If You Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary…

If you take damage this Minecraft seed gets scarier with over 100 different levels of scariness will we be able to survive without taking damage okay guys if we take damage this Minecraft seed will get scarier Oh you mean like this W you just hit three of us that where did

You get skidy oh I’m going to quickly get some wood to defend myself I just want to see if it if it actually worked how did he okay I’m going to get wood I’m going to defend myself cuz he’s already made this very scary one with a

Sword don’t tell me what do oh oh sky that was your fault what was that yo I don’t even have a sword I don’t even have a sword I do okay yo this seed was completely normal okay wait wait there’s a village right there yeah yeah

You guys can get wood I’ll be in the village yeah I’m going to head over here forget the wood low Kei it doesn’t seem whoa why is that cow moving like that dude I’ve he’s actually turned on the Jets wait why is he so fast why is he

Running away from you I don’t know I want I I need I need me skidy come here why is that cow moving like that I’m just going to get H cuz that might be the easiest shout I don’t know what Skizzy did cow I don’t know he won’t die

Is that with every mob no no why would the cow die he’s moving so care don’t punch each other don’t punch what’s wrong with that cow he’s Invincible yo yeah in the water strongest cow I’ve ever seen yo I I did not mean to I meant

To hit cow we have a third imposter yo he’s going to make this too scary you calling me a cow no no no no no this is really bad so I’m just going to remove myself from the situation is there a is there a blacksmith in here or anything I got him oh

Oh um was that the cow right as I right as I killed the cow there was just a scream oh no why is that villager tiny oh it’s a baby villager there a baby is a baby why is he who put him in the pen yeah wait did anyone just hear that what

Wait I heard run I just heard he said run no I heard help me wait I heard run I heard run coming from the Sheep right here there is a blacksmith take the oh there is y y my now let’s go okay you stole all the loot what kind of that’s

So stupid oh he actually has a decent trade shotas free I don’t have 21 I don’t know about you guys I’m going to make a weapon yeah know I’m getting tools all right I’m on I’m on melon Duty all right I’m taking care of the Iron Golem all right are you guys

Safe yes don’t take any damage from him though okay he’s going to deal a lot of damage if you get hit no he’s dead there we go okay boom we have a pickaxe and a sword now uh wait hold on guys there’s a there’s an H over here uh don’t tell me

That stands for Herobrine yo guys okay forget them do we even investigate this sky or do we not I don’t know if we should cuz what it definitely stands for Herobrine I’m I’m not touching it I’m not touching it you can touch it but going to go elsewhere yeah I can’t what

That thank you skidy thank thank you for making this SE dangerous what did I do bro if there’s a h this way guys let’s just go the opposite way then yeah I don’t want to be near that what if it’s like a h for uh hope this message finds

You well pepper screaming that you thought that was me run I don’t know what that is y clarification that was not me in case anyone’s confused here K another The Village guys this Village doesn’t look normal at all like I’m talking not normal ruined Vibe yeah what the heck

What happened to it there was no Village here the last time we came here so thanks to so wait Skizzy was right behind usy skidy oh skidy whoa uh guys what is that [Applause] tree this is getting creepy and there’s the eyes there’s a book an iron sword and some

Cobwebs it literally says in woods Whispers Echo Guardians Twisted Darkness we do her Whispers we H Echoes and where is skidy skidy kidy oh he wait you found him eyes did you find something just another book eyes like endless voids fixated on me yeah that’s what I saw but this is

Complete ruined with villagers all dead yeah know this Village is cursed that’s fine skidy where did you go what dude you think I’m going into this cursed V Village I don’t know why you guys just walked on in here yeah take that sword we’re giving skidy a sword again

Um it’s getting dark yeah let’s go very dark very fast it is actually should we should we see Sky runy what is that what is that run run run run run run over here I have a family y the water essence of Darkness has appeared in your

World what was that I don’t know I think it disappeared I saw some particles and then we’re good there’s a jungle temple right there no one took damage did no one just see skidy T like wa why did you make Herobrine mad do anything you did Herobrine’s angry

Herobrine’s very angry does anyone have any ideas on what it could be it was like a little naked mole rat and we saw him running this direction I think oh my God guys I just what wait what I just saw something and it disappeared what do you

Mean what you see oh nope nope no watch out watch out run R run run run run run the get to the water get in the water yeah yeah yeah he can’t swim he can’t swim he can’t swim waa wait no stay in the water stay in the water yo yo yo yo

Yo he sinks he sinks stay above okay guys I took so much damage where’s he gone he’s disappeared he’s disappeared wait what is that this wasn’t here normally and I don’t think I created it was this caused cuz this was a normal forest was this caused cuz I took damage

Quiff you good no what’s going on there’s there’s a new okay he’s dead but bro what is this this wasn’t here before it only appeared once I took damage wait what the heck there’s something coming from down there I’m sorry Pepper I didn’t mean to

Hit all right guys a well has SP on the SE there’s like a well how far does it go well I don’t think there’s water down there that looks survivable yo yo yo did anyone here just come down he he said he said come down I

See you what yo I just that is very specific all right can we like parkour our way down take damage oh I’m just insane I’m insane I’m just my w can’t what was That guys don’t oh there’s something there’s something down there move block block block block block ohoh uh-oh uhoh okay I hope he can’t climb he can climb he climb oh he can climb yo yo don’t take damage don’t take damage don’t you’re taking so much damage guys guys

Please oh no no no I’m hiding I’m hiding lock behind the door lock behind the door is he locked in yeah he’s locked in terrifying okay I’m just going to beat him up beat him up I have a single torch through this Y what these weird noises we have

We we got lots of torches so we could just light up this entire area Okay throw me some torches wait this looks like some sort of dungeon oh yeah this is where I ran into but I didn’t really get to check yeah this looks like a

Really safe room to seek refuge in and the problem is this spawned when I took damage so now you guys have taken more damage the seed’s getting scarier all right here we took a lot of damage from that guy just now that was not good but

He looks like wait is he still back here wait he’s gone now wait how I don’t know go this seems like a place where experiments were taken I don’t know man yeah I’m not liking the whole chain Vibe we got going on here and did you guys notice there wasn’t like any Villages

Really there was like one or two and then there was a whole village that was complet empty hello and it home careful skidy be very careful you take more damage it’s over traps there could be traps too aous but cute Library uh P Peppa you think there’s like a door or

Something yo I swear I just saw Footprints what do you mean Footprints yo where did he go yo I don’t know if I’m going crazy Peppa Peppa are you here oh watch out watch out watch out W wo w i just damage I took damage go go the

Lad I’m getting him I’m getting him you can still hit me K kly come up no I’m stacking him I’m stacking beat him up beat him up gly I’m trying to stab him he’s only aggro on Qui okay okay I’m coming in reinforcement yeah yeah yeah yeah fight

Him fight him fight him kill him whoa oh oh he’s dead yo we that I took a lot of damage though I took a lot of damage bro okay well Pepper’s dead so that’s great yeah where the heck is pepper I don’t know where he went but

There’s a door here wait there’s also another staircase here though this I don’t know what was caged inside here uh should we go deeper is that stupid or I think we have to if we want to try to find Pepper oh this isn’t a normal room hello housekeeping Peppa it’s like a

It’s kind of like a blacksmith Vibes Hello whoa that skeleton’s moving weird oh wait don’t let him shoot me now he’s why did you take whoa okay where okay it looks like there’s like another little Library here Peppa hello is there anything behind this wall does anyone have a pickaxe oh

Gosh okay yeah I do still here check behind this wall no it’s just it’s grite did none of you guys get teleported yo where did you go I don’t know it just like I it took me to some like dark place I don’t know whoa I found my way

Back oh what was that sound I don’t know o there’s a lot of weird Whispering here yeah I’m good I’m good I’m good but I’m definitely hearing some weird noises yo and there’s like dead animals over here bro this looks demonic what is this is this the cow kept running weird oh my

Gosh wait do we even want to enter this cuz whatever killed it might be seek me in the darkness oh this looks like a nice don’t click it I clicked it Skitty where the heck are we uh why are there Pigman wait oh oh are they are

They aggro the argro why oh they are they are yo beat him up be up he’s off oh my are we like under Bedrock right now where the heck are we guys it it says I’m infected by what infected I don’t know it says infected for 4 minutes and 40

Seconds yo is that a zombie where the heck are we yeah yo wait wait can you fall I’m a check in or is it invisible oh no guys we can die wait what yeah we oh okay no one step off the bridge guys there’s another Pigman I he sees us

Who sees us oh what is that thing over there that oh it’s like a zombie should we split up and look for Clues I think that might be it but we don’t know how whoa guys guys guys guys guys don’t die don’t die oh why Peppa Peppa you taking

So much damage gosh oh it’s like a weird maggot e okay I think we split PE infected now okay I’m going to go this way I feel like if I was an exit I would I’d be this way what and that makes zero logic yo there is no logic here quiff

There’s there’s nothing bro we literally are in purgatory yeah what is this at least there’s nothing like super threatening here oh why did you have to say that yeah I probably shouldn’t have said that that’s just it’s a queue for us to all die now oh something yeah something’s watching

Us here and I don’t really know what it is we saw a h and I don’t know if it’s herobrine though have you heard Herobrine make a sound like that before I have no idea bro I don’t know why it gets dark here but there’s no exit but

The problem is we’re in the Overworld so how are piglin spawning ow and Skizzy where do piglin spawn in the nether what is the Nether Nether is Minecraft’s hell are we in the nether right now I’m so confused no we’re in the Overworld but why are piglins spawning if not we’re in

The Overworld hell cuz piglins are trapped villagers but Sky because look look at the sun there is no sun in the nether yeah so it does look like we’re still in the Overworld my guess is that we got to go up but do we have enough

Blocks to go up like I can only go up this much so what could be the next best thing what if we were to jump I know this m sound completely stupid and we might actually die but we’ve taken so much damage I don’t know if we will

Survive you want to go in skidy skidy right behind you on the left skidy behind you what what where oh don’t look he just I I already looked I already looked I already looked I don’t think we can break eye contact don’t break eye contact yeah I’m looking I’m staring at

Him and I’m walking backwards keep backing up bro run run run what do you mean run run run run run run run run oh my is he behind us I I don’t know I don’t know all I know is essence of Darkness has appeared in your world

Quiff quiff I think we got to jump bro we got to jump oh we weit we we might have to or we die Sky oh I almost fell I almost fell you take so much damage for no reason all right dude yeah we got to go I’m going bro okay three two

One is he dead oh I’m taking so much damage here how much more scary is this going to get whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you what are you oh no oh no I might have to jump I might have to jump oh no no no no no Okay wrap around in circles oh you’re an idiot do I just jump I’m I’m off I’m gone I’m gone oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh pepper hey guys guys did you also jump into the void yeah well I got knocked in but yeah

See I jumped and I came from the sky wait yeah that happened to me too yeah but I don’t know where skidy was cuz SK he also fell from the sky but we’ve kind of lost him I don’t know about you guys but we took a rather decent amount of

Damage yeah did you guys see anything scary down there there was like a wolf that chased me we we had a a Slender Man looking person and yeah it was it was it was stressed we did find some sort of end but it wasn’t really an end there

Was nothing left there was no more path to go on guys this was a normal seed if it wasn’t for skidy this would have been completely normal yeah we’ve been taking a lot of damage man I don’t think it’s good take down this tree make some boat

We escape this island cuz once we’ve escaped the island the SM Sky skidy what the hello yo yo guys bro what happened see when we jumped so so skid we were right if you fall into the void we came from the sky yeah I came from the sky

And I fell like 6 miles that way I’m placing a boat I am out of here there you go just go to land oh my gosh we finally made it to land skidy I don’t think this is a normal land what is that yo skidy what are you doing over there different

What do you mean bro I’m right here I’m just going to there’s two of you yeah uhoh oh oh that sounds like Peppa what bro left wait yeah what is this thing what is that it’s the people who go close to m is that there’s two he’s

Running where is he what do you mean there’s two of me where is he running right there he watching you wa what I know where you live you live what what do you mean yo yo I’m taking damage I’m taking damage kill it kill it kill it

Kill it kill it no don’t hit each other oh my I’m going down I’m digging down I’m digging down oh just fight oh my God why did they drop a chicken you’re all going to die all right no no no I’m not I’m not doing this we’re going into the caves yeah I

Don’t think we can survive the morning pepper did you find a cave I dug down I’m scared pepper what there’s a rat actually just burrowed under the ground I’m breaking the rule I’m I’m digging down I’m digging straight down until I see something oh my yo what is

That what the heck e e e ew he dropped quarts yo he just seems I’m digging down I’m with pepper on this one let’s go the stairs then I’m coming back up I thought you guys help this seed looks weird there’s more of them I don’t think we

Should be out at night cuz yeah we need to go we need to dig closer yo guys guys I found a cave I found a cave come on let’s go water yeah let’s definitely closer to oh my way Sky which way this way this way this way this way he’s he’s going to

Get us okay go back up go back up he’s going to get you just made aake don’t TR Sky ever what’s in the trees wait where what is is that a bat wait I see eyes yeah wait he’s just looking no it’s the thing we saw pepper hey

Hello hello hello I wouldn’t get close what are you doing hi he seems he seems friendly oh he doesn’t see friendly he said goodbye found me I found the cave I found the cave oh my okay I’ve just been jump scared I’m going down guys guys sorry

Bro I was just there’s a spawner yeah we just broke it we just broke it I I just got jump scared what do you mean by what I the thing oh we could use iron though we can use all this iron yeah yeah yeah grab that grab that I’m mining gravel with a

Pickaxe what the what wait what’ you guys find I’m coming we just found a stronghold place a maze just break through dig through wait I see guys oh wait kly you idiot what did you do what did you guys do do yeah what saying idiot huh you come take damage

Same way I did what’s wrong with you why did you stop falling oh my this looks like a really safe room oh watch out we made a friend we made a friend uh what is this yo look at this this looks like Steve what happened Steve is not looking

Too good bro yeah wait look at his eyes they’re white wait something bigger I there’s there’s a book there’s a book something bigger than herob Brien killed him what’s this those I don’t want to know what can take on Herobrine man here you go those who feasts in Shadows deep

Where Secrets defy a door Waits H to receive 12 flesh it craves 12 rotten flesh I’ve only got four rotten [Applause] flesh oh no oh wait what do we do do we just throw 12 to it here oh oh put it in the chest put it in the chest oh oh oh

Put that did that do it wait how many did it say it needed it said 12 uh 12 exactly 12 put 12 exactly wait yeah don’t that did it oh wait guys don’t open oh wait my dude there’s tons of oh and there’s we can make Eyes of Ender

The eyes yes oh we go to the end okay wait find the Portal we just need to find the Portal see you later Chumps I don’t I don’t have I don’t have blocks wait do you think the Ender Dragon will be the same uh no he’s hoping we can get

To the end I don’t like him that dog is not normal man why is that dog smiling do yeah what did he drop smile if you’re taking damage yo pick it up pick it up no yeah I’m not picking that up bro all right just put the Eyes of Ender in dude

Let’s get out of here I burned it I burned it why is this portal shaped like this guys this is not yeah this is a weird Pole you’re about to get sent in yeah careful buddy uh uh why did this even activate they shouldn’t have activated they should have

Worked um do we go in I don’t know uh yeah you guys just heard that growl out there it might be safer in here than it is out there we got to go going run run run run where are we guys what this is

Not the end wait well I guess it kind of please com continue forward to exit oh okay all right yeah we just need to go forward uh I don’t think it’s a simple sky that this isn’t the end okay what did I say another sign this was a normal

Vanilla seed until we saw taking damage and now the end is not even the end it’s just made out of endstone don’t worry don’t worry there’s another sign here saying that all we have to do is go forward pleasey please are you even SK looks like looks like we still need to

Go forward we still got to go forward I got one more right here we’re almost there I let let him leave bro I’m not going that way anymore losing my mind oh baby zombes yo where are they coming from two baby zombies get off me guys followed us

Where giz go is he just still going forward he’s going I went I went I went right he broke his own rule yeah what in the backs is going on here wait yo oh the girls here yeah please continue forward do you mean the girl

The Momo wait how how big is this wait wait there’s a head over here guys guys did you see the other sign no there’s another sign yeah back where I was on the left side there’s another sign this something else what did it say where is

It said turn around but around but not around around something something like that lots of arounds what where there’s no I this way right here I found it oh skeleton turn around but around was not around around the end what do you you mean sense okay turn around but around

So turn around but then around is back here wait can we just mine through the walls maybe oh that’s smart why have we not been mining through the walls that’s guys I don’t think we’re getting out of here I’m going to be honest what is this guys the end is it even

Real uh it’s not feeling real man what end is it talking about the end or what is that noise Minecraft end wait no I heard scurrying around is that [Applause] rats whoa what is what is that wait what is that weird goo it doesn’t break yeah we kind of need to get out

ASAP wa I just heard growling yo it’s on my face it’s on my face de okay okay what do we do uh wait okay uh wait we cannot deal damage to him guys what I think we have to I think we have to quip I’m sorry I’m sorry but we’re we’re

Helping you it’s not hurting the thing Qui maybe water all right let me try the water I I got it I got it I got it no put it above my head not on my feet I’m trying bro get in get in get in get in

No go walk forward yeah go in the water go in the water yo it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone but wait wait wait we wao waa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo yo guys what is that oh yo they’re buff yo stop taking damage

Chcken no no SK come on oh oh the water the water oh he’s dead this just seems endless is that just a baby skeleton what in the who um hello okay I’m out of here I need to get to the surface and I think there’s an escape for this way

Okay I’m out but what is this noise I’m going to follow it and maybe what is this I know where you live yo I think it’s that don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me is that siren head if he spots me I will die is this what spawned cuz of all

Our damage oh no where are my friends where are all my friends are they still stuck in the back rooms how did I escape it was the silverfish there’s no way I’ve ended up back here is this map on Loop skidy yo yo did you take the

Silverfish kly pepper yo no yo we made it have you not notied this is anytime we come from a weird area we always end up in this Village yeah M so we Blow The Village up no this this Village has curss there’s there’s no way that’s the only thing I

Can think of I saw a lot of creepy things I and I don’t know there’s no way I can explain it this the seed has gone too scary to the point where I we need a ler defense or we will die this next night I think I think qu’s right we we

Should get some walls up too I have enough for sort of a base which I guess we could make something around here I don’t know how big the base is going to be ah yes the gravel wall I don’t know what will keep us safe at this point how

Can I trust these people I’m starting ideas you guys ready for this I’m starting to think are they my real friends how do you make pressure plates I’m struggling right now they’re acting weird all right guys I made some chests in here so we can start storing

Our items I’m kind of scared was that a bad choice to trust them guys it’s turning night is is the walls prepared is everything ready no it hasn’t it hasn’t rained yet oh oh great it’s raining oh great Peppa you had to speak you know what there’s no there’s no

Getting out of that roof it’s starting to get bad why is the night rder than it should be I’m going to place some torches around this area Okay so there’s open doors right here those things are going to trap don’t close these doors whoa I got hit by something oh no

I’m trapped chicken chicken what I’m trapped it’s a trap oh go why did anyone say this we did help me okay it’s fine everything is fine here I’m going to put a ladder here so that we can walk on the wall oh yes small okay so far the night seems not

Too bad it seems kind of nice yeah yeah I think I think you’re kind of over exaggerating bro I think we’re good wait skidy we’ve encountered every scary mob but why are all the mobs completely vanilla now H isn’t that weird no wait wait wait wait there’s like a weird now

I see a weird mob where there’s one out there right right under the trees nope I swear I just saw one I don’t see anything yeah I’m not seeing anything this is good though right this is what we wanted oh what is that what is that wait

Where are you looking oh we’ve seen that guy before oh he’s the guy that jump scared me what is this sound oh oh right under me right under me oh yo we can in oh he climbs I fell I think he does oh he’s going for me he’s going for

Me Slender oh no these walls we we should have put SP cobwebs I’m cobwebbing this entire wall guys oh behind you behind you behind you there’s speaking of aliens is oh guys my gosh dude what guys I told you this was the end what the heck are we going to be able to

Survive this at all oh my yo Qui Qui this guy’s getting closer over here why is he getting closer yo guys Herobrine is here this is so bad Herobrine’s here too yo he’s inside our base wait what’s he guys he’s not we’re going to surrounded I don’t feel safe wao guys

The darkness wait what is happening what is happening guys what what is happening get out of here I hit my H what’s going on I’m getting hit with I’m eating a golden apple oh ice cream more mobs H it’s it’s coming to us uh wait the siren’s slowly

Coming guys wait what do we do what do we do what do we do it’s cuz you’re shooting it so loud I knew I should have stayed alone better I’m trying whoa what those mobs over there look at them look at their heads moving what what are those why are they

Dancing why does this night feel like it’s going on forever oh I wish I could kill the siren is he is he cheling all the mobs I that’s what I’m saying I feel like he’s summoning the mobs wao wao wo Sky y yo yo y sky sky sky wait what SK

SK dead guys how could you die wait if I damage dead skidy does that still count my oh I don’t know I don’t think we have a choice put put him in the door trap put him in the door trap wait oh no skidy I have to I guess I have to take

All your loot and use it for myself oh Okay oh no not you go away go away go away go away Peppa oh no can’t please it’s just me and you not going out there and I don’t know how protected this base is anymore definitely not great man we have no roof is there anything left

Really weirdly quiet how how is the night not over I don’t know is it because of the rain is it stormy I just saw lightning whoo whoa wait I have blindness I’m blind and slow wa oh my how did kly just die kipley all my friends are

Gone every single one of them is completely gone wao what was that what is this yo yo yo yo yo yo I’m died it’s over no one survived

►If You Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary…
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If You Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary… If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. Bro for bottom my heart. This is the Scariest minecraft video ive ever watch. IM begging you for part 2.
    Asking QuiffYT for Minecraft Scary part 2 day 1

  2. Does H stands for Herobribe or Hell because piglings are spawing??
    If H stands for two but it,s like saying hell because piglings are spawing alot just think a bout kiply saw herobribe and you both saw many piglings does that mean hell herobribe so does that mean,s it,s lava herobribe because there are lava in hell?????

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