Once upon a time there was a poor but proud boy. This boy had no money. And he had to beg to get bread home. Please. I am in a difficult situation. Give me some money. Here you go. It’s yours. Brother, thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Here you go. I’ll give this too. Thank you all. Thank you very much. I have children at home. I need money. Here you go. I’ll give this too. Really? But that’s a lot of money! Let’s get it. You spend. Sister, thanks. You’re welcome. I have 51.5 liras. Look at that rude! He’s begging.

Brother, please. Give me some money. I have children at home. Do you want money? Yes brother. Here’s the money. Get! Shame on you! Aren’t you ashamed to beg? Sorry. Get out of here and work! Brother, you are right. You are right. I will never see you begging here again. Now go from here.

Okay. I’m going. Sorry! Ill mannered! Get out of here. I have to work. He’s right. I have to go find a job now. I will no longer beg. I have to work! Yes, work properly here. Otherwise, the boss will be very angry. Master, okay. I’m working!

Master, don’t worry. I am doing my best! Don’t worry. We need to complete that new building right away and knock down the other small old building. Who will demolish this place? Is there anyone? Boss, the new kid can knock it down. I have some work. Well okay. I will tell him. Look here!

Boss, yes. I’m giving you a new assignment. You’ve been hammering nails since morning! Boss, I’m sorry. Go and tear down that building behind me. Quick! Boss, okay. As you wish. Yes, let’s see. I have to demolish that building. I have to be careful. The boss gets very angry. Come on! Wash this now.

Boss, okay. I’m washing it right now. Don’t worry! Here, I destroyed it! Boss, how? Does it happen! I can reward you if you want. Knock it down! Only 1 side destroyed. He says it does! Come on, be quick. We have a lot more work. Boss, okay. I’m continuing to work.

This job is very difficult. A lot! Yes, take your money. Today’s job is done. Boss, thanks. Come again tomorrow. Don’t be late, okay? Boss, okay. Here you go. This is yours. This is the money you deserve. But boss. This is too little. If you worked properly then. Get out of here.

Guys, this is Arda. This is his bad boss. Every like you throw is 10 TL for Arda. Let every subscriber be a slap to this evil boss. Guys, come on. Let’s make Arda rich by giving a like. Let’s beat that bad boss by subscribing. And now let’s continue with our video.

But I did my best. Why are you giving 10 liras? Get out of here. Boss, okay. He gave 100 lira to the others. He gave me 10 liras. I didn’t deserve this. I need to find another job. I need more money. This 10 lira will never be enough for me.

I better go and find another job. Yes. Here, I came to the market. I’ll buy water from here and sell it outside. Hello, take it easy. Thanks. Here you go? Is there any water? Yeah, well. The waters are over there. Brother, I have 10 liras.

Can you give them all to me for 10 liras? Well okay. Give me the money. Take the waters. It’s over there. Brother, thanks. Thank you. Come on! Take it easy. Thanks. Yeah nice. Now I can sell these waters on the street for 5 liras each. Come citizen, come. Water is 5 liras each.

Finally! This. Here, my mouth is dry. So hot! Can I have 1 water? Sure, come on. Welcome! 5 lira each. Here you go. Please, give me a water too. Don’t worry. There is enough water for all of you. I’m so tired today. It was a tiring day. I’m going home now.

Here it is, beautiful! I earned 25 liras from the water I bought for 10 liras. From now on, I will buy it from the market and sell it outside. Yes, I’m going home now. What! The man dropped his wallet. Quick! Let me give this to the man. Gentleman! Look here, sir. What’s happening?

Beggar boy! Sir, come on! You dropped your wallet. Boy, thank you! I thought you were going to beg for a moment. Brother, no. I am now working. I’m selling water. Congratulations. Now you’re in my sight! Brother, thanks. I will go now. Stop! Take this. What is this bro? Why are you giving?

This is in return for the favor you’ve done for me. But bro, there’s a lot of money here. Let it be. Keep working! Now look. You buy and sell water. You can buy and sell more things with that money. Yes brother. Thanks. Thank you! Crazy, please. You’re on the right track.

Keep going like this. That’s it! With this money, I can start my business and work. That’s it! thumbs up. I now have a grocer. In a very beautiful part of the city. Hello. Good luck with! Welcome. Here you go, sir. I bought a diamond set. How much? 200 pounds. Here you go.

Good luck with. Yours is 50 lira. Here you go. Good luck with. Yes, here you go. What did you buy? Sir, I bought tomatoes. Does the card pass? Sure, it passes. Is there any contactless payment? Yes there is. You can read your card. Here I am reading.

Okay thank you. We are waiting for you again! Thank you very much. Good luck with. That’s it! I do not believe! I’m literally making a lot of money. I am so happy. A lot! People loved my grocery store. Ayşe, look over there. What is this?

Look at it. He officially became a rival to us. Yes I see. The shop is too crowded. Yes. People got really mad. They’re getting in line. Our market is very busy. So I’ll wait a bit. Don’t worry. We have a cashier employee inside. It will help you. Dear customers, don’t worry.

Welcome all of you to our newly opened grocery store. This is not how it goes. No one buys from us anymore. Look at this line! These people are crazy. Why are they shopping at this grocery store? I don’t understand! Keko, come with me. Shall we take one of these?

The price is also very affordable. Wow! How good quality! It would be great with these materials. Here you go, sir. Here you go! Our market is at your service 24/7. Thank you for choosing us. Yes sir. I wish you lots of luck. Our contactless payments are active for you.

We are waiting for you again. Come often. We have a lot of material. Don’t worry, sir. Come citizen, come! Salmon in fish, lemon on the table! Come. Mr. Arda, we had a very good sale today. Yeah that’s it! People were very satisfied with our market!

We made a lot of money. Look at these. Mr. Arda, yes. Thanks to you. Our grocery store is in a very busy place. I’ve always dreamed of this. I am going. I’m going to buy myself a car. Arda Bey, as you wish! You earned all that money with your hard work.

Yes, I’m going. I’ll come soon. I’m going to buy myself a car. That’s it! I am so happy. I now have a car. I have a grocery store. I’m earning money. I am no longer a beggar. I earn money by my hard work. I bought this car. Wow! Look at that car.

I do not believe. It’s a great car. Yes, let me park the car over there. Please help me. I am in a difficult situation. I saw a beggar boy over there. Hello how are you? Hello Brother. Please help. I am in a difficult situation. I went through the roads you went through.

I know how it feels. I never forget where I came from. Here, take this money. Come on, take this. But that’s a lot of money. Take it bro. No problem. Start a business and earn money. Brother, okay. I promise! I will start my own business. Don’t give up the fight.

Work in construction if necessary. Hello dear audience. We are here with the breaking news. Dear audience, the rich businessman helps all the poor. Now we are watching the footage. As you can see, rich businessman Arda does not hesitate to help the beggars he sees on the street.

He gives them large sums of money. We are proud of Arda. Money didn’t change it, but it did Reynmen. Tease! Look at that Arda. Bless this kid. He won by working. Self made. My love, that’s right. Arda, you are our pride!

Businessman Arda has so much money that he can even buy the city now. Wow! Barbie, did you hear? Yes, I heard, my love. I wish our son Rüzgar earns some money too. He is sitting at home. He’s wandering around outside! Yes, my love. While the succession is running, the wind wanders idly.

Yes, let’s see. Does anyone in town need help right now? Arda, you have become rich. We see you on the news. Wind, yes. I worked and I won. I have a grocery store over there. I also have 1 employee. Arda, where did you get this money?

You can’t make that much money from the grocery store. Look at that car. This car is worth almost 2.3 million TL. Or did you steal? Tell the truth! Wind, don’t confuse me with you. I earned this money with my hard work. I worked in construction. Get out of there. Liar.

You can’t buy a car like this with your hard work. You definitely stole it from somewhere. Wind, I do no such thing. If you’re jealous, I’m jealous. Okay? Get out of my way. Liar. You’re a thief. Get out of my way. Thief Arda! Get out of here. It’s you, the thief.

It is impossible to buy such a car by working. He either stole or found treasure. Definitely! Jealous Wind! He wouldn’t have said such things if he wasn’t jealous. He’s jealous because I’m rich. Latest video Next video

Dilenci Arda para kazanıp kendi iş yerini kuruyor. Ve artık dilenciliği bırakıyor. Artık kendi parasını kazanabiliyor. Bu bölümde Dilencilikten Zenginliğe Arda’nın hayatını izliyoruz!

#zenginfakir dizimizi kaçırma ilk yorumu sen at. #Minecraft kanalıma Abone ol! Bildirimleri açmayı da unutma 🙂
Bölüm : 1532

#oyun benim işim 🙂

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  1. Lütfen okuyun Mehmet ben 16 yaşındayım bir erkek çocuğum bir kaç gün önce amansız bir hastalığa yakalandım doktorlar bir çare bulamadılar ve bende Hz.Zeynepin türbesini ziyaret ettim orada türbenin yanında uyuya kaldım ve rüyamda Hz.Zeynepin ağzıma su döktüğünü ve "Allahın izniyle iyi olacaksın" diye müjde verdiğini ve başımdan geçen bu olayı halka söylememi istedi ve bende bunu fakir bir adama anlattım ve 13 gün sonra zengin oldu zengin bir adama anlattım umursamadı 13 gün sonra bütün servetini kaybetti bir memura anlattım umursamadı 13 gün sonra hapse girdi şimdi bunu okuyan kişi bu mesajı 13 ad. Çoğaltıp yayarsa 13 gün sonra tüm dilekleri gerçek olacaktır umursamayan 13 gün sonra perişan olacak ve FELAKET e sürüklenecektir.(yanlış anlayanlar var bu ben değilim yaymak için aldım)

  2. Aaaaaa ne olur mu hiç öyle bir şey yok var Allah aşkına ya 😂😂😂😂😂merhaba nasılsın nasılsın ve en zor iyi yüzden çok teşekkür 🎉merhaba için çok önemli değil ama bu kadar güzel ve arkadaşları için en 😮az iki kez yapma be abi ne var Allah cezasını yok mu lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan yo. ÇOK ZOR HÜSEYİN M VE BEN 23

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