IS IT TOO HARD?! – Infinite Zoom Mod Stardew Valley

Your pixels ain’t got nothing on my pixels slimes oh my God there’s so many look at them look at them all hey guys welcome back to my channel it’s junimo Brook here again today back with another video and today I’m getting even more zoomed in I downloaded a mod

Called infinite zoom and now I can get as zoomed in as I want and this is going to be even more challenging and so much fun I don’t even know how I’m going to do everything but yeah let’s check the TV first neutral Spirits look at me guys

If you thought I was zoomed in in the last two videos Look At Me Now girl look at me now all right let’s go outside and see what we’re dealing with oh it’s Clint up close and personal hey Clint what you doing here what do you want

From me oh you want me to build a furnace all right I’ll skip this because I already know how to do this so oh my God you guys look at the grass now I’m seriously like I need to back up for my computer right now because this is so

Zoomed in you guys this is going to be extra extra challenging now I’m so excited thank you for the comments you know who you are you recommended this infinite Zoom mod and I’m so glad you did because this just Amplified my challenge times a billion gazillion so

Now we need to craft a furnace oh my gosh I don’t know where I’m going oh look I have made I wouldn’t have known that I had mail if I didn’t walk over here oh okay from Willie and Marlin we got to kill 10 slimes let’s go see our little cat oh

There she is hello Bubby you’re Bubby right wait bubby yes this is Bubby you guys my little cat I can actually have Bubby follow us around which is really cool come on Bubby let’s go try to find our cave oh my God this is so much more

Challenging you guys oh oh my god oh I thought I had stuff in my cave but I still don’t oopsie my bad okay let’s go down here and let us water our crops where’s my watering can Bubsy come on I need help here this is insane you guys this is so

Zoomed in now now we’re watering our crops and yeah and then I think we’re going to try to craft a furnace for clinty boy because he just came by and told us we need to do that ASAP oh my gosh I’m so nervous to go to the mines

And go to town like this you guys this is insane I should started day one like this but you know didn’t know this mod existed so I watered my crops and now I’m going to crop a furnace wait so we need copper ore and stone and I have

Some copper ore and stone but I don’t have enough yeah so we need to go to the mines get more copper ores and yeah and kill some slimes because we need to kill 10 slimes for this Quest so let’s go let’s go to town let’s try to find our

Way to the mines you guys oh my God we have to do our lap around the bus and I’m not even joking like where even am I I found some forgea there’s the bus holy moly you guys this is insane let’s go to see if there’s a new Quest on the board

Oh my God it’s the cut scene for the community center what is going on it’s so zoomed in I kind of just want to watch the cut scene just to see how it looks super zoomed in what an eyesore I know we’re going to fix this bad boy up

This is the community center and we’re going to see what bundles we got in there there goes Louis and there goes me look at how zoomed in we are you guys this is insane can’t even see the community center I wonder if we’re even going to see the junimo pop up up here

Oh we can see him he’s right there he’s super zoomed in awesome that’s cool and Louis thinks I’m crazy because I seen a ghost but you know it’s all right we know what we saw we believe it we don’t care what old man Lewis thinks and it’s

Down here but we can’t see it cuz we’re so zoomed in all right guys I’m going to skip the rest of that cut scene and we’re going to go to town look at all these pixels you guys this is crazy oh my gosh you guys we are currently at 430

Zoom level and I’m sorry but that is crazy okay is there a new Quest there is 20 copper ores Don’t Mind If I Do I need copper ores anyway Clint let me check the trash cans all right let’s go to the mines you guys hopefully we can find our

Way there oh wait we have to check out the community center now cuz we got a little rat problem it’s actually not rat problem but you know that’s what dear Lewis thinks and we cannot read it okay let’s go to the mines and get those copper ores oops miss the exit here I’m

So excited to try the mines you guys zoomed in I’m scar scared terrified and very curious so let’s see how this goes I’m going to the MS at least I know my way around town kind of pretty well made it to the mines whoop let’s go to floor

Five where we left off beautiful oh look at that bam okay let’s fight this slime really up close in personal you die got him now we just need to kill nine more got a geod got a cop or there he came out of nowhere back off green slime you

Ain’t got nothing on me okay we will never know if there’s already a ladder unless we walk all around oh my God this is a huge Boulder woo let’s kill this bug back get back oh there’s two of them holy macaroni okay yeah we need a ladder mhm

We need more copper ores too oh there’s a ladder I’ll just take it copper ORS the gods listen to my desires okay we got we got to find more copper ores like a lot okay cuz we need to make a furnace and we need bars and you know all that

Jazz so let’s go find some cover bars oh more slimes let’s get our initiation done you guys we just need four more slimes okay where’s the slimes oh there’s one die I’m so zoomed in you guys this is nuts let’s kill this bug and we need a ladder there’s the ladder

Okay let’s go ooh copper ores let’s see we’ve made five we’ve only collected five are you joking me we need 15 more you guys let’s go come on we can do this we can do it a there’s a crab you guys a vicious looking crab look at

Those beady little eyes come on crab you come home with me more slime and a ladder that’s very nice but I saw some copper ore got to make sure to get that first any more there’s a crab here I could tell look at those beady little

Eyes Okay die crab die we don’t have time for this also my health we need to keep an eye on that okay do we have copper ORS over here anyone oh my goodness we do there’s some right here we are running out of energy so I’m

Going to eat this daffodil no Dand light and I’m going to keep going ah another slime we’re going to be initiated in no time baby get out of my way okay we got copper over here okay we need to go back up to that ladder it was like way up

Here yay we found it another Court okay Z copper ores on this crazy this is actually crazy comment below if you would love to try this just for fun and let me know how that goes okay I’m running out of energy again I’m going to eat this green algae

I would like to at least get to floor 10 you know get that Elevator Shaft you know how we go around here we roll like that guys we can enter the adventures Guild now very nice and we need nine more copper ores for Clint got to kill

As many slimes as we can you guys got to get that slime ring you know those are super helpful because then the slimes don’t do damage to you and you can just ignore their little butts okay I don’t see any copper ores so I’m just going to

Take this ladder and I might just have to eat this leak okay copper ores where you at ooh barrels and boxes guys got to love those got to love a cave carrot yum copper ore anymore get back I say ah you’re not going to break a rock with

Your hob bro come on use the correct tool oh ladder oh copper ore die get back I say o more copper ores heyo we need two more copper ores and we got a ladder so let’s take it yay we made it to floor 10 look at that new

Elevator floor and oh my God a chest wow I am so zoomed in you guys it’s crazy um what did I get boots woo might as well pop those babies on and go to the next floor I need two more copper or come on give me two perfect I’ll kill this slime

Really quick and then we will get out of here and go talk to Clint before I die all right we need to like run to Clint and he’ll probably be at the saloon you know staring at Emily as he does okay let’s hope I can get there all these

Obstacles oh Sebastian hey boy what’s up boy don’t ask me if I’m a basic Sebastian girl I don’t have any answer for that right now oh my God I’m lost I’m I can’t get down oh I have to go this way there we go we found it hey

Abigail stay away from my man you hear me you hear me get out of my way girl okay all right we found the saloon let’s go stock clany boy hey give me my money boy 200 gold thank you and we can go make our furnace now are you joking me

Look at the little pixels for the little pool table balls like they’re just so cute okay let’s go oh my God imagine trying to play one of these games zoomed in oh not this one I don’t like that game oh I can’t play this no I don’t

Want a joa cola what you selling Gus cookie no thank you I can bakeer myself all right let’s run home and try to build a furnace for our Quest not bad you guys how do you think I’m doing being 43% zoomed in it’s literally mad and

Crazy I’m going to sell some of these things I need to donate this to the museum and I’m going to save stuff but seriously oh my God look at this girl grass it’s crazy and we have the Riverland farm so I’m just so not used

To it but yeah let’s go build a furnace real quick I’m getting really distracted my bad so we need copper and stone can make a furnace and we should grab some coal we can craft a bar cuz now he wants us to craft a bar boom all right okay

Let’s go to bed tomorrow I believe we’ll go meet the wizard and then we’ll get to go in the community center and donate a bunch of the stuff we’ve been saving in my chest and get some rewards from that all right guys let’s check our TV today

We’ll learn how to cook stir fry and the spears are neutral wow look at those Spring Leaves fallen and our copper bar is done and our potato is done and I probably have some mail yes the wizard wants to teach us something something we got to go meet the wizard but let me

Water these crops first oh my God I just love these pink little flower petals falling from the sky isn’t that so cute you guys and so zoomed in let’s go check on Bubby hey Bubby what you saying having a good day all right I’m going straight to the Wizards now let’s see if

I can remember how to get there from my phone yes we made it woo I’m coming rasmodius hold your horses oh I forgot the traveler here on Sundays interesting I don’t know that I will need any of these things just yet maybe this puffer fish um for the community

Center so I’ll just hold off on that for now cuz we don’t have a lot of money you know where are you Ras Modis oh there’s the top of your Tower let’s find the door oh my goodness a being blocked and we don’t have our axe there we

Go all right we got a nice little cut scene with rasmodius there he is is nice earrings rasmodius and nice necklace never noticed those details before I became zoomed in this much are you ready guys are you ready for the super zoomed in junimo B him look at him he’s so cute

He’s like get me out of here Brooke I don’t want to be in here let me back into the forest Where I Belong thank you free me there he goes and he will come back in about 2 seconds and there he comes back and now he’s going to make me drink

His nasty potion come on like what is in that stuff man I really don’t want to drink it I already know how to speak to the gimos I’ve drank your potion many times before can I just skip it this time uh-oh no you’re not really going to

Make me drink that again are you I can barely see myself on this zoomed in screen too oh I’m drinking it oh no what have you done Brooke what have you done now I’m getting sick and I’m starting to to see things stay calm it’s okay wow

Guys look at those pixels of those trees so close and zoomed in so amazingly detailed thanks rasmodius now I must take my leave so what does the community center want from us you guys spring foraging beautiful exotic foraging construction fall foraging summer and winter foraging let’s go let’s go donate

Some stuff to the community center if I can find my way there I’m so lost all right we made it back onto the farm so I’m going to take one of each forgeable uh-oh we don’t have a leak oh man I shouldn’t have ate that leak I had we’ll take a cave

Carrot and that’s all we’ll take for now cuz if we don’t find a leak we can’t open the other bundles let’s go see if we can try to find a leak first maybe one back here hopefully oh where is you leak I don’t see one maybe there’s one by L tent nope

Oh boy we shouldn’t have ate that leak regrets regrets anything over here no well we can donate what we do have and hope that we find a leak soon funny let’s go to the community center oh gosh where’s the door okay so we have a leak wait we had a Le what are

We missing then oh the horseradish oh my God I’m so I’m so dumb right now right now let’s go back home and see if we have a horseradish also maybe we’ll donate this to the museum on our way zoomed in is so crazy like my eyesight

Is like what am I looking at sure Willie we can catch three C for you I need to buy some more seeds just buy some more parsnip seeds for now wait but look at all of these cute little fruits and veggies at the store and all their pixel

Glory oh hey Abigail nice hair all right where’s the museum I really smell the stench of this trash so zoomed in you know Gunther here I come what the um I guess I’ll put it here okay thank you for the money wasn’t expecting that but

I’ll take it I know there’s a trash can by the blacksmith we didn’t bring any GE let’s go find a wild horse radish let’s go check out the beach first though see if there’s any yummy forgea bles here I have to comb every inch of this beach to

Check and these pink petals are kind of getting annoying not going to lie they’re getting in my way well I see no forgees today what a lovely waste of time okay we’re going to go this way and try to find a horseradish down by hat Mouse I thought I saw something but it’s

Just a bush sometimes there’s a horse R right about here but there isn’t we got to keep walking where is a horse radish mney I don’t see one yet but I’m telling you guys there has to be one over there always is oh I found a dandelion it’s not what I need

Though I swear my eyes are like not even adjusting to this Zoom crazy I just really want to zoom out right now you guys see where that horse Rish is go swoop it up and what the aigo what are you doing out here where’s the horse R

In oh the community center has never taunted me this much go this way you got to check behind all the sneaky trees because see how I go behind it and it’s like see-through sometimes they be hiding behind there you know can’t trust them oh my gosh where am I H Mouse you

Haven’t seen a horse Rish your room no oh maybe there’s one by the spring onion let’s go check over there seriously wasting my whole day running around trying to find a horse radish you guys that is my life right now where there’s a horse rid ew sewer Nightfall has Upon

Us Nightfall has upon us and it’s harder to see and I still haven’t found a horse and I’m oh my God you guys do you see it do you see this baby right here yeah that’s a horseradish if I’ve ever seen one that was lucky to find in the dark

Of night and yeah let’s I was about to give up too that just goes to show you guys don’t give up because right when the butterfly thinks he thinks his world is over over I mean the caterpillar right when the caterpillar thinks he’s dunzo he turns into a dang butterfly so

Don’t give up you guys that horseradish was a metaphor for life now let’s find our way back to the chest oh and let me plant this parsnip really quick and that in there oh my God you guys we had a horse radish in here the whole time we

Had two of them what in the world this game is rigged I’m going to Now quickly take a crab a clam a carp large bass a Shad Sunfish sardine bream a that’s it and we’re going to run an aart we’re going to run to the community center

Because now I know that two more bundles should open up after I donate this horseradish like the fishing one and the crop one so hopefully we can just get all this stuff donated tonight and there we go we found our way to the door muscle memory okay now if I wouldn’t

Have fumbled the bag and just checked my chest correctly this morning I would have known that I already had a horse ride I wouldn’t have spent all day doing that but you know things happen you got to just accept them there we go we got the pantry and the fish

Tank all right let’s go see what we can drop off in this one a parsnip and in the fishing one I have like a bunch crap b a clan a sardine a largemouth bass a carb we still need that Bullhead Sunfish and a Shad and a bream very good very

Good let’s go home and we got 30 seeds so I don’t know if I want to plant those or just sell them for some extra money probably goodbye seeds let’s see how much money that makes us well we made it ,50 from those so honestly no regret

There very happy oh it’s raining oh the spreading weeds cause damage to our farm uh-oh I’m not here for that Spirits are happy today we need to catch three carp and enter the adventures Guild and I don’t know see if we can build a coupe but we don’t have enough money we need

4,000 for our CP so yeah or we can donate a potato all right see if anything’s done growing oh yeah more potato let’s plant some more heart snip and let’s uh go sell some of these and we’ll donate one and I really want to build a coup that is like on my little

Bucket list so I think today we’re just going to try to catch a bunch of fish yeah but first let’s check the quest board eight green slimes for 500g basically I’m down let’s go first I’m going to drop off this potato if this tree doesn’t block me how rude I’ve

Brought you a potato junimos enjoy some french fries oh I always do that I’ll find the right exit thank you bro so now I’m just going to slay those eight slimes and then go fishing we got another Quest so first we’re going to do the slimes and then we’re going to fish

For the cart and we should be able to do both of those quests today I have full faith in myself they wanted us to slay eight of them okay where’s another slime is there one over here no oh oh I hate those bugs let’s run run run I really

Don’t like those bugs yeah I’m just going to take that ladder sorry not sorry bug where’s some more slime no more slimes on this one are you joking me oh we got some nice coal oh there’s two here we go take my wrath you foul slime beast honestly you’re pretty

Adorable but I’m sorry I have to kill you for a quest I need money where’s the Slime no these bugs are coming back run get away I have no choice but to fight him the least he could do is drop me a ladder no how rude oh there’s lad okay

We need some more slime where’s the Slime where’s the Slime when I need them oh my God okay I’m just going to take the ladder I can’t be H with these bugs man who invented them backup slime you’re mine for the killing all right we just need four more we’re doing pretty

Good but I should probably eat some algae to Keep Us Alive oh these guys h i don’t have time for that slime there slime up here slime down here no I’ll just take the ladder there’s a slime do you have any other friends on this floor slime I would like to kill them

Too oh gosh I can hear them coming back up boy where’s the ladder oh oh there’s more coming shis Nets there’s the ladder run run for your life girl all right where’s another slam oh there’s a ladder I’m just going to take ain’t nobody got time right now I can’t

Pass up these cober ores though you know what I mean slime I see one your pixels ain’t got nothing on my pixels slimes oh my God there’s so many look at them look at them all look at them all they have nothing on me if they kill me and I go

To Harvey’s hospital I am going to be so Furious back up back up holy moly I’m going to die if just one of those flying bugs comes at me I swear I’m dead let me eat this algae oh my God I just want to

Make it like one more floor so I can get the elevator you know what I mean oh why did I let that hit me uh-oh uh-oh guys guys guys guys guys I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m so scared I’m going to die I don’t want to

Die I don’t want to give up what do I do don’t send another one cuz I have nothing to eat oh my God I’m so scared I need a ladder I’m so scared you guys I only have 11 Health come on ladder oh perfect I don’t have chance to risk it I

Made it to 20 yay we didn’t die you guys woohoo got got a better sword great now let’s get out of here and go enter that Adventures Guild cool um Marlin um do you have any food to sell me because I am dying thank

You no no food all right then um oh I slayed enough slime so I need to talk to Louis for my money and I catch three carps let’s try to catch our carps come on be a carp oh my God I can’t see it I

Can’t see the thing oh my God I need to zoom it out tell me how did I still catch that car when I couldn’t see it I don’t think I’m going to be able to see it again uh-oh oh God I can’t see it again let’s try 300 I just need it to

See it at least a little bit like this yeah I can see it I know where it’s at it’s down there oh no I want the chest come on little fishy you’re mine I don’t think you’re a carp though I was right we need two more carps you guys be a

Carp come on be a carp woo be a carp will you be a carp what’s carp pronounced backwards PRACK we need a PRACK hey we got a bullhead that’s going to help us for the community center can we catch a PRACK you guys PRACK is carp

Backward if you didn’t know I’m a genius I figured that out all on my own and this is definitely a PRACK woo we had a PRACK see p r a c we just need one more only one more come on um this is not a car prank

This is something else I tell you another Bullhead H where’s my damn car getting late ooh guys I think this is a car yeah let’s go talk to Willie and talk to Louis hopefully they’re both in the Saloon or something we need to really follow the path and not get lost

Okay I got lost okay you didn’t see that um well first let’s go see if we can talk to them LW because his house will lock at 10: thank you for the money honey and maybe Willie is over here yes guys guys look at me go finishing two

Quests in one day this Zoom crazy what are you selling today G salmon dinner no thank you all right well we can sell the rest of our fish oh we should donate our Bullhead sell the rest of our fish and hopefully we’ll get to 4,000 and we can

Build a coup yeah oh where am I going I’m going to The Pantry my bad let’s go to the fish tank Lake fishing Bullhead okay awesome now let me run home and sell the rest I’m just going to sell like a bunch of stuff so I can make

Money all right so tomorrow we will go try to build a coupe if we have enough money and stuff or we might not have enough resources so tomorrow we might have to spend chopping wood but I’m really excited to build our Coupe on this little island let’s go find Bubsy

And cuddle and go to sleep good night Bubby oh I think we just might have enough money we need 4,000 almost okay guys well that concludes this video stay tuned for the next video and we will be building a coupe very exciting on its own little island on a river farm and if

You like this video don’t forget to give it a thumbs up don’t forget to subscribe comment below and I’ll see you guys in the next video thanks for Watching

Hey lil junimos,
The Infinite Zoom mod allowed me to get 4x zoomed in since the last 2 vids, and here are the astonishing results.
If you like this type of video, comment below and I’ll be more than happy to continue it with a part 3 infinite zoom! Ily
Hey don’t forget to hit that red button (subscribe i think it says?) 😉

Stay COZY!!!
junimobrook 💙✨🍄

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