Minecraft, But I Can Upgrade Myself

This is my biggest hater and he’s stolen my body why does everything look so big what’s going on I’m a single Pixel I’m tiny where’s my beautiful face gown bro and look I only have a single inventory slot and one heart bro I’m literally a weakling as a pixel wait hey guys it’s

Your favorite YouTuber e that’s my name but that that’s not me that must be the hater no no no guys don’t believe him don’t believe him why is he pretending to be me because my hater is jealous of me now that he controls my body he wants

To upgrade it to become more popular and impress my fans no I can’t let the haters steal you guys I mean I love you all I need to stop him but how I’m just a useless pixel what is that it looks just like me but a stick figure version

The hater must have created it when he was trying to upgrade me we can use that and get out of this body haa you’re stuck is a pixel forever nobody will remember you is that what he really wants to replace the real me so I’m forgotten forever I need that upgrade I

Need it I need it what does he mean that you’re stuck as a pixel forever he’s literally got it right there is he wait as a pixel I can’t break any blocks I can’t get it out of the item frame I’m too weak are you serious right now I

Can’t get it someone just shot at me run wait what wait guys this might actually be an advantage we get the skeleton to shoot at the item frame the stick figure will drop out oh this is too big brain hey yo bone man come around the front

You want to shoot I’ll give you something to shoot at hey he shot it he shot it we got it we got the stickman oh look at that we are now a regular two block player I can finally move around normally you see every time I upgrade myself I get stronger powers

And abilities which I can use to defeat my hater hey yo I’m literally like all of those animations bro this is so dope I mean I’m still not back to normal but at least I can move probably ow ow wait I didn’t die cuz I’ve got more Health oh

But still not a lot we need to get out of here run run run run run wait what what just happened guys how did I end up there’s a trap here all along wait who’s that no no no no no no no that’s not me

I I this is the real ey hater he just changed my name this is the hater who’s impers me he’s tra me here let me out oh no no how did you get the upgr yeah cuz I’m bigger brain than you fakey doesn’t matter this time I’m killing you and

Replacing you forever no no no I can’t let the hater replace me I need to defeat him wait he just activated dispenses we’re going to die we’re going to die wait look there are these one pixel gaps in the wall where one pixel do you think we can fit through do you

Think we can fit through please the lava we made it out wait what is this room we need to escape out of here and steal our body back go go go the exit is blocked by a block as well but that’s okay we can just slip through here UND detected here we

Go he hasn’t seen us at all this is too good you know what why don’t we use his own trap against him no death message hey uh the real ey hater why don’t you uh turn around see you later boy guess who who the real ey is now baby take

That and we got my real ey stream bag oh yeah give me my body thank goodness I’m back to normal you think you can defeat me that easily wait I’ve already cloned your body and now I’m going to upgrade them and kill you wait how how is he watching me and where even

Is he unless that was one of the Clones that wasn’t the real him he’s still out there how and where even is he wait guys look at my inventory what is this ey decks and ey stream up this is a map wait guys look there’s a monument and a

Laboratory okay I did not have either of these locations marked on my any of my maps unless this was his map that the Clone had on his body could the hater be at one of these locations I guess the only way we’ll find out just head in that direction maybe whatever this thing

Is could help us I mean it’s the only other item we have hold up guys that’s me currently this is the previous me ey Stickman and then the pixel but then there’s all of this free space here this must be all of the other upgrades which have to be hidden inside of that

Monument but how is that going to help us if I switch back wait a minute when I turn to Stickman I just got a new item a pallet an easel and an empty canvas what are these hold up I I don’t I’ve not seen these before is it because I’m a

Drawing I can switch between different upgrades and then I can get unique items and abilities hold up and it says draw something it will come to life oh I have the perfect idea I have the perfect idea wait hold up I want to be able to see

Let’s make it a little bit transparent here we’ve got our little glass on the front here and then of course we need a little like stick thing to breathe through okay I know my drawing is not the greatest but hopefully it can figure it out if we go scuba sign

Close y that’s awesome that can help us swim we chucked that on and now we’ve got infinite water breathing oh we are going down but but I just noticed my palette look at it it’s gone slightly down in durability so the scuba Mas took away ink from the drawer item which

Means I only have limited uses so from now on draw item is only for emergencies which means I need to find another way to get past all the G cuz I might be able to breathe forever but those things will fry me in an instant wait I have an

Idea I have an idea they won’t be able to hit me if I’m a pixel again and now I’ve got the scuba Mas gone oh yeah yeah yeah try and hit me Guardian you won’t be able to hit me I’m too small come on

Come on try and Fry me wait hold up guys are you seeing that what how are we going to get past that that is insane wait a minute I don’t have to worry about getting crushed by these moving things if I’m a wait a minute I grab the

Ey deex put it in my slot I can become 2D again and then I can just slip through the sides oh yes oh yes come on come on come on through the side oh my gosh if I had been a normal size I would have just been crushed right about there

All right next wall here oh my these are moving so quick here goes nothing slid through oh yeah oh wait there’s a guardian there’s a guardian here I’m no longer a pixel we got to be careful okay come on come on we can do this we can do

This let’s go baby slip through the crack here we go I just can’t believe the hater built all of this unless he was trying to protect some seriously overpowered upgrades and we need to find them let’s see what’s in this room wait there’s my next upgrade oh and an Al the

Guardian and an Al the guardian and an Al the guardian run run run run run what are we going to do what are we going to do okay we’re just going to have to try and punch him and then run again oh this

Is going to hurt ow ow ow ow get out get out of the room oh I just said we weren’t going to use the draw item but this is the only shot we got we need to be quick we need to be quick we need

Like some sort of giant hole to suck him up I mean we’re in the ocean right it’s just like a drain in the bathtub it’s just like a drain in the bath toop okay I know I sound crazy right now but imagine this is our Elder Guardian okay

And he has like his little orange eye right and then his tentacles like this is a really bad drawing oh I really hope it understands what I’m trying to do here and then we need a giant sinkhole all right into the ground like a big

Drain to suck up all the water our water here and put that all over the top all right come on please please please understand what I’m trying to say here one sinkhole signing close did that work I got trapped in this room but I can see what’s going on it’s raining everything

It’s being sucked up see you later the guardian boy he’s in the hole and there it is there’s my upgrade the ey wave is out but I’m trapped in his room oh my gosh oh my gosh now I have to dig through him finally we’re out and there it is

There it is my next upgrade baby the ey wave let’s chump it up and open up the ey decks equip it oh yo I look dope you know what else has the E wave the ey merch which you guys can get at e stream. store or down below bro I got I

Got like the upgrade in real life this is so dope but what does this do ice wall this is so cool I can literally defend myself from anything but that’s not the only thing it looks like this back wall open back to the opening of the ocean Monument which means I don’t

Think there’s anything left to do here and if there’s nothing left to do inside the ocean Monument all we need to do is head to the lab open up the map let’s see where do we need to go next all right up in that direction and there’s

The lab wait rewind is that my skin hey yo is that the hater oh you want to come confront me now I’m more powerful than you’ll ever be boy what’s that sound oh no no no no no why is his mouth bloody this can’t be this can’t be that

See my stream. the evil virus which imitates me how is here what’s going on turns out the hater used my body to create a virus and stop me from collecting upgrades or maybe this is just the hater trying to fool me plus I have superpowers now you’re going down

Boy that’s a lot of heart that’s a lot of heart ow ow that’s a lot of damage wa there’s another one of them there’s more there’s three of course surv it can replicate itself it can replicate itself and now it’s coming for me we need someone to hide close the lab’s close

Surely we can get there no no no no no they are caught on my tail that thing is too tanky there’s no chance we survive against him come come come come he literally did half my health in all my damage wait I can get in here but they’re going to reach me

Unless come on try and get through now boy wait they’re breaking the ice they’re breaking the ice they’re breaking the ice we need to move fast we need to move fast and there’s a scientist okay I don’t know who you work for but I need your upgrades wait are

These those arms right here give me give me give me those give me those give me my arms back what can I use them arm three incomplete item arm four incomplete item what do you mean I can’t use these arms yet bro this is a pay to

Win game these are my own arms y’all or does the scientist have the rest of my arms back here hold up a trade for E stream arms for forarms that must be my new upgrade but where am I going to get two more RS they’re there locked what

It’s just glass I’ll break it glass is supposed to be weak how is it unbreakable okay there must be a lever or a button or something around here Lab One what is this maybe we could use this somehow no I’m just being stupid right surely there’s another room down here

Lab two wait I think we got to somehow solve them in order to open up the glass I know it’s a stretch but there’s two Labs two arms what is this little blue panel I don’t know but I got to figure it out fast or those guys are getting in

Here hold up there’s a sign over there look at that okay I can just see the sign it says unlock arm this is what we need to do we need to solve this hold up I think I know what to do that represents the block and that thing

There so we need to build a path for ourselves we place that there okay and so if we come around and build that out like so we should be able to build ourselves apart that’s a dead end okay what am I even doing we’ll just jump around just what every time I jump

Off I just fall into the okay it’s okay we can build around the other way right oh I’ve got to build a puzzle here okay so there’s a wall there we need to create our own path going the other way this is so stressful y’all okay quick

Quick quick quick quick quick quick wait a minute that’s not going to work that’s not going to work because I run out of wall again destroy that block will that destroy the corner yes and then we can place one here and one here that should get us through that should get us

Through come on please oh yes unlock arm activated we got to go back there and get that thing oh no but what if they’ve broken through the glass already okay I don’t see them in here yet which is good okay we’re safe they haven’t made it through the iron door yet unlocked

Unlocked click that button give me the arm all right we got one more arm we need a fourth one lab two this has got to be how we figure it out got another chest here flint and steel and some iron ingots we use it what there’s the unlock

Arm button what is this I’ve been given a flint and steel and sheers okay I know that technically TNT doesn’t blow up obsidian but like what other choice do we have unless wait a minute I have an idea light this up it will launch me

Come on come on come on come on come on wa the platform literally just I don’t know what voodoo magic they’re testing out here on this lab but it’s certainly a Minecraft stuff that is wild okay and then there’s a pressure plate down there do you think we dro the iron ingots onto

That what will that do wait a minute it’s connected to another one of those platforms so if we activate that it should launch the platform up and then we got a parkour to it that sounds crazy sounds crazy but adjust might work all right we’ve activated it right oh my

Gosh look at that I get it I have to drop the item and then jump but now it’s already activated so hold up see it I see it reset room all right so then we light this one up jump on the platform this is crazy this is insane I don’t

Know how this works but they’re using some cursed obsidian all right we’re up here and drop the iron ingot and jump quick go yes we made it did we not activate it oh we did I was so worried we stuffed that up unlock arm yes baby we’re going back now

Give me my fourth arm baby oh yeah now he’ll trade with me sir scientist it’s time for E stream for our dude I’m looking B are those Nerf guns I just got on my arms that is crazy and we got the insanest longest sword and shield I’m overpowered I’m actually

Overpowered and hold up oh look at this you guys broke through the ice okay quick we’ll switch back to ey wave out we go oh you guys were waiting for me well I was waiting for you as well come on I got double the health hit

Me now oh yeah I can take that and you know what else take this with the sword baby yo check out the animation I’m literally swinging at him maybe we can use these Nerf guns how the I’m just mowing you guys down look at his health going down oh you you

Coming a little bit you want to come a little bit closer that’s okay let me swing this sword at you baby oh okay okay okay ready and W B oh we got one down but let’s do it you want to come near me let’s hit you with

The Nerf bullets we got two down now it’s just for Big Man e stream. exe your clones aren’t helping you now boy three hearts three hearts hit him with the N bullets see you later e stream. exu you thought you could beat me no I’m the Microsoft Windows F worldall Defender

Software a long way of saying I’ve got the E stream. exe morph I cannot wait to see what this gives me chop chop chop chop chop greater lock let’s turn into e stream. exe look at how funny I look with a snorkel on me that is too good

Which unlock spectral eyes and maybe I can use this to hack things myself after all it’s a virus and spectral spectral arrows allow you to see through walls I think I just got x-ray hacks H now that’s what we love what is that what happened to those blocks they just

Disappeared they turn into void they just like at up all of these blocks oh they’re linked to the items I just got let’s try and use spectral eyes here no what wait guys look there’s a player and that player is running I think that’s the hater now that I have the more

Powerful upgrades we got forearms we can take him down he’s so far away he’s tiny how do we get to him fast enough unless I think that’s a ravager that’s a ravager oh wait I have an idea hold up can we hack into this oh I just became

The ravager dude and I can literally see my own body there what in the world is going on there quick we need to use our spectral eyes to see where this thing is he’s up there he’s up there follow him we’re taking that hater down come here

Boy you think a bit of void’s going to scare me that is not the hater what is that what it just disappeared what was that what was that that was like it was made out of void whatever it was it just wait wait it’s back there experiment

Failed why does it say experiment failed do the hater try and turn into this and something went wrong why is it laughing like that what is that thing it’s a it’s a void man wait what I’m in the void I’m in the void it just turned me into void

No no no no I’m dying I’m dying w Wait I’m back in my own body oh this is getting really confusing for me I was controlling it so I didn’t actually die it was just the ravager’s body that died but what do I do now I should fight the

Void do we call it that I don’t know but I mean I can’t just travel on land otherwise it’s going to teleport me into the void maybe wait I could just hack another flying mob and then I can fly over it to it there’s got to be one

Inside this lab but just as I was about to leave go before the enti entire world is consumed by void we do not have much time whatsoever you immortal what’s that boss bar at the top of the screen it’s me the void is one of my minions bro

Looks huge now it’s okay we can use our hacking ability that’s not doing anything it’s not doing anything he’s coming for me he’s running towards me that is huge that is huge okay we need more Hearts which means we need to switch into ey forearms come on come on

Come on come on come on quick bang all right let’s hit him with the m bullet what he just did all my hearts he did all my hearts and I hit him and look at his boss bar it didn’t even go down this isn’t going to work this isn’t going to

Work we need to get into that lab now go ice Wall Ice wall where did he go oh he’s right there he’s right there quick quick all right that should buy us a little bit of time where do we go airplane landing air plane landing I

Have an idea I have an idea I know it’s crazy but if there’s a plane maybe we can use it somehow you can run but you can’t hide yes I can I will run okay come on please please please hack the plane hack the plane it’s not working

It’s because it’s blocks isn’t it I overthought myself wait bro I just turned into a cooking plane and now I can fly oh yeah I’m escaping from you now e model see you later baby wait there’s the void again there’s the void he’s literally destroyed half the world what in the

World what is he doing up here I don’t know but clearly he is going oh my oh guys it’s all rendering it’s all rendering if we fall and if we even touch one of those voids we’re going to be falling out through anything okay we

Need to take out his minion first if we stand any chance against taking down ey Immortal here we go opening up switching to ey forarm guys guys I’m trying to hit him with the bullets they’re just going straight through him they’re going straight through him they’re doing

Nothing okay that’s okay we’ll hit him with the nether run sword can we’re going through ow ow that hurt that hurt okay it takes a long time for him to charge hit him with the sword it just went through him I can’t I can’t do

Anything what is that what is that no no no no no no no no no no no ow holy mother of guys I don’t understand my short my sword my Nerf bullets they’re all going through him wait because he is the voy go through him he’s not a real

Thing I have an idea I have an idea I know it’s crazy it’ll bring down my health it’ll bring down my health but I don’t have much time to do this all right quick grab out the pallet grab out the pallet go go go go go no easel easel

Why do I have so few Hearts I’ve only got three hearts I’ve only three hearts okay quick quick quick quick we don’t have much time to do this grab our canvas put it down if we don’t figure out how to defeat this thing soon we’re going to lose our drawing abilities and

Then we’re really really screwed because clearly nothing else was working all right here’s void man this is better work there’s his body figure out what that is and then imagine void is sucking him up all right it’s consuming himself please please please void yes did that

Work what’s going on did he get sucked up we did it we did it yes from nothing thou were Bor and to nothing Thou shalt return that’s the void upgrade once we have that we should be able to take down the hater once and for all baby give it

To me oh no oh no it’s see y more ow ow ow ow no no no no no no no we won’t be able to get the item now with him chasing us no no this time I’ll make sure you die this is bad we couldn’t get

It we couldn’t get it what do we do what do we do what do we do wait a minute I have an idea this is the hater this is his final form he can’t hit us cuz he’s I mean he’s huge right but he won’t be

Able to hit us if we’re small all right here goes nothing we’re going to have to do this really quick quick pixel pixel oh yeah you can’t see me now look at him you can’t even see me it’s just s there oh you try punch me try and punch me now

Boy he’s so confused all right this is perfect now that he’s confused let’s come in swipe the void all right we got it we got it we got to switches it out of my inventory he’s chasing me quick quick quick quick grab the void grab it

In oh look at it wait proo trying to why am I even running Pro’s trying to punch me he can’t get me my hit box is too small Lo take the L boy all right let’s eat up the void here oh that made me the void wait what’s going on what’s going

On I’m sucking up everything I’m sucking up everything what’s happening no no no no no no I’m meaning it I’m turning into a black hole I’m turning into a black hole I can’t see anything I can’t see anything I’m bringing him down with me what’s going on

Minecraft If I Can LEVEL UP Using POWERS and ABILITIES! Will we DEFEATED The Haters?!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Ey please go back to the prime of your channel the scary survival series it was awesome and I need to know what happens after you got attacked by the scientist and test Steve please I have been subscribed for as long as I have been watching YouTube and you where my childhood. Please stop with the content farming

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