Terraria Infernum Mod – The Finale.

All right so good morning everyone welcome back to The Inferno mode mod the mod that adds an extra difficulty layer to the Calamity mod in today’s video it is my goal to take on and take down the moon Lord which means this should end the pre-moon Lord Saga now that being

Said according to you lot in the comments section down below this might just be the final bit of my sanity as once we take down the moon lord well it only gets worse from here which I will admit doesn’t fill me with a lot of hope

So this might end up being the final video I don’t know right I don’t know what it’s going to be like apparently the profan Guardians are awful I mean we all expected that uh people are like oh yeah the profound Guardians harder than Providence great awesome can’t wait God

Yeah I’m really excited I’m really excited hey welcome back hope you’re all doing well have you washed your hands um feels a lot weird saying that now now it just seems intrusive okay moving on uh the first thing we’re crafting today is the diick amulet this was uh recommended uh I

Don’t know if I’m pronouncing it right uh hopefully so uh so we need to make a cross necklace that is done we make the amulet that is dumb so what does this do causes stars to fall in grants increased immune time when damaged and it also reduces the cool down of healing potions

Okay so clearly a very nice accessory uh thank you for the recommendation uh we give it to you sir we give it the reforge what do we get uh menacing menacing ain’t bad now I’m not too sure which one to swap out uh I might go for

This one 15% increased magic damage that is pretty good obviously I need this this do I need the magnet flower could I get by without Auto taking Mana potions maybe and do any of these also give me that I need a dash this looks like it’s pretty good um o that is hard

I’m going to try this I might regret this don’t worry about it don’t worry calm calm calm Calm we’re going to figure this out together right so the next one is the normality relocator it’s a very cool item uh run of Discord xenum exodium cluster that’s right I’ve

Been away but I I didn’t learn how to read it’s true okay so apparently you get the Clusters from an enemy up in space I did a little Googling before I sat down to record I am a master at productivity so we’ll wait around so yeah apparently it’s like little

Spaceships and whatnot um but I’m really excited about the moon Lord today I actually am I’m I’m you lot said it’s actually quite a fun fight and I believe you all right you lot be speaking truth in the comments um and I’m also just excited to hear some great music look I

Was at the gym this morning and I’m going to let you in on a little secret right every time I’m at the gym every time I’m I’m lifting some weights do you know what I listen to the Calamity soundtrack on Spotify that is no joke I’ve listened to this multiple times a

Week for like 2 months now and it gets me through my sets and I love it more than anything so I’m just excited to hear good music okay so that’s what we were looking for I believe not this but that enemy the Transformer multiplies all electric base

Debuff damage by 1.5 okay cool it’s actually been a little while since I’ve chatted about what I’ve been up to so get this right we’re continuing on after the gym I went to my office which is uh it’s a little strange to talk about because um listen when when I last made

A video I didn’t have an office and in a couple of weeks I will no longer have an office so essentially I went through what I would call a quarter life crisis all right I I was like I need to change things up I need an office space I have

An office at home right but I was like no I need one that’s away from my home I’ve been working from home for too many years this is what’s going to get me on a roll and and whatnot I got the space I furnished it and then was like oh no

This do suit me at all and it’s also like it was in a building it was kind of loud so I went there today and I picked up uh a couple of bits and I brought them home um but yeah I I give the keys

Back in like I think it’s like 2 weeks I didn’t even get to really film anything good in there I filmed like two things and it’s so it’s so silly but my goal was oh this will be the chippy’s couch room I just yeah so that’s what I’ve

Been up to all right I H my head up in shame with that one that was just my quarter life crisis I don’t know if anybody no body’s ever gone through this before some people call it a millennial life crisis I think is this where you’re just like I just need something

Different I didn’t I just I was just burnt out but it was a pretty cool office it was actually above uh like a boba tea shop so it smelt quite heavily of boba te of of tapioca pearls um which was quite nice I actually grew to really

Like that scent so you know for that I will miss it I will miss the tapioca it’s funny because I I really got into like drinking boba tea right and then the second I got the office never drank it again I haven’t had a cup since I

Don’t know what what happened to me maybe it’s cuz I was just used to to the scent of it it just po me off right so I have not found any of these crafting materials so I’m wondering if maybe I’ve either looked at the wrong Wiki or the

Wiki is maybe out of date so we’ll put down the back burner for now I can’t imagine I’m going to need it intensely for the moon Lord although I could be wrong I don’t think I think I am I don’t think I will I think I’ll be okay so I

Will say I’ve become very spoiled with my time playing uh Fargo’s aternity mode in between you know obviously what is this what is this no do not box me in Moon Lord what are you doing I obviously can’t face this here what eternity mode turning mode what are you doing turning

Mode what was that anyway I was about to say I’ve become very spoiled by playing Fargo Soul mod because in Fargo Soul mod boss summons are just infinite and I don’t think they are in eternity mode or I might be wrong I could be wrong right what was that what was that oh

No I’m not pleased about this this is not good I before I started recording I was like better make sure that platform’s nice and long no I don’t think that matters now this is going to be a bullet hell they did look exciting though a little bit different not

Consumable oh let’s go let’s go all right let’s go I love this this is this has made my day I feel a better man for this right um maybe here maybe there is that where we do it I guess it lets us reset our flight I don’t want to have too many

Platforms you know obviously if you have too many it’s going to hinder my performance right so what do you do do you basically just set this up like a a little higher create the Box in a nice spot for yourself all right let’s give

It a go actually no wait I I really want to I ain’t got to scope for the size of it Jo it’s just dawned on me Supreme calaminus that’s a boss that goes hey you’re doing this in one area right so let’s talk through what we can

See so we know that it begins with a laser coming down from sorry multiple lasers wow okay so this has a safe zone so we yeah we know that it starts with multiple lasers coming from the eye and then it goes into orbs which we need to

Avoid and then down lasers and then looking for a safe spot these bounce around and then they turn into lasers themselves all right first off James what were you thinking with this what were you doing I can hear everybody already saying James come on I’m self-aware about it

Okay this might be doable I know that sounds strange because we just flump that real bad but I kind of get it already it’s it’s a h yeah it’s about getting in the right spot the question is now is is our defense going to be

Right to soak up any damage or do we have to get this spot on every time does that make sense perfect dogs okay right so we’re going to use this for a bit actually no way I’m going to use the Swarm yeah I’m going to use the Swarm so

I don’t think about where I’m aiming and I’m going to focus in on doing the right thing moving wise okay so this looking like this what I’ve got to remember with this is that there is the safe zone between the different lasers and mess it up but

They sprun out so it’s like it’s not as big of a safe Zone as you think you still have to micromanage so with that in mind what I want to do is and I’m doing a really bad job but if this is like a triangle like that I want to be

On this outer edges so I’ve got more room to dodge the projectiles We Begin this is going to be a case of me uh you know talking when I can yeah so like that you see how I’m going away further from that attack to basically avoid getting hit I mean I

Didn’t do it perfect every time I guarantee there’s a safe spot for this fight in terms of like where they’re coming out those ORS do you know what I’m saying like I reckon there is okay here we go all right so obviously Health isn’t great which is a

Big problem like let’s not get it twisted but in terms of like maneuverability I’m doing okay kind of I don’t think I am I don’t think I am now okay we separated out one eye what I want to learn is the safe zone for that one attack because I guarantee you it’s

Really not telegraphed but I bet it’s I bet it’s the same every time I bet it’s like okay you need to be here above the Moon Lord’s heart and then drop down I bet it’s something as simple as that I bet you it’s not like right make sure

You dodge this and Dodge that I reckon it’s as simple as okay you know this attack is coming up get into the right position and you won’t fail we continue onwards though okay I think I’m on to a second phase maybe yeah I am I’ve got to figure this out so

There’s very slow moving projectiles and now there’s a safe Zone and that Dash is left and right okay wow I can see why people enjoyed this I can like you can already tell that this is something different how many attacks are these do I have to get through before the hand

Opens all right that answers that okay so where do they go all right so they carry on like normal okay now it’s some of these which we saw in the Aston Deus fight so they basically get drawn out health is obviously very low for hm okay so if I can keep composed

And make it to what I consider would be the final part right we might just do this quite quickly that is that optimistic Maybe maybe maybe it’s a cool fight though I’m definitely going to give it that already this might have pulled me back in I have thoughts about

All of this which I want to share at some point about this mod so that’ll be interesting when it comes to it okay we are into the Final Phase now so we were staying calm and composed before but now I’m going to try and do it a little differently where I’m

Actually moving a bit more and actually using my Arena I don’t know if that’s going to hurt me but I mean we have to figure it out right did we get close to beating it then or was it like oh you didn’t even get to do damage to the heart I don’t

Know sometimes I look at the boss health bar when the fight’s over and it looks like it’s but what happens is as the fight ends it slowly decreases and I don’t realize where it actually was beforeand I don’t know if the F giberish today might be that’s okay

Okay so now that eventually like had a good little look at the hell bar during that it looks like we’re only through to the second phase not the final part that yeah that’s a little bit of a setback sure but it gives me like motivation in

A way to be like okay you need to really make sure you’re focused during that phase cuz you need to carry as much health as possible through to the Final Phase so yeah that’s where we’re at we’re we’re cracking on we’re cracking on today we’re doing it he

What what what was that what even was that what was that attack was I at the end I think I was at the end right like that was the very end of the fight what was that it’s annoying in right cuz we just died on that one attack where it

Goes that’s the attack I avoid every time by run of discording so basically what I’m saying is I haven’t learned it very well what was that I’m crying I’m like yeah okay I want you all to know I’m going to go out on a high but this

Is still kind of rubbish right I’ve decided that this will be our final fight as in final boss I it’s been about like four five hours now since I started this and I’ve just got to be honest right and I mean no disrespect to the mod developers cuz clearly it’s a very

Well polished mod clearly a lot of work went into it but I am miserable playing this it’s not fun for me I wish it was I wish I was the guy that loved loved this maybe at one point in my life I was okay I I think I was right I’m just not

Anymore I I don’t like it I don’t I’m not having fun at all I feel miserable all right Final Phase once again this time we’re going to try and uh keep a little composure we’re going to do that yep oh you’re not beating me this time but

No way okay so it just Cycles through I’m really really rubbish at this one so I’m really not pleased about this please oh God sir right right and honestly I am at my wit end oh I want it honestly I wanted so bad to go out on a high a a

I have no words me stunned that was and I mean this right the developers worked really hard on this so don’t get it twisted all right they set out to make something that was extremely challenging and if that is your thing they have succeeded to no end incredibly

But that was the worst thing I’ve ever ever done I am not pleased I am not pleased that is as far as I am going I am proud of where I got but I am definitely I don’t know what do you say throwing in the towel I’m throwing in the towel I

Definitely rank this as the hardest mod I’ve ever played that is incredible that is a feat of achievement I’ve played a lot of Teraria you all know this I played loads I didn’t have fun with that that was rubbish that was awful um wow yeah so that’s it thank you

Very much well done honestly to the mod makers cuz you did succeed genuinely but no no

In today’s video, I aged 60 years in a day and lost 28% of my hair. This is the finale of the Terraria calamity infernum mode mod!

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#Terraria #Calamity


  1. I played Infernum roughly half a year ago and stopped with Polterghast and Devourer being next, since Polterghast feels way too tanky and i couldnt figure out a way to deal more dmg. (Probably would be a 30 min fight if i could survive that long.) But talking about the Profaned Guardians i dont really think they are that bad. Yes they are harder than providence but in a weird way they got really consistent and therefore felt somewhat fair to fight. (Here i dont know if there was an update in the period where i beat them and now which made them worse or whatever, i dont look out for updates regarding any of the mods.) From my own experience anything up to polterghast seems really doable for basically anybody, with the difficulty spiking after that a lot. If there is something im missing for my own run in defeating further bosses please let me know, because i would love to continue but just got too demotivated in doing a half an hour fight where the enemy dashes from top to bottom and left to right out of screen permanently making it not hittable at all. Also i would have loved to see you pushing through the whole mod but i can definitely respect your decision in stopping since i did it too at a later stage of infernum. If u read until that point have a great rest of your day 🙂

  2. Also i want to say, thank you for doing this series. I absolutely enjoyed watching every single video of it and im looking forward for what is about to come next.

  3. You made it a hell of a lot further than I ever did, since I never bothered. Join us in the fun zone where video games don't give you heart attacks.

  4. Not true, new profaned guardians are really fun, providence is also one of the most beautiful and well made fights, similar in a way to empress of light. Don’t give up king.

  5. Hey mate I don’t know if it’s your style but I would recommend at least continuing the series in Journey Mode and only enable god mode if it get REALLY bad for you so that way you can at least experience the rest of the mod

  6. Amazing and good ending and I am totally fine that you aren't about to go through the unrelenting hell that is the Profaned Guardians
    This was an achievement enough, now go have fun playing literally anything else!!

  7. What even was the point of upload the lest video then if you quit after beating (imo) one of the worst infernum bosses please give it another chance it gets really good. This makes be so sad

  8. You have to admit tho… that feeling at the end… when you've spent hours on something so frustrating… and you finally finish it… it gets addictive…..

  9. Chippy half of these people aren’t good enough to be playing infernum judge the difficulty based on your own experiences not inexperience people who complain about the hardest difficulty being hard

  10. Seriously an excellent achievement to make it this far in this mod. You always will be my favorite terraria YouTuber! Any plans for another series on the Couch?

  11. I have a lot of respect you actually caring about your sanity and oh, and I can assure you it is literal hell beyond this point. My playtime was around 30-40 hours when I beat moon lord, and the rest of the post moon lord stuff took me past 100 hours. It's not even funny.

  12. I wish there was an option to have all the boss reworks, but just cut the damage they deal. Because the reworks are absolutely amazing, but it's just so difficult that it stops all the fun for me.

  13. it's really interesting to see how much of a different experience everyone has with certain bosses, especially hearing profaned guardians are harder than providence!
    although profaned guardians are definitely hard, they're really fun! I also found them easier than providence. Though it's all different for everyone!

    Congrats on Moon Lord though! it's a major accomplishment for one to even get that far! Well done Chippy, and good job at keeping your determination, despite the hardships through the mod!
    Games are meant to be for fun, so it's good you're not forcing yourself further, and you definitely ended on a high! Looking forward to your next series man, always great to be around to watch

  14. I totally understand this decision. Ending the playthrough at the final boss is usually the sensible thing to do. Great job on the win after many, many attempts where you got so, so close! I understand the frustration. Your buffs may have been a little lacking as well, since the damage you were dealing was slightly underpowered.

  15. Ive stick around because i enjoy just hearing what you've been up to.
    Sure watching you overcome a hurdle is joyful, but i also just enjoy seeing you encounter new things. Its nice to see these uploads again. I hope you have more adventures. In or out of infernum, doesnt matter.

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