I Built An UNDERGROUND BASE in Minecraft Hardcore (#77)

I’ve really survived for 4 000 days in this world I’m a loser Yes you heard me correctly I officially have passed 4 000 days in my hardcore world and I’ve built some absolutely amazing things but I’ve noticed a very interesting Trend everything I’ve ever built in this world

Is above ground but that simply will not do I’m the hardcore King I Have to master all the elements So today we’re gonna conquer the underground we’re gonna dig down and build an absolutely epic underground base all in Minecraft hardcore okay so our first step is to go

Find an amazing location I kind of want this underground base to be like a vacation home for us so I want to build it kind of far away thank you Mr Chicken so let’s get geared up and head out now if I were a cave house I would be

Maybe right over here on this cool mountain or maybe not I guess somebody already built the cave house here hello zombie family hello sorry to disturb you okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving bite so I spent quite a bit of time searching for the perfect location which

In hindsight makes zero sense because we’re building underground but regardless I finally found it this area is sweet it’s a nice giant field tons of animals hey would you look at that our zoo is right over there too this is the perfect location I don’t know why I just

Did that that was so mean so how this base is gonna work is we’re gonna dig out a series of rooms underneath the surface and each room will have its own unique purpose when it’s all said and done we’ll have the ultimate Minecraft Survival base now if you ask me there’s

Only one way to make a proper entrance for an underground base and the answer is a super sick Redstone door it’s time to activate my big brain so let’s take a picture stop back home and let’s go grab us some Redstone stuff which I do have

Perfect I’m not sure how to make a redstone door so I’m just gonna grab everything I possibly might need and just to be safe why don’t we bring along Broderick he’s the smartest guy I know okay Broderick you stay put don’t get in any trouble it’s officially big brain time foreign

I don’t really know what I’m doing how about you well so I did the only thing I knew how look up YouTube tutorials and pray I can follow instructions apparently I need honey blocks for this build I would have never known that 2 000 years later wait for it spider

You’re ruining the big reveal stop and now if I did everything correctly this lever should well something’s not working because it was supposed to open up a giant hole on the floor but it’s not doing that hold on one second and take two there we go

Look at that it’s perfect I flicked a lever there’s no base I flicked the lever again there is a base absolutely perfect how about that Mr scientist I’m smarter than you get wrecked now it’s time to start the real party we’re gonna need a beacon

It’s about to get real that’s not what I meant losers now as I prepared to start digging out this base I was actually kind of nervous you see when you make a normal building it’s pretty easy to practice and prepare for it but for an underground base it is very different

I’m the hardcore King I’m the hardcore King okay so let’s start off with our first level now I feel like I need to make some kind of big drop because I can’t build around these Redstone components so why don’t we bring this thing down a whole bunch and I’m kind of

Imagining we fall down into like some underground water source us to break our fall so something kind of like this but imagine there being like water down here I like it Broderick stay on guard I’ll be right back okay okay not bad but it could be a

Little prettier and for that we’re gonna need some Moss not only do I want this base to be practical I also want to incorporate real Minecraft structures into it and this little Pond down here would make a perfect Lush cave Oh and there we go we officially have our first room so with our main entry point out of the way it was time for us to expand level one of the cave house so I’m thinking on each side of the pond we’re gonna put in some big rooms that

Will kind of serve the basic functions of Minecraft so this can be the bedroom slash crafting room and over here can be like the smeltery I probably should invest in some light shouldn’t I it’s hardcore please stop the nerve of some people and as I decorate our first two

Rooms please subscribe and hit the Bell alright alright we got a nice bedroom here which looks very cozy and homey and we got the smelting room which is a little bit more gray and boring but it does fit the vibe it is just you know a

Smelting room so I like it oh and we brought down Broderick who is stuck in a Vine are you okay dude why don’t we help you out there but you know what these hallways look a little bit weird I should like put something in here as a

Matter of fact I think it’d be pretty sick if we decorated the entire place in like ore so do I have I got a few ores I can probably make this work and and that is significantly cooler oh yeah ah Broderick stop laying your eggs everywhere stupid chicken Broderick JR

Hello welcome to the world oh you’re adorable Broderick you’re a dad oh my gosh we gotta celebrate let’s have a toast my boy Broderick Jr has entered the world I get to be an uncle I’m so happy well don’t mind if I do I probably also need to Baby proof this door so

Mobs can’t just walk in Uninvited and baby proof now you’ll be safe forever Broderick Jr so level one was all about the basic day one stuff in Minecraft but with all that out of the way it’s time for us to quite literally dig deeper into the depths of Minecraft and this

Whole underground base is kind of in like chronological order so the rooms in level one are for the really basic stuff and down here it’ll be slightly more advanced stuff is this stupid having a ladder system to get back up to each level yeah who cares

Where did you guys come from oh copper don’t mind if I do but all right level two is looking spacious we got a bat problem hello there exterminator it’s me I’m the Exterminator but staying on track the first room we’re gonna make is a gigantic chest room because every

Every Minecrafter needs one of those what did I just hear hello buddy where are you hold on one second I’m for me not really oh no he he did so tragic that’s about everything we got our tools we got our gems we got all our building blocks and most importantly we got the

Tunes and I know what you guys are thinking this place looks very boring and Bland it’s not really decorated at all but I quite literally have the perfect plan for this we’re gonna decorate our chest room like a mob spawner and it makes perfect sense because mob spawners have chests in them

I’m literally a genius but to do that I am gonna need some of these Vines gentle we are not to harm the trees we like the environment I forget the environment hashtag team no trees this place looks so sick now one thousand percent worth it sorry to all

The trees that had to die for this but so worth it I also managed to find a nearby drip Stone cave which as you can see came in super handy they fit in so perfectly and they’re super easy to get so we can put them like all around the

Cave base it’s gonna be sick but carrying on next up on the agenda was a giant farming room so we’re gonna need a whole bunch of grass some crops which I can borrow from a nearby Village thank you very much I promise I’m only borrowing these and most importantly

Some farm animals okay sheeps land in the water okay go go you got it you got it he did it yeah you next oh and then there was one dude this might take a few more attempts Animals of all kind welcome to farzi’s cave house if you all would be so kind to chill here and not make a mess I’ll have your home done in no time okay so grassy floors a beautiful little field for our crops and of course a place for

All the animals to hang out now if I can just fit these guys in the hold somehow come on oh you’re so annoying and behold the beautiful farming room there’s no way these things would like fall down and like kill one of my animals right I really hope not now

Let’s be honest up to this point I was absolutely crushing it all those fears I had earlier about building underground completely disappeared I even started flexing a little bit oh yeah but soon after that I came face to face with probably the worst case scenario uh-oh I

Was out of ideas I guess I’ve been playing in this world so long that I kind of don’t think about the Minecraft Essentials very often and not to flex but I’m just so rich so there was only one way to solve this issue I had to experience being poor so very simply I

Went back to the main menu and created a new Minecraft world and my only goal was to figure out what Minecraft essential I was missing I found diamonds already oh this game is so easy but after hours of hard work and dedication I finally figured it out wait a second I gotta enchant my diamond tools and boom there we go oh I didn’t make an enchanting room in my hardcore World ah silly and me I’m always so

Forgetful about that stuff oh well that was a fun experiment back to hardcore so we’re gonna need an enchanting table which I can create right here boom and we’re gonna need a whole bunch of bookshelves and I know the perfect place we should almost be there any second now

Aha there we are whoa what’s going on with this place why is the whole mansion burnt down uh well that’ll do it spider yeah well I came here for the library section of these Mansions which is very Bountiful but uh it seems like I may be

A little bit too late haha JK there’s one left for me thank you looks like I gotta do this old-fashioned way I think that should be enough but you can never be too sure sorry my apologies very nice very nice this build is actually like a two for one because we

Made the enchanting room over here but it also kind of looks like a stronghold library shout out stone bricks you’re the best but before we move on to level three I think we could fit a couple more structures in here perhaps an amethyst geode which just so happens to be right

Next to my base this kind of feels like a sign bro what it’s a double amethyst geode I have never seen this before that’s sick oh wow nah this really is a sign come on and I think we can put this geode right back here in this back wall

Of the chest room as you can see I already kind of planned this out I may never be prepared but I am not stupid bro what are you talking about man so we’ll do some of this some of this and of course a whole lot of this and I

Would say that looks pretty good and for this side I’m thinking we do like a mine shaft yeah and as a finish up making these structures I actually wanted to tell you guys I started a new Minecraft series on my second Channel extra Farsi and this new series Chronicles my

Adventures on my new public Minecraft server the farzi SMP so yeah if you guys want to see some more Farsi content make sure you go check out that new series and just like that we can officially say level two is completely finished which means we can officially move on to level

Three well after I heal up my tools those aren’t looking too good right now because as we’ve learned making a cave house requires a lot of digging [Laughter] perfect okay so let’s recap level one was for the basics and level II was for the advanced stuff so that could only

Mean one thing level three is going to be the overpowered level I’m thinking nether portals to get abs and maybe even a giant redstone Vault to hide all are valuables I am excited for this one whoa Broderick Jr you got so big bro oh they grow up so

Fast okay so how should I make the third level maybe we go behind the ladder and make like a new ladder over here I kind of want the rooms down here to be like a lot bigger so I think this will work out pretty good I have mined so many blocks

Today also why is there so much copper here the underground is a weird place at some point in human history someone really had to do this they had to mine tunnels by hand that’s really weird to think about I don’t think they had skeletons shooting them though I’m not

Sure though I was not there all right level three is looking good and I say we start this bad boy off with the nether portal room right in here so we’re gonna need some obsidian which I have quite a lot of um nether blocks like Netherrack I don’t

Want to sound stupid but I feel like that’s all I need right my brain’s having a hard time grasping the concept of a nether portal room so we’re just gonna wing it I feel like that’s all I ever do um is this any good play the Simon Cowell meme

No I just don’t know what else to put in another portal room but then it hit separately but considering they’re both things that come from the nether I could combine them and make a really cool nether slash potion lab I like that idea okay the plan is very simple I gotta go

Fight some blazes get some blaze rods and make a whole bunch of potion brewing thingies here we are ow now where are the blazes it’s time for you guys to meet the hardcore King and this is not a meet and greet I’m here to kill you aha

Hello there Blaze spawner spawn me some friends hello thank you for your rods and maybe I’ll take some of this stuff too you can never have too many decorations well I guess you could but this is Minecraft I do what I want wrecked so I spent the rest of my night

Perfecting this nether potion lab and working on our next room which was the Redstone Vault for all our valuables but quite ironically the nether room took me like one hour I spent like four hours working on that stupid Redstone Vault but it was worth it it was not not worth

It and behold the or vault and this guy right here is our security guard you’re doing a fine job Franklin so basically how it works is we have an item frame here and if we smack this thing the door opens up and Franklin can leave oh no he

Got fired yeah that wasn’t original and of course on the other side here we have the nether potion lab which by the way looks very cool it’s like a little diorama of the nether I was gonna include lava too but I can’t really do that because you know fire kids fire is

Not good but now we’re left with one more big room and I kind of want to make this a structure and I think I have just the right idea for this it’s time to get scary I think we’re going the right direction I haven’t really been here in

A while aha there we are because what is a more iconic underground structure than the new ancient it is we’re just gonna gently grab some of this skulk stuff and get out of here gentle stop it stop stop stop stop stop just break and break them all this is probably stupid but free

Loot can’t resist I think we’re in the clear I may have just jinxed myself yes gonna keep walking away I hear his footsteps I don’t like this as far as he don’t but I must see what’s inside oh it’s not even good stuff okay gotta go hopefully I have enough skulk because

I’m not going back there that place creeps me out oh I also have enough disc fragments to craft a music disc I’ve actually never done that Samuel eberg all right Sam what do you got for me yeah I’m good you can keep that one Sammy not my kind of music Bro if this guy does not stop walking around and setting off these things I’m gonna lose my mind it’s so loud in here all right that’s it you’re dead I’m sorry but on the bright side take a look at this place I think it looks very creepy it’s a very scary creepy Vibe

Down here but I like it wait I think we’re missing one really important element introducing the warden yeah oh my gosh it’s so bad I thought it’d be fun to make a little Warden replica but I immediately regret my decision who cares I’ll keep them it’s so bad so this

Underground base was pretty much all done it looked absolutely amazing and pretty much had all the survival Essentials but then I had one final thought as fun as this whole project has been I really don’t want to live underground I miss seeing the blue skies

And the Sun and the nature I don’t know I just don’t think underground is really for me so that being said I am officially passing ownership oh bro [Applause] all yours so Papa Broderick is that okay oh look at him he’s jumping around he’s so excited yeah deal it’s official but

That also means we need to make one final room Broderick Jr’s science lab like father like son Come on Broderick Jr right this way and what do you think Broderick Jr like your old man’s lab you got your books you got your sciency stuff you got your Redstone and most importantly you have your own journal Broderick Jr’s thesis oh he’s gonna love it like father

Like son come on Broderick we’re going home and that’s a wrap no cheats no hacks no respawning not again no no no no no no okay thank goodness no more kids in my life I can’t handle any more children but that’s gonna be it from me so make sure to like

Subscribe do all the good stuff and I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

Today I built a giant underground cave house in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore. This was my first underground build in my world, and it was a ton of fun to build! There’s redstone doors, many different rooms, and multiple levels of Minecraft awesomeness! Enjoy!

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

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Bedrock IP: bedrock.farzysmp.com (port: 19132)
How To Play Tutorial: https://youtu.be/F3tpd3m9Gh8

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay


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