A Haunting ๐Ÿ‘ป | EP276 | Modded Stardew Valley – Ridgeside Village

Welcome back to Mango plays ridgeside of village and we are working on Perfection and let’s check on our summary we’re at 99.4% wow okay so we got a couple of crafting recipes to do cooking cooking we’re ignoring unfortunately we got a bit of shipping a little bit of shipping okay this is

Doable we also have a few cutcenes in existence my understanding is yeah look at that wonderful amount of cut scenes so we’ll be um adding those in as well let’s head out and enjoy what is probably our final week of stardew Valley content for a little while uh

Whilst we wait for 1.6 so dear mango notice a chill in the air it could just be the approach of winter or it could be the tinkle of a dark Spectre here to help us celebrate tomorrow’s Festival the spirits Eve come to town at 10: p.m. if you’d like to participate m how

Lovely Spirit Eve is honestly one of my favorite festivals um especially with like the added bits and pieces excuse me Bella um right okay by the adding bits and pieces I mean from the mod um eot I love that new sort of like Halloween party up there we’ve got good stuff

Going on with the junimos you should go you should plant something up there o we’ve got quested quested that I can might be able to complete triple shot espresso believe I have those in here I do oh need to craft some more at some point and what would you like three gold

Bars that is honestly quite easy I might even have it in my farm collection no not today okay fair enough uh three gold bars everyone look fresh gold bar how did you know it was fresh okay I am going to go yeah I’m going to go out enjoy myself

Experience the goodness of our um wonderful mods I probably will hunt down a cut scene I know there’s a few in eastar so or one right here the goat herd is in town oh how cool oh you’re returning the camera that’s so sweet I was going to do it

Oh be great Haley be grateful please hello who ever returned this thank you yeah Haley well done oh I love it so much I wonder if Haley will say anything about it let’s go find out it’s been ages since I’ve barged into their house

Uh Aly how you doing Alex and I are good friends that’s why people used to say that we were dating I still hang out with him once in a while while but now I prefer to be with Leah a does that mean you’re dating Leah is that actual confirmation I don’t know uh

But you didn’t say anything about the delivery H okay yeah not going to bother with you with those I know am sure certain even that I don’t need to worry about the Billboards for Quest it sake shouldn’t let Peppa walk that far in front of you darling

No I’m now like just like every time I spot one I’m picking that up the star jelly oh dear right okay we got billboard over here um I clearly IGN ignored the Billboards um no not right now I’m okay for money uh Vivian how you doing

Lovely yes okay I have no idea idea where I’m going maybe scarin I I only briefly saw the list oh hello girls how you doing oh howdy mango lovely morning isn’t it I hope you s well a r I did thank you lovely unlike some people what’s going on Rosa is the prank

Yes uhoh be right with you miss Katerina sorry I better attend to Our Guest I’ll be right back Jules mango no worries look after yourself don’t let her stress you cuz you know she would be someone who would stress you right J what’s going on what happened what are

We up to I’m afraid that’s classified information mango no I was part of the group come on I’d love to tell you but then we’d have to kill you and it’s getting harder to hide the Bonnies oh shush I’m trying to e drop okay I’m down for E dropping I’m quite

Skilled at it is there anything I can help you with Miss Katarina if you’re after breakfast that finished at 9: I’m afraid breakfast no I wish to make a complaint about the noise the bumping it kept me awake half the night oh sorry about that that’s probably the heating system it’s ancient

I could offer you some compliment ear pugs okay H that’s my queue oh are you going to like um convince Karina the place is haunted it’s unacceptable I’m really sorry you slapped in Miss Katarina we do offer a wakeup call it’s not the radiator excuse me I said it ain’t the

Radiator you you’re the Jo girl what are you doing here loud to be here I am I’m also the resident expert in local ghost personal Hobby and it’s not the radiator a ghost oh yeah Joseph Thomas he’s one of the miners that died here you know in the

Explosion hang on a sec that’s that that’s Jasper’s dad right I hope you got permission from Jasper right I’m not I’m not losing the plot it’s it’s Jasper M Thomas right um awkward using real people and this type of prank is is it’s borderline awkward it doesn’t bother me when the

Ghost is rather old as in the living family it wouldn’t affect them like badly um like they’re not going they don’t actually have a personal connection to to the person there’s no grief attached to it but Jasper is very clearly still dealing with the loss of his

Parent and yeah that’s why I’m a bit awkward about it um in case you’re wondering it ain’t the radiator nor the spirit of poor Joseph Thomas may he rest in peace she came here looking for ghost where we’re giving her ghosts love it I do love that idea do not get me

Wrong I really really hope Jasper’s in on it let’s go we’ll have to go talk to Jasper do you know where the entrance to the old mine is I’ve been trying to find it but the guide book’s horribly imprecise I do know where it is maybe we

Should go there ooh I’ve always wanted to go into the old mine um I think from a cannon point of view we won’t ever be able to um but you know hey it I can still desire things that won’t happen um I fully understand why they won’t

Happen it’s just you know I want to see it oh who is he he’s certainly unusual it’s goat her visiting the monola can you don’t look at day of a 50 you old goat and I bet you’re still winning the hearts of ladies a you honey tonged flatterer should know

There’s only ever been one woman for me oh George hello mango hello how you doing goard surprised to see me here I am more so in love with it very in love with it George is like I don’t I don’t understand you know each other yes we’re

Friends I guess but I don’t actually know his name wait how do you know him um so we know that go herd knows the MERS um and kind of implied that um they knew each other from mining is that is that how George got injured I don’t know

My brain is sort of like getting confused now cuz I’m pretty sure I have been told um we are friends I don’t actually know his name I want to know go her’s name I’m going to say I guess but I don’t actually know his name we’re friends though goood oh don’t feel

Bad seriously you never even introduce yourself um ev even iind is it iind or iind uh I’m going to go with iend iind here is a he’s a hero you know that I have no doubt believing I’m not nonsense he tried to dig them out dug for 4 days four

Days doesn’t matter I couldn’t save them oh you still hero for trying just because you didn’t succeed at the goal you wanted a it does matter it matters a whole damn lot I agree the big wins in their Crystal Towers now they didn’t give a damn wrote our men off the moment their

Prophet Prophet ceased but Ian here he tried would have dug himself into the grave too the rest of the lads hadn’t dragged him out a you tried you Dar Old Goat what matters is you tried a it’s good to see you again old friend now by my accounting we’ve got

Near 30 years of catching up to do how about we go to the saloon and hit Guss up I reckon we can talk him into giving us a pension and discount sound good sounds good it sounds brilliant oh are those horns ah it’s going to make me cry I

Love goood irand oh has it been updated I’m I’m I’m curious about these things just from a catat is that what happens not currently but maybe like after a sleep because might require a sleep um hopefully I can remember the name cuz you know I quite often need the what is

This tab the social tab yeah the social tab to remind me of people’s names now what was I doing thought I got completely nly whid by the wonderful goat herd and George I am so happy that they’re reconnecting oh I was going to see Jasper that’s what it

Was uh for defer wanted to talk to Jasper hopefully they’re in here hello Jasper just who I wanted to talk to that’s Eloise Miss Penny’s a pretty good teacher she knows all sorts of things about the valley this is Grand news SP it is a time that fills me with

Trepidation mango is when the void is at his Peak true that was not what I wanted to do okay so Jasper doesn’t say anything about the prank so maybe they don’t know yet uh we’re all stuck we’re all stuck no there we go okay right H got some

Crafting what else am I trying to do um oh yeah I’ve got to ship stuff so let’s let’s go check on what I’ve got growing versus the shipping and and not worry about The Crafting for the moment because we need the recipes from Hector we’re just going

To require us sleeping a few days at a bare minimum and I would like to experience the spirit Eve again okay we got these growing in 50 I thought I planted something else in here has it been harvested um hm not that I can

See I swear I did oh I’m losing the plot I am right we got the ancient growing huckle that’s it that’s over there then we got the first seed that’s up at uh Summit Farm and then the mushroom spes which is here and then the Amar seed we’ve

Already done we’ve already sold one this is 15 days okay yeah there’s the fern in 4 days okay I should really plant a whole bunch more stuff up here I don’t have the seeds though and honestly I think I’m all right for Ence I have 56 of these we will know if

I need to get some more Ence pretty soon okay from a shipping point of view we can’t do anything from a crafting view we can’t either we can’t progress to Perfection so let’s go to sleep right good morning everyone how we doing you dressed up I love it no let me talk to

You please why what kitu I love kid suit but honestly very annoying like getting in the way all the time where did staling go just quick sharp ran away mango I’m glad to finally share these with you they grow most of the year and they occasionally burst into huge thorny

Bushes and they’re a beautiful color that you don’t really see in the modern strain Hector ancient wild Fair rose seeds oh oh oh I’m so excited new fairy Rose ooh wonder if they work with honey that is definitely an interesting one uh five Dr duic Essence um a very resilient fairy Rose

Grown in spring summer and fall wow takes 28 days regrows in seven oh okay I’m totally just going to make all of them I love my fairy roses uh let’s drop that in there and then we’re going to grab materials nope seeds let Weed grow let’s go to the

Greenhouse and we have another row I can fill up oh be very excited to see these oh that was the perfect number get them down to 28 days from 25 pretty good um not perfect you know pretty darn good I love it 14 days 22 days both of these items require

Shipping yeah ship one and ship one and I think if we have a look at our collections ignoring these two items because I cannot make them I haven’t got the recipe unfortunately we can double check cuz I’m pretty sure the wine would be completed now

Processing wine I put two apple um in in here no it hasn’t finished through so there’s two apples in here if they come out of SP uh Spider who would want to drink that cider they come out as cider um you know the nice drink um then then we can

Actually sell them and potentially there’s a way for me to somehow get nettle tea I have Nettles just no nettle tea recipe okay um where am I going to go we’ve got Spirits Eve so let’s go go over to ride I want to go into the Inn once again to experience

The beauty of everyone’s costumes oh howy howy how mango Welcome To Spooky Town at E scarping I love it it’s so amazing head on through there’s heaps of food oh Madam wellwick in the haed Forest if you come seeking the secrets of the sear oh I can’t wait hey Ollie how you Doing hi thanks for helping with the decorating last night Ollie it’s a Pity your friend from zuu couldn’t come her name’s Kennedy right this feels different from last year anyhow I hope you made some friends here Lexie yes hello Lexie what are you doing here they’re in costume

Clearly I heard there was a party yes a party for Monsters is is is Jesse around oh Jazz what’s going to happen Lexi is the best there’s no need to worry guys I promise you your costume is so cool yeah you see perfect day to get away with it thank

You your teeth are wicked like a Sharks no Vinnie they’re more like a dolphins ah well welcome Lexi isn’t it yes name is Lexi I’m friend of Oliver I hope he’s okay I come he bring me cookies sometimes says they baked by you I like them very much a Lexi knows how

To ingratiate themselves perfectly did wonder why my cookie job was always nearly empty you have a teenage boy in the house and you wanted that oh Rosa oh sorry is that bad thing I have said get Oliver friend into trouble no of course not I’m just glad someone’s enjoying

Them yes LXI enjoys them very much so is there cookies of course there is we will show you are you a sea monster a thank you for inviting me Oliver friend I think we’ll like it here very much indeed please please let Jesse be here please

I I want I want it so bad where is everyone am I too early I might be too early oh wait ah greetings child of the Old Farm your grandfather sent you Tidings from beond it appears that he takes pride in your accomplishments thank you he it’s very kind of you oh

Karina’s asleep can I just barge in there yep howdy do you know what the mayor said to me mango he said if I were ever to hear rustling in the bushes after dark I should ignore Them you don’t know why I find that so funny is because for multiple reasons on multiple levels um but there is a um vanilla cut scene um hang on I’ll show you in a second um I wonder what he’s hiding yeah indeed right so if we go

Here and then I think it’s in collections yeah is it let no secret notes it is this one here it tells you a time which is uh basically 1:40 is that right or 12:40 sorry 12:40 and that down there is the bridge from the beach to town so it’s just

Underneath Louis’s house and there’s a bush and I was here an arrow if you click on that at that time Louis and man pop out in vanilla um without any mods in store if you have I believe it’s better Mar I will pop it up on screen is a mod

Written by Lima cat you can make the choice that M doesn’t really uh go into the bushes with Lewis anymore and Katerina of course is part of one of liac cat’s other mods East scarp and yeah so that’s why I found it so so funny that Louis is telling Katarina not

To check bushes so um I don’t think people were here is it it’s 8:30 in the morning that’s why people aren’t here I will wait until it’s a more reasonable hour oh it’s hopping hello you know what it is it’s terot time which tarot matches granny Evelyn’s personality the

Queen of cups or the King of Swords I feel like the queen of cups I feel like granny you know is overflowing with generosity wrong queen of cups is about someone who shows compassion warmth and kindness while acting as a counselor it’s better suited to Mary ooh

Okay so what’s the Queen of Swords then the King of Swords sorry welcome to the fun house mango it’s the place to be on Spirits Eve hey Ros at totes loves this track but if you get tired of it on endless loop there’s a juke box in the

Games room that’s so sweet I love it uh food Jacko lanterns Spirit torches I want more than one no uh this really isn’t funny love oh I didn’t mean to give it to you a oh well kiss um how you doing can I talk to you

Can I talk you please no okay fair enough Ain he Grand it’s my favorite holiday mango yeah I don’t blame you it’s one of my favorites too I know there’s not many people here and they’re all my neighbors but socializing is hard I agree lovely uh hello I talk to you oh no

Everybody talked to you Jasper the children and I are working on a a volume of spooky stories perhaps you would care to share a story of your own ooh that’s so cool I’d love to read it have you met that wild man up the mountains I wonder what skeletons are

Buried in his past what surely you’d have to be repenting for something to want to live like that sir surely you’d have to be repenting for something to want to live live like that yeah they were repenting because they felt like they were unable to save people f but

That wasn’t their fault I was kind of under the impression that um I I’ve forgotten the name already do I have it in here now goad what’s your name ivend I believe it might be that oh heard where are you in here I really need it is it is I that’s lovely

Updated after sleep I need a search um yeah so I was thinking that Ivan might be uh Vivian’s long lost love um I think that’s not the case then I’m not sure what’s in this pot but it certainly fails uh smells fragrant M there’s also pumpkin spice

Latte over here by the way guys no there was last year what hey do you think Rosa likes me what no I don’t have a crush on her she’s just pretty cool is all oh bless you ollie hey Clint Jesse’s here Jesse’s here I’m still nervous when I

Talk to Emily I know and Lexie there are many people here maybe I’ll make some new friends yes is it a little scary though I’m glad to have Ollie to keep me safe oh it’s so cute and I love it Jesse have you seen them what can I

Say Rosa wanted a witch’s cauldron it’s grape juice cinnamon and a blend of other spices the s’s quite sense quite pleasing isn’t it does it taste nice though cuz I would have a I’d have that potion absolutely that’s the same as before can we sit next to Jasper I want

To sit next to Jasper no no I didn’t want to tort you again I just wanted to sit there ah fair enough everyone’s here this is so cool I love the tally as well as sweet Eve has begun in the Town Square so everyone’s going to like scarf

Out of here now um but how cool like you get like a full day of festivities for Spirits Eve as part of being the you know in staru Valley very nice come on guys let’s um scarp her over oh Mr Ginger walking Vince a tall male human

With a pale hair he calls me goose and laughs with a pale hair ain’t no stupid honky grumpy Goose hum can be most dull of w one would gr hair to human you talking about Louis um is leis tall I’ve always pegged him as a short guy you’re not talking about lonus are You we’re going to have to assume that Jesse didn’t see Lexi you’re wondering why I’m so obsessed with this we found out that Lexie was adopted by Jesse and um Jesse still has if I can get in there a a room dedicated to Lexi it’s rather sad yeah here I

Think yeah this is all for Lexi got the water for Lexi and um books and and everything so I was hoping that they would reconcile not that they fell out by the way uh legy just went off and became an adult wanted freedom and became independent

Of uh you know of of their parental figure basically and I get that but they don’t visit them and it’s just sad H Jacko lanterns rare crows all good stuff I don’t think I’m going to talk to everyone today we we’ve been we’ve been through it this is our fifth year but I

Will go get get my pumpkin now the rote if you are uh wondering is the same as vanilla so it is um relatively easy so you go up here over across and basically there are some hints here that gives you a clue most people actually would talk to you a

Little bit about everything that’s going on but you go through the spiders and if you talk to is it Abigail here um they basically say they can’t go on because of the spider so it indicates you need to go through the spiders area and then

You sort of go through here and you have a question mark uh just here so you can see that you can very clearly go up here but you can see just like in the textures there some little bump here and you got the question mark sign that indicates that

You need to just walk through and there you go you can um once you know the route do it every year grab yourself a golden uh pumpkin Sen’s here oh we’re talking to sen boo did I scare you no cuz I talked to you what do you mean I’m not

Scary that wasn’t the reason there we go golden pumpkin you received a golden pumpkin thank you I know I’d love to one day go in this house I think that would be cool like a proper scary house everyone’s costumes is just so Grand I love it

Hey you know you look like a mad scientist it’s great the amount that some people are actually able to deliver or sorry let me formulate that sentence correctly the amount of detail that is able to be displayed and indicated through pixel art sometimes blows me away like very clearly you know you can

Tell that you know someone’s wearing a cape what their hair is like the fact that you know there in a complete black robe we’ve got you know almost a matious hair cut there you know you got um what else we got trying to see other costumes

You L aren’t costumed up okay well the May’s in a sheriff’s outfit you can very clearly see that a sher’s outfit and you know could you and the fact that Emily’s in a clown suit as well that’s amazing cuz Emily was the one that was like

Maybe I could be a clown maybe it’s a you know something I could do okay do I need to talk to Louis nah let’s go home yep got my golden pumpkin got to have a look around got to talk to people at um scarping is there

Any I was going to say any plants but no these are not plants these are fish ponds they require help no I don’t think so we got all of our legendaries over here we got a couple of legendaries over there as well but they will take a while to um

Grow up to a full 12 batch but let’s go to sleep now uh let’s see I think what I’m going to do is I am going to have a look at our F3 here we’re 99.5% so we crafted everything I think no we got blueberry mushroom machine

Propagator oh oh yeah I thought I had installed that mod and I wondered why I never had the recipe wonder why I don’t have the recipe I don’t know why it’s called blue- R mushroom machine propagator but it is from the mushroom propagator mod basically you can craft

With I think it’s hardwood wood Etc um other mushroom um D but I probably don’t have the recipe because I didn’t choose mushrooms for the cave I chose fruit Okay it definitely turned into Apple for wine so I have the answer I can’t get me

Cider but what I do is drop off there and we’re going to go check in on our Perfection score and what else ah it is the last day of the Season actually how much wasted over here quite a bit Yeah like they shouldn’t have planted those things ah so that least

Tells me for um future when I install the better junimo mods that I will need to I can’t just dump all of my seeds in there I need to pay attention to what seeds um realistically are good to plant now if you’re wondering what you can use to

Work that out the almanac is your best friend planting dates you can tell it what you have not you have hypers speed growth you can see for example if you have hypers speed grow you can get away with planting um on the 26th actually I even uh an ancient wild fairy

Rose on the 13th and she just using normal speed grow you’re here nothing but you can also toggle your the other bonuses that you can get and you can see when you can um basically plant anything and get away with it not not waste your seeds so that is a winter coming you’re

Not wrong winter is coming so that is a great little tip there if you are wondering how you can just easily in game not worry about last planting dates um and that’s what I use is the alac mod okay it’s 99% complete in here it’s the crafting recipes where or not that’s

Actually going to be marked as complete I am curious I’m going to leave it as as where it is right now and see what happens because realistically that’s what 35 Plus 11 so that’s 46 difference that wouldn’t mean 99% at all so we’ll find out um right

Okay uh what else to get done you know what I think I’m going to go home and decorate there we go I’m kind of happy with this area this is the chilled out read a book and watch the fishies area we even have decorated the urchins for Christmas you know what Winter’s day

Should I say hang on what is it I’m getting confused between real life and different games oh I can’t see next next next next next season well I can sleep and fix that for six W the G can work in Winter yes I I don’t need them to though ah doesn’t it

Look lovely down here and let’s see what is the festival called uh Feast the winter star that’s it there there we go winter star we have them the urchins they moved around ah they’re wearing their Santa hats all ready for this season oh it looks so

Lovely in Winter that is where I’m going to be ending today’s episode in the next one I’m going to or maybe between episodes I don’t know no I think I I will record it um I’m going to sleep I believe it’s 15 days until we get our

Items that require for shipping and that should take us over the hump for Perfection then I’ll be looking to do the um cut scenes uh that that we have left there’s a few as you can see um and then I want to just finish up in regards to Perfection

So uh golden chickens I believe is something that will happen after Perfection uh Etc anything else that we we should do we should get done um and and yeah that’s that’s kind of my plan hopefully you’re on board for it um if you did enjoy today’s please do leave me

A like it really does help out the channel leave me a comment down below let me know what you um think of the spirits Eve event um what do you think of Ivan we finally know their name goat herd um I’m very very excited um to have

Iend in my next play through obviously um so yeah yeah I’m just curious what you guys thought whether or not were you on the same track as me that you thought maybe Vivian’s ex partner um the one they started writing books for was iin maybe that was the the thing um I don’t

Think it’s the case so yeah when you you know completely didn’t even make that link and had a different Link in your head very curious to hear anyway that’s enough of my Waffle thank you so much for watching liking commenting subscribing all of that amazing stuff

And of course a huge and very special thank you to my wonderful patreons whose name is scrolling across the screen as I speak and I will see you in the next one bye for now

Stardew Valley 1.5 Update! Thank you for watching!

Welcome to Ridgeside Village! “A village at the side of the ridge!” – Lenny

Go up the stairs northeast of the bus stop and hop in the cable car to the village!.
Meet new interesting people with immersive backstories, engaging dialogue, and exciting events! Discover neaw forage, stories, secrets, maybe even fall in love? Who knows!? A lot can happen in Ridgeside Village!
A mod made by Rafseazz and Mamaesh, Assisted by the Ridgeside Council that formed right after Rafseazz released it as a solo project.

Get the Game: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7286

My Mod List: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ridgeside-mod-76644086

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Subscribe: https://goo.gl/r2anOO
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My Discord – Pixel Perfect: https://discord.gg/zmAfejU

Avatar was drawn by @GamingSilverNox – she is awesome, you can check out her channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCugq1C6PhyPOjhT-B9WjwxA

#mangoplays #stardewvalleyridgesidevillage #moddedstardewvalley


  1. George got hurt in a mining accident. Nettles must eb ut into a keg to make nettle tea. It was some of the things you learn with love of cooking like at lvl 3 or so if I remember right.

  2. Vivienne was actually talking about Linus, i shall make that clearer. There is one further event that you are unlikely to trigger to conclude Eyvind's events. (And thanks for reminding me i need to adjust Jessie and Lexis schedule for SE festival).

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