How to DECORATE a Survival Base! | How To Enjoy Minecraft Episode 10

Welcome back to our Minecraft survival world I’m just sitting here watching Gil get his exercise someone said to replace the plain glass with some blue glass so that you can see inside and it looks so much better for some reason I did not know that was a thing anyway today we’ve

Got a super fun project for quite a few episodes now we’ve been working on adding things to the base but the area around the base is just kind of lifeless and dead we need more plants like these bamboo shoots and flowers are around the area and benches even thinking I’m going

To transform this area into a courtyard so I hope you’ll hang out with me today as we bring this area to life also okay check this out Bob comes through here and what does he have Cactus you’re so proud of yourself huh we went on an entire several thousand block Journey

Just to get cactus and this guy shows up on my doorstep with it ready to sell but hey I’m not mad actually yeah no I’m not because if we hadn’t gone on that Adventure we wouldn’t have found that coral reef and we couldn’t have made that beautiful tank for Gil oh man I

Love seeing him out and about instead of just in a bucket but before we do all that we got to get some mining done because I am almost out of iron and a while ago I saw a spot in this Forest here while I was cleaning out the trees

That looked like it led down into a m shaft so I want to check that out see if we can’t find a couple goodies oh my gosh look at how the tower looks from back here it’s like a major landmark in our world that’s awesome also I’ve

Deforested quite a bit of land along here I’m sure if you check episode 0o versus now I think there was a lot more Forest here I’ve kind of been clearing it out in the hopes that we would build something here but I don’t know maybe we

Should just replant it I want to be a good friend to Nature okay let’s see somewhere around here oh is this it oh my goodness that is quite a drop yep I see M shaft tracks should we just send it into the water let me get my shield

Out first okay here we go whoa okay okay holy moly this is like bigger than the cave that we mined in to get our first bit of iron and look at that iron already oh hey a zombie villager oh no I heard you go away go away oh I hate these things

Stop oh my gosh dude those things hurt this cave was absolutely filled with iron so I got to work look at this our first chest let’s see what’s in it oh name tag nice torches nice coal nice iron nice powered rails nice everything else not so nice oh my goodness I guess

It’s time to visit the optometrist I might need glasses oh but I can see that iron just fine look at this world generation this is absolutely insane I feel like every time I go into a cave these days I’m just wowed out of my mind I think these

New caves kind of took a little bit of warming up to but man are they so much better than old Minecraft caves in my opinion oh unfortunate spider must have met their death here I’ll take the string though oh shoot those are cave spiders I think I’m just going to leave

That alone no oh my gosh I hate the poison effect poison is the scariest thing in Minecraft cuz it leaves you open to other attacks also my gosh I keep going for that same eye huh oh Lord oh that worked out nicely speaking of poison and speaking of skeletons cuz

There’s a lot of there what do you guys think of the new mob that they’re adding the bogg it’s exciting to have another mob variant in my opinion but I really hope they do a buff to milk somehow so that like you can drink multiple times from the same bucket otherwise you’re

Going to have to carry around a ton of milk anytime you go into a swamp oh finally another Minecart chest and it’s got a diamond nice and a golden apple another one what do we get another name tag nice now we’re talking here’s another one o glowberries actually I

Think I have some and another name tag every time I thought we were close to finishing our cave Adventure I found another spot to explore little did I know how big of a surprise I was in for okay time for a little update so I

Thought I was kind of getting to the end of the cave and then I came through a little passageway and dug up here and look at this I’ve been down here for hours at this point and there’s like an entire another oh my gosh oh my

Gosh get out of here oh three creepers but I have been down here for so long my inventory can’t fit like anything more so I see I think I see some light up there yeah I’m going to go up that hole and see just how far away we’ve traveled underground oh oh

No oh no oh no no no no I didn’t even have a bed set oh no oh this is terrible I was so loaded with Goods a creeper just fell on my head right after I recorded that last clip I have to get back there fast

I don’t know if I’m going to be able to find where I was in time shoot I put my render and simulation distance as far down as they could go just in case I can help save the loot from despawning hey Rufus no time to chat I need the fish I’m leaving

Bye please please please please please please please oh this is where it was where’s my stuff there’s my stuff holy crap oh my gosh give it give it all put on my armor put on my shield and it’s thunderstorming outside I’m just going to carve myself a little

Hole in the Rock and go to sleep in here oh my gosh I almost forgot our diamonds that can be dropped that can be dropped no no no no no no just blow up I don’t care there’s still so much to explore but I have had

Enough let’s get home and count up all of the stuff that we got oh Bob you would not believe the adventure I just got back from are you ready to see the riches from our cave Adventure all the stuff that we died for and almost

Lost look at this all of this is from a single caving trip I got to say classic Minecraft caving can’t be beat you can build all the farms in the world a mega iron farm whatever you want but nothing will beat the feeling of coming back from a caving adventure and just seeing

How much loot you got now I got to cook all this up but we should be good for iron for a while I quickly came to the realization that my single blast furnace was not going to cut it so I put together a a quick and dirty super smelter in my

Basement I also made a quick trip to the mine cuz I wanted a better fuel source than using up all my coal with the fuel all loaded up I could just set it and forget it I’m over here by the graveyard cuz we’ve got even more gravestones to add

One for episode 9 when we fell down the pit while we were building our Tower and I’m going to bury a piece of scaffolding under here to symbolize that death and another one here for episode 10 for the death we just experienced and this guy is going to

Have some Gunpowder inside this place is growing a lot faster than I was hoping it would oops you know what let’s stop by the farm for a second and breed up some of these cows because my beef Supply is looking a little bit low I see this guy found his way to the

Farm yeah that’s right I remember you from a couple episodes ago I’ll leave you be for now we’ll just go ahead and pop these into our oven here and now it’s just about time to get building the first thing I wanted to do was at our

Courtyard so I got to digging I’m not sure what block I want to put here under the soup but I’m going to try andesite mixed with polished andesite I think maybe that’ll be kind of a nice contrast we’ll see they’re two very different textures but I love how the colors look

Together I popped a bunch of those down and then surrounded the whole thing with smooth stone slabs okay H I’m not sure what to think of this I think I need a view from higher up okay okay that’s actually not bad I think it might look better once we get some more detailing

Done around the area but first got to grab our steaks and we’ll just put the rest in the fridge also check out this map I love how the roof looks on this oh man oh we should make a map of like our whole island Peninsula area this is just going

To look so good when we have everything done I’m imagining we kind of stretch our base around these areas here and kind of make like a Courtyard area in the Middle with paths going out to all the different areas in our world this is going to look fantastic oops I’m on the

Table there we go to achieve our next goal today I had to get a couple levels so I stopped by our skeleton XP farm which still needs to be decorated and while I was there the skeletons dropped some pretty impressive loot check this out full chain mail armor I don’t I

Don’t know if I’ve ever had a full set of chain mail armor before how do we look oh that’s so cool and you can see my green shirt through here it’s a little worse for wear actually we could repair some of the chest plate but the rest of it needs

Some help so maybe we’ll just keep it hanging up as a DE decoration for now that’s so neat though oh I love collecting little things like this it’s a great way to have a goal in your world that’s not like super over-the-top mega challenge extreme you know just

Collecting those little things oh I’d love to get all of the CDs as well or the music discs anyway it’s time to finally use our enchanting tower that we built let me just grab some lapis head up the stairs and do some enchanting now I want a shovel that’s specifically for

Making has in this world which is why I’m doing this I don’t want to waste the durability of my regular shovel Unbreaking that’s exactly what we want I saw a lot of comments from you guys saying to put candles in here instead of the lanterns maybe balance

Them on top of the glass and I think that’s a great idea and would add so much Ambiance to this room the problem is I need wax which means I need bees which I think we’re going to get later in this episode cuz having bees flying around would really help our base feel

Alive oh this is kind of trippy and your name will be Pathfinder cuz it’s going to find us some paths that’s what we’re doing next we need to start linking up our builds like our farm to this area right here and while we’re doing that I figured we could

Answer today’s question of the day oh chicken man the more I look at this the more I really like it today’s question comes from wait actually oops I didn’t even notice until now it’s from the same person as episode 8 oh whis 5024 oops oh well we’ll roll with it the question is

If you could choose what would your dream be I’m going to start laying down a basic path while I talk about this for me I feel like I’ve had a couple of dream jobs throughout the years oh baby the biggest thing that I always come back to with my dream jobs

Is a couple of facts about myself I know that I’m a creative person I love making things and I also know that I’m very much a people person I love sharing things with people for a long time I thought I wanted to be like a video game designer just because that’s the perfect

Blend of making things and sharing them with people then I wanted to be a musician then I kind of got into the video production landscape which is where I’m at right now actually my current job has to do with uh video production but also the older I get I

Mean I’m not that old I’m in my 20s but the older I get the simpler I’d really like things to be like honestly I think I would be perfectly fine working at a coffee shop just serving people coffee making someone’s day just a little bit better that way you know I’m very

Fortunate to have the job I do have right now working in video production and in some ways it is very much a dream job of mine but also this YouTube thing so far has been absolutely phenomenal it’s It’s the Best of Both Worlds that I was talking about where I get to create

Things and I get to share them with you we should go to sleep here real quick oh my goodness I can’t seem to make myself sleep right on this bed hey girl but back to what I was saying sorry this is such a roundabout answer it just got me thinking philosophically you know

My dream job is somewhere where I get to be very creative and that’s about as specific as I can get and I’m very lucky right now to be able to be creative in both my full-time job and in this YouTube thing and I’m definitely going to keep working on YouTube because I’m

Having so much fun sharing this experience with you guys I guess that’s some advice for you guys too maybe it’s okay not to have a dream job or to know exactly what you want to do with your life just focus on who you are and find

Something that you like to do and you know maybe in two or three years or four or five years more than that it won’t be something you like to do maybe you’ll have moved on to a new thing but that’s okay too people change and that’s one of

The coolest things about being alive getting to experience everything and try new things you know okay this has been a certified y app session and I’ve just been randomly throwing this path down while we’ve been talking so I’m going to focus up and get some detailing

Done I smoothed out the paths using some Oak slabs all the way down to our bridge to the farm I also added in some coarse dirt just for a little bit of texture then I extended the path all the way to the mine before getting started

Decorating the base no way dude you can just put these down like that I did not know they could go on like regular blocks this changes everything wait a second what if okay we’re going to have to get creative with how we do these but we could put one there one there one

There and just grow these from all them no way wait oh that’s going to look so good oh my gosh I love that oh hey hey Bob welcome back do you like my berries that I just put up yeah right behind you you got to turn around to see

Him okay I guess the llamas like him what do you have for me today Coral uh nothing I want you can uh you can be on your way these might be my new favorite decoration Block in the game that looks so good I wonder if you can

Do this let’s see where’s a good place to put this right here oh no does it have to be on a solid block there we go oh and then you get the particle effects oh my gosh I also think there’s too much open land around

Here so I’m going to plant a couple of trees and we’ll see how that goes and no I’m not making giant custom trees at least not right now I honestly really don’t mind the way Minecraft trees look it’s just it’s very Minecraft you know and I think that fits the spirit of this

Series with the base having so much Greenery I set out to find some certain insects to be our friends I’ve been searching around for a while and I was just about to give up in this area cuz I can’t find any bees but then there they

Are right there hey guys where’s your h I want to take it oh there it is now the question is will they get mad at me if I pick it up right away I think they will do I have to wait for them to go inside we might have to wait till

Dark I think it’s time to grab our beehive I also found a couple of others so I’m going to pick those up on the way too also I just came from that ruined nether portal that’s right behind me which is why I have a gold block the beehives fit perfectly on the new

Trees around our base so I started breeding up the bee population and harvesting the honey I also made a quick pit stop to repair our axe cuz it was literally just about to break all right are you guys ready for the full tour a lot of things have

Changed around here and I can’t wait to show you all of it but first we’ve got some other business we got to attend to real quick we have to thank some of our new members we got fat boy blues We All Fall Down CRA was taken sodin 14 squir

XC honeymilk a legend thank you lurker brising or wolf one bring or wolf one yeah Lane Telson that sounds like a viking name and Bryson who is also a legend thank you guys so so much we’ve also got to name one villager today in towntown there are so many of you guys

Who signed up to the villagers but I don’t want you all just to live in town toown so I hope you’ll be patient with me as we get started on some other builds for you guys you villagers to live in oh my gosh I’m so close hello I

Promise all of you will get names it’s just a matter of making some builds for you guys to stay in we got the OG members in town toown but it would be so cool to spread out some of you across the world hi B I really want to name one

Of the stonemason guys wherever they are because I think I’m going to be trading for bricks soon I have a couple projects that I’d really like some bricks hey I was just looking for one of you right it’s you yes you trade the bricks that’s

A good deal you will be Tony wac welcome to town toown all right I think it’s time we do a little tour of the house area I’ve been working on it for so long I just I can’t wait to show you guys all right the Sun is setting the

Darkness is setting in and I have our shaders on cuz I really want to do this tour with the shaders I also want to show you all the light sources that I set up so we’re do this tour at night and then I’ll show you a couple of

Things that are different during the day are you ready we’ll start at the front door here obviously I had to mark that this is my house so Gil knows that it’s not his it’s mine I got some rose bushes down here horse hor is still chilling

Here I put up a mailbox here cuz I figured we need some way to receive mail and we got something in there oh yeah that’s right subscribe anyway coming out of the front door we have this beautiful quard area here surrounding our soup bowl I put these aelia bushes down it

Kind of looks like they’ve been like potted in some mulch around the sides and I love this because we could even switch out the types of flowers that are on here at some point I also put these Redstone lamps in the floor cuz it kind of looks like spotlights Illuminating

The soup now on our first stop we’ll turn to the left of the house we got the tower up here and this area just turned out so beautiful I think I’ll put together a little bit of a crop field just in case we need some without having

To run all the way to the farm over here are some of my bee farms I set up I’ve been breeding these guys like crazy but I kind of wanted these to look like actual real life bee boxes but they’re also functional you can flip down these

Trap doors and light the fires and smoke the bees out if you need to to get the honey I love these hanging glowberries they look so beautiful I also dotted around some berry bushes and some drip Leaf around the area because I love how these look it kind of looks like a

Monstera plant if you you’ve ever seen that and I I just love those anyway this path just goes back down to the barn I have these nice lamp posts that I put up everywhere can’t remember if I showed building those or not I planted some

More trees up here oh we have a visitor hello I’m doing my tour right now please come back later and that’s it for this path put some more bamboo oh and this water here is that when I jump off the sky bridge I don’t take damage cuz sometimes that’s a lot faster than

Finding the door now obviously this path goes past our project board here around here I kept our tool bench up with some tools for the crops just in case we need them and this Cuts around through here I’ve got some rose bushes here some more bees here and this path actually goes

All the way to our Hut oh another visitor but yeah our fishing house is down there and then I have a place where I’d like the path to split off and go to town toown but I haven’t done that yet it’s on my to-do list on the project

Board but coming across this way oh I’m GNA take care of this guy real quick there we go okay coming across this way at night we’ve got a little bit of a forest this tree has been here since the beginning so I just added a couple more we’ve got some pots that are

Filled with honey from the beehives and you just come down this way pass a little more vegetation it feels just a lot Cozier you know and then this goes all the way out to our mine out there also yes I made a spy glass so yeah this is oh my goodness that’s the

Only problem with having the berry bushes there this is the new yard there’s not a lot out this way because oh that’s a lot of monsters I have some ideas of how to expand the base out this way and so I don’t want to fill that area in just yet

But just looking around here this is amazing it feels lived in it feels homey it feels cozy I just I love this area but let me know what you guys think if there’s anything You’ like me to add or things that are bothering you I want to know your

Input okay let’s take a look at it during the day cuz it’s a little bit different we’ve got all of our be friends out out here oh and we’ve got some other friends here too no please go away I kind of went a little bit overboard with the bees just cuz I

Wanted a bunch of them around and I feel like they have a habit of getting lost but it just it helps these areas feel so much more alive when you’re running through them we’ve got another beehive hidden in there and these guys are just so cute so I’ve got them dotted on the

Path there there’s a couple on the way to the farm and a couple have made their home right in my base here and of course some more down in this little foresty area although they don’t seem to be out right now but during the day you can kind of

See the path a little bit better going all the way down to our Hut and then I want to split it off right here and make a bridge going to towntown we’ve also got all these Dand lines dotted around I just I don’t know they’re so cute I grew

Up in a yard that was always full of dandelion so we have them around here thanks for hanging out this episode we didn’t build anything crazy we just did a little bit of decorating and I think that’s okay we made our Minecraft house into a Minecraft home and oh my goodness

Oh hello be I’m so excited to continue our base so I’ll see you in the next episode this bee really wants the spotlight huh

In this episode, we’re adding some much needed decoration to the base. Plants, bees, paths, and more… adding personal touches can help you feel connected to your world and make it feel more “alive”. Hopefully this inspires you to take some time to decorate your own survival base!


  1. Totally random thought while watching this. Minecraft should allow combination of a lantern and a spyglass to make a flashlight so you can shine a light onto things, that way you can see deeper into those giant cave systems.

  2. I would recomand to have a little shake for bee breeding, not that I think you need more, but because they tend to die because of water, and as your base is surounded, I wouldn't be surprised to see half of your bees gone by next episode sadly.

  3. I love the way you decorated it so so much, it feels so magical even if I'm only watching it, thank you for the experience you give us by these videos<3

  4. question of the day idea: where are you from? what are your favourite things in the place/region you grew up? do you think you will be recreating some cute/important places from your life in your minecraft world?

  5. Small little building tip:
    If you right click the bottom of glow berry vines with shears they will not grow longer naturally.
    So if you want them at a specific length, that’s totally posable.

  6. Hey Soupsoup loving the videos there so relaxing after having a stressful few days

    I just wanted to give an idea for the old dirt hut you made in the first few episodes of the series I thought it be cool of you added a tree to it and grow it overtime to show how the world is aging and upgrading lol

  7. I am genuinely so grateful for this series, it feels like old Minecraft again, and it’s so relaxing to be able to just sit down and watch. Thank you:).
    Question of the day: Are you ever going to consider building things like shops around your world for villagers (or just for pretend!)

  8. Man i love your videos, thank you for bringing minecraft back to life at least for me. I would love to start a serie also exactly like yours "How to enjoy minecraft again" inspired by SoupSoup if that's alright for you, but i currently have no good equipment to achieve this. I will leave this here as a future objective FOR ME. Keep it up man and if you have any advice, i'm all eyes and ears!

  9. I’ve always wanted to be a content creator but never took it seriously, even since i stumbled across your series it’s motivated me more and now i’m currently working towards a channel of my own.

  10. hey soup soup, I'm a very young kid watching you play Minecraft and i have also started a world in Minecraft, but there's one issue. I love structures like yours but i don't have any ideas or creativity to build. Do you maybe recommend any builders on youtube who could help?

  11. these series you have made has really changed my perception and taught me something about Minecraft. I can barely even type down what it is but my view on loading a fresh new world is different, like nothing matters. really just nothing, and that we can just happily enjoy that fraction of time we are in the world. thankyou.

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