We EXPANDED Terraria’s Ranger Class

We are expanding Terraria Ranger class with a mod that adds in a bunch of sick weapons from insanely detailed reload animations to even realistic grenades we got to check this mod out we are here back in the lab it’s been a minute since we’ve seen this place bro I really can’t

Even remember the last video we did in here but we’re back in the lab today we are sort of expanding the Terraria Ranger class here with a very underrated weapon class mod here boom we’re up here at my little testing area and as we can see see we got the Insurgency weapons

And from first glance it’s like oh any other weapon class or mod that adds in just a bunch of random realistic Weaponry right but it’s a little bit more than that so in this mod when you kill enemies as you can see there’s money that they drop with this money we

Craft these vending machines and then I believe with the vending machines that’s where we could craft all these guns so let me go ahead and grab a couple here as you can see there’s a lot of ammo I’m going to just grab all the ammo while

I’m at it too just so we have every single bullet for every type of gun in here so I grabbed a handful of weapons here let’s start with this one Lee Enfield I always really wanted more realistic weapons inter terara so having a mod like this is nice and as you can

See we got some animations and on top of that if I press the binded reload button look at that little reload animation now obviously each gun is going to be different with the reload animation but this is a leite Enfield man this is a old weapon there ain’t too much to see

Here in terms of the Weaponry so let’s move on to next one here which we got a CT python and a snw model Magnum let’s see these babies okay got a little power on them little gun kicking back ooh and I could kind of shoot it quick as hell

As you can see reload that baby and let that thing fly I like all the little bullets on the floor it’s a really nice detail all the little shell casings we got this one though this what is this double action revolver so this one we

Got to wait for the a little cylinder to spin look at that bro that’s so sick and then we got the coach gun bucking ball I love me bucks and balls this one I’m hyped to see though oh my God look at the spread and then the reload animation

Now when I want shotguns in Terraria bro this is what I want this is amazing this is what I’m really trying to see this thing’s got the power it’s got the the spread of the shotgun it’s got the reload animation the little details is amazing got some more weapons here we

Got the M1 grand of course you know it’s a simple rifle but we want to hear something listen oh my God so satisfying don’t get your thumb stuck in there though so satisfying so simple back when I was playing World at War on Call of Duty

This was a go-to rifle but then we got the goto machine gun let’s put both of them next to each other we got the Thompson one of my like favorite machine gun designs ever Chicago typewriter whatever you want to call this baby I I just love this gun it’s a Tommy Gun

Pling as simple I love when tommy guns are in video games so the fact we got it in the terrario mod sick what’s the reload animation looking like okay we take the whole drum out and then we got the ppsh aka the cooler version of the Thompson another favorite of mine this

Thing got some Firepower to it bro and what’s the reload looking like same thing we take the drum out beautiful now we move on to uh the H&K MP7 here another pretty fast firep power one submachine gun what is the reload animation I wasn’t paying attention Okay

So we take the the little mag out here we got the Moss and Nagant don’t even know if I’m pronouncing that right but this was the a sniper for sure in World at War I ain’t played none of the new like World War II Call of Duties so I’m

Always going to reference World at War which is lowkey like a top five Call of Duty if we’re just talking overall and I remember this being like one of the goto snipers we got the AS Val what does this do is this a machine gun look at like a

Submachine gun or just a rifle oh that thing’s quick bro drop the mag all the way downstairs I like this one I like how you can shoot after you run out and it makes a little clicking noise pretty nice detail can you do that with everything let’s see yeah you can do

That everything that’s that’s a nice little sweet detail we got another shotgun here the Ithaca the shotguns are probably my favorite from this mod I really like the spread of shotguns bro there’s something about the spread of the shotgun that’s just super sick I don’t know it just looks better better

From this mod than it does regular terrar that it might be because the way the bullet tracers look just look how cool the bullets look compared to regular terrar guns like look at looks dope as hell and then we take like a regular let’s do what the quad shotgun

We take out a regular ter gun and just it looks like it’s a toy we got the SVT this is like the rifle you can like spam with I remember this for sure what’s the reload animation looking like okay pull the little bolt action back we got the STG solid

Solid this is the perfect rifle remember using that a lot and then hnk no idea what this is it says it’s a battle rifle it looks like a fnfal that’s what it looks like we got a FN SCAR I don’t know if I ever was a fan of

The scar in COD games I feel like the only time I’ve ever cared about a scar is fortnite like they were okay rifles in Call of Duty games but I feel like there’s way better options and most of the time I’d rather use a submachine gun in COD we got the

Ak74u which this one this a go-to in Black Ops bro I think I would use this over the regular AK it just it was a little bit better from what I remember we got our hands on the remaining guns I believe hopefully I didn’t miss any we

Got the bellelli no the banelli this is another shotgun this thing is crazy I low key want to do like a crazy Soldier themed playthrough yo is the NPC mysterious stranger hold up fall out I lowkey want to do a play through with like realistic

Guns like this this is so sick how come the queen bee isn’t making noises when she dashes it’s like awfully silent while she dashes what is this these shotguns are so sick bro let’s switch to the next one here the Mossberg also another great shotgun a

Little bit slower but it still got that power as we can see I kind of wish there was more like double Barrels in this just cuz I really like the double barrel reload animation what do we got next akm so this I believe has a Gren grade

Launcher on it so we can use the regular left click Gunner down and then we got the right click oh my God I missed feel like it’s a little Overkill to be using a grenade launcher against bees but it’s all good boom got him so we got to we

Got to watch the the little arc on it cuz it’s it’s got a little bit of a Arc not a crazy bit so I don’t want to over aim it we got the a 94n first shot is a double shot yo what the hell first shot

Is a double shot that really sounds like a Terraria type weap and does this have a right click it has a scope which is kind of cool so we can know zoom out further away I don’t think I’ve ever used this feature outside of looking at something I’ve never used like a scope

Feature to fight an enemy cuz I feel like it’s kind of useless I don’t know it’s got to be a really specific situation for it to be useful we get on to the big boys though we got the lmg starting with the M60 I’m about to let

This thing rip I’m about to let this thing go oh my God I got 100 bull For You Queen Bee 100 bullets versus 100 bees oh she wins 100 bullets gone I’m I kind of missed like 20 of them and then we got the rpk which was lowkey a solid

Lmg I’m not a big lmg fan but if I were to rock him an rpk is definitely one of them that I would choose you cannot go wrong with the rpk and then I believe our last weapon we’re going to check out here also has a scope it’s the m481

Which is just a classic sniper not much to it it’s a sniper bro but on top of that there is grenades we got some stick grenades we got some regular grenades what this rgo grenades explodes on contact do all these explode on contact let’s see starting with this one I hope

This doesn’t break the arena well we’re about to see aren’t we oh it does contact damage okay I see you all right so thank God it does not blow up the arena cuz uh you know would be a little bit annoying where did that thing go

What the hell that bounc to hit him in the back of the head we got the pineapp Apple grenades aka the classics I do like that they do contact damage Terraria grenade contact damage only and then we got the rg1 will not explode if contact is made too close so if I throw

It like this it just doesn’t explode what the I’m in god mode did that just hit me in god mode the hell that’s hitting me in god mode that’s so crazy that’s such a weird thing from a mod like this you know I’d expect a mod

With like super bosses and stuff to hit me and God mode but not the gun mod yeah that is it I believe in terms of content there’s obviously going to be more in the future cuz I mean it’s based on realistic weapons right so there’s literally a NeverEnding source of

Realistic weapons they can add on in the future I don’t know what they plan to add on outside of the guns I think it would be cool to see stuff if they were to go crazy with certain stuff I think it’d be cool to see mounts I don’t know

Tank mounts or something submarines I don’t know some War type mounts would be funny another thing I do want to see is if they continue with it maybe potentially some Armor All the Sprites and models are good in this it’s just it’s a sick mod plain as simple if you

Want to expand your Ranger playthrough and add a lot more realistic weapons this is the mod you’re going to use plain as simple and there’s probably a bunch of them that are similar to this mod but like I can see o i just the mod packs I’m imagining with realistic

Weapons like this I got some ideas in my head but we’ll hold on to those ideas all right shout out to the creator of the mod and everyone else that worked on this make sure to check it out also make sure to leave a like subscribe turn on

The notification Bells all that good stuff hey I have finally made a new Discord it is live link will be in the comments the description so make sure to join it lots of fun things we’re going to be doing in there potentially sneak peek for future videos and stuff like

That potentially little events just being able to interact with me talk to me leave video ideas suggestions all that videos popping up the screen make sure to check them out and I’ll be seeing youall next time have a going

It’s time to make Terraria’s Ranger Class even BETTER!

Insurgency Weapons Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3035273145
Check out this SICK Shadow Company Armor in the Thumbnail – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2942318511

JOIN THE NEW DISCORD! – https://discord.gg/G7Fwd7GyRJ


  1. the weapons shaking by moving right and left should be fixed by using player.position.Floor() instead of player.position in the code, assuming the weapon is set to a position relative to the player position every frame.
    No idea if the devs will see that, but eh 🎉

  2. Some things never change, like the fact that everyone loves the ping from the M1 Garand

    3:36 Also just for future reference, it's "Mo-zin" but you said the second part right

    Now you don't have to worry about pronouncing it wrong anymore :>

  3. Terraria NEEDS reloading! Not only to balance the ranger class, but to add more realism and depth to the game, I feel like Terraria has only just begun as there are so many more things that can be added

    Also Ranger Mains STAND UP!

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