My DAD Rates the Stardew Valley Bachelorettes!

This is my dad Papa Lumi I made a video with my mother reading the sty bachelorettees so my dad wanted to throw his hat in the ring Oh and before we begin I have a plushy campaign live with makeship right now basically how it works is you Lum plushy wer pledge $2 to

Our cause to make a lum plushy reality if we are able to reach our goal that means they’ll actually make the plush if not you’ll be refunded so there’s no risk for you just reward if we reach our goal so please consider helping us make

It there it would mean so much thank you so much to makeship for the opportunity and now on to the ratings in the game that I play do you know the game that I play do you know what it’s called what it called Garden Lumi Garden Lumi no no

No no my I’m Lumi I always see you in a garden it’s called stard Valley and in stardo Valley there’s marriage candidates and what I had Phyllis doing yes I had her rate the marriage candidates am I doing the same thing you’re going to do the same exact thing

And we have to see whose video gets more views I’m going to show you one of the marriage candidates and you’re going to just tell me what you think about that and then at the end of it you’re going to tell me what you think their name is

All right no problem are you ready I’m ready okay okay this is the first one what are you thinking what Vibes do you get from her I I don’t know she looks like a um I don’t know what the hell she looks like almost looks like Medusa what the Medusa

So you don’t think anything about her what type of person does she look like to you well she looks like she’s a person like if you need something she’ll be there for you oh okay you’re going the nice route do you think she’s pretty she’s a pretty girl yes absolutely okay

What do you think about the purple hair real life I don’t think of it it fits her it fits her really well purple head go for it words of wisdom from papal Lumi okay so what do you think her name is what her name uh Messa Vanessa okay I

I think I see that I think yeah little simple nice cool friendly friend friendly Vibes well her name is Abigail and she she likes to Adventure she likes to go in the caves and mine and stuff and fight monsters really yeah wow okay that’s why now I see like she looks like

She’s wearing armor like it’s not you know she eats rocks wow yeah maybe that’s why she has a mouth closed cuz no teeth right yeah cuz they’re all oh you you and mommy had the same reaction what do you think about this girl right here

Uh she’s she’s a wild one looks like oh okay fiery hair fiery yeah it looks like flames and stuff okay maybe she’s the one that’s going to steal your boyfriend oh okay yeah you absolutely no doubt about it what are you do it can you please leave the pur this is papal time

That’s right papal time Papa’s boring this is between A and B I see you way out here so this is the girl that’s going to steal your man absolutely no doubt about it why do you say that you think it’s it’s cuz the blonde hair n just the whole look the whole package

The little necklace the little little top there that she’s got going on that face uhhuh look into my eyes those blue eyes yeah okay so what do you think her name is I don’t want to say Abigail cuz I was the other oh the other one’s

Abigail yeah this one would have to go I mean I got Barbie Vibes all the way with this one yeah going to have to call it Annabelle Annabelle okay you got you got the extra name or something like tonyan she’s got to have two names ton she

Gives me that tonyan trailer park tonyan oh so now she’s a trailer park girl no but you know she I she’s visited a trailer park for the boys is what you say no I think that’s what she just was generated her name is haly all right and

You’re kind of right about her she’s a little bit of a you know promiscuous not not promiscuous I wouldn’t say that she’s just a little bit of like a mean girl but she’s my favorite she’s my favorite character because she has such a good character art she picks a lot of

Carrots in the garden go to the next one oh what’s this one damn what do you mean damn this one looks like you like your sixth grade teacher why sixth grade specifically I don’t know she’s like like Mrs Jones Mrs Jones is her name okay what else do you think about her

Other than she’s your sixth grade teacher she packs a be lunch does the dishes maybe maybe fills the washing machine or the dishwasher up properly so you’re getting like motherly traditional mother vibes from her super strict lban kind of Vibes she’s not as good as the other on

She’s like looks like she’s in her 50s she late 50s yeah no don’t tell me she’s young too she is yeah the the other two were like a little younger and she’s probably a little bit older than them two but she’s probably like Mrs Adventure right like she gets stuff done

She one those well her what’ you call her Mrs Jones yeah you’re not even going to give her a first name Mrs Jones Well her name’s Leah and she’s like complete opposite she’s like a free spirit artsy girl you know what I mean she she likes to sculpt not your sixth grade teacher

All right she looks like one of those I see it though cuz I think got like little thing going on there yeah I can see I feel like the hair gives off Middle School teacher Vibes Mrs Jones we got over here okay what about this girl right here girl yeah it’s like Timmy

Tommy over there Timmy Tommy who’s Timmy Tommy right away I just told Timmy Tommy that’s really a girl cuz a very young girl then little kid no it’s not a little kid all right suie b suie b yeah okay right I see that what what kind of

Person is Susie B first of I thought she was a boy I she was a deler newspaper with the bike and she throws them in exactly okay have a good day sir here’s your paper she likes lollipops lollipops why lollipops I don’t know she’s got like one of those faces like really

Excited wow can I have a lollipop she would get tricked by the white van absolutely absolutely I have no doubt about it like gullible kind of okay suie B you said right uhhuh so no no not at all her name is Emily and she’s like a a cookie bird spirit ual Crystal lady

She’s not the the paper boy not the newspaper you’re chill with her okay you think she’s pretty not my style but she’s pretty yeah hello hello she looks like a cook now that’s a mom there’s no doubt about that that’s a mom all the way maybe guaranteed that’s a mom what makes you

Think she’s she’s a cook cuz like the apron kind of looks like she just took a tray of cookies out the oven that’s why she’s yeah yeah she’s the one that’ll make cookies and Peet a bun of jelly sandwiches and bring your Kool-Aid and stuff like that are you sick little

Timmy would you like some tomato soup Mommy’s got you what do you what do you think her name is what her name is yeah I’m going to go with something like Christina Christina yeah okay why why Crystal don’t tell me she’s young as well she is young oh I think your your

Perception of age is all just messed up a little off so so her name’s Maru right Maru Maru she she works part-time as a nurse but she she likes making gadgets and robots and stuff like that all right she’s super nerd yeah she’s a super nerd

She does kind of look like she’s wearing an apron I think it’s like a either overalls or like scientist I don’t know she looks like the lady that got lost on Gilligan’s Island what what’s the girl uh Gilligans Island yeah I don’t know aart that’s the

Only person I know that got lost on an island that’s Jane from Gilligan Island I Jane yeah that’s it looks like Jane you got stranded on Gilligan’s Island tles and found her look it up people she’s Gilligan’s Island and she does kind of look like like Jane cuz doesn’t

Doesn’t Jane wear wear yellow wor nothing in tan but whatever she in the Disney version version no that’s the real life version well I’m not real life version I’m not watching the real life version yeah I think if anybody would get stranded in Ireland would be hurt

Because she wants to like go save the pilgrims or something like that or the Dolphins and her boat like you know got lost and everyone had bamed into her and she got stuck Inland bar herself yeah okay that’s what I’m thinking her name is Penny that’s so profitted she’s the

School teacher she teaches the two kids in the in the valley and she’s like a she’s she’s what you described Leah as okay the other girl the the motherly oh I wash the dishes I like to cook for you the traditional mother rooll okay she’s my least favorite she sucks because

She’s so boring someone’s got to do the serious stuff what do you mean I teach the kids and load the dishwasher and so maybe she’d be your favorite but I don’t like I don’t think so I don’t think if I had to pick a character would have she

Looks fiery she looks like you know green eyes you know what I’m saying she got that hair old knotted up you know she she has two buns actually that’s what I’m talking about what the heck is this like sh why remind me of an old lady in Florida

There’s no doubt about it why do you say that that’s very very specific yeah she’s wearing like the parachute jumper jacket she got the the blonde hair that she went to the hair salon like every single day Mrs Schwarz there’s no she’s Mrs Schwarz Mrs Schwarz okay she’ll go

To a store doesn’t want to wear in a line I want my coffee now a lot of people say that your wife looks like her not looks like her but she would be voiced by her oh they would have the same voice oh that raspy voice

So her name’s Pam she’s like the head of the boock society that watch no she’s like she’s like a lowlife kind of a little bit and she also is the town bus driver she drives every day she gets drunk at night okay W is he any electric

Chair looks like you just got sentence to life like And subscribe support lum’s plushy campaign buy a plushy and don’t forget Papa Lumi got you



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0:00 – Intro
0:27 – garden lummi
1:00 – abigail
2:03 – haley
2:23 – wild mama lummi appears
2:35 – more haley
3:34 – leah
4:40 – emily
5:39 – maru
6:32 – penny
7:55 – BONUS PAM
8:46 – outro


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