I Love The Exo Mechs! | Terraria: Calamity Melee Death Mode #55

In the previous episode we attempted to do the exomax and I mean attempted to actually like fight the exomax we couldn’t do it we just couldn’t do it because I hadn’t built the code breaker and it took uh over an hour to get as

Far as we did with it and we were at the final stage where we needed 5,000 of these stupid power cells I stand by this this not being a uh a good progression thing I’ll tell I’ll tell you why in a moment let’s go get this going I I’ve

Basically just anytime I’ve had a chance over the last couple nights I’ve just like left my game on for a few minutes um in order to get the the uh amount of things that we needed all right so while this goes I I had quite a few comments

People being like well it’s kind of on you for not doing it throughout the it’s like I guess but the this is an easy way to determine if something is good design or bad design and that is does it change the game playay does my game playay

Change if it were one power cell needed versus 5,000 no no it doesn’t it’s just a matter of time of time investment and because it is this weird time investment thing that doesn’t need to be there I stand by the fact that it is not a good

Design it is not a good way to gate it um for something that you ostensibly don’t even need to do to get to this far so either it needs to be more intrinsically tied to progress progression throughout you have to do it because then it is something that you’re

Actually physically having to do each stage of the game like you know being able to get each stage of the computer um in order to get it up and running which I will say is actually I think my least favorite way of doing it um I

Think it would be way better if you’re getting this stuff actually what what mod was it uh it wasn’t mod of redemption it might have been the stars above where they yeah they had like a quest system and you were like gaining rewards for completing certain tasks um

That that was in there and then there was another mod I think it might have been the spirit mod that kind of had something similar like a quest system um and I think that that would be a better way of getting this stuff so you can actually do the boss fight anyways we’re

Going to do the exox today um not very long though because I’m expecting this to take a while so this is kind of the start of The Saga of doing the Max and then I don’t anticipate I’ll kill it but in the next episode it’ll be the kill so

Whatever the next episode is it’ll be my my actual kill um but we’re going to be exploring it today so this allows us to make what now um it went away again interesting like for did I close it I must have closed it um so we have

The I had to have closed it and I just like absent mindedly did it um what do we need in order to make this is it the cuz we have the display right have we installed the display what did we need to crypt the L from Frozen cameras okay

So no we need to do the the L or the the advanced display right because we can’t do the oric oh maybe we can okay this is the final piece right it’s got to be let’s pop those in there I was trying to do dog to get the the yo-yo from him I

Killed him like 10 times still got no yo-yo it’s was just like I give up I ain’t got time for this you know what I mean uh can we just there we go filter all all right let’s head over here let me know in the comments what weapons you

Guys think are the best uh weapons for the exox had a few comments on the last video about it and I’m just kind of curious how his thoughts now um I did a little DPS test um and the the dragon rage is by far our highest like damage but you have

To be in melee for it right right so like if if I could stand there and attack like the big wormed guy yeah that’s probably going to be pretty good for him um everybody was saying that the dragon power is pretty good I just it

Was like half of the DPS of the other weapons I got it’s like significant and the uh atraxa I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce it the one I’m using now seems to be the highest just like single Target um so we’re going to try that let’s let’s go for it so

Contact oh that’s right we have the summon options here I have long I have awaited long for this moment your name fascinates me for I do not understand it you will face my Creations which have surpassed gods and now you will show me your disposition through battle now choose uh let’s just

Um let’s just start with wormy boy right one at a time here baby one at a time where is he there he is this seems like the correct weapon to to be using versus wormy though it’s a tough one cuz it’s melee but like this is what I was using

Versus dog and it was it rocking um I seem to not be doing as much damage as I’m expecting to I’m seeing a lot of ons and I wonder if that has something to do with hit being a worm boss and that I need to be hitting his

Face or something actually you know what I’m going to say that that is probably the case maybe not hard to tell this is definitely doing less right cuz it’s doing the 400 do I have to hit its butt is that the thing lots of laser beams lots of laser

Beams what about this one that’s doing a lot more okay maybe this weapon just in general rocks against uh oh my goodness oh my goodness all right we’re sticking with this weapon for now it is so loud though um no I did that wrong no run

Away did the Wormy boy come back yet I don’t remember oh there he is I I really want to oh crap I really want to get this guy down first trying to remember how this fight actually goes but this guy is definitely going to be

My next one to go notice how I use that that was uh remembering this boss fight been so much back my last play through it’s also really loud okay okay oh no messed that one up saw it coming didn’t know what to do with it here comes the next one and I

Died you know what not a bad first attempt I’m going to go out and say that not a bad first attempt this weapon is just way too loud though it’s just too loud why is that weapon so loud need to need to tone that uh tone

That down a little bit let’s let’s try the next one so we’re going to contact again and we’re going to summon the big guy in the sky and I’m going to try this weapon against him let see how that goes cuz like by far the the dragon po

Was the best one that we chose that was a couple weapons that I used versus the Wormy boy right so let’s try this one here this is doing about 20K let’s go this way away from that so you have to oh get away from the bomb get away from the

Bomb oh my goodness I got hit by that laser did not want to get hit by that laser the the the top down ones are hard either I’m going to have to use my normality relocator to get away from it or I just drop with the mount mount

Might be the better option but I got these platforms here this help get away from that please yeah that mount drop seems to be useful for that one I don’t know if this weapon is in particular the best one oh my goodness I just swapped the wrong weapon for this didn’t

I what if I go for the worm on this one okay goodness I got killed by the rocket I got to I got to practice oh hey bunch of bunch of stuff there I got to practice the eye guys um they’re they’re going to be the harder ones to figure out here it’s

Going to take a lot of attempts to figure out exactly which is the best weapon for each one too um maybe we try the nadir versus them let’s try I think it has a homing which is why I might enjoy this one more yeah almost got hit by that I think

I might have not too sure I just got to remember what the bomb looks like that was bad go and heal this isn’t doing as much DPS as I would like it to it’s only doing about 10K which I mean it’s not bad but let’s try

This one oh this one’s a lot harder to hit with though let’s let’s try let’s try this I missed I missed the uh the Parry man I’m I’m having a hard time with this particular weapon crap I got to figure out which is the best weapon there it’s obviously not any

Of our melee weapons right because the melee weapons I can’t I can’t get close enough so it’s not the melee weapons um let’s let’s try this Arc of the cosmos again cuz I mean it was when I was hitting it was doing like 20K so I think maybe we try

That but we actually like use the deflect you know oh my goodness I’m just like getting hit by everything those missiles must avoid now I think I think the easier weapon to use is just than the deer because of the Homing I guess very clearly the worst of

My weapons oh my goodness I’m having such a hard time getting through that I got to focus more on the Dodge actually Apollo’s a huge pain in the butt maybe what I do is I focus him I mean obviously their life is going down at the same time but it might make it

Easier if I’m flying toward him uh to to dodge you know so I think I’m think I’m going to try that let’s let’s see here or emis is that the one Apollo aremis let’s let’s assume it’s aremis yeah that’s that’s a little easier to dodge if I go toward him okay

So I then I don’t really care whom I’m I’m attacking as long as I’m able to dodge that and we got to get away from those okay got hit by that one man those little like missiles and stuff are so hard to see they really really

Are yeah mount mount drop is not going to help on that one too much like honestly just flying straight up would probably be the key okay um what do we go with this one maybe maybe we keep keep doing the ner or maybe I go the dragon pal on the Wormy

Boy I’m going to go this way now try to get away so far so good all right our our ey boys are back get away from that bomb oh my goodness that laser almost got me there didn’t it bounced off of the worm okay let’s get down crap I think I

Still got hit by it oh I forgot about this stage it gets really quick too oh I just walked right through it you know I don’t think we’re doing too P bad pad why did I say pad I don’t think we’re doing too bad um it does kind of feel

Like like I need to kill emis and Apollo first um because their damage is insane and I’m going to have the hardest time because the things get more and more complicated as they go but maybe maybe we try to focus this one down first initially and just kind of see

What we can do with it because if I can get this one out of the game it makes the other two easier for me currently just because all the freaking laser PS are insane so I’m going to try that I’m going to try this where

I’m I wonder if I could hit these with the dragon um spear thing that I got also maybe Dragon power is really good versus these guys actually I think it might be I never really tried it cuz it’s too loud oh my goodness I walked right into that didn’t

I no why did I stop keep it together Zen come on Dodge damn you there’s so many things to dodge okay now we’re now we’re back at this guy we’re going to go back this way now this is our turnaround moment keep going down TR to avoid all right got to go

Down again without hitting the boss we got to get back a little higher if I can all right this guy’s almost dead this guy’s almost dead I’m going to I’m going to loot back this way crap this is the the tough part that we were just at no no no don’t no

No okay he’s dead next oh no uh oh my goodness yeah yeah I really like this fight I like I I mean I like this fight more than I like Supreme calamitus it’s just chaotic for sure but it to me it’s more fun because there’s a lot more choices that you’re having to

Make in the fight like who do I kill first which one do I feel like is going to be the biggest problem at the end because they’re the that I need to kill first but right now I’m trying to learn the fight so it’s like which one is

Ensuing the most chaos well it’s the big uh what was his name uh Aries I I need to kill Aries first because like right now the chaos is just too much I need to chill it out a little bit so that way we can get through I need to get better at that

Giant laser beam phase I think what I did in the past was just took off running I think that’s what I did and with our giant like boost that we got you know I think we might be able to get away where we’re not getting laser

Beamed and we wait for the boss to come back to us but by doing that when you move out of the this is all for memory by the way so correct me if I’m wrong when you move out of the range of the giant laser beam thing it uh takes

Reduced damage which I think is kind of fine because we’re doing so much damage to him anyways we just need to avoid it that one time and then I think I can kill him before he does it a second time H strategies the dragon po definitely working whether or not it’s the best

Weapon it’s hard to tell I’m going to have to attempt this so many times to figure out which weapon is best by just like looking at the DPS meter in my footage I’m having fun though I was kind of dreading this and now I’m like aha

This going to be the last bit of fun that I have before Supreme calamus cuz I don’t like Supreme calamus unless they’ve changed that fight um let me know in the comments what you suggest based on what you just saw me do I feel like that was fairly good progress right

Off the bat compared to the previous series that we’ve done where I just get stalled out like right away until I figure out a good pattern and then and then we start making Headway though

Zen summons and fights the Exo Mechs using the codebreaker in this episode of Calamity Melee for modded Terraria 1.4.4!

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  1. ok, i'm gonna list out a few things that might help you with minimal changes.

    the Dragon Pow is over all probably the best weapon for the entier fight, but there are better options for Thanatos and Apollo & Artemis, as for Ares, Dragon Pow is the best, and you SHOULD target the middle torso for the most consistant hits and best dps.

    Thanatos is the one you need to KILL LAST, so you get the melee weapon from the bag, since what'c in the bag changes by which Exo mech you kill last. The best weapon is Dragon Rage, and you can only damage it's BODY DEGMENTS when they have RED LIGHTS after they just shot lasers.

    Apollo & Artemis are probably the hardest, since you need to ether pre aim above or below them based on your and there movement, so homing is the best option, Nadir delt around the same amount to then as you half missing Dragon Pow, so both are ok options, BUT Zenith is THE BEST for them, since it's just point and click to deal a consistant 23k dps, while Nadir and Dragon Pow deal 10k to 15k dps.

    Apollo & Artemis have a bit of a weird pattern to them, since there slightly offset, Apollo attacks slightly faster than Artemis, so there special attacks Artemis with the Spread shot and dash and Apollo with the 3 missiles, by following when Artemis does it's special attack, you know that Apollos is coming soon, but because of the offset in there attack speed, the time after Artemis's special to when Apollo's special comes, so you should try to internalize that small change so you can keep track of the missiles. Also at some point after you notice that they do there specials at around the same time, you will notice that Apollo's special will start to come 1st, before Artemis's.

    YOU SHOULD GET THE Aether Monolith, and equip it in a Vanity Accessory slot, to get a very dark bacground, this will increase PROJECTILE VISIBILITY a lot.

    Also change the BOSS HP BAR STYLE to CALAMITY STYLE, to better keep track of all Mechs HP during the fight

    as for the basic run down of hoy the fight goes, you start with 1 mech that you get down past 80%ish, than you fight 2 of them, until 1 reaches 60%ish, than you fight all 3, at this point YOU CAN JUST WALK TO THE SIDE TO AVOID EVERYTHING, as long as you are walking in the opposide of the Ares laser arm that is. this phase will continue untill 1 of the mechs reaches 40%, that's when you kill it, you'd want this to be Ares, than the last 2 come back, until 1 of them goes down to 40%, than you kill them, this should be Thanatos and Apollo & Artemis, so that after them, you only have Thanatos as last, so that you get a melee weapon from the bag at the end.

    that's about it.

    so the fight is:
    Ares start
    Ares start till 80%
    Ares and Twins, get twins to 60%
    All 3 of them, get Thanatos to 59%, and than get Ares to 40%
    Kill Ares
    Thanatos and Twins spawn, target Twins till 40%
    Kill Twins
    Kill Thanatos
    Get Loot!!!

    you want to get Thanatos to 59% in the Triple Phase, which is the easies phase, so you don't get a Thanatos alone after Ares, to speed up the fight a bit. and technically you can get all 3 bosses to 41% in the triple phase, to pretty much skip 2 later phases, but than you can easily mess up the kill order and need to do this fight again anyways, to get the melee weapon.

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