Minecraft Escaping $1 Prison vs $1,000,000 Prison

I’m going to be escaping this $1 million maze this $700,000 Sky Temple a $200,000 yacht all the way down to this $1 Stone jail okay guys this is the $1 prison so it should be pretty easy to escape yeah look it even has holes in the roof yeah

We totally can’t just break this iron bar right here yeah all we have to do is just break this block and or out there’s a painting right here oh my goodness there’s a room wait is this string hold up that’s a trap right there I think I

Just got an idea yo yo guys you guys have to check this out wait what there’s this chest I found the stuff it has is literally mental wait for real let’s have a look wait what yes no way this is insane I got them both regie that wasn’t

Cool bro all right my bad guys but I think we’re done here it’s time to go to the $10,000 Maximum Security Prison okay looks like we’re going to be in different cells for this one but hold on what’s so expensive about this prison I could just break this glass what what

Just happened guys I’m not kidding I think if you break the glass the floor turns to Lava what there’s no way I don’t believe you oh wait what you weren’t kidding about the lava this is is the most Hightech prison I’ve ever seen but imagine what the even more

Expensive ones are going to be like I can’t wait till we get to the big box me too but we have to first get out of this place and I think I might have an idea breaking the glass isn’t going to work but technically if I just break the

Observer surely it won’t trigger anything what oh no that’s more lava I can’t believe it just pushed a new Observer straight up and I haven’t got much left to stand on guys but I do have this chorus fruit so hopefully it’ll teleport me out come on I only have one

More this has to work please come on no I’m back in the prison oh wait I’m in your prison great timing Reggie I just thought of my plan we can make fire resistance potion with this brewing stand what and then leave from underneath the lava yeah and hopefully

It gets us to over there that’s a good plan fif so let’s get started on this fire resistance potion well there’s one problem though we don’t have no blaze powder what I don’t have any either oh no this isn’t good you guys are forgetting that I’m the best I have

Blaze powder you got blaze powder let’s go dexi huge clutch put it in here and now we wait but you’re not the best I’m the best okay it’s done I think we’re ready to get out of this place wait you idiot you’re forgetting about me oh yeah

My bad come on we need to do this quick I want to see what that next prison is okay everyone get together okay let’s go come on I really hope this leads somewhere to be honest guys it’s looking pretty good I think we’re in some type

Of tunnel up we go up we go yes would you look at that all right guys let’s get out of this place oh no no there’s a door blocking the exit what are we going to do look guys you’re not seeing this there’s a hole in the wall wait what is

There wait yeah I see it wait fifth are you seeing that over there oh yeah there’s some Redstone that’s got to be powering this door and I have a redstone torch if you place it on the side of the wall it could reverse a signal wait fif

I think you’re a genius I’ll place it right there no way good job fif it actually worked but it only opened one what are we going to do now I think you both were who’s the best again oh we have a trapo good job Dex we can glitch

Through let’s go just F Spas bar yes I’m through all right then guys now that we’re finished with the $10,000 prison it’s time to get even crazier and go to the $200,000 Mansion however the whole thing is going to blow up once it turns night and these daylight sensors get

Activated oh that is a lot of TNT guys we must find the exit before that blows up where heit guys we can literally just break these windows wait for real oh my gosh you’re so smart just do this wait oh no oh no it’s blocked off by barriers

This isn’t good but we shouldn’t waste too much time up here check it out guys there’s an opening right here I reckon this has to lead to the exit for sure yes yes check it out guys these guys have even put a lever here for us what

What is this where are we guys oh no that’s lava we’re going to burn hold up I have a piston I have an idea jump guys jump yes get ready get on the ladder go good job guys I can’t believe that worked look how close we were to dying

We can even reach this wood that’s perfect we can build out from this hole place that there and we’re good I can’t believe we almost died in that great we can make our way to the exit we haven’t got long before that TNT blows up what

Is this I’ve never seen these before are these lasers this is insane this is a $200,000 Mansion fify it’s bound to be pretty difficult I say we make a run for it guys what other option do we have let’s give it a test go go go go go oh

No this isn’t good it does loads of damage half a heart that’s insane guys I have this speed potion it might be enough to get us across that’s a great idea dexi Splash it okay hope for the best guys 3 2 1 go go go go go oh my

Gosh that does damage these lasers are lethal quick the TNT guys oh my gosh you’re so right I almost forgot about it guys there’s a window here it’s looking like Sunset we need to go now this whole place is going to blow I think that TNT

Is exploding guys T goes to Mansion this has to be the most expensive explosion I’ve ever seen yeah this Mansion is getting completely obliterated now that this $200,000 Mansion is completely destroyed we’re going to move on to the $500,000 yacht however it might be sinking like as we speak all right guys

It looks like we’re at the bottom of this sinking yacht and oh boy is it sinking fast are you kidding me we’re going to start drowning soon wait guys look there’s a chest and there’s a water breeding potion in here quickly I’m dying bro I’m going to drown to death oh

Okay but it’s only for 1 minute and 30 seconds we need to think fast wait I have levers we can just open this iron door oh no no the water it instantly breaks the levers that isn’t good we need a different method I do have this Ender P maybe I can ladder glitch

Through let’s see throw the PE just like that is it working I think it worked wait what no no guys that didn’t work I thought it 100% glitched me through let me check my inventory I have quartz Cobble and Redstone wait does anyone have a crafting table I think I got

Something yeah I got one right here perfect good job Dex let’s see let’s see can I craft it yes I can I can make an observer real quick what an observer how is that going to help check it out fif check it out we’ll place it like this

And now go next to the door quickly okay and now we just Break It come on come on come on this has to work walk forward fif I’m going yes it works for a split second the door opens okay Dex walk forward come on come on come on yes okay

You’re through and now if I just walk back into this door and break this Leaf it should work come on come on come on I don’t have long with my water breathing left please yes let’s go guys we got out of there that’s good in all legie but we

Have a different problem we all have mining fatigue and we can’t break out of here what you mean to tell me we’re still stuck on the boat this isn’t good I don’t know how long we have until this boat sinks and it’s taking way too long

To break this glass guys look there’s a lever here Dex I wouldn’t touch that if I was you don’t do it don’t do it oh my goodness if it’s a good thing you won’t near the explosion you would have been dead right now dexi I told you

To not touch that lever oh guys you might want to see this the water it’s rising oh no this is not good guys we’re going to go down with the ship uh-oh this really isn’t good slowly but surely we’re going to drown in here we don’t have water breathing what’s in these

Chests food puffer fish nothing’s really useful wait ender pearls here fif take this bro we need to find some place to throw these pearls we need to speed it up though cuz we’re going to die wait there’s a gap right here good find Fifth throw your P just like that okay we’re

Good uh guys I don’t have a pearl oh no no no this isn’t good and I still have mining fatigue F what are we going to do we need to think the entire room it’s flooded no no no no no we better think fast fifth wait guys I got an idea if we

Can’t break the blocks we can blow them up with TNT good thinking fifth how did you not think of this earlier okay we just need to light it but no I don’t have anything to do that with do you oh that’s the one problem I don’t no this

Isn’t good wait guys I have a flint steel quickly Dex drop it to me she’s dying come on come on come on this has to work FY get back yes dexi get out oh my my goodness I thought you were going to die there let’s go guys we survived

The sinking yacht this one was pretty difficult can you guys even imagine the next well it’s going to be even more insane than the last one because we’re now going to be escaping the $750,000 sky Temple okay guys we’re in the sky Temple and it looks like we’re

In the highest room and we have to find our way down we can start by trying to break this floor yeah that’s a good idea let’s have a look any luck no it’s obsidian okay hold up then if we can’t break through let’s break this glass I

Think I have an idea perfect we now have a gap well legie don’t look like I’m one block tall are we going to fit through this gy well thanks to this guy who commented on my video I learned that I can place a piston like this and then a

Block on top like this a redstone torch and perfect would you look at that I can now crawl out wait how did I not notice these a stupid barriers again it’s definitely not going to be as easy as that let’s think guys what are we going

To do uh do you guys hear that wait what are you talking about oh what is that they have samurai swords this is insane I’m going to get one D they do so much damage they almost dead guys hang in there I’ve almost got them oh I’m at 3

HP de beat him up with this I’m going to die oh those Samurai were insane wait guys I think I’m on to something what you find fisy what do you see there’s a lever right there but I can’t reach it oh I see it hold up I think if we place

One block we should be able to get to it come on lety get out of here you’re too short let me do this did you guys see Pistons I think it came from over here wait for real I heard something but I’m not too sure wait there’s netherite

Blocks fisy try Flick that lever again oh sure let’s hope this works yes good job fifth let’s check it out guys what is this look there’s a chest for each of us let let’s go have a look no no no I don’t trust this yeah something’s off

There’s a trip wire right there wait I’m not seeing it oh my goodness I see it look at it it’s almost invisible maybe we can check what this strip wire does without actually going down there I can try to activate it like this that’s pretty close fi but I don’t think we can

Reach it from here wait does anyone have any sticks I can craft a fishing rod I saw dexi had a stick earlier no it’s just one I don’t have enough okay wait hold up let me see yes I have six bamboo and we can turn that into sticks and

There you go that’s a perfect amount let’s hope this works yes I got it on good job fif what oh my goodness it’s a good thing we did not go down there that was insane good job though fif that worked at least now let’s go down but

How are we supposed to get out this thing let me guess barriers here right yep just as I expected okay well let’s think there has to be an exit somewhere guys over here I found it wait for real oh yes there’s ladders let’s go that’s perfect let’s see what this Temple has

In store for us next oh my goodness oh no this is terrifying are these ninjas and they seem to have bats guys if these Pistons activate on us and this gets removed I have a bad feeling we’re instantly dead I really hope there’s no trip wire or something okay we’re good

Let’s hope this next room is safer oh no he’s a ninjas with shurikens please please please Pistons do not open on us these guys are insane they know I’m claustrophobic don’t worry though guys I think this is the end yes let’s go is this the final level let’s have a look

No it’s not this barriers but we’re very close guys we’ve almost beat the sky Temple did you guys hear that I think the Pistons opened I really hope those mobs don’t come I doubt they’ll be able to fit through there you’ve got nothing to worry about about do you think so bro

I really hope so oh oh my goodness we were so wrong the baby ones could fit through that Gap and they were all targeting me oh my gosh I’m going to die follow me guys follow me guys come here come in this boat like this this is

Insane there’s so many of them how are we going to kill them we need to figure out who they’re targeting look at them they’re all over at your side I think honestly if I drop down they won’t Target me at all let’s give it a shot

Yeah see it’s working wait what okay but let me kill them right now come on come on come on I’m getting low I’m at one heart and a half there’s only a few left come on there’s this one last guy did we let him live no okay now that we haven’t

Got to deal with any zombies I think we can use this boat to actually escape this place let’s try this corner come on that corner didn’t work but maybe this one will come on come on please wait it actually worked let’s go we’re out of this we completed the sky Temple and now

It’s time for the $1 million impossible maze filled with loads of traps and tons of surprises all right guys the good thing is there are three of us so it should be fine I agree if we stick together we should be good let’s have a

Look what’s in this chest oh it’s a mine cart for each of us we you already know left is always right so I’m definitely going over here 3 2 1 go off we go this is so cool uh guys check it out wait what where am I going where did you both

Go what where am I going what is this oh no I’m dead wait what how did I survive that’s insane I just went over a six block jump with a mine cart but I also lost my friends and I’m stuck in the million dollar maze I have to get back

To them all right let’s find out what’s so expensive about this maze what what is this oh my gosh slowness potions come on come on come on come on come on okay I survived but that is absolutely insane I’m lucky I didn’t catch on fire okay

Moving on what TNT oh my gosh we just have to run that is quite a lot of TNT oh my goodness I hope it doesn’t push it into me that’s insane okay I survived that wait what a chest and some blown up item frames and two golden apples okay

Let’s see what’s in the chest a punch bow nice nice nice that’s useful wait oh my gosh more TNT that’s insane okay I got this punch boow but I’m a bit confused because where am I supposed to go back there is a dead end and that’s where I came from and over

Here there’s just a chest wait I think I spotted it behind these glowberries right yep exactly we found the hidden entrance and now I have to get over to that platform I have four ches with Blackstone let me try build over wait what what wait what’s going on I can’t

Break things or place things how am I supposed to go over there now wait a minute I do have this punch bow so I can try and shoot myself with an arrow this might take me a few attempts I need to line it up perfectly okay something like

That should work I’m like here and jump come on yes oh my goodness that was right on the edge I almost died okay what is this oh no it’s button piston parkour basically if I want to do this I have to first try every jump and hit the

Button at the same time with jumps like these there’s nothing to it but to do it here we go get ready come on and this one this one come on come on yes oh my gosh that goes straight to the void I didn’t even notice this maze is brutal I

Got to find the others oh oh that’s insane I was literally just talking about finding you guys wait where’s dexi I’m not really sure bro I didn’t find her yet but I tell you what I did find what’s that bro what did you find it was insane bro I found these golden doors

But I couldn’t open them it’s clear that we need to find a key no way a golden door that sounds insane I tried looking for the key everywhere but I couldn’t find it it’s impossible we need to find that key man it sounds like that thing you’re talking about is the exit wait

What does that sound oh my goodness fifth do you see that I know what that is it’s a maze giant that thing can eat Us Alive and it’s getting closer very quickly fif we need to run fast fast fast I’m terrified I’m terrified I’ve heard bad things about this giant bro we

Need to hurry up where’s this key man where’s this key wait there check it out I see dex’s name tag yo guys what’s up oh my goodness Dex around uh why what’s behind me what the hell is that thing guys run we need to go now this is

Insane I can’t believe you got that close so quick I don’t want to find out how much damage this guy does trust me bro you don’t want to know wait what is this is this where the key is no it’s empty wait guys I already found it is

That a key oh my goodness that’s fif take us to the door now sure this way it should be just around this corner yes it’s here oh my goodness this looks insane dexi use the key yes let’s go it worked what is down here I think we did

It guys I think we completed the maze this is absolutely nuts let’s have a look guys oh my goodness the pillars are made out of gold blocks and jackpots in the chest D check out the barrels this place really is worth a million dollars this is nuts and would you look at these

Armor TRS it’s a set for each of us if you guys like these videos make sure to let me know in the comment section down below

Minecraft Escaping $1 Prison vs $1,000,000 Prison

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