3D Terraria is an Interesting Experience…

Ever since Terraria and Minecraft released people have been arguing about which game is better and who copied who but what if instead of us trying to answer that question we just mixed the two into one game which is exactly what the Terraria craft mod for Minecraft does this mod completely overhauls the

Minecraft you know by changing every aspect of it into Terraria including the NPCs the normal and evil biomes and even some of the bosses so that’s why in this video I decided to see if I could beat the Terraria Minecraft mod after I got done making my world I spawned in with

The normal items you spawn with in Terraria and the guide as well so the first thing I did was get to work on building my first house and after some slight issues with me trying to do Minecraft things like break wood blocks with an axe my first Little Shack was

Done and surprisingly the mod has the Terraria system for moving in NPCs and checking if a house is valid so I ended up getting the guide moved in pretty quick after that though I went down to the cave behind my house and got some stone for a furnace and then by that

Time it was already night and thinking that I could handle myself at night like normal Terraria I went outside to farm some enemies and quickly realized just how scary a swarm of demon eyes is in first person so I ended up going to the house for the night but not before

Making another dumb decision I thought that I could try and farm enemies right at the door and while that worked for a slime it wasn’t too long before a demon I got into the house and caused my first death in this playthrough after respawning I got to experience the first

Non Terraria thing about this mod which is that you will always spawn on the ground level at spawn and if something’s placed there you’ll just end up destroying whatever it is as you respawn which just happened to be the wall of my house so after rebuilding it and placing

A door on another side of it I went back out to start collecting fallen stars so I could make some Mana stars and then I went to the cave to start mining some ores but once I was done with that I started building my second building

Which is where I was going to put all of my crafting stations starting with another workbench an anvil and a furnace alongside some extra floors for storage but by the time I was done it was night so I just decided to wait it out inside and make some better gear instead once

It was daytime though I went to another cave to start mining again but this time I thought I could just dig straight down since I’d keep my items if something bad happens which is exactly what ended up happening as I ran into the underworld and immediately fell to my death once I

Respawned I tried doing some more straight down digging and this time ended up finding a cave with a life Crystal right at the start so it was going a lot better this time around but that must have used up all my luck as I didn’t find anything else in this mining

Trip and eventually ended up falling to my death once I respawned I went to craft my or bars and also made a glass Kil thinking I’d end up using it a lot but I never ended up using it once after this I got back to mining as I

Needed more heart crystals before I tried the first boss fight and I ended up running into an abandoned house with some Hermes boots which was an extremely helpful item in this playthrough after that though I kept on exploring and oddly ended up finding some meteorite bars in a golden chest but I didn’t

Notice it until I got back home and saw that I could craft the space gun which is another item that carried me through this playthrough after I finished the playthrough I looked into where the meteorite bars could have come from and found out that meteors were only just

Recently added to this mod and before that the developer would just have them spawn in a golden chest underground which is where I got mine getting back to the playthrough though after crafting the space gun I decided to wait out the night and then once it was morning I

Went up behind my houses to look for more caves but then I found these three oddl looking holes in the ground with one clearing leading into something so hoping that it would be a cave I went down there and dug my way through until I eventually fell into an open area but

After placing some torches I realized it was an enchanted sword Shrine and with that I felt like I could take on the first boss for whatever reason so after grabbing the enchanted sword and doing some Inventory management I went back home and started farming demon eyes to

Get some lenses I built out the first house I made so that way demon eyes could get stuck up under it which ended up being a little useful once it was morning I set out to find a corruption biome so I could make an i of cthulu

Spawner and while I did get lucky and ended up finding one pretty close to my base not too long after getting there I was swarmed by a group of Eater of Souls and ended up dying after running back to the corruption and actually making it

Into a cave this time I was finally able to make the two ey of cthulu spawners I needed alongside some Mana stars as well now that I had the spawners all I wanted to do before taking on the boss was get some more Mana Stars since my main

Weapon would be the space gun so I waited until night and collected some falling stars and then while waiting for it to be night again the next day I finally finished building my second floor on my crafting station building once it was finally night though I went

Out to the cave behind my house and summoned the eye of cthulu and while the fight was going pretty well at first I died shortly after getting into its second phase so I knew I needed to get some better gear before trying again right after that I started going back

Into caves by my house and looking for mainly gold but I ended up finding a demon alter in a seemingly normal forest biome so I used it to craft another I cthulu spawner and instead of marking this location down since it would save me from having to run over to the

Corruption biome that’s a good bit away I just left to go back to Mining and never ended up finding it again once I got back up to the surface though it was nighttime so I went to get more falling stars and was finally able to max out my

Mana Stars meaning the only thing left for me to do was get better armor and more Life Crystals so after that I went far out behind my house to hopefully find a cave I haven’t explored yet and while I was down deep inside of one I ended up finding an underground jungle

Biome so I set aside my goal of mainly looking for or to hopefully find a beehive with a queen bee Spawner in it as that would definitely save me some time in the future after a while of not finding a beehive though I ended up deciding to go back to looking for one

And used a spelunker potion to Kickstart My hunt right off the bat I found two things of gold that I mind out paths to but while I was heading to some other ore far away I ended up breaking a block that spawned a be and after a little

More digging I realized I finally found a beehive so I firstly made sure to save its coordinates and then did a little bit of building inside of it to make it easier when I came back but as I was doing this I fell into the honey and got

Stuck and decided to just die since it would get me home faster anyway I was a bit tired of mining at this point so I decided to do a little bit of building since my spawn was still wide open but after that I was still not in the mood

To go back to mining so I instead decided to go ahead and make the King Slime Summoner since I already had enough rubies but as soon as I clicked the button to craft it after making the journey over to the corruption biome my game crashed from for whatever reason

Luckily though it was still there waiting for me once I got back into my world and after that I went back home to finally start making some better armor with me making a Tungsten helmet and iron chest plate and with that I thought I would finally be able to at least take

On King Slime so I went down to a cave and spawned him in and the fight was going perfect up until the very few last seconds of it where it ended up killing me so after respawning I depressingly had to run back over to the corruption biome and make another two King Slime

Spawners after I got back to my house and waited for it to turn day I tried to fight King Slime again but this time on the surface and actually ended up winning extremely fast this time after not really getting anything good from that I decided to use the last king

Slime spawner to hopefully get something decent but I again only ended up getting a slime trophy which I put in the guides house at this point I thought I might as well try the eye of cthulu again since I already had two of its spawner so I

Waited until it was night and went back over to another cave to hopefully cut down on the amount of demon eyes in the fight and then I spawned it this fight was a lot easier with the space gun and while it did take a good bit to actually

Kill it was well worth it since it ended up dropping a good amount of Demonite Ore I couldn’t use this to make any armor since the Eater of Worlds hasn’t been added yet so I decided to make a yo-yo since I thought it’d be a great

Weapon but I also wanted to make the light Spain so I waited until the next night used my last eye of cthulu spawner and beat it a little bit faster than last time because of the yo-yo and then I was able to go back home after and

Craft the light Spain now that I had both the eye of cthulu and King Slime defeated the last boss left in this mod was Queen Bee and I was expecting her to act like she does in normal Terraria where she’s super fast so I wanted to max out my Life Crystals beforehand just

To give me the best odds as if I lost the queen bee fight I’d end up having to spend a good bit of time looking for another Hive so I went back to Mining and eventually ended up finding three Life Crystals decently close by but after that there was about 30 minutes in

Between the next two Life Crystals I found which were also right beside each other the final one ended up taking a little bit more time but I eventually ended up finding another life Crystal which allowed me to finally max out my health at 400 after this I went back

Home then started making my way out to The Beehive I found a few days ago but once I got there I realized that I never got the gold I made paths to when I originally found the Beehive so I grabbed those and then finally went into the Beehive where queen bee was before

Before actually starting the fight though I decided I better go ahead and make a solid Stone floor in the hive since I died the first time I Was Here by getting stuck in the honey so after a surprisingly long time I finally got that finished and was ready to fight the

Final boss in this mod the fight actually surprised me as it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be but it still took a while to actually be alongside a ton of healing potions I did notice that queen bee would glitch under

The floor so if I did end up failing it I was going to try and add a layer of lava under the stone floor at the next beehive but I never ended up doing that as I ended up beating it technically completing the mod at least in its

Current state at this point even though I technically beat the mod since I beat every boss in it I still had some extra I cthulu spawners I crafted while looking for Life Crystals so I decided that I would go ahead and beat them before officially ending this video but

Since it was daytime I just decided to run in the only Direction I haven’t been so far just in case I could find something good but outside of nice looking areas there wasn’t anything exciting so once it was night I decided to go back home and use up the last eye

Of cthulu Boss spawners I had I went down to the cave where I beat King Slime and the eye of cthulu originally to do the last two boss battles of this video which both were pretty easy at this point in the game and I sadly still

Didn’t get an eye of cthulu trophy which is also where this playthrough ends that wraps up this playthrough but there are still a few things I need to quickly say before the video ends firstly queen bee and a few other features in this video are a part of the beta version of this

Mod which you can get by purchasing a subscription from the developer patreon or if you want to play an older version for free then you can just use the latest public release regardless though you can find everything you need on Terraria Craft’s official website which I’ll have Linked In the description

Below and while I technically beat the mod in the video by beating all of the bosses there’s still a few extra things I can do like going after all the NPCs and the Night’s Edge and a few other things which I’ll end up doing in a

Future video if you guys end up enjoying this one regardless though thanks for sticking to the end be sure to like And subscribe for more Teraria content like this in the future and as always make sure to have a wonderful Day

Ever since Minecraft and terraria came out, people have been comparing them to each other in every possible, but what if instead of doing that, we combined them into one game, as that’s exactly what the TerrariaCraft mod does.

》The Mod’s Official Website:
• https://terrariacraft.com/

》My Other Platforms:
• Discord server: https://discord.gg/WY84yCmaJk
• All of my social media: https://solo.to/terrariaslime

》Become a channel member to support me:
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC82ssRNWqBkfEP-UhCGI0tQ/join

》Time Stamps:
• Starting out: 0:50
• Meteorite bars: 3:12
• King Slime: 7:32
• Eye of cthulhu: 8:04
• Queen Bee: 8:38
• Ending: 10:10

#terraria #gaming #minecraft


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