I Built A Working Vending Machine In Minecraft

After spending hundreds of hours in my Minecraft world I’m constantly running out of food oh my gosh which is super tedious always needed to get more so I’m going to do the only thing that will fix this problem build Minecraft’s first fully working food vending machine oh my so with one click

Of a button I can dispense unlimited amounts of food never farming ever again so let’s grab some blocks and build it in this area over here cuz to make the vending machine fully automatic it’s going to need to be massive and I wasn’t kidding about that um you can literally

See it from a mile away but here’s what we’re going to do first we’ll build the whole exterior of the vending machine having a window for all the food options a button key pad on the side to select what you want and where all of it will

Be dispensed then the fun part comes adding all the food to it building tons of Automatic Farms inside of it so actually like literally never ever run out of stock so now let’s just fill in the whole vending machine bows with concrete so it’s not just a frame you

Have no idea how long that took me to do my fingers kind of kind of hurt now and let’s add the three things for the exterior starting off with the Giant food options window I decided to make the background of it iron blocks since it sort of looks metally and vending machines are

Metally okay I I I don’t build some shelves in it for the food to sort of sit on making them simple but not too simple and lastly some giant empty frame like this cuz when we start adding the food items inside the vending machine I’m going to build giant pixel arts over

Them inside of here so you can easily see what it has I want this vending machine to have seven different choices to choose from oh yeah I love how this looks and to finish off the exterior we’re just need to build the keypad and food dispenser which will be on this wo

Right here well there isn’t any wool yet so uh let’s build one I use gray concrete so the vending machine isn’t just all blue that’ll probably look bad let’s go to the center of the wall I think this is a center and build the button key pad first and I just built

The board thingy and there is six options so 1 2 3 4 5 6 wait no no there’s seven oh my God I don’t know why I thought there was only six but but now let’s just build a small little platform where you can fly onto and stand on some

Other small details and there we go the selection keypad right now the buttons aren’t connected to anything but when we start filling up the vending machine with all the food item we’ll connect them up one by one so uh don’t worry lastly the food collection area which is

Right under the key pad and I want to make like a little room for it so let’s Place black concrete for the walls a glass wall like this so when your food is dispensing it doesn’t just like spit out everywhere if you get what I mean add some end rods so there’s light

Inside and right on the center of the ceiling I’ll smack down the dispenser which will dispense all the food and there we go the exterior the vending machine is already complete it’s very simple but at the same time good for some reason and and soon when all this

Is finished all I have to do is press a button come down here and have unlimited food this is going to make the world so much better oh I can’t wait I actually can’t wait so let’s start finally now adding all the food items and since I

Want this vending machine to actually be useful in my hardcore world I don’t want it to just have horrible food inside of it and we’ll start off with simple foods like chicken working our way up to medium and hard foods like cakes and golden carrots and lastly adding the

Most open food item in Minecraft so yeah this vending machine is going to be pretty useful and the first food we’re going to add is sweet berries so let’s collect all the materials we’re going to need first build the automatic farm inside of the vending machine oh my this place is

Empty and let’s build the automatic Sweet Berry Farm in this corner cuz it’s actually uh super simple to build first you just need to build a glass platform like this plant sweet berries on top glass all around it and then right below the farm is is where the collection

System will be which is pretty simple just a hopper mine cart picking up all the sweet berries and we just need to add one more thing to make this all work and you’re probably not going to expect this and that is a fox yep we need to

Add a fox in the farm to make it work cuz foxes harvest sweet berries for some reason I don’t know why oh I just dragged them in there how this Farm should work is right when the sweet berries grow the fox will harvest them then the hopper mine cart below will

Pick them up bring them to the storage but I don’t think having one Sweet Berry Farm is going to be enough so I’m just going to add some more it took me like 2 hours but we now have six which will produce a lot more sweet berries a lot

More faster but now let’s connect the Sweet Berry Farms to the button keypad and food dispenser okay it took longer than it should have but I got it to work which might look complicated but I promise it’s not and now this works is basically all the sweet berries get

Transferred through these Hoppers all the the way over to this dispenser stacking up as you can tell which is connected to this item water elevator going all the way up into this tunnel and then finally going into the dispenser and all this Redstone stuff right here just makes the dispenser

Automatically shoot when something goes in it and to activate it all I have to do is press this button and there we go here comes the sweet berries I can just sit in this food dispenser area and just get unlimited sweet berries okay okay okay stop you’re just got to remember to

Click the button again or else it’s just going to keep on dispensing but now with the sweet berries food working let’s build the giant pixel art of it in the frame all right I think that looks pretty good it took me a while but it looks identical and the first easy food

Item is complete sweet berries isn’t the best but now we got unlimited but for the last easy food item I want to add something that actually fills you up cuz sweet Bears does not and I think think the best thing to add would be cooked chicken because one piece does three

Hunger bars which is a lot better and also they are tiny and very easy to farm and to build an automatic chicken farm is actually very very simple I got all the items we’re going to need and let’s build it in this corner over here cuz we

Got to save room for all the other Farms we’re going to build that would be bad if you run out of space and how a automatic chicken farm works is basically first you have a chicken leg it egg then shoot that egg out of a dispenser which spawns the baby chicken

Then you end its life and get the chicken which is a infinite cycle of chicken yeah I know it’s pretty sad but uh you got to do uh you got to do what you got to so first I’ll build the area where the chickens will lay the eggs

Build a glass wall so they can’t escape and to collect the eggs that they lay I’ll place down some hoppers on the floors and then these Hoppers will be connected up to a dispenser which will shoot the eggs but before we build the killing chamber let’s first fill up the

Cage with the chickens then make them lay a ton of eggs fast I’ll breed them up so there’s a lot of chickens inside now let’s build the killing chamber just like that the chicken farm is completed as you can tell there’s already one in there and then once this baby chicken

Grows up you will be tall enough to die to this lava cooking him and giving me cooked chicken oh yes and this Farm is already pretty efficient being this size but it is way too slow for it to work on the vending machine it needs to produce

Chicken a lot more faster so to fix that I’m just going to add an insane amount of chickens inside this box to produce eggs the farm is a lot more efficient actually let me first make their box a lot bigger so they don’t die from entity

Cramming all right there we go I think that’s a good size of a box and now let’s fill it up to the brim with chickens which is probably going to take me a while to do all right I think this uh should be enough it took 2 hours but

With all these laying eggs um pretty it’s pretty efficient look how many baby chickens there are bro they’re like stacking up on each other but now that the chicken farm produces a lot faster let’s connect it up to the keypad and food dispenser and there we go we now have

Some wait for it just uh we just got to wait a little bit froze it is it going to work oh there yeah okay there we go unlimited chicken oh yeah and um you might get some uh feathers with your chicken but that’s fine you know just imagine McDonald’s gave you like

Feathers in your McNuggets it’s kind of like that yeah let’s just uh not think about that and I just realized this Farm sometimes doesn’t cook the chicken like there’s just like raw chicken in there and I have no idea how to fix it so I

Guess we got to deal with it I don’t know how the heck I’m going to build a giant cooked chicken pixel art so um let me just collect some materials that might look good and okay you can’t lie that looks good it’s a little bit overcooked but we don’t talk about that

Okay but now that the easy foods are added having unlimited sweet berries and cooked chicken it’s time to step up our game and start adding the better difficult foods like pumpkin pie cuz who doesn’t like pumpkin pie well unlike the chicken and sweet berries sad and make

Pumpkin pie work in the vending machine it needs three ingredients pumpkin sugar and eggs I’ll first build the Egg Farm which is going to be similar to the chicken farm but without the killing chamber because we just want the eggs all right the Egg Farm is basically done

Let me just fill it up with more and there we go the eggs are checked off and now let’s build the automatic sugar farm which is made from sugar cane so let’s grab some of this and we’re also going to need some glass Pistons observers Redstone let’s build the sugar

Farm right above the Egg farm so it stays in like one area to start let’s place a strip of grass where the sugar can will be placed on top of and I want this Farm to be like multi layered so let’s build a second strip of grass

Right above it a third one and fourth and on the side we’ll build a box that will hold the water so we can plant the sugar canane now Place pistons on the side just like this observers on top of them and then red stone connecting to

All of them so now when the sugar canes grow tall enough all the way to the top The Observer will detect it and the Pistons will break it and now let’s build on each layer there we go and let’s build a glass ring around this whole thing so when the sugar cane gets

Harvested it doesn’t fling everywhere and at the very bottom I’ll Place Hoppers that will catch a sugar canane and there we we go the sugar farm is completed it’s super simple but it works and just like that all we need now to make pumpkin pie in this vending machine

Is pumpkins cuz we can’t make pumpkin pie without pumpkins that’s just brain dead and most of you probably didn’t even know it’s possible to build an automatic pumpkin farm but it is and very simple first build a 3X3 dirt platform and plant a pumpkin on it and

Right above it on these four blocks right here place on upside down Pistons which will break the pumpkins when they grow break this block and place down Observer with redstone on top place down water next to it so the pumpkin can actually grow and now when the crop

Grows a pumpkin The Observer above it will detect it and then activate these four Pistons breaking the pumpkin aha now you just got to build a mine cart collection system below and some walls there you go you got yourself an automatic pumpkin farm you see it’s

Very very simple but just like the other Farms we built this little dinky thing is not going to cut it and probably won’t work in the vending machine at all so let’s destroy and build a way bigger one right Here and there we go all right this should produce a lot faster and we now have the three ingredients to craft the pumpkin pie and now the only thing left to do is to connect them up to the button keypad and food dispenser which uh was a little bit harder to do

Compared to the berries and chicken food but I think I got it to work I connected up the three Farms into these three dispensers right here this one shooting the eggs this one shooting the pumpkins and this one shooting the sugar cane so now if I just go and click this button

It triggers this Redstone Source going all the way down over here oh my God to this redstone repeater device making the three dispensers shoot a bunch oh shoot oh my god oh no oh I just realized oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I

Forgot when you shoot eggs out of a dispenser it cracks the eggs well now there’s a ton of baby chickens wondering everywhere let me just kill them all and replace this stupid dispenser with the dropper so the eggs don’t crack okay anyways like I was saying the three dispensers shoot all the materials

Transferring them all to the food dispenser down there and we now have all the materials to craft pumpkin pie and I’m just going to slap the crafting table right in the floor while you’re getting the materials you can just craft the pumpkin pies okay bro I already have

Two stacks from that little time of dispensing I got over four stacks of P pumpkin pie you guys can’t lie this vending machine is actually op let’s build the giant pumpkin pie pixor at the front the coloring was kind of hard to do but if you look at it from pretty far

Distance it looks pretty good but the next medium food we’re going to add pixel art is going to be way better and be super useful in the long run and that is honey because not only will honey be like a cool drink SL food for the vending machine but could be used to

Craft honey blocks to build redstone machines in the future if needed bro why the heck does honey make a weird sound what the heck is that that does not sound like honey but anyways let’s just collect a bunch of materials to build a honey farm and the last thing I

Need is beehives for some reason they’re like rare for me like I do not see any beehives oh yes there’s one and to make sure the bees don’t attack me when I break it I’ll place down a campfire under it and I probably shouldn’t break it uh without the bees inside so all

Right it’s night time now and the bees should be in their beehive so let me just just take it and we’re going to need a bunch of beehives and I mean a lot now we should have everything we should need so let’s head it inside and

Build the Honey Farm over here bro I went to get torches and four inmen just spawned on the platform nobody wants you here bro the very first thing we got to do is build a giant glass cage because uh we do not want bees just flying all

Over the place so let’s add a door right here so I can go in and out let’s place down all the beehives I probably should have done this at night these bees are just wanting me to punch them pleas no no no okay I placed on the rest of the

Beehives and most of the bees are not dead so we’re good so now let’s add old the Redstone that will make this automatic first step is to place dispensers above all the beehives facing upside down which will collect the honey bottles then we’ll place down a bunch of

Redstone that will synchronize this all up and Bam now we just got to fill up each one of these dispensers with glass bottles so let’s head to the desert find a ton of sand melt it all turn it into bottles and just like that all the

Dispensers are full oh my God I totally forgot to add the flowers so the bees can actually create the honey bro I am literally so stupid and lastly let’s breed them so there’s more bees but anyways the giant Honey Farm is completed and it does work there’s

Already 11 honey bottles and you already know deal but let’s connect it up to the keypad and food dispenser and when we click this button we now have unlimited honey oh my God you guys don’t understand how useful this is going to be going to build the big honey bottle

Pixel art it should be pretty simple just need to build a glass bottle just like that and filled up with honey blocks actually before we place down the honey blocks let’s put some yellow wool behind it so it like sticks out more I don’t know if that helps what if we try

Some glow stone oh does glow stone work better oh yeah oh that makes it look like a liquid it’s like lava honey so let’s head in the nether grab a bunch of glow stone fill it in and there we go the medium food items are in this vending machine is

Actually like looking a lot better than I thought it would but we are just getting started and it’s time to add the hard food difficult items these are going to be good and the first hard item I think would be good is cak yep I want this vending machine

To be able to make unlimited amounts of cakes with a press of a button and to do that just like how we did the pumpkin pies we need to make four ingredient Farms well perfectly we already have a sugar and egg Farm build so we can just

Divide these up to make cakes and pumpkin pies because as you can tell they are already stocked up on items and we just built them so I think we’ll be fine all right I divided up the sugar cane farm and the Egg Farm which was a

Little bit harder but I somehow was able to do it but now we got the eggs and sugar cane checked off we need to build a wheat and milk farm let’s first build the automatic wheat farm and if you’re like me you’re probably thinking it’s not even possible to make automatic

Wheat farm but apparently there is a way using villagers you see when a villager has the farmer job it will Farm crops for you yep good good job so let’s build a wheat farm right here add Glass Walls all around it so you can’t escape head

Over to my villager breeder grab one of them transfer him all the way to the vending machine using a railroad Minecart system place down a cauldron right in the middle so he turns into a farmer aha now you’re probably thinking how the heck are we going to get the

Wheat from the Villager well I don’t know specifically why but for some reason farmer villagers just throw their food at other villagers so if I just go grab another villager bring him all the way over as well if we just put him in this corner right here barricade him up

Break this glass and place laabs on top so the farmer villager can see him and now he’ll throw his wheat to this villager whenever he wants I don’t know why maybe he’s trying to like feed him or something but it works I don’t know and on the floor we’ll place down some

Hoppers and Hopper mine carts just like this which will pick up the wheat before the Villager can so yeah we’re just basically stealing the wheat and to make the wheat farm more efficient I’m going to build three more of them so instead of just having one farmer Farm all the

Week we have four which should be fast enough let’s connect up The Hoppers and now we have the wheat sugar cane and eggs and the last ingredient we need to make this vending machine be able to craft unlimited amounts of cakes is milk and I don’t know if there’s an automatic

Farm for milk let’s just bring a cow inside of here if we just place a dispenser with empty buckets inside does this work no it doesn’t work is automatic milk farm possible what the heck is this bro this is modded yeah automatic milk farms are not not possible well there’s only one solution

For this and that is crafting up a buttload of chest and I mean a lot of chest because a automatic milk farm isn’t possible I’m just going to stock up on as much milk we are ever going to need and I think this should be enough

To last us a while let’s go to my iron farm to get enough iron to craft all the buckets I’m very sorry cow but this is the only option and after 30 minutes all the chests are full of just straight milk imagine if food expired in Minecraft that would not

Be good it would smell so bad and just because I did that I’m going to let it live a peaceful life now so it doesn’t have to go through that ever again but now that we got all the ingredients to make the cakes it is time to see how

Well it works all right I just connected it up to the food dispenser and button keypad which is a lot easier said then done it took me 2 hours but I had to Time Each dispenser up perfectly so one material wouldn’t shoot more than the other and yeah I don’t know how to

Explain it that well but let’s see let’s click the button and hope all the ingredients start coming through we just got to wait for a little bit and it should be coming yeah oh my gosh it dispenses sugar eggs milk and wheat and also seeds

For some reason I don’t know why let me just throw those out but everything you need to craft cakes and I should probably turn this off oh my gosh I don’t know why I’m just letting it run oh this is not good look how much milk

There is okay there’s so many items on the floor but I don’t care because we can craft cakes and also when you’re finished crafting up the cakes you can just throw away the old buckets bro this is so unnecessary but so good but with that the vending machine has unlimited

Case and you can’t lie just having to click one button to have unlimited cakes it’s just a flex the vending machine has one more slot before finally adding the most overpowered food item and because of that I want to try to add the food that gives the most saturation in the

Game and that is golden carrots these are literally four times better than any other normal basic food out there with only one stack will literally last you hours and hours on end I’m not even kidding and adding them to the vending machine will actually be very very good

But the problem is to make them you need a carrot and gold yep gold well the carrots are the easy part and I’ll just build the same exact automatic farm as the wheat farm but instead of planting normal seeds I’ll plant carrots all right there we go that that’s checked

Off the list but how the heck are we going to build an automatic gold Farm inside the vending machine cuz we all know gold Farms are only possible to be built in the nether since it uses zombified piglins to work so it’s not possible Right nope it is and it’s

Pretty simple all we have to do is build a simple nether portal inside of the vending machine just like like that and now if we go through and just get a random zombie fied piglin to go through it it should be teleported inside the vending machine yep aha okay okay okay

Chill out and you probably know where I’m going with this to make this work all we got to do is build a gold Farm inside the nether make all the zombify piglins get transferred to the Overworld going inside the vending machine and getting their gold so the gold Farm is

Basically still in the vending machine but in the nether if that makes sense but let’s just uh hope this works because if it doesn’t the machine is not possible get magma blocks obsidian trap doors and the last crucial thing we need is turtle eggs so let’s get some seagrass so we can breed

Turtles plant your eggs bro bro you only give me one egg I’ll take it but holy moly you could do better all right I got a few more eggs now so let’s head in the nether start building this thing the gold Farm is built on the nether roof so

Let’s just break this portal and right on the same spot let’s just tower all the way up to the nether roof all right let’s Place some ladders down and use the inter Pearl to get up I’m stuck I’m stuck okay we’re good and right here should be the same spot

Which is where the gold Farm will be and to build the gold Farm will first build the nether portals where the zombie piglins will go through so let’s light them up next on the outside of the nether portals we’ll build a big magma block platform where all the zombified

Piglins will spawn on top of as you can see if we fly super far away and come back oh yeah okay they spawned what to make the zombie five piglins actually run into The Nether Portals is where the ptle egg comes in if I just place this

Turtle egg right at the center of the portals the piglins will see it and run into the portal because they want to like eat it or something and let’s cover it up with trap doors so just in case anything goes wrong it will be protected and the farm is now finished what the

Heck how am I like running and sneaking at the same time but let’s build all the way up for AFK platform all right and and now the piglin should spawn see the turtle egg and then run into the portals oh yes this is working so well and if we

Just go into the portal there should be zombified piglins inside the vending machine oh oh my god oh okay this is way too many how is there already this many piglins well I think it works all right but before we build the killing chamber in here so the zombie piglins will drop

Their gold and not just wander around I want to make this gold Farm a lot faster and to do that I’m going to build the same exact thing but layers and layers and layers and all the way up hopefully this doesn’t go badly and destroy the

Vending machine what we got to do what we got to do so let’s find tons and tons of magma blocks and I mean tons of magma blocks all the other stuff we’ll need and start extending the gold farm so I’ll start with the portals building as many as we

Can with all the obsidian I got all right and I think that should be tall enough and before we light them all with a flint and steel let’s build all the platforms just leave a two block Gap but let the pain begin this is probably

Going to take me a while but it’s going to be worth it and hopefully it’s not too fast all right I’m more than halfway done but I have completely ran out of magmo blocks I didn’t realize how much this is going to take what the heck and

I just realized how much of a flex this is going to be building this giant gold Farm just for food most people don’t even have a gold Farm but it’s worth it because food is probably one of the most important things in Minecraft you don’t have food you’re dead so and finally all

The magma blocks are placed my fingers hurt now but let’s grab the flint and steel and light all the portals up baby bang bang bang bang oh this is so satisfying and lastly add the turtle eggs so the zombified piglins will actually run into The Nether Portals oh

Yeah and I almost forgot add glass on top but no gas can spawn and the gold Farm is a lot bigger and should produce a ton of gold let’s just quickly see how well it works I only afked it for like 10 seconds let’s see how many there are oh oh oh my

God okay they just um I think it’s pretty efficient all right I put my ALT account to AFK the farm oh my God what the heck okay okay turn it off remove this dirt platform right below the portal let’s place down a bunch of Hoppers which will

Collect the gold and let’s grab a bunch of glass and build glass walls around it going all the way up to contain the zombie pii piglins so they don’t just fall all over the place and build a roof all right and this should make it a lot

More organized so let’s see okay it works yes oh my gosh they just come through the portal so fast Perfect all right and let’s just quickly fix up these villagers crops I’m very sorry I did not mean to do that I did not know it was going to destroy but there’s

Still one thing we got to do with this gold Farm because not only does it produce gold nuggets but it also produces a ton of rotten flesh and I mean a ton of it I don’t want the food dispenser to dispense rotten flesh as well so to quickly fix that problem I’m

Just going to build a item sorder filter thingy so basically all the items over here will get transfer through these Hoppers into this system so let’s say I put golden nuggets in there and some glass when they get transferred through the system the golden nuggets will get

Filtered in the system and into these Hoppers but the glass will just go over it into these dispensers to get burned and this is for like the rotten flesh their swords and all the other drunk they drop so now we don’t have to worry about that and we now have unlimited

Golden nuggets and unlimited carrots which are the two ingredients so let’s hook them up to the button keypad and food dispenser just like that we have unlimited golden carry we have unlimited amounts of the best saturation food in the vending machine oh yeah I’m going to

Use this a lot in the future for the last food item to add into the vending machine what the heck is going to be better than golden carrots well there’s only one answer to that and that is golden apples which most of you probably already knew was coming yeah unlimited

Golden apples that gives you regeneration two absorption and literally two extra Hearts I don’t know why that’s needed but it’s overpowered and since we already have a farm that produces gold way too fast so let me just stop the farm there we go and split it in two for golden carrots and golden

Apples because it is completely unnecessary to build two of these Farms cuz it is way too fast there we go it’s divided in two and now we basically just need an automatic Apple Farm well I’m going to be honest after looking at tons of farm tutorials they are all

Semi-automatic meaning you have to be inside the farm for it to work let’s do the same thing we did with the milk buckets and build tons and tons of chests to fill them all up with apples and I’ll get all the apples by trading with villagers because it’s only one

Emerald for four apples and just like that we already have a stack of apples and a lot more to go and after a short like 6 hours of making a ton of villagers and trading with all of them all the chests are full and lastly to

Connect it up to the food dispenser and button keypad with this top button we now have three two 1 and unlimited golden apples you do have to craft the golden nuggets into golden ingots and then craft them but we now literally have unlimited that’s crazy bro it just

Rains gold nonstop let me turn this off and with these last Gold Blocks placed the vending machine is finished it has seven different unique choices to choose from all having Automatic Farms inside of it so it never runs out of stock wait I want to try to click all the buttons

And hopefully it won’t break oh my God wait my frames my frames are lagging oh my God I got to turn it off I got to turn it off okay this is way too much food this is way too much food oh crap oh crap oh no no no no

No and I won’t lie this is a a bit overpowered just for food but I do not care

Vending Machine that produces UNLIMITED amounts of food in my Minecraft world.

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and Sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! aCookiegod also with his hardcore Minecraft videos This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!

#minecraft #hardcore #but


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