Hello friends it’s me your favorite pixelated youtuber back at it again you just spawned here in the house we left off from last time Digital Nexus house the house that he is called de cos casa de el Casa de Gucci my Jepson you can set Casa do quesadilla del Gucci

Alright so last time I was complaining about not having a nice enough house we had the very basic bare minimum some people call this average living but okay I don’t know I see some crazy houses here but anyway since I was gone it looks like digital is upgraded we got a

Nice Picasso portrait of Squidward over here we have three chests we got a light upgrade from the torches we got some skylights going on over here and the star of the show we got a checkered rug Oh what is that sheepskin yeah fancy I gotta show you around Casa de good you

Have all you follow me you know what I’m gonna give myself a tour I’m gonna just go down to the basement it’s down here whoa we’ve really done upgraded watch your head watch your head on that step to the netherworld what are you building down here oh no there’s bats here

There’s a bookcase where are we did you build this yeah this is a mineshaft even we didn’t mind me a lot man I’ve been gone for way too long there’s still the ground beef over here we gotta cook that where does this lead to it someone shot it that’s so boring there’s nothing

There would you follow me okay let’s go go in from the Sam burger meat I’m gonna show you around Casa de Gucci okay Casa de Gucci ain’t got any Gucci where’s the Gucci you went the wrong way that’s why get out of it oh man oh yeah she’s gone

I told you not to go in there am I in the hack you know when I was a kid we are supposed to call the H word H sticks no just the H word okay take me back I don’t wanna go here I’m not ready for

This it’s not working take me back I just want to go back to Casa del Gucci okay there we go back to Casa de Gucci’s add eller de de casa de gucci not like del Taco no all right let me show you around Casa de Gucci I gave myself a

Whole tour already you got a lay down lay down because it’s nighttime so we needed to be morning wait where’s my bed there was two beds in here my bed was over here and then you had your own bed are you kicking me out well son wasn’t pulling their weight around

Minecrafter right wow he got rid of my frickin bed that I worked so hard to make you can use this cot right here I don’t want this car you know what you can have Casa de Gucci all to yourself I’ve been making youtube videos my YouTube check just came in the mail and

I didn’t tell you this before but I’m moving out you’re not kicking me out I’m moving out hold on hold on I gotta really try to care here oh no don’t go it’s that good yeah beat you of my meat oh no it’s nighttime Oh fine I’ll stay

Here another night get out of here this is my bed okay good how do I sleep this is so weird it’s letting digital sleep what it’s not letting me sleep a few moments later okay it’s morning time welcome to Casa de Gucci Wow y’all really upgraded when

I was gone you’ll have a whole a field of crops is that a garage y’all got a garage look what the sign says it’s so cute okay I gotta collect my dog before we leave do not hit them I wanna hit them so bad but it’s like padding at the air and

It’s like a I put the air above them I love them I love them so I want to get them something like this in real life okay but where is Perez Perez is in here he has his own little altar Wow so fancy hello Perez how are you he laid an egg

So he’s a chicken or is he a duck ducks like eggs okay we still don’t know I want to collect the egg how do I collect the eggs you can’t gonna let him out if he did read the sign Perez prayed before his glory Oh bow to the bountiful Perez may he bless

Us with eggs under his eye okay so I haven’t told you yet I just got a new house and I wanted to show you guys you don’t like Casa de Gucci no I don’t like Casa de Gucci that’s rude this is gonna be Casa de Chanel is that better than

Gucci I don’t know I don’t know and we’re standing at the entrance I’m ready all right follow me to my super special secret lair watch yourself don’t don’t burn yourself on fire I always trip over it you ready for this hey MTV it’s me and welcome to my crib

Y’all ready for this tour to the left over here we have my gaming setup this is where the magic happens this is why I make videos my little recording stations is my extremely large trash can where I throw all my water bottles there my light boxes you know gotta have that fleeky lighting

Oh that’s about mom I know right here we have a door and here we have an inside of my head but this is my bathroom and we have my counter my mirror this is my shower let’s go out through here don’t go in there don’t go in there what’s in

Here don’t go in there please pull the lever for a like and subscribe you’re trying to make me fall and die guys smash that like button and you die Wow wonderful house twerk alright well stay away from that room over here we have some galleries for your paintings and

There’s still empty because it’s not normally where I leave my boots that’s what my boots like right here right right here guys if you didn’t know already this is my house in real life on minecraft which is insane so one of my subscribers made this house for me big

Thanks to man tacks for making this is my first time seeing it and it is so insanely accurate like I am screaming right now this is literally my house but in Minecraft so this is like the hallway that leads to the garage and I think you

Have no idea how accurate this place is my no oh my god the whole sitting area this is where we watched TVs is where we’ve spent the past few weeks washing Handmaid’s Tale here this is what my couch would have looked like if they didn’t mess it up all that way it

Doesn’t have this tree with the carpet this is what our couch would have looked like but they messed up my couch and I still haven’t gotten a replacement I paid so much for that couch and they done bamboozled me he got torches even the panel ours it’s so

Accurate more accurate than Acura and then this is the wine cellar over here this is where this is digital Nexus personal a/c room he goes and stands in there when he’s doing whatever digital is just chilling in my house and I got to do something and I turn my back for

Like five seconds he’s in the freaking wine cooler it’s like a refrigerator for humans we got the island over here we even got my sink and then this is the fridge this is where I keep all my chicken my pig my cow i rotten me mmm oh

My god even the pantry is here I was like what is this but it’s my dining table we don’t have a bench in the middle of our kitchen oh wow Oh doggies go okay you want to dive there yes take your dog and put it in there where

Are my dogs I’m just gonna go out here first Oh see that’s why I take my dogs out to pee but that’s it just led to death ah all my plants are here to my cactuses except it can’t hurt me here only I can hurt them I just completely demolished it hey

Stinky face do you want some flower pot I’ve got a cactus you wanna cactus go into that room go into that room they won’t chase you in there go to this house you know this is a little better than being eaten alive by my dog what

Did you just do to ash where is she she’s in puppy heaven I mean Kaz is in this room I mean you can go now things very happy about beans no okay Kaz you you stay here good boy okay this is my favorite couch in the

Whole world this is where I take my naps and I’m too dirty to lay in my bed I sleep on the couch this is my fireplace there’s real fire coming out of it like that’s so ash can’t escape yeah she’s a little jailbreaker ass just goes through

The freakin bars just whatever she wants and just some sleeps in my room ah there’s still of I love them outside looks so much nicer than like we got the pool it’s an infinity pool you can walk under water in it and you can oh I wish it was like

This how freaking cool would this be if I could actually do it like this like make the walls glass glass yeah and then she just see through it oh no I know I know how do I get out and I couldn’t hold my breath that long and then this

Is the spa day at the spa gonna be everything have you a little bit over here oh so stupid cute there’s evildoers sisters okay oh diamond sword this is mine I don’t like you get out of my backyard my property get off my property oh my God he’s doing so much damage imma

Die back to the house back to Casa de Chanel on the limit finish him off there’s so much damage to be I really absorb the blow to save you I was your human shield let me finish him off there’s so much damage to be in the bedroom when you got the TV the

Fireplace this is just spot-on why is this here who put this here I don’t like it get it out of my house it’s not Halloween yeah okay this is my bathroom what is this on the bathtub oh you have a bathtub yeah I have a bathtub right here I had

To think about it first like I don’t even know my house this is the toilet room this is the purse and then this is the his this is where I do my business way it’s the opposite this is where you do your business you chair the toilet

With sausage I talked about long the real house would be no business here what yeah the suits are always warmer in here yeah you’ve never been to my no don’t know when did you go in my bathroom that’s what you said you selling you would not let you use that

One here is this shower these are the steps on the shower bra are you serious right now you take a steam shower now but we’re not going to we’re going to go into my closet whoo what are you doing in my closet I was working out rude did you just teabag my house

No it’s twerking you just teabag my eyes whooping there you go wait face me into it right now don’t face me face the opposite you trying to see my pixels because you’re pressing the key to really talk hey Mike keeps making me stop Hey you violated the law stop

Pressing the shift button so many well I guess that’s it yeah my favorite part is I want you to see this room yeah sausage here oh there’s a bed here he doesn’t have a bed in his room oh that bathroom ends exactly like it’s believed it think I even showed the

Bathroom how does she know okay Millison this is the best part because I’ve even been here I go through the doors in the back I’m scared of course have you recorded this part I don’t know how I didn’t see the hide-and-seek yeah so guys in my garage literally one third

Of my garage is all boxes yeah who cleaned it out the first time yeah who made it dirty again sausage he keeps ordering all those big boxes not me oh my god we got the g-wagen well I can’t use because the winch broke thing even got my AC my water

Heater my water softener we get technical here dang this is wild so let’s get rid of all of these because I actually cleaned it out so we don’t have any more boxes in this house it’s man tax lives here I know the man tax built this whole house

Oh we destroyed his home no are horrible people okay we got rid of the mess though and that’s all that matters this has more oh these are the secret doors this is so spot on like I can’t like how similar this houses and even has my

Spice rack it has my plant that I got from Target it doesn’t have all the mess on my island all the colors that’s a good thing I’ve got my plant in the corn it’s got the ceiling is look at this look at this it needs my personal touch

Over here what all your shoes got some big AF boots like size 18 and every time he comes over he takes off his boots right by the door and they’re like you literally this big and ash goes and sniffs that she can like jump inside

Them yeah she like is the size of his shoe and she sticks like her head in the shoe and smells them smells where you’ve been and what other dogs you’ve heard she’s like what you’ve been on some adventures my friend then celebrate I’m going to make you guys some food we got

Some snacks in the oven we gonna have some stay only the best your Casa de Chanel y’all want this new one it it is what you want on though they don’t even want it the other way okay keep giving it to them until hearts pop up you want this how many bones without

One there you go I have to give up a Hal for them to love me what kind of relationship is Boehner oh they love me list them from their cage hello don’t follow you wherever oh come here why you did not follow would you like Digital Nexus shoes do you want to eat

These is what you want Joe I did shoes is it what you want rich little nicest musty dusty crusty shoes they’re not muscle I take care of my feet do you really yeah you really do I don’t yeah I know I can tell awesome I got some

Crusty feet that’s gross I can’t help it they just get dry why don’t they love me I told you right right cricket so he’ll stand up come follow me there’s just looking at me like you gonna give me another bone or not oh he’s just done ate the cage just joined

The cage it’s like I wrote your house the frigerator for humans not dogs your body temperature will never survive some give me that look to him on the table man it can’t be a peanut my god you can’t do that can’t get down in the food

In my place get down why do they just want to go on the countertops they’re not allowed to do that come on let’s go wow they’re literally so rude you know check to do to read dogs no I’m gonna do it I’ll do it like this they’ll dole ah

Don’t make babies I don’t make babies if you give them that doing raw meat you have to give it to both of them you gotta go you gotta keep and then give it to the other one where’s the other monster watch this watch this watch this

Oh you guys are very bad you guys are very bad now mommy has another monster to take care of okay can we get rid of this one no this will mean don’t look just don’t look stop don’t do this oh boy oh boy good whose dog is in my pool that’s

Yours that’s not my dog because it’s way I don’t have a black dog it’s not black he’s not part of this family you get out of here scram I mean it’s the neighbor’s dog it’s no I swear it’s your dog it’s just that is not my dog told you why

Just last seconds I told you I didn’t know why was it black because it was wet and in the shadows I thought it was an evil dog cause it’s turning dark oh no anyway that’s all for today I hope you guys enjoyed my house tour and this

Video if you guys have more minecraft videos make sure you hit the like fight at the babies turns out notifications click connect can subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much big stretching bye guys

MY REAL HOUSE IN MINECRAFT! A fan built my modern house in Minecraft UNDERGROUND and today we’re doing a tour! Leave a Like if you enjoyed! Watch my real life house tour Watch more Minecraft Gameplay

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  1. my real life house in Minecraft (and it's underground)! comment what other Minecraft videos you want to see 😀 I put my real life house tour in the description!

  2. I actually Appreciate you calling the house that By the way I'm on my mom's account But my name is Chanel And when I 1st heard Chanel I'm like oh my god she said my name Thank you for coming up with my name and video.😁


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