a skeleton with a shield I can’t remember what it said something about explosions right let’s try this no let’s try that no can I get behind them no uh fire oh my gosh I don’t have anything to

Deal with it I just want to say I am extremely grateful for all of you being so kind yesterday when I posted the the first video the enthusiasm for this I don’t know it just it hit me different this time around thank you so much genuinely I cannot wait to go on this

Little adventure with you lot so yeah thanks for showing up I really appreciate it so many of you are like oh the original series that was my like pandemic thing me too like I’m glad that we have that shared experience in a way cuz I thought it was just me like I

Remember quite vividly what it was like to be in a lockdown to not really have anything else to do but to come on here talk about washing your hands and Chicken Run and um and yeah where did it lead to all right that’s what I want to

Say Chicken Run 2 all right I manifested it and I feel like by creating this series Chicken Run free okay I’m I’m putting on my bingo C right now so the thing is this little fragment thing is pointing down but I don’t know how deep

We’re meant to go like here I am just digging down in the darkness all right you can see here on the mini map we do have alternate Pathways should I have taken that and then seen if it points upwards instead of down like because I’m starting this and I’m like oh it’s

Probably like really far down it’s probably in Hell or something something you know akin to that all right what’s beneath hell uh I don’t know all right I’ve asked ready won’t tell me um I’ll grab this Loom though thank you very much yeah I think that’s probably what I

Should do I think it is I think it’s way deeper then I’m kind of like letting on a little bit but yeah I went to the gym this morning I had a very good uh session I like I say I didn’t sleep well last night so today was uh it was quite

Hard now here I am right I’m talking about this like gym thing I’ve mentioned it three times in three days I’ll be real right it’s February it’s England it’s miserable here there is nothing else going on in my life that I can talk about other than this but I want to

Bring this up because once I started on my fitness journey all right that’s how I’m describing it I got entered into the fitness algorithm on Instagram on Tik Tok on Twitter on YouTube and I just want to say it’s the worst algorithm I’ve ever seen in my life all right you

Will see a video that will be like hey if you want to you know if you want to stay on top of things all right here’s a great source of food here’s something you should be eating and then the next video will be somebody going nah you

Know what these mate these will kill you you’re going to die if you eat too many of these it’s GRE koket no you won’t you’ll be fine right and then I stumbled across the perfect video and it made the algorithm completely worth it there was

A video it was a guy he was jacked right and the caption was just something silly like going to the gym 5 days a week to sit at home being being jacked just to play games right he was playing Terraria so now I’ve got a hero to Aspire to be

Like that’s me that’s that’s my path now so we obviously have this area here with the uh skeleton Nobles um we were meant to use a certain type of damage right I think it might be this one I might be wrong I was wondering is this where it’s

Taking us like is this what we’re meant to deal with I will give this a quick little go and obviously if we get absolutely uh stomped on straight away we know it probably isn’t this the arrow hasn’t changed so I’m assuming it isn’t right let’s try this no all right okay

Clearly not the right weapon this area does look intense though to be fair it doesn’t look like I should be diving ah head forth into this but it did say to go to this area before we take on like a big thing I’ve also lost seven gold it’s

The worst day of my life all right all right so I’m about here on the map and as you can see uh the arrow is facing like towards this direction so it’s not this I do think we come back to this when we’re uh a little stronger I wonder

Do you know what my mind is racing truly racing with how much stuff that there is to explore and to encounter and I don’t know this is it’s hitting different right now it’s exactly what I knew it would be but it is it’s exactly what I wanted after infernum I just wanted

Something that was is cozy and just like about exploration and about you know Discovery and whatnot like yeah this this just seemed perfect these are some of my favorite types of mods as I’ve got an older I mean for a long time I really did like very difficult mods like truly

You know I started infernum because you know it it was kind of my thing but you know what maybe I don’t have the talent maybe I don’t have the skill but for real I think now I’m just like no I just want like I want to play

Terraria and I want to get something fresh out of it this feels fresh what is what’s happening Daryl what’s going on Daryl has been unconscious for 11 minutes use Revival potion what what is that what is that use on an unconscious Town NPC to wake them up why are you unconscious

Explain why are you still selling dirt that’s my question right so uh Revival potion what is this revival potion it’s made out of uh okay it’s made out of these blossoms mushrooms gel and bottled water and these dropped from the forest nymph interesting hey forest nymph you weren’t

That kind to me I just got what did I get a metal detector and some herbs sorry darl that’s it pal you’re you’re a now can’t do o to save you ooh a vagrant Spirit um oh they’re down there now I read all that advice but it hasn’t like

Sunk in yet like there was a a thing that we had to do when we saw enemies with glowing lights I think it was like a holy weapon does that count as a holy weapon because it’s like a glowing ax I feel like it does we’ll wait until we

Get closer and we’ll figure this out but yeah apparently this is where the structure is they don’t seem to want to engage me right now so I think I’ve got a little bit of time before um you know we have to deal with that I’m curious to

See what it is so from my memory of this mod you know it used to focus around the abandoned laboratory but that was like and I’m speaking just from memory that was pretty much it I don’t remember too much going on in preh hard mode other

Than some NP SE showing up and and talking and and that’s it right so having this little like objective right at the start I don’t know it’s really cool like you you can just tell things are different in this mod I thing that’s why I’m so excited um okay we’ve got to

Deal with actual terrari here we have giant jellies I’ve run out of flaming arrows I have to make it across this Gap here without getting spat at by a salamander so what is it then oh oh is it this is this the start of it I think

It is so there’s some new blocks here or I like to Golden tiles yeah that’s right it’s the mod with the record amount of tiles so do we dig to the center of this I think we do I’m just going to follow the arrow verbatim ah okay it’s called

Graffic Stone interesting uh ooh looks like there’s um yeah actually something inside uh we’ll dig upwards so this uh oh it’s ancient dirt okay cool um God it’s so pretty and it’s a good mod it really is I just feel like on top of the world right now um also is this not

Fully it so there is a chest um inside is a trapped Soul b ball equipable material the player occasionally emits a strong force causing every enemy caught in the blast to give a small Magic damage boost 10% increase to Arcane Elemental damage and resistance so for example is this Arcane somebody was

Trying to explain to me in the comments yesterday so apparently uh the Druid class is no longer in the mod because they’ve removed it to replace it with something else that’s coming in a future update so it’s going to be about sticking to vanilla classes but those vanilla classes are slightly different

So let’s have a little look at this uh this blade here uh this changes into the Zander my reading ability is just so embarrassing it’s so bad I swear I read books I just it’s never these words though right so I need the hilt and I

Need the blade and it’s repaired by the Fallen that is very ominous um we got some of these well we got some some more of these I picked up some from the surface uh what do you make can be given to certain Undead as currency ancient

Gold coins used in the olden days of garam yes yes that’s right uh steel shards turn into steel alloy okay cool I’m just going to work on this uh skeleton real quick it’s fine don’t really I can speak English it’s fine I’ve seen the automatic captions on

These videos they’re like 70% fine oh yeah we decapitated it so we got a hook and the head awesome right are these are these little steel bars as well oh that’s cool what’s that then is it just oh there you go we got another little coin all right tell you what let’s press

Onwards I’m Doling a little bit it’s fine so we got some more Mula here some more of this uh currency um where is it pointing me though like which direction like it it is saying go down here I imagine there’s more to this by the way

Like I imagine there is stuff up here oh yeah cuz there’s a house here tell you what let’s go do the house part first just before I forget so to get inside this house we do need to kill this skeleton Wanderer now here’s what I’m thinking we open up the floor beneath

Them they fall down all right we survive and then we get to loot whatever’s inside bear with me this might be awful there we go hell yes I am an actual Terraria genius it’s okay all right feel free to bow in my presence um says the man who couldn’t read some

Of the words a minute ago don’t worry about it so this is like this is quite a nice little structure got some more uh steel alloy we’ll use those for uh know some weapons or maybe some armor there’s a little house here there is an actual little structure let me take this is

This anything oh okay all right there is stuff to this oh so there’s the chest I almost missed it I was like surely there’s a a chest here I really like the the Sprites in the mods I feel like the chests look quite cool um so it’s the bearded Hatchet 11 melee damage

Um yeah no that was brand new weapon really cool uh elderwood it’s got some more coins battle potions silver coins all right we are running out of space it’s fine tell you what thin the vanilla stuff nobody needs it all right nobody needs it let me take this as well thank

You ah okay I think that we have actually found the thing we were looking for so we’ll uh we’ll go down together uh I’ll grab these uh topaz first it is so weird playing modded Terraria not clicking down and just having all the or just be like absolutely eviscerated it’s

So strange but it’s humbling in a nice way like I say it sets the tone for what I’m trying to achieve so let’s go down then what is that I’ve got no chance I’m struggling as it is with regular skeletons I feel like I’ve come I’ve

Come to all of this a little bit too early it is fancy though isn’t it like look at these statues all right now I can see why they were boasting about their tile count look at that that’s easy going to be 10 tiles right there and this one maybe that’s for you know

We’re talking on a scale real quick I think what I’m going to do before we jump into this I’ve got to go back I’ve got to go sort out this inventory it’s not looking good what if we actually get something that might potentially be decent and I’m just like throwing it

Away all right so having a little look at some of the recipes for this grav steel alloy we can make a noble Halbert um 35 melee damage could be pretty cool right click to frost it um there’s a Warhammer this seems pretty cool deals quadruple damage to guard points uh

There’s a pickaxe there’s a battle axe I think I’m going to make see this is 10 and this is 18 I think we make this I think we make this and then we’re a lot stronger all right and then it justifies even making it to begin with I think

This is good that being said though I really did want to make the pickaxe because we’re mining so incredibly slow um tell you what oh wait Gold’s better yeah let’s make gold all right there we go cool um so it’s blooding right now just not perfect but I’m going to wait

It out a little bit and then we’re going to go back down into the uh into the caves ooh look at this place look how fancy it is look at this Mount of dirt this is so cool so there’s a a chest here it’s quite dark and I can’t

Place a torch that’s all right right you lot all right use your imagination don’t even worry about it I’ll be a great audio description here we are inside of a modded structure in Terraria the tiles are just beautiful just picture how beautiful these tiles are

Oh is it a music box is that what’s happening here I think it is I’ll be quiet for one moment and let the audio description work its magic all right enjoy enjoy the music all right that’s enough music that’s all you’ve earned pal you haven’t even liked the video yet I can already

Sense it maybe if you’d already liked the video by now and maybe if you were new if you’d already subscribed maybe just then I would let you listen to more all right all right I can see you I’ve see you’ve done it now very much appreciated yeah so we’re definitely

Where we’re meant to be um but still no more music for you okay I’m going to WR click and we pick up the cursed gem material a gem or an ie okay uh so what does it make then this is so interesting interesting yeah all right

Um I’m figuring out I’m stalling cuz I’m like trying to figure out if I meant to do out Chalice of alignment tells you your current alignment center Cent Christ a sentient treasure cursed to judge those who wield it so it’s made out of the Chalice fragments and the

Cursed gem okay let’s make it Chalice of alignment whoa greetings I am the Chalice of alignment and I judge the actions do you wish for an explanation of alignment hell yeah I do I want to know certain actions will align you with good or evil forces fighting evil or

Helping those in need set you along the righteous path with unique items and quests assisting evil or slaying its opposition set you along a path of abominable acts and forbidden power battles and available materials uh will be altered by your path what this is cool those may take you more seriously some less

So I hope me killing those chickens didn’t me out some actions can be redeemed restoring your lost alignment um the path you choose is up to you wow okay all right well this mod just got 10 times cooler so cool wow that’s really cool

And I know I’m saying it a lot but it is that’s actually sick here we go all right um so did that stick around on me is it like a UI element you feel like you’re being watched no I think that’s it I think um I think

We did it everyone what what path are we choosing I say we choose the path of good how sick is this though because now we have a justification to come back once again and see you know what it’s like to be evil I might end up being evil unintentionally I don’t know what

Really sets you on the righteous path I have killed multiple chickens at this point already also we got the hilt to the uh to the sword all right very cool so we’ll go back then we’ll mine these diamonds I’ll take these thank you thank you for bestowing upon me a

Real treasure so for example with this here this forbidden ritual are we meant to do that now are we meant to I guess we find out tomorrow okay uh let’s dump it all away then what was I going to do oh yeah I was going to make the sword uh

So putting these two together the Elder wood no wait that’s wrong that’s not right what did I need to craft the sword it’s probably something right uh repaired by the Fallen oh yeah that’s it so maybe we build a couple more houses at the start tomorrow maybe

That’s what we’ll do oh it’s up here alignment zero you are truly neutral that is so cool right so that’s going to do it for today’s video thank you so much for watching uh I’ll be back tomorrow tomorrow so um get your notifications on and uh subscribe if you

Haven’t already if you could help out the channel by just I don’t know writing chicken that goes a long way right see you all tomorrow everyone peace

In today’s video we’ll be taking another look at the Mod of Redemption for Terraria 1.4.4

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  1. No worries about infernum Chippy, I had a lot of trouble with DoG (~80-90 deaths over 6 hours of trying different setups.) I had fun, but it got quite draining after about 40 tries. Luckily, the rest weren't too bad. Anyway, loving the new series.

  2. Chippy the chalice is a UI element in your inventory next to achievements. The chalice will tell you if something is good or bad. You can put an item that says “the chalice has something to say about this item” onto it and it will tell you.

  3. Id like to see 2 playthroughs one where you choose the good path and one where you choose the bad to see everything it can offer,i sadly cant play the mod myself so id love to watch it

  4. 'its february, its england, theres nothing going on here'. James, i have never heard any words stringed together in a sentence wiser than that. I feel you. Dont give the gym up, huge respect!

  5. its a bit strange… i discovered the couch a year before covid (wow i can't even believe i'm saying that) and i wasn't that in tune with the community. now watching MOR season 2 makes me feel like an old vet of the community.

  6. Great video as always Chippy! I want to follow along with the videos on my own world, but I couldn’t find the mods you were using. Would you mind scrolling through them at the start of one of the episodes or putting them in the description?

  7. 22:20 I know that you had no hand in making this mod, Chippy, and made no claim about what sentient means, but sentience is not the same as sapience. Sentience is the ability to experience your environment (senses), feel pain, and feel emotions. SAPIENCE is the having human-level intellect. Personally, I blame George Lucas for failing to understand the word and spreading that misinformation to the world.

  8. I’m so overjoyed to have this series to look forward to daily! Seeing Chippy so joyful to be playing this mod totally takes me back to the original playthrough! Loving the return of casual life conversations and super excited to see where the series goes!

  9. i think the perk of mista Newb is like for builders so they can get infinite dirt to scaffold with or just for regular players using it as scaffolding/filler blocks

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