Kiwi’s Origins! | Stardew Valley, modded *ASMR* | 240

Hello and welcome to stardo Valley good morning Karin Sophia good morning a romantic oh oh this must be Pierre yep we already saw this at the end of our previous episode a romantic date with some wine denied sounds nice or I mean it doesn’t even have to be romantic just you know spending

Time maybe like watching a movie or some nice series or something and uh drinking a bit of wine there we go that’s a bit better with the plants I do need to get around to decorating a little more here oh well one of these days it’ll be sunny tomorrow and and

Rainy on Ginger Island and uh today’s luck is somewhat not good trin’s birthday today we have a lot of her favorite things um maybe let’s give her some ice cream I think I’ll already get the ice cream out of here so I don’t forget and uh hopefully seeing that in

My in inventory will remind me to go see Trin a few Simi ingredients today oh I think there’s a new fish here let’s um let’s see those and um there is indeed the Barracuda uh just row oh bug meat actually bug meat and row when placed into a fish pond

Nah I think we’ll save that for the aquarium oh yeah I’m going to make some Sashimi today and uh as I think I said in our previous episode I will also use some muscles in my sushimi making because we have been finding those on Ginger Island and we have quite a few by

Now also I’ll make some stir fry in addition to the usual FR Mosaic cake and rice pudding I’ll actually start with the stir fry plenty of cooking X today lovely and um as usual you’ve seen me cook these things many many times before so I’m going to pause the

Recording here and resume it once I’m done cooking for today so see you in a little while all right just a couple more stacks of sushimi to make last one here we go and that’s that for this morning’s cooking there was quite a bit of it there we

Go enough to sell quite a bit of Sashimi as well as the uh usual stuff that we make well stir fry we don’t really make every morning but uh we do make that pretty often as well so yeah should get quite a bit of money from the food uh tonight as

Well we have a bit of slate nice all right it’ll take a while for the crystarium to produce enough that um we’ll have five of it but um at least we’ll get to producing it Um so let’s put the diamond back in there and the Slate goes into here there and uh we’ll need to put this into that stack and we can put the diamonds away and uh sell the uh hell white 47 coal remaining well I guess that’ll last for a little while and

Um we probably have enough wood that we can put some into there to be made into coal or if we don’t have enough wood for that then we can always go into Deep Woods and get more right so in here we’ve got tomatoes and garlic and I think we also have some K

Seeds we need to sew a lot of garlic Um tomatoes and a couple of the garlic Stacks into the fridge and then those go in there and the garlic that’s remaining into there we need to make some room this chest keeps getting full I don’t think we need the tree fertilizer for anything and I do think

It’s quite easy to make if we end up needing it for something um let’s sew the kale seeds it’s nice to have a little bit of extra room in the uh seed chest so that it isn’t like completely full all the time there we go that’s quite a bit of kale

Nice we’ll have a big harvest in a few days let’s go see our fish see how they’re doing they seem to be doing fine oh hello so we can empty this Pond now and uh we can put the ghost steel away grab five of it or of them and uh it’s the

Swordfish who wanted these there we go Um once the ponds that are kind of sort of full get back to 12 I will once again fish out a couple of fish from each of them and we’ll see if we get more like um higher quality fish in their place I guess the salmon berries can go in here as

Well it’ll be nice to have the uh HD row quality be a bit more uniform so we don’t always get quite this many stacks taking up a ton of room in our shipping bin all right so I think the vampire squid yeah pearls and Squid in what be

Nice so the vampire squid is the only one we’ve got here at the moment that um I want to put into a fish pond and do not yet have in a fish pond so there we go and got some coffee to harvest over here right so I think there’s at least one

More fish that I want to put into a fish pond and that is a fish that we can find or fish on Ginger Island it’s um I can’t actually remember which of the ginger Island fish it is but it is the fish that has the chance to produce Cinder

Shards which are things that we need a lot of in order to do the enchanting thing at the Dwarven B at the top of the volcano ah hello Magnus and kiwi a well I actually came to visit Morgan okay you’re curious about your creation deciphering kiwi’s Past by Kiwi oh things to tell me not a real joury Mo not bound to the loss of a regular joury MO okay made for the sole purpose of killing the dusk cult the dark organization of Assassins imbued with the dark arts yeah they they do seem a bit Fanatical yeah kiwi is invisible do ordinary humans Well that was interesting and it is true that kiwi and Gio are no strangers to Taking Lives as Magnus said would you like avoid Mayo two hearts I wonder if we’ll get an event soon there usually is one at two hearts maybe next time we visit let’s go see apples do apples

Hi ancient seed thank you well would you like Um a starf fruit oops here we go and um I guess I need to turn that ancient seed into an actual seed or like a seed seed package and we’ll put it well that fruit and the seed package away let’s look around here a little bit

I don’t think I have done that yet and uh we do need those daffodils it is quite foggy here so I don’t know how well I’m going to be able to spot the forage Ables but um we’ll see if I can find at least some this isn’t exactly the best weather

To go looking but um as long as I’m here and uh before I forget let’s see if we can find some of those daffodils that we have the Quest for it would be nice to actually find the thir that we need to find by the end of

Spring we do have almost two weeks left so maybe it is possible especially if I remember to keep my eyes open for them this does seem to be a pretty good place to look for daffodils so maybe I should come back here um after a couple of days or something

And see if I can find more here I’m sure there is some way to get down there where the uh 4 arrows point but um it is already 300 p.m. and as I said it isn’t exactly the best weather to go looking for stuff so I guess I’m I’ll be heading towards home

Now we did find some daffodils and I’m really happy about that we still have lots more to find but um hopefully more will spawn in a timely manner so foggy and I think we did conclude that the forage arrows over here are mostly pointing at salmon berries yeah

Mostly but uh not entirely like go there was that um that one flower no more down here H oh right triny 22 more daffodils um oh I didn’t mean to do that but uh sure I guess we could go through the trash chests since I kind of accidentally started doing that

Already I actually meant to talk to Sterling oh our inventory is getting full already we’ll put some things away 22 more daffodils we’ll have to go see if we can find some at East scarp maybe we’ll go see about that tomorrow and maybe um around the um the railroad or a drain

Tracks and uh also also possibly at the summit I mean some ordinary seasonal forage does seem to spawn there in addition to the special Summit forage so yeah we’ll see oh right we weren’t quite done going through the chests things have been accumulating for a little while oh Olivia

Wow so yeah things have been accumulating for a little while here and uh the chests were quite well the stuff there was a lot of stuff basically is what I was trying to say um we don’t quite have room in the fridge for everything so the old snacks

Are easy to make if somebody happens to request them or something so I guess we can get rid of them but what else I don’t think there is any anything else that’s quite as easy to make as a field snack I mean you just need plenty of

Tree seeds and you can make all the field snacks your heart desires luckily we have this rich side Ridge as well we can actually put the the old snacks in there too smelting a lot of these things go into here there we go and um can sell those

Uh oh right no stars on these mushrooms sell them and the coffee and oh so you can sell stuff Beyond watch shows there okay so I guess there isn’t a limit do how much you can put into the shipping bin there’s just a limit it to which

Things you can take out of there I guess ooh more daffodils nice oh wow a double daffodil I hope that actually counted as three for the quest as well so that would mean we’d need 19 more more try oh hi uh-oh Trin is not Happy a Um Hi yeah what was that all about Um yeah we know about the crash on Gy playing house with jazz and Vincent G picked Jazz to be the mommy instead of picking triny and you teased her about it Aw Well uh maybe tell her that g he might just be too shy to pick her I mean if he’s got feelings to towards her as Well I hope it goes Well A okay seems to have gone Well no problem Nothing oh More a cruise Hello my Advice wedding anniversary a priz Date well I mean a peaceful trip out of town would probably be nice but a romantic dinner for two right here in town would be a lot less pressure so maybe the dinner yeah you know a little bit of time for just the two of you without her needing to cook and uh

Then since it isn’t like um in any kind of a remote location or anything it won’t put too much pressure on like either of you or anything it can just be a nice relaxed relaxing time happy birthday triny Alissa you are looking after triny

Um did I need to give the coffee and tea to Olga or this is her house right yeah I think so oh go not at home at the moment in Olga’s Kitchen Cabinet okay ah there it is a big yellow question mark I’ve been forgetting about this but uh as we’re here I

Remembered coffee beans 100 and uh I think I’ve got the tea leaves in the fridge yep 50 There morning Hobby nice 43 more pepper rexes I don’t think so uh let’s go and see Mr aguar as well no new events or anything I was looking forward to hearing more about the new threat or whatever it was I wonder what I need to do to trigger

More of that story or like more more of those events last I heard Mr aguar was going to uh keep an eye on the sewers here and then the wizard was going to do some investigating as well while we’re here might as well pop into the flower cave oh nice more Fox blooms

So yeah I’m very much looking forward to hearing more about this new threat that may actually be the same as the old threat because um didn’t they talk something about the magic being the same or or whatever having the same signature or or something H not very many people people out and

About well it is already past 8:00 p.m. what do we need over here charity wish list maybe I should start putting some wool aside for that cream and spiked clam I think I have everything else do I have 20 Mountain arugula Crimson spiked clam where do I get that

From can I fish it up it is pretty late in the evening so well we’ll give it a try Crimson spiked clam I think I may need to Google it find out where to go fishing for it I don’t think it’s a forageable or at least I haven’t seen one

Anywhere it’s probably a thing that you can fish up here at rich Side but uh do you need to go to like a specific special location at a specific Time Crimson spiked clam h no luck over here at least not at the moment yeah I think I’ll get going it is quite late so I wonder if um the door to the house that um Andrea is staying in will already be closed or you know

Locked I guess we could go and take a look no nice Andrea H that elf is a bit peculiar but um if you want to I’m sure you can say hi to them m let’s just put that back There and um here you go we’ll sell it maybe like tomorrow or something like I know we can put more stuff into the shipping bin it just feels weird to put more stuff in there when when it looks like it’s completely full I guess it isn’t completely full

Since we can put more stuff in there but it just feels weird let’s go home and get to bed good night everyone a cooking level up nice level Eight and 133,000 not bad we’re at a little over a million now nice um in the next episode uh I guess we’ll see what we end up getting up to probably um going to go see Morgan and apples again at least and uh we’ll see what

Else for now thank you so much for watching and spending a little of your time with me here today if you like this video please leave it a like I would really love that and also please remember to be kind to yourself have a lovely rest of your day

And I will see you again next Time

Join me as I play one of my favourite games in the world, Stardew Valley! With mods like Stardew Valley Expanded, Ridgeside Village and Magic (and many, many more) there’s lots to explore and experience and the gameplay is customised to my liking. We’re going to have so much fun!

Stardew Valley on Steam:

The Mods Used in This Let’s Play

Please note that I haven’t listed all of the technical mods that some of these mods require in order to function, so I advise you to check the requirements tab for any mod you wish to install and also install any mods listed there if you haven’t done so already.

I haven’t listed the East Scarp additional NPC mods, because you can find them on the East Scarp mod page.


Bed Tweaks
Better Artisan Good Icons
Clean Shane’s Room
Cleaner Sewer
Cosy Farmhouse Kitchen
Custom Spouse Rooms
Elle’s Cat Replacements
Elle’s New Horses
Elle’s Seasonal Buildings
Hugs and Kisses
Seasonal Cute Characters
Seasonal Cute Characters for East Scarp
Seasonal Cute Characters SVE
Witchy Hats

Quality of Life:

Auto Animal Doors
Better Panning
Chests Anywhere
Destroyable Bushes
Forage Fantasy
Friends Forever
Lookup Anything
Magic Furniture
Non Destructive NPCs
NPC Map Locations
Range Highlight
Wear More Rings

Game Changing:

Adventurer’s Guild Expanded
Bus Locations
Cat Gifts
Cauldron of Chance
Community Center Reimagined
Deep Woods
Dwarf Expansion
East Scarp
Fishing Trawler:
Floral Essences by Wickedy
Free Love
Giant Crop Fertiliser
Giant Crop Tweaks
Lenny’s Prank
Lucky Clover
MARGO – Modular Gameplay Overhaul
More Fish
Ostrich Mayo, Golden Mayo
Professor Jasper
Ridgeside Village
Romanceable Rasmodius
Stardew Aquarium
Stardew Valley Expanded
Tap Giant Crops
Tea Time
The Love of Cooking
Train Station
Warp Network
Witchy Valley

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