Minecraft but You Can Slice Anything…

This is Minecraft but you can slice anything oh it works today I’m going to be able to slice anything in Minecraft even houses from slicing blocks to slicing mobs to even slicing the entire world my goal is to slice this mystery YouTuber in half but I’m going to have

To make my knife sharper first so how will I sharpen my knife and who’s the mystery YouTuber stay tuned to find out okay so we’re going to be starting at sharpness zero and we get the wooden kitchen knife it’s not much but at sharpness 1000 we get to 1 V one a

Mystery YouTuber which we won’t know who it is until the the very end so let me show you what we can slice so all we got to do is go up to something and we can slice and now we have sliced leaves and our sharpness level went up by one so

Getting to 1,000 isn’t going to be too hard what about this farm right here see this wheat right here let’s slice that and now we have sliced wheat even with blocks guys we can go ahead and slice those two and that’s sharpness level three now and here’s the even cooler

Part if I slice another part of wheat like that we can go ahead and put two together and we get the whole whe again pretty nice okay sharpness 4 and as you you can see this house right here looks a little bit weird I think it’s time we

Bring out the wooden kitchen knife and do some more slicing oh my goodness and now our slice are upgraded that is Goofy and now our goal is to attend culinary school right here where it required a steel knife and now we have a nice kitchen knife so I think we can enter

Okay next St to make that five right there into a 1,000 I guess we just got to cut through this thing there is going to be so much slicing this video guys count how many times I say the word slice slice there we go Gary school all

Right the first step to get a better slicer um okay we got some cakes right here and I’m going to guess that’s my chef right there hello sir I am ready to learn the art of slicing why is eyes like that find everything on the list oh

What do you what does he need two potatoes two carrots and one pork chop uh do I cut them all right first up pork chop hello let a quick slice you and oh it made two smaller pigs yo and we got even sliced pork shop I don’t know which

One you’ll want oh and we got carrots right there and potatoes there we go all right Mr Chef I think I got everything we need now prepare us St with these ingredients oh like here on the water maybe where the Smoke’s coming out yeah let’s do on the quadrant do I maybe got

To slice the carrots and the potatoes first hold up so if I drop this over here and this right here let me slice these oh we got sliced potatoes and sliced carrots this makes sense now okay so first let’s drop in some carrots in

Here okay I think it took it in then we drop in potatoes this actually pretty cool okay we got the noise and now finally slice por shop does that work oh we got it the perfect stew yo actually learning the ways of the chef looks in

Is amazing all right Mr Sensei are we ready to level up again test my slicing accuracy okay I didn’t get any sharpness points yet but did he go out here oh slice of fruit get near the game to start is this about to be Fruit Ninja oh

My goodness I ready how do we do this oh wait I got to slice these yo slice oh this is crazy oh my gosh wait I’m not good at this okay let me do this in first person mode I’m crazy oh okay I guess these are supposed to be

Fruits oh yes oh my goodness I’m going to against 15 was the Border but we did it oh oh am I leveling up oh and I’m no sharpness 10 reminder we got to get to 1,000 and Mr Sensei is back all right sir what do we got to do now we’ve

Graduated visit more restaurants oh this is only the first one guys okay I’m going to guess we got to go that way cuz of the arrows and when we’re sharp enough guys we can go to Sharp City which is that big area over there this is only the beginning nice house oh how

Sharp can you get slice away guess it’s the right spot all right what am I doing here to slice some things looks like we already have a bunch of customers out on all these restaurants and we should probably go from restaurant to restaurant so we got salad sushi Deli

And Kebab hm which one would I want to do first oh wait there’s a hidden one too Bakery let’s start with the small one first why not all right how’s it going customer sorry about this but I’m cutting in line cuz I am ready to slice some things they even have an

Advertisement here for you Mr Baker he’s mad slice these cakes oh these ones all right I can do that let’s slice you and slice you and it gives us cake slice oh gosh this is Goofy I’m going slice all the cakes come on all right got to get

All the cake slices for the customers let me go back door just so so I can help him some more we have load of bread back here all right how’s this I took them now slice the tops of these containers uh like the Pokéball things these oh yo we can slice them open

That’s sick all right I’m liking this so far feel like a proper Apprentice for it all right that should be all of them what’s next and now slice these loaves of bread easy enough all right oh my goodness look at all these slices amazing come on another one and I think

That’s enough bread for everyone all right how’s that oh and now we’re sharpness 20 the kitchen knife hasn’t upgraded yet but we’re going to get up there cuz the door of sharpness City requires 50 sharpness points so next up let’s do the Kebab place all right sorry

Customers got to go straight in here and ooh this looks a little fancy what do we got going on in here these are cool slice the meat and make 20 kebabs oh do I just like click it with my knife I’m going to stand right here and oh it

Makes kebabs yo that’s sick so if we just keep cutting them that works all right let’s go ahead and grab all these keep slicing the meat 18 and that should be some 20 kebabs can I eat them I’m full of food but here we go how’s that

Oh and now we’re up to sharpness level 30 I think that’s a job all done and now let’s go to the salad salad maybe we’re going to be doing some vegetable cutting oh pair 20 Caesar salads and we got a brand new crab on the screen where as

You can see we’re slicing some vegetables which I think is in here warning ingredient seller like is going on in here is this a weapon oh it does plus five attack damage okay okay what do we do in here uh anyone down here oh why are there skeleton skulls in the

Cellar oh gosh okay let’s start with onion what’s in the onion room what the heck is that thing oh okay NOP it’s a fight hey chill chill chill I got to cut this guy come on oh we got him and it came out to already SL chist um yeah so

Sorry about that buddy oh oh and he’s gone okay you know what I’m going to close that door and we’re never opening that again I had to do three more of these rooms hold the brother up we got 20 sliced onions for 20 salads what’s

Going to be in the Tomato room oh no okay nope no no Noe put that mouth away let’s just take this guy down too come on slide some up and that’s how we get the tomatoes too that’s two out of the four ingredients ready oh my goodness no

Wonder he has no employees all right now the lettuce I mean how harmless could lettuce be oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh okay why does the lettuce have a giant stick no you know we’re critting it out there we go some beautiful slice lettuce

From the and now finally the cheese wait we’re putting cheese in a salad huh what is cheese going to be he he’s not even fitting in the room what no all right no buddy buddy let’s just get take you out real quick there we go and now we get

Sliced cheese huh I I I I am never going to work for this guy again anyways uh salad bar owner let me go and craft this he doesn’t have a crafting table why don’t he have a crafting table what TOS one too okay so it’s going to take 20

Cheese 20 onions 20 tomatoes and 20 Lett this and now we can make all the Caesar salads this guy wants here you go buddy oh and that only gave me five what okay so what we have left is the deli and Sushi kind of feel like getting some

Sushi myself so let’s go to the sushi place all right now this place is closed please don’t come in yet cuz I’m the brand new boy here all right sushi chef or sushi shef shef for sure sushy shef what would you like me to do buddy slice

The salmon oh is it these guys oh that’s sick okay let me get my kitchen knife out and so do I just do it like this oh we got sushi rolls oh that’s sick all right let’s cut these roll real quick that’s 30 sushi rolls oh maybe I should

Not eat them um here you go oh and now slice the avocado where would that be oh wait gingered avocado’s right here so I literally I guess I just can break that let’s drop them real quick and get a quick slice amazing slice Ginger and now

Slice avocado oh I like how this looks and now that shar’s up now we’re at 40 okay we need 10 more before we can go to sushi city oh we got to keep some sushi ourselves nice I’ll take that all that’s love to do is now the deli with this

Angry guy that wants meat for 20 customers huh I mean there’s a barn right here so low key can we oh we got to slice that guy oh my gosh he launches giant milk things cath oh gosh okay okay that does two hearts let’s go in we got

To slice you oh okay that gives us some meat okay come on come on go okay that’s uh that’s a 45 beef right there is that all I need or do I do I need to take him down he shoots through the walls okay let me eat some sushi real quick and

We’re going in oh wait he’s already split in two yo okay we got to take him down fully splits and yes we got him oh and now at shus 50 we have the 1,000° slicer oh it’s more attack damage oh my gosh wait that thing attacked me too

Okay we had to take it down let me eat some sushi rolls real quick and uh oh butcher came all the way over here all right buddy here you go all the meat you need and now we got to move to the next area which I think we finally have sharp

City unlocked all right don’t mind me did we just C through or do we just walk in uh oh oh we can C through oh this is sick all right very hot sword means we can just break our way in and oh my gosh that’s so much iron and this must be

Sharp City all right we just need 950 more points before we see who the mystery YouTuber is and the 1 V one duel are we going to cut each other in half or something oh there’s a hospital maybe this is where our next job is how sharp

Can you get slice away all right Hello Nurse I am here to help with whatever you need oh oh oh okay I think I just got healed but we need a steady hand CER oh wait that’s what that noise was for we get a lab coat and a surgical mask yo

Okay all right I will do whatever you need me to do it looks like we have a lot of patience here and a patient chart all right let’s see what this is about patient chart once a new nose please remove and find suitable replacement I’m doing this with with 1,000° slicer oh

Gosh all right here goes nothing buddy let’s slice this off real quick oh and he lost his nose okay let’s get you a new one here’s something in here that I can replace this with um nurse do you know what about back here oh spare noses

That is what we need okay let me grab this real quick it’s a a carrot okay and I’m going to guess this is his new nose here there you go beautiful and our sharpness level went up with that okay anything to get closer to 1,000 that is

One happy patient I think on to the next one which is going to be this room an iron Golem and let’s see what we got with this guy once a new arm please remove and find suitable replacement all right and with that we also got a brand

New craft oh wow this is definitely a little beat up I think I got the right thing for this let’s slide to you real quick and there we go this is the broken iron arm we don’t really need that anymore that being said we did get the

Craft to make a new one which is just going to require this two iron blocks and one iron OT and there we go an iron golem new arm here you go buddy nice and that’ll get our sharpness level all up being a doctor pretty easy and the last

Guy right here looks looks to be Steve all right what does this guy need once his heart removed please remove safely oh are we doing like heart surgery with her slicer all right let’s go in here um hello sir who’s this oh okay we are now

Doing open art surgery on herine do I just got him open or does he lay down oh we’re in what the heck is going on in here what is wrong with this zarts all right looks like we got to take down some zombies got this all right don’t

Mind me it is surgery time all right so what we can do then is we’re just going to go all the way down here come on let’s go we’re going to take all these guys out and then we’ll go and fight it looks like to be the heart here stck in

The wall and now let’s see what these guys do down here oh my goodness there’s so many of them what is this come here guys we’re slicing everyone oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay one at a time one at a time oh that was easy what is wrong

With your about to have all these things all right you know what let’s just get to the heart and take this guy out finally one two all right last hit and heart removed uh so what happens now oh we’re back uh did the operation work oh it is now heartless Herobrine I’m not

Going to question it but are we good oh and now we sharpness level 100 very nice did this thing get longer I’m not sure now to learn new skills find a new Sensei all right nurse you can take that back right there and now I guess we go

Under these little flames and keep going oh wait there’s a guy over there the Ninja Master going to guess this the guy that I talk to next and is this the next area we got to slice through Sith city am I going to get a lightsaber 200 sharpness points required oh okay well

We’re going to be going there very soon but first Mr Ninja Master how’s it going buddy what do we do new skill unlocked biome slice huh am I slicing biomes right now slice through three biomes wait so we got the ice biome the desert biome and whatever swamp biome this is

All right here go nothing so do I just slice yo what the heck find cover to survive the Ice Bike shower wait what does that mean oh my goodness oh oh oh okay okay um um oh oh my gosh I didn’t make any cover oh okay okay we’re good

We’re good we’re good oh my goodness that’s that byome sliced that’s actually so cool what the heck next up we got the desert and with the long slicer what is this going to do here we go slice oh oh my gosh that’s insane wait war you woke

Up the Pharaoh oh my gosh wait there’s a bunch of zombies over there what are I going to do over here who’s the Pharaoh all right let me real quick take you guys out oh my gosh they take a lot of hits hold up hold up real quick slap

These guys down there we go that’s the Pharaoh but he’s huge all right don’t mind me I got all the slices I’m crazy we even got the super slices nope nope nope you say wait oh gosh wait we actually we might actually die from this let’s get back in Action right here and

We got him and you good F buddy and our last piece of sushi well that’s on way to make a slice holy okay we did the Ice bikes we did the desert and now what we have left is this swamp right here all right let me eat some raw beef real

Quick without further Ado here go something oh that’ll never get old that is so sick wait morning mobs are mad fight them uh the mobs down there oh my goodness there’s so many frogs why are there so many frogs hello no the frogs are angry no stay away okay okay we got

This we got this we got this I got to get to the giant Slime by first slicing my way through all the frogs this is sick guys the effect around me is insane oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay don’t worry we have a long

Sword so we have reacks low key if we keep this for the 1 V one against the YouTuber we should be very much set who needs cover when the Slime can’t even reach you because of the tree okay it’s almost down and yes wait wait wait two

More medium slimes came out what is what the heck is this no all right let’s get this done luckily they take way less damage let’s real quick destroy you guys there we go and we got the small slimes too come on oh another tiny okay nope no

NOP we’re almost done and we did it sharpness level 200 oh wait my sword upgraded yo we now have the light slicer oh it even makes such lightsaber noise oh that’s sick I’m going to guess now we can slice through obsidian all right all the FRS over there subscribe to ex

Storio cuz only 20% of the people watching this video right now are actually subscribed so you guys go do that well I go slice into Sith City I’ve never seen that many frogs it’s actually insane what the heck all right yet again the advertisement to the 1 V one is

There so now let’s break through this yo we can get the obsidian amazing so what exactly are we doing in this area we got done with slice city is the YouTuber going to be here I guess not cuz it’s not thousand yet oh what is this is that

A end Crystal this is sick yo do I just walk downstairs oh we have a Jedi master oh okay s start minut a so I we’re now doing Star Wars things all right what’s up new skill unlocked Boomerang slicer oh am I supposed to use that test your

Ability defeat the droids oh yo they’re shooting little blocks okay hold up let’s get Boomerang slice ready go on Boomerang oh that’s sick did we just Boomerang them away okay maybe I should eat this wall beef real quick and what would be a good idea guys is if we get

Some armor bars on us that’s a little bit better okay let’s real quick throw our Boomerang right there perfect and is that all that done going to guess the enemy spawned there and he’s training me what do we do next next skill is the spin slicer okay I can try that are they

Going to spawn in oh here they are okay spin slicer oh it’s s attack oh that’s sick it it literally just cut everything into smithin amazing thank you Mr Jedi Master and here I’ll give you you a slic derp block for your hard work all right

What do we need to learn next oh my gosh okay now we got survive and we got a new ability of this oh we can Dash around all right here we go Dash and use the other abilities go on slices oh this is so cool oh gosh wait we have to get

1,000 what is this oh that’s one way to go about it let’s take this guy down well we can just keep doing this over and over again why not keep spawning them let’s keep going oh wait now they’re spawning over there all right let’s get slicing down he go oh this is

Sick okay what the heck this is crazy all we’re just slicing the Dyson come on we’re not even 250 in guys this is insane I feel like a pro Jed out right now let’s get these guys out oh and am I still siing these things oh they make

Two of them now oh my goodness we’re starting to get surrounded no all right let’s do it oh I didn’t realize this ability gives you regen oh that’s amazing actually oh my gosh there’s so many what the heck this is crazy God we’re slicing we’re slicing everyone oh

My gosh okay if this thing did not give me regen I would be dead by now oh wow we actually did pretty good there okay they keep goinging they keep coming guys this is a never ending battle what is this I got to say it went from Z to 100

So quick we were slicing like five droids okay let’s Dash away you know all you should just subscribe to the channel I’m just saying no maybe don’t shoot me okay let’s Boomerang these guys right here oh come on they just don’t stop coming oh gosh here they come here they

Come here they come take you out 800 Boomerang them are you going to help he’s not helping okay might be a good time to eat some beef let’s go let’s get rid of these guys too okay almost 100 left guys 100 we’re almost done at this better give me so much sharpness level

And so many better not be a giant boss after this oh gosh I got to heal oh gosh okay okay okay come on okayy push push push push let’s go and 17 more 17 more oh we did it we only got 50 points with that oh gosh now with that done let’s

Finish off the stragglers and finally peace there’s even some heads down here wait where’d he go though is he straight up gone oh is this going to send me to where I can get 1,000 sharpness oh it got me where’s it setting me huh oh wait

Is this the end Crystal now yo wait so there’s something inside of here then what the heck is this it’s like the Death Star but a death Crystal interesting all right let’s see what’s up here then all the way up we go oh and

What is this um hello oh wait this is a parkour oh no they’re shooting me oh come on come on oh my gosh let’s get rid of these guys first there we go and that guy okay now we can actually parkour that was a little too close what is that

Belt for also okay let’s just get to the top is this like multiple levels are parkour or is there something above us I think I saw some glowing mobs earlier all right let’s see what happens here we go w what the heck is this hey yo no no

No no stay away oh gosh oh gosh okay I don’t think I can kill this guy okay oh my gosh oh my gosh Come on come on come on come on oh okay we should be good there and what is this okay these are little bells to make the warden Troopers

Come to me let’s just jump over them oh did I just ring one uh-uh uh-uh we’re going we’re going no no no no it’s coming straight at me this attack is saving me right now oh wait he died we’re good let’s just go back and make

Sure we don’t make any bells go off okay we’re good here let’s just make sure to not touch anything that does sound this might be the the way up okay let’s just do that all right what do we got up here zombie there a zombie all right now we

Can cut this guy easy enough next round looks like to be a bunch of zombies don’t worry though I have all the sword moves okay let’s take you guys out and where is the exit hello you oh it’s a multiple of you do you guys know where

The exit is I don’t think they know where the exit is okay let’s real quick take you guys out and is it over here oh this place is a weird maze oh wait I think this is it okay let’s real quick take the rest of you guys out I’m at

Half heart guys this is actually an awful idea okay there we go I’m eat some raw beef get rid of these last guys over here and now let’s go up this is I think going to be floor number four oh why does it look a little untrustworthy

Heart let’s here right no what he’s the villain what is this we’re actually Fallen doing a duel all right get over here buddy I got all the abilities oh oh gosh oh gosh I forgot my arm broke okay let me throw my sword at him there we go

Come over here buddy oh my gosh wait did we slice off his arm we slice off his legs he’s slowly losing parts now he’s just a body in the head low key this is not even a fight anymore looks like we got to beat him for that door oh oh the

Door already open without him all right you know what I got to take him out anyways let’s real quick do a couple more slices and just ahead gone sorry buddy and oh my goodness as shortness 300 look at her sword yo this thing is long now destroy the nether star steer

Clear the debris wait how do I destroy the nether star is there a way I can do this let’s real quick to one big old slice and oh that’s working oh gosh oh gosh okay okay yep yep yep good thing we got slow falling guys the nether star is

Now exploded beautiful oh and it looks like that’s the next area right there it was IO new nether SAR and I think that’ll complete our training right there what the heck just happened honestly not going to complain that was pretty fun and we get to keep all those

Abilities now on to tier four where I think we’re slicing through netherite all right giant slicer let’s get you out and oh my goodness it literally just breaks netherite sadly I don’t get to keep the neite but something what is this here we have a bunch of structures

We have desert temple Pillager Outpost a mansion and is that a monument oh wow it is and all this leads to us slicing Bedrock to enter tier five going to guess that’s Miss 1000 to see the YouTuber anyways what do we have here desert temple slice the desert temple

Huh all right here it Go nothing slice oh my gosh wait it’s gone wait wait wait no it’s not gone it’s not gone okay that that is definitely not gone oh why do I got to fight this guy no time to throw the sword at him oh gosh oh gosh okay we

We’re literally just slicing against this guy luckily I don’t think he has a good hit box against me oh my goodness we’re actually destroying him we just got to dodge little things coming up from above but we should be good we’re not in the hit range oh oh Builder go

Away oh gosh okay finished the job wait never mind never mind never mind we got to run we got to run we got to run okay let’s real quick heal up we got the giant slicer for a reason even the pillagers are coming now and we got him

Oh my gosh let’s also take down the pillagers while we’re at it okay there we go well now that that sliced and all that just happened up next we had to slice this find and slice the Hidden Treasures wait do I go inside or do I

Slice it now let’s try doing one quick slice here goes nothing oh is that is that going to work um not sure if that was effective let’s try that again no I think the water doesn’t let it get slide oh no we have slice Guardians what the

Heck is this let’s go in come on okay maybe I need some water first okay plan B let me try slicing this again maybe it’ll work now no it just breaks water dang what if I just keep slicing let’s slice to the bottom does it work nope oh

Wait but if we need air we can just do this oh that works yo and that’s a treasure oh that’s goofy wait what the heck just came out of that is that Pedro armor guys we just got Bedrock armor that’s insane I’m going to call that finished with a temple slice getting air

With a little too difficult let’s move on to the next one which will be the Villager Outpost all right let’s do this oh my gosh good I guess we just got to keep doing this all right we’re going to slice you we’re going to slice you over

There let’s slice these guys and you nothing better than just slicing these guys oh my gosh oh and they’re coming this way too with their own slicers probably best if I just do this come over here guys let’s go there we go I think that’s the job all done so I think

That’s three out of four structures done all that stuff now is literally the giant mansion with a bunch of slicing vexes huh oh gosh okay what do I do in here do I just walk on this thing I got to upgrade the sword in my sharpness level still slice the mansion and slice

The totem oh wait what oh they’re coming after me already okay all right here’s the plan we’re real quick going to slice this place there we go and we got to find a totem room is that the totem room let’s get in here real quick what do we

Got here is this the totem no where would the totem room be I don’t want to slice too much or else we’re going to literally break the entire place oh wait there it is the totem all right so real quick do I like split the totem I feel

Like it’s fitting for this challenge so uh let’s put this guy wait that was it what the heck was that noise yo so from slicing a totem which is a little curse we get the Unstoppable slicer the ultimate slicer oh my gosh this thing is insane look at the range okay so now

With the armor we got in the super slicer with sharpness 1,000 it might be time we figure out who the YouTuber is and we break the Bedrock okay tier five right here 1,000 sharpness points required so finally let’s see who set up this entire journey and challenge by

Breaking this little by little let’s real quick slice these and oh do I just walk up there there’s a lot of hearts and stuff oh there’s viewers it’s a full on competition oh oh wait this guy’s still mad at me okay yeah we took him

Out oh my goodness look at the crowd yo all right do I just walk up here where’s the competitor um maybe I just stand here let’s get into slice form like that all right anyone out there hello ah welcome NE It’s Made It congratulations and welcome to the sharpness

1,000 gosh wait you get your own thing I’m sorry we’re not beginning yet you’ve made it through everything how did you make it through Sith City well to to be honest I did one thing I I I Lally just just sliced that’s all I did so I mean

Thank you for setting it up though all right well I can slice too and just so you know if you beat me today there is one giant prize wait like money or what we talk massive like it’s a huge prize but if you lose yeah you get nothing oh

Wait I actually didn’t know we were playing for money okay oh no there’s money on the line Nester yeah we have the same gear so it’s up to you to see if you are the true sharpness Master buddy buddy I’ve been slicing all day I’m ready for this let’s do it you can’t

Outs slice me you ready yeah I’m ready all right here we go 3 2 1 it’s time but it’s not going to be that easy buddy what what is this okay this price better be worth it oh my uh just saying buddy I I already killed 1,000 Troopers so this

Nothing way too easy this again what is this all right I’m going to get to you just a couple more oh my goodness oh my goodness I can’t even see what the particles what is going on okay let me real quick use that one ability let’s go

Yo kind of strong let me try that again oh my goodness he loves it oh gosh oh gosh I need the prize oh oh oh okay get that come on buddy go for the combos oh gosh oh gosh no no how many sword Troopers only target me what is this oh

Gosh oh gosh oh gosh uh you know what good time for me to dash away uh you know how’s your day been going by the way I I got to eat some meat real quick uh I’m dead oh wait wait you died I won yeah yes I didn’t want to admit to it

But I’m dead yo okay wait wait wait so what’s surprise I really didn’t want to give this away but it’s uh it’s one1 $1 congratulations Nessa you won the game huh $1 yeah $1 what you know what save me the money hope you guys all enjoyed a great one in video just like

This one bye guys go check out King Tong bye

Minecraft but You Can Slice Anything… (FIXED REUPLOAD – freezing bug)
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🎨 Thumb Inspo: @SSundee

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#Minecraft #But


  1. RE-UPLOAD due to a weird YouTube bug that was causing the video to freeze after 30 seconds! Hopefully fixed now (let me know if otherwise) 👍

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