I thought Stardew Valley was a peaceful game…

I’m exploring stardew Valley for the very first time the catch I’m not going to use any Wikipedia whatsoever I’m just relying on you guys and the gamer intuition anyways I hope you enjoy the video hello and welcome to the channel today we’re playing some more stardew

Valley and it’s a beautiful day I just have to say you should get bundled up you should get cozy so we’re going to have a great time hanging out together in this video it is a beautiful day because I believe believe if I stand corrected and I remember the calendar correctly it

Is the day for the Easter celebration my sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers are west of the forest lake in the stone tower I may have some information concerning your rat problem

O good to know I didn’t know we had a rat problem oh yeah if you remember we do have that I’m completely new to this game so I just want to say welcome and thank you for all of the support on the recent videos a lot of positive advice

And amazing progression based stuff so just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart also a lot of new faces to the channel and to me as a buding YouTuber as somebody that wants to do this fulltime as the long-term goal I’ve always wanted to since I was a little

Kid it just feels like finally it’s it’s possible and it’s all thanks to you guys so um you guys have given me that spark of hope and I promise to keep doing the output so if you’re enjoying the videos hit subscribe hit like that’s all I’m

Going to do for the call outs and uh let’s get it going um let’s see we’re going to finish off this these uh watering these plants here and then we’re going to go into town we’re going to check out the festival going on because it is day

Seven and from there we should be good these Bean stocks are looking almost ready to harvest very excited about that we’ll fill this up and I believe we have what we need to do for the day so we’re going to go into the city go into the town

Here pick up this daffodil on the way and then we’ll check out the wizard at the end towards the end of this video here let’s see is it not today is the celebration not today no I’ve been lied to hold on this can’t be real this can’t be

Real I’m just watering stuff now what is going on hello no how do I how do I check it out let me read the the calendar hello where’s the calendar help me no why can’t I read the calendar all right maybe it’s just too early maybe I’m maybe I’m missing something okay

There we go it was a glitch oh it’s Louis’s birthday it’s not the Easter egg Festival what am I saying oh my gosh change of plans we’re going straight to the wizard oh I need help I need help my my memory is failing us okay we’re just

Hanging out we’re having a good time that’s what matters here so in this video in instead of going to the Easter Egg Factory of the day we’re going to go to Wizard Tower and we’re going to see what’s up over here he said it’s west of

The lake which I believe this is the lake he’s talking about if I have my bearings straight and let’s see what he has in store for us does he have like a little Hut or something over here is this even the right way um oh is this his house let’s see

Hello okay it looks abandoned uh that’s not it it said West so maybe it’s just a little further over oh what’s this how do we clear that okay um anything else any other promising things going left hello please maybe up here oh we definitely need this perfect I

Believe now we can actually make oh oh we found it this has to be it yeah that’s a Wizard’s Tower 100% we can make seeds now with that uh pickup what are we doing ah come in welcome I’m terrified he’s got a little spawner going here what’s going on dude

I’m rasmodius seeker of the Arcane truths mediary between the physical and the Ethereal Master of the The Seven Elements Keeper of the Sacred you get the point I do get the point man let’s cut to the chase here and I am Cloud that’s right and we’re doing this

Together it it is a group effort here I’d like to show you something all right what you got for us behold whoa he’s the guy that spawned those things is he hurting it he better not be I’ll pull out my pickaxe right now you see one of these before haven’t you I

Have am I blessed they call themselves the junimos mystical Spirits these ones are for some reason um refused to speak with me but they speak to me cuz I’m I’m amazing so not sure why they moved into the community center but you have no reason to fear them okay good to

Know oh what is that little picture that showed up there H you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language must be interesting oh yeah he might know it I’ll return shortly okay he just disappeared all right you coming back dude oh oh he he came back fast I found the note

Okay let’s see the language is obscure but I was able to decipher it that was quick man that was quick we the junimo are happy to Aid you in return we ask forg of the valley if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of the

Scroll interesting don’t just throw it in your pot please don’t do it man please don’t do it one with the forest what do they mean yeah that’s what I’m saying sniff uhoh I’m sniffing what’s going on aha okay wait he’s got it he’s figured it out come here I’m coming dude walking a

Lot slower than usual what’s up there is this like a little TV he’s got my cauldron is bubbling with the ingredients from the forest baby Fern Moss scrub caramel top toad stool can you smell it um drink up what uh I don’t I’m good man I’m really

Good oh why did we do that 38 energy let’s go uh-oh are we sick are we green I’m seeing that right uh-oh what did he do to us oh he did it to us did he roofy us no no no that that would be terrible oh we’re seeing the Forest

Right now that’s what I’m I’m groovy I’m moving with this oh yeah we got it going look at this cut scene now I don’t like that the trees are actually removed from the roots here all right so did we become one with the forest you’ve gained the power of forest

Magic you can now decipher the true meaning of junimo Scrolls okay so there’s multiple Scrolls let’s go check it out maybe we’re missing something but we should definitely go straight there uh we’ll go right on over to the town hall and see what we can do whoa who are

You whoa Cherry sapling Stone dang that’s some overpriced Stone my man what are we doing there beer brick floor that’s really good you have some overpriced stuff I have to say that’s just not cool you’re trying to scam me here you’re trying to scam me I don’t like it I don’t want to

Talk to you hi Jazz I think that’s Jazz right uh let’s see here we’ll go up to our beautiful garden our beautiful home with with all of the pathways we’ve built we’ll eventually build it out and do all the cool stuff but we got to do

The main story line here before we can get to everything else we’ll put the daffodil away and I believe we have everything that it would take to make wild seeds but we’re going to go check out the town hall before we do any of that stuff because we don’t want to run

Out of time here ooh the music is just hitting just right can’t lie to you also somebody in the comments recent L said that the landslide cleared up up above oh it’s Lou’s birthday there he is hold on I got to get you a gift Louis I don’t

Know what he likes but we got to give him something it’s a nice little birthday gift I should have kept the daffodil in my inventory we’re working on it okay we’re working on it um hopefully he stays right there I don’t want you moving man all right he

He has to like a daffodil I’m going to give him a daffodil if he complains I don’t know what to tell you all right come on come on man we’re coming we’re moving quick we need lwis to like us if he’s the mayor he can he can change the rules he

Can he can take care of us you know so if we get him to like us then we’re set oh a birthday gift thank you that’s it I sense you’ve been spending some time in the old Community Center that’s good to know Place taken care of so he is alluding to where we

Need to go we’ve given him one gift and we’ve spoken to him uh we also need to speak to Abigail I’ve been looking for you Abigail all right let’s keep on moving up here to the town hall anybody hanging out up here hello hello Haley my sister’s so weird yeah I

Get it all right we spoke to you as well perfect and we’re at the Town Hall let’s go decipher what the scroll actually actually Means let’s see it’s over here right pretty sure he already read it so what’s the point in doing this oh spring forging bundle okay so we like fill up oh and and it gives us a reward so if we put stuff in here that we find it gives us something so Bridge

Repair that’s really useful it’s not winter yet um wow it’s a lot of items okay so we need to do all of this to get the bridge repair I don’t even know where the bridge is but that sounds cool all right so we learned what we need to do

We can start filling that out passively make it our goal long term there to fill out the town hall and then see what happens once we get that bridge um I want to check out the landslide somebody said it happened pretty north of our village so if we go up here hello

Demetrius yes I get it we got to take a break from work and stuff whatever blah blah blah we’re out here grinding okay I don’t want to hear it from you what’s up man how are you throwing rocks at your tent last night what that’s not

Cool don’t need to be doing that today let’s see is a slide up here what is that what is this Hello whoa who are you Marlin let’s see oh did we spook him I know I was just peering down into this old M shaft it’s been abandoned for

Decades okay still there’s probably good ore down there but it’s a dark place undeserved for a long time I’m afraid ore is the only thing you’ll find H take this you might need it oh we got a sword it’s time okay name’s Marlin by the way he said that so Cas name’s

Marlin that’s just too cool to say all right I’ll keep an eye on you prove yourself and I might think of making you a member I don’t want to be a member of your your gang okay Marlin let’s go down here oh look at all this ore all

Right do we just get to mine everything oh another ladder all right let’s do it oh look at that wow they have a lot of Health can you die oh wa slime interesting we’re taking a lot of damage here do we just need to spam oh no I’m

Just taking so much damage I’m bad there we go we got it oh and there’s ore over there I know the ladder’s North but uhoh uhoh let’s go we got some bug meat I say we just go straight down we can always get ore later right I just want to go

Deep I want to go as deep as we can all right we’ll pick up this orifice right here I feel like we should be conscious of the energy we’re using feel like that’s probably a good thing to make sure we’re we’re taken care of down here we got some quartz we got a carrot too okay hold on hold on there’s a whole lot of items

Here we can always get stone we can always get wood a cave carrot can we plant that maybe we’re going to throw bugm me away just for now because I’m curious about this hardwood oh and it’s cool that we have a quick link to that okay great what is

That a geode oh we’re totally keeping that I don’t care what you say all right let’s make sure that we can get our our ladder where are you believe they spawn like randomly Maybe oh speedrun speedrun let’s go we made it oh gosh all right it’d be nice to get a few more

Minerals let’s go doing damage massive all right uh yes we break break that so we don’t have any torches what is down here oh we can’t see a thing can we make torches like Minecraft all right we’re just going to come up here and see if we can clear this to where we can get a ladder uh hello no ladder okay come on there we go Journal updated all right we got to check that out in a second come on do the damage do the

Damage okay there we go clearing it oh that thing is there again is that like an elevator or something let’s find out we might have to eat that carrot that we got actually this is not good we’re so low on energy and everything all right we’re going to eat it I know it’s

Controversial gave us nothing hello okay so now we have access to level five or something anything else down here all right it’s 8:00 p.m. we got to get back to the house so we oh yeah cool that’s awesome can we like push the cart out of order what’s over here your pickaxe

Isn’t strong enough okay all right so we have some unlocks in the future available don’t know what to do with the geode here maybe we bring it to like the museum or something let’s go back home it is getting late and we don’t want to be out

Late all right so there’s a lot to do from here on let’s see first things first sleep next step oh can I kill it wait why am I killing rabbits we don’t need that that was so rude of me I could have gone so poorly for

Us um so first step sleep second one is we got to figure out what to do with this geode a blacksmith can break this open for you and Gunther can tell you more about this if you donated to the museum so that’s what we’re going to do

Shimmering glab with no smell so monster loot copper ore is good um we’re going to put this in here and those and then we’ll be good for the morning perfect and let’s just check what the weather’s like tomorrow uh tomorrow will be partially cloudy with light Breeze a lot of pollen

Okay let’s see here going to sleep I don’t think we made any money today but we did get a level up in our proficiency of mining that’s what we’re here here for uh let’s check out the TV living off land welcome to living off the land

We’re back at it again with another tip for you all now listen let’s talk about fences fences are useful for keeping weeds at Bay protecting your crops and protecting your crops they also let Farmers contain their livestock fences break down after a while but Stone iron and hardwood fences last a

Lot longer than basic good to know Fortune report and they say Good Humor let’s go extra luck and a weather report for tomorrow says it’s going to be clear and sunny so good to keep in mind moving forward oh look at all the pink Clint hello there I just don’t like you

Waiting out front right when I wake up you know breaking some rocks and finding or that’s good Clint oh are you the blacksmith if you want to get the most out of your ores you find me at the furnace okay just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints lying around

Here if you want them I do thank you so much what are you going to give oh we can craft a furnace furnace allows you to smell metal bars bars can be used for crafting construction and tools perfect give me some of that when you’ve smelted a few copper bars consider

Having me upgrade one of your tools you can make your work a lot easier okay I’m heading home all right so we did get what was it two two copper four copper I don’t know what we need to make the furnace oh we need 20 copper wow okay so

Definitely on the list to do definitely on the list to do believe Community Center we should be able to just put this stuff right away let’s see Boom oh maybe I need to bring it there I say we keep it for now those are really easy to find and early on those items are probably going to be the best for us let’s read our stuff here I see you’ve been exploring the old mind got the

Adventurer spirit that much I can tell if you can slay 10 slimes you’ll have earned a place in my adventurer’s guild be careful marlin so that’s our goal here get it going beautifully okay come on now we got to do all the watering stuff hopefully at some point

We can find some way to like get some automation for this Farm here maybe Auto auto watering I don’t know if that’s a thing um some irrigation potentially I would assume that’s in the game that’s how you make a good game a good farming simulator you

Know oh look at our range here we can do nine squares easy like nothing happened oh okay let’s fill up here thank you very much oh wasting water all right course I’m here stand right here and we got all nine in the circle on controller which was the first

Video I made in this series uh you cannot do like targeted aim like that it’s really difficult so glad keyboard and mouse is a little bit nicer a little more forgiving in that regard uh let’s see here boom boom boom perfect we are all set and ready ready to go we’re

Going to fill up just so we are ready and prepared for tomorrow and we’ve got all the pink the pink flowers flying around how could you complain this music is kind of loud I can’t lie but I’m enjoying it so until we’re not enjoying it you know we’re going to

Keep playing craft a furnace and deeper the mines reach level 40 it goes that deep all right so I believe we reached level five let’s see if there’s sardine we can accept it but I don’t really foresee us catching a sardine anytime soon uh I believe I saw something over

Here for like the blacksmith potentially o a daffodil um we’ll bring yeah okay perfect we’re in the right place for both of these things we’ll talk to this guy for processing this geode oh okay what do we get five copper oh so jods are kind of good it does cop it

Cost some money for us to do that um but it’s worth it then let’s show our quartz to the person here oh new journal entry hey there how you doing abysmal abysmal gther what are you doing not a single P I have a piece for you Gunther we’ve

Arrived I want to add to the collection for you we’ve yeah I know yeah you’re impressed we found it we did it in the caves recently last night we were digging deep and we found a quartz for you but it’s yours no I want to give it let’s give

It would you consider donating yeah of course I want to fill out this place we got to get some new visitors to the town and I think this is the way to do it if you decide to donate just bring a okay cool I’m going to donate this quartz I

Have no use for it right now I don’t know how how else we could use it maybe we could craft something but right now this is what matters there’s a book missing here yeah I know I know donate to museum we’re going to donate this oh we get to place

It ooh okay so this is a special room anything or let’s put up here that’d be really cool we’ll save this wall for anything super rare and we’ll start our quartz right here look at that how fun perfect and what do we get here we got a journal entry archaeology 250 gold yeah

All right so let’s go fishing and we’ll go for the mines later today we’re feeling good we want to find that sardine and then give it to Clint but I believe Clint probably closes so we need to figure that out before he closes there’s a lot to do in

This game that I’m excited about uh let’s see is this the right place to fish for sardines I think sardines are in the ocean not in the river we’ll see if we catch anything the next catch will kind of determine it oh who left Louis what are you doing I’m

Just fishing over here I have my license don’t worry okay perfect I did pay for my fishing license it was $322 I hope that’s okay we got a sunfish you know that’s a really good catch I can’t lie wonder if we just keep doing it here let’s see Um just waiting patiently okay I’m not dealing with a broken SE I’m throwing that away we’re going to go catch sardines in the ocean because that’s where it’s at and then we can give it to Clinton and get our reward for doing all the questing clam somebody lived here once

Okay and a muscle oh I wonder if we could actually sell the muscle because it is technically like a a fish in the same family it is yeah take my money boom boom boom wow that’s some amazing stuff stuff and then sardines should be closer to

Shore so I’m just going to cast it here and see what we can get see I know my I know my my fishing all right I was a fisherman once I’ve only gone once so I can’t really claim to be fisherman but here we are beautifully fishing it’s 11:50

A.m. ah it’s a beautiful beautiful day oh let’s go okay all right easy fish this better be a sardine oh let’s go first try in the see I was correct see I’m telling you I know what I’m doing you picking up what I’m putting down here all right Clint I’m coming and then

Somebody in the comments recently also mentioned that there’s some good money in the uh the lake up north so can I give you a sardine how do I this is Clint right there we go yeah see here’s what I owe you boom boom making money money moves all right so we have a

Decision do we keep fishing or do we go mining and I think it’s a day for the mines it’s almost 10000 p.m. we can just come on over here is the mine’s like up here let’s see oh got a little entry point okay I’m starting to see how this map works we

Could have walked over here maybe let’s check it out oh what’s over there oh that’s weird and where’s the the lake everybody’s talking about I think it’s up here oh here’s the body of water everybody wants to fish Shin all right we’ll throw one fish all right wa it’s beautiful here’s where

We’re going to fish from maximum speed right in that little brush there oh my gosh an instant fish it’s going to be something good I’m telling you I’m feeling it come on come on a carp a 36 in carp oh my gosh and it’s gold we’re not going to eat that in

The mines I don’t care what anyone says we’re going to make mad money off of that bad boy right there we’re going to go up to the mines do a little bit of more digging trying to get some more copper maybe a geode and we’ll head on back right after that

Going down to floor five as we do casually boom boom yeah we get the bug meat maybe there’s a jod in here wow that’s a hard one oh that’s some Stone right there I don’t want Stone we need copper where’s the Copper at oh I want that we need more inventory space that’s

For sure okay future knowledge Point here if we’re going to the mines we can put some stuff away um what is this an emerald okay we should donate that to the museum let’s go um anything cool up here okay hardwood not useful for us yet come on here’s one

Slime okay we just got to do this now we can take them let’s go beautiful here’s some copper down here for us let’s see if it just Auto picks up the copper nice let’s go that’s massive some Stone all right now we need to find this ladder where are you

Ladder we need to remember we have like four oh nice we got the ladder and already found the ladder this is insane let’s make sure we’re grabbing all the copper we want to make that furnace we need the furnace oh no am I going to have to eat one of these what is

This no no no okay we can drop this No Earth crystal got

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EP 04

Embark on an enchanting journey in this episode of “Stardew Valley Adventures,” where our intrepid gamer, devoid of any guides, discovers the magic of Stardew Valley. From the initial excitement of exploring the town, the amusing realization of a calendar mishap, to the mystical encounter with Wizard Rasmodius, each moment is filled with wonder and laughter. Watch as the gamer navigates through the game’s quirky characters, engaging festivals, and the depths of the mines, all while expressing heartfelt gratitude towards the community. Experience the joys of discovery and the thrill of uncovering Stardew Valley’s secrets through fresh eyes.

0:00:00 – Excitement Begins in Stardew Valley
0:10:10 – Mayor Lewis’ Birthday Surprise
0:20:17 – Discovering the Furnace Blueprint
0:25:15 – Quest for Sardines: Fishing Adventure
0:30:19 – Unearthing a Rare Emerald
0:34:26 – Reaching the 10th Floor of the Mines
0:36:15 – Crafting the First Furnace
0:40:00 – Expanding the Farm and Planting
0:45:30 – Learning New Recipes and Skills
0:50:20 – Community Center Restoration Progress

#stardewvalley #gamingadventure #mining #fishing #farminggame #pelicantown ##letsplay #letstry #firstplaythrough #rpg


  1. Im enjoying the series and its good to see you learn something good in this game, and maybe i can give you little information

    – For the watering crops, yes there's sprinkle (an automate water for your crops), but for now you can upgrade watering can to "coper watering can", when you press and hold while you use your watering can with this upgrade you can got 3 tiles instead of 1 tile of water,,you can upgrade it to clint but it need 2 days, just make sure if you wanna upgrade watering can you can wait for rainy day so you didnt have to water your crops

    – Since you open a minning and i dont know about your luck but in the future when you got some shard called "Prismatic shard",,dont donate to the museum,,grind more for unlock desert and then stay in the middle of 3 pillars while holding the shards it gonna give you something you gonna like

    – Save your G until the Egg festival day to buy some strawberry seeds (you can use all of your G to buy strawberry seeds)

    – And also little reminder, dont forget to kick trash can in the town, sometime you can get free food like bread, cake, pancake ect, its good when you got free food for your energy

    Cant wait for the next serries!
    Have a great day 🙂

  2. You can get tons of copper ore on floor 21 and iron on floor 41/61. Just go on floor 21 then if u dug all the copper, go back to surface then go back to floor 20 with lift and back to floor 21 then repear as much as you can, and dont forget to bring food for energy. The ore spawn based on your daily luck

  3. Your videos are really good! A community center tip: if youre in your inventory and hover over an object and a lil box appears to the right of the inventory boxes and sort of fades in and out (blinking) then its an item for the community bundles! Really good to know so you dont throw away useful items 🙂

  4. So cozy! Love the laid back vibe as you explore. A common tip for inventory space management is to place a chest next to the elevator in the mines. You can then leave and drop items in it as often as you want while mining ever deeper

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