Minecraft Build & Seek! W/LDShadowlady, Geminitay, SolidarityGaming & Shubble

Oh you’re close oh he’s excited where is he before we dive into the video I just want to let you all know that I have brand new merch it looks so cute it also has this fun logo on the back and it’s all embroidered it’s not screen printed

Also not only does it come in this color but it comes in this adorable pink one as well it’ll only be available for a limited time so make sure you get your hands on it soon and if you want to get yourself both colors or maybe share

With a sibling friend or partner or even someone else just down the road you can use the code smjor 10 at the checkout to get 10% off your second sweater purchase you can get it by going to smjor shop. Juniper crates.com or by clicking the link in the description below when

You’re on the website you can see the images off it spread out and some of mean shall be modeling it and to make it better there’s free shipping so make sure you check out today hi guys and welcome back to the next video and today’s video is a special video because

This is Minecraft hide-and seek with a twist twist being we’re building our own hiding Arenas so me lesie Jim Shelby and Jimmy are all here and we have our own 30×30 plots to build our own hiding Arena where we will then need to hide ourselves and have the other people try

And find us within a Time so I need to work on actually building something cuz right now my plot is empty and this doesn’t feel very hidden so I have an idea how I’m going to build it which means we need to hop into a time

Lapse okay there we have it my apartment building I decided to go for something a bit different than what I usually would it’s not really a still I normally build in but I’m really happy with how it came out I know just need to actually make it

Usable for hiding so my thought rather than make a ton of little like crawl spaces and hidey holes which I have done you could hide in this closet spent years in here before what’s the difference for one video or I put in secret little cupboards as well that I

Could just go into like this so that they might not see me and there’s a chance that I do end up using one of those spots but I thought I could make it more fun and hide myself amongst myself I’m going to populate this entire condominium with just me so that’ll be

Fun basically my thought is I want to grab a couple armor STS and like pop them in places like this then I’m just going to pop some canyan stained leather armor on it and close the door and the plan is I want to put an absolute ton of

Things around the house because my thought is when it comes to hiding what I could always do is pop the armor on like so but then then replace the head and hopes that they’re so used to seeing armor stands and me they don’t realize it’s me I just need to start putting

Them in weird spots like in the kitchen or under the stairs in the closets and in the pantries and in top of having them hidden in random little Spots I’m also just going to put some like as though they’re just walking in the hallways I just want an absolute ton of

Me around so that they get confused maybe going to put one right at the door so when they all run into it they’re just met with me I’m going to spend some time running around here and popping down a few different mes and I’ll come

Back when I’m done okay as you can see my building is now very populated with me I even put this little like upstairs like restaurant area and Sun lounger area with more me so now I just need to work on like decorating the front I want

To make it not fully obvious that I’ll be inside there’s a chance I could be outside I also think I want to grab a bunch of these and I’m going to set back like two probably is I’m like this and this is where I’m going to build a bunch

Of f like trash cans I just need to fill in the rest of it again this is probably not where I’ll end up hiding but I just like giving myself options and then I’ll grab some green Terra Cotter and sort of do maybe three of them I’m fully winging

This part these look like big trash cans this is fun and then what I’ll do is replace these bits with trap doors so that I can then like follow out the back bit now just to pop a few of me in the trash does this count as like disposing

Of bodies I don’t know I need to work out the pathing first before I put any outside I think I’ll do andesite as the path and then I probably want the andesite to come out to like here cuz this is quite like a modern apartment building it’ll be a lot of straight

Lines for this but I can grab some flowering aelas just to fill in some of these more Edge areas and such and then I’ll also pop some planters down with his Alia leaves and then what I’m going to do is replace the front lawn in light with

Moths you know like when those people have really fancy Gardens and it’s like the grass has been mowed in a certain way to make it look stripy I’m trying to do that and then on this side I’ll do alternate things and then I’m probably going to change this

Area I’ll be pods also it kind of looks like it’s mulch but this is cute and then I think if I add a few trees something like this and then I’m just going to mix in some oak leaves and some aelia Le this is one of those like really

Bougie like apartment buildings that has very well-kept gardening maintenance like the kind of place that you would see and be like that’s really nice I would never spend that much on rent though there we go this all feels pretty good I just need to add a few of me in

This trash collection area you’re going to have one of me just creepily in the corner we don’t know what he’s up to I think what I’m going to do is just put a few of me out and about as well okay now it is done so the only

Thing that should have left to do is throw up some walls and then successfully he are we all ready I’m ready Jim you want to go start first oh my we we should let me get my spy glass out yes ah yes guys I I think I should go at the

End I think oh my gosh this ain’t going to be pretty yeah that is so cute go up next let’s see it provide you please be smaller please be Scot oh my God is that is that loads of you over there it’s it’s a Scot condominium it’s got a guess on the

Front oh my gosh cute right Lizzy all right w wow that’s a cute like fishing H oh look at look at the octopus hanging up the front you’ve C some fish in your time haven’t you you some fish just wait until you get inside Jimmy just’s about to be like taking a

Schematic for her I will be taking that fi that’s mine now I’m eating it w oh my gosh Jim’s far wow look at that nice a brick I feel really about now it’s just only getting smaller from here yeah we have actually done s it does matter it

Does we’ve got a nice range of hide in the sea and I’m excited to see how this goes okay look down and I will tell you when to come yeah now again I don’t know whether to use the psychology that I think you’d think I’d go to the top so what I’m

Thinking of doing is do I have any me here I do how do I oh I’ve taken the mannequin oh no oh no I’m stuck oh no okay I’m going to do this and that and then I think I’m hidden now I’ll just tell J to come and now we wait all right

Scott ready or not I’m coming see nothing oh dear there’s a lot of Scots Scots in the garbage see I know the real Scott would never hide there my God I didn’t go into the garbage I thought this just looks like a really zoomed in full of me I’m doing a

Real good perimeter sweep but I’m willing to bet based on the lack of decoration on that side of the building that old jump scare uh that you’re probably inside oh there’s so many doors I’m opening all these it’s going to be annoying for you later that you’ve really you’ve put a Scot

Everywhere haven’t you bit down here is there somebody down here no just a just a nice lovely hole in the floor not great apartment construction oh this is going to take forever to flip all these trap doors she’s going to need to pick whether she flips them all or not oh

Goodness good God Scott oh my gosh how are there so many Scots in the closet you’re very much not in the closet in real life come on get out of there there’s so many of you in there okay we’re on the second floor oh my gosh second floor there’s another

Kitchen I’m so high there’s more Scots behind kitchen walls okay more Scots in the closet brilliant she sounds so disappointed every time she finds so of I suppose I should be looking at these a bit closer cuz maybe you’ve crawled up inside an armor stand that would actually be really inconvenient for me

Good God where have you gone hell hello hi um oh but okay you’re up you’re up more you’ve gone from maximum distance see that’s what I did when I when I did my I’m going to check every floor though I’m going to check every floor it just it takes a long time to

Clip all these trap doors check them that sounded close I think you’re right above me I’m going to keep checking anyway think you’re right above me she’s going to Fe me God it they they look they’re looking at me funny Scot they’re looking at me funny Jim’s going to have the image of

My face just burn memory how many floors does this thing have it’s a lot of floors okay come on real Scott your arms are moving sir my God yeah the the image of my face is going to be burned into your car few Scott jump scares around here

Good job I thought thank you I liked your comments I’ve spent enough time in the closet that was fun so should I face this way yeah face that way and I will call you when needed I think I hide I need somewhere I can shift as the issue maybe like here

H wonder if I hide on the window sill like that is she going I think she’ll see it let’s go to the roof oh my God okay I’m going to see ready seeking I just need to shake okay first of all Scott you know I’m not

Going to check all these armor STS don’t be ridiculous oh my gosh who has time for all that not me and I know you’re not hiding in those arach you would you wouldn’t be so obvious oh you like to be much more subtle than that oh do I my

God sorry decapitated one of them let’s go anywhere oh gosh it keeps happening I’m sorry she keeps decapitate you okay you’re not in the kitchen I can safely say not in the kitchen not in this bedroom or are you not wait a second could you be inside the Bookshop

No how about this room maybe I shouldn’t have head so high up no it’s very modern Decor in here Scott oh my gosh I thought that was you this is very I don’t want to say Bland uh Decor but I will say minimalist minimalist deor Scott being dragged but all the better

To find you in my God I keep thinking it’s you you I don’t like this I I’m stuck in this I’m stuck in here I I actually am stuck no I’m fine I’m set I’m out behind this painting perhaps no I want to see if I can move see none of

These armor stands have arms and that’s why I’ll never never believe that they’re you Scott because you have arms was I already here did I already look in this room why do I hear footsteps Scott is that you or does one of these condos have a cat no pets allowed in the

Condo okay this feels good yeah you can’t see it side on I heard footsteps up here oh God you want to show yourself no I’m good he’s nearby I’m like a chameleon oh my gosh what’s happening in this one it’s like a weird cult did you Scott your arm it’s it’s

Poking out I couldn’t shift in this spot I couldn’t shift but to be fair it still took you like five minutes you were hidden right at the top so yeah there’s another two floors oh my oh my gosh you me forever yeah I origin look with the next person I originally

Started up here and when I seen you take this with the first floor I move oh I’ll put my head in the sand all right yeah that’s good you enjoy there we go okay you stay there and I’ll say Seek when you can come find me all right be

Quick I will I’ll be timing you no that’s I time you all right I’m going to find him the fastest he won’t even see me coming he’ll say Seek he’ll get scared and I’ll be there I’ll be there in his face saying found you he won’t even know

Okay say Seek say Seek I’m going to try hide say Seek against this wall the going run in front door boom left this could work left yeah I I took I took a guy’s pants I put them back on not there I just boom Going through fridge

No is that him no going through out like playing a Call of Duty map just a guy couple more guys man he’s going to be like clear running through clear downstairs my like he’s playing he a SW going in here is it another hidden Payton no no it’s not it’s the same room

Every time isn’t it it’s the I took his chest plate put it back I don’t like this I’m getting Deja Vu now this is not good I’m going to flip every trapo so he has to uh come back and unflip them all the time and he’s going to really moner

Um no no not up here Scott you’re smiling right now aren’t you you know I’m close you know I’m close test you’re smiling the test I you can’t wait to see me just scream out go on bud scream out scream out oh you’re close oh he’s

Excited where is he oh God he’s he he literally as close um that was too close actually um he’s got to be around here he’s got to be around here maybe he has at one more floor or maybe not it felt like he was on that

Floor oh golly gosh please please no no you’re a sneaky man you know that go on say it oh he’s he’s above there’s no heading paints oh he’s above I can feel it in the base of his voice he’s can you wait where is he um where is wait am I running past

You I don’t like this are you in a are you in a man are you in a man by love I’m not in a man actually wait right you’re down here you’re down one floor I’m down one floor you’re not I don’t think you’re in here somewhere I’m in here somewhere where are

You oh my gosh you you’re really irritating me now I seen you on my screen how cuz I did what I how am I near you come on Jimmy give me hot cold please okay hot hot cold really you’re hot you’re very hot there I’m very hot I’m SC you can

Feel the heat emanating from the floor oh what what did you do did you just get under I was looking are you in this stupid where are you where not that floor wait I don’t me I’m not on that floor you’re not you’re not on this floor no you’re

You’re an idiot you’re an idiot I’m not an idiot I didn’t say I was up are you oh my gosh right you’re down here out you pop where are you you you you stupid man you stupid man have fun putting all those trap doors back I will that was so worth I am

Not happy then you came into the room with me as well made it so much better I’m out of here you stand here face this way and I will tell you when to come okay and I will follow okay I’m opening that door shutting it so she thinks I’ve

Going inside and I’m actually going to use the BS okay no I shift there are a lot of Scots I feel like I should go around and greet all of them just to make sure none of them are not Scott I actually thought that one was

Scott for a second there are so many Scots this is a dream come true for me oh she didn’t check the bed she didn’t check the bed I thought she was going to fight me so quickly are a lot of trap do I am going to flip all of them too

Jesus Jesus you put them in the closet Scott you put them back in the closet oh oh I was so wored she got so close so quick I thought it was going to be over in like 10 seconds okay he’s not in the kitchen he’s not in the living

Room he’s not in the closet okay all right you know what I’m going to search this whole first floor I don’t know if you’re even somewhere you can hear me there’s another Scott in the closet nice job okay just going to search a whole first floor then walk

Coming up could you be you CH Under the Stairs I’m going to do something crazy I’m going to the top floor right now I don’t know if you would have already ex used all your top floor spots but I’m deciding I’m going straight to the top and working my way

Down to the top this is going to go so horribly for chelby but I just know end you by accident instead we’re going to be here for an hour I’m I’m going to wait until the timer’s like 3 minutes and then I’ll speak that’s kind of what I’ve been

Doing for other people is waiting until it’s under 3 minutes and then I’ll speak maybe coming all the way up here was a bad idea we’re going to go down now one floor it might have been you sounded close though you sounded pretty close did I perhaps only one floor

Lowered did I do you I don’t know you you kind of sound above me are you up there I am not Scott I can’t believe you put the Scots back in the closet where are you and I’m so sorry this a sneaky this this sneaky you have a lot

Of good hiding spots I’ll give you a hint you’ve been near me I can’t decide if you are actually up here or you’re below and I feel close unless I think I’m getting farther away if I go down another layer so many Scots in CL everything she says is just so

Wrong every single thing that leaves her mouth is just not correct so many decoys so many I’m getting close I was like he’s being quiet now which means I’m probably near are you kidding where are you okay I’m going to carry my way down then you’ve been where I am but then

That could only mean all the way down or all the way up oh no oh not quite ah that was a new spot I hadn’t seen I thought you were going to find me within the first like 20 seconds and now I’m not worried about it anymore don’t say

That it’s crazy cuz I do hear your voice in in the walls I think I might have just push I don’t think I should follow the sound of your voice cuz it feels misleading why because the UN hold on stop stop laughing what how how what is so funny you’re being so

Close I can’t go up here why can’t you go up there how am I supposed to climb that okay hi I could have found you so you came out here so would be out of bounds if I went that way but you literally could have just

Gone oh that’s good oh oh that made me cry great

GET MY MERCH HERE!!! – https://smajorshop.junipercreates.com/

Today me and my friends decided to play a game of Hide & Seek, but this time, we build our own hiding arenas! Make sure to check out everyone else’s videos to see how long it took me to find them!

Friends –
@Shubble @ldshadowlady @SolidarityGaming @GeminiTayMC

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Music – Epidemic Sound

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Business Email – smajor@afkcreators.com


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