What JJ and Mikey Find inside LARGE ROUND PIT in Minecraft Maizen!

H wow look what huh Mikey I think I found a giant well check it out wo wait what’s this awesome interesting no way wow this is a huge round well I wonder where it leads to I bet we’ll find something really incredible down there I wonder what

We’ll find why don’t we climb to the to of each one what do you think JJ there’s got to be something aming in up there all these villagers are looking up there I guess we should go check it out sounds good to me let’s start right away with

The dirt Tower huh wao that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my turn H come see this what is it okay h hurry hurry JJ come on

Wo there all right here we goo oh huh what there’s some kind of weird fish raining down uh those fish are called Guardians and they are extremely dangerous Mikey died what just happened look carefully Mikey there’s a trip wire just over the water no kidding I never

Noticed I set off the security when I touched the trip wire H do you give up hang on hang on there must be a way past this oh I know I should dive and swim under the tri wire all right I’ll just swim underwat wao impressive Mikey

Wao I did it I crossed the lake without tripping the wire you defeated my first security measure woohoo what do we have here is that a math problem huh 1 + 2 * 2 oh JJ this math problem is way too easy who could ever get this

Wrong you sure seem confident first 1 + 2 must equal 3 then 3 * 2 = 6 so the answer is 6 easy all right if that’s the answer then I’ll push the button for six ready for it click what no way what’s going on no why

Why a Mikey got flash fried isn’t it six Mikey the answer is five five you need to multiply before you can do the addition H now I understand six wasn’t the answer five was so if I push the button for five okay woohoo I can move

On I know what this is there’s a monster and a pile of diamonds over The Lava and I need to choose which one to save and which one to drop into the lava right yeah Mikey save one and drop the other into the lava H oh there’s a chest all

Right what could be inside huh there’s a pickaxe and some Stone yep Mikey diamonds are the monster which do you save and which do you drop into the lava that’s not even a choice JJ I got to save the diamonds which means sorry Mr monster sorry no

Okay next I’ll use stone blocks to reach there okay woohoo I got the diamonds all right no the monster came back out of the lava what’s it going to do diamonds are so cool Mikey behind behind you huh who was that a the monster took its revenge on

Mikey so I wasn’t supposed to choose the diamonds I don’t want to lose the diamonds but I guess I’ll save the monster okay then goodbye Diamonds oh a and now to save the monster okay huh what wo hey Mr Monster’s happy huh what’s this I got a keep or

Something Mikey look at the door on the far end that door needs a key no kidding I know it needs this key thank you Mr monster I’m moving on here I go yeah all right all right I’m coming too now use this key here it goes 3 2 1 wo it

Opened yay H all right okay huh what’s with this place there’s no security here is this okay I’m moving on I’m trapped in here Mikey you’re trapped inside this room what now huh what those are my security zombies zombies can you survive them Mikey what do I

Do ouch huh what’s happening h wao Huh huh what wow the monster I saved earlier rescued me here you’re really strong I never expected the monster to take your side you defeated my security zombies thank you huh oh a zombie dropped the key woohoo I got it oh and there’s a

Treasure chest what could be inside wow there’s a golden apple inside woohoo and now using the key I just got I’m opening this door 3 2 1 open all right I’m moving on Mikey got through my security I see the Vault JJ it’s over there yep the vault is where my treasure

Is you’ve done well to come this far Mikey huh however I have a super powerful gatekeeper watching my Vault so unless you can beat the mutant zombie you won’t be able to open it mutant zombies are really strong but JJ I have a powerful Ally of my own so I’ll be

Okay huh hey Mr monster go fight fight that mutant zombie for me real quick oh wow that monster is heading for the mutant zombie it’s so strong that I’m sure it’ll be easy attack huh what is it hey why did you run away Mr monster is so scared of the mutant zombie that

It lost its nerve and ran off no way oh I know I know I know huh maybe if Mr Monster eats a golden apple it might power up eat this Mr monster here it ate it wow Mr monster looks golden now did Mr monster actually eat a golden apple

And transform huh H oh it’s going back to fight the mutant zombie wo go Mr monster woo you took out the mutant zombie thanks seriously you broke right through my vault security which means JJ that I win I’m stealing the treasure from your Vault a all right oh there’s a lever

This must be it yes a well come on don’t let your guard down this is too easy yes no oh Mikey a Mikey you should have gone slower I like let my guard down mhm I didn’t expect there to be a trap I won’t let my guard down anymore though good

For now we made it to the ladder yes now jump across like this okay oh all right there’s also a chest here you’re right okay open it 3 2 1 open huh huh what wow wo the ultimate equipment yeah you’re right Mikey we we won’t be afraid of anything with this

Stuff on all right I’ll take this with me me too let’s get equipped wow I’ll start with this mhm we’ll equip ourselves yes with this equipment all right wo wow Mikey let’s spend the day trying to reach the top to see what’s there let’s investigate let’s go we’re through the parkour what’s that

It’s something that yeah is a TNT cam it’ll launch us into the air so try pressing the button Mikey that’s TNT TNT wao wo huh are you okay what was that I think you have to land up there let me try oh here I go watch me I’m watching 3 2 1

Click wo wo I got it land on the Slime wow I want to try I made it come on up Mikey right now yeah ready 3 2 1 wo W good job that was scary all right well for now try to parkour across without touching the sewer water it’s disgusting JJ just keep

Moving are you okay I fell get out ew all right keep it up let’s go so nasty if we keep going this way I think we can escape this town okay nice let’s see there’s a lot of plants in the way but we can keep going uhh here we go hurry

H Huh oh what’s this place H the power’s out it’s out uh wao the power’s back and is that isn’t that the boss I think you’re right he saw us he’s going to attack us what now we have to fight back get him no a show no mercy wow he’s strong

Attack woo yes we defeated him we did it we did it we beat him those are some seriously strong weapons wow all this stuff look at the loot this is what the gang stole from everyone let’s give it all back mhm okay nice let’s see H look

A ladder let’s go back all right yeah here we go oh huh there’s a sign apparently there are boats somewhere I’ll look over here I’ll check this side in the forest this swamp it’s scary this pumpkin dungeon is tougher than I imagined totally go there’s a chest oh nice what’s inside

I keep mistaking mummies for you Mikey where are you right behind you I see you yep boy am I glad to see you let’s look inside the chest boats take one thank you now that we have these we can go across the Big Swamp safely yeah sounds good let’s go the

Exit oh it’s locked up huh there’s a fence but I know a trick really yeah if you go to the very edge and get off your boat you pop up on the other side it’s a Minecraft Glitch wow can you do it Mikey I’ll try you got this okay woo I did it

Yes awesome okay let’s get moving let’s go wow water slide what’s at the end no the drop wao you okay yeah I’m fine wow where is it taking us I’m really curious there’s something up ahead that’s my head huh no way that could be real right duh what’s with that look up

There some strange pumpkin ghosts I’m going to get them good luck I got this wao get away that scared me so many enemies what’s going on just focus on fighting hang on who are these weird enemies oh man wait I got a lever I have an effect on me wao stop

What uh-oh who is this guy let’s just run away they’re all too strong Let’s Escape use the lever and run Mikey right behind you huh what my health is low not good this poison is strong but I survived this pumpkin dungeon is really dangerous Mikey we need better weapons

If we want to make it out alive okay we need to find an upgrade oh try jumping woo crazy let’s go I wonder why we jump higher here I don’t know woohoo but it’s a lot of fun I think we go up there next over

Here wow we made it safe and sound we did it let’s move huh huh what’s this H what is it looks like there’s a portal at the bottom of this pit maybe it’s the way back to our world wo let’s try it okay here we go okay back home hey we made it

Wow oh I wonder how we’re supposed to continue climbing H H strange isn’t there any way up huh what H JJ see that cookies cookies cookies wait Mikey this might be a trap huh we need to search for a way up huh yeah we’ll search in a sec but h I’m hungry I

Want these cookies oh I can just eat cookies while searching for a way up uh yay hang on Mikey there isn’t time for that huh look we’re in a cage huh we’re trapped in here no way what do we do now Mikey when you picked up those

Cookies it activated did the Trap what that’s awful but we still need to climb to the top of the tower and get the treasure we have to break out of here JJ it really wasn’t the right time to eat cookies H oh this is bad we need to

Find some way to escape but how uh it’s impossible JJ I don’t see any way for us to escape from here I give up what do we do what we do hold on huh hey Mikey oh no I don’t like being trapped calm down that pressure plate disables the Trap huh no

Way really see wao no kidding wow now we can escape H Mikey check this out huh it looks like that’s the way to escape woohoo let’s go but Mikey we need to find a key before we can go that way wait huh there’s something in there what is it h Huh it

Looks like a weird giant clown huh that’s the only way out let’s look for a key Mikey let’s find that key key key what about here oh there’s also a book I’ll take it let’s see what it says what’s in it day 17 someone spent 17 days down here this is

Someone’s Journal who got stranded in the sewers oh a clown stole the key and hit it inside a balloon I have been unable to retrieve it if only I had a slingshot oh what does that mean so apparently a clown stole the key Mikey let’s go get it back let’s go hang on

Mikey there’s a clown I don’t think it’s going to attack us let’s see sh hold it he set me on fire the we can do it oh I’m on fire too stop it tactical Retreat what ow I turned up y Mikey’s been hit you awful clown you’re going

Down I beat him you’re strong W nice I took a lot of damage from that fight oh Mikey look there’s balloons up there no kidding H just like the journal said the key is hiding in one of them oh I’ll shoot them down with my slingshot so that’s what it meant see

It no key yet nope huh H nothing nothing oh oh is that the key we got it yes it’s the key let’s head back Mikey okay it’s possible that Jimmy will be there too too okay we can move on but okay who what’s that huh huh

Oh he’s in a cage way up high let’s go how do we get to him that clown huh what’s he saying you thought about taking him away from me but now you’ll all stay here forever you can’t let him Mikey no way H beat that

Clown H but how are we supposed to fight him oh Mikey over here wo got it no way H okay okay whoops shoot I fell seriously this is bad it’s after me oh no all right ouch that’s not good okay okay oh no all right ouch I found

One block H I wonder how many we’ll need anyway once we collected some TNT we need to make our way up to that bridge ouch that hurts oh no all right now I get to eat cookies and Escape at the same time we did it Mikey well we escaped the cage now how

Do we climb higher I don’t know oh huh Mikey there’s something that looks like an exit and a platform up there oh yeah it looks like the way up but how are we supposed to get there I can’t reach it from here huh huh look at these slime

Blocks H still we can’t reach we’re stuck here H so there’s no way to get any higher from here uh H it’s impossible hold up there’s a pressure plate here H really Mikey maybe if we place the rotten flesh on this no h wao stairs nice a secret staircase

Amazing hey hey let’s climb this thing good idea wao H wait how do we reach the other side huh hm oh I have an idea Mikey what we can use those line blocks to cross over to the other side oh jump across yeah get a running start

Huh yes I made it wow okay here I come wow wo I did it I made it to the platform now to climb these this way come on right we can make it out if we climb those scaffolding blocks yes wow now from here I jump and and land on the

Other side JJ all we have to do is exit up there H but hold on there’s no way to get there oh how are we supposed to climb up what now H H where do we go hang on H maybe over here if we break the scaffolding like this W

Yes now we can take these and set them up on the other side to keep going nice here wo use these I’ll give it a shot let’s go h no huh wo huh yeah yes oh now we can climb our way out awesome let’s climb the scaffolding there we go a

Yeah hooray we made it out we did it we sure did mhm huh hooray let’s peek through here to check for traps good idea H I don’t see anything that looks like a trap but there’s someone inside oh strange maybe there isn’t any treasure after all hm

We should ask that person about the treasure let’s go that seems to be our only option we can head inside this way okay hello excuse us we heard there was treasure at the top of this Tower do you know anything about it hey do you know anything I’m being attacked huh hold on

This person must be guarding the treasure ow ow owie we have to fight him it let’s take him down all right yeah he’s our Ultimate Weapon w we won wow we did it it all worked out phew huh wait where’s the treasure H after all we went through H is there anything

Here look Mikey there’s a lever huh the guard must have dropped it away wao so now if we use this lever huh H H is anything here this gold spot on the wall a block of gold let’s use the lever there 3 2 1 h Huh H nothing’s

Happening wait huh weird hey huh hear that huh huh wo wo wow wow a trove of Cash Ring down woohoo wo

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: What JJ and Mikey Find inside LARGE ROUND PIT in Minecraft Maizen!

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