Hermitcraft 10: Episode 5 – MANIFESTING MENDING

Welcome back to the next episode of fishcraft I’m fully committing to the bit now and I’m the captain of this vessel that is a video this book this is It’s My Moby book my white whale and I will fish until I have it while I was fishing

Though I did I did see something saw something really weird over there on uh on Gem’s Li house seems to me that there’s a there’s a chunk that’s been taken out of it which is weird and then uh that snail just randomly appeared kind of kind of strange isn’t it

Although we will be doing a little bit of fishing I’m not going to be fishing the whole time because I’ve been quite busy obviously last episode we went ahead and we built my starter house and not only does it feel in line with all the the fishing shenanigans that are

Going on I personally am in love with it and I just am very proud of what I’ve created here obviously we’re not done but there’s there’s there’s a few jobs that need doing in the building world I’ve laid out where I want my path to go

I want it to sort of skirt around the wheat field that people seem to be helping themselves to and I want it to go down the middle here I might have to move this in the future because the center of the base might actually shift

Here but for now I think if we have the path going like that it would leave me the ability to start decorating some of the rest of these fields but G in the path are boring yeah I agree paths are boring but I tell you what’s not boring

Is secret rooms now I quickly ran out of space up here especially as the chest monster has started I need to get on top of this before it gets out of hand now I’ve made something quite secret and it’s important that no one sees me go in because it’s a secret check this

Out you stand on here you fill up the composter and you get dropped into my secret storage room which has uh puffer fish uh name tags Cod a Cod do with mending basically this is my not mending room here are all the books that aren’t mending first thing

You might notice is not all of the blatant moaning about mending but actually this uh very obvious door that says do not enter this is what we’re going to be doing today I know this is this is a real I think I’ve made some weird episodes in my time and this one

This one’s extra weird I’ve already dug the hole out because digging holes isn’t something that’s fun on camera but look at this what is this well this is where we’re going to manifest the energy required to get this mending book and if you’ve ever seen the Chamber of Secrets

And there’s like there’s snake heads along the corridor well we’re going to do something with Cod heads along the corridor and at the end we’re going to have a custom painting that’s going to really give us the energy the oomph we need to get ourselves a mending book but

We actually need to put the shape of this together and that’s why I’ve gone ahead and prepared a whole bunch of Mossy cracked and stone stuff so that we can make it so hopefully you understand what we’re going to be making this is an aesthetic meditation room to get mending

So before I go fishing I’ll go into my secret room into my secret door into this secret room which will then have a painting of me achieving the fishing of mending and today I want to decorate it this is where the water line will be and the fish

Heads will be they’re only too wide fish heads look something like that I need to just figure out how to do the shape of this room so I think it wants to have quite a shallow ceiling but a very shallow curve which means quite a lot of

Slabs so this is the shape that I’ve come up with it goes straight up because remember there’s going to be water there and then it has like this really shallow curve it goes really Steep and then really shallow so it looks a lot like a sewer a dungeon a Cod dungeon if you

Will I’ll move the fish head up a little bit so basically there’s not an awful lot to talk about with this build I think once I’ve designed the fish head and I’ve already got this shape all I got to do is copy it all the way down so

This might be one of those times where I think we time lapse so let’s grab our stones and our stone bricks and make something Weird I’ve taken a a short pause because now I feel there’s actually something to talk about we’ve got ourselves the basic shape remember that the water line is going to be here that’s why that looks a bit strange at the moment but I wanted to stop and pause because this here is a

Temporary fish now that I’ve done something reasonably strange actually with the build here so you see these got these have like a one Center actually the whole is a four block wide so it’s got one extra but you can’t tell because the fish is slightly curved and because

It leans so close to this Gap here you honestly cannot tell that it’s not even centered you can tell from here perhaps because of that Gap but when you’re on the bridge it looks totally normal because the fish is leaning over to the side I suppose I could see what it looks

Like if I open it up on that side just to make sure I’m I think I’m being clever but I’m really not you know what it it really doesn’t make any difference I think cuz that Gap that Gap now to me looks so wide because it’s two blocks

When it only really needs to be one it’s a really strange thing to do in building to have an offc Center thing like that but just because of this very specific design I’m going to put it back now okay so why I stopped this is just a

Placeholder but the actual shape of the fish is correct I just need to texture it and I do not have the blocks I need so codfish I’m going to try and follow the pixelation of the Cod and they have a darker stripe that runs across the top

Which I’m going to do in tough I’m going to use all stone blocks because this is they’re meant to be stone statues but by using the same shading I should be able to match the look of the fish now I’m going for COD cuz that’s the one that I

See most frequently I don’t think I have enough gray wool but I’m going to use gray wool for this bottom bit and that that is the codfish I think that looks pretty good now imagine this in each one of these holes poking its little head

Out this is going to be cool now the thing is all of this is temporarily stone brick but what I’m going to do is uh mossif it I’m going to add some dripstone hanging down make this look more weathered and cracked and more old like it’s been here a really really long

Time and that is going to bring everything together so now we go back to time-lapse mode because we’ve got quite a lot of fish to put in their place all right you got a good idea of what’s going on with my base but did you know that I have done some certified G

Fisherman grean Redstone I I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t timlapse this or anything but I’ve done it you need some you need you need some things you need some some things for my secret my secret area Who’s online all right not many people online take a look

Around snail still there if Jen doesn’t do something with that snail that snail’s going to keep chomping I I don’t know why I can’t be sure right anyway hit this composter that’s so awkward anything there we go that drops down into my room of not mending in here now

If you want to get down to the next layer you stand here you put in a raw Cod boom item filter door secret door and then we’re in the Chamber of Secrets the Chamber of cod you walk through it and all the fish head and the ambience and

The lighting this is so cool I really like this and I’ve been uh whittling away this room here now I’ve had to do something quite clever well I say clever I just had to do a bit of a work around so the end of this hallway is quite wide

And I wanted a octagonal room at the end so I’ve had to simulate drawing this in so the door here will be like that so this room’s going to kind of close off and then they’ll it’ll open up into this new octagonal room this is going to be

Glass eventually once I’ve actually got my mending book and this this room no longer needs to be a secret then this can be glass and I’m going to create a pond and it’s oh it’s going to be so cool I’m I’m obsessed absolutely obsessed with this project uh SK says

Green and Gem hi I I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about a silly secret room I have to build this I have to get this done I’m so close to finishing this this hallway was definitely the the the the toughest part and speaking of tough toughest part I’m

Going to make this room out of tough I think I think this is going to be a tough room and I’ve gathered a whole bunch I’ve been super busy this episode’s probably going to be the long one that’s taken me so far but I don’t want to break this up into mult multiple

Episodes I want to have this dungeon done so I can get back to fishing I haven’t been fishing because I think the worst possible scenario right now literally is that I go out here oh this is the this is the secret exit by the way o secret

Exit can’t see it can’t see it hidden the worst possible thing that could happen is that I now pull up a mending book I’m in a weird space where I do not want mending yet yet see every fish is now a risk right skid needs our help I’m

Not ignoring him I was just needed to finish that explanation right let’s head over to oh my goodness what is this what is it what is this what is this be nice huge you mean I have get up here I have so here’s here’s the deal let me let me I can’t

Even see I need to go higher listen this is like this is yeah that’s fair I don’t all right gosh darn it this is like uh this is like when you’re you want to put up a bage I need I need more height you got

To talk to your HOA before you do that oh I I need to free cam to see this I need more blocks is this it’s h is this your Bas I say you do need more blocks SK is this your base well yes but but you have to understand so I built

This and I don’t think I thought it through and as soon as I was done this is layer one of five okay um this is as soon as I was done and I and I took a peek at it I’m like um oh okay well I’ll

Tell you one thing your reaction is is kind of driving home my point now this um I’m just visualizing this with my Builder brain it’s got have you have you thought this through because it’s have you made this in Creative at all no I don’t do stuff like that it it’s going

To be taller than the mountain by quite a way it’s going to take every block you got yeah it’s going to take a lot blocks it’s obscenely big skis all right okay well answer my answer’s been all right I got my answer thank you I’m going to have to scale

This thing down I this could have been this could have been an ABS absolute disaster I literally like everything like just felt better in my head you know what I mean and I and I was like yes and then I made one layer of five now it’s going to get pointier or

Whatever but I made one layer of five I’m like um this is going to be absolutely Little House in the background Pearl’s house 20 SP 20 of them in there all right I wanted the feedback not the lashion all right all right that’s actually very helpful thank you I

Just see I I don’t know I was going for there I think not just for that but your own sanity it’s a good idea to scale that down like yeah less than a quarter skis y yep like less than half of no yeah less than a quarter of the total thing

And then you’re still going to have a huge pyramid yeah even if you scale it down you’re still going to have a huge pyramid thank you I I as soon as it was done I was like I I I think I I think I blundered and you guys confirmed it this

Is gonna take a year to take down as the way I you need to get a beacon you’ve got to get a beacon buddy oh I’m gonna have to have a time lapse of me taking it down I’ll that that’ll be very satisfying it’ll be very satisfying all right all

Right gosh Jordan all right that it’s fine I’m not mad at all I’m fine I’m gonna go cry but I’ll talk to you guys no it’s okay it’s a great idea just don’t burn out making giant things yeah all right I learned my lesson lesson learned thank you guys

Pluto you traitor get back here Pluto Pluto just whispered in my ear Pluto liked the original build I’m just saying yeah but Pluto is a horse Pluto Pluto hasn’t built anything that was that was insane I wasn’t I haven’t seen that it’s like even from here I can barely see

It look at that oh my goodness if skiz had built this I I almost want to mock it up and see how tall it would be like seriously if I’m visualizing this correctly it would end up tipping up about here it would be all that I could

See in the distance that is all we would see in this direction everything in from here onwards would be pyramid in terms of what we see that was a a welcome distraction now we need to get back to this I want I want now oh so I didn’t really

Talk about this side of the room this room uh I’ve kind of I kind of want to keep it like a normal cave or something nothing nothing too fancy it’s just the entrance and I’m going to put a 3X3 door here using slime blocks and stuff so there’s another door there there’s

There’s secret room Secret Room 2 secret door three and then you then you get the entrance this is a journey and uh oh I’m glad to share it with you anyway let’s finish digging out and decorating this room here because I’m not going to be able to sleep until this is Done The Do hold hold hold Hold I feel like I’ve got a bit of explaining to do because that time lapse was the opposite of what I wanted to do this season that was not going slow I I’m sorry I’m sorry to myself because that took all week but I have to explain

Myself I was not allowed to fish until I finish that room because if I had fished in between I reckon that I would have got a mending book and then that would have defeated the purpose of the room so I literally physically in my head had to

Finish the project before I could return to fishing I’ve actually done very little fishing fishing and I did roll the dice a couple times look I had three books and thankfully none of them were mending I’m in a weird position where I didn’t want mending let me show you

What’s in this room obviously from the time lapse you’ve seen go to secret room one submit a fish to go to Secret Room 2 this is the Cod dungeon this is what I’ve spent my life on for the last week I got this super cool I just looked away

When the door was there come on close again I’ve got a secret hidden door that just goes when I walk by so let me take you in room by room because this build wasn’t planned out this is just it popped into my head and I couldn’t sleep

Until it was done so this room is your more natural cave but mostly dripstone then we’ve got the entrance to the actual room this is it this is it this is what I’ve been working on you go through here you get the ambiance of the Spore Blossom you get a bunch of cod

Heads in a row and at the end you can see what this has all been about of course gem would kill Etho and take away my big reveal this is artwork done by hoffen who has created I need to get this framed for my real life office

That’s how much I love this look at my look at this artwork isn’t it wait hold on isn’t it magnificent can you just imagine for a second that I’m holding up the book The Mending book I haven’t gone crazy one little bit I tell you but that’s not all that’s

Uhoh that’s not all that’s weird about this if you stand here check this out now this is this is really weird if you slowly look up it gets brighter can you see that I’m going to go really slowly subtly I don’t know why but the painting gets brighter and more yellow when you

Look up at it it it is literally like it’s going That’s The Mending book that’s what we’re looking for that’s why we’re here now in theory I could dig down five blocks and fish here but because there’s no AIR block above the rates of getting them are pretty low so I’m still going

To fish outside so I’m just going to take a second to manifest The Mending book the next book we get in theory should be a mending book based on absolutely nothing at all I’ve spent all this time on this glorious room this is my my uh my Fortress of Solitude for

Fish now that we’ve manifested the book it’s in our minds it’s in our souls it’s on the wall we are going outside now there is there is actually one more thing I wanted to do I I do need to put like a big fish head here

Going out cuz that is one flat wall I clearly lost a little bit of heart towards the end and you’ll see that with the exit the exit is like the simplest thing ever because I just I just ran out of steam this project took oh goodness I

Don’t I even want to think about it l maybe longer than I’ve spent fishing no I don’t think that’s physically possible hey the fish the fish has moved okay well hold on let’s fish out the next book cuz we know it’s going to be a mending book you see I’ve got this weird

Brain condition called stupidity where I decided to spend 15 odd hours on a big secret tunnel room just so I could mentally prepare myself for the next stint of getting a mending book you know what this feels really good I took a break from fishing to make that room and

Now that I’m fishing again I I can I can f i can now fish guilt-free knowing that if I got a mending book I’ve shown you what I’ve been working on oh my goodness the painting lied the painting lied doesn’t that make a good rug as

Well makes a pretty good makes a pretty good Welcome Matt all right let’s go and check out this snail right what do we got here a very bad snail it’s not a bad snail not a bad snail he’s just just a hungry boy just a hungry boy up to no good weren’t you

Little snail and hey what are you doing up there oh jeem won’t be happy with you no sir no sir you were there seconds ago weren’t you I tell you these snails they seem to have a mind of their own which is uh it’s pretty weird if we’re not too

Careful that Lighthouse might have a few more bites out of it manifest manifest the next book will be mending you can do this you and Rodney you’re going to walk out there you’re going to get a mending book you can take off this silly beard you can get a good

Night’s sleep and most importantly you can buy the rest of the mending books from a villager oh the very thought of it means I can move on with my life watch this watch this the next book the next book ethos landed on the lighthouse to watch me

Fish this mending is it going to happen now it’s going to happen right now this is the moment this is the moment well I can’t I can’t predict when the book’s going to come but it’s the next book how do you know this this is this is fascinating because I spent to Long

Making a room that will Manifest this book that’s how I know run though why you running what’s going on he’s underwater he’s underwater what are you what’s going on oh midair he got me midair yeah that hurts doesn’t it Sky you want to careful everybody there’s a there’s an innocent

Fishman over here you want to explain what’s going on there’s a war going on I need a fishing rod grien oh boy can I help you you come right here e though big blowout big Su blowout [Laughter] guys man’s trying to get a mending book here

Oh what happened what happened I got a book I got a B breathe breathe everyone bre not I’m not even going to I’m not even going to look I’m just going to I’m just going to go to enchant my pickaxe no impulse I’ve I’ve learned an

Awful lot about this game now du to this this debacle and uh one thing that I I don’t know if I can verify this I don’t know if this is true but uh someone tested and they went on the they went on a server multiplayer server and they

Fished out and then they reset the server and did it all again and the order that they got treasure was the same every single time meaning that the men The Mending no the The Mending book The Mending book that everyone else has got was like destined

To be in there yep it was meant to be yours it was meant to be mine so the one that impulse fished that was my mending book so if impulse hadn’t fished that would I think so I think it’s it’s a yeah it’s exactly that the

Loots tied to the the world seed so if someone else gets a mending book I’ve got another long haul in but there’s been a long time now all right all right uhoh uh oh walk into the distance [Laughter] uhoh oh man

Hermitcraft 10: Episode 5 – MANIFESTING MENDING Grian is still looking for mending and not going crazy at all everything is fine and normal.

Art by Hoffen

#hermitcraft #minecraft


  1. Hi guys! I didn't know the historical context of the words 'manifest destiny' so please accept my apologies and ive renamed the video to manifest mending (which is exactly what I meant it to mean). I'm a non-american so the phrase wasn't on my radar.

  2. it’s so funny. from other hermit video perspectives, it appears you’re literally doing nothing but fishing. while in reality you have a whole mending manifestation dungeon you’ve built under you

  3. 1. What it Grian actually already had a mending book…?? 🤔🤔🤨🤨 Only acting so that he can "fish" it out on the last episode as a finale??? 🤔🤔🤨🤨

    2. When the so called mending book is fished, you should sell it with really high price… or auction… or frame it in the manifest mending cave

    3. Love the videos! Everything about it… just keep producing!

  4. i have no idea what the hell the bricks hes using for the floor i have to assume he has a texture pack on because ive just gone through because i didnt remember a brick texture like that but its stunning and its not in there

  5. Scar did not catch "your" mending. According to the minecraft wiki each player has their own XpSeed which is initialized on logging out for the first time or enchanting your first item. This seed is used for the enchanting table, since enchanted books from fishing are based on the same principle it is highly likely mojang uses it for fishing aswell.
    I also did some testing if I didn't make any mistakes, the probability of having caught mending (y between 0 and 1) is approximated by y=1-e^(-k x) where k=0.0005243 and x the number of fish caught. In short at 5000 fish caught you would have caught at least 1 mending 92.7% of the time. Unlucky!

  6. Didn't think I'd see a codgeon and Grian's Cod Manufesto in hermitcraft EVER. Like if someone went to the past and told me this is going to happen, ok maybe I'd believe him but I'd be sceptical.

  7. Mending or not, everything that Grain's desire for it has inspired to be created has been absolutely beautiful and magnificent from the builds, to the skin, to the storyline. What an amazing season, Grian. In so happy to be a part of it. Thank you. ❤

  8. I think the reason the painting gets brighter as you look up is because of the vignette that Mojang has around your screen when you have your graphics set to fancy.

  9. I hear "Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Lubby Lubby shut up Lina, Dubby Dubby shut up Lina, Dubby Dubby shut up Lina, Dubby Dubby shut up Lina, Dubby Rubby shut up Lina"

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