In this video we play terraria’s hardest difficulty no it’s not death mode it’s not legendary mode and it’s not masochist mode it’s Satanist mode let’s hop in game and see how hard this difficulty is we are here to play potentially one of terraria’s hardest difficulty mods and you see the Fargos

Mods and you’re like oh it’s going to be masochist mode no sir look a little bit down it doesn’t have an icon for some reason satanis mode or Satanist mode as you can see when I hit the little more info button make game too hard smiley

Face oh yeah this is going to be a fun one let’s make a new character hop into a world and let’s see what’s popping with this new difficulty let us hop into the world here I’m kind of terrified to see what this is enable Ultra Hardcore

I’m hit no okay cuz I want my character to be alive that seems like that might have been the best choice ever okay off rip I don’t even know where’s my character dying from heartache you are taking damage yeah obviously is this even possible to play what do I even do

My character is dying from a heart attack as he steps in into the world oh my God is that bee shooting out of a tree okay we got our hands on some wood I don’t know how much that’s going to help does digging down help at all does

That start my stop my character’s heartache okay I don’t know what’s going to stop my character’s heartache it seems like I got an idea though I got an idea to potentially survive the heartache part and that is getting like health regen around me I’m not too

Scared of the bees as that one did almost 400 damage to me what is this projectile right here you guys see that what is that why is that like sliding to me like that uh I I am worried about these trees though it seems like we literally need to break every single

Tree because oh this is terrible this is terrible we need to break every single tree cuz the trees are acting like cactuses and it says they’re pricking us I think one of my deaths said I got pricked by a tree yeah look at that so

Uh we had to cut down every tree but it kind of takes a all to cut down every tree cuz there’s a million bees that spawn this is the type of difficulty mod that would drive you to Insanity I want to see all those High difficulty

Terraria lovers to do this mod you got things like masochist mode bro you can breathe in masochist Mode come on now this you can’t even stand up here and breathe air because your character is having a heart attack at this point I feel like there’s nothing to do but dig

Down I was going to try and find a slime to fight but obviously if I fight a slime it’ probably kill us instantly so digging down might be the only way to go I know it’s going to get a little dark down here but like what choice do I have

Bro okay you can’t touch this block destroyed by confetti I think the worst part about this video is going to be every time I die and I have to sit there for like 20 seconds in silence waiting to respawn okay it’s good to know that

We can’t touch this but I can break it though I should check out the items in my inventory I have a couple items in my inventory as you can see I don’t know what that thing is we got my carrot go ahead equip that I’m mining tin bricks

It’s just like playing ter ear but I’m blind yo I feel like I dropped down somewhere do you see that I don’t know where I dropped down but I dropped down all right so what are these items in my inventory H equipable oh do not put that on does that stop stop

My heartaches at the very least I don’t think it does there’s a boss who what boss is that new update I don’t remember what boss that is where is he even at I don’t even see him oh he’s to the left is he stuck on something I kind of want

To see him but I don’t think I can get over there because there’s trees and stuff in the way let me see if I can see them Yo the bees are killing them hold up potentially might be our first boss for the bees if you guys know Terraria

Challenges on my channel anytime I beat a boss that’s usually when I can consider the challenge completed so time out here let’s get all these bees no no no y’all going the wrong way bro oh there we go there we go they’re going the right way now yes sir I potentially

Might finish this challenge in record time 6 minutes in and we almost got our first boss killed the boss is edging us we’re so close I’m about to bust let me bust there it is right there kill him the Epic purp lore who the hell is that

What the [ __ ] okay I should try and make a w we get in spawn camp now what is this do I get I get ey FRS when I spawn in right that happens in Terraria I hope so because I’m going to die if not okay thank you okay and his projectiles are sliding

On Ice towards me I don’t know if I could kill this thing and I don’t know where I could hide away from this thing look at this the projectiles are everywhere okay I’m hiding he’s got a projectile in here with me though I’ve gathered enough wood to the point where

It shouldn’t matter if I have to make a couple more workbenches okay what do I got what do I got we can make a sword deadly let’s go that’s what we’re looking for and then I guess we got to make armor we don’t really have a choice

So let’s make armor and all this gear should allow me to potentially defeat something the problem is that there’s two of them oh my God and I died before I could even get a hit off spawn has become straight up polluted by these guys what do I do in this situation just

Come down here bro oh my God here comes a worm what the [ __ ] super Arrow I got mobs I Ain never seen before taking turns beating my ass what did I even die I died to a slime Spike this is just a disaster like what do I do I

Don’t want to leave the world you know why cuz I want to get the loot that’s over there to the left I got to get the loot okay this is what we’re going to do this is what we’re going to do build build it’s there’s nowhere to build bro

There’s tombstones everywhere okay we potentially figured a way yo my character ain’t having a heart attack anymore oh brought it up and he just reminded himself he’s like oh shoot I forgot what the hell it’s a graveyard over here where’s the Boss Loot at that’s all I’m here for we killed a boss

Where is his loot the boss even have loot to drop that’s the question it’s looking like hell no the boss ain’t got nothing to drop oh my God and there’s another one I mean I can beat him the same way but the point is was is even

The point of beting him if he doesn’t drop anything there’s slimes on here what the heck this is supposed to be my safe place Place dude is dark now too oh yo Abigail’s flower save me save me why does that zombie have 800 health I don’t

Know what’s going on I’m just dying I don’t even know what’s killing me it’s night time and then when it’s night time my character becomes even more blind what do I do bro can I kill a slime that green slime only has 50 Health like I

Should be able to kill him right look at this bro there a damn bullet held down here yo I have a dash what the heck who’s that he’s not supposed to even be in this game it’s just death after death I don’t know what to do Abigail can you

Please go kill somebody just go down there and kill somebody Abigail just go down there why do I have to go down there yeah yeah yeah here you go work your magic Abigail oh my God we could get Jael she is never killing that thing

But I could get jel y’all did I die by oh I died by a spike look there’s a baby zombie again I got my hands on Jael that’s all that matters dude I can’t see a thing I can’t see anything what is that noise is my PC about to blow up there’s so

Many zombies where are all these zombies comeing from I feel like I’m not supposed to be alive this long because this is the noise your PC usually makes before it explodes wonder if I could kill any of these zombies they got like 700 health so I really don’t think it’s possible oh

Okay so the zombies just go through Walls by the way you know I’m I’m just heading down at this point yo there copper and stuff yo okay I’ve never been so hyped to see like copper in my life I don’t think it’s going to change any outcomes oh my

God what is this noise this noise is going to drive me more insane than dying a thousand times do you guys hear This what is what the [ __ ] is that thing why is it so loud can I sue a terraria Mod creator for damaging my ears bro I got to watch out for baby zombies what is going on okay I have left the world and rejoined I don’t know if that’s cheating is

Definitely not cheating if it’s in the game it’s a feature I’m safe down here maybe I don’t know it’s not even like 5 Seconds back into the world and I’m already hearing the gigantic PC breaking noise in my ears what the heck I’m not even safe underground bro I’m at the point where

I’m flabbergasted astounded appalled everything I don’t know what to do no matter what direction I go in I seemingly die especially because these damn arrows chase me around my only hope for survival is Abigail oh my God the arrows can get really high up there’s

That boss again I want to see what this boss looks like the thing is I don’t know if I can no way he that dud climbed the molten bricks like stairs and hit me oh my God leave me alone leave me alone bro what the hell I

Can’t even leave spawn anymore I can’t even take my own own path I got the [ __ ] legion of boom up here guarding every time I go there to hide from my problems I made this path so I wouldn’t have to deal with this instead I’m being deafened and I’m getting my ass eaten

Every 5 Seconds by an enemy oh my God thank the Lord we’re back up here oh my God there’s no lightning you know what the worst thing is when we get to like these tall ass trees that’s when it gets really annoying because the tall trees

Can hurt me so I got to go around them the thing is I keep forgetting to go around them so this is what I’m going to do on instead the bees are our friends yes they’re going to assault us here and there but they are our friends what does

This Boss look like I I still have not seen this boss I I feel like I just got to jump down just to see what he looks like that’s what he looks like is that a copper Warrior bunny what the hell at this point I don’t know what to do what

Do I do at this point I am a broken man I am just stunned and scarred no matter what I do I feel like I just end up getting attacked by something you know what the good thing is is though I have a torch I can see things we have the

Metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel oh here we go we might actually be breaking into a real cave oh my God mightest curse I can’t even break off in pots why does it have 11k health I’m just going to stay away from the the midest curse okay actually

Can I kill it what if I kill it as you can see it’s taking like decent damage so if I sit here and mine it does it give me like a bunch of gold or something oh it gave me four silver boys we’re rich on me McDonald’s on me oh actually

That might be a little too much Burger King on me there’s another pot down here I’m scared to break it okay nice awesome a couple more terrible debuffs on me I shouldn’t break them anymore but like what if one of them dropped something good yo a torch zombie just died and

Dropped 15 torches oh my God I have been blessed Upon This Day get it yes oh my God okay the only problem is there like a billion bees here I’m leaving the world and rejoining back down the hole we go hopefully we find something so you can see we’ve been playing for pretty

Much 30 minutes how long can a person play something like this before they completely go insane like I’m not a big higher difficulty Terraria player but like I think I’d rather play legendary mode masochist mode Death Mode all that before I even put my hands on this ever

Again like that actually sounds funny interesting compared to doing this and I’m dead couldn’t even see what killed me I just died okay why does this ghost have lightning around it bro can these damn arrows leave me alone I feel like I have one final straw before I I’m just

Done one final straw before I’m just done with this please give me all the wood before I die okay or don’t give me all the wood this down here is my home away from home no no no no no I hear you oh my God it’s just a regular ass worm I

Don’t think I can beat it but is it’s good to know that it’s not something that’s going to insta kill me I’m still dead though if it touches me since I’m going to die I might as well break these pots over here bombs I’m dead as hell the damn

Arrow of Destiny has come to kill me what can I do y i’ be forgetting that I have a dash there’s a weird thing that this mod allows you to have this is what killed me earlier statue curse what even turned me into a statue did I see Meda or something it

Was just dark I don’t know it just slime down is that a shark and the shark is shooting projectiles I don’t know if cobweb is a good thing I don’t know if anything is a good thing in this world look at that even a cobweb gives you a

Debuff I really don’t even want to know what happens if I touch water but I have to yo look at the jellyfish stop I hate this thing I have made a bow with my iron what the you know what maybe the bow is going to be useful here oh my god

Look that was decent damage except except for the bow doesn’t shoot half the time what is this what is this why does it only shoot sometimes minus 41% damage the hell Abigail do your thing do your thing they have 400 health so this thing is going to take a while oh my God

I think this is my Breaking Point y’all I don’t I don’t think I can handle this anymore oh God and here come the sound effects if you guys want me to make myself commit to more torture is that an evil bunny what the hell if you want me

To commit to more torture like this then maybe I can see myself playing a little bit longer what am I supposed to do this projectile just stuck here I I want to see a little bit more because look at this when you open this there’s a lot of

Things here look at that there’s stuff all the way at the Golem I don’t know who the hell they think is going to play all the way up to the Golem but I I I want to see a little bit more man I don’t know I feel like I want to see

Something but this video has definitely felt like running into a brick wall over and over again hoping some different outcome but happened other than me bashing my face the last thing I’m going to do is I’m going to touch the water down here I got to touch the water I

Just got to see okay lethargic that’s not that bad we’re a little bit blind out here but I hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like subscribe hit the notification bell all that good stuff I’ll see y’all next time have a good one

We have discovered a Terraria Difficulty HARDER than the rest…

Satanist Mode – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3139796298

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  1. I am glad someone showed this mod on YouTube. I played it for few hours and I think that such a level of pain and torture honestly is a form of art, and it deserves a spotlight. The mod creator did a great job there XD

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