NEW BOGGED SKELETON MOB ADDED! – Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w07a

Yo yo yo yo how’s everybody doing we got a new Skelly bones added called the are you Ready who’s here who’s ready who wants to see a stream make sure you guys drop a like by the way this is a brand new snippy snapshot that’s just been introduced to the game God damn I’m happy about this for a couple of reasons number one I’ve always

Wanted like the mossy skeleton from dungeons to be added and kind of a eventually it’s been added in a way you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying we got a new skeleton it’s called the bogged I’m going to go through all the details before we check it out in

Game I ask you guys very kindly to leave a like on today’s stream we’re already on 100 likes thank you so much if you’re new here I stream all the snapshots but I also do videos on this kind of stuff as well but I like to do my first like

Breakdown and opinions of these anyway I’m going to stop talking we’re going to get straight into today’s stream hello hello hello there’s a lot of people here okay uh no time to waste guys I want to go through the Articles okay and for those of you not watching

Live there’ll be time stamps for you guys to check it out but we got we got given two articles today so I want to go through them both we started off with my boggy Valentine it says while this might not be a day that you’ll typically associate with poison skeletons I’m here to

Broaden your mind couldn’t a poison skeleton be just the right thing it says introducing our Valentine’s this year a new hostile mob called the bogged here is your new mob now we’ve talked about this quite a lot right we’ve talked about this quite a lot uh we have

Tipped tipped Arrow skeletons inside of there but there was no there was no way to tell what was uh a tipped AR skeleton so they have retextured essentially the ti Aros skeleton but it does work a little bit bit different it sounded really really good when I was checking

It out before uh the sounds are really good um yeah I I’m all for new types of skeletons just quit retexturing zombies we got way too many of them it looks really good anyway it says the bog is a lovable New Mob coming to testing as

Part of the 1.21 update even the name sounds lovely doesn’t it bogged remind me of deep mud anyway it says this is a new skeleton variant that fires poison tipped arrows Cupid arrows you sometimes find bogged in trial Chambers interesting you sometimes find them in trial Chambers so I’m sure where else

They’ll spawn it says aha ah I like this okay okay it’s coming in 1.21 update but listen to this it says as well as elsewhere in Minecraft if you’re really Keen to set up a date with them perhaps take a Wonder into swamps and M Grove swamps I don’t think they should have

Put these in swamps they should have made these exclusive to mangroves I think personally think that regular swamps have got enough going on so I think I think Mangrove is a great place to have them just like skeletons the bog the bogged is an undead mob so sunlight is a

Big red flag as it sets into set on five blah blah onl skeletons its arrows are tipped which means they’ll leave you with a lovely poison effect turning your health bar into a romantic green so we did get a bunch of pictures here and I’ll show you guys some of

Them show you some of the pictures that we were given I’m curious on the context of this one though does bogged skeletons team up on regular Skelly boneses they look really cool though I really like it anyway I was like mosu skeleton come outside bro you know what I’m saying anyway we’ve

Got uh this is where it spawns trial Chambers uh trial Chambers and swamps nothing showing in the mangr but we’ll check it out ourselves and then we did get the official snapshot chain log if you want the chain log it’s down below however if you are checking out the

Snapshot 24 w7a there is a KN issue it says the fall damage reduction for wind charges is not working and then it says experimental features bogged a new variation of skeleton they are faster to take down with 16 Health instead of 20 they attack at a slower interval of

3.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds has a chance to drop poison tipped arrows when killed by players these Mossy and mushroom covered skeletons spawn natur in swamps and mangroves and also found in other places okay let’s go and check them out not a very big snapshot but we’ll we’ll make

The most of it I guess guess but we could check them out here I’m rewatching hello how is everybody doing I see everybody in chat can we get some highs in chat and I’ll say some highs back while we set this up uh snapshot 24 w7a creative make sure you’re turning on

The experiment so this is not going to work how you doing Mercedes lemon how you doing what’s good hi lemon tea film msh Max family uh deleted Michael uh sergy sight jumblo uh day stor how’s every by doing bling Minecraft Alley between the lines biscuits hey we

Got we got all kinds of peeps in here today thank you all right I like to turn off a couple of things here number one is I’m going to do Advanced time day done uh World we’ll do the snapshot 2407 a how’s everybody doing welcome hi all

Right let’s get into this anyway no time to waste no time to waste World loaded up so much faster in in the snapshots and and stuff like that now like so much faster so much cleaner so much faster right um before we do anything chat let’s get through the unfortunate for I

Never understood why Java sets their time as day and Bedrock sets theirs as noon it should be all the way up there it might be a bit laggy to start off with here however they did say that wind charges in this version won’t save you from Fall damage where’s your hello Joshua games

With a really weird name how you doing so we got a survival but these things won’t save you anymore okay let’s get back to the ti top of this just do a little bit more testing here I’m probably going to die don’t forget you can you’re supposed to

Be at of MLG save yourself with these but it doesn’t work in the latest snapshot and I’ve spawned underground not where I wanted to be okay bogged bogged how many skeletons do we have in this game now we’ve got regular Skelly bones horse uh we’ve got a stray and we now have

Bogged it’s just called bogged okay then uh let’s check out the spawn egg to start off with have a look closer look at this identify what’s going on I guess they’ll fix the wind charge it’s just bugged in this version they said I don’t know how they managed to break it

But hey ho that that happens here is your brand new spawn egg opinions what do we think what do you think good bad go any better from that angle yeah It’s called the bogged I will go ahead and turn off the music so you guys can have a little little listen to this I’m going to summon this with no AI so you guys can see this there is a command that we can run here so we’ll run that

Command uh we’ll go with this one I just want to show you guys bogged let’s run the command here uh I’m going to place this up here real quick I don’t want this thing to burn you see so if we go right here run this

Command I just want to take this up a little bit more I think okay there we go all right let’s have a little bit of a look at the texture and just check out what this thing is all about I guess all right so new Skelly bones has been

Introduced man they absolutely nailed the texture of this it looks absolutely incredible they did a really good job I got to admit sounds slightly different it is it is it looks a lot more evil you know so much more evil and if we just do we’ll do a couple of comparisons here

And I’ll I’ll do the I’ll run the exact same command but we’ll do it with just a skeleton just a little bit of a comparison here skeleton and then if we do it to here wait is there any there’s nothing above me he will die come on we run this

Command this time we shall go with the Stray here we go here is your Skelly family put him in order chat which looks the best which looks the be the worst I honestly I still think the Stray looks a little bit cooler but I like that we’ve got the

Bogged I don’t know the commands for running it on Skelly with a Skelly as well yeah sure do that I guess you guys are just demanding aren’t you Wither Skeleton he’s like yeah I’m the biggest guy in here you think wither Skelly looks the best dude he’s huge isn’t he absolutely

Humongous all right anyway let’s let’s listen to the sounds of this we’ll get rid of these guys real quick in fact we won’t we’ll just just we’ll just do it again but I’ll do it over here cuz I just want to hear what this guy sounds

Like when we do a couple of City clack and hitting them here we go same exact commend bogged all right we’ll do regular fist attacks has blood on his hands you think you think it’s like blood he’s seen things man and then we’ll do like a sword

Attack now they said that this guy doesn’t fire arrows as quick as a regular Skelly so if we do forward SL effect give appp we do regen and we just hit myself with some regen here right we’ll set it to midnight let’s mess around with this guy a little bit go

Survival his arrows are not as common versus a regular Skelly I feel like he fights two for everyone I’m trying to get them to hit each other I want to I want to know what happens if they hit each other come on hit them hit them hit him there we

Go they do got beef people you can actually see how slow his bow is look look how fast his bow is pull Hey listen bro I’m not oh he killed him I’m trying to not get involved with him it’s not not as not as quick uh forward SL enchant at P looting

Three he has blood Hey listen the law is real okay I just want to kill this guy and then I want to summon these because they can drop tipped according they oh oh okay not only do they drop tipped which by the way the tipped Arrow itself is

The tipped Arrow of poison they drop regular ones and they’ll still drop the the bones oh okay it’s a red mushroom yeah yes they said the skin is is uh what did they say the skin was again chat what did they say it was they said it said moss and mushroom covered

Skeletons moss and mushroom now let’s do for SL locate biome and go to a swamp cuz I’m curious on the spawn rates of these what take me there we go I’m just going to activate like oh we’re in like a a double one of these I’m just

Curious as to how common these guys Are guess I guess we’re going into the mang gr Lads you guys can’t see very well apologies that better that better chat that better see you much better now but they said they can spawn inside of here it’s calm now apologies chat apologies I I’m curious as to how common it can be yeah just a casual creeper in a

Tree I wanted to locate like a regular swamp but it kind of did give me a swamp but also one of these as Well I’m curious though cuz this is like hugely covered in water so we’ve got regular skellies I’m just someon one no AI now yeah here you go go there you go dude at night time they look so clean I really love the alpha that this thing

Is wearing now I mean I’m not going to overhype this feature right let’s let’s not dispute that this is just a retextured skeleton well I am a strong believer that there should be multiple variants of each kind of mob you know so you want to hit him with a splash potion

Of healing you said okay be like that huh it be like that sometimes now don’t forget these guys are not as strong the bog is not as strong so according to the official change log it says here uh they are faster to take down because they only have 16 Health points

Instead of 20 so a regular scele is 20 and they attack a little bit slower now that makes total sense because before I set World spawn going to get rid of this guy going to summon you change my game mode to survival here nope I want milk

Bro oh dude I haven’t got time for you oh there you go what oh that’s that’s that’s the F that’s fine that’s fine it’s fine I just want to drink this I want to see like because again these guys are going to spawn a little bit more frequently

Know what I mean you get hit by a couple of these bro look how much it tanks your hearts but look at the hearts look at the hearts they they they are incredibly dangerous bro the new heart design actually looks really cool happens if you put them in a boat I

Like that I like you guys speculating this kind of stuff let me put him in a boat bro get in a boat you can’t yep totally normal survival I’ll get rid of one of these guys definitely a little bit easier to kill ha how to disable the Skelly

Bones if you’re H in a boat and you’re in a boat with him you can’t get you and one has actually naturally spawned up there you see him all the way up there he’s up there it’s up there see the top of this guy’s head standing on his head

You’re in a boat with you though they can’t they can’t do do nothing nice I’m say we have two of them in a boat can two of them get in a boat Two Bros in a boat look at them why is he floating I don’t know cuz it’s Minecraft and this is Snapshot

Testing this guy spawned naturally I like that I love the sounds of these though they look way better uh okay okay I’m going to go to like minus 2,000 I’ll find a regular swamp guys that’s it taking me to the exact same location hasn’t has

It now this is better this is better I just want to see how common they are or how frequent they spawn is this this is in the game it’s not a mod this is officially coming in next I’m 1.21 1.21 is when it’s getting added I’m

Just going to load in some chunks here while we do load in some chunks they did say if we grab ourselves Hoppers and then was it bees that they said Hold on let’s read that change log they said puppets can once again pick up items from beehives

And nests what other full blocks still block them okay okay does that mean like things can pass through them still come on let’s see if we can find any of these though I want to go and see what’s like in the tri Chambers as well tell you what though the amount of

Mobs that spawn in these locations are are crazy I think a swamp is literally over swamped with the amount of mobs that are going on here there we go we found one there you go at least they spawn yeah bro getting busted by one of them

In the night time is going to be horrible okay let’s go with this this this this this this and then we’ll go with a regular full block what are the full block were they talking about just this so obviously go with this does it actually mean the items from

That it surely does right spawn in a lush cave no it’s got three locations swamp mango swamp trial Chambers which we’re going to go to now ironically enough this trial chamber is generated inside of a lush cave ironically enough a pickaxe sword all right let’s do a little bit of

Exploring then shall we I’m curious as to how common these are now according to the image that the developers gave us I’m curious if these guys are still generating around this cuz it was bones and then this wa is it podil is that what it generates around so that’s what we’re typically

Looking for now again these are completely RNG so you might not necessarily see them every single time but it looks like we may have got lucky straight away Shield here we go so this is why I wanted to experience cuz obviously a lot of I love the hearts the hearts look really good

Obviously when we play with this guys you’re going to be experiencing this like this they only spawn two at a time that’s a slime one we got really lucky with finding one of these straight away obviously looting does enhance if you’re getting the drops so if we do forward SL

Enchant do three curious now holy smokes yeah yeah you can see loot you want to you want to go into this Gap with looting these guys would be so strong together though another one uh probably today the wind charge will probably come to bedrock today and I don’t think there’s been any

Changes to the wind charge in this my my I was hoping that the wind charge was going to be affected by this thing I don’t think it is dude they sound like a Looney Tunes character when they jump you know got nine I got nine from these I don’t think looting improves its

Chances I got a potato if I got a potato from that I’d be so triggered is that it one more that one’s popping things out no keys from this one then okay I’m just here to explore so if you want to find the one with the tipped arrows you need to find

This so you got to be finding the one that’s covered in bone blocks podil and it’ll have red mushrooms on it I did do a video on this to kind of tell everyone what they were designed with there’s more here I can hear them but I’m curious if it’s like a regular

Skelly it is definitely a regular Skelly apologies if we load in some lag Here Vault aha okay so this is the room I was looking for this this is going to be absolute Carnage watch this right we’ve got them spawning there going to have these guys spawning up here too these guys are going to hit each other and just absolutely murder each

Other holy cow the whole thing is these guys they got to fix this problem they really got to fix this problem because at the moment every mob in here just obliterates each other you know what I’m saying like they got to fix this problem right I think I generally think this room’s too

Small literally bog skellies well I found a whole entire room covered in these I don’t know what the chances of that are but very slim I imagine I got a key at least dude there’s just so many of these guys they’re not as strong though they

Are a lot easier to bring down which brings me onto the question uh app SM right it’s dead Undead Smite five can you one shot with Smite five I’m just going to summon you there and ah you can onot these with Smite five curious then what about SM four I SM

Four yes is the answer yes and that’s without critical hitting yeah Smite is going to be the best option for sure bro for sure netherite Smite 4 works perfectly Smite five really easily so that brings me onto another test uh sword enchant might three no the answer is no what about critical

Though critical yes one you can two hit them anyway Smite four and you’re good to go Smite three you got a CR critical hit for that strangely enough I don’t think they changed any of the Vault stuff though I don’t think maybe it’s just me it might just be me

But I feel like a lot of these snapshots are not producing as much content is what I would like to hope I hope I hope like something big is in the works anyway opinions everybody opinions what’s everyone’s opinion of this uh this new Skelly bones how would you rate it out of 10 just Gally curious on everyone’s opinions previews out don’t worry I’ll have a video coming soon yeah you like it I like them too I feel like it I feel like they’re a really good feature but what I will say did they fix bugs in this yeah but they’ve been

Hammering the bug fixes in this wind charges don’t go through non project solid blocks so what would that entail as a what would untell is are not a solid block so they don’t go through ah okay so they W going through crops for example okay interesting interesting that’s been

Fixed Panda slime ball drop is hardcoded freeze can be damaged by wind charge just some very basic changes for sure I like it my my biggest my biggest problem is in this room but I don’t think the problem is to do with the mob itself I think the problem that I have

With this has to be the design of this room and the mobs themselves cuz it just becomes an absolute cluster inside of here for sure but it looks like here you go it looks like they’ve made them quite common in this one think the whole point is to

Test these out obviously I have regen on I like the hearts though I really like the hearts Chang in color I like that Mojang I’ve been doing that more frequently as well like when you’re cold your heart change hardcore Hearts I like that I mean I know it’s a subtle change

But it’s just something I think is is a nice touch overall anyway guys that’s it pretty underwhelmed it’s not the biggest snapshot anyway I’m going to go and check out the beta stuff that’s all we have today it’s a brand new mob it’s called the BR no it’s called The Bog

This is the texture I’ll summon one with no Ai and we’ll check out the texture a little bit more detail here uh where are you here you go here is the mob with absolutely no AI looks pretty cool IA did a really good job not very strong but two

Pack-a-Punch because of poison anyway wind charge effect dropped item yes anyway that’s all I got to say I’ll catch you guys in a video for Betas in like an hour or two goodbye

Everything you need to know about the new Minecraft Bogged Skeleton in the new Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w07a

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Today we are checking out the Minecraft Snapshot 24w07a Snapshot, this brings the new “Bogged Skeleton” to Minecraft 1.21 – This mob spawns with tipped arrows and will spawn inside of the upcoming Trial Chambers!

00:00 Snapshot Details
9:03 Wind Charges
10:35 Bogged Skeleton mob
17:27 Bogged spawning locations
24:50 Bogged Trial chambers


  1. Bogged skeleton.

    It is decent. I like its menacing look and its slow attacking is fair.

    Tho i do prefer to change their biome spawn from swamps to jungles. And I do agree that they need to change the name to Mossy Skeleton.

  2. I do love the name "Bogged", the undead variants have really unique names, and i like this!

    I mean, calling the mob a "Husk" or a "Stray" really makes it sound more like a unique creature, rather than just a reskin of another mob

  3. Every trial chambers has a ranged mob, a small melee mob, and a melee mob. Which means if you see a bogged in your trial chambers it is the only ranged mob that will spawn in that chambers, and same for the other 2 categories

  4. Everyone is looking at this like an "omg new mob so cool" view and not a "how will this affect gameplay view". Normal skeletons sre already annoying and now they are adding a new skeleton with one of the most annoying effects in the game. Literally the same exact mindset that got the phantom into the game

  5. Fun fact: Because the Skeletons are classified as undead, the poison effect doesn't affect them. That's why Bogged is a massive underdog when fighting against normal Skeleton.

  6. I like the new skeleton, but they should make it to where it’s an in game rule but if a skeleton or mob comes from a spawner, they will not try to hit each other, and if they do, they will not attack each other

  7. I was hoping for the Mossy Skeletons from Minecraft Dungeons for the Poison Skeleton variant, but hey, this is the closest we will get to having a Poison Skeleton in the game.

  8. I love how creepy it is like it got reanimated in gross swamp water and it took appearance well to also camouflage in it's environment, I can't wait to encounter it and get jumpscared by it too

  9. Wow i think Minecraft migh redeem itself because of the skeleton but Minecraft does still have to do way more but the bogged skeleton is sure a stepping stone.

  10. 32:45 Solid blocks are not only crops and plants! They're also doors, trapdoors, fence gates, walls, cactus, soul sand, mud, decorated pot, composter, chest, and so on..

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