My brother challenged me to a build competition now we are going head-to-head to see who can build the longest mob Tower in Minecraft little does he know I have a super secret prize for him waiting at the end here what M are you building I’m going to be

Building a warden house that’s why I’m using skull blocks every single level inside my Warden house will have a different theme I’m so excited my Warden house is going to be the tallest ever what house are you building Milo I’m pretty much building a zombie house and

It’s going to be super epic each floor is going to have something really crazy okay I guess we’ll see who makes the better house I think I’m going to win Milo no way my first level is going to have an Overworld theme it needs to be

Pretty skinny so I don’t have much space to build it inside if I made it too thick I wouldn’t be able to make the tower long before we run out of time I’m always running out of time remember when I tried to bake those cookies Milo and I

Burnt them in the oven yeah it was really gross and there was Smoke everywhere in the house yeah it totally set off the fire alarms and you got sooking wet you look so silly with all your feathers dripping yeah and then you took a photo of me and it’s really

Embarrassing it’s a good photo it got 100,000 likes on Instagram what the I didn’t know you posted it on Instagram well I’m also going to post my Victory celebration online after I win this thing yeah I’m basically going to sell celebrate all day and all night very

Funny chip everyone’s going to be making fun of you cuz you lose what no they definitely won’t all I have to do is make this surrounding wall out of skull to make it look like a warden and then I can get started on the Overworld theme

Of my first level over w theme what’s this going to be like a flop Tower a flop Tower What no Milo this is going to be a tree line I need to grab oak logs just like this and oak leaves as well let’s get regular Oak and not dark oak

Because this needs to be bright on the inside let’s Place logs all the way around the edge this needs to look just like a real Minecraft forest and not to mention once I place all these logs I get to make log parkour where you can go

All the way from the bottom level right to the rest of my tower a chip I have a question what’s your question Milo have you ever been to the Leaning Tower of Pizza um did you just say Leaning Tower of Pizza Milo yeah it’s like a Chuck E

Cheese pizza Leaning Tower um Milo that’s called the Leaning Tower of Pizza it’s in Italy and it is made out of rocks not pepperoni what the oh no I’m never going to see it then I just wanted some pizza well maybe if you actually win this thing then you can throw a

Pizza party but I don’t know if you will if you want to win you’re going to have to go through my super long Tower which I’m not sure you can do I’m going to make this pretty difficult especially the overwhel parkour Zone that’s no problem I’m actually really good at

Going up towers and I’ve learned a lot in the last two weeks um Milo only yesterday you fell off a tower we were Building Together you went totally kasplat I had to save you by placing a water bucket underneath you while you were falling what I didn’t fall I was

Just trying to fly and it didn’t really work out very well no it totally didn’t but what is working out very well is this Overworld themed room I’m building right now I’m going to make trees all around the edges it looks just like a real Forest wo I think the more trees I

Add here the more real it will look the trees also need to go up in a very specific shape that way it’s possible to jump up them just like a real parkour wo I’m already doing such a cool job I think we need to use different kinds of

Trees though maybe aelia leaves and aelia bushes can dot the bottom of this Forest this way there’s a starting zone for the parkour just like this oh that looks so cool and let’s also add some flowering aelia leaves right over here wow it already looks just like an

Overwhel Forest I’m going to continue building it though I want to add different trees to make it even taller but what kind of trees could I even add I’ve already used oak trees and I’ve already used aelia bushes but oh I totally know let’s use Spruce leaves

I’ll also need to grab some bone meal so that I can totally grow these Spruce saplings into Big Trees wo look how tall it is I think it might be a little too tall though I need something else and I know exactly what that can be Vines I

Need to place these oak logs even higher than I thought I did already wo this level is going way better than I thought it would Milo I am off to a really good start you better be working really really hard to make sure you have a

Chance of beating me yeah I am working really hard and I’m thinking really hard as well what Milo I haven’t seen you think this hard since you lost that spelling beef well I’m not very good at spelling but I’m really good at building I know when they told you to just spell

The letter A you completely froze up and I was trying to yell at you that it’s just one letter but you were not listening you started reciting the whole alphabet and you got disqualified forever I hope they let you back someday yeah me too because I really want to win

Something one day like how I’m going to win this build battle oh yeah maybe you will but I don’t think so Milo I’m going to try as hard as I can and my Warden Tower is already way taller than your zombie Tower have you even built

Anything on the inside yet yeah I’m just starting right now it’s going to be a really cool swampy situation and you’re going to get really confused a swampy situation wait Milo are you building a swamp inside your zombie Tower yeah it’s a genius idea right I guess it kind of

Is I’m building a forest and if you’re building a swamp we’re basically building different biomes I really hope you don’t copy me for the rest of this Tower though if you do that could be bad because my designs are going to be so difficult I do not want yours to be

Difficult as well hey look what I just did I got a mangrove tree wao that Mangrove tree is so tall that actually gives me a pretty good idea I’m going to spawn a jungle tree inside my tall tower boom wait that jungle tree is not tall enough I need to quickly break these

Leaves and add a couple more blocks of height to it I also need to extend the log a little bit more upwards this way it actually can be jumped to that could have been a close one that was really embarrassing I’m so glad you did didn’t

See that Milo well if I did see it I would have made fun of you hey I guess you’re right I know you totally would have made fun of me but luckily you couldn’t instead you just have to do this once I finish making this tree oh

Yeah this looks so awesome now I can get started on the next level which is going to be a bit cooler than this overwhel tree section I just need to make the roof I think I’m going to make the roof out of leaves just like this that way it

Totally feels like you’re underneath a giant Dark Forest when ever you’re inside my tower it really does feel like the Overworld I think I’ve done a great job with the theming of that I just need to make sure I do a great job with the theming of the warden I also need to

Remember that when I place these leaves I canot make it impossible to get up I need to have at least one section where it is possible to jump right on through onto the next level let’s Place oak logs all around the edge of my tower just

Like this once we do this we need to add skull on the side but it’s not going to be just regular skull the warden has power bones and we need to make sure we add them to the outside of the tower as well if we do not add the bones then

This won’t be a warden Tower it will just be a stinky skull Tower and the only stinky Tower is your zombie one Milo hey that’s really mean I’m trying my best right now I know you are Milo that’s why I’m understanding that it’s a bit stinky you built a zombie Tower and

Made a swamp inside I think it being stinky is kind of the best case situation here what the chips stop roasting me like that I’m really feeling something good you’re going to eat your words when you see it oh yeah well my words are going to taste like a pizza

Party when I win I’m also going to grab some bone blocks now I can start making the warden’s scaly bony feet G they’re so creepy I’m so glad that there’s no real wardens in this Tower right now they might have to come on a later level

For now the only mobs inside my tower is going to be me and a little blue birdie named Milo at least until you totally lose at my Tower Milo then it’ll just be me inside having my awesome pizza party which I guess I can invite you to now

I’ve got your tower all fig it out there’s nothing you could do to trick me Milo thinks he can beat my tower without even thinking about it but I actually do have a way to trick him I am going to add a surprise at the very end of my

Tower that Milo will not know about it is going to be a big secret and I know that he is going to scream when he finds out what it is he’s going to be so mad at me but I’m not going to say what what

It is I do not want Milo finding out about it yet if Milo knows what I am about to put at the end of this Tower he might try to destroy it which I really don’t want all right look at the wooden feet and now done I can now get started

On the next level of my tower and I am going to be doing a stone level just like this it’s going to look like an awesome cave hey Milo are you using world edit powers on your Tower no I don’t know anything about world dead it

Hey you don’t have to lie to me Milo uh you know what if you’re going to be doing that to win this competition maybe I’ll be doing cheeky things as well what no you can’t use well deaded as well I won’t but I will be doing very cheeky

Things I’d be keeping an eye out if I were you Milo I am keeping an eye out I’m keeping two eyes out actually oh Milo that’s just a saying I do not want you actually keeping your eyes out you need to remember to Blink oh okay I will

Promise I will blink a little bit more thanks Milo hopefully now we should get less complaining letters from our neighbors that you stare at them all the well it’s not my fault if they have a cute puppy yeah I think we all love puppies but Milo you can be kind of

Creepy you always chase them around with bird seeds trying to feed it to them I don’t think anybody’s ever told you that puppies love to eat bones not bird seeds actually chip one time I met a dog who does like to eat bird seeds and his name

Was Patrick what Milo is Patrick still alive that sounds really dangerous for a dog dogs can get sick if they don’t eat things that are bones or meat he is definitely alive and I saw him y today maybe you can see him again today when you go home after you totally lose this

Thing my Warden Tower is going to be pretty difficult Milo I know I should have made it a little bit easier but so far it is very challenging and this cave level is going to be even harder I am building a giant maze through the cave a

Giant maze chip you know I hate mazes that’s really unfair yeah sorry about that Milo that’s part of why I’m doing it if I build a giant maze then it will be even harder for you to make it up my tower that gives me more time to make it

Up yours and it gives me more time to totally win well now I’m really grumpy sorry Milo I did not mean to make you grumpy tell you what Milo if I win when I throw my big pizza party I’ll add a pizza with just bird seeds on it really

Oh my gosh chip that is so awesome I’m totally going to go to the pizza party yeah but that’s only if I win so I better make sure I make my Warden Tower really really awesome otherwise I will not win this thing okay this cave level’s looking pretty good but I need

To make a way to actually go up to it right now you cannot get there the only way is to climb up here so I need to actually make a doorway perfect this looks awesome let’s add a jungle Leaf block here and now there is a way up but

I better actually get started on making the maze if I don’t make this quickly then it’ll totally be a waste of time let’s start making the layout I think there can only be one way to go up the Maze and we better make sure it’s as

Difficult to get to as possible I think this is a pretty cool design wo it’s already so confusing and once I make the rest of this maze it’s just going to get even more difficult okay I’m really really liking this so far I think we

Just need to add a couple more rooms to it and then we’ll be ready wow this is already so confusing let’s actually add some decorations in the Maze this is a cave after all I want to add diamond blocks throughout this maze don’t tell Milo but maybe the diamond ores will be

So distracting that he totally doesn’t even remember that he has to beat the maze that would be the best thing to happen ever but I can’t be too loud about it if Myer knows I’m trying to distract him he will not be distracted I also need to make sure he does not hear

When I talk about the final secret prize at the very end he’s going to be so shocked about it I can’t wait to see his reaction all right these diamond blocks look awesome now let’s add a couple more stone blocks so that the maze is complete I want to leave a big area

Filled with air so that I can see Milo trying to go up this Tower the easier it is for me to see him the more it means that I’ll be able to watch him fail going up it giving us an even higher chance at winning I also think I

Definitely need to be adding some dripstones I’ll put them on the ceiling just like this now it looks totally like a real cave I just have to make sure I put so many that it’s difficult to find your way around here if you can use the

Dripstones as a guide then that would be terrible it would mean that the maze becomes way easier to make it through I would never let that happen I also need to have a ladder that goes up to the next level of my super tall Warden Tower

But the ladder will be hidden behind a bunch of drip Stones oh yeah this is going to be awesome I can’t wait to see you go through this Milo yeah I can’t wait to see me go through it as well cuz I’m going to absolutely nail it really

You’re excited to go through my tower Milo I don’t know if I would be confident if I was you I’d be pretty worried this Tower already looks awesome and it’s only going to get better I’m really excited like 10 out of 10 really excited a that’s actually really nice to

Hear I’m happy you’re excited I just hope the excitement doesn’t fade away when you lose this thing I’m going to put the ladder up to my third floor all the way over here perfect let’s actually grab the ladder I have to make sure I placed this in a really sneaky way that

Can’t be seen but wait a minute I have an even better idea I’m going to place Vines this way it Blends in with how a natural cave would look I’m also going to add some more Vines randomly on the walls I just hope they don’t grow too

Quickly if these Vines grow too fast and I don’t finish this build quick enough then it’ll be way easier to skip through the maze that would be terrible and Milo if you were able to skip through this maze you would beat my tower a lot quicker so I cannot let that happen that

Means I have to hurry and uh-oh I’m getting lost in my own maze I have to finish this quick if I want to get started on my third story before these Vines grow wait if you’re getting lost in your maze that is not looking good

For me true that is a good good sign it means my maze is awesome but it’s not going to be as awesome as my nether zone I’m going to build a fake obsidian nether portal that it will transport you through to look like you have just made

It into the nether I’m going to build the obsidian portal right over here this looks pretty cool but I need to add some magenta stained glass and some purple stained glass as well oh wow this already looks just like a real nether portal I’ll also add one more pebbl

Stain glass up here that looks great I’m in love with this right now I think I can even add the first Challenge on this level inside this area there will be a chest and inside this chest is going to be some ender pearls these ender pearls

Will have to be used to teleport through the portal this is so cool because ender pearls and portals both teleport you places it’s going to make this part feels so much more cool and realistic but now I definitely have to add a nether section it’s also going to have a

Huge huge lava pool at the very bottom this way when I build the challenge inside of this room if you fall off you’ll fall into lava Milo you better try really hard to make it through this level otherwise you might be toast I do not want to be toast I have too much

Left to do still oh really Milo how far along your build are you I’m just doing my second floor now oh I almost peaked sorry Milo I do not want to look at it before it’s done but you might want to hurry at least your first floor is a lot

Taller than my first floor yeah that’s right I’m really doing a lot of good stuff over here you’re going to think I’m really cool once you see my to really I think you’re pretty cool already you always Rock a pair of sunglasses whenever we go to the beach

Everybody wants to come say hi to you it’s really awesome so if you just make your Tower as cool as that then you’ll totally win this thing but I’m going to be trying pretty hard to make my tower cool too yeah chip I’m going to be just like sunglasses Milo sunglasses Milo is

Very very cool so if you can look like him then you basically won already I think it might not be enough to beat me though I’m going to be pretty cool too and wait a minute Milo I see a chest outside the front of your Tower is that

Something I’m going to have to open when I go through your Tower I’m not telling H Milo you can’t keep that a secret from me that’s not fair but I guess it is a pretty smart choice if I knew what was in that chest it would give me an

Advantage which I could use to win this thing and throw an epic pizza party it probably won’t be as epic is this nether floor that I’m building right now though these Netherrack walls need to go pretty high I think it can even be the tallest

Floor I’ve made so far on this level I’m going to build a quiz room this room will test exactly how well you really do know me Milo if you don’t answer this quiz correctly then you will not know me very well oh no chip you know I’m really

Bad at quizzes I really can’t think very well with my bird brain sometimes hey but the quiz is about me and I’m your brother surely you know me really well well one thing I know about you is you love to go to the toilet in the morning

Morning hey don’t tell people about that that’s really embarrassing and how do you know about that I try and be really quiet you stomp around really loudly and it wakes me up oh sorry Milo I’ll be really quiet but what happens when I have to flush won you get woken up by

Then anyway yeah that’s true maybe you just need to not go to the bathroom anymore maybe Milo I think you need to think about that for a while because right now I am placing so many lava buckets I think you’re going to take back every bad thing you’ve ever said

About me if it means I’ll let you off nicely I don’t think I will though because I’m adding so much lava right now oh my gosh chip you know I don’t like lava I’m getting pretty nervous about going through your Tower yeah I’d be pretty nervous if I were you too this

Tower is going to be so incredible I wish you the best of luck going through it Milo but all you really have to do to win this level is just study everything you know about me I know it might be a little hot but I’ll try and make the

Question sort of easy well sort of easy is good enough for me because I’m still going to win yeah good luck with that Milo I’m building the quiz part of this room right now I just need to make some platforms in the wall and give you two

Different options to go through I think this is exactly what it needs to look like under one of the platforms you will drop right into lava but under one is the right way through right now you can totally see which one is the right answer but if I grab a crimson sign from

The Nether and a painting then I can place these in a very strategic way let me place the signs right over here just like that I can also do the same on the other side and watch what happens when I place this painting oh no I placed it on

The wrong direction let’s place it like that now there are two different pictures only one is the right answer though let me ask the first question what is my favorite food yeah Milo’s definitely going to know how to answer this one let me grab a glow ink sack so

It’s a lot easier to read for Milo oh wow that is so easy to read now on the left hand side I will say bird seeds because that’s such a funny answer and on the right hand side I will say cookies I need to be quiet so Milo

Doesn’t hear but cookies is going to be the right answer if he answers cookies he goes through safe but if Milo answers bird seeds he will fall into the lava and have to stop my tower from the beginning that will add lots of time and it might mean he never ever even goes

Through I just need to add a couple more of these quiz sections around this nether Tower and then I will be ready to build the final level I totally forgot but I definitely need to add the outside of my tower if I don’t build this in

Time I will not have any moments to add my final surprise for Milo at the very end that surprise is the one thing I really want him to find if he does make it through my tower at least I will get to see the look on his face when he

Finds what I have waiting for him he’s going to really really hate it it’s something very personal to him so he will definitely know exactly what it is oh yeah I’m so excited but first I totally need to finish making the outside of this Tower I’m going way too

Slow there are so many skull blocks to place uh-oh I need to really hurry Milo how are you going with your Tower yeah I’m on my third floor and I’ve got a really good idea for it wait you’re on your third floor and you’ve already built the green wrapping around the

Sides of your Tower that’s right uh-oh that’s kind of bad for me Milo I’ve finished my third floor but I still have not added skull blocks all the way around if I cannot add these all the way up to the top then it will not be a

Super long Warden Tower it’ll just be a super long collection of random blocks random blocks goodness gracious oh no I really hope that does not happen that would be so embarrassing if I mess up like that it could be a real disaster and you could win in my tower I also

Have a little bit that’s going to stick out just like this I needed to add it so that I could have this cool nether portal effect if I did not it would not look as awesome as it currently does I I better make sure I cover it in skull

Though otherwise it would be a random block of stone sticking out of a warden which does not happen I think that looks pretty cool as long as you don’t pay too much attention to it maybe I can add some on the other side as well it kind

Of looks like little stumps on the warden’s back and the warden is a giant skull monstrosity he totally would have stumps on the back of his back so it’s kind of realistic okay this already looks awesome I’ll just add a couple more blocks on the sides to make it even

And symmetrical I don’t want to have any mistakes in my build perfect now I can actually get started on the final level of my Warden Tower I need to make the roof of the nether because my final level is going to be deep dark themed that is where the warden’s home is and

It’s where he lives and comes from oh yeah if I make the deep dark as my final level it will really feel like you at the top of a warden tower that is a very important part of my Warden Tower plan it’s going to look so awesome and I

Think you’re going to be totally toally terrified going through it Milo the warden is one of the scariest mobs in the game I actually don’t care about the warden anymore I made friends with him what you made friends with the warden really Milo that sounds kind of

Impossible no way now he always runs after me trying to give me hugs what Milo that means he’s trying to attack you the warden does not try to give anyone hugs he is an evil crazy monster that’s why I’m totally building my tower out of him because he’s so scared

Perfect now that I’ve added a bunch of skull all around the ceiling it is time for me to add more pieces of skull all around this place just like this I’ll also add some veins and here is the skull shrier once I place down a skull sensor it will activate creating a wave

Of sound that can summon the warden I better place a couple of these around so that you are bound to summon a bunch when you come up here I also do need to put wool underneath them that way you won’t accidentally activate them from inside the nether room that would be an

Absolute abute disaster and it would ruin the challenge of the warden room luckily I totally thought of that already so I came prepared there is now wool underneath all the skull sensors so if you’re inside the nether room you will not accidentally activate them Let’s test that out right now okay yeah

Look see it’s totally working wo they only activate once you come up close to the next level oh yeah this is perfect now let’s Place some skull veins all around the walls this is going to look just like the real deep dark does oh wow this looks so incredible let’s make sure

We place the skull veins all along the walls and on the ceiling as well just like this perfect I love this so much already now I can place them on the walls and I’ll also place them over here this is epic what’s your final floor looking like Milo well I’m actually

Doing another floor as well really another floor but hey I already did that yeah well sometimes I use your ideas and I make them better what hey that’s really crazy I’m just going to remove these shers for now cuz they’re making a lot of noise I’m going to make myself a

Reminder to put them back by adding a couple more wool blocks where I had them before there was one here and I think there was one here now when I come back up and I’m done with building this level I can just add a couple more shers here

I also now need to place down my secret hidden chest here is where I am going to put the surprise that I have waited for For Milo this whole time this is Milo’s diary and if I throw it down you can see that it is a real book his Secrets the

Inside and it talks about all how he’s a terrible person this is the poem on page one of Milo’s diary he wrote it for a girl he has a crush on and it is so embarrassing if I put it inside this chest at the very end once he reaches it

He’ll totally see what’s inside andd be so embarrassed he’ll totally want to lose to the warden I also now need to decorate the warden’s face on this thing otherwise it will not look like a warden Tower and Milo your zombie Tower looks so silly I don’t think it looks like the

Zombie at all right now hey I’m not done with the exterior yet leave me alone sorry Milo I did not mean to upset you but I do mean to build this Warden all crazy just like this I’m going to make sure I build this warden so epic and

Scary it looks just like the real thing and wo I’ve already done a pretty good job so far I just need to make sure I do the shape of the warden’s mouth as accurately as I possibly can let’s make sure I do not mess up because if I do

Then I would be building some kind of warden monstrosity that does not look like the actual Warden that would be really scary imagine a mutant Warden luckily this is not that it’s just a regular Warden now I’m going to place black concrete all along the inside here

The warden’s mouth comes out and you cannot see what’s inside the warden has growth on top of his head that drips down just like this oh wow this is going to look so awesome it kind of looks like he has a bunch of hair covering his eyes

Maybe that’s why the warden can’t see very well cuz he’s having a bad hair day every day I also definitely need to add some horns on the sides of the water head let’s add them right over here they go outside just like this and they also definitely shake when they hear noise

This looks just like the warden’s horns let’s build the same thing on the other side I do not want to only build one horn that would be terrible and it would look really silly I also need to build the warden’s crazy rib cage on the side

Just like this he has bones that stick out and it looks crazy the bones also wrap around a big Beating Heart that the warden has the heart is really scary and you can hear it echoing through the caves Milo I know that you’ve totally died to the warden I don’t know why

You’re lying and saying that the warden’s your friend what St I am not lying um I think you definitely are I think that you need to be more honest and wo you’ve already built the pants of the zombie and the zombie’s silly face that’s so funny yeah he’s staring at you

Really angry cuz he hates you hey what why does he hate me my Warden can’t even stare angrily because he kind of doesn’t really have eyes yeah he just has super sonic huming yeah exactly I’m glad you’ve done your research about the warden Milo but have you done your

Research about me you’ll definitely need to if you want to beat the nether section of my Warden Tower well I know a couple of things about you really uh what’s the color of my hair it’s red uh what Milo that’s wrong uhoh you’re going to do really badly at this question

Section oh now I’m feeling nervous thanks a lot you’re welcome Milo you better be ready to go through this Tower Milo because I have finished building oh yeah I’m ready let’s do this I can’t believe the time is up and now it is time for me to take on your super long

Mob house you better open up this chest and get ready to go inside wo there’s golden apples and some golden armor as well hey Milo don’t you know that golden armor is really weak well maybe I knew that and maybe I’m doing it on purpose okay well I wonder what could be inside

Here and wao this place is uh crazy Milo why are there zombies on pressure plates and hey are they going to be spawning other zombies if they step on them uh-oh that’s exactly what I thought would happen I better kill these zombies really smartly so they don’t spawn other

Zombies as well hey there are so many of them Milo stop running around you’re spawning more you’re going to have such a hard time getting through this one um Milo how many zombies can come out of these pressure plates probably like a million Milo that’s way too many and

What my sword already broke this is terrible I need to run up here to this witch hut and eat a golden apple but wait a minute Milo there’s water inside here does this lead up to the next level maybe it does but when you get up there

I have a little present to give you wo this is way cooler than that other level and what’s your present well here’s another little sword I feel bad that your other one broke this one is Diamond that is way better than the other sword thanks Milo now I can make it through

This room really easy and what is that pressure plate I’m going to jump over it hey no it gives you a present you should definitely only stand on it Milo I don’t believe you at all but just because I know you’ll yell at me if I don’t I’m

Going to stand on it and hey that’s not a present that’s just another zombie yeah zombies everywhere let’s go Milo you can’t just keep spawning zombies like this that’s crazy oh yes I can you have to find the exit of this maze okay I’ll try my best but you need to get out

Of the way I can’t jump over these pressure plates with you flying around everywhere well I’m just trying to see what you’re doing and wait a minute Milo I saw a door back here could this be the exit M yeah why don’t you try it okay and oh no there’s silverfish behind here

Hey Milo I can’t believe you tricked me like that you got really pranked this is awesome yeah I guess I did get pranked and now I have to eat this disgusting rotten flesh to stay alive uh that is so embarrassing and wait a minute it’s another door and hey I can see the

Silverfish behind this yeah I really did a really good job of making this maze really difficult Milo where do I even go to get out of here I don’t see an exit anywhere well you might have to look a bit harder oh I’ve totally just found it

Thanks for making this easy for me Milo because now I’m going up to the next level a dang it you found that so easy what Milo is this another maze how many mazes have you built in this thing well just pretty much a lot of them because

I’m really obsessed with Mazes at the moment and I’m pretty good at building them too yeah you are obsessed and Milo you will made this one really silly I can jump up onto the sides and see the end from here what you can already see

The end yep I can totally see the end and now I’m going up it hey Milo there is zombies and Zombie Pigman in this room that’s right and you have to find the pickaxe that will let you into this chest what Milo the chest in the middle

There that’s going to be so difficult and how am I meant to take down these zombies without angering the zombie pigment well I don’t know you’re going to have to figure it out chip oh this is really int tense hey zombies come here oh the baby ones are the worst they’re

So fast yeah I hate the baby zombies how’s your health going here hey my health is kind of okay actually I’ve only had to eat one Golden Apple so far oh my goodness these Zombie Pigmen are getting so close to me I don’t know if I can kill this zombie without oh no

Hitting them I can’t believe I died my Lord that added so much time to my run through this is bad I better get looking through these chests really fast if I want to have a chance I wonder what you’ve put in the middle chest is it something good yeah it’s definitely a

Really good surprise okay um hey Milo I just found the diamond pickaxe now I can mine through and figure out what the surprise is inside this chest have a look then okay I’m going to open it I’m so excited and what there’s nothing in here but wait a Wither Milo why did you

Spawn the wither you are going to Lear yeah maybe because you spawned a boss in here Milo Che what did you think of my t tower that was terrible but now you have to go through my tower oh I’m pretty nervous all right let’s have a look yeah this is

The Overworld section isn’t it awesome it’s actually really pretty doesn’t look like there’s anything scary in here that’s going to get me not in this level but in the next level it will be way scarier try going up the parkour Milo all right I’m doing it but I’m doing it

Really fast oh my gosh hey since when did you get so good at parkour and never mind you totally just fell off hey that’s road chip I’m still trying to learn how to do the good parkour yeah you totally are but you’re almost at the top of the Overworld section now you

Have to move on to the maze hey check it out I’m doing such a good job and oo that’s diamonds yeah they’re pretty distracting aren’t they Milo they’re really distracting cuz I just want to mind them why didn’t you give me a pickaxe because those diamonds were a

Distraction to make make you take longer in my tower what oh no well now I got to be really quick okay let’s go this way and this way and oh dang it I found a dead end yeah you totally did you better keep looking if you want to find the

Right way through Milo all right this is looking promising and wo chip look at this no you found the right way but that’s not going to be all you have to do this nether section is the hardest one you’ve seen so far oh no great but I’m feeling pretty confident now guys

Remember once Milo makes it through this section and the warden section he will see the secret prize and he will totally lose his mind I can’t wait for this to happen Okay Milo now you have to figure out a way to get through this nether

Portal can I just break the glass no you can’t that is cheating what all right then I guess I’ll use these stupid Ender pose that I found oh rats you know I’m really bad at Ender pose yeah but wait hey Milo you totally made it good job

You’re getting a lot better at this that was pretty good all right then just a simple jump up here and oh what is this is this a quiz yep it totally is you need to guess the correct answer otherwise you’ll fall into the lava and all the questions are about me what is

My favorite food well we have cookies on one hand and B’s on the other hand and I think the answer is pretty much buty it’s w sh no Milo it’s my favorite food not yours you picked the wrong guess on this one well I didn’t know I thought

You like bird seeds as well no I don’t I like cookies and now you know what happens when you fail oh gosh I don’t want to fail again who wins more let me think chip or Milo well if my memory serves me correctly I think I win every single time watch it

That’s not right Milo you don’t win very often at all that’s why you’ve died twice in just this section of my tower is a trick questions a fine I guess you sometimes win more and let’s go to the next question what color are Chip’s eyes hey chip yeah Milo um my hand really

Hurts can you just come and have a look at it quickly H I’m happy looking over here where you can’t see my eye color I’m getting attacked right now help me okay I’m going to turn around but only for a split second I saw your eyes and I

Know they’re blue no oh I can’t believe that worked but you’re going to have to brace yourself because this is the final level you need to sneak past the warden and make it to the chest sneak past the warden oh I can’t wait to see my best

Friend again oh yeah I’m sure he can’t wait to see you either oh look there he is he’s coming right towards me I’m better stay still for a second uh Milo I don’t think that’s a good idea you should probably try and make your way to

The chest before he smells you oh I think you already smelled me and he probably said I smell really good should I sneak around him yes Milo look he’s getting mad you better hurry chep I’m going to sneak really fast because he’s coming towards me yeah he totally is

You’ve almost made it to the chest Milo right let’s see what’s in here and Milo’s diary oh my gosh chip how did you get that sorry Milo oh goodness I have to run away I’m going to get you bye Milo

Maizen are trapped inside a Super Long Mob House! Can Milo and Chip save them? And what happens when they reach the top floor?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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