Slowly Turning her Minecraft Into a Horror Game

In this video I find hundreds of ways to tr my friends with the scariest Minecraft mods ever to be made I Scout the coord of every uploaded Minecraft boss and use each of them in my quest to conquer my Minecraft server my first idea was to combine Minecraft Mobs to

Make the scariest mob possible but for the first time in forever things didn’t go to plan guys have I got something to show you today and of course you know where we’re going we’re going into Dr D’s evil Laboratory Yes you heard it right Dr doy’s Evil laboratory and today

Guys have I got something to show you look all right if we step behind this door we have a machine that allows us to combine two different Minecraft eggs to make a completely new Minecraft mob and we are going to go and make the scariest

Mob you could think of and judging by my inventory I have the first two mobs that I would love to combine we’ve got a be and a g the only things that fly exactly the same now imagine a giant be that’s the size of a ghost flying around

Shooting like needles or like shooting The Stingers at people instead of shooting Bloss yo that is the craziest mob I’ve ever heard of so if we just put any mob in here any mob in here click combine it figures out what mob’s there figures out the other mob there spins

Them together nice little beautiful animation and then it will spoil the giant what is that this is a scary video what on Earth are you you disgusting maybe if I put them maybe if I put it the other way around maybe it was like

Does it go g cuz we put the B on the left side the first time right am I tripping no or did we not I don’t know what we did if this spawns out another little tiny one I swear one of you that okay all right we’ll find a scary

Combination okay first of all you come here you come here you little rats both of you come follow me look at you guys are so useless you’re stuck in the house too you’re going to have to make me break my lab get out here oh my God oh

My God are things I do for content and I know someone in the comment section saying oh dony they so cute and you guys are going to do fan art about them I don’t care okay I want scary to ruin my friend’s world I don’t want Happy both

Of you go away get out of here shoot yes psychos let me know if you guys get GI at any point I don’t care about them okay it’s fine it’s fine we’ll figure out another combination I’m going to Google every scary Minecraft W and we’re doing our

Own ones what is that what is that what are you that a lead can I grab you wait what what is that thing it’s like a r with this diamond shovels bro use all my diamonds to make diamond shovel I don’t have a lead oh it’s making gas noise

What is this thing bro that has to be Donnie making that bro what is that thing that is terrifying wait there he is there he is there’s Donnie there’s Donnie okay how am I supposed to maybe we go on top of his house doesn’t have

His guard up right now oh oh all right I got one guys okay imagine a zombie right but it looks like a slime but imagine so like a giant one so like if it’s like I want the so I want slime size but I want a zombie okay that’s the right way now

What is that what is that what is that what is that what is that what a what a slime that’s a guys and the zombie that’s what it looks like okay like got egg egg thingy oh oh come on game don’t do me wrong this time a zombie head and

Then a slime what okay slime size zombie what what what is that what is that that what why would there what a zombie size slime is that a slime what is that no way what is that look how it’s bouncing it jumps bro what you don’t do anything

You got does it hurt I’m in survival hit me hit me oh my God you stupid come here you’re getting the Dy treatment as well come on out come on bro what did I just witness what did I just see get out of here let’s go let’s go let’s go you’re

Getting the chippity chubby did you just break the floor that was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in my life that’s a slime it has to be where is he taking it don’t take it to my house I’ll kill you get out of here go ahead and shoot there

Get stay out of here you rat it’s just setting them outside like a psychopath we get something more scary this time I promise guys we get something terrifying why is he just letting it out into the Wilderness you come with me you come with me yeah I’m bringing you to rage

Rage rage is going to need to see this oh God sneeze hello hello hello L what are you doing in my house look at this bro look what Don dude you found you found the new mob what do you believe I feel like this is super boring can you believe

People actually voted for this thing did you vote for it is that why wait what no Donnie made this Donnie just I just saw Donnie he’s like making maybe Donnie voted for this one in the most recent mob vote but I thought you voted for

This one too do you not remember that no was no the mob vote was like a like a armadillo no no that was like one that was the mob vote before this mob vote that was months ago dude you’re confused because you made videos about those and you haven’t made videos in Forever

That’s why you’re confused there was a new mob vote yeah you voted for this this is a real Minecraft thing it’s in front of you isn’t it what game are we playing what game are we playing right now is is this Roblox are we playing Roblox right now or is is this Minecraft

I’m not stupid okay there’s no there’s not there’s not a mob V okay Donnie’s out there making some random mobs and we got to stop them and then get in there and just dude I can’t Linux you got to leave my house bro if you’re going to

Vote for mobs send pictures in Discord about how you voted for the mob flame other people for not voting for The Mob and then when the mob gets put in the game be like I didn’t vote for this I didn’t why what is this it’s okay to be

Ashamed that your mob got put in the game and it sucks bro but you don’t bring that into my house look it’s stupid this is it’s basically lxs 2.0 okay dude take it away whatever dude okay when when the mob he makes takes over the world don’t blame me I mean

When you voted for it like that one I’ll blame you I didn’t vote for I didn’t think it in a my vot hey I got the chat logs I got the chat logs brother whatever dude it does it appreciate my work around here my detective work then

I will just have to bring another mob over here oh man and I hope Donnie makes a mob that is absolutely insane that specifically eats rage it’s too good sometimes I wonder if I can convince him that that these are actual mobs in the game it’s too good sometimes I can’t

Help myself plus that mob actually looked kind of sick hey y Mojang when you putting that in the game you’re going to the evidence Locker yeah you come in here no matter what rage says I know that you were not in the mob boat say Crouch so we can’t see where we are

Here we go here we go what is he doing guys I’ve got it it’s official what’s he doing what’s he doing okay there’s an egg in there I have got the greatest mob ever I’ve got an iron golem and an Enderman imagine an Ender’s power but

It’s so strong and it’s like an iron golem a little white egg what is this mean what does this mean what does this mean what is he doing he’s using another egg that looks like a turtle egg it’s like green has to be right imagine he will want anything teleporting around

Like crazy okay what’s the white egg so Enderman we don’t want Ender body we want Iron Golem strong body but we want end wait do we swap you want Enderman strong body is this how it works I don’t even know how this mod works okay he’s like mixing them up like soup he’s

Mixing up I mixed soup mobs in Minecraft right here we go give us Iron Golem man’s body and then the Ender burs the teleporting and the powers and the aggressiveness okay that Enderman and a Golem no way what does it look like what does it look like Enderman a Golem ah it

Work worked and it teleport oh my God okay here the plan though here is the plan no way is it aggressive is it not that’s wait what what are you not going to hit me are you not going to hit me the Enderman it teleported around the

Left wait where did it go where did it go is it teleporting oh wait be careful oh oh okay you’re good oh my God if the Enderman teleports up here I’m screwed cuz I thought he was just going to teleport to the end and I’m I’m right here stop stop teleporting please this

Is not what we wanted it is not aggressive it it looks how we wanted it but it’s not aggressive so guess what you’re another fix I need to stop being aggressive before these mobs come back and get me please tell me bro I think he’s just putting

These out into the world I think he’s making them and then he’s just throwing them out like Cho liver I don’t even know what that means come on out you know the drill you know the drill you’re get chimy chop we grab the block so he

Doesn’t see it okay cool and I know what you guys are saying Donnie this is so evil just throwing them away because they’re not doing what you want listen I’m making them okay so I want them to do the job it’s either that or I chop

Them up okay okay okay he’s letting him go please tell me he’s letting him go which one would you prefer I CH B up or what exactly I thought so right let them go just live in the world you know hopefully they just they could kill l or

Something I don’t know yeah go go go okay here we go here we go here we go I got fix the lab on the way in too look at this look at this mess who made this mess now we can steal the Golem where is he he’s teleporting get over here ah R

Is going to love this you can okay no way rage gets away with saying that this was from a Minecraft mob boat this is the farthest thing from a mob that was in a Minecraft mob boat how did you saying Ender Golem Ender liim oh my gosh

I’m a genius and the Ender liim is in vanilla Minecraft there’s no way rage rage rage uh hey buddy what’s up not bubble or anything but this is definitely not from a mob boat look at this I don’t know if that’s going to fit through the

Door can this thing get to the door please I don’t know if that’s okay Linux why can’t you jump oh there we go first off thanks thanks for bringing this into my house whatever this is right thanks for that you’re welcome okay no more no

More fun in games okay it’s I don’t know what this is okay has it attacked you no okay so it’s just chilling right it’s well well I don’t know why you take it off the leash but it’s it’s vibing right okay so just let it be right take it out

Of my house and then let it off the leash and just let it be right it’s not hurting anybody Donnie probably made it okay and and we’re trying to not make him mad right so maybe don’t take the things that he makes that aren’t doing anything wrong and put him on a leash

And stuff and parade him around the village and be like hey look here’s Frankenstein pull out the Torches and let’s burn him down so you’re saying even though I found Minecraft’s greatest finding in the last 10 years I’m not being promoted to the group leader you don’t know why you keep talking about

This group we’re not a group at best we’re a collective okay which has no leader but theoretically at the top of the food chain solving all the Mysteries saving the day right if there was a superhero theoretically it probably would be Linux because there’s no way that someone who’s just normal could

Find these things and just a normal guy you know what I mean handsome charming like this this thing is not from Minecraft we can agree on one thing okay one thing you are not a normal guy that we can wholeheartedly agree on there buddy kind right but there’s no leader

Okay and right now what’s happening if anything goes wrong in the next like 3 hours it is 100% your fault okay for doing this if anything I’m stopping things from going wrong by doing that is absolutely untrue all I need from you is a place to put all of these mobs that

I’ve started to find not harboring fugitives we coexist with Donnie right now perfectly fine we have been for a little bit nothing has gone wrong and that’s because you haven’t shown up at my house with a bunch of weird stuff whatever dude if you don’t appreciate my

Work then I don’t get can you there you go whatever take him somewhere else take him to Kip’s house take him to skidy tree Anywhere But Here dude whatever man whatever dude I’m going to see you off to make sure go wrong I’m going to blame one to blame you’re the one messing

Around with it I’m in my house whatever rage whatever dude whenever a rage eating Enderman comes or ender dragon flies in and eats you just know it wasn’t me yeah whenever something goes wrong now it’s 100% his fault so un appreciative that guy I come in I save the day look handsome while

Doing it and I’m the bad guy yo get out the ah can you please stop teleporting this is his worst invention yet he just made a frustrating Golem oh exes me make space oh okay we’re going to block you in we go Donnie’s inside Donnie’s inside

Red Alert red alerted Al Al be kind of quiet okay he hasn’t made one yet this is perfect what has he made all right guys I’ve been scouring the internet and I have found the craziest thing ever what is he making what is he making what

Could it be what could it be is it a bird I was thinking what is the craziest mob is it a giant handsome Linux 08 I’m already right here a ravager and then what is the fastest mob the hardest to hit what is that what is that I don’t

Know that egg a rabbit so imagine a giant ra a giant ravager that egg looks different than normal I’ve never seen that egg in my life that’s not a real egg he made that egg that hops around like a bunny and then it headbutts you

You know like the H ravagers do but it’s so quick it get you every time thought he’s about to look up for some reason no way he looks up bro you know how are you telling me that that wouldn’t look crazy why are you looking up don’t you

Thereare yeah yeah oh look there we go bunny webbit bunny webbit weer oh what is that what is that thing wait please come on I can’t see I don’t know what that is let’s see it believe me what is that what why is everything going wrong

Can can you sit on these you can’t even sit on them what is that why is this face cute do they hurt what is that thing called you aggress they’re aggressive oh my God they’re aggressive it’s like a bunny mixed with that thing that goes in like a Pillager raid do

They one shot like the ravager uhoh here we go forget what it’s called it’s like a Pillager brute dude half a heart it does half a heart guys it hits you wait what it does half a heart guys every single hit does half a heart and I’m in

No armor I’m wearing nothing and it does half a heart you are the most useless mob of ever you just look cute should I keep it as a pet ah you know what no I don’t want you as a pet Zoe what is the point of all this is he just throwing

Random stuff outside sorry even though you are cute you are one day you’re going to be so annoying cuz every time I try to do anything you’re going to headbut me so that the entire world is just filled with random Mobs Can you please leave my house sir can you please

Come out here imagine I just wanted a giant bunny like a giant bunny that’s aggressive cuz it everywhere oh is that too much to ask for am I just being useless there he goes there he goes he dropping it off I don’t understand why nothing is going right bro this is like

A foolproof plan right now we have going on me standing right here this mod just does everything that I don’t want it to do maybe I need to think about now all I do is I go over and I pick up the loot mobs that wouldn’t work and then put

Those two together I don’t know I’m scouring Tik Tok there’s nothing here oh that was really loud here he is ow it doesn’t even hurt you it doesn’t even hurt what he does like negative damage why does he sound like that oh come here

Bro he makes a noise of a bunny when he takes damage ow can you not please oh my god oh I see him you chill out man oh my God no don’t don’t open the door rage oh don’t open the door don’t don’t open the door

Rage rage look remember when you said oh wait where’d it go wait what you hear that oh it’s a monster I said don’t open the door oh I said don’t open the door why this thing is a killing machine that is a threat to our society look at it oh

My God it’s so vicious oh it’s so vicious looking look look look stand next to it it starts punching you it’s assault you go to jail for that yeah Lin I’m going to be straight with you right now stand to l i no I’m not trying to

Aggravate it okay let’s be clear about one thing if you stand next to me I’m probably going to punch you okay but he’s making things that want to kill you look at this he’s hitting me so much I’m about to die I’m on half a heart I’m

Going to have heart I’m going to die why’ you hit me because Linux Donnie may be making things that want to kill you but let’s be clear here you are also doing that because you’re making me want to kill you bro just like what let him hit you bro he’s literally a fighting

Killing evil thing yeah that’s the face of evil right there I told you stop messing with Donnie’s stuff but then you had to go and mess with it when you left my house did you stop messing with stuff tell me honestly right now when you left

My house before and I told you to let the thing go and stop messing with stuff did you stop okay Don no Donnie’s putting them outside so theoretically I just stumbled upon it it wasn’t really me it was Destiny yeah so Donnie’s releasing them into the wild and your

Plan is to go around and find all of them and then drag them over here and wonder why they’re pissed off and attacking you I lost the lead so you’re going to have to keep this one okay hey that’s fine maybe it’ll help me Linux

Proof the house oh wait I have it you know what you don’t no you know what you don’t deserve to keep this thing get in here little guy yeah no going to make it worse dude you’re you’re literally pleas don’t come please don’t come back for

The love of God NP you don’t deserve it please ow you don’t deserve it scooch over bro please ow ow can you stop hey kill him little bro godp speed I will punch you oh my God it’s like babysitting could have just not opened the door come on get in

Now don’t hurt the other guys okay they’re just chilling mad chilling back in our spot back in our spot back in our spot back in our spot back in our spot okay okay here we go here we go here we go here we go get up get up get up here

We go okay perfect okay guys I have another two don’t ask why it took me 30 minutes to figure out what these do what is he making now what is he making now what is he making now well finally I think I’ve got two that work okay so I I

Googled all right what’s a mob that goes towards players and they said there’s a skeleton and stuff but I didn’t want to attract the skeleton so I’m thinking you get a villager cuz then it’s like looks passive and stuff then you put a Sher in there and it’s a Sher of villager

Walking with a Shuler that attacks people will that work probably not okay but I’m sick of doing all the right combinations of nothing working this feels like the wrong one but it should work okay he’s it’s like a Shuler and a villager that has to be a Shuler box

Right come on please be good to me for once in your life that that definitely is a Sher box what is he making what is that just do something that’s just a normal Shuler it sounds like a villager what is a Sher and a villager combined

What looks like a Sher box it’s a Shuler that sounds like a villager I don’t know is it just going hair is that all it does I can just hear a villager but is a Sher what it’s moving sh box has moved is the one broken wait I

Can’t are you broken like wait oh maybe is aggressive I’m in survival waa I’m in survival he’s in oh oh what is that oh my God oh my God and it shoots emeralds at you let’s go that’s good why did Donnie just back up like that that will work that will work it

Shoots emeralds yes hit me with the emerald hit me hit me hit me what does it do what does it do wait it’s just a flying hit me with the emerald end ender pearl wait what is that Emerald oh oh my God the Emerald’s going to hurt me wow

That was a that was a tough one for me wait does the emerald do the emeralds hurt what does it do here we goit oh it drops it drops emeralds they just give you emeralds this is kind of cool but I know what I want what do you do anything you

This is the worst model ever tested on the dony channel I’m St to think of this makes it into a you know what creepers I’m doing something with creepers is that even bad creepers explode I’m going to find the biggest Ender Dragon and creepers or something I feel like is it

Is it bad Ender Dragon creepers get out of here you stupid rat of a stupid machine is that a villager head in the middle of it what is that what is that thing what is that thing I don’t need emeralds when I can go into great mode

And do this okay do I does it look like I need emeralds he put it like right outside his front door this guy’s a psychopath he thinks that I’m like think I’m a special ops force to be reckoned with and go over sneak over Navy Seals mode what are you what are

You what are you you get emeralds from him that’s that annoying oh wait no no no no no no no I need to bring you to rage you need to stay alive you need to stay alive I need to bring you to rage rage is not going to be

Happy with you because you do horrible things horrible why can’t I hear lightning what’s going on someone here Linux someone here the amount of boats I’ve made in the last 30 minutes is absolutely insane get in the boat now get in you don’t have a choice no get in

The water good rage rage oh God I heard him oh hide rage rage rage where you at rage this is the worst one yet you please jump maybe I’ll leave rage this is the worst one yet can this thing jum please get out good thank goodness where did my where

Did my lead go where did the lead go just give me one sec rage give me one sec rage I know you’re waiting on me I know you’re excited to see what it is where did my lead go am I blind oh my God I can’t take it Linux I can’t take

It please there we go please stop look look at this it’s the worst thing yet it’s the worst now I’m an accomplice now I don’t want this stop I’m going to get killed look at this monstrosity that he has made this is going to ruin the

Server get it I get it it’s Drome Powell it’s printing it’s so bad the economy and all that stuff you know God danger to the economyin I am trying my hardest to not be involved in this so I don’t die and you are bringing something into my house that is ejecting money but

Isn’t that like just do you hear that statement right there please just please come with me this is printing money imagine what else he’s making yeah yeah yeah Donny who can cheat in whatever he wants is not making this to cheat it in for himself okay he’s making it his a to

See who’s going to take it and Linux always takes stuff that’s what he always says Linux takes stuff let’s see if Linux takes this and if Linux doesn’t then we can be friends and if Linux does I’m going to shoot him you want to get shot Linux you want to take the money

And get shot then you want me to get shot you want him to sh on the table suddenly what if what if what if he’s behind you right now outside the house and he’s he’s aiming at you and it shoots you and you die and then it goes

Through and hits me because you made it accomplish don’t break the lead Take the Lead how did I get two leads I have two leads now somehow listen take it away take it away you come with me please come come no I can’t I please please please please it’s printing money please

We’re just just just come watch just come watch please fine I can’t take you you’re I I will go with you because you’re just going to keep bringing away but grab you got to grab these I’m not touching them I’m not taking them grab them bro it’s not illegal money okay and

Now now I will go okay just get it out of the base get and it’s illegal money okay okay okay okay all right let’s go are you coming or what oh okay Donnie I didn’t touch these they’re not I didn’t I’m not involved okay you’re going to

Have to make another boat there’s like four other boats but I don’t know where they’re oh my God are there any boats out here there’s a lot of boats but they’re not just not right here right now here leave leave this guy don’t and come come Linux I really just please

Just can we kill it i’ rather kill it than leave it at my house it’s not good that’s not mine that’s not mine n no no leave it there that’s not mine don’t worry all if anything all the other ones there’s like 1 more at my house he’s

Watching he’s watching that’s not mine there’s 17 more mobs inside of my house right now you see how it’s blocked off there’s they’re all in there right now what are these idiots talking about in chat about that’s not mine who’s that’s not who who’s is what what’s blocked off

My house all of the mobs that I’ve found are in there right now it just looks like your house I got it guys creeper it looks like your really poorly constructed gross house bro whatever bro man when you see this you’re going to be like Linux you should have been the

Group leader from the start bro it’s not a group come on dude guys I got it giant zombie creeper giant creeper I’m not in a group with liger okay come on man Round of Applause please you guys get Club out now yeah yeah I’m a genius I’m

Somewhat of a genius I think you may want to change your mind when you get up here okay it’s going to be crazy you’re going to be like wow Linux you’re a genius we need to stop this man now then we can have a democratic vote to get him

Off the server maybe I cut all the other tries that I did and you guys don’t see how many attempts this took me but creeper giant okay we combine the two all right then we make giant creeper a giant explosion the only way that i’ would ever say that we’re in a group

Together is if you agreed to leave me alone but that’s clearly never never going to happen so we’re never going to be in a group together ra you’ve never ever been like wow L that’s actually really good finding you never said that one I’ve said that before I’ve literally

Said that before yes and then you ran forward now you’re accomplice cuz now you’re sneaking around good job hurry hurry hurry get over here no I just oh just oh give me the strength to not do it give me the strength to not do it do

What come come come come come come on please be good to me be good to me Linux dude I’m trying so hard not to kill you right now please don’t please please please you’re going to think after this okay we there’s absolutely zero way I ever thank you there is there is there

Is watch this is there literally no way this is the time you’re actually going to vote for me to be president you’re going to be like Linux you need to be a president oh oh creeping zombie oh what is that oh hey look you have a health

Bar the giant creep has a health bar a giant creep what it worked it’s even go boss wait what you’re no giant creeper it worked it worked oh no how do I lead this what the bro come up here I see it you you can lead these guys wait let me

Flip this still does it explode that’s the ultimate test look at that I’m what is that thing what is that it’s a giant creeper a giant creeper will it explode okay or will it leave a tiny damage or big damage yeah it’s even bigger than you and you’re a pretty giant creep

That’s a threat to our existence and why did this happen why am I here I would be in my own home if it weren’t for you it doesn’t explode if I go survival mode uh-oh uhoh okay it’s fine just don’t worry wa what is it doing I hate you

Ah what oh I hate him so much I hate him so much what oh my God I died I died he’s the sing he is the single dumbest person I have ever met bro blew up his whole house for what oh my God and he won’t

Leave me alone I’m dead my di how did the other two die I should have killed him when I had the chance I should have killed him when I had the chance did I kill Linux and rage on the server where were they guys did I kill them how did I

Kill were they close close oh no okay um I can fix this my next idea was to change my friend’s spawn point and put him in the scariest house possible every time he opens the door there’s no telling what’s behind it good luck oh look at this it’s a lucky day Linux is

Online my favorite trolls are trolling this guy okay to trade nope dude all righty a good D oh about vanish that’s fine he’s he can know we’re online during all this oh not today please I have 72 levels man I just got it I just

Got this I just got it I literally just got it bro I TP TP lycs I’m not nope uh-uh ooh hello my friend no no no I’m done no how are you you left the game not today hey hey not today hey hey hey hey come on man he left the He he’ll

Be back guys don’t worry he’ll be back this place is actually kind of scary just waiting for somebody to join the server just where are my friends man we got at least have like two people that join the server every day and nobody’s here today the spawn point is

Right here all right boys you haven’t seen my house in a minute so let me just show you what I did to it all Right what Preposterous what is this oh my God I was convinced it was going to be kly but it’s like oh my this is the best outcome we could have got somebody who screams 247 I didn’t log out here what I don’t even exit what is this I’m about

To call the police oh he’s got Mighty fatigue otherwise he would have broken everything in this entire map is that some kind of puzzle yo I I don’t want to do this is this Donnie oh Donnie on the server very interesting very very interesting okay oh my God he’s confused

About where he is I’m pretty sure he’s streaming live right now so this should be perfect now let’s analyze this whole situation it looks very creepy um and there’s some weird puzzle should we should we just go with it or should I just disconnect I I don’t know if I want

To do it okay you know what I’m not wasy I’mma do it oh God what is this please figure out that you have to unscramble this please it’s like oh okay there we go okay okay okay so we just got to figure out the right order don’t just

Stop breaking stuff please relax like this boom somebody stop this punch you punch you guy all right hey he he wait okay I need to be ready for when he can fig it cuz he’s it’s going to say he’s coming and guess who he is going to

Be he he this is what I’m about to look like are you ready for the scariest thing of all time look at this and then a smiley face a red smiley face interesting he’s smiling is that what it is oh he’s smiling he’s smiling boys oh my God if I

Vanish now he’s going to see all right what does that say he’s coming he’s coming he’s going to turn around who’s coming bro a what the flip is that what’s up Pepe he’s gone oh my God oh my God no no no I’m not doing this he’s running he’s out I’m

Not doing this today boys hold on I’m running out right now let me out quick I just wanted him to see he’s running for he alive oh my God I can’t even break the blocks are you kidding me how am I supposed to get through bro what is this

End rods what am I supposed to do with end rods he’s fore Al oh God I went back into to vanish now he’s looking for the key maybe it’s a monster that disappears I think we’re good I don’t think he’s coming for us right oh he he thinks he’s coming look

Is there some type of key or or a button or something let’s give him blindness for one second there we go maybe I have to like take the string oh my god let’s play a little wall and then I put the string in in my oh that doesn’t work what

The okay yeah I don’t appreciate that at all let’s go I know he’s screaming so much hey we have Wall now can we like somehow glitch this no what did he why is he put in the wall he’s gone mad okay uh this is going to take quite

Some time boys I apologize in advance he’s going he’s got to find the k key in here I hit a key it’s in this chest right here bro where is the key where is the key bro I’m actually getting kind of scared is he coming no we’re good we’re

Good oh my god look all right come on bro where is the key oh what was that oh it was nothing my mind was playing games with me I mean something come up on your screen for one second look wait what something just flashed on

My screen I don’t know if you guys saw that okay oh my God nope that is definitely not a bug there flashing on my screen bro stop please stop Donnie I hate you man stop you’re scaring me please please his heart is going like crazy right now D will L you

Poop my pants if you don’t stop right now call the police ke please what the no stop man I don’t like the jump scares without sounds it’s not nice it’s not nice at all oh you can tell he’s so scared oh God come on bro where is the

Key I just want the key please enough is enough this dude is panicking they’re not in here let’s play it one more time maybe the monster isn’t coming maybe maybe we’re good okay stop the okay let’s go here let’s let’s come back out and

Vanish oh what was that a l let’s go I kind of want to go back and see if he’s still chasing us before we go to the next one let’s come back let’s come back as this guy wait we need it we needed to cuz maybe he just like got stuck here or

Something oh he disappeared okay very interesting NOP I’m I’m opening the door I do not like that at all I do not like disappearing monsters okayy put the Le down let’s go baby let’s go should I take the lever with me I think I should oh I can’t break the lever maybe there’s

Like another one I can take he’s going to come and check it out and then this is where we go we needed to come in I’m on over oh please open this door open this door I don’t know why but I no no no I don’t want to

Die I still want to have children it’s peepe can I close this before I go out you know he saw us you saw that he definitely saw us is is there is there a way close it it bro Oh my he he’s trying to break

This close it oh let’s go I’m too smart for this game baby hold [Applause] on he’s trying to keep us out yeah nice try buddy all right go to oh no no no I don’t like the fact that it’s dark stop take me out of here oh now it’s time for

The scariest room of all time that is a bit too dark for my liking boys it’s some type of maze it seems like all right uh no that’s a dead end oh my God I don’t like this at all I can’t see anything can I put my brightness up it’s

Already all the way bright and I can’t see anything you better let me out of here right now this is not funny at all and you know what we’re going to do inside these rooms here we’re going to spawn a little mob that’s terrifying and

It looks like a little hand come on this okay bro how am I supposed to get out of here here we go look this is it so we just do vanish now and we’re going to go f let’s go find him actually I hear steps here we

Go oh my God that’s all I give me oh my god dad ah oh my God please Donnie what did I ever do to you oh my God oh my God oh my God it’s Squidward oh my God get out of here please please I’m sorry I didn’t do

Anything to SpongeBob I promise I promise oh my God what did I do to deserve this squid one squid one I know he’s going to be coming this way oh it’s bright okay all right let’s go back in where is this squid bro I don’t like

This squid at all bro where you at Squiddy there we go the scariest hand of all times Squidward actually you know what I don’t want to do this never mind I do want to do this okay let’s go back in look at the animation on this yo who hav made this

Mod all right that’s a dead end give me a kiss bro okay let’s keep going okay Mr Squidward you know what I’m not scared of you bro you look kind of cute I can’t lie yo it’s not a squid it’s a seven hand all right buddy get out the come

Here come here come here come here my boy come on come here come here okay he doesn’t want to go out okay you know what I’ll just trample over you then okay no that’s a dead end oops forgot okay let’s go to the left okay left to

Dead end so we have to go here all right so okay dead end interesting keep Mo stop hitting me Squidward oh now I can hit him Squidward oh he keep jumping there we go all right come on man I just want to find the exit enough is enough bra is

This it oh my look at that oh my my God why does that look so scary let’s go yeah yeah yeah you ain’t going to chase me now boy yeah yeah that’s what I thought you better stay back jeez and then let’s just go to spectate Quick there we go just like

That way’re g all right Next Room what is this remember oh my God what am I supposed to remember what what were you saying all right now we’re in the Next Room okay we have to go back into the scary thing that he was absolutely terrified of oh

Maybe like the way it’s uh organized okay all right I’m just going to take a picture boom C it’s time for this guy and I need him to open I need to open this door I need to can you excuse me all these hello guys do you mind you can tell he’s

Panicking for this next room he basically has to don’t worry he can’t see me right now but for this next room he basically has to memorize all of this and then paste it into the next room but all before I come out of nowhere and then look oh does he

Remember all right there we go okay remember let’s go to the next room there we go okay yeah of course you think I’m stupid buddy I literally have everything memorize okay so the nether quartz goes here and then it’s a diamond block and then it is let me come out vanage here

And let me just start breaking this wall uh diorite and then it is spongy mongy and then it’s dirt and then it’s uh bricks oh even though it will help him to come through and then it’s sand and iron ore and dripstone block there we go

Bu listen buddy I’m not scared of you anymore right think I’m scared of you come over you can’t even do any damage to me yeah ah it does do damage it does do damage no where’s the button bro oh I got one I got one okay I’m out I’m out

Yeah look at him screaming yeah why I thought buddy yeah you better run huh yeah you can’t press a button now can you yeah I think you’re so funny don’t you we just go to spectator that we’re gone did he just disappear okay that’s creepy I can’t lie let’s keep moving

Okay what the flip is this what is this and now he he should know that he’s getting chased at this point but he’s in the Next Room now a crafting table and a what is that is that Donnie Donnie and for this room he has to make it all the

Way across but how do you make it all across you’re wondering basically he’s got only diamond or only gold ingots inside here nuggets okay that is uh that is very creepy boys but uh let’s keep going what’s inside this chest golden nuggets what am I supposed to do with

Them and he has to turnament to OT to turn those ingots into blocks and just about enough blocks to get across just like throw them down feed feed them to the monster is that it is all before something comes along and kills him take

It does he like maybe fly up and then I ride him over there what am I supposed to do with this bro I can only make like I can’t even make any gold not uh uh bricks and look I spawn the re this time let’s not me disguised this is actually

Him you do not make sure he does not see you like oh there’s a crafting table I forgot okay how does it go again like that oh it’s like that oh oh I I know I know what’s going on you guys think I’m dumb eh is he crafted him I don’t know

If he is make them block listen I just got to go like this this like this like this like this like this like this oh like this gly make the blocks what see oh he took them all take this hold on I’m smart boys don’t worry about

It like that and there we go six should be enough so I can jump that right of course I can oh he’s he’s actually trying to parkour it there’s no way I can’t yo he’s insane why would he do that oh that was pretty close eh how he

Parkour it all right another one why did he just make more belogs he’s insane yeah baby now watch this yeah yeah let me sport him here yeah take this I don’t need oh actually I did need that I can’t lie what in the yo Pepe get out of here man you give me

Anxiety I don’t want to have anxieties okay what is this do not press oh I press it what do I get oh my God that was terrifying oh stor button nice GG easy boys thank you he was screaming at the top of his lungs can you relax all

Right hide hide yeah hide where I’m not going to hide from nothing brao I’ve come this far to not hide I’m ready to fight baby yeah I got strings and gold nuggets I’m not going to hide from nothing here can I escape this not about secret escape room that I’m missing what

Is this open all the doors not going to hide from anyone luckily I can go back out yeah where is he where is he you think I’m going to hide from you actually you know what I’ll hide I’m kind of scared I can’t lie okay there

You go I’ll hide I’ll hide I’m not wussy oh you press the button good all right what’s going to happen what’s going to happen now he’s hiding but look who’s coming here we go he’s going to come through these doors any second now hello bro oh the door just opened

Hello um let me go investigate oh God hello what the I don’t know if I want to go any further maybe I press this button oh lie boys I’m starting to get creeped out now I I know I was talking big before but that’s just cuz of the

Adrenaline now that I’m stuck in it with golden nuggets and string uh I don’t know what to expect you know the thing says hide I’m hiding you can hear the heartbeat oh where am I I’ll just look in the corner maybe maybe that’ll help calm Myself he thinks I can’t see him he thinks I can’t see him look let me just get up Here look he’s has to come out eventually but when he comes out it’ll be too late I’ll be on top of him come on out lier come on out oh that did absolutely nothing I got the ballet ready some type of secret like hide under the thing maybe hide in a

Different place over here oh my God Jesus Jesus I got you Lio was slain by Donnie you got live from me who do you think you are I’m don’t f with these videos I don’t want to do this anymore I don’t want to do this anymore is not even Halloween yet

Why am I doing this to people I’m sorry okay why are there still scary sounds playing what’s wrong with me why can’t I leave people alone my next idea was to make a house out of diamonds in the middle of our server anyone to steal any of the

Diamonds wakes up in a nightmare but anyone who doesn’t has the greatest experience ever let’s see how greedy my friends okay I’m joined at a perfect time nobody is online so right here I’m going to be building a diamond house and these fools are going to want to take it

So bad this is literally like a trailer candy for morons they should know by now if there’s something that looks too good to be true it probably is but will they learn their lesson absolutely not oh my God it looks beautiful who do you know that has a house like this somebody tell

Me please try and do this in a hardcore World okay I dare you let’s just put some fake chest in here just so they think that you know there’s actually these people who live here there we go perfect looking house now let’s just get some glass on the walls let’s make it

Out of blue oh my God look at this I guarantee you someone’s going to try and steal diamonds from here I promise look at this this all looks too good oh my God even I take some there we go check it out now that’s what I like to see baby

Let’s just have like a trailer diamonds like here too that looks so stupid look at the Village look at everyone’s houses and then I’m rich baby let’s go so now that the Trap is set all we got to do is sit around wait like 2 days and I guarante

Somebody is going to fall for the bait let’s see what these idiots do when they see this house oh my God the first person to find the house was Ren the new person on the server surely he won’t steal from me right oh yes house is

Looking good wait what is that who built that wait what the heck dude it’s actually fully fully Diamond what the heck it looks pretty dude I mean you know if you if you got that sort of cash I mean you do you man you do you but

Holy that’s full diamond man well I’ll be bad if I could just get one of those diamond blocks I can’t I can’t okay we’ll just we’ll just keep on going we’ll just keep on going good guy Ren and then not 30 minutes later Lin comes online and look what this idiot does bro

Bro bro bro whose house actually whose house look at this a normal village like normal human beings all over the place this it looks like when you let your little brothers on the server and you forget that they have creative like they just forgot about it look at this bro

I’ll I’ll claim those two as property taxes they’re uh pretty intense on This Server actually wait okay no I was going to say I could take the corner blocks I could just take all the corner or we could just take most yeah we could just take most of this like look at that

Right and then we just go boom boom boom boom boom okay well once that grass grows back it’ll look pretty normal yeah that’s fine that’s fine and then wait what we could do actually we could take oh right here there we go that’s exactly what we want there we go these bottom

Ones it’s literally you don’t even need them there just put dirt you’ll never see him again there we go that’s mine perfect wait could we take we’ll take the blocks that aren’t the chest cuz this one blocks the entire bottom so you can’t see it you can’t see this one you

Can’t see that one and you can see this so we’re going to go like that wait we actually have a lot 16 diamond blocks bro wait is there more no there’s not okay more here there is why why why is there just random blocks you can’t see these bro I’m going

To I’m going to have so many di there we go is there any over here it has to be right we have 22 diamond blocks for free I hope the grass grows back really fast yeah see it’s just those two and we should be good yeah we have 22 diamond

Blocks dude easy clap like taking candy from a baby so now that Linux has stolen from my house and ren has not the next time Ren goes inside his house he’ll be teleported to a mansion where everything in there will be perfect anything you could ever want in Minecraft but Linux

Will be sent to a haunted mansion where literally everything there would want to kill him it’s going to be terrifying massive gains let’s go oh my gosh nine coal okay finally we’re almost home this guy keeps Jing me which way we go in Ren 57 Cobblestone you know me I’ve it on

That grind I’m trying to give you good stuff just walk inside your house okay the next time he goes inside his house obviously he’s going to be sent to the good place man look at that house dude if I could just get a few diamond blocks

Man I’m telling you I could make a house as beautiful as that wait if he steal something now he has to take away everything okay wait a minute oh wo okay okay I don’t know man I just want a cool house wait H stop doing this oh my God

Dead I’ve got I’ve got a house like this yeah there we go he’s his house the final world please baby it looks nice but like social status is not the same man oh my God if he if he doesn’t go inside there we go I’ve just been

Waiting at this house he’s on the server but he just hasn’t come back I thought that was him oh my God it was the stupid sheep I need to get a bunch of ladders and just put them on the side and make it a lot easier to get up here Stay With Me

Oh or I could just do this oh wait no why didn’t I fly I thought you supposed to fly oh my God he scared me oh my I was just singing a song and this guy scared me maybe I don’t know where did he come from okay now we just needed to

Go inside his house you have to be in water okay if he leaves without going inside his house I’m going to be fuming right okay no that’s what it was there for just so he can Trident hop and it doesn’t even work I don’t know how

You’re supposed to do it you don’t have channeling you idiot is it channeling I don’t know but please who knows oh oh my what the heck if I TP there we go baby let’s go did I step on a pressure plate or something what happened boom T lytics

Oh no no no no no no no yes wait yo what is this place welcome to the beautiful Manion this place looks so cool it’s like the lyrics is well but a lot lcer hello welcome Ren you are so kind to not Ste from my house so we

Enjoy this fun house and Gifts take anything you like and then look he’s chilling baby no you know you’re far from home now buddy let’s go I’m so excited what was that noise something just made a weird noise wait sound like when you’re really hungry and your stomach makes a noise

This house I’m telling you right now is genuinely terrifying okay hear it you can only hear the warden noises oh my God iron doors at the ready oh no there’s pressure plates and everybody’s inside there we go look oh my God we got every single person he’s usually on the

Server and they’re all insulting him in the chat you steal from people how dare you don’t you dare spit at me yes I don’t know what’s going on with quiff and red they didn’t get them oh there we go Thief I’m not a thief he’s so ugly ew

Kipley you’re supposed to be nice everyone is just around there insulting him I think like like spits on him L kick this guy and add me to the new SMP no no your are rats red says swap me out says has he got more subs than me okay

How does this actual Act mean I call him bald head but this house is genuinely terrifying inside every one of these rooms there is something that will get his heart doing Bo you know what I mean and there’s even a dony ghost look at me this is what you get

For stealing you idiot yes you stupid idiot okay I mean I mean I mean oh okay first door Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t Mind If I Do oh I know what’s in this room where am I supposed to go what is this they just yell at me oh look and he

Can’t get out you have Ric fatigue in here you silly belly I have mining fatigue what there’s no leaving here you’re just going to get insulted by your friend there’s no way wait wao wao the door just closed is he going to go into one of the rooms after he’s just

Been insulted look okay we can either go in that one or this one do these buttons do anything no like is like you Thief you steal from people Everyone calling you ugly I’m calling you bold and then look maybe this one wa W kind of dark in

Here but I promise you look every one of these things I followed Linux around okay I gifted 50 Subs to R stream gifted Subs to my favorite stream yo wait what the heck which is like $300 and look there we go and there’s a picture of it

In chat gifted Subs to my favorite streamer a goty Dy with the 50 gifted and then we said Dy B’s gifted 50 tier one Subs to Red Blazers Community they’ve gifted 50 Subs in the chat thank you so much Dy thank you look at me kind

Guy Donnie wao wo wo wao he was trying to tame a horse I’m going to give myself of night vision I followed lyx around for 2 hours taking pictures of him in Minecraft he tried for 8 minutes straight gave up and killed the horse that’s a lie I didn’t I didn’t end up

Killing that horse that wasn’t me and I documented everything he was doing from the start where he was trying to T horses you found a ruined portal and took everything from the chest he made the portal too big and gave up no I made the portal legit you found random CH

Honestly this one I didn’t know what he’s doing but I realized now and if you know you know wait how did he get these photos he traded with a villager but then accidentally hit the Villager and then got chased by the Golem I’m telling you lyx is poing himself right now he

Slept in the bed of a villager what if we can see on webcam if we paned it down a little bit you see brown doodo stains all over the chair and stuff watch’s po reveal at 4 million Subs okay don’t don’t do that please oh my gosh an

Absolute mad lad thank you I said he’s so funny and cool and funny wow nice guy you hear that sister smile and boost taser I’m better than you oh my gosh man man Donnie’s literally the best person ever man holy what a nice what a nice

Nice Donnie I told you I could be nice stop closing the doors on me where did he get these photos he went fishing for food but then didn’t even cook it he just ate it all raw what’s the problem with that it’s sushi he missed so many

Diamonds no he finally found diamonds I did and then I honestly this all confused me a lot I don’t know what’s going on in this picture I don’t know that’s not me that is not me maybe that’s why he’s breeding sheep do stuff to them oh my God he’s so weird he went

To other people’s house how did he get these photos and then he’s stole from rga’s house hey yo what oh my God I look terrifying oh God wait so they’re all here look at that Noble Dy Noble Dy be evil Dy hello all righty oh my gosh

Another room oh he’s going into another room oh my God look at this where did he get those photos from and then if he goes into this room I think this room is a maze Le oh he’s not going to go into that one is he there’s a door there and

A door here he go in there yes yes yes yes feel free to do some shopping oh my gosh and inside here look oh my gosh there are so many Dons give me the ball oh mama look oh my God the loot all loot he can take whatever he wants from here

Wait a second it’s loaded diamond blocks dude diamonds baby bookshelves netherite oh oh he’s blind now we s this out for an iron door really quick bro look at that there we go look at this hey yo no no no no oh it’s a maze it’s a maze and

Now while he’s looking around inside this room is he’s going to pop out of no way no ah I just came in and left I just joined the server and left he said Dy oh my gosh I need these right now oh gosh give them all the blocks NE all the

Armor you can want oh my god oh another wait a second oh my gosh there’s so much loot bar is TNT a power five bow yes please turtle hmage look at this I’m so kind he just left we need to find him again there we go [Laughter]

Why does he keep doing that bro I want him to just I don’t like this man oh God this is terrifying I got all my good stuff on me at least not when I have my dony please stop stop now I have my stuff on me oh my God this must be so

Scary myit netherite I don’t want to actually get stuck like this bro oh my God I don’t even need this wait oh my dude dude dude okay diamond blocks are cool but Bedrock oh my gosh yes please give me give me uh netherite I already

Got that oops oops I already got that or netherite holy oh I love this he’s shopping like crazy yes keep going yes take whatever you want what’s he looking at right now of barriers wait a second take a stack of barriers why all dude Donnie’s hooking me up oh my gosh please

Don’t make me regret that oh God this’s about to be chaos wait does that mean that was Donnie’s house H maybe oh no he didn’t didn’t get any dragon heads he took the bow though oh oh I’m out dony wait what oh I can’t see he’s right

There ah my eyes hurt my eyes hurt this is so funny wao his eyes wo wo wo wo I didn’t see his eyes before and I said my eyes hurt and then his eyes were gone right oh my God he’s scared he’s so scared dude literally This Server is so great

You do you do one nice thing and then all of the sudden you get rewarded my guy doesn’t even want an lightra or blocks of gold hello wait maybe I want a bow or last thing all right I think we should be good why did he had a still

Wait one of these chests has got bedrock in it there’s no way I’m that stupid I think we’re set oh my I’m a what’s wrong with me wait can I place the turtle legs bro there’s no way come on go to oh wait okay this room guys I can

Explain I can explain this room no no guys guys how did you get this photo how guys okay listen all right listen how do you get this huh how did he get this photo of me I asked linx’s Mom for a picture of Linux when he was young and

She sent me this all right my dad took this photo I’m look good it was for my mom to make sure that my hair was cut right how’d you get this guys I’m not an insane creep I haven’t been following him for years okay listen all right baby

Lyrics look at him he’s like you talking to me punk huh my mom said take a photo of his hair and send it to me before you leave he actually look so adorable I just want to punch him in the head out of love you know and I look good wait

Let’s see let’s where did he stop no stop that what he diding to himself okay thank you so much Donnie for all this stuff it’s so nice of you man I literally I got so much stuff literally diamonds and netherite oh my gosh I got

So much stuff oh my God yo what oh he’s found another re what’s inside this one pick whatever you’d like oh my gosh look at all these armors oh pick whatever you like look at the armor there’s so many choices what the heck yo I’m hooking my

Boy up look I don’t know what type of armor this is let me see we got this like Warden looking one oh man maybe that’s an ender pearl I’m not sure yeah I I didn’t throw some stuff away Ender ghost chest plate where whatever that is

Let me let me put this on real quick uh here we go oh handsome Dy let’s go what arm is he going to choose oh my God look at all this you can take a phantom membrane head a furnace chest plate a melon pantalon and then you can have the

Feet of the Ender white ey Dragon leather eye white that’s so scary what was that something moved something moved stop there we go on Scramble it to find handsome Linux I’m tired I look good I look good I promise guys believe me I look amazing look at that I in my soccer

Gear my football gear guys where did he actually get this photo God chug that over there nice nice nice he has dis inventory after just leaving the room why didn’t he fill his inventory at the psycho all right grab that there we go there we go ooh it gave him an enchanted

Le I wonder what they do oh my gosh I’m looking so oh my gosh I look so good in this gear okay okay let’s see what else do I want to try out wo oh look at me go oh I get sift sneak nice M oh my gosh there’s literally even more behind

There’s actually so many holy all right let me let me try out the ice SW that was looking nice looking cool all righty all righty let me throw some more stuff away he’s throwing some of the stuff out hey I made you this come on man this place is terrifying terrifying what is

This bro look outside why is it red I’ve never seen that no no no no no I don’t want to die oh God please right I know this one we can’t see any of the other the rooms cuz this is the supposed to be the final one let me grab this ice one

This one looks cool there we go he’s going for the ice now why is he going for ice I’m ican waa now he’s got that slippery walk look at him go there’s actually dude I don’t there’s so many I don’t know which one to choose he’s got that Frost walk

Baby oh my god let’s go he’s having so much fun wait maybe I can take them all oh yes I need to I need to get rid of more stuff there I just have too much stuff all righty um I’m thinking this gold obsidian looking one we can grab

That oh my gosh this one also looks actually so good holy all righty PR the wood armor you know maybe I can be be like that I am Stone guy no I can camouflage into the wall try that on there we go how he’s wearing wood CL

This guy can you pick something you’re being not even Mariah Carri is this piggy the last thing I want to do right now is die I have all of my stuff on me I have everything I didn’t think you’d start skipping rooms oh this is good

Okay look going to see turn around and then look oh my gosh I actually blend right in what the heck man dude looking good looking fresh dude they’re they’re not going to see me coming look at him standing he looks like a tree it’s the

Tree man now that I’ve got all I want I mean I might as well leave and do that real quick oh he’s leaving okay it’s okay all righty we go over here and this place has actually had so much nice stuff in it oh my gosh thank you so much

Donnie you’re actually such a nice person thank you so much another happy customer turn around I don’t want to turn around no it didn’t even look I’m closing Minecraft just to make sure he didn’t kill me it would have popped up right he barely show me where

Did he get those photos of me in real life I’m no Thief I’m no Thief why he ran after he saw like two pixels on my skin ever since I joined it’s just been nice things after nice things the 50 Subs all this armor the Diamonds the

Bedrock it’s just so much good stuff thank you thank you man brought a tear to my eye did he mean the diamonds he can have those I don’t care I don’t care it was a diamond house he has a million of them I’m never playing this again bro

He’s just going to spawn Kamp me and kill me I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done my next idea was to cover my server in traps then when they all join make sure I’m offline so I can’t be the one held responsible I’m so evil evil Incorporated I really hope you guys

Appreciate how long it took look at this even says my name come on please but this is the famous Minecraft world YouTube is far and wide Subs ranging from 4 500,000 all the way up to 5 mil plus every single one of them dead not in real life though relax okay calm down

Perry is that you now I’m going to run around this entire world find every house I can find anything and set up the most traps ever and remember if they scream loud enough they’ll win 10 ,000 so we have to find someone who will get very

Scared let’s do this baby let’s go all right this next trap is insane it’s probably the scariest one okay everyone knows that there’s Juke boxes in Minecraft right Bo you put down a jukebox you get a random music disc and then it plays a sound happy Minecraft

Music but will you can also do is you can make it so that the jukeboxes play other sounds and if you live in England there is the funniest thing ever if you go to the cinema whenever you’re silent the movie is about to start and then all

You hear is hello and the guy scares everyone every single time and it’s a stupid advertisement about turning off your mobile all right as you can see that gets me a bit rounded up sorry but the guy scares me every time so I have made a texture pack if I go to Resource

Packs and put on D sound listen to this hello and tell me is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen put the Juke Box down put in 13 listen hello imagine it’s silent everything black you can’t see anything and then you hear Hello with the deepest voice in the world what I’m

Going to do is I’m going to set up hundreds of these Juke boxes around here that only play with skull senses so if anybody’s close by they’re just randomly going to hear hello this is going to be probably my greatest trap yet we all love the ones that explode and scare

People we love the people falling from high heights but this one is going to be our pie to resistance nobody’s going to able to withstand we’re going to see grown men scream like babies all at the fact that they’re going to be told hello okay I think this I think we’ve

Gotone a bit crazy and put way too many juk boxes but they’re all around here now all I got to do is set up for some Redstone that’s going to dig a long time so I don’t want you guys to sit through that this trap is pretty much shut up

And to the next person who comes in this area I just want to say hello with that trap ready I call it the hello inator now it’s time for the next trap the next prank we going to play on this house here I have absolutely zero

Idea who lives here but that’s not our problem I guess we’ll see you in a couple days when this video comes out whose house it belong to but I have no idea but you guys don’t have to wait long you just got to wait till the end

Of this video to find out so for this trap we’re going to do something really simple I’m going to put a command block right here and the second they to put this command block I’m going to make it so that this entire chunk disappears and you know what the beauty of this chunk

Is it’s in a mountain biome so look how far down it goes they are on 104 blocks in the air and all the way down it’s going to go all the way down even further even further this all the way down to – 61 that’s 160 blocks they’re going to be

Sitting there falling if they don’t scream at the top of their lungs after falling for 160 blocks there’s something deeply wrong with them okay so now that the kab book is set up let see I’m a stupid person whose house is this Dy Dury Dury I wonder what happens if I go

Inside my house boom uh Minecraft oh okay yeah okay okay it just took a moment that is a lot of blocks so imagine wait let me go to the top imagine there someone there they walk inside their house boom they’re falling they going to scream at this

Point all the way till they fall out the void oh my God this going to be perfect there we go the Trap is set up again where is it here we go we’ll put it right here oh jeez please so the Trap is set up again boom pressure plate boom

There we go that closes off the next person that walks in that house I just want to say I’m so sorry with that trap set up I call it the falling through the W inator I’m getting good at these it’s time for the next trap okay so the first

Trap I’m going to set is a very very simple one you see this beautiful little path here whoever’s house is that way over there has built this path I figured out that it goes underground in spectator mode look whoever is cles all the way down here goes out here big bong

Big bong goes down here goes into their stupid caves and Mining system all their stupid strip mining but on the way down imagine they turn this corner boom right here the biggest TNT explosion you could ever see I’m not even talking about a little baby explosion this one

Is like it makes a nuke look like a fart okay that’s how serious I am so for every one of these it’s just the explosion just get it’s that much bigger this is going to be insane oh my God I’m look guys I’m goinging like crazy this is the first time i’ ever

Clicked in my life you thought I was playing games no whoever whoever give me give me give me whoever lives near here you’re going to regret building a house so close to spawn I hate you and I hate everything you stand for unless it’s someone which I like which I’m

Sorry wait a minute I don’t like anyone even you cuz you’re not subscribed idiot yeah I’m talking to you person whose birthday is in June you didn’t think I knew that did you okay it’s it’s lagging when you’re walking past this is kind of insane all right this is very messy but

If we’re delicate we can do this there we go and then right here pressure plate goes right here so the next person who walks down here they’re going to get a nice little surprise the secondly step on wait is it still there okay yeah it’s still there oh just oh my God that

Scared me a bit wait let’s patch this up there we go perfect Bo boom boom let’s get out of here quick and fast on to the next trap with that trap set up I call it the kulminator that was just stupid I’m sorry it’s time for the next trap this

Next trap think of the scariest thing you can think of no even scarier than that you got it now double that scary and then triple it I’m crazy you got it in your head tell me does it look like this Among Us it’s everywhere please leave me alone I know what you’re

Thinking Dy how can Among Us this little red doodo character kill anyone how is it in imposter basically I go to survival mode look hello PR he almost one shot me but that’s not all I got to play with if for some reason you’re crazy enough you’re stupid enough to

Kill these little rats and you just keep hting them chopping and chopping someone’s dumb enough to kill these characters wondering what on Earth they do why are they tring sours of evils then after a while boom is dead again look who spots look at this it’s the mother of

All of B us characters listen I’m terribly sorry about killing your children I want to see what it looks like from the front look at this please I am deathly sorry about that looks like you will eat so the plan for this troll is I’m

Going to go a bit crazy and within the radius of all this entire spawn point the this characters are going to be everywhere I’m going to put these mobs to spawn as often as chickens yes the things that little little white things that you see that

Go I don’t know what chicken sounds like I’ve never seen one sorry I’m going to SPO them absolutely everywhere in the caves on the surface even inside Villages wait do you kill the villagers please don’t kill my okay they kill villagers villager run now with every single trap

Set all we have to do now is wait for our victims first person to fall for one of my traps was kitly and she fell for the hello one wait pause I don’t you thinking why is klyy a potato for some reason she was streaming and she forgot

She had this filter on why didn’t anyone tell her what’s going on I’m so sorry for your eyes I need me some more diamonds and some iron I guess never go wrong with iron there’s so many freaking zombies over there bro wa this cave is huge what the heck I should have brought

A water bucket this R wa David oh he just he fell off idiot imagine dying speaking of dying you know what Linux did earlier huh he sent a whole screenshot of the respawn death screen this man somehow died in Hardcore Minecraft how do you die in hardcore we

Have full netherite on This Server bro what are you dying to huh we need to find a way down this lava is crazy we will not be dying today people okay I have a reputation to uphold down we go perfect w i I think I see diamonds I

Think I see diamonds over there go go go creeper you do not want this smoke bro you don’t want it come here die Bobb and weave bob and weave stop shooting me you freaking Maniacs die okay there we go now I can get get my diamond here we go yay how is there

Okay there’s what do I have a another tab hello excuse me no I I must have another tab open or something hello what hello I don’t like this I don’t like this at all I don’t like hellos in in in strange caves I I literally have closed all of my Chrome

Tabs where is this coming from maybe it maybe it was just some delayed ad I don’t I don’t know bro I don’t know we mind our B no no no hello goodbye goodbye my weird voice no no do I do I have something else open no I L I

Literally have nothing else open besides Minecraft and my recording you know what uh I’ve had enough with weird cave noises for one day okay we’re going straight up I am getting out of here uh I want no more of these hellos we are doing our goodbyes today huh goodbye

Cave goodbye weird voices hello no no go faster go faster place the Box place the Box place the box there the next person to fall for one of my traps was Qui this one here I think he’s going to get really angry I hope you’re ready all I’m

Trying to take your loot bro villager you might be legit I don’t know what you’re trying to do you know what’s inside here hot emeralds boots I mean not really good but the emeralds are good can I trade with you I can so I’m going to come back to you let me close

This door all right there’s a few more villagers over here a bed bro I don’t need the oh my god there a one there’s a house right there and two there’s a v there’s a blacksmith oh my God okay the blacksmith’s probably taken right now but please just say they left wait the

Blacksmith’s not taken at all which can only mean one thing and that whoever this house is is a complete idiot and honestly since this house is in the village like realistically it is in The Village’s like kind of hemisphere so technically it is the village so technically I could break this and Rob

Your place you know what okay it’s cool though it’s cool okay no one’s online no one’s online all right let me let me go in and we just go I oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait stop stop I don’t I don’t have anything I’m into the void

I’m into the void please please please please no who do this who do this stop oh my God and we just go oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait stop stop stop stop the next person to full for a trap was bionic oh we haven’t seen on the

Server in a while Bic just had his wisdom tee removed so I don’t think he’s going to scream too loud I’m sorry bionic what is this oh my gosh yeah no Donnie was definitely here bro it’s so funny everyone’s always like oh it must be so much fun to play with Donnie how

Is this fun I don’t even know what part of History the server was here this could have been my house for all I know was it I don’t actually know what was this oh bro okay well you know what hold up rest in peace to whatever the nuts

Was here her okay whatever like you literally can’t even build something without it exploding is that even trolling if you just like explode something that’s not yours whatever bro you also get paranoid you always like think like this is Donnie like literally it could be Donnie I’m sorry C it’s not

Donnie but bionic it’s always a surprise yeah like some surprises aren’t good fam and okay let’s go underground yeah I need to get diamonds again cuz like literally I have nothing for like the 40th time I don’t need iron I need the blue ore All right well that’s uh that’s enough for today blue ore and finally the last was the full for one of our traps was the handsome beautiful man known as lier lier I hope you’re ready for Among Us mom I’m so sorry buddy hold on I spy with my little

Eye a brand new Village time to loot that bad boy up hello Mr villager oh no no villager in here all right all let me try again hello Mr villager oh it’s an empty Village that better be gone cuz otherwise I’m going kill myself oh yeah bro there’s literally no Villages are

You kidding me oh there is one a what’s up Gerald goodbye Gerald goodbye Gerald what the what the yo that’s sus bro that’s that’s sussy that’s real sussy hold on BR these guys keep adding mods to the server man really annoying are there more sussy characters around want

To kill them all I don’t like Among Us hello any Saucy characters in here what a saucy characters at bro a what’s up little Mr ssyo a yeah boy they even Dro bones nice I’ll be eating these later on give me more I need more suy little buckers they maybe

Spawn if I like throw eggs is that what it is I hear something hold on hey you’re so cute you’re so cute but now you’re dead yeah more your blood yeah that’s what you get for being a trash game Bob tell me where the sussy little buckers are all right Bob you’re

Going to die today you’re going to die today Bob rest in peace oh there he is there he is come back for more yeah I just killed all your brothers and sisters where are you show yourselves huh you scared a lier now yeah where you

At tell me Bob where are they Bob all right Bob is stupid come on need more little sussy oh I’m I think I’m dead I think I’m dead I fell down I fell down and I disconnect that what is that I’m not playing this game again you know what

Whatever man come on I need more little sussy oh whatever man yeah okay yeah that’s it that’s it yeah that’s it goodbye my next idea was to find two of my friends with pets in when they’re not looking hi their pets and then change them out for the scariest pets possible

You better not turn your back all right K’s on the server and I know for sure that she has a dog and our house is right over here okay don’t worry about what that building is over there that’s a long story but I’m in val sure doesn’t

Matter is she home I don’t think so it doesn’t look like it I would TP to her but I don’t want to lose her house I think we have yeah we have almost a of wood I don’t really think we’ll need anything else for mining trip I should

Probably go grab some food from my house though and then we can go mining all right here’s linx’s house and I think this is perfect I’m like 99% sure he had a dog I don’t know where it is okay so I don’t know I got an idea I’m going to

Stand up here when I’m the dog and here perfect oh let’s go what what what what he’s flying in is he doing up there guys I was convinced she had a dog but I literally can’t find it is there oh there’s underneath oh hello you Mr doggy we’ll have to go

Somewhere else and before you guys start saying doy what is wrong with you you’re going to just destroy it no okay I will hide it cuz I’m not an insane that’s not my problem I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking will it be okay if for swimming forever okay there we go all right

You’re good shut up and stop barking I am so ready for this dude we’re only in Iron so if we can get some diamonds you know it’ll be pretty sick now we just have to disguise as her dog all right here we are perfect and then we’ll just wait for her to come

Back to the house and then you know we’ll follow her around whoever figes out first remember with some big boy money yes my humble abat it’s good to be home my helmet I do what is he doing what is he doing he’s looking at the dog how he he TP is when

I go up here she is downstairs please please come downstairs come on any food growing yes some potatoes yes this will be good for for the cave plant all this oh I heard my dog barking oh my God the dog is still barking while it’s down man

Hold on I don’t even think I have any meat to feed him but where is he I just got him too just found him in the wilderness tamed him he’s so cute dude you’ll see you’ll see where is he he’s like is that my dog he’s kind of

Confused bro I make these to jump that’s it okay watch watch this I’m going to see if we can get up there don’t you dare move oh look he’s trying to build up to me okay here we go I’m just going to go for it don’t move

No and I’m just going to keep walking I that’s fine what bro what’s wrong with this dog what is actually wrong I don’t think he’s suspect anything just yet oh my God stay here stay here oh God there we go look we’re sitting down now and then the

Dog looks at him all the time like that and then just goes perfect yes I’m a believable dog sit why is it not sitting whatever let’s get rid of this tree I wonder if you’ll notice if I changed my size a bit so if I scale one

1.1 uh dony BS there we go so I get slightly bigger does he notice I me where we going where we going Mr Linux oh what a good little boy oh my God hello you want some potatoes a look how cute he is oh my god look she’s trying

To click me he’s very cute but uh we need to go on a mining trip so you’re going to have to oh my God stay here I’m afraid wa wait no stop that’s what dogs do they usually just run away and they’ll stand and they’ll look somewhere

I need to sit you down you can’t come with me he’s trying to push me but he’s not working I’m clicking can you sit down oh my God okay wait this is so annoying oh dude oh my God says when can you climb up ladders you psycho oh God I

Really hope she believes me please me cut Miss is up man bro I want you to stay stop following what’s going on here why did wait his Tail’s down he’s low what’s go is he trying to get me to sit down or stand up it’s not letting me is

It the shield in my hand I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening he’s trying to feed me stop it please I don’t want to eat I’m a big boy I don’t need to eat he’s broken he’s actually broken look at him look at him his tail is down Bro

Look at that up there look at that your favorite YouTuber the one I hate where’s he going where did he go where wait I’m dog I need to go oh God okay dogs are op I need you to stay though can you sit can I not do with food in my

Hand or something can you sit down if I mess this up early then it’s actually game over please wait no stop wait stop that’s the dog do they just sort of run away and then they’ll just stand and look at he looking is this dog okay

You’re going to die stop go back in the house go back in the house I’m going to I’m going to walk away from her then I’m going to TP bro if he dies in lava or something I’m going to be upset oh God okay he’s teleporting all right good

Come on we’re going to go and then we just who say how could you not believe that I’m a good dog keep up you wanted to come along so bad bro so you might as well keep up I will leave you behind I swear to God who

Do you know that can be an NPC like this this good okay there we go oh my God and let’s just oh my I didn’t even punch the Sheep oh my God I have no idea where we’re going but I guess I’m about to find out hey yo is he bigger what is

Happening is he bigger wait okay he hasn’t notice my size change at all but if I do scale set 1. five Donny BS there we go take the food look at the size of me guys I’m absolutely humongous I can always jump up free blocks I really need a name for

You huh we could call you Rocky polka dot snow cone you kind of look like a snow cone you could be snow cone die L she’s fighting Ms I’m not even going to help her you didn’t punch oh ah do your J get the baby zombie oh my gosh yeah I don’t

Fight mobs I’m a good dog no C be better please I just took so much fall damage don’t hurt yourself you psycho this is why I did not want you to come along I’m fighting Bobs please the bombs are going to kill me run don’t hurt my dog come

Here they’re actually going to kill me I’m making it believe she needs to kill okay there we go you really just booked it huh look at the creeper stop are you okay okay I could I could go fishing I have a fishing pole how has he not said

Anything about it yet can you please say something I just about to say can dogs attack the fish in the water is that a thing do they jump in the water water and get the fish you know what I mean like they jump in and eat it maybe maybe

We do that maybe they jump in and it and it eats the fish where’s the dog look at the size of me I’m huge I’m literally huge wait why did he stop Flying no he’s bigger right he is definitely no wait what I don’t know guys how is he not

Saying anything what’s he doing to me ah zombie get him get him dog oh my God what what I what are you doing I’m just looking at this zombie bro he’s he’s literally useless snow cone you are useless okay I’m sorry oh God what is your purpose tell

Me please I would love to know she’s probably getting so annoyed he’s okay K all right I’m fine dude he is bigger wait all right I’m going 1.75 I don’t care yo look at the size of me he is right what’s going on I can walk up BL without even jumping finally

Out a cave dude come on we need more food where are the villagers at are you going to walk or are you just going to stare at me huh yeah come on follow me we’re in a village where are we going oh there’s their farm right down there

Let’s go what is she doing oh should I kill the villagers I refuse to kill mobs but un kill villagers I’m sorry Mr villager I’m going to be yoinking all your food it’s nothing personal I promise a fake give doy Bobs strength uh 255 TR that Iron

Golem is about to one shot me what no I told you oh my God it oh my God you’re lucky the Golem didn’t try and murder you you know how lucky you are I would have stop don’t punch the oh oh my god look and he won’t fight me back I don’t

Know why he’s going to kill you oh my God please stop I’m just I’m e him and she’s just watching me and I’m just going to walk away like I just didn’t do something you would fight zombies or skeletons but what you you you like murdering villagers and

Iron golems what is wrong with you oh I think she knows my dog is actually broken bro I think The Jig Is up can I like turn you off and back on again huh you got some faulty bug in you stop r villager run away no I’m just eating all

These Villages bro look at him compared to the fish he’s like the size he’s bigger than me look at the guys how is he not said anything in chat can we please just hello oh my God bro he has to be bigger right wait I think we go

Two times I’m going to go two times the size I don’t get there we go there we go yo yo the size of a horse let’s go straight back to one if he realizes let’s see there’s a horse over there let’s compare sizes there’s no way I

Don’t think he’s going to notice look oh my God okay he’s insane my dog is lost a bro I’m killing only the passive BS okay he’s he’s actually just become a full-on maniac huh and I’m chill out this is a mess stop moving just just stay there no no no why is she

Trying to encase me this is getting messy why does it feel like I’m following the dog and the dog is not following me what is going on can we go back to our house please you actually try to box me in I don’t like this come

On we’re going back to our house you are not going to be torturing any more villagers how has she not said anything in chat come on simply say something and you win money come on N TP TP TP where is he take the food before I cry look I

Got an idea I’ve got a sword and I’m just going to drop the sword there we go look oh please I need him to notice I need to notice I’m just literally dropping sharpness five swords next to him have a criminal of a dog snow con is vicious bro he’s broken he’s actually

Just broken you just saw a wolf mold of villagers Alive come on hey there little piggy wa oh my God I have this okay he did nothing to you you psycho he’s broken oh my God there’s a lava pool what is that oh a sword a sharp five sword

Bro he just found a sharpness five sword wait okay now let me give let me get netherite chest plate whose sword is this I’m going to ask in Discord look what I just dropped and he was AFK I think that means someone lives around here we actually got that location of

Someone’s house that means we got their stuff too oh my gosh can you look to your right there netherite chest plate on the floor this guy’s got AFK at the worst time it’s netherite I’m insane bro I’m going to drop a whole stack back of Ender pears

There we go poor quiff it’s probably quiff right he definitely has the most OP items on the server that that man grinds this game he does not get off ever ever if he doesn’t have the best to wait what is that the dog dropping things what I just drop items down he’s just

Okay with the fact oh my God there’s lava right there I fall in it stop no no my puppy don’t worry I got resistance I’ll be fine no I’m so sorry I’m so sorry get out of the lava she’s watching me she did that on purpose Prest oh my God she probably thinking how is this dog still alive what this is horrible he’s watching it you’re alive okay what whatever man I won’t question it come here you save something can you save me yes yes come on I’ll save you let’s get out of here

How did you survive that how did you Sur survive that I go in for round two wait no cuz these are sharp five why would I you just drop eggs he’s dropping eggs I’m just dropping more there we go wait did he drop these eggs yo oh God he’s

Dropping random items he just dropped the Cobblestone then I dropped earlier right right wait there’s a bone dagger I forgot I got mods on This Server wait it’s not the chicken right or the or the the horse I just dropped a bone dagger here look I needed to realize maybe it’s

The horse look please wait what a bone dagger he SE a bone dagger he’s like what’s a bone dagger what he just watch your chicken who does that what is wrong with this guy stop are you insane get out of the lava oh God oh God oh God I H for

Around oh God that was an accident I’m sorry she pushed me that was my fault get out the get out of the lava get out of the lava oh my God okay no more freaking lava for you man stop enough is enough okay I can only take so much

Nonsense in one day do you hear me snow do you hear me come on please please save me K oh go what is wrong with you I need a different dog bro oh god what the this how did you not die if I jumped in there like that I would have died how

Are you still alive huh when did they added the new update bro bone dagger n no way oh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry let’s drop a gravestone there we go how much damage did that do two hearts I’m sorry Mr Horseman it looks like a wall Cobblestone

Gravestone what oh the God here we go he’s going to he’s going to see it’s a gravestone There’s real gravestones what am I doing and now I have to show you the favorite part I’m glad she hasn’t said anything yet because I have something that is going

To be insane I’ve got a mod on the server that allows me to steal limbs from players yes limbs I can steal their legs and stuff I want their arms their legs their whatever all I have to do is look at them and eat it okay and I will

Carry it around in my mouth do you see that face you may look all innocent and cute but I just watched you survive a lava pool literally burning for 3 minutes I look I’m just going to try and stand behind her cuz she’s watching me

I’m just going to I’m going to go bite her leg screw it you stop looking at me like that we have places to be man so cute all right I really want to bite off one of his limbs I think we go for one of the arms because it would be

Absolutely hilarious if we take his arm nah this isn’t this isn’t real right the dog’s dropping stuff all right guys I’m just going to do it I’m going to bite off his limb here we go there we go oh d God wait let oh oh God think I’m

Sorry bro why am I jumping hello where’s my dog where is she I’m actually lost her wait I can see her Hing yo wo wo what oh my god I’ve got it in my AR look at that oh is he over there why am I jumping no those are other dogs

That’s not even him oh oh there’s my dog Brothers I’ve got it in a yo this is terrifying oh my God what’s he running like that yo my arm is physic it’s gone I’m missing an arm I’m literally G his arm in my oh my God stop wao wao wo what are you

Holding my leg this cannot be okay oh my God he took my leg he took my leg he chck my leg run run hop away oh God oh God please can’t please just running from the dog bit my arm that’s Donnie right you know he’s screaming like crazy

Right now stay away from me stay away from me stay away from me this look so much more aggressive oh my God this one’s disgusting hop away oh my God I only have one leg why do I only have one leg I knew my freaking dog was possessed

Bro can we stop Flying I think this dog looks cooler when it’s flying look at it oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no my arm look it I’m hopping away bro no no no no no no stay away stay away stay

Away every time I think he’s saying stop he knows it’s me I need to end it I need to end it where are you no imposter dog imposter dog where’s my dog oh my God I look like a ghost oh jeez this looks terrifying stop stop stop stop stop stop

Stop stop stop yo he’s definitely noce me look I look terrifying stop every time I think about these guys I know what they did to my house in the last video look at it you deserve this you deserve everything this happened to you die I can’t hit him I can’t hit him come

Here it’s look stupid no way I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it Donnie Linux d l oh Linux is onl te oh God stop he’s getting so close yo he’s just spaming the CH look at it he’s a give it back stop

Bro get away from me he gets so close yo relax how does he have my physical arm he looks so broken without his arm why is he gliding like this it’s a demon dog bro get away from me there’s no way that isn’t on your Linux let’s just change

Bike there’s no way I freaking knew it my arm I look like a donut imagine getting onto the server and seeing what look at this idiot look at you remember this house you remember I didn’t even know if it was him actually it was either him liger or kly some one of them

One of them did it wait I can’t even get inside no he just took something else wait no he’s killing me he’s killing me my arm okay still have all my limbs we’re actually scaring him look no no I’m dead I didn’t even mean to kill him

Oh no give me my leg back yeah I think I won see you later bye bye he’s going to be FID I’m dead I’m actually dead I actually didn’t mean to kill him I swear this is a hardcore world I swear to you I didn’t mean it I was just punching him

To lyx if you’re watching this video I swear I swear to you I didn’t mean it the world’s over I can’t respond I swear I’m sorry I swear I’m so sorry bro if he doesn’t put me back I’m never getting on this on the server ever again he cheated

That he cheated it he cheated he literally just killed me you want to do it you found out so much more sooner you want to okay please he just going to leave me legless jumping around for the rest of my life I don’t think so Donnie

Walk back on the server right now I swear to god dude if he doesn’t give me that back I’m going to be so mad Donnie you better give me my life back you think it’s funny to take people’s limbs huh you think you think it’s so funny

Huh n no we can take people’s limbs now I I’ll remember this man that’s fine that’s fine you freaking demon my next idea was to add a Death Note into Minecraft then write down the craziest ways that people die instead of waiting for nature to do his job though that’s

Where I come in so here I am on my server and as you can see at the top of your screen I’m in vanish I’ve been waiting for people to come online and lyx is the first person online hello Linx I feel so bad I found

Him in his village he looks like he’s having fun we should leave him alone I’m going to skamar someone I’m going to be like oh yeah I got diamond armor I’ll trade you for uh just a couple of diamonds and then they’re going to give me the diamonds and I’m just going to

Throw the iron armor and run that’s how you do it but don’t worry I’m going to give Lin the easiest one ever I’m going to give him the death note that won’t trigger him at all I promise hello sir how you doing but here we go look inside

The book it says death thrat write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes Linux has seen the anime I’m pretty sure so who know what it is I’ve got his name in there now all we need to do is write a cause of death

Let’s go ahead and put a heart attack okay and I know what you’re thinking Dy how are you going to give lyx a heart attack and no instead of a heart attack he will be getting attacked by your heart if you don’t laugh I swell bro I

Have not seen A Smith in thing in a while man what’s that thing where they spawn stuff inside of it you can get like iron and gold and I’m going to put in parenthesis I’m going to say good luck with the next food you eat there we

Go oh my God so he’s never going to eat he’s going to be stressed and while he’s thinking dy I can’t eat and when he finally does eat he’s going to realize I wasn’t talking about you know his heart going Bo boom boom boom I was talking

About a giant heart coming in and Bumble boom his face you know what I mean it’s like that thingy where like uh iron Smith ooh Emerald nice bro I don’t know what it’s called man I don’t know I don’t know anymore bro like the thing

Where the lava is and the guy that makes the cool items what is it called where did he go I lost him there we go t lytics where are you buddy oh here I’m going to lose my mind over this bro I’m going to die in real life we have to

Drop it like they do in the anime where they just drop it on the floor it’s it looks like this except they have like furnaces on the side and then there’s lava they’re out in the sky and then just it’s just going to come oh please

Go boom and there’s a guy that goes what just F in my inventory that was so clean you see that what was that read the book read the book you idiot booking quill he’s probably wondering why is a black book falling from the sky oh snap read it’s

In come to your fate death note I love that show bro death not is the best write the name of the person they will die within 30 look at he looks so cute I just want to how of death heart attack good luck with the next food you eat talking about

This bread the next food you eat why is my name in here he’s holding you see him holding a bread he put that bread away so fast can I change it no while he’s stressed and while he doesn’t eat maybe we’ll even give him the hunger effect

And I go back and I’m going to go back to the page and now done he’s get no but then that’s when we summon the giant heart boss a mod given to us by our good friend bionic bionic thank you for helping me ruin this idiot’s day

If you guys want to see a tag team troll Donan bionic let me know in the comment section below or even anyone else just let me know no I just got him I got 49 levels bro why what does this have to be now should I even team up with this

Idiot here okay I didn’t mean that sorry I’m an idiot bro you’re saying I can’t eat he stressed come on eat something not even a potato it’s a normal potato he’s holding the bread eat the bread eat the bread please man eat the freaking bread there’s no way I die from eating a

Potato eat a PO there’s no chance there’s no chance there’s no chance yeah there’s there’s absolutely no way fine you don’t want eat effect give Linux hunger what else do I have I have an egg I can’t eat an egg man ooh Lin ooh you silly Billy you have

Hunger I have hunger I have hunger I’m going to die bro I’m going to die I’m going to die oh somebody’s starving going to die you better stop running cuz you need to eat oh God is he going to eat that look at him panicking it’s not

Even going down I’m still I look I’ve only lost four health bars look at that um fine I’m fine it’s absolute is panicking I’m fine it’s gone down a little bit it’s gone down five but that doesn’t mean anything cuz it’s not going to kill you you don’t die from Hunger

I’m pretty sure yes keep running my friend keep running you’re only making your hunger go down pretty sure you could survive after you have no like hunger for a long time oh God you’re making Hunger start running away from me you think something’s coming for no please tell me it’s

No why is it my name I don’t want it I don’t want it should I type in chat should I tell him to eat I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want this I don’t want

It get me out of here I’m going to put down a sign look eat no I’m not eating eat eat eat I ate I ate he ate see and now he’s like wait no heart attack I ate I didn’t mean to oh fine wait I didn’t even mean

To eat look see I told you no heart attack see I told you no I’m fine look he having to get him eaten so stupid but then here comes the time all right I’m burning the death note I’m burning it in the cartoon version that’s what you’re supposed to

Do look who’s in the sky what do you mean heart no no no no no no no no no what is that why is that smiling at me look at the size of me I just wait till he sees I wasn’t talking about a heart attack

Wait what look at on top of your the screen it says I’m low but I’m in creative mode you can’t kill what’s in creative mode heart attack wait I have to burn the book I told you look at him he’s B again I told you the heart attack

Was coming no stop stop I never said a heart attack I said heart attack the game trying to fight me it’s not even hitting me look at that I’m fine stay away relax relax we can be friends why is it moving so fast Y come here why is

It just running away let me send out my little minions wo wo what is that noise wao oh my little minions go wait it’s heart’s attacking me heart attack yes my little minion fight him fight him look at them look at him look at the fight look

At that no no no no I can’t die like this bro imagine dying like this this is such a sad way to go bro yes fighting my baby heart there’s just tiny little hearts look at he’s like what’s going on ah tree in the way go go go go go go go

Go go go yes my children go go and get this idiot I got this from eating bread come on come on watch this watch this oh ready big brain play okay I think it’s time for a hot nuke I’m going to get It that noise oh from the h yes okay oh I didn’t mean that I’m sorry I have a plan give me the FL steel ready ready throw down the floor say goodbye it’s gone it’s gone you’re dead you’re dead now what I can’t hit it oh no oh what what did I do

I I think I exploded him by accident oh no I swear that wasn’t me ignore the chat that wasn’t me okay I why are these pigs trying to hump me stop get off oh that’s what I did okay that makes sense wait this doesn’t even do okay yeah it

Does never mind okay sorry a Mr editor please cut that out I don’t want anyone to know that I’m a murderer oh my what happened to Linux who did this who did this don’t worry Linux I’ll help you get to the bottom of this I wonder who did that what idiot would do

That to Linux for the next cause of death we have bat but it’s not what you think and there is the house of our second victim kly look at her stupid house it’s just in a desert and oh and and shut up can’t think of insults all

Right we need to do some organizing today we got this new nice house all built the chests look a little crazy if I can’t please one I’m just going to write fat that’s going to oh she’s downstairs I don’t like this go downstairs look I got a table nice fancy

Outdoor patio little tanning bed right here for all the sun oh she’s in netherite I don’t know if I’ll be able to kill her let’s just write down first got a nice little Fountain this house is looking perfect you know the best part is it’s away from everyone on the server

No more people messing with me no more people stealing from me okay this is a pie peaceful Abode this is basically my retirement home in the middle of nowhere here we go death not right the with the person and they will die within 30 minutes let’s just put kly and then um

Cause of death we’ll put bat and I know what you’re thinking Donnie how are you going to kill her with a bat in Minecraft right no I ain’t talking about a bat I’m talking about a baseball bat we got this nice little kitchen cook some chicken right up boom

I am living the life just Bow Bow Bow Bow there we go perfect oh my God you see how fast I did that I just heard a chest open and what and then now look she sees it this is sus she sees it oh God oh God oh she’s Shing for T no

There’s nothing under the chest well I put TNT in Z’s house wa I would never do that man oh my God where did you come from I was just talking about I got away from everyone what is this it’s a black book and quail okay let me fix my floor

Nothing exploded that’s a that’s a pro why doesn’t no one trust me on the server man it’s not fair all right let’s see here Death Note write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes but I hope she knows what the Death Note is please tell me you watch

Anime please kipley tell me you watch anime kipley cause of death that what y wait wait a second why is my name on this book yes the death not I’m not going to die Donnie I swear to God bro I’m just trying to retire and live out

My life not get killed by the most useless mob in the game she’s reading she’s definitely stressed right now but she definitely knows it’s me bats bats okay no no no no no we’re not going exploring okay we’re not going into any caves where do bat spawn in low light

Source areas no no no okay this this is dumb Donnie so now right now she’s probably thinking it’s all about like Minecraft animal bats so let’s just spawn a couple bats you know just get a bit scared before we bring out these bad boys that’s Donny’s book 100% this is

Donny’s book it’s bad luck man I’m not trying to die I got too many levels uhoh she said D in chat I know you’re there you rat oh God probably won’t respond to me anyways I know you’re there you rat oh God oh God she must be really happy

To see me I have too many levels do not kill me kill me and I’ll kill you RL I have too many levels do not kill me is this the face of a man who cares stay out of my house man no trespassing I don’t care at all you’re done let’s just

SP a couple BS Now listen he’s panicking he’s like there my bad it’s a bat it’s a bat no die die how did he Spa Donnie I swear if you spawn like a killer bat that poor bat didn’t even do anything somewhere in my house I’m going to be upset now whatever

Happens to her in this video she deserves it guys where is it it must die it must die come here yeah you can’t kill you idiot oh oh it’s already begun I already just took a heart of damage from that come here that’s he going to

Come there’s going to be so many bats like Batman just left boss you useless mom in the game how are these guys going to kill me huh oh my gosh he’s just one shotting them chill out oh wa two shoting them there’s no way he must he

Must spawn some blood sucking bat okay oh my God it’s going to drain me of my life and my will to live come here so right now she’s convinced that I’m talking about these bats johnie stop oh go just wait this book says 30 minutes that means all I

Have to do is survive 30 minutes I can survive 30 minutes without dying to to a bat here we have the baseball board and it’s the netherite bat and the basic baseball so if I just throw one of these down and I just Bo okay I missed as long

As he doesn’t keep spawning anything or doesn’t spawn anything weird I think we’ll be okay I think we’ll be all right no what happens like of course if you throw them up in the air the baseball comes down and then you just boom Oh a slam dunk threep pointer oh my God I

Just hit a crazy goal I don’t play baseball I know he’s got to be somewhere this is a no bat property you know what let’s just let’s just block all the entrances says huh so now if we do that but we do that to our windows and we just like no killer bats

Today oh God what is that she heard that it just broke my window she had me just smash window what is this looks like a baseball she trying to pick it up it just broke my window what God oh God wait look at wait baseball baseball that’s oh God this

Isn’t good like why is there baseball fly through my windows this isn’t good did he mean oh oh there’s a t there’s too many baseball he meant a baseball bat didn’t he no no no no no no no no no okay get where there are no windows oh

My gosh can I pick them up I don’t want to die to a baseball man you patch the holes patch the holes I don’t think there’s any other entrances I think we’re okay oh oh my god oh it do double break no it just broke another window it hit

This one and then hit that one fix it fix it fix it oh God oh God oh oh God oh God oh look get ping it off with the Cobblestone no no no no no I just need to survive 30 minutes I can do this I can do this I can do

This oh that one I almost took my head off man now look that’s unveil she should know that I wasn’t talking about a bat bat no just oh god oh okayy you little rat wait she barricaded the door I think this is funny breaking my house

H you think this is a good time let me come out of vage BS join the game I’ll join the game you rat I’ll hold I’ll hold the baseball bat no get away from me oh God he’s got a bat that’s what he meant it was the

Bat no wasn’t to she said no Donnie please Don please Donnie no no not the and I’m I’m G again she knows I’m somewhere here where did he go no no she’s panicking look no no I’m done I’m done bro no get away from me get away

From me oh my God where is he oh oh that was that was just a cat cus look I’m throwing stones at her yes come on break the window you there’s too many baseballs can I hit her with this oh my God where is he can

I find him where is he he must be invisible die where is he where are you dodge Bob and weave B and weave avoid the bats avoid the bats oh my god oh the beastful bats hurt don’t they oh my God oh my God there’s so many run look how

Many PE F there are don’t come upstairs don’t come upstairs get away from me you demon no did you see how close that was yeah oh my God I hit the carpet W St in the head wo okay chill out man W oh my God oh my God wait can I hit them

Back he’s going to die no no no Donny please give please okay that was close please not like this I don’t want to die to a baseball get away from me oh my God you try to hit it back oh God I think we did too many baseballs oh god oh oh my

God no no Dodge Dodge my house is filled with baseballs this is not okay she’s panicking so much this is not okay this is not how I pictur dying I’m so bad at this just think of it like a gas Fireball row just hit hit hit the ball

Ow ow God she’s breaking my baseballs play baseball with me okay no run I don’t want to play baseball I want to kill you with the baseball run run run where is he come out of inis you coward face me like a man she said come out of

Inits you coward to many baseball break them break all of them you calling a coward if she stands still for a second she’s done this is a baseball Freight House get out of here oh my God why are there so many ow God that would hit me

In my head yeah you better R what are you going to do now oh I’m breaking the window stop no my windows stop no oh God stop no my windows stop no oh my God oh my God there’s too many there’s too many break them break them break them oh my

God a no stop no like this no like this no like this no no no no no I’d rather be killed by the bats I’d rather be killed by the bats no stop stop get away no couldn’t think fast is that really the title D him bro remember what I said man

You remember you little rat that was an accident guys I swear just wanted to get away from this man I only threw one baseball at her and it somehow ignore these baseballs on the floor but I swear I only thre one stupid death notebook and stupid baseball balls

And stupid animal bats and normal bats and any bats kly how did you die what happened here oh no why do I play on the server bro don’t worry kiple detective Donnie will figure out who killed you oh God she’s coming for me I’m sorry kly

I’m sorry I’ll fix it I’ll fix it I it it’s fine it’s fine you like baseball bats Donnie huh that’s fine I’ll buy my own baseball Batman I’ll write your name on it and then I’ll shove it in your and finally for this cause a death we have hit by a

Bus yeah you heard me correct guys I have the next victim of my server somebody we haven’t seen you in this channel for a while it’s RJ Minecraft all right so I mean it’s not that bad of a house I think it’s pretty good for a

Day’s work I’ve put a little too much time in the details honestly like normally I don’t put details in the house but I was told if I don’t put a lot of detail into what I build I’m going to get kicked out of this server he’s been on the server for about I

Don’t know like a month now and we’ve never been online at the same time until today but I just realized you know I don’t have anywhere to really sleep like this is way way too cramped I don’t want to live in this tiny little house forever this is too small his house is

Looking very pretty and nice and pretty and nice uh too bad he’s going to die soon we need to go up more or down so for RGA it says they don’t write the name off the person and they’ll die within 30 minutes so we’re going to put

Name RG Minecraft cause of death so this one is going to be hit by a boss I know what you’re thinking guys how on Earth are you going to hit with a bus I have my ways but luckily I’ve got got some strong Armor Pro 4 I don’t know

I think I’m pretty good now I think I should start finding a way to generate some money feel like currency we good I need to get like more diamonds or netherite or something like that maybe I’ll take a trip to like the end or something we need to not see let him see

And we just perfect oh mama we’re in vanish right now obviously so he has no idea where online look it says vanish Dy BS look at this this is the first time we’re trolling RG oh my God this is going to be good what the heck you

Notices it wait BR what this was this chest there the whole time I think he’s actually streaming right now too so that makes it even better please wait it kind of does blend in with the crafting table no I would have seen this this there’s no way what is this open that chest

Sucker man book and quill there we go book and quill that’s a that’s weird looking what here we go he’s going to read it why do he got golden apples Oh No Death Note write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes name RGA

Minecraft cause of death hit by a bus bro Donnie you’re so stupid you’re so dumb bro I know this is you who else would be able to put this on my claim Death Note you couldn’t even name the book right are you serious like oh hi

I’m Donnie welcome to my server I don’t even know how to name an item what an idiot hit by a bus like bro what are you stupid bro this is totally Donnie oh my God is he on here hold on Donnie oh I said Donnie I know this is you bro why

Do everyone noce me you’re so stupid he said I know this you bro oh god he’s a lot harder to troll than the rest you’re so stupid there’s no way there’s no way I’m going to get hit by a bus like it said I’m going to get hit by a bus right

I was going to reply but no I’ll leave it there’s a bit of doubt in his head there’s a tiny bit in the corner of his brain that’s doubting that it’s me bro I swear what is he going to do like have a dozen mine carts hooked together or

Something stupid like that but it’s fine we’ll let him SIM for a little while a bus really how how dumb oh god dude the day I get hit by a bus in Minecraft is the day I quit forever like seriously no no bus I swear oh my God why is he looking

Around wait I got an idea okay I mean Donnie I I know Donnie he’s been known to do some weird things before but a bus this how did you get the book a different color though that is weird is there anything else in this book no okay

So it’s just an empty book that is freaking weird all right here we go SL paste our Roden bro I know you’re in vanish just come out you’re so stupid he said I know you’re in vanish he doesn’t know that trust me whatever uh anyways what was i

D what did I say I was going to go do um look now there’s a road in front of the house and next time he comes outside I think he should be able to see oh that’s right we need to go get more diamonds I guess we could go start a mine somewhere

My shovels got decent durability left yeah look he sees the road what you know what let’s go even down here and then let’s paste again bro what why is there a road in front of my house oh God are you serious or you think I’m stupid enough to step on that

Oh de he knows he knows what’s about to happen no way no way are you serious right now what do you got it rigged with explosives or something bro you have to think I’m an idiot or something there’s no way there’s no way I’m stepping on

That road nice try hold on I need a sign I need a sign he’s F to get uh let’s just grab some wood oh I hate ruining my tree no he’s stinking there’s a bus coming for me why is there a road outside my house all right actually dang

I had wood on me I just broke that for nothing I forget I have wood on me okay and then look here we go nice try I’m not stepping on this it’s time guys time for us to spawn the Mini Bus don’t ask questions with where I got this there we

Go what bro what is that what is that no Donnie it’s a bus what look bro you’re you’re so dumb you’re so dumb no no way he thinking where’s the BS going to come from hold on creeper get out of my way bro dude no no no no there’s a bus on the

Server okay stay off the road rule number one if you don’t want to get ran over stay off the road what is this should I come out SE or should I keep it a ghost bus bro it’s legit a bus what is this let’s just run let’s drive away

From a second you know let him think where is the bus going to come from and let him be a bit scared and then right behind his Mountain we break it and now he’s scared he’s like where did that bus just go wait where did it go where’ the

Bus go it was right here and then we’re going to come over here and the bus is going to come from behind him okay well I know for sure I’m not stepping on this road there is a bus in the server look so now he’s looking at the back of that

Mountain and while he’s looking back there beep beep what RG Minecraft was hit by a bus bro what there’s a bus right there no are you serious right now we be be sucker oh my God I was hit by a bus beep be wow okay well I guess I’m done

Playing on here wait did we destroy his stuff as well oh my God all right this is the bus’s house now he left the side nice try I’m not stepping on dud that’s the best you’ve got you added a bus in Minecraft wow and you ran

Me over that is such a Donnie thing to do you had no idea was coming he thought he had it ah another person taking off the Death Note list I can finally sleep in peace my next idea was to cover the server in more traps more traps equals

More trolls equals more dying equals more fun for me so here I am on our new 1.19 s SMP and somebody’s house is right here I know what you’re thinking Donnie where’s the house they’ve disguised it okay they made it look like this and you just fall straight down and I think once

You go inside okay cool it’s just a normal base the server’s been out for like a week so that’s a completely fine house but let’s spin that wheel to see what we get and what trap we’ll be testing on our innocent friend I don’t know who lives here I’m sorry here we

Go the snow prison tra now that’s something I can do baby this trap is very simple and actually this kind of works it being like a hole in the ground first of all we’re going to have to get rid of that water I’m sorry second thing is we’re going to

Make it little and I don’t know whose bed this is so I can’t break it do I leave it I don’t know actually it’s a hardcore W so if they die they don’t really need this bed so I I guess I can break right I don’t know how that works

Then we’re going to do this little beautiful trap that I’ve done forever as long as I’ve known get a little redstone torch and just oh wait whoops wow there we go nice nice easy clock and we’re going to get a little piston where are you there you are okay and then boom

Boom bo okay wait no you need to stop going so fast relax and then we’re going to need powdered snow perfect look at this I love the weight just oh my God I love it actually I think it’s better if we use slime blocks first like boom boom

There we go perfect and then there we go we fill the entire edge with crafting tables and then now if we put this here oh okay the crafting tables go one Higher I guess there we go perfect so now they literally can’t move okay so if you’re somebody and you’re coming in and

You’re falling you cannot break anything around you because of the powder slow is constantly moving even if you have a netherite pickaxe or netherite shovel anything so let’s test it okay let’s clear over toy first of all la la la you walk in you jump in you’re like wait a

Minute this is powder snow you can’t get out you try to punch your way out okay you’re trying to break your way no it doesn’t work like this look you try and get out nothing nothing is saving you from this you’re just constantly getting

Pushed up and down by the PW and sow and you can’t do anything but mine you can’t even mind your way out look I’m trying to break out I can’t even oh I can use a crafting table but I can’t hold it long enough to break it you see look at this

I’m trying to get out and it’s not letting me out any time I get close no it pushes me back out oh I’m actually going to die I need to chill the only way they survive this is if they somehow have leather boots on but yet there’s no

Way okay I promise you this is trap number one set and it’s a perfect one and that was only blue so imagine what the yellow and the red and the black ones do oh God this one’s kind of easy to clean up and it’s kind of easy to escape

But you know we’ll see okay on to the next trap let’s do this let’s spin the wheel and see what we get for trap number two baby ooh we get a yellow one we get the roller coaster trap and that one we can really build anywhere let’s build it right here

Because spawn is only there and people will definitely come around here but look you see this beautiful trap even if someone is new to the server so we invite could die on their first attempt actually let’s make this trap for the next person to join the server for the

First time cuz this will be hilarious first of all we’re going to put a side are right here and the side is going to say use this mine cart to get to everyone else it’s going to be so funny so imagine they spawn over here they’re

Like okay cool this is nice use this mineart to get they’re going to get on it because they’re stupid there we go we’ve got their little spawn area and now what we do is need to take this somewhere special and you know where I’m taking it straight to a lava

Pool and this is only yellow I’m so evil then look at this perfect there we go so how this ch works is imagine you’re somebody new to the server and you just see this beautiful little thing here actually let’s put some more like repeated things what they call a

Pattered rails okay wait not pwed rail powered I’m sorry I’m still thinking about the last trap okay just shut up imagine you somebody who joins the server you come over you say oh look use this my car to get to everyone else they’re like oh my good great cuz I’m

Feeling incredibly lonely right now and I can really use a friend then they come in and they just say oh look this is nice we’re going to everyone else and and then it’s too late you’re done you’re finished you’re finished you can’t even look down as you’re falling this is so evil nobody’s

Going to suspect that they there’s a troll on their first day on the server you know come on man no one’s that insane but there we go trap number two is set and it’s only yellow so please I need a red one because the red ones are

Bad all right guys it took me a while and I found a different house okay I have zero clue who lives here absolutely zero clue again I don’t care but this house is perfect just in case we need a house for this next prank but let’s see what we

Get on the wheel come on something red or black the black one are they’re just terrible they’re the ones that need the most clean up let’s see baby let’s see what we’re going to land on and we land on the Catapult trap let’s go this one

We definitely need a house for and this is actually perfect the Catapult trap is probably the most simple trap okay you see this you see this right here a Tre shade don’t ask any questions all right this channel don’t ask any questions about this channel it’s some Weir stuff goes

On here but if we put anything in here it gets thrown about 100 blocks that way and it lands on okay that was scarily close Okay that’s nothing we do not want that but this is good if we just move it back

Like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 about 15 blocks okay it will hit Bulls I right on the house so if we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 50 right here screw it

Okay I’m not I’ve never been good at math and then actually let me get inside cuz it works with me too I get thrown and then I’ll okay that’s the the wrong place I went too far let me just make sure I throw this in please don’t please don’t land

On I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll clean it up okay all right now imagine that but with TNT okay oh oh my God we almost just okay yeah let’s not ask any questions let’s not do that again but of course I’m going to load up with TNT and then I’ll

Set up a pressure plate so that the blocks inside here become TNT boom everyone gets exploded when I say so give BS command block one there we go and we just put it in here and then we do sash block there we go okay we’re done boom Redstone uh we need the

Pressure plate boom so somebody imagine actually let’s make two of those so imagine you somebody you come home and then you just right here boom step on it here and until gets loaded into the catapult boom lands in your house you come outside okay you come out looking

Where did that TNT come from as you step outside another TNT gets laun you see it coming from the sky you’re thinking oh no I need to eat poo quick all right you guys get it there we go perfect all right now to the next trp that was a red

And that is going to be a very explosive troll just hope it doesn’t hit the chest and we’re good okay I really hope is the chest okay I’ve seen him located C’s house and uh I don’t care whatever the next trap is I’m 100% doing it to Qui I

Don’t care what we get baby come on give me something good oh yes a red one the skull SS the Trap I remember what this one is this one I can’t even if he walks near it okay if he walks anywhere near it he explodes okay so first of all I’m

Going to have to get rid of some of this carpet GFF I’m very sorry GFF is the most advanced on the server as you can see by look at the size of his ridiculously stupid house put one TNT here one TNT here then we get the Redstone and what’s beautiful about this

One I know what you’re thinking you’re saying Donnie all right why is this trap in broad daylight because that’s the beauty of this trap if you see it you won’t know how to disarm it at all you put one rone here one Redstone here and

Then we just get a boom boom and then we just do slash one and right here boom boom slash replac with skull sensor there we go and now we just got to leave the server in spectator mode now if he sees this the TNT goes off if he breaks

The TNT the other TNT goes off if he breaks the Redstone the TNT goes off if he breaks the skull sensor the TNT goes off if he crouches up to it pulls water over the top the TNT goes off this trap is undisable he’ll just see this on his

House for the rest of time and he can only ever crouch in his house that’s how dedicated I am to trolling I’ll wait till the end of time okay even if I have to become a dog I’ll dog my way let’s go finally we found another

House you don’t want to know how long I’ve been running around trying to find the house but we found one who lives here again yeah I still have no idea well let’s see what happens to this person house whoever you are even if you’re not on the server anymore we’ll

Find out soon let’s go oh please please let’s go TNT R this one is so bad oh my this one is terrible you don’t want to know what happened here for this one we need one very simple trick okay we’re just going to do SL PA one come over

Here SL PA two SL set redstone block it’s that simple I know what you thinking Donnie how does that make TNT raain it’s so stupid right actually I’ll probably have to make it higher so that they can’t actually see it but imagine it’s higher then I’m going to put a

Pressure plate right here so imagine you’re walking in the pressure plate sets every single block underneath the Redstone to TNT and what happens when Redstone and TNT kiss huh they have Redstone baby okay no they don’t explosion happens go boom boom boom boom and it’ll be raining it will be raining

Forever cuz imagine every time they step in and step out it gets set again they’re like wait what’s that explosion they come out boom set again boom W boom boom everyone day we youing Mis what language are I speaking man I think this should be the perfect one this will be

The one that we end with I’m so happy we got at least one black oh my God this one’s going to be a mess to clean up but I don’t care we do it anyway here we go Bo and then actually let’s just get grass right here there we go we’re done

Perfect pressure plate boom perfect now the next person to step on that pressure plate the rain is coming down baby oh my God all right now now we got to make this a bit higher never mind there we go that’s what like it look how much higher

That is yeah nobody’s seeing that they going to think it’s a cloud oh oh my God I almost stepped on it oh my God that was lucky okay I don’t have a backup just yet well ladies and gentlemen that is it it’s now time to leave the server and the next footage

You will see will be every single trap being fallen for okay even if they don’t work even if they fail I’m showing you anyway good luck to this Minecraft world and good luck to any YouTubers that think it’s okay to join a world with me no

One’s allowed to join a world with me not even you you’re in the same world as me that means I’m coming to you the first person to fall for a trap was Linux something tells me that Linux isn’t going to be very happy ah go ahead

Take a look try to guess where my house is huh take a guess take a gander you think it’s over there in the mountains you think it’s up in the sky just to where you can’t see them do you think that it’s in the lake over here where do

You guys think it is do you think it’s inside that horse over there where do you think my house is maybe the chicken H that’s what I thought give me your meat that’s right you want to know what the best thing to do is as someone who constantly gets harassed by his friends

You need to make sure that even you don’t know where your house is speaking of I think I lost it just kidding it’s right here woo look at this bad boy boom hey we you live in a tree so it’s as easy as said as then done as Elon Musk

Once said if you hide your house then they can’t find it I was also thinking I can make a house inside this but for now we have the best of the best look at this oh yeah do you stand over in this direction you really think that’s a

House no you’re not no of course not you think wow that’s a really cool tree and then woo what is happening hello wait what is happening what is happening yo yo I’m dying wait I’m I’m trying to break it but it won’t let me no I’m dying wait pause pause

Pause pause hold on who is it quiff Donnie hello hello someone’s vanished someone’s vanished Donnie stop oh my God oh my God he’s going to kill me he’s watching right now he’s watching he’s watching me right now laughing Donnie no no it’s quiff it has to be quiff he’s

Not responding he’s going to there’s no way this there’s no way it ends right here right right it stops this is where it’s going to stop three right what my heart went away break I’m out I’m out I’m good I’m still alive so

What does a g like me do in this type of situation I’m calm I’m cool I’m collected right now what what else would I be cuz I’m not obviously nervous about the situation cuz it’s hardcore and I could lose some of the stuff that I got

All that you know that would be bad I’m not not nervous because I have an idea I’m a Minecraft Youtuber so what I can do is Place water above me and that will thaw out the ice and then what I do is I can hop out place a block below me and

Get out dude I’ve been playing Minecraft for a while I can do this people subscribe to me for Minecraft just like they do for dream what’s the difference between me and dream right dream on one hand yeah he has 20 million subscribers and can do a lot of things and get out

Of situations and then you have Linux all right let’s just do it dude I let’s join cool all right all right ready ready I have water in my inventory pretty sure no no I don’t no No they didn’t even reveal themselves who makes a trap and doesn’t watch who makes a trap and then leaves what does it make you didn’t get the footage the next person to fall for a trap was someone we invited to the server for the first time ever rage plays games I hope

You enjoy our new hardcore server buddy oh my gosh it is finally happening Donnie finally invited me to join his server I have been friends with Donnie for so long and I have wanted to join this server ever since I met him he’s never let me on here until today he

Finally asked me to join oh this is so good this is so good I’ve waited for this for so long okay okay okay I got to get started and we got a little thing going on over here what is this use this mine cart to get to everyone else okay

Presentation is like a three out of 10 looking a little bit gross but I thought it was weird there was nothing at spawn but okay they gave us a mine cart though right that’s that’s not bad that means they’re nice people at least they just maybe they’re not that great at building

Okay well let’s go then there’s so much that’s that we have to do so I I’ve got so many things planned for this so many things plann for This Server it’s going to be so Good I can respawn right right like this is this is just a joke who invites someone to a hardcore world just to do this within like a minute of spawning in does he want to play alone does he not want anyone on the server with him unbelievable man unbelievable the next

Innocent person to F for my trap was lier turns out the Catapult was set up for his house all right boys I’m going to show you my house but if I see one bad comment then I swear down I’m going to delete Minecraft as a matter of fact

I’m going to delete my life look all these leaves around me hold on we go finally made it out the swamp boys and there it is my beautiful home I built this myself no tools no nothing just hard work in these muscles baby yeah made out the finest wood straight from

Pakistan yeah you don’t see this around do you wait what the yo no where did that TNT come from is this pressure plate I’m so conf yo yo Vi school was blown up by TR TR tret protile what does that even mean what’s the point of all the servers man if I’m

Just going to get trolled I always just keep dying man enough is enough go troll Bionic don’t troll ler leave me alone please just leave me alone the next person to for for a trap was quiff we already knew how this all was going to go let’s see if quiff has a

Big brain or not why is that TNT hello um wait is that there’s no way is that have they really School centered my base when will these guys learn this can’t affect me there is okay let me let me make sure I’m being very careful luckily

I have some stuff in my inventory I didn’t bro what okay let me go close closer realistically I can fish and Rod this if I was to fish and Rod this I could May no it set off the TNT let me go in F5 real quick is it connected to

Redstone it is well it doesn’t really matter if I open up this chest over here it’s approximately 10 blocks distance which will still set off I have a boat if I was to move a boat I think it it should okay maybe get a little bit closer I’m shifting on the Wool Wool

Doesn’t actually activate skull sensus I’ve already broken this okay if I break this TNT this one will set off so I can’t break them all I throw snowballs in every direction it’s going to set off either way so what is the best bet right now place a boat cover it I don’t know

Okay I can think I can figure this out there’s two okay let me place this boat here oh my stop stop stop break them break them break them okay I don’t even care some someone’s dying tonight so I’m going to find out who did this I’m I’m going to

Kill them someone is going to their house is going to be gone I don’t even care anymore whoever you are watch out I know what you’re thinking there was one more trap what happened to the TNT rain well after I put everyone in survival mode and let them join again nothing

Happened for three whole days I still have no idea whose house it was but then Linux found the house and Linux I know you’re not going to believe me but I promise you mate this one was not for you I swear how am I supposed to go on a

Trip and explore with no food we have what one piece and then a raw chicken One Singular raw chicken whose house is this you could we could steal what are the odds guys huh what are the odds that we steal um I see a lot of yeses a lot

Of nose just kidding there’s zero nose actually so they don’t have anything what is that noise Wa it’s done wait it’s done look at it look at that someone trapped us dude there it must have been like once you step on that they had TNT at the top of the house Why didn’t it blow up the whole thing look at that I’m perfectly okay oh this look like Oh it’s fine it’s fine I didn’t you know I

Slowly Turning her Minecraft Into a Horror Game w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft

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  1. I have a feeling that Ligers audience is unable to wear headphones and if they do they make regular visits to their ENT doctors for their hearing loss.

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