We’re LOCKED in ONE BLOCK in Minecraft

Where are we we are trapped inside a one block world Milo tells me it was no space you smell like bird poop I can’t help it I get scared in small spaces ew yuck Milo get me there has to be an answer somewhere do

You see any clues no I just see a weird face do you mean my face I’m sorry chip oh my gosh let’s think smart about this what supplies do you have Milo well I have nothing apart from this Eye of Ender I’ve only got a Cookie’s a yuck you should throw it in

The Nether Portal over there Milo how long did you know that nether portal was over there Milo who is better I’m the best because I’m older no I’m the best because I can fly really fly right now then oh I’m too old to fly now Milo you’re younger than

Me I’ll only say you’re the best if you give me a million million Melody so many oh okay fine yay okay okay I know I am [Applause] it got bigger that’s amazing I figured it out chip why is it the world gets bigger ew what Milo have you been

Fighting this whole time is that why the one block is so smelly smell you later well I think I can smell you now sorry chip the real answer is beating challenges makes the world bigger maybe if we make it big enough we can go and break that ugly nether portal

No Milo we can’t break the portal we need to make the world so big that we can go through it and Escape Ah that’s a much better idea chip how did you so smart I don’t know Milo I got all the good brains well I didn’t get to go to

Real school maybe that’s why oh my gosh you only went to preschool you’re so silly yeah I know how to count to three do it then one what you forgot two that’s not counting two three you counted one three shush Milo if the world got bigger when

We did that task maybe if we do more tasks the world will get even bigger whoa oh my gosh mine a tree what they must mean this one I’m gonna mine it first it’s got my name on it holy wow where not literally Milo stop tricking

This tree is mine hey I got one of the looks that you do oh my gosh no give it back I’m getting this one I picked it up I’m gonna get the last one from the top of the tree well I’m gonna get all the leaves what the leaves aren’t important

Okay I’ll help you break them look I got some sticks oh my gosh well I gotta stick to look I want all the sticks give it to me hooray now I don’t have to smell your bird breath anymore Get away from me it smells so bad yeah well I’ve been eating lots of healthy food ew like what like bird seeds and I can see what ew that’s so healthy I’ve been eating cookies yes it is it has chocolate in it chocolate is bad for you it’s made from

Cocoa beans and that’s a vegetable really didn’t know that oh my gosh I’m teaching you so many things build a tall tower what we have to build a tower up Milo oh not sideways no Milo oh my gosh no never what are we gonna do I’m gonna use Oak

Planks but I don’t think you have many blocks at all I don’t oh I’m gonna lose this competition wait maybe you can mine the dirt and use that for your Tower are you yes I think that’s really yucky but it’ll be a good building block it is so

Yucky but that’s good because my tower is gonna look way better tip you know what dirt reminds me of what chocolate hey no I love chocolate don’t make me think of it chocolate whatever Milo I’m gonna stop building my tower before you I get a head start I’m so gonna win this

Race oh I’m gonna win your Tower is shorter because you’re so short what I’m not short yeah you are you’re the shortest Betty I’ve ever seen well you’re too tall that’s because my tower is so good oh my gosh I’m gonna build higher no way look how high

Oh my gosh I only have a few blocks left that’s not fair it is fair because I’m the better Builder whatever I don’t even care anyway yeah right I can tell you do care chip you’re so sad not yours wait a minute Milo I’m happy again the Border

It got bigger wow we did the challenge hooray okay I guess it’s fine that your towel was taller yeah I helped us out so much you’re so helpful but only sometimes all right let’s go back down yay whoa I wonder what the next challenge could be if that one was that

Crazy find a pumpkin what where on Earth could we find a pumpkin over there you’re right Milo oh my God I have a prank idea don’t tell Milo uh Milo go and get the pumpkins oh but it’s behind the wall you can totally reach it

From here Milo trust me okay let me tell you am I doing it yet no Milo you’re the silliest bed ever hey don’t hit me why not well good at math you should try and figure out the answer uh yeah I’m totally good at math so if we had the

Length of the Buddha by the angle of the pumpkin we can multiply by Milo the answer chicken Pumpkin we’re too far away you can’t run into the wall Myler this is a prank uh-oh time’s up what do you mean you mean time is up up well I don’t see it

In the sky not in the sky it’s run out I wonder what happens if we don’t beat a challenge oh that sounds pretty scary oh no what it just got smaller I didn’t know I could do that me neither I guess if we don’t beat a challenge it shrinks

A lot if we wish many challenges will be squished squish just try your best Milo okay but my best is my best not your best what not my best of course just do everything you can not to fail these next challenges or you’ll get squished

I’m not sharing my best with you chip oh well I’m not sharing my best with you yeah whatever we’ll make have more space if you didn’t have such big feet my feet are the same size as yours Liar Liar toes on fire Milo we have to work together so we don’t get squished

Milo fine we can work together soon we’ll make it to the nether portal and then you can go back to being smelly and cheeky again hey hit the lever I wanna press it wait Milo be careful we don’t know what it does it’s telling us to press the challenges can be tricks just

Like the impossible pumpkin challenge the chip what if the lever gives us infinite it might Milo but it could make us infinitely swished you’re right I will press it I probably should be really suspicious but I trust you Milo maybe there’s an answer over here uh Milo did you just click the lever

Milo where are you Milo how did you get outside the Border I should have Fallen oh my gosh no find the button there must be a hidden button somewhere maybe it can save Milo we just need to find it uh is it this lever no that’s not a button maybe it’s

In this cave no um I think it’s right here all right we’re gonna press it in three two one Milo I told you not to touch the lever I thought you said you said Milo are you lying yes I promise I’ll do what you say Milo I just don’t believe you

Hey I’m not a pooper it’s always my fault I’m just a little bird I don’t know wait Milo hey don’t you tell me to shush you no Milo I’m trying to listen listen to what chip can’t you hear that I hear a weird noise I hear right it

Sounds really creepy it’s coming from over here let’s go check it out this spooky idea Kill the Zombies I’m gonna use an iron sword to kill them silly chip I’m going to use a wooden hoe Milo I know that’s not true don’t you know they’re actually really good I’m

Gonna prove you wrong by killing more zombies than you can play Blue Jays the blue jay Milo oh yeah it’s zombie time oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no they’re getting me my heart isn’t working so good I know Milo you should have gotten a sword oh my gosh

I haven’t even killed one zombies you can do it Milo I’ll help we did it that’s amazing good job thanks chip Milo the board is not in the cave anymore I wonder if it’s big now let’s go check it’s probably gonna be so huge I wonder if it’s all the way to the

Portal it’s so close Milo this is it we’ve nearly made it Milo seeds are way better than your yucky cookies no they’re not oh no more arguing we need to see what the next challenge is because then maybe it’ll be just big enough to let us in the portal

And we can go home surely it will be oh my goodness I hope so the final challenge what that doesn’t mean anything it means this is the last challenge of the whole story what could it be you’re right Milo I wonder what it could be just beat the wizard ah this is

Gonna be awesome this is great we can totally take down a wizard yeah we’re gonna get the water wizard yeah that’s right Milo now we just need to find him what if he’s invisible that’s ridiculous Milo Wizards don’t have magical powers you’re right maybe he is invisible

Yeah look at these pumpkins oh wow we can finally get them maybe this is how we can scare the quizzes oh my gosh you’re so scary I don’t like it take it off take it off okay I can’t really see anything with it you’re so weird Milo I wonder if I can see

Anything with it uh ew it’s on my head ah I could feel the pumpkin seeds in my ears oh that’s Grover’s chip get him out of there that was so yucky what this is not looking so good Milo he must be around here somewhere it’s a mystery we

Need to act like detectives okay he’s outside the wall oh that would be terrible then we wouldn’t be able to destroy him and escape to the portal oh yes Oh my goodness Milo you found a wizard tower whoa I can’t believe you found it but we have no way of getting up there right now it was so it was something more like a red brain hey hey uh there’s no time to argue we need

To gather resources so that we can get up there okay What some seeds and a wooden hoe Milo is this all you had yeah I like to keep it light so you’re telling me you don’t even have a stack of dirt blocks oh no I hate that oh whatever luckily I think we can mine enough for both of us to Tower

Up okay let’s do it oh my gosh let’s see how fast we can mine these trees very fast because I don’t have an ax you don’t have fingers either you just have Wing hands yeah yeah it is weird how do you pick up bird seeds if you don’t have hands I just

Took my feathers ew aren’t feathers like as light as a feather yeah don’t they get bendy sometimes and some and sometimes they break that’s weird it is really weird I’m glad you don’t have feathers as well no I don’t oh my gosh maybe then I could fly well I can’t fly

Have feathers feathers haha you’re like a chicken I have a really good idea chip listen to me okay I’m scared to see how this goes but all right I’ll listen to you Milo what we’re gonna tend to meet us what that’s gonna go so bad but all right let’s do it okay let’s

Just idea yet ready yeah we whoa it’s working it’s actually how is this possible Milo I thought all your ideas were bad well this one wow I’m so proud of you are we nearly though yeah we’re so close to being at the top I’m invented now oh no that’s so weird wait

Milo we’ve made it look I can’t even have to use all of our resources well you’re amazing Milo let’s do this challenge let’s go it’s time Milo he looks really cursed I guess he must be super powerful all right I’m scared oh no oh he’s throwing potions

That must have made him really angry uh-oh how do we get him if he’s out the potions do lots of damage you’re right Milo oh no I’ll try to get close up trying to hit him whoa oh my gosh I got one hit I don’t know how much more we can get

I did it Milo hooray you are we did it this is amazing wait Milo it’s an Eye of Ender whoa you’re right a prize for me I did most of the damage so it should definitely be mine chip that’s not fair I picked it up but

I guess we can give it to you you did beat the wizard yeah yeah it’s pretty up high Milo there’s a water puddle right over there okay okay what no jumping in the water puddle would be very dangerous uh hey Milo what you should just stand on the edge of

This platform here I think it’ll be totally fun oh look at this yeah it is squishy so squishy I guess I could break it that’s me oh my gosh you’re so easy to trick Milo I’ll come down to you’re not gonna be the only one we did it we defeated the

Wizard and we landed safe and sound that’s right cheers all the safe now what I don’t know it I thought we would go in the Nether Portal but the board is still here what you’re right this is not good at all somehow it’s not enough

Day Ever we do Milo that attitude is not helpful we can still make it out of here I’m sure of it I’m gonna be trapped in here with my stupid brother forever hey you’re the dum-dum and we still might be able to get out wait a minute Milo the Eye of Ender went

Really close to our starting block s what could it mean it means that the end portal is right under the sea lantern oh my God chip it was there the whole time Milo let’s have a look okay oh my gosh I’m falling Landon water please thank you Milo whoa

That is so lucky oh my goodness what are we meant to do here I don’t know but I like my little bathtub ah you’ve got a bread bath I think we might have to put the final Eye of Ender in this portal Ah that’s right there’s one spot for it that way

We can finally Escape but not through the nether it was through the end of this whole time oh my Ghost Ship you are a genius thank you Milo I know okay okay do it do it but you what if it’s another trick I don’t think it will be Milo this has to

Be it okay count me in three two one whoa let’s jump in together Milo let’s do it do it let’s go thanks for watching make sure you like and comment what your favorite challenge was subscribe so you can join us on more silly Adventures

Milo and Chip are trapped in One Block in Minecraft! How will they escape? Or will they be trapped in the one block forever?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. I eat cookies and fruit and vegetables🍉🍉🍉🍉🍓🍓🍓🍓 🍦🍦🍦🍔🍔🍟🍟🍕🍕🍩🍩🍛🍛🍡🍡🍩🍩🍖🍖🍗🍗🍥🍥

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