The Funniest Fake Minecraft Speedruns Of All Time…

Oh I didn’t bring blocks uh get on uh oh my God yeah you ain’t trying to mess with this El people who cheat in their speedruns are hilarious because they’re terrible at hiding the fact that they cheated these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns this speedrun starts

Off very normal looking my only comment is that while they do have a timer it starts off at 75 seconds which is suspicious but there’s only one way we’re going to find out if this is fake or not well the speedrunner turns around and immediately starts breaking this

Tree for wood they turn the wood into planks like I said everything here is looking very very normal now wait a second though I don’t think you noticed a few things if I rewind the speedrun you can see at the beginning of the footage there’s actually a village far

Off into the distance and then after breaking the tree when they turn around there is another one right behind them which is very very lucky but this is where things start to get very very suspicious you can see there’s a flower on the ground and listen to what the

Speedrunner says about it oh there’s a Popp on the floor I bet I could use that for something H okay they’re going to use it for something I am terrified well the speedrunner continues to explore this Village and they found a blacksmith you’re never going to believe what they

Do they give the wooden planks to the Villager for a trade and uh yeah the Villager takes the planks and then starts throwing glowstone blocks at the speedrunner and a water bucket how is this possible the speedrunner starts building a Teemu nether portal with Glowstone putting water in the middle of

It and nothing happens now of course this speedrunner was trying to get into The Ether but I don’t think they realized you need mods installed to go there oh brother and their damage control is giving a flower to this Villager come on how stupid can you get

Giving a flower to a villager is not going to do it what in the world yeah uh the Villager starts building another portal I I must have missed a few updates and if you think things can’t get any worse they get worse he goes into the blacksmith house opening this

Chest and yep it goes from 0 to 100 real quick so the speedrunner crafts flint and steel and then they light their nether portal that villager completely legitimately just created and something tells me that villager is going to be back for more acting so the speedrunner enters the Nether and again everything

Looks very very normal but hang on a second I don’t think you noticed what just happened right now there is a piglin right in front of them but if I rewind the speedrun footage in the same spot it was the Villager from earlier so clearly he just walked around and wasted

Time for the shape-shifting Villager to change its form so the speed Runner finds some gold they get a single gold nugget and they return to the piglin they throw the single gold nugget at the piglin I think in an attempt to distract the people watching the speedrun and

Speedrun moderators they open up their inventory and pretend to organize their items and while that’s happening they get 64 blaze rods thrown on the ground buddy you’re not slick now if things can’t get any worse listen to what the speedrunner says again they Stu at blazs

Thanks I just need an Enderman I just need an Enderman and look at that they found an Enderman if I rewind the footage take note of where this piglin is he is right next to this tree then when I fast forward the speedrun footage the Enderman is right next to that same

Tree so again I could be wrong but I think it’s very safe to assume this is just his friend shape-shifting into random Minecraft Mobs I don’t know well when the speedrunner approaches the Enderman oh man you are not going to believe what he says yo uh give me your

W yeah and then the Enderman gives him his Eyes of Ender these are very unorthodox speedr running methods but clearly they’re working so at a world record paced 3 minutes and 20 seconds the speedrunner has as many eyes ofender as he could possibly need and he exits the nether well the speedrunner returns

To the Overworld and they start throwing Their Eyes of Ender in order to locate the stronghold but this speedrun has more twist and turns than a roller coaster at Six Flags because while they’re throwing the Eye of Ender a pig with a saddle approaches them if I go

Frame by frame the pig is cycling through the items in its inv ventory it’s holding flint and steel it’s holding whatever in the world this ball is I cannot figure it out and then it starts creating the end portal um you know I haven’t played Minecraft in a

While but I think i’ I’ve missed a few updates guys I don’t know now this is all fantastic news for the speedrunner until he realizes that the very friendly Miracle pig doesn’t know how to build an end portal this is so goofy well the speedrunner fills the brand new end

Portal with Eyes of Ender entering the end world record time there’s just one problem with the speedrun despite all of this ridiculous cheating they forgot to bring blocks with them and they used all of their ender eyes so they can’t use it to teleport into the middle of the

Island and the speedrunner himself actually realizes this oh I didn’t bring blocks but that’s when it gets really crazy because the pig with the saddle on puts a sign down and the sign says get on oh so that’s why he has the saddle on standing here I realize you just like

Me yeah so clearly they’re having some technical difficulties because they kill themselves by accident but despite dying in the middle of their speedrun there is a very blatant and Shameless cut in their footage and the speedrunner starts taking hits at the Ender Dragon while on this Flying Pig unfortunately though the

Ender dragon flies away but this is where things get really weird as if they aren’t already weird enough the speedrunner starts throwing all of their items on the ground in an attempt to get the end Dragon to perch and then their timer says error which I’m not sure why

Maybe it’s malfunctioning because of all the crazy mods they have installed somehow it works the Ender Dragon comes down and out of nowhere it’s killed in one hit so the only thing I can assume is that the pig killed it in one hit so technically this speedrunner didn’t get

The world record uh the magical flying pig did I love how this Flying Pig just floats away into the sunset after absolutely carrying this horrible speedrunner it is just the icing on the cake what a goofy speedrun I conveniently spawn facing a tree let’s go yep nope I am not reviewing the

Speedrun the quality of this video looks like this person recorded their speedrun with a toaster oven uploaded it to YouTube downloaded it and then repeated that process 1,000 times honestly this speedrunner should get the Guinness World Record for worst video quality of all time but I was curious so I skipped

Through the speedrun and holy cow I am so glad I did not waste my time watching this I’m sorry but imagine waking up and this is what you see at the foot of your bed this is like one of those sleep paralysis demons yes we beat Minecraft

In a One Singular minute dream no we did it yeah anyways the speedrunner Beats Minecraft in a minute just horrible quality I just thought it was funny so I would at least talk about it for a minute this speedrun seems normal right off the bat but my only comments are

That they have this keyboard thing at the bottom right of their screen which is just obnoxious and and distracting but I suspect they have that on the screen to distract you from the fact that they are using feather client which immediately disqualifies this speedrun you are not allowed to use third party

Clients when speedr running a game well the speedrunner creates their new world calling it Speed Run and their loading screen looks very legitimate until this happens just wait yeah did you see that let me rewind it and show you frame by frame it goes by very quickly but you

Can very clearly see that the speedrunner spawns in what a appears to be a jungle biome then there is a very sudden cut where they’re just in a completely different place which is definitive proof that they are using a set seed but you know whatever they’re

Just not going to tell anyone that what a sloppy way to cheat so the speedrunner turns around and wow a ruined nether portal what a coincidence I’m sure that has nothing to do with their very strange cut earlier they open the chest attached to the ruined nether portal and

They literally get everything they could possibly want to need extra obsidian a fire charge to light the nether portal how convenient but keep in mind here the ruined nether portal wasn’t even ruined I’m not actually even sure if it can spawn this way completely filled I don’t know regardless it’s lucky I’ll give

Them that so the speedrunner enters the Nether and hang on a second did you see what just happened let me play it again and tell me if you notice it yeah that’s right very suspicious as soon as they enter the nether not only is the loading screen just not present in the footage

All of the items in their hot bar are just gone what happened where did they go while the items are in their inventory just removed from the hot bar bar which means clearly the speedrunner was doing some nefarious thing behind the scenes and cut it out of his footage

While the speedrunner finds a nether fortress and hang on a second did you catch that there are so many sudden Cuts in the speedrun as soon as the speedrunner hits the ground on the nether fortress there is another sudden cut and the chat history makes it very

Obvious saying set on game mode to survival after this sudden cut they approach a chest which again has every item they could possibly need enchanted golden apples armor a weapon and the armor and the weapons have unusually good enchantments to them I’m going to be honest I don’t actually know if it’s

Possible to find an iron helmet with protection 4 in a random chest the only thing I can assume is that they created this behind the scenes and cut it out of the footage so the speedrunner wastes a bunch of time destroying these skeletons and if I go frame by frame here they’re

Suddenly in a completely different location and on top of that where did they get these wooden planks well it’s it’s pretty obvious that this speedrunner went behind the scenes located a blaze spawner and then cut all of that out of their speedrun footage and that seems to be the motto for the

Entire speedrun because again there is a very sudden cut and the chat log says that they added looting three to their item come on buddy at least try to hide the fact that you’re cheating well after their golden sword is magically enchanted with looting three they kill

Two blazes and get five blaze rods and after these miraculous series of events the speedrunner actually returns to their nether portal to go back to the Overworld which is very confusing because usually a professional speedrunner would oh I don’t know go to a Bastion and try and get is ofender on

Their way to the Overworld though tell me if you noticed what just happened there is no loading screen and if I go frame by frame they actually return to the Overworld in a completely different location but there’s a sudden cut and they’re back to the Jungle once again

Well at 1 minute and 50 seconds the speedrunner has as many Eyes of Ender as they could possibly need so so they throw it up into the air to locate the stronghold the speedrunner jumps into the ocean and they attempt digging down wow for a Minecraft speedrun this is

Just embarrassing the speedrunner very quickly realizes how slow it is to break blocks underwater they waste an absurd amount of time just trying to get underground underwater they run out of air put down a crafting table and try to make a pickaxe but they by accident just

Put all Oak planks down then I think they realize oh I need sticks and I need need Cobblestone and you know I need all this stuff so while they are literally dying they make a wooden pickaxe and again oh my goodness it takes so long to break this stone block but luckily after

Breaking that first block they do build above them finally we don’t have to sit through that torture anymore so the speedrunner continues to dig down they even throw an Eye of Ender to verify that they’re actually going to the correct place and then they go in their

Inventory to craft more tools but hang on a second there buddy I don’t think you caught what just happened if I go frame by frame there was a very suspicious cut and well would you look at that they suddenly have cobblestone in their inventory which they use to

Craft a stone pickaxe but even cheating this much the speedrunner still selects the wooden planks and attempts to make a pickaxe with just wooden planks and then I think they realize uh wait a second I forgot how to craft things again but it’s okay they redeem themselves and

They make a stone pickaxe would you look at that they dig directly into the stronghold but hang on a second what’s going on here somehow the speedrunner is clipped into the wall and straight ahead they can see the end portal room this guy Must Have Cheated during his

Speedrun and and paid someone with food to edit it oh you know I I’ll give you a double cheeseburger if you edit my fake speedrun and cut out all the bad cheating stuff clearly the editor didn’t do his job well the speedrunner enters the end portal room filling the portal

With eyes and entering the end but surprisingly there are no strange Cuts here well wait a second did you just see that I spoke to too soon if I replay the speedrun footage frame by frame you can actually see the chat box is open but it’s only for a split second and

Unfortunately there is no way to really tell what the speedrunner did behind the scenes here there is only one way to find out though clearly though what they did behind the scenes wasn’t good enough because there is another sudden cut where their hot bar just completely

Changes full of beds is there no way he could have been more subtle about cheating so the speedrunner starts placing down all their beds in the middle middle of the end Island while they are actively almost about to die you can tell they know nothing about speedrunning Minecraft and before the

Dragon even finishes perching they blow up their bed which blows up all the other beds that is not how to speedrun Minecraft buddy and listen I’ve done it before it is really not that difficult there’s save files you can download on the internet where you could practice

One cycling the dragon with beds it is really not that tough well anyways after a very sudden cut the ender dragon’s Health has decreased substant eventually then the speedrunner puts a bed down directly in front of him the wooden block that’s acting as a barrier glitches and becomes invisible I have no

Idea what’s going on here but regardless somehow by some miracle the speedrunner kills the Ender Dragon beating the game in a world record 4 minutes and 41 seconds my only suggestion to the speedrunner is to get a better editor the best way I can describe this speedrun is amateur they’re using a

Video recording program that has slapped this ginormous water mark at the bottom right of their screen and then they window out of Minecraft during the speedrun to start a 5minute timer buddy I hate to break it to you but I don’t think that’s how speedr running Works

Unless this is some sort of flex that they’re going to beat the game in less than 5 minutes there’s only one way to find out and oh yeah I forgot to mention they have this crazy electronic Hype music playing in the background which is very hilarious to listen to while they

Are doing the most mundane task like breaking a tree wait a second what is he doing why is he opening his world to L yeah okay so 15 seconds into the speedrun he wastes a little bit of time trying to get our attention breaking a tree then he

Shamelessly goes into creative mode to give himself a netherite axe and you know what it’s fine he went back into survival mode yeah it’s no big deal wow he really goes wild with that netherite axe showing off his skill and Agility barely being able to break the blocks in

Fr front of him so he makes a crafting table to make a wooden pickaxe and a wooden axe um even though he has a netherite axe did he forget that he just went into creative mode to give himself a netherite axe well despite these things the speedrunner goes back into

The chat box they start typing slash a Gak what is a Gak I don’t know well they were trying to go into creative mode again and now that they’re back in a creative mode they give themsel a lava bucket and a water bucket they use that to create obsidian and somehow without

Breaking the obsidian block they just magically have obsidian in their hands even though I’m confused as to what just happened here if you’re going to go into creative mode and give yourself a lava bucket and a water bucket to get obsidian why didn’t you just give yourself obsidian well it doesn’t matter

The speedrunner attempts to build a nether portal they are having a very difficult Time just struggling a lot to create a rectangle and and then they give themselves flint and steel honestly I am very surprised they didn’t go through some sort of 10-minute journey to create a flame to light the portal just to make this run seem somewhat legitimate now as

Soon as the speedrunner enters the nether they press F3 they’re looking around they’re trying to find maybe nether fortress maybe a Bastion but after about 20 to 30 seconds of looking around they just shamelessly go into spectator mode and oh my goodness it is just hilarious to see this goofy goober

Floating around in spectator mode with this hype Beast electronic music playing in the Background and the icing on the cake is this ridiculous Watermark at the bottom of their screen but then things get even crazier they start typing in the chat box slpl I feel like a big dummy because I didn’t even know this was a feature in vanilla Minecraft like is this a mod or

Is this vanilla because supposedly you can just place an entire nether fortress and and it’s at this point where the speedrun just goes downhill so quickly the speedrunner goes into creative mode once they reach the nether fortress that they just created out of thin air yeah that’s right they don’t go into survival

They’re they’re just in Creative for the rest of the speedrun now then they give themselves strength 9 billion chillion gillion they give themselves Blaze spawn eggs but while they’re killing the blazes that they just spawned in their frame rate drops to like 1 FPS so it is just impossible to tell what is

Happening on their screen and after taking all that time to be playing the game at 1 FPS and get 11 blaze rods they still just end up going into creative and giving themselves 64 blaze rods okay this is just a little frustrating at this point if you’re going to cheat

You’re spending so much time for theatrics just give yourself the blaze rods well they give themselves ender pearls as well and then okay wait a second why are they turning keep inventory on yeah that’s right they just they they kill themselves okay when they spawn they shamelessly give themselves

End Portal frames and they shamelessly build the end portal attempt they attempt to build the end portal oh man this is painful to watch and then they try filling the end portal with ender pearls man I don’t know if I’m going to make it to the end of the speedrun I’m

Going to be honest well at this point the speedrunner tries to make amends he tries to go into survival mode but unfortunately the first time he types game mode sir and then the second time he does the same thing game mode sir then he types game mode sus but the

Fourth time he is now in survival mode so the speedrunner crafts Their Eyes of Ender then they enter the end unfortunately though like every other Minecraft speedrunner who cheats they didn’t bring any blocks with them now keep in mind they have ender pearls in their inventory but instead of just

Throwing one on the end Island to get them there they go into creative mode again so yada yada yada they float around they break the crystals I just realized they must be speedrunning Minecraft on a potato PC because they render distance looks like it’s maybe one or two chunks at Most oh man what is this all right as if the speedrun wasn’t already horrible enough you tell me why in the world they are giving themselves a command block they place the command block and in the console command box they type dat I’m not really sure what that’s supposed to

Mean then they type kill that stupid Ender Dragon and you will not believe it it Works no I’m just kidding it does not work yeah they put a lever down and they are just so frustrated now they try again actually using the correct command to kill the Ender Dragon but somehow it

Doesn’t even work I have no idea how so out of frustration the speedrunner breaks their command blocks then they give themselves a bed and just start placing a bunch down exploding everything they do actually do a decent amount of damage on the Ender Dragon they just keep on exploding the beds

Until they realize that he flew away actually quite a while ago so they try plan a plan B plan C after all those plans don’t work they eventually just do the kill command in the text box and the dragon’s gone wow that was a riveting battle and just like that they beat the

Game in world record Time

The Funniest Fake Minecraft Speedruns…

MORE Fake Minecraft Speedruns ►



  1. funnily enough, even if the first speedrunner was legit, he wouldnt even be on pace for the set seed world record on bedrock edition…

  2. I love these videos, they make me laugh and they make my day. also STANDING HERE I REALIZE

  3. in the 3rd "speedrum" when he went through the ruined nether portal it looked complete but the bottom left block was made out of crying obsidian witch it is not possible to make a netherprtel with crying obsidian

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