I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL WARDEN in Minecraft

What would happen if you took the warden from Minecraft and gave it the powers of the Avatar you know the ability to control fire wind earth and water well I was kind of curious so I created a mob called the elemental Warden and now I’m going to play as the elemental warden in

Minecraft for the next 100 days so using the powers of Earth Wind Fire and Water I’m going to do anything to survive which won’t be easy because there are three Elemental hunters chasing me down to stop me on day one I spawned in as a baby Elemental Warden okay so that’s the

Element Hunters right behind me and they have some crazy Elemental Weapons to try and stop me but luckily for me I have elemental powers that I can unlock as well kind of like an avatar I have air abilities Earth abilities water abilities and fire abilities some of

These Powers give me more Hearts While others literally summon tornadoes but yeah I need those powers to survive in fact if we want to survive this intro we’re going to have to unlock a power right now and we’re going to try to unlock teratas an ability that lets us

Throw any block we’re looking at at these three guys okay so I have the quest on it’s in the upper left hand corner of my screen there’s three things I have to do and the second I leave this platform the three Elemental Hunters are

Going to try and stop me so we have to be smart about this what I’m going to do is I’m going to start by trying to get into that Village see what loot we can get there and then we’ll figure out where to go from there for now let’s go

Backwards around this portal just to Juke them for a sec okay let’s get ready to leave the platform the second I leave this they’re going to get me here we go in 3 2 1 go okay we’re going we’re going we’re going oh he’s moving go go go okay

Here we go go around the back make him think we’re going to go this way get back here Elemental Warden not getting away from go back this way go back this way go back this way and boom jump down here yes go go go go into the village

Into the village into the village okay we need to get some logs fast okay let’s try and grab three logs three logs is like the perfect number we get a fourth oh they’re coming back they’re coming back they’re coming back o go this way go this way go this way get back here

Elemental they definitely know I’m over here oh god let’s get in one of these buildings let’s check them out anything in this chest just some sticks actually that could be helpful luckily for me I think I’ll be able to get away from the hunters because I have an upgrade like

Never before and that’s the Asus Rog falan RX low profile keyboard for the rest of this video that is the keyboard I’m going to be using and you’ll see just how good this keyboard makes me because not only is this keyboard super Compact and thin but it also connects

Via Bluetooth specifically 2.4 GHz with Rog speed Nova wireless tech or wired USB now on top of giving me a gaming Edge this keyboard actually has some really cool controls like the play pause media buttons the ability to adjust the lighting and much much more in fact Let

Me Show You unboxing the keyboard cuz this thing is awesome all right so this is the box that Ace has sent me and I’m going to go ahead and open it up real quick for you just give that an open good enough okay we’re into the box and

This is the Asus Rog fion RX low profile keyboard there’s more in this box we’ll go over in a sec but for the moment let me show you the keyboard okay let’s just take off the tape on the sides now let’s go and let’s open it just like this then

We’re going to slide out the keyboard here comes in this nice fancy box which when we open that box up you’ll see once again has this nice mesh screen to protect it and if we open up that mesh screen we have the keyboard okay perfect we got all the plastic off you’re going

To see that there’s two pieces there’s this outer shell the keyboard’s going to lay inside of like this and then obviously you have the keyboard component itself which has everything from these little latches on the back to obviously the best part amazing keys to type on now also included Inside the Box

We actually have some cables so if we want to wire this keyboard into our computer we can in fact you can use this silent keyboard alongside the Asus Rog carnic microphone a condenser microphone built to deliver rich in warm vocal quality which uh is exactly what you’re

Hearing right now now obviously this mic includes Studio grade audio a high pass filter and a built-in pop filter and unlike other microphones it actually comes with a metal shock mount a mute button and a control knob which allows you to control things like the high pass

Filter built in so what are you waiting for if you also want an edge when you’re gaming check out the description down below or scan the QR codes you see on screen right now to get your Asus Rog CarX microphone and Asus Rog fion RX low profile keyboard below let’s go ahead

And turn these logs into planks make a crafting table get back here Elemental Warden block the door I blocked the door oh he’s inside hey down make a wooden sword dude I’m breaking this oh he made a sword he made a sword back up back up

Back up actually wait wait I can make a wooden pickaxe I can make a wooden pickaxe let’s grab this thing back oh he’s no no no no I need to break this thing back can I use your crafting table no get over here get over here he’s out

Run run get out of there they don’t have swords get over here get over here get him with your net dude I’m trying wait what net he said get him with your net okay I got to be careful I got to be careful they have some sort of net I

Don’t know what that is go this way go this way go this way we’ve officially killed one player that’s one part of the quest down oh he got me oh I have to click 100 times I’m stuck in a net go go go here I have an idea ready there we go

I CR him he’s low he’s low he’s low let’s get him again oh that’s not okay back up back up back up no he’s gone first Quest complete we’ve killed two players now we need to get a full set of diamond armor so we’re going down into

The caves but first we need to get a piece of chicken because one of our other quests requires that so hold on let’s find a chicken real fast okay go this way go this way there’s got to be a chicken around here somewhere there’s one there’s one there’s one huge there

We go we got chicken oh is this a cave oh you know what I’m going down here I’m going down here I have an idea please be okay yes it’s a water cave he put himself in a dead end okay let’s go to this magma here we go get our breath

Back drown okay let’s start taking down let’s start taking down okay we’re at the bottom of the cave we just got to mine down here mine down here please be something please be something oh oh wait what we’re in a cave oh that’s huge go

This way go this way go this way this is huge I think he kept going down here there’s no way okay let’s keep going down okay let’s go in this cave oh this is huge oh diamonds we need full diamond armor put down the crafting table then

Let’s make some sticks then let’s make ourselves a stone pickaxe now we need to make an iron pickaxe we need to find iron quick right there right there right there I don’t know if I can reach that though they’re drowning they’re drowning up above me they didn’t see my hole into

This cave that’s huge ooh not a skeleton that’s the worst thing I could run into right now oh there some iron right here okay let’s grab this 1 2 3 that’s huge now we should make ourselves a furnace okay now let’s just go ah and let’s grab some

Coal there we go put down our furnace throw the coal inside and throw in our raw iron there we go the iron’s done now let’s just grab our furnace back now all we literally need to do is make this pickaxe now we can mine Diamonds oh that’s so huge let’s grab our crafting

Table back I see some more diamonds up on that ceiling over there in fact wait a minute let’s go over here real fast grab this iron let’s get that smelted in fact let’s smel melt up all the rest of this as well put our crafting table back

Down and let’s go Ahad and let’s make ourselves a shield here we go we just take the five wood like this we need six wood no way we’re one short oh dang that stinks okay whatever let’s just grab all our stuff and let’s see if we can get

Those diamonds all we have to do is get past the army of skeletons oh he’s getting close I don’t like that let’s go up this way so they hopefully don’t see me here let’s go this way there’s a slime over here I definitely saw a diamond over this way there it is two

Diamonds they’re right there perfect oh I heard an explosion the hunters are definitely getting close just sneak this way quick quick skeleton they’re just they’re dying they’re dying above me they’re literally dying above me just like ooh a skeleton got me I’m on half a heart it’s is not good okay let’s just

Dig underground dig underground dig underground I hear their voices they’re getting close we just got to get these diamonds six hello o that Creeper’s right there okay I need a quick way out of here let’s build a little tunnel deep okay let’s break this diamond here we go

Their names are still way up there okay we’re good we’re good we’re good for now okay let’s go over here now before the hunters get down here let’s just mine this diamond here oh it’s a few it’s a few it’s a few oh it’s a lot wait what

The heck this goes so deep what the heck oh there’s a lot of diamonds back here hold on how many is this oh my God wait is this two veins it’s a double vein oh God they’re still blowing up above me oh my God wait is this a triple vein look

How many diamonds there are wait what the heck is happening I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this many one go how many diamonds do I have now oh my God 20 oh my God we just need four diamonds we’re so close okay let’s just get this diamond up here there’s the last one’s

Right up here right where we found the iron that’s one two it’s two oh it’s a lot it’s four we can make full diamond armor already oh but the hunters are here wa wait there’s a dead mob over here dead mob oh build oh wait wait he

Saw me oh that’s a warden he just tunnel up this is his Tower right here okay we need to go we need to go hide we need hide we need hide go this way go this way okay cool we found another cave let’s just block this up a little bit

Make a lot of blocks there we go put down the crafting table now let’s make the armor ready boom what boom helmet boom boots oh my gosh we have a full set of diamond armor on but we only have half a heart so we’re not good yet okay let’s make an iron

Sword there we go we have an iron sword now we just need to get a shield and we’ll be fine oh actually wait let’s quickly cook this chicken we got to break a piece of stone with chicken I think I’m up go away okay hopefully they

Go away I got the cooked chicken let’s grab this back now we just got to break a stone with this chicken and we can unlock a power to try and survive oh this will be huge there’s a stone right there I think they’re coming up I think

They’re coming up put down the furnace come on break the I just want to talk to you about your car extended warranty please come back please break it please break it please break it there we go there we go oh we can unlock it teross we have our first ability okay now that

We have that unlocked oh my Sprint literally just went away when I was saying that okay hold on let’s eat this chicken cuz we don’t need it anymore and now we have Sprint back oh witch get away we need to get out of that giant hole over there okay let’s grab our

Cobblestone this is so risky okay let’s just go across this way start building up go here now build up here oh we’re almost out we’re almost out wait are we in a village oh this could be huge let’s just build straight up we can get out of

Here we can get out of here boom and we’re out yes okay we got to be careful we have half a heart and we are in a village oh this is huge let’s just grab one log wait this isn’t the village I was at ear this is this one’s all like

Destroyed look there’s cobwebs wait what hold on let’s just get some more stuff put our crafting table down I hear voices I hear voices hold on make the shield make the shield make the shield oh my God I messed up I messed up the shield there we go put the shield on put

The shield on I’m building up I’m building up go go this way this way this way oh he’s over here oh they’re on me oh God wait let’s try ter Warden oh what I missed hold on go this way go this way it’s almost night time

Is it almost night time on day two already oh my gosh okay down here go back up here let’s see if we can get them while they’re Crossing let’s see if we can do another one oh no oh that did a bunch of damage okay go this way go

This way oh we missed with his net that’s huge okay we need to lose them we need to lose them oh they’re coming in they’re coming in they’re coming in oh this way I’m I’m going to build on top the building I’m build on top of the building jump there we

Go ow what what oh my God what is this I accidentally oh we suffocated one in the blocks and then we just blew another up there’s only one more keep going oh we can get away we can get away where is he oh they’re coming in no they’re coming

In we need to get up this hill we need to get up this hill let’s climb the hill let’s climb the hill he’s going up the hill he’s going up the hill oh I see him see if I can get him from here no okay I

Killed one okay wait is he behind us is he behind us I don’t even see him we are out of here I can’t believe we survived that now we just need to go make a base somewhere after barely surviving against the elemental Hunters it was time to

Work on our first Elemental base which only turned out okay cuz instead of focusing on a base I really wanted to focus on getting more elemental powers so I finished the base on day nine okay so welcome to the first Elemental warden base now we’re lucky to be alive I’m not

Going to lie cuz we legit only had half a heart in that intro but anyway the base as you can see it’s really basic this is the base my bed is up here and that’s pretty much it that’s cuz I spent 2 Days in the intro just getting diamond

Armor but at least now we have a basic shelter to survive in so let’s quickly head outside and let’s start working on our next upgrade by the way this is the entrance to my base it looks extremely natural like that literally just looks like a cave with a waterfall inside of

It anyway back to the upgrade menu and we’ve already unlocked our first tier one upgrade teratas which means now we can work on any of the other tier one upgrades or we can work on the tier 2 Earth upgrade since we finished the tier one Earth upgrade little confusing but

I’m sure you get it and honestly I think the best one to unlock first is going to be tsunami strike cuz it’s going to allow me to keep some distance between me and the elemental Hunters so let’s go ahead and let’s unlock it to do that all

We have to do is ride inside of a bamboo raft swim 200 blocks with dolphin’s Grace and loot and ocean room and since I think I know where a jungle is let’s go see if we can get some bamboo oh yeah quick aside but I’m sure you guys saw

The realizer in the intro give him a big old warm welcome he’s the new person joining the recording team which by the way if you’re a YouTuber with a good mic micophone and you want to join some of these recordings you should definitely be following me on X that’s how you join

These videos any who to the Jungle okay the jungle’s literally right here it does look like it gets a little denser over here let’s just keep going this way oh wait bamboo right in front of us let’s go let’s just grab a bunch of this stuff now let’s go and let’s make a

Crafting table okay now let’s put all our bamboo together like this so we should get a bunch of blocks of bamboo and then we can take these blocks of bamboo and turn them into bamboo planks which we can then use to make ourselves a bamboo raft now we’ll take our

Crafting table back put our raft on the ground and sit in it look no one said we had to put it in water we can use the raft on land too and that’s the first Quest complete and to be honest it’s still daytime so now let’s just go ahead

To an ocean and see if we can get some Dolphins gra okay so to get Dolphins Grace all we have to do is find a dolphin we’re in the right biome for it cuz there’s a bunch of coral which is war ocean let’s see if we can just find

One there’s got to be one somewhere around here right oh wait I see a dolphin I see dolphin way over there hello come be my friend Dive In The Water give me dolphins Grace okay cool we have Dolphins Grace now we just have to swim 200 blocks with this okay that’s

50 oh I hit a puffer fish did not mean to hit the puffer fish okay that’s 96 blocks with dolphin’s Grace there he is there he is there we go dolphin’s Grace yes keep giving me the blocks and we’re good perfect and now that that’s done we’ve officially

Finished our second Quest and now there’s literally one more to go which literally just requires us to loot an ocean ruin let’s go do that and get it done with okay there should be one around here let’s just swim around on our boat and see if we can find one

They’re really not that rare if we swim around here for a bit we’re bound to find one okay boom we found one there’s one in the coral reef right here this is an ocean ruin and we just need to loot the chest that’s inside of it if there

Is one okay we’re in the ocean ruin I don’t see a chest though though there should be one oh boom here it is lo that grab the stuff inside and now let swim back to our boat with our final quest completed and now just go home and we

Can showcase the ability tomorrow okay so let’s unlock our new power tsunami strike okay let’s just right here on this open area so we obviously already have teros where we can pick up a block and then throw it and it explodes or uh that okay it’s supposed to do this nope

That one is also bouncing away there we go now that one blew up and now what you’re going to blow up now you throw it and it’s supposed to explode like this there we go like that exactly my goodness and our new ability does this wao that was so cool it’s literally like

Launching a tsunami look at this oh that’s so cool this ability is great but anyway now that we have both our block toss and our tsunami strike well uh we’re still kind of weak to be honest I mean we still only have five hearts of HP for God’s sakes but anyway now that

We have the tsunami unlocked it’s time to go ahead and lock another upgrade now I could go ahead and get a tier 2 power right now but I think I want to finish off on my tier one Powers first so let’s start with Fireball barrage which

Requires us to ride a strider for 200 blocks kill five villagers with fire and then loot a desert temple okay let’s start by riding the rider now the first thing we’re going to need if we do that is to actually get a saddle I don’t think you can get saddles in these

Chests so let’s go find that saddle in the best place possible down in caves and by caves I mean inside of an abandoned M shaft like this now we have to do is look for mine cart chests in here that will have a saddle okay check

This oh there’s no saddles in here dang bunch of free torches though oh we got a mob spawner right here baby bab baby let’s check these spawner chests break this huge we got a saddle we got a got a saddle oh let’s go another saddle

In here we have two okay perfect we have a saddle now we just have to head to the Nether and ride a Strider to actually head to the nether I’m sure you’re noticing I’m missing something and that’s a nether portal I literally don’t have a nether portal to actually go to

The nether now luckily for us we do have two obsidian but that means we need eight more and we only have one Diamond which is a problem because we need three cuz you need a diamond pickaxe to actually mine obsidian so let’s quickly go find ourselves some more diamonds

Real fast that way we can actually mine up some obsidian here we got a diamond right here okay we need one more and here we go two perfect there’s actually another one right there but that there’s a lot of mobs around that we’ll come back for that one later oh go away

Spider oh you can swim up here wait what okay no back off back off back off back off there we go finally that skeleton’s gone now let’s get out of here let’s grab the diamond now let’s go and let’s make diamond pickaxe not just grab our

Bucket and some water and now let’s just make some obsidian in this corner and perfect now we just got to mine it okay there we go we have 10 obsidian now let’s just go ahead and build our NE portal in the wall right here now we

Just need a flint and steel to light it off so we’ll grab one iron ingot and one Flint make ourselves a flint and steel steal and light this bad boy off and now it’s time to go to the nether now riding a Strider isn’t actually as easy as You’

Think it would be it’s actually pretty difficult now normally you would need to actually make a special type of fishing rod but that’s just a controll strier you can ride on one for free so let’s just go down to the bottom of near the lava and that’s where we’re going to

Find some Striders like that guy right down there we can just climb down these Vines right here boink oh I made the end of a man okay anyway now we just got to find a Strider and they’re kind of everywhere okay there’s a few Striders around us

We’re almost there oh yeah we’re getting close we’re getting really close to one come here buddy okay throw a saddle on your back right click him oh we almost burned for there for a minute we’re good okay that that almost killed us now we just need to away for this Strider to

Start walking unless I have a warp fungus on a stick this is not going to really move much if he’s not going to move I can take this chance to trap him and boom he’s trapped okay we got him he’s good he’s trapped right there we’ll

Be right back I’m going to get a war fungus on a stick so I can actually walk with you okay let’s just grab some string from this chest in these two sticks make a fishing rod now let’s just go back into the nether let’s go down

Our little path and now let’s just grab one of these little warped funguses and now we can combine together our fishing rod with this warp fungus to get a warp fungus on a stick and now we just have to bring this over to our Strider real

Quick who’s all the way over there and here we go okay let’s break him free let’s hop on top and now let’s ride him into the sunset okay perfect we’re now riding him we just have to ride him for 200 blocks I mean I guess there’s not

Really much to watch here but hey let’s head over to that NE Fortress might as well go explore a little bit while we’re here actually wait a sec look it’s a baby Strider sitting on its head he’s cold though get my Mana snuggy anyway okay we’re we’re officially halfway done that’s 100

Blocks okay perfect this is actually the perfect place to stop we’re going to hit to 100 there we go Quest complete now we can just step him right there get back in the lava buddy youve earned it stay warm pal and be free you can keep the

Saddle for good luck it was nice s you buddy and now we need to head back to our nether portal so uh I don’t know if any of you remember what the next Quest is but let me give me a clue what’s in my hand right now exactly we just have

To set five villagers on fire with a flint and steel and kill them with it okay you count as a villager so let’s just whack you once with a crit and then we got to set you on fire till you die okay you’re burning no no no don’t don’t

Blow up that villager you blow up right there there we go perfect one villager you’re dead to fire four more to go fire he’s literally stuck and two dead okay there’s literally a villager right here I’m going to trap him in here so we can’t get out the door and now we’re

Going to just set him on fire there’s nowhere for him to go get down there get down there just burn keep burning there we go there he goes he’s dead oh there’s a villager in here lock him in oh yeah you know what’s about to happen say

Goodbye to your house we got to make sure he’s on fire there we go okay watch him burn to the ground okay perfect now we got to do that one more time oh hello I’m going to light you on fire oh he’s safe in the window we found

A safe safe spot oh you’re lucky I can’t light you oh wait wait oh you’re on fire again oh and you’re dead there we go that’s five villagers Dead with fire now all we have to do is loot a desert temple so let’s just go find one of

Those though I haven’t seen a desert yet so uh this might take a little while so I went out looking for a desert temple but instead of finding one I found the elemental Hunters okay let’s hope there’s something on this side of the mountain I guess oh we got a village

Actually we’ll go into this Village and grab some hay bales might as well get some extra bread wait what is that oh yeah there are more houses up here oh dude there’s an orange one bro he so cute there’s literally Hunters right next to me why are they over here is

This their base I got to be super careful here I’m checking this house real quick if I can use my wave to push them off the mountain I might be able to killed them I’m going to I’m going to grab a little bit more hay bals he’s

Grabbing hay bals there’s my chance to launch one off the mountain let’s try this let’s try this ready oh dude oh what ow no no no please I tried to net him I don’t think it worked I missed oh come on I hit him twice oh he’s on me

He’s on me please nice nice have about this turn around get get no back up back up back up nice we got one we got we got ready turn around here what bro what nice he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone one more no no no no no no no hey now oh

Jesus W what are you doing what’s that I missed oh no I didn’t oh no I didn’t oh okay he is done now I don’t know if their bases here a lot of times they build their bases in Wells let’s go check the well out I don’t see anything

In here okay I don’t think they live here I think they may have just been exploring and I found them which means I’m taking this time to get out of here and go find a desert oh I see one yes yes okay finally we see a desert

Spawning in though uh this is actually the world’s smallest desert it starts here and it keeps going a little bit over this way then looks like it ends oh that’s so lame I thought I had one o wait I see a cactus yes another desert oh yes let’s go oh a pyramid oh

Literally right there let’s go now let’s just go loot that thing real fast and we’re in now let’s just go over here kill this skeleton break this block fall down here fall on that block break the pressure plate grab all the TNT down below and now just loot a chest where we

Get some Dune armor trim templates sand some emeralds and now all three quests are complete but uh before we un lock the ability let’s get out of here oh it’s night time well let’s unlock it and then we’ll head home Fireball barrage is ours okay this item actually goes in our

Inventory like this now I’m guessing that this ability just shoots out a bunch of fireballs let’s find out oh wait look at that they literally go in every direction this is crazy okay well that’s awesome apparently Set Fire to the whole world and with that we’re heading home okay so with our Fireball

Ability unlocked there’s literally only one more tier one ability to go and that’s to become a whirlwind Warden who’s not only going to increase my hearts to 15 total Hearts but I’m actually going to get to double jump as well which makes sense cuz he’s a whirlwind warden meaning he uses the

Element of air to double jump so to actually unlock the Whirlwind Warden there’s only a few things we need to do first we need to ring a bell in a village then we need to punch an aay and then finally we need to slap a player five times with our open fist which

Means slapping the elemental Hunters so since I really don’t want to see their ugly mugs anytime soon let’s simply start by heading to a village and ringing a bell now I don’t know if these types of villages have bells so I just need to look around for a second make

Sure there’s not a bell in this one oh wait there is one right up here okay let’s ring this Bell here we go and Quest complete now let’s go ahead and let’s do the Quest punch in aay which requires we find a Pillager Tower and punch in aay that they have locked up

There they technically also have aays at Woodland Mansions but I’d die if I went there so that’s not happening it took a few days of searching but eventually we found a Pillager Outpost Pillager Tower Pillager Tower yes okay we found one now we just got to hope it spawned with some

Ms uh oh nope there’s a cage that could have an LA in it but we could also have an iron golem and if there’s an iron golem then there won’t be an laay and that would be awful okay let’s just go over here I see a la yes it has a la

Literally right in here oh there’s a Pillager guarding him though there we go he’s dead break through here punch an laay there we go the quest is done with take him out okay now I’m going to let you laay free for letting me punch you there you go you’re free be free my

Friends be free and now I am getting out of here and also becoming free well actually I guess I’m really not because our last Quest requires us to punch five of the elemental Hunters with an open fist which means now we have to go look

For them and I’m sure they have a base somewhere so uh let’s get looking don’t you dare shoot me shoot me don’t do it don’t do it don’t as I was saying let’s go slap five Elemental hunters and so I went searching for the elemental Hunter basee

Which I found in only one day actually be down for like enchanting and I hear a voice oh I see their names they’re right there oh my God I would have ran right by them I didn’t even see them right there thank God they are forced to use

Voice chat in game I can hear them and they can’t hear me I’m going to go mining real quick I think their base is down here I got a bell is this not how we get in is that you guys with the Bell over there yeah

I’m using that Bell for cover I’m using that Bell for cover watchill look like hiding somewhere must be wait yeah oh my god oh it’s a in house your launchers use your net launchers we punched him five times we punch him five times go go go Jes he’s

Fast I’m on him I’m on him away no we’re we’re Shield okay we shielded two dude keep keep away keep away keep back keep back one’s dead okay they push them back they push them back now let’s just grab some dirt from the ground dude he oh no

No no please oh Jesus he got me again he got me again no no no no no nice I’m climbing up I’m climbing up go up here go up here go up here I’m still on his butt get back here oh we blew them all

Up oh my goodness okay we can take this chance let’s quickly unlock the worldwind warden our new Warden and now we have 15 hearts of HP hello and we have a new sword called the elemental sword now this Elemental sword should be giving us some Powers no way bro you’re

Not getting away with this but we’ll try them in a sec first things first get back here I believe we can now double jump oh my God yeah that does still work oh my God we can’t we can now double jump look at this oh that’s huge watch

This watch this ready we can get away here oh no we can’t he’s de it he’s de we got him oh go over here go over here we can double jump we can double jump oh my God go this way land on him don’t let

Him get away I’m on him I’m on him go this way huge bouncing away dude he’s so fast yes yes throw the water behind me throw the water behind me ready no knocked him back enough that’s knocked him back enough grab some blocks no okay

I killed one I killed one I killed one I killed one go this way huge all right I’m on him nice let’s keep him off no Jesus no no no no no no no nice another one down let’s use our fire build you’re not getting away with killing my friends

Oh he we got him oh he’s done he got fire that’s huge okay let’s get out of here eat some food and let’s just go let’s get out of here with double jump we’re so much faster and we are out of here okay so we have officially unlocked

Our first Elemental Warden the air warden so obviously now that we’re an air Warden we can double jump but on top of that we got a new item called an elemental sword and you’re going to notice a new icon at the bottom that shows the picture of the air Warden I’ll

Show you a little bit more about what that picture does later since it doesn’t actually do anything right now but our Elemental sword on the other hand does you see because of an air Warden if I right click our Elemental sword I launch out an air blast and that Air Blast is

Going to definitely help us survive anyway now that we’re in air Warden all tier one upgrades are complete though I’m not going to lie that took us 25 days just to finish tier one so we’re going to have to be much faster in unlocking all the other tiers or we just

Won’t finish so with that in mind let’s get started on our tier 2 upgrades we basically have to just decide what element we want to unlock next Air earth water or fire and I think I’m actually going to select the water ability first because if I actually look at what each

Of these does the water ability is going to allow me to heal myself having a healing power this early would actually be really helpful so let’s work on cold Plunge a water upgrade where we can heal ourselves in fact all we need to unlock this ability is getting eight dead coral

Going down to half a heart from Poison and getting eight powdered snow buckets and since all of that sounds awful except getting the dead coral let’s just go simply get some Coral okay this is honestly really easy to do we just have to break the blocks and they should

Appear as dead coral there we go perfect and with that in hand the first Quest is already completed let’s start heading back home so we can make some buckets and get some powdered snow so let’s just grab our iron we need to make ourselves buckets eight buckets now we just have

To actually head to one of the nearby mountains and we need to see if we can get some powdered snow I don’t actually know if any of this is powdered oh this could be powdered snow I don’t see any snow on top you can tell cuz when I

Stand in the corner of it my screen starts getting Frosty now we just need to start grabbing this stuff with buckets anyway now that we have eight powdered snow buckets there’s only one more quest to do and that’s to go down to half a heart of Health from Poison so

If we’re going to have to poison ourselves that means we have to go to the nether because we need to make ourselves a potion of poison which we can do simply by adding a spider eye to three awkward potions and that is extraordinarily doable now we just need

To head over to another Fortress real quick okay here’s the one we saw on the Strider ear ear let’s just run around this place and now we just have to go ahead and grab all the supplies we need to make some potions oh there’s some Nether Warts straight down this hallway

I see them boom here we go so we need to grab all of these now we need to go ahead and get a blaze rod which is kind of perfect cuz there’s literally a blaze right over here hello okay there we go that’s all the

Blaze rods we need now we have to go make some poison potions and we’ll be all set take his elemental powers for ourselves and we can get our own weapons with him bro we have three Harvesters wait what are they talking about okay be quiet I’m ready bro I’m ready I think I

Heard something about taking my element they’re going to take my air element hold on he could take a while to be honest like we could play a game or something I don’t know you might need oh there’s one behind me there’s one behind yo yo him him quick fire fire fire fire

Fire oh no put out the chest put out the chest put out the chest put up the chest I got the weapon I got the weap got the weapon what does he mean by that oh God God I’m almost de I’m almost we got oh we’re stuck we’re stuck we’re stuck

We’re stuck get out get out get get get put up fire on my chest get in there get in there get he’s in wait did he die oh they had spikes down there oh my God they had my base set up it didn’t work but there’s something else that really worries me

Editor replay this but I’m pretty sure I heard him say they took my element take his elemental powers for ourself and we can get our own weapons with them bro and if that’s the case they might now have the power of air oh this is how

They got in right here they just mined through the wall well if they have the power of air I’m not sticking around to find out so let’s just quickly get our poison potions done with finish this Quest and then I’m out of here okay there we go we got three potions of

Poison now we just need to go ahead and get ourselves down to half a heart hopefully this just works I hope that’s enough damage okay we’re almost at half a heart here let’s just get back back in the base okay here we go and boom half a

Heart Quest complete and now we can unlock a new ability and luckily that ability can heal me since I’m on half a heart so let’s go ahead and let’s unlock cold plunge our new ability in our hand that does this ah makes a nice little

Pool that has healed me back up to full HP in fact you can see it’s special water cuz of all the particles inside of it anyway thanks for healing me little pool of water and now that we’re back at full health let’s move from this base

Well time to move to another base which really isn’t the Slowdown I need right now because we still have three more Elemental wardens to unlock earth water and fire but I’ll never fully get all the elements if I keep getting found okay my footage corrupted a bit so let

Me give you the tldr of what I’ve did I literally just showed off this base right here which I’ll show you again real quick front door waterfall exit lava generator and then we got my nether portal my potion maker survival area my enchanting table that’s basically it and

Then from there all I simply did was murder a bunch of creepers for their gunpowder okay those creeper kills I inserted there aren’t real I just went and killed some more creepers and then I went into my nether portal and killed a bunch of blazes but I’m not going to

Show you that one sorry and then we simply combined together that gunpowder pow the blaze powder and some of our coal we had lying around to get these 18 Fire charges and with those done we are one item away from unlocking thermal vision an ability that’ll make sure my

Base never gets blown up again cuz I can see players through walls okay now you’re fully cut up and there’s only one Quest left to do and that’s the get Phantom membranes to do that we have to wait for it to be nighttime and we have

To wait for a period where I haven’t slept for 3 days so uh since the sun is just Rising I have a full data waste till I can even see a phantom so uh let’s get some more XP levels and enchant all our gear okay so perfect we now have a full set

Of protection armor that is fully Enchanted and it was perfect timing too cuz it should be about nighttime right now we can now go hunt down some Phantoms for their membranes boom I hear one yep there’s one literally right here hello boom three Phantom membranes from

Those guys we literally just have to get one more let’s just keep running around and getting him to spawn okay let’s kill this guy with fire he’s burning he’s burning oh he died in the sky his membrane definitely just burned though oh well not my problem we officially got all the

Membranes we need which means thermal vision is ours or it would be if I brought the lava buckets let’s unlock thermal vision and let’s try it out okay I used it it should show me where the hunters are I think all it does is make them glow if they’re glowing and they’re

Super far away I still can’t see anything but that’s okay we’ll have a time to test that ability in a little bit because our next power is going to require that we kill the elemental hunters and that’s because we’re going to become an Earth Warden and unlock our

Second element earth now to actually do that we just have to craft an enchanting table kill four players with teros and then loot a jungle temple crafting an enchanting table is super easy and we already have most of the materials so let’s start there anyway just to go over

It again this is how we craft an enchanting table we already have the obsidian which is sitting right here and I saw some extra diamonds that we can easily go grab right over here now let’s grab these now that we have the diamonds in the obsidian we just need a book so

Let’s kill this cow for its Lea and now the way of leather we just need to get some sugar cane okay perfect here’s some sugar cane right here this will work paper book and now we can bind together the obsidian the diamonds and the book to get the enchanting table and boom

Quest complete we now crafted an enchanting table okay next next thing we need to do in unlocking the Earth element is to kill four players with teratas so it’s time to get revenge on the elemental Hunters once and for all for destroying my first base so let’s

Just swim up here and let’s go find out where those Elemental Hunters are living so I made my way back to the elemental Hunter first base which turned out to be abandoned so I Define their new one and it turns out that the tracking ability I

Have to find them well it’s not as good as I thought so unless I’m near the elemental Hunters I’m not going to be able to see them oh there’s a village up ahead let’s do another scan in this Village up here and see if we can find

Them let’s do it by the well I hear them no they are here they are here all right oh this is huge okay hold on we know their base is literally right below us can they see the glow I don’t know dude why are you guys glowing no they can’t

They can’t see the glow where are you glowing oh no dude he’s got to be somewhere around here actually oh they’re putting it they know I’m here they know I’m here let’s go ahead and let’s trap this so they drown if they come up let’s create an explosion one

Time we got teleport he’s up there he’s up there go get him go get him they know I’m here they know I’m here okay made enough noise I made enough noise wait did you guys actually see it no we just heard a sound he’s up here he’s up here

Okay oh he actually is okay let’s go this way we have the storm Breer AES wait storm breaker axes oh God it seems like they got special axes called storm Breakers now I don’t know what they do but I got to run from them cuz we got to

Keep our distance to get these parat you’re not getting away Elemental Warden oh oh no not I missed oh eat some food oh we we weed go go I got that oh that’s their storm ability oh gosh oh I I got him in a hole oh this is not good this

Is not good this is not good oh I’m going to die over here over here double jump double jump oh and he’s already gone bro what okay let’s use the wave oh make him glow so I can see them all there we go nice we blew up nice get

Back here Elemental Warden he must be low he wouldn’t be running so much if he wasn’t go yes oh we’re low we low low this way this way this way he’s so scared ow oh we got one nice let’s go back to the Village get the other two

Kills we need okay there they are I see them I see them I still see them boom we got him now we should need one more okay here come the other two yes we got the explosion off we got the explosion off now we got to get out

Of here before they kill me send a wave that way get back here boom he’s gone okay there’s still one more on us there’s still one more on us oh God how did I just get sniper duel what did I even do I don’t even know what I did to get that

It’s over for you oh get back here he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone yes and we are out of here huge okay so now that we absolutely decimated the hunters with our Boulder toss ability we now only have one more Quest we got to complete and that’s to loot a jungle temple which

Literally means we just have to find a jungle temple let’s get looking I hit my head I must have gotten confused after hitting my head because it took me three full days of search just to find a jungle temple okay we found another jungle let’s check this one out okay

Yeah I’m not sure if this jungle is going to have a temple oh wait there’s more jungle over that way oh there’s actually jungle that goes boom right there jungle temple oh that’s huge okay let’s just jump across the river go up here and we’re inside of a jungle temple

Oh let’s go okay we’re officially in the jungle temple now I know I can get it with this chest right here that’s behind this wall so let’s just loot this grab the two diamonds and gold inside and our Quest is completed and now we can finally go ahead and unlock our second

Element Earth we’re now going to notice all these dirt particles floating around my body to show that I’m the Earth Warden but now that I am a earth Warden you’re probably wondering what happens to the air Warden well all I have to do is simply hit my Warden transformation

Button and I turn back into the air Warden and I can switch back into the Earth Warden now on top of having more HP than the air Warden this Warden actually is going to give me a random food item every 60 seconds so you’ll notice right now I have a carrot and a

Baked potato that I didn’t have before getting home is going to be kind of hard with the Earth warden so let’s switch back to the air Warden and let’s start using our double jump ability to get home okay so we’re obviously running out of time to unlock all our Elemental

Wardens so we got to be a lot faster cuz by the way I don’t know if I’ve actually told you this yet but you might have noticed this giant Elemental Warden button at the center of my screen and to unlock it I need to get all four

Elemental wardens as you can see on the quest box I only have wind and Earth unlocked so we literally have to unlock fire and water to win and luckily our next upgrade is a wind upgrade that is actually pretty easy to unlock and that is gust strike an ability where I can

Throw the hunters around using some wind all we need to unlock it is 16 string eight blocks of gold and one Explorer map and I’m not going to lie this is really easy for one reason we already have the string right here done with and

Now I can simply go to the nether get eight gold blocks and that’s a second Quest complete okay here we go we found a Bastion let’s just go in this thing and let’s take them out now the brutes won’t attack US unless we attack one of

The piglins or we steal some gold so they’ll kind of leave a be you guys just going to let me loot it well there’s no gold in here anyway what about your other chest I just took gold from them wait what why are you guys not attacking

Me what is happening okay bye have a good day yeah’s check out this chest oh we got a lot of gold and that’s really it that’s useful in there okay that’s four Gold Blocks that’s half of the gold we need right there say there’s usually gold blocks under these like face floors

Yeah boom we found a gold block under here there’s another one right here here we go look at this 1 2 3 4 that’s all the gold blocks we need so now I’m getting out of here with the blocks of gold in hand and now what we need is an

Explorer map to finish up this Quest and unlock the gust strike power now there’s two types of Explorer maps in the game both of which require the same items so let’s quickly start by heading to a desert and getting some sugar cane cuz that’s the first item and then getting

Sand there cuz that’s the second item okay perfect we’re back at the desert now let’s just grab some sugar canane okay there we go that is all the sugarcan that we we’re going to need so now we just need some sand but I don’t actually have a shovel to get any sand

With so uh yeah I’m literally just going to have to break this with my fist one by one this is going to be really obnoxious okay now we have sand now with that glass melts let’s go over here to our crafting table and let’s go and let’s make ourselves a bunch of paper

Then let’s go ahead and let’s make ourselves a cartographer with two extra of our paper now we need to grab some emeralds and then we need to make two compasses with a couple Redstone and some iron now let’s go grab our glass and now what we literally have to do is

Trade with a villager we need to trade them all our paper for more emeralds until he levels up then he’ll trade for the glass panes we have in our inventory there we go trade for those now and then we get the Explorer map it was literally

That easy and now what we have to do is find a woodland Mansion which uh the sun is starting to set but that should be fine because we really just have to go Northwest to find this thing wait a minute why am I going to the Woodland

Mansion doesn’t the quest just require I have the actual Explorer map it does wait a minute I don’t have to go to the Woodland Mansion I’m not doing that I’m going home and now that I’m home let’s just simply grab our string from this chest and let’s unlock the gust strike

Ability okay let’s go over here let’s test this thing out oh wa that’s actually cool so I hold it down I create a tornado around me and anything that gets close automatically gets sent flying away like a tornado stop me if you can now Hunters like how

Are they even going to get near me it’s like an insane power hold on wait can I use this while double jumping oh my gosh I can in fact can I knock this guy off over here let’s just see let’s just see hey look I sent you to the mainland

Anyway with this crazy power now unlocked things are only going to keep getting St stronger because now we are done with the tier 2 upgrades and we’ve moved on to all of our tier three upgrades which uh not sure if you realize this but that means there are

Only two more elements we need to unlock the water Warden and the fire Warden and we’re going to have to start with the water Warden which is a tier three Warden upgrade but before we even go and get that one let’s start by getting this ability here called the or locator

Because with that I can find netherite super easy so let’s unlock the or locator by simply getting 10 pointed dripstone 25 diamonds 25 emeralds and 10 Spore blossoms and it actually just so happens that we can get pointed dripstone extraordinarily easily you know seeing as it’s everywhere in my

Base I’m just going to go ahead and mine up these real quick and there we go we have 40 is that more than 10 yes do I care no so now all we need to do is get ourselves a bunch of diamonds so I’m just going to go down here real quick

And just start mining diamonds cuz there’s literally diamonds everywhere okay and there we go we officially have 25 diamonds and now what we need is sp blossoms and emeralds and we can get emeralds by simply heading to a mountain like this one okay so all we have to do

Is literally get inside this mountain there’s got to like a cave somewhere we can get inside and there should be emeralds once we’re inside and boom literally right here is some emeralds boom and there we go 25 emeralds which means all we need now to finish the or

Locator is 10 Spore blossoms and we can only get those inside of a lush cave and luckily for me I actually know where one is okay boom here’s the Lush cave right here in fact there may even be an axel a somewhere in here but I can’t get

Distracted we can’t waste any time here so we just need to grab the Spore blossoms that are on the ceiling which are those right there and we don’t need many we just need to grab 10 of them and there we go we now have 10 Spore blossoms which means I’m officially done

Collecting all the stuff we need to unlock the ore locator which is this item right here that should allow us to locate any ore in the game okay my game crashed which is kind of awkward okay let’s try this again this time it shouldn’t crash us oh my God we can see

Right through this wall there’s supposedly some diamonds or I thought it would be diamonds but apparently blue means gold is diamonds the gold one that’s like down here it is Boom diamonds is the gold one okay so diamonds and gold just got flipped but honestly what makes this power even

Cooler is that the or locator also works in the nether basically there’s a bunch of ores in the Nether and these blue ones are ancient debris meaning we can now easily get netherite for this upgrade out of the way it’s time to work on our next upgrade which is actually

Why I’m in the nether because the next upgrade has an important nether Quest and that next power we’re going to unlock is the tier three Firepower eruption I’m assuming this is going to make me erupt like a volcano which honestly that sounds good to me so let’s

Get that power and to unluck it all we need to do is get hot tourist destination kill three players using our Fireball barrage and befriend 10 animals so since we’re in the nether let’s jump around with our air Warden to go to all the biomes in the Nether and get tourist

Destination ooh I see a Bastion up ahead and I think it’s actually a bridge it is it’s a bridge Bastion okay we made it to the bridge there’s some gold up here it’s safe in the bottom guys wait what I hear voices hold on dude this place is

Dangerous let’s just get the gold blocks and let’s get out of here bro okay we actually need to kill three of them with our Fireball ability here we go ready let’s just jump down and see if we can get some kills with this oh theed

Bro burn burn him burn use the wave use the wave I healed myself I healed myself okay they’re all dying they’re all dying let’s go oh my God we’re messing them up see me you don’t see me yes they’re gone let’s grab all the gold blocks that they didn’t get okay now

Back to getting hot tourist destination okay there’s a warped Fungus Forest in front of us and I think this is the last biome we needed for it boom it was hot tourist destination is achieved now let’s go home and let’s befriend 10 animals okay so now we have to befriend

10 animals which uh you may or may not know this but breeding animals and befriending animals are two different things so if I click this cow and then I get this cow over here to also come here and grab some of this that doesn’t count as befriending no what we need is simply

A bunch of horses that we can ride on the backs of and they’ll become our friend so if I right click this horse you’ll see that nothing happens but if I right click him with a bare hand we’re now a warden on a horse and we have to

Do this until he loves me and boom there’s our first animal done and now we just have to do that nine more times with a bunch of horses 1 minute 37 seconds later oh my goodness this horse does not want to be my friend at all yes

There we go as I said it he became my friend anyway now that that’s done all we have to do is kill three players with our Fireball barrage and we can unlock the eruption ability so let’s get going back to their base okay their villag is

Generating I see it right up ahead we’re going to go in quick we’re going to go in quick I hear voices okay one’s in the village doing something over there looks like he’s killing a mob the other one’s going back down to the base that’s good

For us we can actually solo this guy oh my God guys there’s a w in here outside yo yo yo what is that noise okay there we go they’re burning they’re burning they’re burning they’re burning okay let’s go this way go this way go this way let’s just eat some bread get our

Hunger back to full we just need two more kills with the fire do that thing again there he is yes got him I got him I got him I got him I can’t him I can’t him yes okay we got all three kills okay they’re all dead they clearly have some

Sort of lightning ability cuz they smited me and you remember earlier when they said they stole my air element well that’s because they stole my air element and made a special air weapon that can shoot me with lightning we just got to be super careful of it back oh God we

Set him flying we set him flying eat lightning o he got me with lightning oh he got me with lightning no okay he’s burned and now watch if this other one tries to get to me we’ll wind him back ready what is that we s him flying we

Set him flying oh my God in fact we can unlock our new ability let’s do it open up our menu And Eruption oh I got smed let’s go erupt their base and get rid of it once and for all get ready to Whirlwind we almost got him guys there

We go I S them flying i s them flying let’s taking down and boom took all three out this is our chance this is our chance we’re in their base oh this is huge get ready for we’re going to do eruption everything should start erupting around us why is it not erup oh

It is he moving way oh my God wait are they alive down there oh they’re alive down there hold on a minute truce TR no how are you still alive oh there we go well now that they’re all dead let’s start getting out of this giant pool of

Lava shall we okay cool now that um eruption is out of the way let’s just focus on getting our next element water and to unlock the water Warden we need to break four different mob spawners we need to kill five players using our tsunami strike power and we need two

Totems of undying so let’s start by breaking four different mob spawners and let’s start by heading to the Nether and breaking a blaze one well like don’t cut me off teleporting come on let’s go break a blaze one okay here’s a blaze spawner right here let’s just kill the

Blazes and that’s one spawner broken now let’s make our way back to that bridge Bastion where we at cuz we can break a Magma Cube spawner there there we go spawner broken that’s two spawners down now that we’re done in the nether we just have to find two spawners in the

Overworld actually in fact we could probably find a cave spider spawner pretty easy let’s look for one of those okay we found an abandon M shaft I just have to get inside of it there we go oh I hear they down here oh literally they’re down here break it yes that’s

Three spawners down okay now let’s get back out of here and now let’s go find a zombie spawner somewhere else okay it’s not a zombie spawner but this one should work it is a skeleton spawner okay just destroy that and boom we officially have four out of four mob spawners broken

Which means we’re one step closer to unlocking our new water element okay next we’re going to get two totems of undying okay we’re at the village with the Cartographer that’s max level I just can’t find him are you a cartographer oh it is him now we’ll just trade him for a

Woodland Explorer map again so let’s just follow this map and let’s see where we end up okay the map’s starting to generate okay here’s the Woodland Mansion we are here now we have to get inside and now let’s get some totems there we go that’s one totem of undying

That’s two that’s huge yes let’s go grab that totem nice we have three totems now that is huge so now let’s just get out of here with only one Quest left to do and that’s to get five kills with our tsunami strike ability all right we’re

Back at the base I hear the hunters yo yo yo yo what if we Smite his dog wait they’re going to Smite my dog do you dare don’t you dare SM he smited my dog he’s going to be so oh you got it I harvested him got it

Wait they harvested me they stole my Earth element that’s what he think he means they just stole my Earth element what is he oh my God he’s going what the heck what is happening why is he moving so fast I’m putting on a totem just to

Be safe no no no no nice one just burn to death get him baby zombies get him that set him back there we go oh it killed him yes water yes we got a kill with the wave huge we survived that but I guess they stole my Earth element now

So uh that’s not good because when they stole my air element they got a weapon that shoots lightning at me so what are they going to have now now a weapon that teleports me like 1,000 blocks in the sky okay so with that base found I

Decided to build a third base super far away oh and uh this time I was done living underground because as an elemental Warden I figured I should try to live in all four elements my first base was underground meaning that can be the Earth base my second base was above

Lava meaning that can be the fire base and this third base well I built it in the sky above ocean meaning it’s my air base and water base welcome to my third Elemental warden base we’ve got some beds crafting area lava generator and a survival area with everything we’re

Going to need to survive the end of this video okay now that you’ve seen the base it’s time to actually work on unlocking our last element water all we have to do is kill four of the elemental Hunters with our tsunami strike ability let’s go head to their base and take them out

With tsunami strike okay their base was up here there was a big cave yeah yeah yeah yeah this is it okay they’re definitely down there yeah bro you got to enchant that do you need me to enchant that ow ow aim at him there we go we got trapped that’s one down one

Down one down oh we got him too okay that’s three down with tsunami strike huge oh no oh we got one wave him no oh yes we got him we can unlock the water Warden let’s do with this water while with the water Warden let’s turn back

Into the air real fast there we go we’re out we’re out we’re out okay we’re out of there now let’s turn into a water Warden now I’m guessing we’re faster in water we are look how fast we are in water boom see look he’s done we’re so

Fast in the water this is huge he’s done you got it one more oh they’re all dead yes go go go go go okay so we are officially a wet Warden a soggy Warden whatever you want to call it now as a talki warden you’re going to notice I

Now have 25 total hearts of HP but most importantly I have constant Dolphins Grace to swim underwater strength three jump boost and speed three but on top of that you’ll see that the Aquatic Warden also can fast swim and can breathe underwater any who it isn’t time to slow

Down cuz we still have one more tier three upgrade to go which is called Cyclone Dash to unlock Cyclone Dash we’re going to need a few things first we’re going to need to get 40 levels of XP then we need to get the spooky scary skeletons advancement and finally we

Need to kill the elemental Hunters with fall damage so let’s start with the quest that’s about getting to level 40 cuz if we look at my XP right now now I’m level 39 so I really only need one level to get that Quest done with so

Let’s go over here to one of the M shafts below and let’s go get some XP levels okay and there we go we officially hit Level 40 which means it’s time for this water Warden to get out of here okay so next on our list of quests

Is to get the spooky scary skeletons advancement now to actually get the spooky scary skeletons advancement we just have to make our way over to the Nether and then we just have to head to Nether Fortress and get a wither skeleton skull okay so let’s just find a

Wither skeleton and kill it for skull okay let’s just kill these guys boom there we go we just got it which means we now got spooky scary skeletons and now there’s literally only one thing left to do and that’s to build a sky base right next to the elemental Hunter

Base and there we go the platform is now done now we’re just going to put a bucket of water in each of the corner holes and there we go this base is complete and now we just have to wait for the elemental Hunters to notice oh they’re there oh they definitely see me

Oh hello down there they’re trying to net me is this really the Strat yeah bro aren’t you Elemental yeah bro I thought you were creative you’re going to resort to a he I gave you water paths up you’re the ones choosing to build up we don’t

Trust your traps fine I’m taking the the water away and it’s your fault don’t make me water bucket bro please please wait hold on I have to get now there’s two here okay byebye all three no way now we can officially unlock our last power the

Cyclone Dash we can use this to probably get away but first let’s turn into our air one because the air Warden is going to allow us to take no fall damage as we jump into the water down here then we’ll switch into the water Warden to start

Trying to swim away okay I lost them oh he found me oh no okay go this way he shouldn’t be able to follow me he’ll drown down here oh dude they can use their air boards underwater oh my goodness let’s try this new ability and

See if it helps us get away let’s try it oh my God I can teleport I do not see them behind us anymore which means we are out of here okay so with the water Warden officially unlocked all we need is the Pyro Warden to unlock the full

Elemental Warden that means we’re on the final four upgrades which include the the Pyro Warden an ability called hydropump and then we just have the stone spikes ability and the tornado ability wait a tornado I want a tornado I kind of want to start with that one

But uh looking at it it requires shulker kills which means to do that we’re going to have to go to the end so uh you know what let’s just go to the end and now let’s just head to the nether to start getting some blaze rods to get us to the

End okay so now let’s just kill these blazes real quick for their blaze rods guys I just realized now that I’m a water Elemental I can actually put water in the nether look at this this literally looks so cursed okay there we go that’s nine blaze rods now let’s just

Jump our way down here real quick and now let’s go make our way to go get some ender pearls okay we found a fresh Bastion this one has a couple Gold Blocks spawning at it then we’re going to go ahead and spawn a pool water up

There so we can swim up there now let’s just build an area to trap piglins in okay there we go that’ll work as a trap okay now that holees built let’s just go down here to the bottom and now we’ll grab all these Gold Blocks okay there we

Go we’ll throw them all of our gold real quick and now we just wait to see how many ender pearls they get us okay they just took the last gold D it I think all trades are done let’s take them out okay it looks like we got a total of 18 ender

Pearls which actually should be enough let’s start heading back to the base okay so now let’s go to the end all we have to do is take these blaze rods turn them into blaze powder and combine those with our ender pearls to get a bunch of

Eye of Ender and now we should need a couple things before we go first things first let’s go go ahead and let’s craft ourselves a bow okay now let’s just enchant that bow with any enchantment we can get power four yep that’ll do and now with that in hand we’re ready to go

To the end so uh let’s throw off the first eye and see where it is oh that’s actually in the direction I’m looking let’s go this way okay we’re leaving the bad lands and it looks like we’re entering like a wooded Badlands I actually don’t know what this biome is

Called let’s go in here and let’s throw off another one just to make sure that we didn’t pass it somewhere in the bad lands oh no it’s going sideways though now it’s going back that way what is it here oh it is it’s actually right here we’re into the stronghold now we’re

Going to be quick because we got ice spy which means the elemental Hunters now know we’re at the end oh we got it right here so now let’s just put all the eyes in place and now before we go in and actually fight the Ender Dragon there’s

One other thing we have to do while we’re here and that’s to find the library because if we open up our Quest menu you’re going to notice that to unlock Stone spikes we need an eye armor trim smithing template and you find that in the library and I’m whispering

Because you have to be qu I walked into a wall oh my wait I walked into the library I was trying to just take a cool shot and I found the library oh that was so easy now we should loot this chest and right it’s right there now we can go

Into the portal okay we made it here officially let’s transform into our air Warden real quick and jump our way over here okay and now let’s go and let’s transform back into our water warden so we have more HP and speed and now let’s take on the ender dragon by first uh

Shooting all of his uh pillars okay here we go let’s shoot the first one okay now we just got to kill the Ender Dragon okay there we go he’s super low boom got him and now we need to get the dragon egg because we needed to unlock

Stone spikes dig underneath the egg real quick put a torch underneath it get the egg okay perfect we now have the dragon egg which means now it’s time to go to the outer end through that little portal and once there we just got to kill some

Shulkers and get the dragon head oh my God I did it well we made it to the outer end and uh there’s no end City so uh let’s get looking for one so I began to explore the outer end and I found an end City pretty quick but uh it didn’t

Have an elytra ship that I needed to get the dragon head that’s okay though because I took that time to kill all the shulkers I needed for the quest oh it’s an end City with like a little teleporter on top that’s so cool I don’t

See a ship yet wait wait yep we got a ship now let’s just dig our way down we’ll grab these elytra cuz they’re just bonus okay now let’s just get that dragon head okay then we break the dragon’s head and we got it perfect another end Quest complete in fact we

Actually finished two because to unlock the Pyro Warden we needed to discover and loot an end ship which we just did let’s just throw an end Pearl in the hole and we’re gone and head on home okay so we are done in the end and now

There’s only like six or seven things we got to do till we can unlock the fire warden so to finish tornado time all we need is 32 firework rockets and three music discs then to finish the stone spikes ability we just need nether star which after that it just leaves our

Final water ility hydrop pump and of course our final element fire so to unlock hydropump all we need to do is get an enchanted Trident get the healing power of friendship advancement and kill a warden and then last but not least the Pyro Warden where we just have to pop

Our tonem of undying and erupt the players five times so of all that stuff let’s honestly get the Wither Skeleton skulls out of the way because they’re honestly the easiest and I kind of want to battle the Wither okay perfect we got all three Wither Skeleton skulls let’s just grab

Them back and let’s get out of here okay I found the perfect spot to summon the warden there we go he’s summoned let’s now increase our health to Max just to guarantee ourselves winning this fight gone there we go we beat him and now we have a another star which means we got

The last item we need to unlock Stone spikes our final Earth upgrade and I’m not going to lie it’s really cool watch what happens when I activate it it puts a bunch of stone spikes everywhere all right now let’s finish up another Quest tornado time so since it’s still daytime

Outside let’s go ah and let’s build 32 firework Rockets let’s combine that 16 paper with our 20 gunpowder and we get all the Rockets we needed done with and now all we need is three of any music disc which I also think I have hold on a

Minute oh my God two other side and 113 we just unlocked two upgrades in one day oh my gosh and now you know I’m going to try it out okay so this is the island we literally just bought the Wither on so I’m going to summon This Tornado here

And see what it does this is insane look at this thing oh my gosh it’s sucking up everything okay so now that we saw that amazing ability let’s head on home okay there is only two more upgrades to go the fire Elemental Warden and hydr pump

Now for the sake of this video and to make it as entertaining as possible I feel like it just makes sense to build up as much hype for this final Elemental Warden as possible so let’s unlock hydropump first okay so to actually unlock hydropump there’s a few things

That we’re going to need to do we need to enchant a trident get the power of healing of friendship of whatever it’s called and then finally we need to kill a warden okay I’m going to get ready to fight this Warden here there’s a shrier right here that can summon him oh yeah

That’s him right there nice we got him yes now let’s just go get an enchanted Trident okay so now let’s just bring this trident to our enchanting table and boom the third Quest is complete we have an enchanted Trident which leaves only one red Quest on screen and that’s to

Get the healing power of friendship Okay so to actually get that advancement it’s kind of tricky you basically have to get a pet Axel lottle and then you have to get it to kill a drowned with you and then like give you regeneration I’ve never done this advancement okay perfect

I found a pig ax lottle inside of this cave so we’re going to grab him throw back to Bubblegum the Axel lottle who got kidnapped come on bubblegum version to you’re going to help me get this advancement okay perfect we found a drown and he’s right near a warm

Monument now we just got to actually trap this drown okay there we go I think he’s trapped I don’t think there’s a way out let me just double check okay now we just got to get my Axel to kill him with me now we can summon the bucket of Axel

Right here yes the healing power of friendship we got it okay so let’s actually go ahead and unlock hydrop pump and let’s see what this ability does now someone on my team specifically told me to try this ability in the nether that’s what we’re going to do let’s go to the

Nether and let’s try out hydropump okay we’re in the nether let’s see what this does here we go if I hit eight oh oh my God it floods everything I just flooded everything in the nether water in the nether is so cursed I’m actually leaving I’m going back home and

Now that we’ve actually unlocked hydro pump all that’s left is our fire element as you can see there’s only two red quests on my screen that we have to complete we have to pop the totem of undying there we go we’ve popped the totem of undying so that’s now done with

There’s only one thing left to do and that’s to go visit the elemental hunters and erupt them to death okay I see their names they’re down there let’s see if we can just get their attention then we’ll just put a regular wave through okay all right then that definitely got their

Attention let’s get them to chase us and then we’ll use eruption when they do okay they’re here they’re here they’re here and eruption oh I fell in I’m sorry AEL I’m sorry aelott no don’t fall in don’t fall in no you guys killed bubblegum let’s get out of here now

There’s only two more we got to get and I think I can hit the both if I do it right here ready oh we got one we only got one we need to do that one more time ready we’re going to do it to him again he doesn’t even know what’s coming ready

Just stand still no there we go okay we hit the ball that’s everything we needed to unlock the fire Elemental the Pyro Warden okay we now have a lot more HP we have increased reach wait we can swim in lava oh my goodness I’m literally swimming in lava like it’s water now we

Could officially become the elemental Warden though I’m going to do that later because I want to give the elemental Hunters a small Fighting Chance but not a big one oh they’re back okay here we go now we can actually start playing with some of other abilities like a

Tornado ah no look at that look at that look he went flying look at him and he’s dead yes let’s go this tornado is great now let’s get to their base real quick let’s get down here let’s use hydropump dude he’s covering our base in water okay everything’s covered in water now

Let’s destroy everything with another tornado okay that should keep them out and now let’s get into the center of their base and let’s erupt it ready goodbye base oh my goodness this base is gone in fact let’s trick him in with our Spike ability we got him nice one gone

There’s another one in here he’s gone did I get them both I don’t see anyone else wait what I think I got them all so I’m getting out of here we can now become the elemental warden so let’s just all enjoy our fire Warden one last

Time we didn’t really get to spend much time with him and enjoy his beautiful red flamy colors it’s time to become the elemental Warden I clicked it nothing happened oh wait do I have to hit the elemental Warden button I’m going to hit the button oh my gosh look at me I have

All four elements on my head and on my body and now there’s a Boss Bar on the screen does that mean they know where I live now so for the next bunch of days I just let the hunters get stronger or they wouldn’t stand a chance oh and they

Also now know where I live since to keep it fair they can now track me anywhere in the world in this final Elemental form now we just have to wait for the hunters to come to us all right guys let’s do this okay more Glory oh wait wait I hear something they’re here

Already oh my God let me turn back into the elemental Warden real fast remember that Boss Bar I talked about it turns out that’s a timer and when that reaches zero I stop being the elemental Warden I don’t want to destroy my base oh there

We go oh he did seven hearts in one hit ah oh my God I do a ton of damage I just saw one fly up from over there they have bed set up nearby I’m going to put a tornado down oh here they come here they

Come I’m going to net you he’s going to get sucked in they can fly so that’s not actually hurting them right now okay let’s get back up on the base real quick let’s get ready to shoot some rocks out he’s done boom okay now my whole base is

Covered in spikes oh I saw him come out of that little crack wait I can just nuke this hold on okay perfect there goes their base now we just got to get rid of him let’s summon another tornado let’s throw some more waves out look it’s sucking up my waves look at this

Nice he’s done wait a minute the realizer and Rex the dino both died are they gone let me just double check wait there’s one up top hello are you stuck in that little hole right there yeah I can’t get out oh that’s unfortunate what are you

Doing oh I see him out there he’s out there oh I don’t think he’s alive anymore I’m just going to Nuke this spot one more time and no one else will spawn here ready well he didn’t die so uh if he was there he’s not anymore which means the elemental Warden wins

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL WARDEN in Minecraft


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  1. I love these new quests that are needed to upgrade your character. Also, where can we find the other's video's to see their progress as well? I would love to subscribe to them as well.

  2. Still asking about doing a Transformers 100 days (this is just a recommendation, it's just my opinion), you can use any continuity (personally recommend G1, helps clear things up). It's Optimus being hunted by Megatron and the Decepticons, starting from Orion Pax and leveling up. Upgrades include combat (Ion blaster) and utility (energon).

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