How To Catch A Liar (in Minecraft)

Minitech is a YouTuber who claims that he’s pretty good at lying and today I’m going to put that to the test now listen closely because this might get a bit confusing first he has to speedrun the game then he has to tell me how he did

It step by step at some point in his story he has to start lying about how he beat the game and everything from that point forward has to be a lie as well my goal is to interrogate him and figure out when he started lying if you’re still perplexed don’t worry just follow

Along and watch how all the pieces fall into place all right you want to know my story you want to know how I did it I started off at like a forest desert type biome where I then saw a desert temple there I got a lot of items I don’t

Remember the exact amounts but I remember getting diamonds and iron from there I had everything I needed to enter the end to which there was then a lava pit outside the desert temple not the end the nether then I saw the Bastion and it was like like asess xqc would say

Builtin it was a very scuffed basion enter so I was like I’m definitely going to need some food here so I went back into the Overworld got some food went back in okay from there I entered um I don’t exactly remember the entrance I

Took to the B but from there it was the one Bastion I wasn’t really familiar with Stables so I actually just couldn’t find the Gold Room so I used the scraps of gold um around it to trade from there I got 12 pearls almost died a few times

But I got 12 pearls oh oh wait I almost forgot something important while trying to find the Gold Room I was struggling so I tried to install an x-ray texture pack but I then found out that the client doesn’t let me do that so yeah the X-ray didn’t work so I found the

Scraps of gold around the Bastion to trade for my 12 pearls and one fire as um from that I found a random entrance at the back of the Bastion found myself at the bottom of the Fortress pillared up the top of the Fortress did basic Blaze farming I believe I had seven rods

After that I ran out of food and almost died but I didn’t I didn’t die in the nether after that I went back to the Overworld where I then calculated where the stronghold was ninjab brain bot I believe it’s called and I didn’t have enough Obby to Nether travel so I just

Ran it in the Overworld when I did come across the stronghold it was exposed in a cave so I found it to then realize it was a zeroi and one of my Pros broke along the way so I only had 11 pearls so had to go back in the nether grab the

Extra pearls fill in the portal and then beat the game with five BS he had finished the speedrun and told me the complete story now was time to look at the evidence first I wanted to beat the game with a fresh set of eyes to see

What I would have done if the roles were switched I proceeded to speedrun the game taking basically the same steps as minc describes in his story besides some optimizing changes to make it faster it took me a total of 17 minutes his final time was one entire hour come on now dog

He’s either super bad at speedrunning or he puts serious effort into staging some hard evidence now it’s time to take a look at his world to see if what he claimed adds up all I have access to is his finished World file that also has the inventory he ended the game with in

His inventory you can see that he has n TNT which doesn’t add up with some of the things he said he claimed to loot the desert temple which has a total of nine TNT at the bottom he used one of those to loot the temple faster and get

Some extra blocks which is a common strategy in speedrunning then he used another one to blow up a tree which already puts him down to 7 TNT and no he didn’t use the gunpowder he got from the temple to craft the two extra ones because it’s literally right there in

His inventory the next peculiar thing I came across was the nine obsidian he just left it in the big Bastion chest in his story he claims to not have enough of it to Blind travel which is basically just building a new portal in the nether instead of taking the one you came

Through in hopes of Landing closer to the stronghold him leaving nine obsidian there just makes his statement seem believable on top of this he claims to run all the way to the stronghold in the Overworld which I believe to be true just because of this portal it is in the

Exact same coordinates that I blind traveled in my speedrun which means it hits the stronghold but when you go through you enter a freshly built portal in the middle of what previously was a lava pool which means that the portal in the nether was generated not built and

Lines up with his claim to go back into the nether after he reaches the stronghold he also claims that after re-entering the nether he finds some piglins to trade with because one of his pearls broke on the way and to no surprise I find the supposed trading

Spot not that far from the portal so if all of this is true that means everything before has to be as well right well let’s travel backwards a little bit if you take a look at this dirt Tower it seems like he pillared up in this spot more than once now did he

Fall from the Fortress and had to go back or did he die in the structure and had to make his way back multiple times there was honestly no way to tell but this is something I could revisit when questioning him because he claimed to not die in The Fortress I spent another

Hour re listening to his story and comparing it to the evidence but to no avail he chose his words carefully and most of what he said could line up with the blocks and items left in the world at this point the LIE could have just been that he actually used the six beds

Instead of five to kill the dragon but how the hell would I prove that and everything else he said could have just been slightly altered from the truth so it counts as a lie and I would have no way of knowing it unless he slips up while I interrogate him so without any

Other options left I hopped in a call and it was time to get to the bottom of this mystery Yello hi there were two things I wanted to make sure of but that required him to share his screen so I instantly pushed for it okay minitech as you can

See there’s no evidence board right there’s no nothing right okay so that’s interesting I need you to start sharing your screen right now like just share your main screen on Discord okay I want you to press Escape right now then options then resource packs oh resource

Packs oh it was that okay yeah so the thing is I was assuming that you were just going to go balls deep into a crazy lie like claiming that you tried to install an x-ray client well you didn’t oh you thought I would put everything on that but that just proves that just

Eliminates an option that just eliminates an option wait what if what if I installed it afterwards I don’t believe you’re smart enough for that so I’m just going to rule that out as a lie there was one more thing could you open up your task manager please can you just like slowly

Scroll through it downwards okay just slowly the entire thing okay that’s that’s enough in his story he made a very bold statement and in his screen share you can clearly see that he has it in his packs folder sure he could have put it in there after the fact but I

Just don’t think he’s clever enough to do that plus he just sounded extremely genuine while saying it so I erased it from my list of possible lies the second thing that required screen share was proving if he used the ninjab brain bot which is a triangulation calculator to determine the coordinates of the

Stronghold with one to two eye throws I’m not going to explain the process in detail because it isn’t important what is important is the program called Auto Hwy which allows players to zoom in your screen Beyond 30 fov kind of like the OptiFine Zoom but customizable this is a

Program that runs in the background hence why a lot of people forget to turn it off after they use it it also shows up in the task manager which is why I asked him to pull it up but after he scrolled through his entire program list

It was nowhere to be seen now not everyone uses this program alongside the calculator but at this point I was pretty sure that he didn’t use the calculator at all explain to me how you calculated the distance to the stronghold with your ninjab brain bot right yeah and then right after you sa

The words on the way to the stronghold one of my eyes broke and one of my pearls broke along the way so I only had 11 pearls does that mean you threw extra eyes while running um did you even use the ninja brain Bots I believe that one

Broke while I was calculating I don’t know about you but I don’t believe a thing this man just said I think him using the stronghold calculator is a big fat lie and we find fin have something I can now try to work backwards to figure out how early the lies began I’m not

Disregarding the fact that this could be the first lie but I need to be certain so this is your inventory this is what your inventory looks like let’s let’s take a look here for some reason you just didn’t craft a diamond shovel at the beginning and I have a question I

Didn’t even think about that yeah I have a question you said you blew up a tree yes and you didn’t TNT the spawners oh yeah no that was just me Bing out no you you never said I I didn’t TNT the spawners yeah so you have nine TNT how’s

That possible when you used one for I got them from a chest what chest did you get two TNT from I can’t even remember remotely there is no chest in the world that has a TNT in their loot table just letting you know right now is there not

There no there’s not a singular chest I’m probably getting that mixed up that’s probably me getting mixed up but I definitely found TNT somewhere in the world where do you find TNT cuz why would I just have extra TNT yeah you have two extra TNT and at first I

Thought maybe these dumbass crafted extra TNT Chef what from the gunpowder he had from the desert temple but then look at this there’s the gunpowder where did you get the two extra TNT from I I’m actually curious where did I get that wait where did I get that from I

Actually don’t know yeah I’m interested to see I have no idea cuz you should have only seven from the temple cuz you used one on the temple down in the hole and one on the wood yeah and then I used another on the tree how do you get two

More it it was a shipwreck that where I got it this could be true and the only other option would be that he found a second desert temple and only grabbed two TNT to be able to lie about finding it in a shipwreck which means that he

Expected me to notice the TNT and played it off like he forgot it completely either this man is telling the truth or he’s a complete sociopath both are equally as bad and I was now totally baffled yes baffled multiple theories were going through my mind and I was

Genuinely convinced that he forgot to play by the rules and told a couple of truths after he lied which makes it borderline impossible for me to figure it out I weighed my options collected my thoughts and was ready to present my final answer I think you died in the

Nether I just didn’t find any proof any items I think you were pretty thorough in your cleanup right okay I don’t know how smart you are I would rather overestimate you than underestimate you from what I’ve seen of you I don’t know if that’s just how you are or it was

Like stress but I think when you said that you didn’t die in the nether I didn’t die in the nether after you ran out of food that just doesn’t sound correct I think you died in the nether so this is genuinely me guessing by the way this is genuinely me guessing this

Is your actual guess this is going to be a very throrough guess so I think it all started when you died in the nether I think you died in the nether then you came back cuz you already had a pretty good Bridge you picked up extra dirt

From the explosion near the tree that you didn’t pick up before cuz I did see multiple buildup Bridges leading to The Fortress that wouldn’t be there if you only built up there once you just died you lied about not dying The Fortress you built up there you collected your

Stuff I think your first lie was that you died in the nether okay so this is your this is your 100% guess that’s my answer now you lead me through your story okay okay so the Run did start off with the desert temple got my diamonds

Got my iron to which I then used the TNT on the forest yeah I saw this EXP expion this me locating where the Bastion could be yeah you didn’t get a like a good read on the eay either right yeah no I got a very scuff eay oh yeah at this

Point I was like yeah I need food I’m about to die I only have Rod flesh so I got the muton and stuff yeah so you did get the mutton cuz the village yeah yeah yeah yeah see the bastion’s right there I think you saw it yeah yeah I did I

Entered through the same spot cuz it was not open in any other spot so that’s what these pillars were around I was wondering yeah so so you might have seen a few of these 5 minutes that’s crazy dude so that was like scuff so I was

Like okay let me look for a different yeah there was no different entrance by the way so everything so far has been the truth in your story right yes I peep of Fortress here yeah I saw it as well yeah I tried to go through the side as

Well it was just nothing here this booster yeah so you did almost die here this is where this is where you realize that you are wrong this is where the first lie is about to happen wait in my story I told you I went straight to the Bastion and started trading the whole

Time I went to the Fortress first and started collecting blaze rods oh my God that’s so and you might notice these blocks are not there in the world that you looked at that is because I went back no I did not see anything there I went back and mined them so you couldn’t

Tell that there’s any shot that I went to Fortress first oh my God that’s why the spawner was only half mined bro I’m mining them here I’m making sure any trace of me being at the Fortress first was gone any trace for me coming from this side gone I built fake pillars on

The right side behind the Fortress to make it seem like I I did not go there first what you’re looking at right now is me staging me going up there even though I did not have to yeah and it looked like it was like built up

Multiple times as well at no point in the nether did I die so you didn’t die oh my God

How To Catch A Liar (in Minecraft)

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  1. When he said "I didn't die in the nether" I immediately said to myself, he died, let's see if i'm right
    edit: I pinky promise
    nvm i got too confident after boosfer guessed the same thing, minute is a freak

  2. Ok but how did you think that minute actually traded and got 12 piglins using the blackstone gold that drops less than 1 ingot worth of nuggets? that's nearly impossible, he might as well have gotten all his gold from outside of a bastion

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