It’s finally time…

Well it was only a matter of time until we got on to this thing yes today we’re going to be looking at none other than the ultimate Terraria joke weapon which if I’m honest I’ve never used unironically in a playthrough so I’m actually quite interested to see how it

Performs if you look past the fact it’s just a lime green boxing glove dispenser of course it is the one and only KO Cannon now a few months back we did actually cover it in direct upgrade the Golem’s fist however many of you question that the KO Canon could

Genuinely be worse which might be a possibility so I guess let’s just see how bad things can get before we jump into it though if you enjoy these weapon reviews don’t forget to drop a like and sub as it really helps out okay then let’s see how you get it already the

Thing the KO Cannon has on its side compared to the Golem’s fist is that it can be obtained straight off the rip when entering hard mode with it been tied to Good Old Blood Moons now there are two ways you can go about getting these to occur either by just having one

Naturally at 7:30 p.m. which has about a 1 in N chance of happening or if you farmed Blood Moons earlier on you’ll probably have some bloody tears lying around which will guarantee the event to start at well right once your blood Moon’s underway we’re on the lookout for

One enemy in particular clowns which unfortunately for us are extremely rare so if I were you instead of roaming around looking for them i’ put yourself in an afkable Farm situation like this as if a clown does spawn you’ll be completely safe if you are in a hurry

Though just get out there and hope you bump into one as with the KO Cannon only having a 20% chance of dropping even if you get five clowns a night you’ll probably get yours to drop right then let’s see how tragic this thing really

Is now I have to say in my head the range of the K Cannon was a hell of a lot more than this with this initial experience really not getting us off to the best start however though although its DPS here looks kind of lame luckily similar to some other weapons like the

Chain knife its projectile attack speed is tied to the rate of which it retracts giving you a potential for way more DPS at Point Blank Range unfortunately though even at its absolute best the chain latines another early hard bird mow weapon deals more damage with about three times the KO Cannon’s maximum

Range well that’s that review done yeah things aren’t looking great here and they’re about to get a lot worse because although I was about to argue that at least the could be deemed a slight upgrade to the knight’s edge and a push another weapon came into my mind which

Makes the KO Cannon completely obsolete the banang yeah you know that insanely overpowered Boomerang which drops from oh what is it clowns well it deals more damage from Fair distance and still only has a 10% drop rate from the same enemy you’ll be farming anyway but hold on

Maybe the cannon will have a massive trick up its sleeve against groups no never mind and this is actually where the Gap is widened even more as the knight’s Edge now a prehard mode mellow weapon will Top the cannon against groups so this is the end of the road

Already for the KO Cannon well not necessarily as there is one more start worth taking into account it’s a ludicrously high based knockback which if I’m completely fair to this thing did keep me completely safe during this real test against mummies just don’t tell anyone that the Titan GL exists there

Because well once again the banana rang can quickly combat that one little Advantage the only thing I will say though is that in this particular scenario I would probably rather have the KO Cannon over to KN Edge even so we’re really clutching at straws here

And as we’re about to move on to some single Target scenarios I’m not holding my breath for this thing oh look the queen slime and hang on a minute I actually expected far far worse as despite its minuscule range the queen slime’s hit box might actually make this

Fight possible but still not recommended as once again the banana rang does exist also pass this point is truly where I don’t think you’re going to be getting any boss kills at all unless of course you’re doing it as part of a challenge which could actually make quite a series

Actually anyway getting back on track the only of a feasible thing I could imagine using the KO Canon for is crowd control during events and invasions is without going crazy with accessories already gives you solid knock back against even the tankiest of hard Mod’s offerings but really who is actually

Going to do this I mean come on just pull out something else and for God’s sake so yeah the KO Cannon a weapon which really only has one use being the Ultimate snowf flinks machine gun launcher really though other than that unless you happen to get this thing literally minutes after inching hard

Mode and you don’t get the banana rang instead you’ll be far better off using something else still though I don’t think it’s quite as tragic as the Golem’s fist which is truly saying a lot this has been Socrates and I’ll see you in the next one

It’s finally time… The KO Cannon. It was only inevitable that I’d eventually get onto this legendary Terraria weapon, the one and only KO cannon. Not too long ago, we did actually review its big brother, the Golems Fist, which I deemed to be the worst weapon in Terraria. The question is though, could this similar but earlier game variant be even less useful than its post Golem alternative? Lets find out! Enjoy!

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  1. I weirdly had the memory of it being locked as a plantera drop which already made it so much worst than it already is, still a bad weapon but less than expected.

  2. A theme I am noticing with a lot of the poorly performing melee weapons is that they came at a time where extended range melee was much more rare, than again we also got old vampire knifes back than so I guess they just drew the short stick.

  3. Once you've ranked all the weapons you want to rank, you should make a tier list with all of them (I mean you might already be planning that but still)

  4. The only thing I can think of to make it somewhat better is that it bounces you away when you hit a block. I thought of this while playing with no WASD. And maybe they cause a minor explosion when hit

  5. I remember my first playthrough of this game (probably 1.2ish?) I was struggling so badly in the early hardmode and this weapon saved me from a lot of pain during the night. The extreme knockback kept enemies at bay.

  6. I think it is worth noting that the KO Cannon is better than literally any of the Cobalt, Palladium, Mithryl, or Orichalcum melee weapons versus regular enemies (the Orichalcum Halberd is possibly better than the KO Cannon at bossing…maybe). I think that the worst weapon in the game for when you can get it is probably the Phasesaber…requiring gems, crystal shards, and a hardmode anvil to craft…and being essentially no better than a Palladium Sword, or its precursor in the Phaseblade…which requires you to defeat the Eater/Brain, then mine a bunch of meteorite…or you could just craft a Light's Bane/Blood Butcherer with the stuff the Eater/Brain dropped when you defeated them and get much better weapons.

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