We Fixed Terraria’s Boss Problem.

In this video we fix terraria’s boss fights with the vanilla bosses remade mod this mod reworks and overhauls the vanilla boss fights to make them way more interesting and fun wait until you see how unique some of these fights get later on in the video let’s hop into the

Game and check it out I am very excited to check out today’s mod it goes by the name of vanilla bosses remade and pretty much exactly what you think it is it overhauls a bunch of the vanilla boss fights including Master mode overhauls so of course we’re going to be in mode

To check them out yeah there’s definitely a handful of Terraria bosses that I would like to see have a little bit more to them some of them are perfectly fine but some of them feel like they’re a little dated at this point and need a little pickme up you

Know just a little some something I’m not asking for no faros mode eternity mode type stuff or any Calamity Inferno mode type things though that would be cool but just a little pickme up for some bosses let’s get to it as you can see I got the faros mod texture pack

Installed I thought it’d be perfect for this we’re going to started off with the king of course right away that boy’s girthy pause because of Master mode oh my God he’s hanging from the top of the screen that’s sick he did a little ground pound got the little effect

Shooting off of him bringing in shurikens when he teleports there a little shuriken when he teleports okay fits the Ninja theme inside of him pretty sick so far King Slime is definitely one of the bosses that I’ve been waiting for a minute to get a little bit of an overhaul I know he’s

The first boss of the game so there’s not too much to be expected he’s supposed to be pretty easy but I feel like he have more attacks especially outside of normal and expert mode shoot even Master mode he’s only just bigger in master mode right same thing with for

The worthy ain’t he just even bigger with a little bit extra all I’m saying is just because it’s a early game Boss doesn’t mean it has to have boring attacks let us do some damage he still only got like 3K Health not terrible but

Let us get some hits off oh my God he just shot out a spike slime did a little scream I’m noticing that I bounce off of him sometimes yeah look at that I bounce off of him it’s pretty cool he’s got sh hurkins again sticking to that Ninja

Theme and his attacks are just ramping up this looks tough if y’all want to see a possible play through against this you know let me know in the comments I might be down that’s for all the people that get angry when I don’t fight the bosses in these videos these showcase videos

Yeah I think we’re going to see a majority of all his attacks it looks like when you do damage he does launch out some slimes just like the normal fight but of course there’s Spike slimes this time but this is a pretty good early game fight damn he mov teleport I

Can’t even hit him oh dude we got a death animation what you got for me what you got for me that boy just summoning in a bunch of more slimes nice little death animation I respect it after that we move on to the eye here let’s see

What it’s got for us I actually like the eye cthulu I think it’s a solid introductory boss fight it’s one of the first bosses I fought shoot was the aulu in the game before the King Slime I don’t remember but this is definitely the first boss that introduced me to the

Game it’s a pretty decent fight but what does this betters version got for us I’m noticing it’s got the the little servant still it’s got this little like circling attack what’s going on here it’s shooting lasers at as well circles and there’s also like a 3D you know blue and

Red 3D image of it around but so far so simple you know nothing too crazy to worry about it still got its little Dash attack with a little extra Sparkle to it literally let’s do some more damage and see if we get introduced to any crazier patterns or attacks oh yeah phase two

Who that was sick you know I’m a sucker for screen Shake I always got to bring that up does he do the triple Dash I’m noticing that was just one dash what’s going on here my boy got lasers whoa he’s shooting out teeth that’s something I would expect from like a brain a

Cthulu type boss so he’s not doing his traditional triple Dash who what the heck he’s got little servants that are a little bit extra you know they’re moving a lot faster they got their own special attacks that attack is crazy ass spin right there I’m liking this fight though

This seems like this would be a very fun fight to do this teeth attack you know this is a good time to get the hits off oh my God my boy collapsed that’s a sick fight though I messed with that fight heavy we got the eater up next now the

Eater is always interesting because I feel like a lot depends on where you fight the eater worlds I feel like it’s usually easier fight underground especially in harder difficulties what’s going on out here I can’t pass this no I don’t know maybe I don’t know what the

Hell that is yeah definitely harder to fight above ground I remember the first time I fought the eater in expert mode he destroyed me cuz I fought him above ground what is that am I supposed to break that explosive spit am I supposed to break that why does he got like an

Arrow on it so he’s summoning a bunch of spit it feels like he’s a lot more active like he’s moving around a lot higher a little bit faster than usual what the heck oh my boy circling us oh damn he’s circling us and just spitting

On us this nasty what if I hit the explosive Spit with the arrows on it oh shoot the explosive spit blew up so we could use it against him caught his ass on fire I’m noticing he has a little invincibility phase yo okay so if we heard him instead of him splitting into

A bunch of segments he kind of just loses that piece of skin on him pretty sick fight though the eater I feel like I had no problem with but at the end of the day it is a worm boss and doesn’t do too much so this is definitely very

Respectable for a worm boss cuz worm bosses in Terraria especially Terraria mods kind of got a reputation for being kind of an most of the time unless you’re very specific mods but look at that we can hit the spit right back at him that’s kind of the coolest part of

The fight I’m not going to lie to you being able to use the own projectiles from the boss against them as a little extra mechanics there but let us finish the remaining segments off here I’m interested if there’s like a phase two I can’t hit it in the head I have to hit

That last segment now do I hit it in the head how do I finish it off oh okay it is finished we just had to wait for that attack oh my gosh got a phase two bro caught me by surprise now what oh this is the regular fight now where it breaks

Down into its pieces oh I interrupted that attack I didn’t mean to what is it it looks like it’s a dash yeah so they do do a little uh thing to show you that they’re going to dash let us finish him off here I like that fight that fight

Was sick I did not expect the phase two which sort of brought it back to basics with a little extra with that Dash attack but that is a sick fight probably my favorite so far I think I got King Slime at the bottom I cthulu and then

Worm at the top so far brain a cthulu is a I definitely have some problems with not in terms of it like beating me but it just sucks it’s not a good boss in my opinion even in overhaul mods it becomes a little bit better but I I never

Thought the brand could do was much of anything yo my boy is purple because of the faros mod he’s got a little barrier around us again the boss is sort of keeping us in a little Arena what is that noise my boy got his own noises custom noises what is this

This is sick this is cool I know for people that like bullet hell type things you know they’re going to love this cuz a lot of terrer fans are surprisingly bullet hell game type fans but this fight definitely has got me locked in I’m a lot more interested in this fight

Rather than it just me sitting there beating up the brain and then oh my God there’s duplicates and mirages but like you still barely have to pay attention cuz the boss is so easy let’s do some damage though we’ve seen pretty much all the attacks yo we got to hit the

Creepers okay so still similar to the regular fight got to break the little creepers and after we break them boom back to this phasee that we usually see but instead of it being like mirages it’s straight up like full images so you are actually going to be confused this

Is like that move Doctor Strange try to pull on Thanos I’m messing with the heavy though we still got the uh little projectile attacks little bullet held type of attacks not as crazy as the earlier ones but he still got a little left in the tank for us let’s finish him

Off though I think we’ve seen everything now that’s a fire death and animation split his ass in half we need some death animations in regular Terraria bro up next is the queen let’s bring her in I’m still not used to the nasty noises she makes hey she’s a giant

Hornet oh my God again with the little like Arena I kind of want to hop out of God mod and see what happens if I pass that oh you just get shot at by the things on the outside dang okay so you it does limit

You to an area but you’re not stuck in that area you just got to dodge know the little projectiles that get shot at you out here but so far what the hell am I looking at she putting lines all over my I sh look like graph paper what is that

Can I hit that you saw how there’s a thing on it I can hit it what if I don’t hit it does like it explode into a bunch of bees yeah it does look at that big bees not just little ones big ass bees let’s do some damage I’m really messing

With this Sprite if you guys have seen the OG Queen be Sprite how it was supposed to be a giant hornet it looked nasty cuz it was like a little beta prototype Sprite whatever but Fargo mod they do it justice I like all the Fargo

Mod re Sprites cuz a lot of them are good references or they’re just good ass Sprites in general so I mess with them heavy let’s do some damage we seen most of her attacks she got some of her OG attacks like the dash you got anything

Else for us she got The Stingers of course what is that oh my go she’s shooting honey so you can’t Dash around in a straight line you got to go over it now but plain as simple it a good fight I never have a problem with the queen

Bee I like variation in attacks especially in a expert and master mode so it was always a solid fight but this option makes it way better we got Skelly boy up next boom he’s purple I mess with it what you got for a Skelly boy he’s

Starting off with no hands hold up I might have to summon him in normally cuz I feel like I don’t know he should probably have hands right Skeletron easily one of the bosses I never refight just because it’s so annoying to fight him again it’s too much effort you got

To put in to fight him again you need a voodoo doll you need the clo ear in a certain area like your arena is just super annoying kind of wish they’d make that a little bit easier because I don’t think he’s interesting enough of a boss

And has enough drops to want to be worth fighting again I don’t know what’s going on with his hands he kind of like gripping onto the tree right here no clue what’s going on my screen’s also getting like really dark why does it get

Dark is it because I get too far away is why it gets too dark or is this a part of his fight no clue his hands don’t seem like they’re much of a threat we can still break his hands they throw a couple bones here and there but they

Don’t seem that big of a threat just extra projectiles you got to worry about this fight doesn’t seem too bad just you got to maintain staying in the arena unless you want to get blinded so not too bad seems like a regular fight so far in terms of uh difficulty but let’s

Break both the hands and let’s see if we’re working with something new here all right here we go what we got he’s spinning it’s a little bit slower oh and then he goes into like a little rage mode little rapid spin shooting out skulls everywhere so you got to be able

To Juke around him or Juke in between the skulls that’s pretty tough let me see if if I can get a little Juke in between those skulls of course he stops the attack oh man he brought his hands back what the hell my boy has four hands

I wish he’d bring out like his feet or something not like in a weird way I don’t got I don’t got no foot fetish bring out like a spine or something and whacking me with it I don’t know more body parts and bones but his hands

Looking like they got a bunch of attacks oh my God what is this you got to stay in this little ass Circle while you got the other hand trying to slap you and him trying to hit you too nah that’s crazy that’s crazy look how I’m bouncing

Off of him that’s pretty tough right there let’s take out the hands again what you got for us he goes back to spitting the bones and then Here Comes his little rapid spin but I’mma take that out I don’t even want to see it again and now he’s got Fireballs in one

Hand he’s got what Water Bolt in the other hand my boy D became the Avatar what the [ __ ] let’s take out his hands again or do we even need to take out his hands we can just hit him directly no we have to take out his hands oh my God

Mandatory okay okay oh my God he’s got more hands bro but we can hit him directly this time we don’t have to worry about his hands so it looks like he’s bringing out like his previous hands he’s got the water boolt one he’s got the little one that spawned in the

Skulls from earlier let’s take his ass out I’m tired of all of it what you got for us sick sick I love me some death animations vanilla T I got no reasons why they shouldn’t have death animations wall of flesh is next this one should be very very very interesting because how

Much can you do with a gigantic wall okay noticing we got the little barrier again so we got to maintain this distance right here let’s see what happens if we go outside of that barrier I’m interested what happens oh nothing nothing so okay so we can leave the

Barrier I was about to say cuz that that would be pretty tough fight being outside that barrier my boy got the Homing lasers I’m really messing with his uh new Crystal look here damn the leeches are gigantic what the heck is that Master mode thing I never paid

Attention to or is that this mod he upgraded though he got some uh XP and he upgraded all his stats into that little laser beam you know Precision Eye laser attack okay my boy she not the hungries pretty solid fight so far nothing too wild is doable let’s do some more damage

He’s got the little like dat stormbow raining projectiles attack here oh shoot look at that I hit one so bad it like I don’t know start flashing red what the hell I’m liking the screen shake the screen shap is sick what you got for us what the heck curs Flame preh Hard Mode

Cur flame is that ior so he’s pretty much got both of the the evil biome Duos you know the crimson and the corruption in them kind of cool now that I think about it like yeah I guess that fits huh I guess that works let’s do damage to

Both not only the mouth but the the eyes too so it looks like if we do damage to one of them for a while it kind of knocks them out for a bit so like say the mouth is doing some crazy ass annoying attacks boom knock out the

Mouth but it seems like the eyeballs in ones that really do all the annoying attacks so those are the ones you probably want to focus knock out a couple of hits on notic he’s getting a little bit wider like his eyes and mouth are separated way further than they were

But I think we seen pretty much everything there was a good bit of projectiles that he was sending out oh my God so many hungries what the heck like I’m stuck in a cobweb bro oh shoot he’s got more attacks is this not like a pretty much damn near hard mode attack

Hey this little little Crystal uh hollowed version kind of fits with some of these attacks my shooting out these big ass crystals they’re still here by the way so can these Hit Me Maybe these hit me yeah they do hey if I get too far

We got further than it earlier but if I do it now he pulls me in so like you do have to stay close to it kind of crazy but let’s finish the boss fight off I want to see the death animation amazing lowkey sound like he

Was singing to us giving us a little little song before he went out the queen slime not the queen bee queen slime what you got for us I hear farting noises that’s not a good sign wait she’s all the way up here what the hell she was

Stuck up here whoa what the hell was that attack okay more barriers to deal with so you got to get real good with your Close Quarter movement against these bosses what happens if I go outside of this barrier okay so it’s only a temporary barrier what is this

She’s got like lasers on these dudes what what does that mean she’s got her little telegraphed Dash attack which I noticed a lot of the bosses have from this which is nice gives you a little extra half a second to uh Dodge an ability what the heck that is kind of

Crazy I feel like my hitbox does not fit in that like this definitely going to hit me and also when the little pillars are up from his attack you can’t attack past them look at that you can actually hit them which that’s going to make the

Fight a lot harder but as long as you’re like Airborne you don’t really got to worry about it let’s put off some more damage though let’s see does she have a phase two does she get some more crazy attacks Let’s see we know that she got some wings yep there they are she

Looking a little bit thicker so she’s been eating good or she’s been in the gym and just bulking up okay we got some uh projectile Thorns little slime Thorn shooting out and then we got some regular queen slime type of attacks okay Queen slime I would definitely consider

Before Master mode before uh for the Worley before legendary all that I would consider queen Sim the first bullet hell boss Ina in my opinion right next to ESS Alik well those are like technically the only two right fight is pretty sick though what the [ __ ] can you swing past

These that’s so crazy that you can’t attack past those so if you’re using projectile weapons they might get blocked by some of these little crystals vilethorn attack whatever the [ __ ] they’re called yeah I think we’ve seen everything so we should take her out now damn she going underneath the arena come

Back up here come back up here and let me beat you up okay I did like how big she was that was really cool really like moving around like a actual like slime would now I believe this is the last boss the mod has reworked is still a work in progress they’re still

Working on a majority of the bosses obviously so that gives us something to look forward to in the future with this mod but it is the Destroyer everyone’s favorite worm boss what you got for us I’m actually use the Zenith against you too oh my God okay he he coming out

Quick with a new attack right away he’s not messing around he wants to show off a little bit not too crazy so far he doesn’t have like the 8 billion laser shooting out thank the Lord what does that mean what does that mean what those

Arrows mean oh so we hit the we hit the probes and they go back and hit him yo that’s so sick I love boss fights like this where like they incorporate a little bit more to the game by having sick mechanics like this this is just like fighting the eater earlier so it’s

Nice that both of them have an attack that you can hit them back with this reminds me of the blue magic mod which has updated since like 1.3 but if you guys ever fought like the spirit of chaos Spirit of Purity those type of bosses they kind of had things like that

Sort of mechanics like that and those bosses I really messed with so it’s nice seeing a breath of fresh air like this now I wonder can I hit him himself yes I can I can hit him myself so it’s pretty much like extra DPS with the the probe

Shooting out so right now I can only hit his tail oh he like transformed into a blue form okay it seems that when you do damage to certain areas what the heck my boy made a kaleidoscope on my ass that’s crazy that’s crazy yeah when you hit

Certain parts of them they blow up and you can’t hit them again until they’re like glowing again we got the probes coming out but this time they got different attacks okay I love the variation spinning his little cobweb on me his little Kaleidoscope on my ass that’s probably the coolest attack

He’s got oh here we go we got another phase Final Phase I like the weird noises he makes kind of like Martian noises almost whoa what the hell do these like blow up or something they got to do something right whoa oh yeah they

Blow up they blow up so what if I hit these can I blow them up on him possibly oh my God what’s even going on yo the X’s okay so if I break the the little X segments on them they kind of got a little exploding animation this is

So sick this is so sick back to what I was saying though Martian noises so maybe the Martians made him making their own sort of L I don’t know what the Terraria lore is cuz I thought they reccon all the lore but then like some people still tell me like there’s

Terraria lore that exists so I don’t know I’m not caught up on it I need to read the uh Terraria manga the comic books I need to get my hands on those that’s the real lore right there but let’s finish him off I think we’re going

To finish him boom and just gone just like that explosions nothing nothing crazy for him but yeah that was a sick mod I liked it a lot vanilla boss is remade shout out to the person that’s working on it everyone that’s working on it it’s great it’s amazing it might be

My favorite Tory of Boss overhaul mod so far because I I don’t know it it’s good like I like other overhaul mods like infernum masochist mode all that stuff but like sometimes it’s a little too crazy sometimes and I feel like this one is just like possibly like the perfect

Amount of crazy in terms of all the attacks and stuff it still might be a little flashy for some people cuz you know there’s always people out there that like I don’t know this doesn’t fit Terraria like I get that comment on damn near every single video I could be

Checking out a mod that adds like a better lawnmower and I’ll get a comment like uh I don’t know man doesn’t fit Terraria be a sick mod I I like it again if you guys want to see me maybe do a little playthrough against some of the

Bosses in it there’s not you know all of the bosses so it wouldn’t be that long with play through we could work something up you know again I got a new Discord up and running finally so make sure to check that out join it you get

To suggest videos you get to talk with me you get to do a bunch of fun things in there also don’t forget to leave a like subscribe and hit the notification bell all that good stuff videos should be popping up on the screen make sure to

Check them out and I will be seeing y’all next time

Some Terraria Boss Fights were too easy, so with this mod we FIXED that.

Vanilla Bosses Remade Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2864891861

Join the Discord! – https://discord.gg/G7Fwd7GyRJ

0:00 Intro
0:58 King Slime
2:39 Eye of Cthulhu
4:09 Eater of Worlds
6:27 Brain of Cthulhu
8:06 Queen Bee
9:36 Skeletron
12:26 Wall of Flesh
15:03 Queen Slime
17:03 Destroyer
19:50 Outro


  1. The WoF this mod has is the hardest I found, more so than infernum with eternity being a close contender. If you break both eyes and the mouth the WoF takes a bunch of self damage

  2. I think in the terraria lore, the mechanic NPC actually build the mech bosses because she got forced to do so, which explains why she’s a tied up victim inside the dungeon

    Not 100% sure on that tho

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