Maizen’s FAMILY is MELTING in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)

I also won three tickets to the desert I tried very hard they say it’s cool there shall we fly there wow of course we’ll fly maybe they melted how can this be you need to collect water and go to the witch I think she can help

Me and here comes the school it’s good that I made it before the bell rang and my son doesn’t have to wait and here comes the call I’m on time hello son good to see you what happened at school all was good I also won three

Tickets to the desert I tried very hard they say it’s cool there shall we fly there wow of course we’ll fly I’m shocked you’re really great your mom will be very happy she had long wanted to fly to the desert I need to tell her

To pack her things I hope it will be cool in the houses there I don’t want to be in the heat all the time woo and here is our house I didn’t think your school gave out such tickets let’s have a great time let’s go quickly I

Urgently need to tell her about this I wouldn’t want us to miss the plane hello Mom today I won three tickets to the desert at school that’s how we need to pack our things hey M you are doing great I knew you were cool let’s go pack your things you need to

Take what you need I didn’t think that I would ever fly to the desert I’m shocked soon we will be in the desert so get ready it will be hot I hope you like it Mason I told you that I really want to go to the desert so I’m not afraid of

The heat do not scare Me and here is the airport finally we have arrived I’ve never flown on a plane I was told it was cool I’ve never even been to the airport it’s very beautiful here all you have to do is pass the security check and board the plane we will definitely pass the

Test we don’t even have suitcases so no need to worry didn’t squeak give us your tickets here and get on the plane have a good flight you will definitely like our plane bye thanks a lot I like it very much get on the plane a few

Later we finally arrived I am very happy it’s really hot here all you have to do is find a house where you can spend the night walk through house I haven’t seen this for a long time this is great everything here is made of yellow stone looks like sand but it’s definitely not

Him after all you can’t build buildings from it I like it here very unusual I’ve never seen such a market you can find anything here need to buy souvenirs to take home I like it here too let’s buy something later in the meantime let’s go

To the beach let’s swim I like it here too let’s buy something later in the meantime let’s go to the beach let’s swim I am very happy I am very hot let’s go get changed I can’t wait to take a swim I hope the water is not hot it’s

Good that the hotel is located right next to the beach this is great it doesn’t take long to get home I’ve always dreamed of swimming in the desert I don’t understand why the water doesn’t dry up it’s very hot here not hot not cold exactly what is needed I like it

Very much well done for winning the tickets woo we had a good swim and now we have to wait I am very happy I love spending time here I thought it was much worse here Mom and Dad look they sell ice cream there I really want it please

Buy it will help you cool down fine now we will buy it for you don’t worry hey stop we want to buy three ice creams I hope it tastes good to you of course delicious so don’t worry you will definitely like it hold it and I moved

On good luck to you thank you very much for the ice cream bye now we can cool off and that’s cool well done son for calling us it’s really tasty now we can continue to lie down and sunbathe the main thing is not to get too tanned

Otherwise it will be bad hey look there’s some man with a horse I think this is a tour guy we need to come and talk good idea let’s go I hope so hey hello is it me or are you a tour guide we just really need him you understood

Correctly I’m a tour guide and I can show you the real desert it’s very hot there this is very cool let’s go quickly let’s have a great time I am very happy it will be even hotter there so you need to get ready and I also think it’s

Beautiful there there will be something you have never seen before you will like it follow me I’ll show you everything it’s good that we met you now we know a lot more than we could I can’t imagine what could be there hurry up I really want to go to the

Desert get on your horses it will be a very long walk much faster on Horseback they are easy to manage I didn’t think we’d be riding horses this is cool and unusual I’ve never ridden them I hope she doesn’t throw me off the saddle if you behave calmly she will not throw you

Off so don’t worry and just ride it it’s even hotter here that’s for sure but you you have to be patient I’m hot too it’s a door knocker I’m really shocked I didn’t think these still existed he is very cool yes he is very old it is over

4,000 years old so be careful I don’t want it to fall on you slowly fine we will walk very carefully and just watch I’m shocked I don’t understand why it was built but it’s beautiful here I thought we would be in the temple longer

Oh no this is an elephant I need to get away from here urgently I don’t want him to kill my horses hey stop where are you going what about us I’m shocked how could he leave Us and how do we get out of here now stupid tour guide I hope the

Elephant eats him along with his horse I think we need to go back to the city let’s just go back we can come back don’t wait for it this is definitely my son let’s go back I hope that we will be able to get out of the desert and return

To the city I will never go into the open desert again H I’m already tired of walking I see something hey look this is an oasis I’m very happy let’s go finally we found it I am very happy I want to drink very much stop it’s empty here oh

No looks like it was a mirage I’m very upset I really need water Mason I have an idea just try to dig a hole a little maybe you can find water and we will wait this is a good idea sit and wait I’ll try to dig something up I hope I’ll

Be able to find water we are all very thirsty it’s a Pity that you’ve already run out of energy dad you will succeed we believe in you soon we will be in the city and then home home so don’t worry thank you for believing in me I will

Find water no matter what is this a chest and here’s water I finally found water I am very happy there are two whole buckets finally we can drink water and move on M stop why is there no one here where did they go I don’t understand anything in

Their place there was only water left I’m shocked where could they go maybe someone stole them but why didn’t I hear anything there were puddles where they sat I don’t understand anything maybe they melted how can this be you need to collect water and go to the witch I think she can help Me and now we need to collect them good thing I found the buckets now I don’t want to drink I hope I can find my way to the city I wouldn’t want to get lost in the desert now I can go the road will be long so you need to get ready I

Didn’t think that a person could melt I’m shocked The whole day has already passed I think I’ll be back in the city soon H it’s already deep night I’m shocked I thought the city was much closer I hope that by morning I will reach the city the main thing is not to spill the water I hope the witch can turn them into People h w w W it’s a horse good thing I found it I am very happy now I can get to the city much faster no one will stop me I think there’s a little bit left and here comes the city I finally arrived here I didn’t think he’d last

This long I walked for a very long [Laughter] time soon I will be home and have my family back I am very happy you need to collect all your things from the hotel and then go to the airport I hope that I have enough money to buy bletes I

Finally collected all my things now I can go to the airport I am very happy the most important thing is not to miss the plane I don’t want my water to dry up during this time a few moments later finally I’m in my hometown and now I need to go to the

Witch she will definitely help me I arrive very quickly W and here is her house I finally arrived here I hope she’s home hello witch we were in the desert and my family melted away help me please I can’t help you in any way I don’t have

Such a potion so bye don’t stop me from working stop help me stupid witch I’ll have to go to a scientist I hope he will help me I don’t want my family to look like This I hope that at least someone will help me hello my family has melted and I don’t know what to do help me please the witch refused to help me and you I can help you come to my laboratory well done for coming to me I’ll think of

Something thanks a lot I am very happy I knew that you would help me the stupid witch just left now I will only go to you put down the water quickly soon you will see your family so don’t worry I will definitely succeed I’m very glad that everything worked out for you I

Hope it will be quickly I wouldn’t want to wait here for for a few days I miss my family very much that’s why I’m very worried all you have to do is throw potions and they will turn into people and now you will see them so what’s the doctor have they

Transformed stop why did they turn into poop what did you do I’m shocked how did this happen don’t worry now I’ll throw another potion and they’ll become human this can happen and it’s not scary I hope so I didn’t want to have poop instead of a family hurry up doctor they

Also stink I’m shocked I hope they don’t remember this I’m shocked hurry up please I don’t want to see them like this doctor why did they end up with different heads what are you doing I am very angry don’t worry now I’ll throw another potion and everything will

Definitely be fine with them there’s just a chance it won’t work out and now it happened twice so stop worrying H Mason I’m very glad to see you what happened to us and why are we in the laboratory I’m glad to see you now we

Can go home we will never go to the desert again if you need anything come to me I will help you we were in the desert and then melted and the scientist helped us thanks a lot you are so cool thank you very much for saving us you

Walked alone with buckets for a very long time I’m shocked H H someone came to us who could it be hi Mikey hello our son won tickets to the desert and we want you to come with us let’s have a great time no Mikey we will never go

There again it’s very dangerous there so it’s better to stay home and don’t fly anywhere and don’t invite us there anymore I don’t understand why they laugh and don’t believe us I hope that they will think and not go there H who came to me again I thought that I would be able to sleep normally hello Mason please help me my family has melted and I don’t know what to do now I’m shocked I told you that you shouldn’t fly there come with me I know a scientist it will definitely help

I hope it works at night I hope that now you will listen to me and you will no longer do what is not necessary and here is his house he will definitely be able to help you don’t worry hello scientist my friend’s family also melted away will you help him of

Course I’ll help come to my laboratory I don’t understand why you fly into the desert a few moments later you definitely won’t be able to score a goal against me but I can easily beat it to you because I play football very well I really don’t understand why you play so

Cool let’s do it again now I will definitely score a goal for you you’ll see haha you won’t succeed I’m very good at football hey be careful because of you the ball flew onto the road good thing I don’t have a car oh no poor kids they were hit by a

Car you need to urgently call an ambulance I hope they are alive I really feel sorry for them h a few inches later hooray and here comes the ambulance and even two they arrived really quickly hurry up they urgently need help don’t worry everything will be fine with them we’ll

Put them in our car and I will help them more you called us almost immediately thanks a lot I’m very worried about them I hope they weren’t too hurt I think we should hurry up to be sure to be on time we have everything under control so

Don’t bother with us and go home otherwise you will begin to irritate us leave and here is the hospital finally we have arrived I’m really really worried I hope they get cured soon doctor we need to check on our children let us pass it’s very strange here very

Dirty I don’t understand why they are here there are really a lot of homeless people here this is a very strange place and here are our children Mikey needs to do something Mason needs to get them out of here I don’t want them to be treated in

Such a hospital hital let’s get out of here quickly I’m angry Mikey I will never come to this hospital again I don’t understand why everyone is lying here instead H and here we are back now children will be treated with us I really don’t understand why they put them in a ward with homeless people it’s very dirty there we need to come up with something we have to come up with something because I don’t want them to be treated

In that hospital it’s very bad there I really don’t understand how they could be put in the same room with them this is really terrible we’ll look after them Mason I propose to build a hospital ourselves and that everything would be in it and decorate it for example paint

It green that’s a good idea but I think that it needs to be built from Red Blocks it will be more beautiful I don’t want green no Mason I don’t agree I want to build from Green if you don’t like it then I’ll build it myself and you go

Build it yourself a few moments later I finally built a hospital and it turned out really cool and now we need to go to Mason and see how it is there I finally completed the hospital and it turned out very cool my son will definitely like it

I really worked hard first time building something hi Mikey I’m glad to see you look I completed the hospital I finished it too let’s go inside I want to see what you built there let’s go quickly it is very interesting to me watch attentively I have a kitchen here and

They serve delicious food here my girlfriend will cook it and here we have room for other workers if they appear and here’s the pool anyone can swim in it so it’s very cool here and my son will definitely like it maze in here is really very cool but when you see my

Hospital you will definitely be shocked she’s cool too hello Mason I brought our son now he will live and celebrate here and I will look after him come with me I’ll show him his room okay let’s go Mikey my Hospital still has a second floor so there are still a lot of rooms

There and they have everything you need to treat people I spent a lot of money to build all this Mason is cool I didn’t think that the hospital would have TV and a lot of other entertainment this is very cool I didn’t think of that Mikey I

Told you that everything you need is here and there are several Chambers so here you can insult several people there’s a lot of space here but the most important thing is the entertainment room after all children should have fun M and everything will be fine with your

Child now let’s go look at my hospital she’s cool too and you will like it okay let’s go I really want to see your hospital I think that our sons will visit each other and play different games I hope they get better soon and nothing else will happen to them I’m

Very worried about both of them I don’t understand how they could have been shot down we need to find the one who did this Mason look and here is my hospital now there will be an Excursion you’ll definitely def itely like it let’s go quickly we’ll be cool Mikey this is

Really really cool many different decorations there’s even a big Fountain it’s a Pity that there is no pool here your son would love to swim in it but in general I like it Ming for some reason I didn’t think about the pool hat to do it

But it’s too late but there is a lot more here soda machines this is the second place for a doctor cool there really are a lot of soda machines here I hope they are inex expensive after all children have very little money there are even strollers for people who cannot

Walk but I didn’t think about that the only thing I don’t have look and this is the chamber and people will lie here and here lies my son I hope he gets better soon and everything will be fine with him Mom and Dad I woke up where am I and

What happened to me why am I in the hospital I really don’t understand anything son I built the hospital for you after all you and your friend were hit by a car and my in also built a hospital and we treat you I have almost the same hospital it’s a little

Different and my son lies there we can go visit him if you want I think he will be glad to see you I agree I also really want to see him in the hospital you built I didn’t think that someone could knock us down I hope this doesn’t happen

Again my son sent me to the hospital to see Mason I’m glad you invited him they will play with him and have a great time you’ll definitely like it it’s very cool there and lots of things for fun he will be very happy to see

You and here is my Hospital come in now you can come here anytime no one will drive you away wow it’s really really cool here a lot of tasty food and there’s even a swimming pool it’s a Pity that we don’t have him in our hospital

I’m glad you like it I think it’s time for us to go to the second floor my son is waiting for you there he will be very happy to see you so let’s go let’s go quickly you can spend a lot of time with him and heal together it has its own

Entertainment room Ry I’m glad to see you I didn’t think you had such a cool game room I really want to be treated here I really like it here Mikey I don’t mind him being treated in our Hospital you can leave it here if he likes it

Then let him stay since my hospital is no longer needed I can blow it up we’ll be cool went it’s no longer needed anyway okay Mikey let’s go blow it up I didn’t think that you would just take it and decide to blow up what you’ve been

Building for so long but since you decided so I don’t mind looking at it there will be a big explosion and here is the hospital I think that first we need to take away all the food that is there to feed her children they will be happy to eat okay Mason let’s

Take her so she doesn’t disappear come in handy and now it’s time for us to go to my hospital I think our kids have a lot of fun there and he is still swimming in the pool let’s blow it up Mason look this is an ambulance and there are many

Of them I really don’t understand why they come here there are a lot of them I also don’t understand what’s going on and what they need from us we almost got caught as many as four jokes this is the first time I’ve seen so many hello we

Want to buy a hospital from you since you don’t need it how much will you pay for it you can pick it up for free we don’t need her anyway bye-bye hooray now we have a normal hospital that we got for free I’m very

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen’s FAMILY is MELTING in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)

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