We Caught Minecraft’s Scariest Myths…

We are trying to capture the scariest Minecraft myth with small sightings on Minecraft worlds there’s a hundred of different scary things we might find but will we find the truth or will we die trying okay I don’t know what’s haunting this seed but if you check over there

There’s a village with not a single villager okay is that is that s or am I just going crazy no there there could be one or that’s super what about up on that you see that one up on the top of the CLI oh I fell okay listen there is

Not a single villager here and what the worst thing is the louder we are the scary this will get so try to be quiet or from what I’ve heard cuz there’s something lurking in the seed what happens if we make too much noise I but

I don’t know we’ll find out just try to be kind of quiet but Look my bad I I dropped something pppa what is wrong with you what is actually wrong are you doing okay there is nothing this is like it’s a deserted village is that chest oh okay we’ got food one baby villager wait where where where’s the baby oh no there is a villager

What’ you found more villagers villagers not just that look wait a spawner and wait have you guys not realized the villagers are not going for the Z for the uh the zombies are not going for the villagers yeah wait why that’s so weird yo I’m kind of going to leave we need we

Need tools so I’m going to kind of break down any sort of tree we see or I’m taking apart this Farm I think whatever is watching us isn’t happy at all but wait guys there’s no protector of this Village there’s not an iron golem that I

See wait yeah what killed the Golem what did Kill the Golem that’s kind of weird all right I got some food now I am ready yeah I’m doing the same thing we have enough food to actually find out and I have a wood sword just so I can kind of

See wao look how they’re moving wait how how wait what the wait I swear I just saw particle effects did how is he up there wait guys this is completely vanilla so how are they doing that I don’t know I swear how did he how did he

Go up there that makes no sense and over here it just looks completely normal I don’t oh no this is a normal at all guys what’s going on I think we might I might have uncovered something I’m not really too sure this is kind of ominous and I

Don’t know how deep this goes wait what why is this in here I’m going grab some water there’s only one thing to do and uh yeah see you guys wait what I need to find out what’s down here ah you punched me what is this oh my yo I don’t know

About this okay just be very slow and quiet cuz I feel like o being loud has created whatever this is what’s inside here this it looks like some sort of torture chamber wait Steve what did they do to you bro oh my yo what what is this actually looks like a torture chamber

What were they torturing in here is this a wait this look looks like a coffin who’s got tools I I got I got a pickaxe I got a pickaxe okay mine mine maybe we can find something no it’s empty that’s not good what was in the coffin I wish I

Kind of knew I can’t lie I wish I knew is there an empty cage up here too wait look yeah there’s a cage up here that has nothing in it and there’s a hole in it like something escaped oh no oh guys be very quiet cuz I don’t know what’s

Going to happen there’s a door over here I don’t know if I want to open it uh hello Peppa no you go first Peppa you go first go for it just just a little bit hello oh it’s actually a really comfortable looking bed oh it’s it’s literally just

The bedroom for who though wait a second for who who’s been living down here torturing people in the opposite room maybe that’s why we didn’t see any villagers that would make the most sense exped on but by what all I’m going to say is if if someone gets taken on his

Pepper I’m not going to lay him back into the group I agree yeah okay so stay stay stay right with us Peppa wait is this supposed to be blood yeah I’m not liking this whole blood red torches Redstone torches Vibes I’ll be honest I don’t want to be the first person to go

Down but to see that you guys are pepper pepper pepper yo what did we just tell him no he’s trolling us he’s trolling us where did he go oh okay I was like where did he go funny guy are we sure we want to be down here a lot wait is there

Anything behind Pain oh there’s a pig a pig doing and a zombie hello Mr Pig that’s all that is here why is a pig down here how did he get down here whoa oh wait what the you just saw him like TP not just TP I

Thought he hit you no he did and why are there like cows inside here wait there’s more zombies too other rooms other cages what kind of ritual place is this okay someone kind of mine in yo what’s attacking me wait the animals are going after what is this what yo

Wait what did I get attacked by we save them and they do this to us no all of you must die wait a second no no no Peppa I don’t think they were attacking no more what just happened what is this room wait I don’t know what Kip’s in but

I want to investigate this I know it might be ominous but we don’t have many torches so I’m going to be taking these hi buddy hello what’s wrong with you they get like really fast pe wo wo wo wo oh wo wo kill swear no no no he’s fine

What is going on over here wait why do they just suddenly stop attacking you it just looks completely natural now oh the wait wait look he’s moving teleported what is happening what wait he’s like glitching out wait oh okay okay we saw that we caught that

Wa don’t get don’t fall in the hole jump across wait what is wrong with these slimes all right right there we go see all that was simple this skeleton doesn’t have a bow wait he doesn’t why does he not have a bow okay why is he

Acting like a zombie yo I don’t know what’s down here but this is starting to get a little bit too creepy even for me yeah I’m not liking this this bat is also freaking me out that’s flying around die has anyone been inside this

Room cuz is at the end of a long hallway like a oh kly why are you being so loud I didn’t do anything I’m sorry I just wanted to look in the room a little bit you know what is this wait why is it in a circle it looks like some sort of

Alter alter for what I don’t know but there’s a lot of red and a lot of blood this could actually be for the blood moon oh yeah there’s like a chain hanging down what’s supposed to be on the Chain I I wish I knew hope not us

Yeah pepper get on there buddy yeah I’m going to kind of leave you guys to see that first of all I don’t know why there’s red slime that why is there villagers caged in wait what who was caging the villagers these guys wait is that the

Guy from up top no these guys are wearing red look why are they wearing red I don’t know if I’m going crazy but why are they staring at me are they he’s staring straight at me for some reason wait so is this one look he followed you

Wait why are they staring at me uh I’m going to kind of leave whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what his head just snapped I saw his head just snap onto me yeah maybe we get you out of this room I don’t think we should let you near these villagers whoo wo

Those are not zombies get out get out I got you I got you get out hop out what is that oh that was my bad I’m sorry yo they’re like half skeleton zombies there’s more up here hands the exit’s blocked fight him fight him fight him fight him they’re dead they’re

Dead there’s more up there the exit’s uh blocked by them okay guys what in the and all I’m hearing is slime all right I don’t know what we’ve uncovered here but if my hunch is correct I think we’re going to we’re in for a surprise

When we get back to the surface cuz it’s about to turn night wait they’re all coming from up there wait why why are they coming from up there are they trying to keep us down here get out of our way oh no not more slimes

That makes no sense oh we got them okay someone might have to go up and put water down I have a water bucket I can climb up there okay okay go go go go go I I’ll make sure that there’s nothing falling us oh pepper you got this but

Guys this only means one thing if my hunch is correct this has to do with the blood moon and potentially a blood witch what no this seed is blood um guys yeah it might be safer down here okay let let let me go to the surface you’ve placed the water it’s very

Red like a blood move yeah it’s like right above us too wait wait no way oh look look up the ladder yeah my guys oh my wait oh I see it look at all these mobs oh that skeleton look at the skeleton but this one has a bow skeleton

Zombies it has a bow yeah this one has a bow I’m coming up there why is the moon red oh I fell wa no don’t fall get back up here I no I’m going to run I we need to investigate this a little bit more cuz isn’t this super weird yeah I don’t

Like this Village man this is cursed I don’t like these zombies it was just one night and it’s turned red no no no this only means one thing the blood moon was only the start these guys are trying to summon something are these the past V

Well I just saw four spawn at once wait what but yeah Qui they like are very interested in you all of them they’re you’re not even interested in me in Pepper yeah I why wao whoa whoa I I don’t know if I’ve been cursed or what oh but but sometimes

These guys are just instantly staring at me I have no idea there’s so many of them what is That Yo even the horses but then look you come close and they look away no no no you oh wait we can’t the yeah there’s a lot we got bigger

Problems here is it just me or do these zombies seem harder to kill this is ridiculous cuz it’s the blood Moon everything becomes stronger and why is it not moving it’s just stuck why is it stuck okay guys I don’t know about you but over soon there’s been a slight red

Tint it’s getting I guess more aggressive kly right beneath you there is a blood Golem oh my oh wait what there there wasn’t a single Golem before so how drenched in blood whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who these guys attack did he just hit you he hit me

Four times in once I’m going to I’m going to leave this area we need to find some sort of shelter cuz the blood moon is only getting dangerous it feels like it lasts forever so where is the nearest like cave let’s go inside a cave maybe

Uh yeah sure deep dark cave to hide in that sounds very I I’d rather be there than the blood moon whoa yo run run what is going on why are they acting so weird oh this is this is actually weird Okay slime no I’m going

To try to find a cave before it gets too crazy oh wo wao wo wo wo whoo whoo whoo wo who was screaming I TR to scream was that the Sheep wait there’s no way why is the Sheep doing that I just heard a scream

From a sheep I don’t want to be that sheep whoa he’s following me I’m running I’m running I’m running okay uh Peppa I don’t know where K’s gone and I think we’ve lost her oh K’s right behind us right here I’m just running oh you all right kbl I don’t

Know if you want to go inside this cave how is this huh a cave that looks like a face that is the most ominous thing I probably ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of things torches in there I see torches no there are torches and Redstone in

There okay Peppa don’t die Peppa do not die these slimes man there’s so many of them okay I’m going to kind of make my way in still night like the moon hasn’t moved at all wait really look yeah why is the moon not moving all right I don’t think anything

Follow us oh what is this what have we found like seriously what have we found yeah what are these like pillars it looks like a mine that’s already been here with people oh you’re right oh my gosh what the heck whoo wo Qui don’t let the slimes oh oh no oh

You’re down below oh I’m running I am running what is this get up here this looks like someone’s died guys this looks like some sort of mine are you guys safe over there no we almost died I can tell there’s a lot of mobs here but maybe these guys are workers you said

There was loot inside here yeah in the barrels like it’s they’ve been mining it or something yeah wait they have so many blocks that we can actually use to build at least k please stay up there there is a creeper right next to you and when did

This change the glass why is there glass up here this makes wait there’s glass oh wao what’ you do wao guys whenever I look at the glass it breaks oh that’s so weird yeah like you cracked it but that isn’t a thing and it’s yeah it’s normal

Glass what did you guys do you broke breaking mirrors is a bad Omen you know did you guys check what’s up here by the way uh I don’t think so is there I was just trying to stay chest wait uh villager Soul huh wait what what does that look like when I

Hold it it gives me poison oh oh yeah you’re taking some heavy damage man maybe that’s the reason villagers are disappearing it’s all for a ritual for who though and how many Souls do they need wait the the red tin’s gone it’s wait oh the blood Moon’s gone as soon as

I took the soul isn’t that kind of weird I guess we’re safe the mobs have become Norm the creeper is normal now and these cows oh this Pig’s not really attacking me no more oh pepper had beef I’m attacking yet Peppa what what are you doing that

Was evil that was pure evil I’m hungies oh I accidentally held it oh no oh no careful I wonder how loud we’re actually being to say how scary this is getting yeah I’m not sure about this well that lived up to whatever that was that was

Very creepy yeah know that cave is weird so what we found so far we found a dungeon inside a village where experiments were been taken about villagers now we found this cave that showed that potential V villagers were Mining and we have a villager Soul basically villagers are being exploited

Left and right okay New Village in the desert and there’s actually villagers this time which is a good sign right oh yes they have been taken I even see a little cat I see Iron Golem which is good news and chilling is that cat black that only spawns around witches Hood

Though yeah this is definitely not a swamp I I don’t know about that guys there’s a literally a temple wait there’s a desert temple in here what wait oh there’s a Temple we right here potentially careful oh okay nice job good job no’s down there oh emeralds emeralds

Golden apple and just sand to build back up with take all the TNT you can also I need food I got I got you all of my animal slang is coming in handy let’s go we’ve got food we rich a maybe that was a little too loud you know this the

Seed’s getting very very creepy do you want some steak too no okay yes actually what the heck yo W wo wo you no no no no no no no I saw that sir and why is it eerily silent like we hear like there’s Ms here but we

Don’t hear anything or desert well not much about them they don’t do anything do they no it’s kind of useless we have bad look right now we have really bad luck so I did hope if you throw something in a well it gives you good look and lucky for you guys I have

T that’s one Peppa for me please release all the curses we have on our you didn’t release any curse you just put a curse on us basically what is this how is that thing how was I supposed to know we’ve been kissed from the start n not we maybe it’s just been

You they’ve been staring at you all right you you’ve got a lot of weird going on maybe they like your hoodie don’t punch me why did you guys got to get rid of the problem oh oh he survived I wasn’t planning on that he’s cursed don’t oh maybe they want the soul Qui

You all right yeah Co down guys he wait a minute iron door clutch okay your door almost killed me I was going to water buget not sorry sorry sorry you got to be more prepared for the iron door clutch okay first of all what is this this looks

Like a creeper’s face yeah why is a creeper’s face here chest it’s like a library it’s empty cursed Library anything going on here there’s no there’s no loot but it it almost looks like a stronghold but weird I’m getting all these books red red candles Blood on the floor I don’t

Think that does much you know not for us it definitely doesn’t do much okay there’s nothing behind the stairs no I’m just being very cautious and oh we could go left or right oh there’s a lot of okay there’s a door here it goes this way there’s another door oh okay this

Looks empty there’s another door wait really how many doors are in this there’s a lot going on here did we actually find a giant just maze wait that must mean we’re on to something maybe we could potentially find another villager Soul or whatever it is that causes the blood moon oh we

SE wa that causes noise doesn’t it I didn’t think that went through I just found another ritual area so it is a very the it’s the same thing there must be something in here I don’t know man I don’t like just leaving this here oh pepper do not light it pepper pepper we

Got to blow it up OB obviously like this is super cursed oh that was Peppa That was Peppa no no no no no it was not you guys said don’t be loud they said we’ll just set off an explosion why does this early remind me of like a

Witch a witch’s Lab look there’s this one bring stand in the middle of everything yeah it’s almost like they’re trying to summon a witch you’re all right quiff is that you what wait you’re right here what is going on bro bro what do you mean wait quiff I was

Telling you they were looking at me they were all staring at me this makes no sense for a dungeon this is really quiet right I mean does it go deeper there’s more rooms I guess it’s a good thing it’s quiet there’s another bedroom in here another bedroom it leads even

Deeper what if we find more creepy quiffs lots of hallways yeah this just feels endless hello barred off wait this just is this a dead end it’s like a wait I feel like I’ve just come in a circle so that’s what I was just about to say what is

This oh wait this is the exact same room I got soul falling potion which I think might come in handy wait where did pepper go pepper I don’t know where he is or where he could have gone he was with us inside that room I’m pretty sure

He was with us yeah I don’t know Peppa always does this always does this weird how there’s no mobs then what’s watching us yeah what kind of dungeon is this Peppa you guys all right what in the come down here I’m scared there’s a lot going on

How are you in here when this isn’t been broken uh I don’t know ah help open it open it open oh what is Yo he’s going to get us killed I’m blocking this I’m blocking him back up I don’t have all my weapons are broke oh my oh they’re dropping from the ceiling

Oh my I almost died here get in here get in here is this let just kind of get them one at a time there’s a blood goat in there wait let the goat out let the goat out don’t kill the goat kill kill his bodyguards then oh wait wait do not kill

The goat I don’t oh oh well the the blood goat died oh guys oh there’s another one I found a blood soul where did he come from oh the goat ran away blood soul yeah wait there’s another Blood goat he summons mobs the blood goat summons mobs

Kill him kill him kill him wait what and you yelled at me when I killed him magician how get him where’d he go he’s dead okay good kill the moms kill the moms oh my weapon broke help me oh we kind of need to leave this area ASAP I’m

Going to make a sword and an axe I somewhere picked this up where did I pick that up what is it it’s a Wither Rose oh okay that’s very ominous uh I’m going to give that back to you you know I don’t think I want to be here because

I’m seeing a blood goat blood sheep blood zombies a blood version of me what else is that I’m telling you man you’re cursed I told you it’s your fault this was a normal seed this is this is normal it’s just oh wait what does the soul look like no not more

Slimes wait red slimes meaning oh guys it might be another Blood Moon no no no the last one lasted so long which way is outside I we need to leave this area how are we supposed to follow you I don’t know hold on I had Escape ladders worst

I’m out okay we’re good oh Escape ladders yep okay guys this is dangerous Opia oh no the hord again I’m running I’m running into the village I’m running into the village there’s a there’s a blood Golem and what is that I’m getting attacked why are there so many I need to

I need I need to build up I need to build up you’re getting shot this is where are you guys I don’t see you have you seen the villagers yes I’ve Where’s Peppa I don’t know what is this every single one of them is staring at me

Right now Stu nodding at you what this you them we’re even in the far distance yo Peppa run the villagers are after him yo he’s getting and now they’ve stopped as soon as we still looking and they’re heading back to their Village they don’t even care about the zombies look at them

They’re just walking right past are we able to sleep this I don’t think we can sleep this night way we need to run Peppa most likely might be dead Okay Peppa’s leading them all the way kiple just run out uh that seems easier said than done there’s a lot of them I’m

Leaving it’s turning to morning oh yeah the moon’s going down the moon’s going down wa I just have to wait it out then right yeah why did it not move last time it’s cuz we’re taking the Villager Soul it’s cuz we’re taking the power oh they’re burning they’re burning that was

Smart the villagers have returned back to normal can we trust them though on the bright side we have a villager Outpost right here ooh pillagers on the bright side these guys are mean no but it’s the most normal thing we know of okay that’s true uh should we free the

LA I don’t have an axe anymore we could do ooh I’ve turned into a monster o downstairs over here did the Piller Outpost always have a downstairs uh basement maybe oh they’re spw now oh wait a second I don’t think this is normal oh uh what kind of lab wait what is this

Yeah we can’t trust these guys take them out we have two Souls so realistically if you think about it we saw an alter and each one had uh Four Points meaning there must be four souls is there anything up above well yeah we might be

Able to find more souls no this is just a iron and a horn yeah this is a normal Pillager up here wao this LA’s head snapped onto me this is just starting to be weirder and weirder he’s chasing me kill him we need to get away from these

Guys yo did you guys notice that one weird piece of uh terra cotta down here uh no let me okay where down here yeah down in this area wait oh you’re so right and it’s right in the middle should we break it I mean hello oh my

Guys Peppa nice idea to jump down thank you so much I mean at least we’re getting closer to solving the mystery right I think I think we’re a bit too close right now actually all right well fine I’m just going to go this way no this seems very

Evil we shouldn’t split up guys I’m stayed with you I don’t see any normal mobs only blood mobs yeah not a single normal mob what where even are we what is this stuff hanging down from the ceiling bad idea Peppa says bad idea uh

I told him it wasn’t good to split up oh oh no no no no no we need to I’m on my way back pepper forever what if we just lost him Pepper’s 100% there help me there’s so much blood yeah this is dangerous there’s got to be a soul down

Here there’s no way there must be a Viller because it led from where the villagers were held captive there’s got to be some something down here whether it’s a that’s a blood creeper okay wa oh my oh another villager soul I knew it I knew there was going to be one down here

Okay I I see some sort of moon blood is that an exit before the fake quiff kills us get out of here okay guys I don’t want to break anything but I don’t think it ends I think it’s just it’s endless well there’s got to be an end where did

We where did we spawn where did we drop in from oh Darkness guys I don’t know how much longer I can survive here it’s very dark wait oh we’re here what happened wait we just walked out how Oh The Blood Moon is in full force right now wait

Yeah we’re in the swamp Okay yeah let’s just uh guys this is this is not a normal witches hut yeah this is not a normal witches H at all block it off block it off so they can’t get in oh that’s what good call do we camp out

Here I don’t know if we want to stay in the witch’s home if they’re like doing all this I don’t know if we should stay in her home did oh huh I don’t want to alom you but Peppa no you UNS snuck you pushed me you’re dramatic you I have

Slow fall what is this okay guys I think we found the cause of the blood moon whatever this is is the cause what is this room what is there something under a witch’s Hut this isn’t normal but it’s normal for this seed wait so there’s Bedrock here okay

Wait this might be some sort of puzzle are we supposed to place something here do it wait do we each stand on one what do we only three of us okay I think we might need to trap a mob on here wait I have an idea if I put a villager Soul

There and a villager Soul right there does it do anything oh the lights are on wait there’s two lights on now wait really yeah and then do I just stand on this one oh I’m I’m getting attacked oh wo wo wo wo I stood on

It the lights are on and oh you that it did more than turn the lights on what is this okay scary just know there’s no going back now there is no going back torch up I’m drinking slow falling I’m drinking my drink water eat up stay hydrated I have

Everything ready guys um who is that I think we know the the blood WT sheot stop at me I’m dodging yo y fight it fight fight this is who okay yo yo wait this is got win this is very dangerous we should have come very stacked have anything man I got bre she

Someone a normal witch and what is that guys we might die here I don’t okay wait I’m going to try and take out some of the Slime oh it can hit me up here and you guys called me crazy for bringing the TNT yeah TNT TNT TNT got TNT oh

Jeez kly Peppa’s gone and his items have been blown up we were underprepared I didn’t think the witch would be this strong I thought we were just saving villagers oh wa she’s I’m trying to defend you I’m doing damage whoa whoa whoo wo they’re both AR on me yeah yeah

Yeah she’s staring right at me oh my what the I’m dodging I’m dodging I’m dodging I need to leave oh oh oh no oh no no this is the end this is the end this is the end no

►We Caught Minecraft’s Scariest Myths…
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We Caught Minecraft’s Scariest Myths… If You Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary… If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


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