I Can’t Play Minecraft Servers – Please HELP…

For the past year or so I’ve been experiencing an issue really an obscure and rare bug that only seems to impact a small selection of individuals oh my God and makes their time playing Minecraft a frustrating misery are you are you kidding an extremely strange issue that

Nobody has managed to solve yet and it’s only getting worse with every Minecraft update soon I might not be able to play Minecraft servers at all this is my last hope so what’s the issue exactly well I think it’s easier if I just show you here’s me connecting to my Minecraft

Server og- network.net new RPG Survival game mode here is also me promptly timing out from the server here is me finally after multiple attempts managing to connect to the server and now here’s me trying to fly around the world with an elytra and reaching ping values once thought to be impossible here’s me

Trying to connect to most other Minecraft servers as well by the way the same thing happens but then also here’s me on on my crappy $400 pentony processor laptop from 2018 with a cracked screen barely getting 30 FPS on Minecraft somehow having zero problems on any Minecraft server what the hell if

It wasn’t clear enough already for some bizarre reason my connection to almost all Minecraft servers including my own is so godamn abysmal that I either time out from the server entirely or can barely play properly because just moving around the world causes me to hit five figure ping digits and either time out

Or experience kinetic energy whichever happens first but also for some insanely bizarre reason as we will get into in this video while being on the exact same internet connection exact same location exact same Minecraft account and exact same Minecraft server somehow my God awful $400 half broken laptop that

Barely has 30 minutes of battery life has zero problems we will come back to that though let’s rewind to the very beginning of this problem you see I live in Australia meaning for the entire 13 years I’ve spent playing Minecraft now I’ve always dealt with terrible connection to most servers anything

Below 200 ping is considered good down here but I got used to it over time and enjoyed the many years I spent playing various Minecraft servers that being said something changed around the late 2021 and early 2022 I began noticing that on a select few specific Minecraft servers or in specific locations or

Areas in said servers my connection would become unplayable where I would either experience long and severe lag spikes when traversing around or fall through the world for minutes on end before timing out from the server entirely and while the issue seemed to only impact a handful of servers at the

Time throughout 2022 it gradually got worse and worse to the point that I’m lucky to find a server where it doesn’t happen nowadays as you can imagine when my entire Channel and livelihood depends on playing Minecraft and to an extension its various servers that small connection issue becomes a very big

Problem very quickly the first time it really caused issues was back in early 2022 when I participated in a Mr Beast gaming event this one right here now you probably didn’t realize I even participated because my connection was so shocking that I could barely do anything and died

Within 5 minutes but I was just happy I was even able to play a few days prior to the event the server opened early for beta testing and I simply could not connect every time the game would start I would completely freeze in the air before inevitably timing out no matter

What what I tried I could not participate in the event however in a stroke of Insane luck the day the event actually took place our team happened to spawn in a less built up area on the outskirts of the map and after almost 30 seconds of lag my game caught up and I

Was able to play and die within 5 minutes but this is where I knew there was a problem and that it would be something I would have to fix let’s skip ahead to today now I mentioned that the reason I was able to luckily connect to

The Mr Beast event in play was because we seemingly spawned warned in the outskirts of the map where it wasn’t as built up and while I didn’t know it at the time this would be the first major clue as to what the root of this obscure connection issue really was furthermore

Some players on my own server had reported having the same problem players from all over the world even those who get good ping to the server normally so clearly it was an issue that while somewhat widespread was still quite rare I just had to get to the bottom of this

Issue just like how I need to get to the bottom of why 70% of you guys watching this video are not subscribed don’t make me time your connection to life out no pressure of course anyways on the top of my screen here is my ping I’m currently

Out of the spawn of my server’s new RPG SMP game mode and everything is fine I normally get about 220 to 250 ping to my server all is well now I’m going to teleport out to the custom terrain in the wild of which is larger and denser

Than normal vanilla terrain it will take a second to adjust but notice how I can’t type anything in chat and there we go my ping has spiked okay now the the next thing I’m going to do my server has these four special classes with special perks and abilities that you click space

Twice to activate like so but what’s actually notable about this is that a bunch of fire particles appear above your head when you activated that ability it’s an indicator to other players when you are in PvP or the dungeon that that player has activated their ability and is going to be really

Strong for a few seconds my ping is stable but watch what happens when I activate the ability and the fire particles appear see how my ping spikes slightly and the particles lag okay now here’s the big one I’m going to throw an elytra on and just fly around the server

And load chunks and almost instantly my ping spikes over 1,000 the chunks stop loading and I effectively experience a huge 30-second delay it’s common to see my ping hit over 3,000 in under 10 seconds from launching eventually I’ll either time out get lagged back or experience kinetic energy elytras are

Utterly unusable I actually cannot fly in them here’s another instance my server has three custom dungeons where a shitload of mobs spawn Wave by wave in the mid and later waves of of the dungeon especially the hardest dungeon when a lot of mobs spawn at once and can

Move faster and do more damage my ping will Spike and I’ll will begin lagging as well this lag isn’t as bad but you can definitely see the mobs Jitter and whatnot okay one final example now this one’s a bit different the server has player warps where players can allow the

Public to warp to locations they set and normally this is where they sell items in chest shops have public XP Grinders and more I’m going to warp to one here this players public BL grinder and Shop area big lag Spike 1,000 ping takes almost 2 minutes for me to hit 8,000

Ping and then get kicked I timed out I basically cannot enter this player’s warp or surrounding chunks it is inaccessible for me let me warp to a player’s normal shop instead okay there’s a bit of lag but at least I didn’t time out and then let me warp to

A player shop in the end Dimension and hold up there wasn’t any lag at all if it’s not clear already there seems to be a huge problem with sending large or greater amounts of data which take the form of custom terrain entities mobs particles and More in in Minecraft to my

Client and for whatever reason it causes insane lag whenever I do so to the point that I genuinely cannot play the game and use certain mechanics or enter certain chunks I can’t use an elytra can’t warp to some players Farms with too many entities and just playing in

General is miserable with all the teleportation delays this isn’t just an issue because the new RPG game mode has a lot of custom features either it’s also a problem on my server’s normal s SMP the elytra lag is very noticeable and other normal vanilla Minecraft servers as well and all the examples I

Showed you above are just normal activities and behaviors you do on not only my Minecraft server but basically any survival Minecraft server you need to teleport around you need to fly you need to fight lots of mobs you have to load lots of entities and particles and

I can’t do any of this stuff as well as much more I can’t properly play Minecraft multiplayer so it became clear to me that the issue was that the packets of data being sent to my client were seemingly too big and Were Somehow causing my client to time out but how my

Internet is pretty good good my PC is very good and for years prior I never experienced any issues guys I kid you not I used to play on American servers with 300 plus ping with a 320 Koby pers second download speed and a laptop without a graphics card for years and

Never experienced anything remotely this bad something happened recently and it’s ruining the game for me ever since noticing this issue in early 2022 here’s what I’ve tried to fix it obviously I tried the basic stuff different Minecraft account different IPS to my server vanilla m modded Minecraft tried

Using a VPN tried using a phone hotspots all to no avail then I also tried getting a new ethernet cable maybe the cable was limiting the amount of data my computer could receive or something nope didn’t work then I did an internet buffer test which can demonstrate if

Your internet doesn’t perform well and has spikes in latency when underload the test gave my internet a score of C not good meaning my connections latency increased a lot underload hm maybe that’s the issue then right it does seem to make sense so I bought a new router a

High quality Asus one mind you and did another buffer test now everything was good I scored an A and the problem wasn’t fixed at all then I started doing some out of the box tests first of all remember how I said this is an issue which I only began experiencing within

The past few years maybe it had something to do with newer Minecraft versions for some reason my server lets you connect on any Minecraft version from 1.8 up so first I tried 1.6.5 after an initial lag Spike upon joining I threw on an elytra and began flying around the service custom terrain

And tell you what it actually wasn’t as bad I didn’t instantly freeze and time out but eventually as I got into the more intensive terrain my ping did in fact Spike into the low thousands and testing on my server’s other s SMP where there is large lava casts and structures

Near spawn proved unplayable still but interesting how downgrading seemed to help let’s try 1.12.2 I thought with 1.12.2 I still got the usual lag Spike upon joining but flying around seemed fine I didn’t encounter any unusually big lag spikes or freezers at all actually okay back down to 1.8.9 now and

Immediately I noticed that I got zero connection lag I joined and could play instantly now obviously I can’t use an elytra on 1.8 so I just flew around super fast in spectator mode and would you look at that absolutely Flawless performance I was flying even faster

Than with an elytra and yet I still wasn’t getting any major lag spikes or freezers but why well what I learned from this is that it’s something with the newer versions of Minecraft that causes or acts as a catalyst for severe lag as my performance ironically only

Improved the further back I went in versions one final test I did was 1.17 this is the version where the world’s height limit and depth was increased players on 1.16 and lower can’t access these extended World Dimensions by the way and guess what the lag was back this

Further provides evidence to the theory that for some reason not only is my internet unable to doal with the larger amounts of data being sent to my client but the reason this issue randomly sprung up one day seems to be in part due to the increase in World sizes in

Newer Minecraft updates well I can’t fix the Minecraft issue I guess so the only angle I can look at is on my end particularly my internet although hang on maybe something is up with my computer instead not my internet well in order to figure that out I tried playing

On some different devices in my house first I used my brother’s PC which is connected to ethernet same as mine and has the same problem I got out my old Asus laptop from 2012 using Wi-Fi and after waiting 25 minutes for it to boot same problem still then I got out my old

$400 penty processor laptop once again on Wi-Fi that can barely Run the game and huh that’s strange I have no connection issues here at all for some reason multiple computers in my house all on the same internet have this issue but the absolute worst one of them all

Is fine and runs the game flawlessly ignoring the 15 FPS fantastic and basically at that point I gave up there was just no clear pattern I could identify and nothing seemed to work but you may be wondering Mr Epic if you had so many issues how is it that you’ve

Been able to continue making videos and connecting to servers all this time well that’s because I did find a solution sort of I was browsing Reddit trying to find other people who had experienced this problem as I did which spoiler alert was not a common issue at all I

Ended up on the CSO subreddit somehow and players with bad connection recommended using this program called exit lag to help from what I gather exit lag works by changing the routing of your computer’s connection into a server so basically the connection from your computer to the Minecraft server takes a

More efficient route I guess which can help when you are connecting to servers on the other side of the world now I was pretty skeptical at first but it had a free trial so I tried it and surprisingly it worked whenever I have it enabled my connection is entirely

Fine I get no lag spikes upon teleporting flying is fine everything works as it should in fact my general ping even decreased about 20 or so as well it made Minecraft multiplayer playable for me again so why even make make this video in the first place you

May be thinking since I clearly found a solution well that’s because exit lag is only a Band-Aid fix first of all it costs money monthly to use which I’d rather not have to pay for obvious reasons but second of all and most importantly it doesn’t work on all servers many Minecraft servers have

Anti-vm plugins which are put in place to prevent players from ban evading my server has this as well exit lag is classified as a VPN by these plugins that means on these servers unless I have a bypass which they don’t give out I can’t connect when exit lag is enabled

And therefore still have connection problems to them a lot of servers have anti-v PN plugins meaning exit lag isn’t a perfect fix to the issue at all unfortunately also if for some reason exit lag ever stopped working or shut down I would be screwed so I’d really

Prefer to find the source of this issue and fix it rather than use another program as a Band-Aid over it but for over a year now I’ve had zero luck so here’s what I’m going to do last time I had an issue like this related to my

Server I offered you all a $100 bounty to to the first person who could reproduce the problem and figure out what’s causing it that worked and we got the exploit patched in a few days so I’m going to try this again but this time I’m offering $200 to the first person

Who can figure out how I can fix this issue because this exploit isn’t super common I would strongly advise you to join my server og- network.net Bedrock players can join too connect to the RPG SMP and then try to reproduce the issue there if you can do that you have a much

Better chance of solving it and also the server is in a controlled environment where I can test it myself to see if of your Solutions work if you have any information or just ideas at all on how to fix this please also join the servers Discord down below you guys are

Basically My Last Hope here anywh who I hope you enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching

For some time now, I’ve been experiencing a strange issue that is only continuing to get worse and worse. If I can’t fix it, I may never be able to play minecraft multiplayer again…

My Minecraft Server IP: og-network.net
– Website: https://og-network.net
– Discord: https://discord.gg/G7zq6NPZnM

My Patreon (exclusive censored content, worlds and plugins) – https://www.patreon.com/TheMisterEpic

ExitLag – https://exitl.ag/themisterepic

Want to run your own minecraft server with friends or a community?
Get a 25% discount on hosting with code “Epic”!

Thanks for watching! Subscribe and Join My Discord!
Discord – https://discord.gg/WGc9UNM
Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheMisterEpicYT
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/themisterepicyt

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Horizons
2. DBadge – 6ft (https://youtu.be/FNUh2GOBKDI&t=298)
3. C418 – Aria Math
4. Feels – Patrick Patrikios
5. DBadge – Anger (https://youtu.be/9YaVgfE3efY&t=525)

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver


  1. I‘ve had the exact same problem on one single server located in the USA (I live in Germany). I had a ping of over 10k most of the time, my record was 61k (before I got kicked). I still have no idea why, but using a VPN located in JAPAN fixed my problem entirely.

  2. I believe the core of the issue is the new chat report system. It requires, from what I understand, some kind of encrypted message thing. While most servers just disable this via plugins, it's still a factor. I've seen on my own servers some people having issues with lag and timing out, then I removed the anti-cheat plugin (Spartan) and they were able to play without any issues. I would suggest the following:
    -Flush your DNS via command prompt.
    -Test removing the anti-cheat plugins you use on your server.
    -Test removing the anti-chat report plugins.
    -Do a full reformat of your harddrive (or use a new one) and fresh install of windows.

    The anti-cheat plugins were the most consistent cause of the lag and timeouts. If this works, keep the $200. I just want to see a solution found.

  3. try reinstalling windows and when it is freshly installed install only minecrat on it and if it workes without a problem then maybe some other programs that you had installed previously caused this problems. that is maybe why it only worked on crappy laptop because it doesn't have something installed on it. I hope it helps❤

  4. Your java installation might simply be busted, as mine was. I fixed this issue by changing my java installation to be Eclipse Adoption temurin instead of the one provided by Oracle. A reason why older versions might work better is because they use older versions of java, 1.17 uses java 17 while versions like 1.8.9 use java 8. Of course, this doesn't explain 1.16.5 lagging more than 1.8.9 as both run java 8 but I'd give it a try. For ease of installation and switching, I'd recommend using a custom Minecraft launcher such as Prism.

    If you read this, try it and let me know if it works out.

  5. have u tried using 4-g network instead of 5-g since ur old laptop was working fine (the 400$ one) and i dont think it can do 5-g networking
    u wil loose a bit of speed but it could be the 5-g server ur internet is connected to by ur isp

  6. Since your older laptop functions normally. I believe it is either your hardware or software.

    Try a virtual machine first and play Minecraft on there. If that's playing fine, it could very we'll be software related.

    If it's hardware related, it could be harder to pinpoint the problem.

  7. download network drivers for your motherboard old laptops come with them pre-installed it may be why you don't have the problem on your old laptop

  8. your interent connection is 10 times faster than my internet connection.
    What u feel is how i felt since i was young so i didn't even know that other people had this problem…

  9. I had a similar problem but a little better than your situation I had to switch to another client and internet and give Minecraft more resources idk if it would help you but it’s work for me I live in Europe

  10. I have the same issues, I run an aternos server for some friends of mine and it will give the same error code when I'm logging in, it always works only after a few tries. Really hope someone finds a solution.

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