Another HUGE UPGRADE For Minecraft 1.21!

New Mobs structure overhauls accidental secret releases oh my was but just a mere few days ago a brand new Minecraft update Minecraft preview bunch of numbers released inside of this preview we’ve got some gigantically significant changes and oh well it’s been 84 years hasn’t it gosh I feel like it was just a

Few days ago I was making dramatic video talking about how I’m going to do more modded videos and then poof all of a sudden couple months in the future and oh haven’t done this in a while I’m a little bit rusy over here next to former sacred tree the naturally spawn the pink

Sheep seems to have taken a liking to it devoured two blocks of this thing we have our first big change didn’t see this one coming this that name that beautiful name almost as if it’s a hint or something it involves this enchantment fortune 3 Nether wart if I had a fully grown in

Nether wart for the very first time ever I would be able to actually Fortune the Netherwood that’s nice and all but that’s not really where the actual fun comes in in though beautifully the fortune buff none of us saw coming inside of this beta it spills over into

The melon as well it spills over into Redstone Oro a little bit better and then maybe best of all his SPS over into glowstone maybe you couldn’t get so touch well no big deal because very consistently almost every time I’m getting four glowstone dust that’s practically soak touch in the block

Right there as you might suspect all of these beautiful new Fortune changes are parody changes to match the Java’s Fortune enchantment identically got to be honest I didn’t see this one coming but with the context of the fortune updates from the last update it makes perfect sense you wonder if this means

Any other enchantment changes will be coming soon cough cough sweeping EDH it’s no lie the changes inside of this week’s preview are truly all over the place over here on Minecraft to Java Edition this beautiful SE it’s quaint it’s simple it’s really not too much but something about a plan’s biome mode you

Know how I feel about the planes bi spawning it okes some raw strong emotions from me it’s Beauty just simple doesn’t get more early game than this mix in some spawn structures and oh it gets even more beautiful no and speaking of Spawn structures one of the most

Beautiful structures of all time the Minecraft 1.21 trial chamber structure you’d have to be living under a rock to not know the Minecraft 1.21 is essentially the Zelda update of all time it’s a big dungeon update the main thing at this point inside of this update is

This giant structure that’s going to be randomized different every single time you find it you head into the thing you take on the trial you do the struggle and hopefully you come out of this thing with a little bit more than glowberries offered to you as a nice reward for the

Longest time over here on Minecraft Bedrock Edition there was a giant mob missing from the trial Chambers and oh baby they finally the journey is over it actually exists over here the brand new bogged mob we talked all about this in last week’s snapshot videoos so if you

Don’t know about it you got to know about it it’s beautiful so what what I wanted to do over here is run a couple final tests that I actually have not run quite yet or at least one of the tests I have not run quite yet on either version of

Minecraft here we have all three skeleton variants that are now in Minecraft oh and if you were curious about the bug can it spawn with armor ruining your day 10 times more oh absolutely just like all other mobs in Minecraft that can spawn with armor so in this terrible boggy skeleton all

Right so over here in survival as we can see these skeletons have a low long long lock on Range they see me from far away very interestingly it looks like the abog on Minecraft the Bedrock Edition is very buffed up this was pretty much the only test I didn’t run the bog skeleton

Is meant to shoot arrows a little bit slower than it’s than it’s bony counterparts because of that the poison it’s deadly it’s terrible the poison it seems to last the same amount of time that it lasts on Minecraft Java that’s going to be a total of 4 seconds per

Arrow this sword with one of the most beautiful names of all time maybe another hint or something should be able to one hit a bogged without any armor on bogged without any armor no critical goodbye dear friend meanwhile this skeleton right here is going to take two

Hits in the Stray as well it doesn’t have less health or anything like that that’s going to be two hits too I really hope this wasn’t oversight though and this mob will get a little bit speed decrease in the next update because that is really really terrible and just

Disgustingly deadly that’s too quick just like on Java you’ll be able to find this bog skeleton and the swamp biome but also the chambers I saw a little bit of confusion about it but basically how it works is any trial chamber has different categories of mobs you’re

Going to be able to find mobs that are called small mobs you’re going to be able to find mobs that are called melee mobs and finally you’ll find ranged mobs as well for example this random trial chamber structure when it comes to our melee mob up close and personal it’s

Going to be a husk the dead giveaway was the Sandstone but if you didn’t know you walk up closer you’d see a husk inside of this thing that’s going to mean the other melee mobs for example normal zombie off the books you’ll never find it inside of this chamber as of this

Preview you’ll not be able to find the bogged in some trial Chambers but that’s not even the most beautiful change over on Minecraft Bedrock Edition now completely different world this world should look Vaguely Familiar it’s that beautiful simple spawn with the planes biome all over the place now structures

They’re not in perfect parody or at least like every structure isn’t for example on Minecraft bck at Worlds one we’ve got this Village inside of the Sea on the other hand Minecraft to Java it’s not exactly placed in the same spot I think the village should theoretically

Be right there but instead we have an outpost at World spawn with another Village nearby with the trial Chambers being right now the biggest part of 1.21 oh boy they better be common and they better be pretty similar on both versions veterans will know that the trial Chambers up until this point has

Been insanely uncommon on Bedrock you would find it like once every 2,000 blocks sometimes well this time now imperfect parody yes yes that’s right for the very first time ever the trial Chambers is now actually easy to find on bedrock with an asteris it’s more common now though if everything works as

Intended trial chamber should not be placed keyword placed at the same spot on both versions Let’s test it all right so flying around in spectator here take a look at this trial chamber I can assure you that it generated at approximately the same spot on Minecraft

To Java but take note of the details here powder snow room for example maybe like the chambers and how they’re kind of vaguely like out sliding over to Minecraft to Java in literally the same exact spot I slide under the ground and I find a trial chamber is beautiful

However the finer details of this trial chamber I hate to burst the bubble but they are not identical on Java over here we can clearly see a colorful bedroom did not see that one on the last one and absolutely no Powder snow room it looks like we do have some similar rooms going

On but they’re just a little bit different also over here on Minecraft to Java I’ve noticed that I have a second to a trial chamber very very close to the structure this trial chamber is a whole lot smaller but it’s still a second chamber over on Bedrock if I set

Myself over to that same spot what do you think will happen it’s beautiful this beautiful is not a lie truly they’ve done it and very interestingly this trial Cher is also a little bit smaller taking a quick look at it I don’t think it’s identical to the Java

One definitely not and oh that looks like a challenge for sure actually I just got a cool idea let’s take a look at this structure so we’ve got spider as this small melee mob very nice hey oh hold up why is one of these blocks Stone

And the other ones are tough huh anyways the range mob aha the range mob does seem to be exactly the same we’ve got a plain old skeleton over here on Java and meanwhile over here on bck we’ve got different rooms but we’ve got that plain old skeleton again from taking a look at

The rest of the structure I don’t know if I’m just having trouble finding the small mobs today but I don’t see any plain old spiders the final thing we can do to test it is mossy cobblestone all our melee mob inside of the structure should be the mosty Cobblestone one and

Yes yes exactly the same so long story short trial Chambers and now finally just as common as they are on Java over on Bedrock this is a huge W it also looks like the chambers will have the same mobs for the most part when generated in the same spot the fact that

After so long they finally just made this change and the fact that we know new rooms are on the way very soon makes me think that maybe tomorrow we might actually finally get a taste of some brand new dangerous and deadly traps one of my personal favorite ideas for a

Brand new trap is something like this we have a small hole we have a little bit of pointed dripstone down to the bottom we have a the lantern so you can see almost forgot about that and then a couple trap doors on the floor something like this in survival all of a sudden

For shoots to me is bad I fall and I take a little bit more fall damage from the drip Stone yeah so I feel like this is a cool way to show it off that like if you fall on drip Zone you take a little bit more damage and maybe I could

Like use the drip Zone to my advantage push a zombie in the hole you know like take it out or something excuse me let me out of the let me out of the Trap taking a look at the finer details of the trial Chambers since we last took

A look at it the Vault block has been fully implemented and over here on Bedrock it’s fully in the game as well functioning identically to Minecraft Java except placed backwardly H it’s a little bit weird maybe most beautifully of all though the breeze ball has made it over to bedrock Edition as well

However it feels a little bit different so just like how it is on Minecraft to Java you find a breeze in the wild you take it out on bck is so easy you can just Spam Hit This breeze and like in a couple of hits literally no time at all

It’s gone I hope they fix combat for this update like seriously this is this is so busted anyways then I get the wind charge I can go ahead and use the wind charge on the ground and actually jump up like crazy and this time look at this

I just look at the ground I don’t even jump and I’m rocket it into the air on Bedrock to pull that off all I was doing is running around I looked to the ground and threw a wind charge if I do that on Java while doing the exact same movement

Scheme I mean I’m jumped but it’s definitely nothing like as high instead on Java I’m going to use the wind charge and jump at the same time and if I can get it just right then I get that rocket jump jump and use at the same time and

It works like just about every single time Jump and use at the same time and I mean it works for sure I’m Bedrock but it feels like I’m being rocketed even higher on Bedrock it’s like actually insane meanwhile walk around and use and I’m still just like rocketed way up into

The air it feels way more powerful on Bedrock this is kind of cool but as a Java player I’m a little bit jealous it’s also possible to this whole wall climbing thing I’m just like absolutely professional at it clearly it’s working very good every time instead I’ll just

Super jump my way up to the top no big deal fall damage does it cancel it I mean yes it does but it seems like from my testing it’s like a little bit less smooth so maybe that’s one W that Java has over Bedrock maybe but I mean it’s

Kind of debatable this thing is just so much better on Bedrock it’s like powerful and good on Java I mean once you get like the trick down it’s not that big of a deal but it does seem to cause quite a bit of fall damage since

The last snapshot I don’t like it so it takes a little bit more skill on Java but still either way this thing is so cool I really hope they would make like a craftable sta for something like seriously imagine how cool it would be

To say have to find a Blaze Rod or two maybe like a stick or two a diamond or something so you’re going like literally everywhere in your world and then finally a wind charge or something and look I know it looks weird but maybe it would end up crafting a wind charge

Staff it would like let you use the wind charge a little bit more infinitely instead of being like this really cool item that unfortunately you have to sit at the trial Chambers and literally Farm it to use you could make it into a tool if you were smart and then it would have

Like a little bit of durability so maybe you take it and like enchant it or whatever and the wind charge item itself it has like an insane use speed you can use these things pretty quickly every 2 seconds maybe the staff is was like a little bit slower but like you could at

Least get to use the wind more often please I love when they add these really cool things but I also hate when it’s like randomly kind of nerfed or whatever please give us a cool sta it would be so good and his horse friend right here hasn’t smiled in years he would smile

Finally again caller would seep back into his life please he needs a staff I feel like it’s been so long since we’ve sat here together and done ahead of these updated leaky videos together so if you like it today and you want to see more in the future let me

Know if I taing like next up we head over to our familiar friend Smokey stack It Seems like by accident to big question mark by accident maybe the preview is rolling out to PlayStation edition so for this video I figured it would be cool to do a little bit of

Investigation myself however sad news when I opened up Minecraft on my PS5 I tragically did not have the option for preview so so I don’t know if it’s just me cuz I have my PS5 or what but I didn’t have it however some people do definitely have the preview on

Playstation however it seems like no matter what this not in the store quite yet this seems to be maybe an accidental release on Mo James Park to get into this new preview you’re going to want to slide into the menu somewhere and there should be an option to like you would

Tap the button that pops up over here you install it and it’s basically like a separate installation of Minecraft it’ll be interesting to see what ends up happening with all this because there wasn’t actually any official announcement and this is kind of a pretty big deal PlayStation never had

Preview up in until this point it was always locked out of it so there’s been some like rumors about this stuff popping up in the background a little bit of info dump for a little bit of time now but I feel like it definitely like wasn’t meant to happen if there was

No proper announcement about it probably in the coming weeks here we could expect to see some kind of proper big full official roll out than announcement of preview for PlayStation either way Big W now where we shall end today is armadillo armadillo if I hit the

Armadillo it goes into the ball and as you would suspect the armadillo it seems to be fully in parody with where it is on Minecraft Java as well perfect parody asterisk I guess a lot of asterisk today though because it doesn’t seem to like do its whole like head popping out of

The shell thing as commonly as it does on Java seems to do it a little bit more often on Java anyways what do you think for the very first time ever the trial chamber has the same mobs on both versions and is the same Rarity on both

Versions as well with this huge amount of polishing finally being done to this structure this is a huge step forward for this update if you enjoyed today’s video and you like me to do more of them like this again let me know by tapping like thank you so much for watching

Subscribe maybe consider becoming a channel member today just support yours truly and get some cool extra benefits too tap that join button for a little bit more info and I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye Everybody

Minecraft Preview is out now with some amazing trial chambers upgrades, the bogged, the wind charge, and some big signs as to what could be next in the world of Minecraft 1.21 development!

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if you read this comment “tryles”


  1. fun fact: on bedrock if you remove the weapon from a bogged it'll use a melee attack that will actually oddly enough give slowness. the same applies to strays which leaves me to believe they reused the strays code

  2. I actually liked them being more rare, encourages exploration! I need something to drive me out into the world and explore. That’s what Minecraft is lacking. I want a mode where the game gets harder and more interesting with better loot the further you get from spawn. Talking like hundreds of thousands of blocks out.

  3. if a wind staff was added, i feel like it would have to have really low durability, maybe the same as golden tools. maybe also a longer cooldown, something like 1.5 or 2 seconds.
    mending and unbreaking 3 would basically make the durability infinite, but you'd still have to be mindful of how much you're using it.

  4. If the Trial chamber is supposed to be beginning to mid tier, why is it at the same Y level as the stronghold? We have the Ender Eyes to find stronghold so how are we supposed to find this structure? Honestly the whole implementation of the trial chamber is weird to me. If it is end game they really need to make huge changes to the loot table and difficulty of the structure.

  5. Question: why don't they just merge bedrock and java at this point? Sticking with a single version should help with faster and easier development

  6. Minecraft just added add-ons to the marketplace some are free and some you have to pay for this is something I’ve been wanting for a long time and you can add the add ons to your existing world so it’s like moding but you don’t need a pc I hope they add more add ons like weapons and different dimensions

  7. tryles

    Love to see all the updates to this game. Would love if they eventually could just combine Java/bedrock into one cohesive game playable on all platforms. And perhaps make the switch version actually playable and not laggy all the time. I play on an iPad which is terrible (I use the touch screen…I know I should get a keyboard or controller or something) but I wouldn’t mind moving to the switch version if it was better.

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