Stardew Valley No Skills Challenge Year 2 Summer

Greetings everybody it’s me your favorite content creator the lonely guy in a basement oh what a fun time we’re going to have today we’re back once again here silly old me thought I could be uh uh well actually I may have a random puffer

Fish I thought I did I may still have a puffer fish somewhere around or I could find one anyway here silly old NE thought I’d be able to get on at an early time and once again no dice calling and doing stuff always uh seems to consume more time

Than I ever wanted it to but that’s it’s all right cuz very soon all that will be getting underway and then I’ll have very little excuses anymore but also means I should have a lot more time so that’s exciting hope everyone’s doing well on this Thurs of the

Day uh I made some good old beef strogen off yesterday on the Valentino he was quite good I used a lot of butter the secret to making good yummy food butter more butter add butter add butter add butter add butter and then uh consume it’s quite good but anyway survive the

Day was pretty good got myself a little coffee and we’re getting back at it again I’m going to clean up the farm just a ha and then I’m going to start doing your uh typical rounds otherwise I hope everyone is doing well weather has been actually pretty

Nice I’ve been uh driving home actually roll the windows go down been a nice crisp 50° and I just let the the cold wind just run through my hair and I’m just like M that’s the good stuff know it’s balmy compared to uh when I get out

And it’s still like right before the sunrise is a nice 30° outside so 50 by comparison oh that’s the good stuff for Summers here baby so it’s a good time I hope everyone else is uh having fun oh yes happy uh actual day of world collapsing I’m sure people may

Be tired of hearing about the state of the world but uh reports Japan and the UK both have entered an official recession W would you would you imagine could you imagine the world is going down quick it seems to we’re like speed running who can uh have the worst possible POS

Scenario before anyone else it is a little amusing but a little frightening and you know I’ve always wanted to take where was he how man what you doing out here out of your clinic get you get out of here too many times I’ve been caught by randoms hey cookies

Um but yeah I made me lose my train of fwn yeah I don’t know oh oh yeah I’ve always wanted to take a trip uh to Japan so perhaps if the recession is bad enough and I can secure myself in a fun digon time off maybe maybe there’ll be a

Time in the future when I can go and I have a little vacay it be kind of fun never been always wanted to however I know I should probably learn a little bit of Japanese uh but that is a a daunting task especially if you want to self-

Te and uh it’s pretty much all I got so uh your boy ain’t going to be buying no lessons yet cuz that’s a whole other cost on to itself or I guess I could just stay in the touristy trap areas where where everyone speaks English which would be fine but I want

To I want to see stuff you know go to some temples it’ be fun but I’m pretty sure that far out they haven’t a clue what you’re talking about in English it’s not to say they’re uneducated but you know you go into a foreign country which primarily is not

English- speaking can’t expect everyone else just to welcome you as an English speaker and also know English I know it’s becoming like the new defecto um spoken language so is Mandarin but still you can’t expect every random just to be fluent in English this isn’t a uh a random spy

Film where you just walk up to somebody and speak their language barely broken but then they just hit you back up with Shakespeare at least it would be very weird if that is the case but anywh who I wonder what it will ultimately mean cuz I don’t

Know oh oh yeah I didn’t do that did I damn be able to get a giant plush totally forgot that’s the thing that happens damn should keep that in mind had so many seasons roll on through haven’t capitalized on any of them for shame for

Shame uh what else is going on oh yeah the YouTuber apparently was uh too mad the the meme guy would be like we didn’t get to talk tonight but that’s all right girl I’ll see you tomorrow apparently that guy apparently he has kissed Oblivion at 23 interesting I guess kind of sad I

Guess I don’t know I don’t know how to feel about the dude I only know him from that Meme and uh that’s like the long and the short of it but a lot of people seem to be saying he was kind of a piece of after the fact

So I have no uh no saying this no sway one way or another so feel as you feel knowing this knowledge but I’m going keep doing my own thing maybe I too one day will make a banger meme that just infuses into culture we’ll

See I feel like I have a quite a way before I get any popularity reach enough for that that’s all right oh that’s not what I meant to do you will get back on there well we’re going to continue speed running through things as soon as the

Jades come up I think it might be here on Sunday I don’t know I think Sunday might be the day when the desert Trader trades for staircases which means I would go but I don’t think I can cuz I don’t have quite enough Jades and I don’t want to assume

I’m going to get a random staircase and then get screwed over later you know that would be a terrible outcome for me ooh artifact well I was about to take a sippy of coffee but Then I’m pretty sure we’ve got that already fighting demons over here okay what we got we got sh got stir fry mhm this is all terrible I don’t need literally any of this cool um I guess we’re going to run by trash and then we’re going to go to bed

Damn that sucks that’s rough I don’t know I guess I can collect random crap here in there maybe we get more secret notes damn that is unfortunate how can one be so unlucky easy cuz I’m me and I know me uhuh well we got that unlocked let’s

See go go and see what that’s all about trying to think of anything else important oh I did see I’m kind of upset spaghetti about this news uh don’t know how much anime mango you guys read but there is a series which I’ve been half paying attention to

Called Kaiju number eight and you know it kind of follows the idea that um more futuristic Japan is being um attacked by kaijus and they’re constantly associated with numbers as you know you progress you get a bigger number until eventually um this 30-year-old dude who’s part of the Defense Force is able

To be infused with a Kaiju and he kind of like wears it like armor which is pretty rad oh my God are you kidding let’s let’s redo that let’s um oh god wow what a comedy of errors okay let’s go let’s go get the guy since we know traving cart lady is

Kind of whatever we’re we’re just going to go get get him I know we lost the secret note but that’s all right man I don’t know why it is I got a frog in my throat maybe maybe I should drink some water what do you guys think maybe water

Will will cure me where a coffee fails me oh look at her little cat being cute and stuff but the only reason I’m bring up kiju number eight other than it’s cool uh story-wise it’s going down a weird hole where the main character doesn’t feel like the main character

Anymore which seems to be happening to uh like an eerie amount of animes and mongos now but instead of having like you know the crunchy roll debut or something else uh I guess they’ve chosen to commit suicide because they will only be premiering it on Twitter uh known as

X which confuses the hell out of me like why in the world would you choose to Premiere an anime on Twitter I don’t know to me this seems like a bad idea I don’t know if you can rewatch it all the time a longer form format but

Like ah because I don’t have the secret note it won’t be there damn I mean he went into Oblivion so not like I could have gotten him anyway well guess we’ll have to get the secret note at some point anyway but I am just back baffled by the decisions of the

Studio cuz you can’t really pull up Twitter on like you know a TV sure I can pull it up on my computer and I can watch it there but I kind of enjoy watching things on a bigger screen than just my phone or my computer you know my

Television the thing that has most of every other streaming service so I don’t know weird decision not one I would have ever made if feels kind of like shows suicide it’s like even worse than having be put into Netflix jail where they only release half of your season then you

Have to wait like six months nobody gives a and then they release the other half you really do feel like that and uh I don’t know bizarre you cannot give me Sound Logic as to why someone would do that and if you can I’d love to hear

It cuz I am my like infinite infinite brain power cannot comprehend why would you put it on Twitter how are you going to put it on Twitter I don’t know something about it it kind of irked me but anyway what other fun news is there um oh yeah there was the tantal

Tantalizing news of some sort of national threat and apparently they’re saying um um okay cookbook for the junimos it’s not the random guy though so um uh there was a national threat which they gave like no further explanation about apparently they’re saying that Russia wants to put nukes into

Orbit very bizarre very um strange choice not one I would have went for ever cuz that sounds dumb yeah all this is terrible um but yeah apparently that’s the case so I don’t know how true that is also what are they going to do just nuke the entire world and just take over

The ISS like what I don’t know weird bizarre who can say if that’s actually for real for real all I forgot the chewing stick I’m pretty sure we got the chewing stick though so rip not that important we’re finding these notes to like a rapid click though oh hey there’s the mermaid

Show but we have the power of the Wikipedia I guess the only thing I need is the actual uh note for what I need to find the dude otherwise I can’t cheese the system so that’s too bad all right this day has been kind of whatever so I guess we’ll just go to

Bed speaking of Russia I don’t know uh if you guys ever care about Tucker Carlson he never seems to leave the uh proverbial human conscience but he was doing an episode of uh whatever his show is and he was walking around a Russian grocery store which was fascinating to a point where I

Liked it at the very end that he brought up the fact fact that um when he bought a bunch of supplies you know your typical what he assumed as household goods it came up to be like 103 bucks which may sound crazy but it was like a

Full shopping cart of stuff and some stuff that was like a bit pricey too so it wasn’t you know just3 bucks for like nothing and he uh he did make a fine Point saying at first you know I was kidding kind of just joking around being

Like oh man this is probably going to be super expensive and all this other stuff but then uh he was kind of irate at the fact that the US prices for probably the same amount would be like infinitely more and just cuz you know inflation is bad and it just continues to get

Worse so I don’t know I feel like that is something that people should be upset about to look at their government and be like hey why why things so expensive why why is it companies see things and they always say hey we got to increase our prices CU of

Inflation or because of this thing and all that right but when it comes time for all that to stop and slow down that nobody uh seems to be forced to lower their price right quite strange why is that why are you forced to raise but you’re never forced to

Lower you’re just okay with them being uh High forever right I don’t know I always infinite personal gripes without with a company’s desire for money and wanting money isn’t bad but like just the overage of money that they desire from people is just no nuts to

Me at some point you got to say enough is enough kind of like this discussion somebody stop me somebody say enough is enough let’s hear you talk about something else and I’d be like okay but yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll quiet down on that now just want to get my little

Gripes out he made a good point but that’s it I’m not going to be bootlicking Tucker over here on nothing so never fear but other fun things what’s going on I did see a good old Zuckerberg throw shade at Apple which was always fun and

Cathartic to see cuz I don’t know if you guys got the Vision Pro if you have enough money please send some my way I’ll be happy to uh take whatever you give me since clearly you don’t know how to spend it wisely but he was ragged on the Vision

Pro uh versus his quest headset which I think both are dumb but whatever um well yeah he just like ragged on it for like full two minutes which is very funny and weird to see Mark Zuckerberg not act like a lizard person and to be like a human with actual like

Mannerisms when he’s just ripping these guys apart being like why is it heavier why is everything slower what what was the design choices here why does it so much and asid just the brand name I don’t know if anyone could give you an honest answer is just an Apple

Product so of course it’s got to be expensive right but you know always kind of like one of those stupid things like if you put Supreme on a white shirt suddenly it increases in value and it’s like it does it though just having the word on there suddenly makes this so

Much better are you sure about that or you just being scammed here I don’t know I’m not much I’m not much for fashion but I’m also not much for uh random scams where people pretend like something is worth something when it really not worth a whole lot and it’s over inflated just

Cuz all right trash is not being kind to us so I don’t know I guess we’ll just go to bed again here coming on Wednesday we will head out to the desert think I already pet the cat oh then what we got going on and we

Finally got enough Jades so I think this stream I’m finally going to commit to go cave diving I know exciting we haven’t done that in a blue moon so we will start a brand new Farm I love speed running through this I wish my normal days could be like this

Be like ah today sucked let me go to bed at 10:00 a.m. just oh it’s thundering I’m actually curious if I yeah actually let’s uh let’s put you down a bit further here that shouldn’t be spread or destroyed in the little while that I’m gone I’m only going to put it out for today o that’s loud hey Morel at some point in time I will go

And crack all the geod I’ve been getting from the desert but I’ll probably give it like three more weeks maybe towards the end of summer and then I will crack a huge collection of them open so that’s sounds like fun otherwise we just keep on keeping down well that’s about all the

Interesting news things I saw hope uh o so loud no one else has too much interesting things going on in the bad way spice do we need a spice Berry no damn damn would have been such a good find if we needed it h regrettable but hey finally the trash gave us something

Though it can in fact be nice when it feels like it just seems to uh not want to be nice a whole lot of times boy howdy that is just loud ain’t it yeah I sign just getting the Jades and the staircases I’m afraid I don’t got too

Many goals at the minute it does feel a little weird being restricted Again by time what can you do soon as we get that rolling we’re going to once again feel like we’re making progress cuz right now it really does feel like we’re just spinning our Wheels waiting for a thing to

Happen butos the nature of the Beast I’m pretty sure we already got through everything so let’s go home not going to waste too much time with finding more random artifact spots ain’t worth it just going to keep on speed running the faster we get to traveling card ladies and Wednesdays and

Sunnd dayss I think it is you know actually I’m going to go double check okay so that did gets hit with lightning so that’s good I’m actually going to keep everything yeah I’m going to pull up the wiki real quick desert Trader yeah what we got going On yes it is Sundays so we got to got to do that yeah oh good lord I forgot how much magic rock candy is oo God that is brutal all right let’s go sleep we going still visit the desert tomorrow to get those sweet sweet omy geod I like how we

Have a new thing to look forward to now it’s Wednesdays Fridays Sundays otherwise we just keep on Raging are people’s trash well we got going on oh I’m going to avoid that event I have like no reason to go back to the Beach it regrettably does not yield me uh anything good I don’t even think I have that many fruits or veggies to even put in so it’ll be a very mid experience once again I think it could give me friendship with everyone but I feel like it will not

Since all of my produces Sapa not quality what can you do all right let’s make a quick little Loop wait for Pam to get to the bus stop go to the desert I guess in the meanwhile we’ll do our typical trash run real quick I do love my mushrooms constant profits are

Nice cuz we sure ain’t doing a whole heck of a lot no artifacts or anything okay time to begin the covert operation Raccoon before anyone else spots me can I get to all the yummy yummy trash let’s hope so I I always confused one Kent yeah when he leaves like seven I guess

On Wednesdays get out of here scoot scoot faster ah see hiding yummy treats from me that’s not very nice all right we’re going to cut up through Lewis’s I think no we still should be ahead of Pam I here let’s hope uh it seems like we are cool so

We’re going to run by joa now do all that and then by the time hopefully we finish this little Loop we can get in front of Pam piss her off and she’ll go super turbo quick man none one field snack and really we’re going to call it there

Disappointment and seeming to be that way and Yep this SH damn unfort uh yeah actually let’s go run by the beach real quick see if there’s any artifact spots to dig up and then desert bound we go greetings stranger ain’t looking like it folks I don’t know why I keep checking the beach

You know what maybe I’ll stop doing this I’m always hoping open no was coping but it never seems to be given I feel like it’s just deteriorating my mental health by always hoping there’s going to be a random artifact spot okay let’s go bus stop I don’t know

If I’m beating Pam or not yet doot doot ah she is here time to go fast I’m still faster oh crunchy all right we’ll do a quick little loopy loop get some artifacts well I that’s not a certain we’ll get some geodes maybe get some artifacts and I guess come home and

Sleep nope there we go we got some artifacts let’s go I think I already have that one though that is unfort you poor thing what you mean I’m rich baby I’m loaded oh burnt thing yeah yeah I’m a little crispy I just got here though what you

Mean what you mean bam not bam Sandy anything up here worth of anything uh no oh actually well hold on this may be good nope it’s garbage I love garbage okay very disappointing desert day but we got our geod so let’s just get the hell out of

Here I’m really hoping the next couple of trading card lady days are a bit more fruitful cuz she’s been giving us like nothing as of late I’ll even take hay you know I need hay I’ll take it oh I hear flies hate that ambient noise all right let’s quick stack some

Stuff here quick that’s the same chest quick stabs here I guess put you here for now let’s go to sleep what an exciting life I lead huh I guess like two days worth of mushroom collecting and paying my desert ticket all the time so I’m never really losing more than I’m ever

Gaining oh got to love them sick beats ooh we got a nice little spread here actually this might be like almost 400 gold Lads we’re really raking it in I guess if I really want to I can start uh why am I stuck selling the Jades I don’t think it’s really

Necessary but if I really feel like I need the money once I get all the staircases I need here coming up soon we be able to do all that yeah I’m just going to avoid the luau I don’t care I’m sorry I just don’t care I have

Nothing in my house that I could toss in I could make it good I can make it bad make everyone hate me but I have no Sublime option to toss in otherwise everyone could be my BFF but ain’t got no good quality nothing I barely got any holy it finally

Happened Fell’s step out of the way your garbage King is here oh my God and a joiin oh what a good day the garbage King reign supreme he finally we’re the trashiest trash person we could ever hope to be we’ve been DED we’ve been rewarded for our

Dedication our faith has led us this far trash is all we are trash is all we know maybe maybe I should make a some sort of funny thumbnail relating to trash been doing this so often it’s like the new daily Norm okay we got a whole bunch of nothing you

Know what let’s break things up a little let’s go north see if there’s any random artifacts and then uh we’ll sleep cuz we’re ignoring the town’s people otherwise we’re just Jam to The Vibes letting things do as they do what am I going to do with my Fedora

Though I don’t want to get rid of the Fedora it’s kind of funny but the trash the trash hat is obviously Supreme so few people have it of course I got a rocket otherwise you don’t know all right well I’m seeing a whole lot of nothing guys I don’t think it’s a lucky

Day for uh artifacts somebody wish me a good artifact day bring me the best Vibes you can cuz uh I ain’t seen nothing wow like hold hold on the bunny oh never mind it ran away was going to say it hasn’t noticed us yet but then for some reason it freaked

Out okay I guess I mean I’m still very happy and excited it’s not going to help us with Community Center and all but trash we are trash very good I guess I could do like a Rigby from Regular Show could do something something with him he’s a raccoon I’m

Sure he loves trash he’s a trashy kind of guy I’m sure he’d appreciate all let’s cut down some of those grass it’s starting to get annoying actually have a bit cleaner walkway here all right chest and take my Fedora of power and uh yeah that’s pretty much it yeah kicked the

Bag oh we got an owl boys we got an owl now we just got to hope it’s somewhere where I can reach it oh we got 500 gold on that one all right trading C lady day but let’s go try to find that owl all right keep your peepers field

Got to find this bird oh got to find it so so good I’m going to display it proudly out of nowhere but it’ll have no chance but to uh bless our farm with good luck I mean look at that we already have Morels coming out of the

Woodwork now we just going to hunted down it’d be so depressing if it was behind like the Rocks over here somewhere cuz I will not be able to reach it let’s kill a few more of these random acorns oh my God oh this walk path it’s

Terrible oh yeah are you guys a fan of cyberpunk 2077 specifically I mean the board game and the the books are always cool um but you guys are fan of that game care about it at all it’s been a minute since I played it actually I would like to go

Back but I think it would be fun to oh there’s the bird let’s go hey Hey ow statue acquired um but I would probably have to start a new save if I do it on this channel just cuz uh I believe I’m able to stream it and if I can ha good happy

Times up ahead it is so much fun and I know they’ve been making a lot of uh quality of life improvements for cyberpunk I don’t know if I do a challenge run of that I’ve still yet to complete like a full Normie run of it um so I probably want to do that

First but I think I can give everyone uh a good amount of brain rot as we all start to use the lingo and just call each other’s Chums I’m going to clip your creds Chum and I’m going to delt out of you that made sense to you congrats if

It doesn’t that’s all right too that sounded like fun actually cuz it’s been a hot hot minute since I went back I was having an episode of it at work so I started a listen to the cyberpunk S soundrack your boy out here brings a nuke kind of vibe to arasaka towers that

They don’t seem to enjoy all right let’s hope traveling card ladies got something good for us I hopefully wasted enough time to delay some good luck rolling to us yes um h well Demetrius does want a puffer fish I guess I’ll give him a puffer fish

Oh my God we got a milk oh boys do we need a tiger trap no damn no tiger trout needed but oh we got the milk let’s go um I’m not buying a small Crystal actually I was thinking about it but that that it’s too much for my blood 2,000

For a decorative Crystal what do you think I’m made of money over here don’t stop looking at the right side right st stop looking over here what am I made of money what are you crazy oh Jazz why you got to be slow I’m going to start doing my trash run get

Out of here yeah that’s right get out of here Scamper but I think Punk would be a fun time I definitely uh prefer the cowboy Yeehaw play style I definitely enjoy the cool build with revolvers shotguns I not a big fan of in that game sometimes it’s funny to run up

To someone and make him eat a Boomstick full of lead but uh leveling a body just ain’t for me I’m I’m a scrawny guy mostly Tech mostly cool Really Got A vibe that Johnny silver hand kind of you know Motif going on but I think would be fun cuz there’s

Plenty of stuff I you know haven’t seen or done in that game so I think it would be a fun Journey for all to have especially apparently keyboard and mouse cyberpunk go crazy wacky if you get a inair dash alongside the Dash and double jump oh the movement system amazing damn near

Flawless all right let’s go put them milk in the bundle I think that might be done for the animals to be honest oh that’s the Artisan y animal milk we got it boys hell yeah uh cheese well I never going to use that all right little junimo see you take it to your

Hut man progress feels good nice all right let’s go bother Demetrius give him a dangerous puffer fish get like 300 gold back in profit but that’s fine we out here for friendship and uh Quest completion just cuz we can you know maybe we can go through the backlog see what uh what alls

Around hey yo Demetrius I got a fish for you a crispy 300 going my way let’s go okay uh we’ve done our trash run not completely but whatever who cares uh maybe it’s a good day maybe artifacts are here let’s give it a a quick look I’m seeing not a lot of

Things I’m seeing exactly zero things yep that’s mhm very cool never mind we’re going home ladies and gents we are being introverts today why am getting the hell out of here that’s all right we got two more days and then we’re finally going down not going down we’re going to go to the

Desert so we can buy staircases to go down into the mines and we can finally begin progressing even more my God it’s been so long since I’ve seen my son lost to this monster To The Man Behind the slaughter a but we can finally get over it all right um I don’t

Know what to do with half this nonsense I guess we could put the stat oh I didn’t mean to put in a chest uh oh I can put it here excellent there we go it was going to ominously look over the farm let’s just put the Jades into my

Inventory here I want to be able just to get all that streamlined and done when that gets going all right sleepy time 500 gold we got our desert ticket secured we got to love Morel days another lightning storm damn all right got to get out the uh zappy Rod here I

Guess get that to get us a battery I hate these rocks so much but hey a good rainy storm Day means I should be able to get around easier and get trash without people knowing so I’m the only crazy bastard that goes outside I keep getting stuck on that

Stupid little ledge I is this a border around the house I’m always so confused what’s like the cut off off the roof and what’s the actual physical border like beneath the house oh my God we got an artifact Spa that hav’t happened in like forever two of them oh they’re both garbage

Stellar I mean I’m going to sell the clay but man what’s up with that all right make a quick run of it and then just try to get to Sunday as fast as possible we’ll uh spend some time looking at trash go traveling card lady we’ll experience loud noises which

Is always fun we enjoy rainy stardo ASMR all right before uh anyone shows up wow nothing is this anything I can do nope what sadness it brings upon my heart I want to delay I want to get to that beautiful Sunday as quick as possible come on little legs I don’t

Want to really drink coffee at the minute as much as I do want to speedrun it well I don’t know I guess I could why not we’ve we’ve been hoarding these things for a while let just have a sippy probably going to run out before I even get to

Bed got to love they Rumble so nice I had to do it twice damn U let’s see was there any other fun anything’s going to be releasing your shown soon can’t remember uh oh that one was loud any fun films everyone’s looking out for I know

There’s a couple of good ones like Dune on the way but I’m just a personal favorite of that one love the cat all right sleep time it’s got to get to sunde hey let’s go oo oh yeah Daily Show I don’t know if anyone ever watched that but uh our homeboy is Back John Stewart is back on The Daily Show re still looks great funny enough I think I like him uh aged up salt and peppered more than I do original yfac it was funny I liked it but he’s only going to be there I think once a

Week so s Your Daily Show uh will not be brought to you by the old man no more he’s got other priorities such as I don’t know enjoying being old and not needing to do it on the daily uh let’s break up a few of these

Woods my god when is what’s going on oh I can’t even get there BR man crush Thursday yeah you bet you listen John Still rocking it he looking good which is impressive cuz I think he said well he’s 61 cuz lordy knows what I’m going to

Look like at 61 I’m pretty sure we don’t need the plums anymore uh no nope no we don’t tulips some spangle if for want this is just a flower delivery yam I’m pretty sure we need a yam though wow they upcharge though what the hell I wish I could sell my clay for

That much you know what it’s an easy yes we do need the yam sorry about all that menu spamming I was panicked I was confused all right let’s uh yeah we got to kill time for Pam anyway so let’s go look at trash run by Community

Center if we got the time deposit the yam which I think finishes the fall crops and then we go to the desert get our staircases and we can start going in the mine another day of going to be great success great progress garbage I actually hate random garbage

Since I don’t have a recycler me and garbage no longer friends I want goodies I want real tangible goodies all right last time Dr man saw me but I don’t see him coming this time so it may have been an event where he’s U checking up on

Someone howy Max we’re back at it again we got a trash hat our loyalty to the trash Gods has been rewarded but uh so far they only gave me cookies this day I was kind of hoping for oh okay I guess more food I don’t really need more food I’ll be honest I’m

Just going to start getting rid of the acorns too cuz I’m not going to plant them God knows we have enough random trees on a farm uh uh so we’re going to avoid that oh yeah we got 15 seconds to run Pam’s probably not even at the station

Yet so let’s get the bundle done feel like we made more progress real quick oh it’s going to be good where’s the M Falls oh here it is fellas oh hell yeah be house wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute big brain big bee house we can grow a fairy

Rose in the fall and that thing can start generating good honey for us ooh actually actually that’d be that’s pretty baller okay let’s run by the house I know I’m kind of wasting time but I want to thin out the inventory here real quick um I’m going to put it up here

Maybe where the weeds will not destroy my bee house I would be sorely saddened if uh all of that was to be wasted uh I know that goes in my fridge but I’m just going to get rid of it for now here would go that way and then mushrooms you go

Away all right time to go to Desert we’re streamlining we’re doing it we’re succeeding we’re winning let’s go to the desert maybe if luck beh have it we actually find an artifact or something I’m doubtful but a Boy Can Dream just going to do a quick little Southern Loop to see if there’s

Something here seems like a whole lot of nothing all right let’s not delay the fun anymore where is a there it is give me that Max stack oh yeah we definitely don’t need 18 but I’m going to take 18 now off chance I misclick or do something stupid somewhere I’m going to

Make sure we are well in set man clay rocks all right um to streamline this as much as possible so I don’t do anything stupid let’s put all this away get my sword out let’s go back probably chug a coffee and start running for the mines I want to get this squared away

Today we’ve been waiting this day for a long time it’s kind finally coming to fruition let’s go speedrun time if luck also be have it we might be able just to get down there and there’d be a frozen tier or frozen geode just waiting for us and if that’s

The case oh doggy we are rolling in it absolutely filthy way of swimming in it maybe I should have grabbed food on the off chance of dangerous tries to kill me but uh I’m just going to hope for the best here then I’m able to place the ladders down

Quick enough where that isn’t an issue all right finally let’s see them numbers grow uh yeah I not I’ll break these boxes going to I mean of course I want to get down there oh hardwood as fast as possible but if there there’s just convenient Treasures to be had and I

Will take them but if something looks dangerous or just not worth it then uh we out simple as I think these super deep dark cave Parts I am just going to skip I don’t want to get attacked by the oh definitely don’t pick that up I don’t

Want to get attacked by the Shadow Demon creatures and lose too too much health since I don’t have healing items on me okay let’s just not yeah let’s not test fate here we’re doing good let’s not let Hubers get in our way right up we get that one more quick thing oh a

Coal okay okay as much as I want that chest I also don’t want to die oh but there’s so much good stuff ah but it’s okay yeah let’s not uh get ahead of ourselves here yeah this place sucks let’s just start going down this way I hate how it’s just nothing no music

It’s just constant deafening silence this place is like the definition of it sucks let’s go level 40 we got a slingshot that we’re never going to use well we might I don’t know what for but hey we’re finally where we wanted to be oh my God there’s so many things here

To break there’s so many enemies that could kill us too all right let’s descend down one level but then we’re going to reset 41 yeah I’m not going to teston look with them slimes here so we’re going just going to start looping level 40 man that feels

Good so so much hardwood man I wish I knew that beforehand I would have just tried to get Jade and then do that you know I didn’t even I guess I didn’t need the hardwood for the like Boiler Room bundle man okay oh there it is frozen tier okay got

To make sure to keep that around uh actually this kind of sucks I don’t want to deal with them okay so now all we need is a frozen geode man we are just blazing oh we are just blazing through it now so many goodies Rock uh

Nothing as soon as I say we’re just blazing we’re doing good but then the game’s like ah whoa nothing be upon ye ah dust Sprites they’re not going to kill me but they’re going to be annoying if they keep pummeling me uh I don’t know how the mining thing

Works if they break in then I pick it up I think it still counts towards XP so I’m just going to try to avoid that as much as possible I think next time if I don’t get it here soon I will bring some food just to be able to be uh

Brave a bit deeper into the mines here or maybe it’s level 45 I ultimately also need to get to I don’t quite remember but if I do actually yeah this Math’s out pretty well I could just descend down this way wow this sucks okay wow we literally have just like

Enough ladders to get me to where I need to be that feels good this is some well-crafted planning here we go level 45 ouch so yeah this also has a very high likelihood of getting us what we want to have but I’m still going to Loop um level

41 oh another Frozen tier take that for sure for sure H don’t really care about that but then we can also start looping level 45 as well actually I might start to go 45 then 40 okay yeah cuz it’s kind of dangerous so then I can can effectively double dip into potential

Resources H nope that all kind of sucks way too many monsters for my comfort level here it’s very empty floor nice I don’t know it feels good it feels like we’re once again making progress even if it’s not Monumental progress this is definitely nice oh no I

Do not like the Dank I’m getting the hell out of here sorry good enough okay um let’s just thin that out and eat this carrot 7:00 to the bottom man that would take so long you know what that’s going to be a benchmark of uh how down bad we really

Are if I can get enough Jades to uh trade in for ladders to get to the bottom of the mine so then I can get to the skull Cavern o doggy that’s going to be double rough but I think we do need to go down further to get the Fire Quartz I think

Cuz I don’t remember the different way to get it man it’s just not wanted to give me that GE today which I gu guess is fine I will accept the singular win of uh the Frozen tier cuz that was definitely a big hurdle but now we just need to get the

Geode getting a lot of hardwood I guess if I ever needed that planter pot recipe then uh it’s definitely not a bad place to do it oh I guess uh in the future well no we still need to complete the community center I do not want to

Pick the no oh my god did that count I’m pretty sure that counted I hate those dust Sprites when they do that bro that is unlucky actually you know yeah to avoid that let’s take off the magnet ring for now wow they gave both an iron and a CO or a coal

Damn anti-luck luck reverse I didn’t want it it just G me a lot of rocks not a big fan of that that’s all right we got pretty much where we needed to so my mining level has some wiggle room now I don’t like that get away from me

Um yeah I can’t get around here good I I was going to be a little worried a a rare slime too man can’t even do anything about it I forget when it is the adventures Guild opens up I think I need to kill five or 10 slimes or something like that

And then I can start selling and buying weapons and shoes and other stuff but it’s not like Mission critical for me here anymore okay it’s getting kind of late in this day so I think I’m going to just kind of call it here I’m going to Loop to level 40 real

Quick and uh thin out my inventory and then we’re going to sleep so much hardwood now holy crap would have been nice to uh have that earlier yeah but we were struggling with um getting a jade in the first place so it does my heart good knowing um we

Spent some time doing not clay farming okay I could probably re-equip the magnet ring pretty safely lesson learned when I go down take that off what do we want to sell I probably want to keep the other two staircases for now CU I’m certain I’m going to be needing

To head down on well guess we’ll loop back around later cuz I will be needing to go down to level 60 or 70 I think it is when uh the Fire Quartz spawn so yeah we can actually probably smelt up some of this stuff here don’t have too much

Coal but uh we can make it work actually yeah we can upgrade our watering can if I do that can bring these inside leave the hardwood out here uh I have too much garbage I don’t know what to do with let’s get rid of one of these

Sneakers I know big funny that we have two of them but I don’t really need them okay selling use selling clay getting rid of those smelting that putting that in the fridge keeping this around yeah yeah mm okay just had to make sure okay yes Sly

Knows hope the bees stay nice and toasty put the cookies away in here and let’s sleep a very successful night goodness gracious that’s pretty good think we will do another lengthy day in the mines since don’t got a whole lot going on and I think I will prioritize that

Over trash today a star fruit I don’t want to do that I’m going to mute real quick but I’m going to keep doing things For H h h e what for For for for for there we go we’ve locked it in very hype oh 500 even we got that geode we got damn tears boys we really do be living good so now I guess the only thing that’s really left oh my God you are kidding me this is going to o o o

We wreck this is going to get my panties in a Twist there too much how am I supposed to get out of my farm yeah I don’t know this is going to I guess I’m going to have to start using some of my XP just to try to get out no

That’s going to be bad but anyway uh we have now locked in our successes so big hype guys everybody Rejoice at the fact we have guns all those things further for the community center so now we really do just got to focus on getting uh Whatchamacallit the Fire Quartz which I don’t

Remember how I was going to do that but we could just Farm up more Jades until we get deeper into the angry fire levels cuz those are very plentiful of the quartz e e what h h for for oh music started as soon as I came back

Out of the menu good Heavens this has been kind of a a dry mine run hasn’t it just thought up trying to come down here to get a few extra goodies but man there sure was a whole bunch of nothing today guess it’s a bad luck day because the

Trash cans didn’t give me anything either I realize it’s probably just more efficient for me to Loop 40 over and over until I get uh more crates than to try to go to 45 a aquamarina it would be nice to break that open and get it but I’m

Pretty sure that would level me up though damn actually yeah maybe the the new crates would drop the higher um not higher tier gems but the more rare type gems I just need to bust open a fair chunk of them I fear ouch and there’s so many dust Sprites that is

Regrettable cuz at this point I’m not even worried about the health aspect I’m doing fun and I got a piece of bread I’m just more worried them breaking some sort of resource then me running over and just slurping that stuff up got to love all that

Crispy oh got a secret note from that really uh at 1 no at 12 12:40 when it’s dark huh I me I guess I could go you just punch it by force that’s kind of funny why do I keep misclicking that use your airor I’m just bad skill issue while I get

Better okay I’m just going to probably Loop this quartz Gathering a few more times maybe we’ll wait for like I don’t know a super lucky day we can compare what to day was and getting the whole four quartz versus uh what a better better luck day would be

Like yeah I guess the game treats these kind of like it does um the um oh wish the word I’m looking for I want to see ferns but they’re not ferns the fiber they’re all random crap oh got to love the rock crunchy though just kind of hoping to get

Another secret note but I guess no dice Okie we’re not getting a whole bunch of look so let’s go home and try to figure out uh what is today’s luck cuz this sh G me a whole lot failure oh look at her dude dude that just

Cute got to resist the urge to pick up random things on the floor it’s always been my greatest uh Temptation it continues to be so I think I’ve gotten a little better about it now I’m less greedy for uh random resources now at the beginning of the run that was

A a hard thing to control my vice is almost winning every time but now I’m a different man a better man an evolved man if one would say oh let’s break a couple of these random rocks here I could either keep the tiar for Sebastian if I want to be friends with

Him or I could honestly sell them I’m not sure what I want to do with them quite yet what am I doing with the rest of this crap you know I can’t think of too many times the beach is going to be useful oh wait I have random coal here what if I

Just combine that with this one yeah there we go let’s get rid of some of that let’s smelt up few things of you uh topaz was a nice thing but yeah there we go that kind of clears it out a little yeah there we go just need two of those for the um

Copper here oh look at the cat sleeping all the way in the back I’m not sure what that’s for to be holistically honest with you feels kind of like a walkway or something but you can’t build anything on it I don’t know you can block it off nothing stopping

You all right let’s sleep then we’ll go to the desert and you know what guys I’m going to be oh we didn’t check the luck date did we silly says I’m going to do a thing immediately doesn’t do the thing aren’t I just a silly fun little guy they’re annoyed today okay

Well well I guess uh put one back and two more coal let’s melt up some more Mars here honestly no clue what I’m doing here you know we could probably sell some of this copper yeah let’s just keep it around like 15 this will help uh so I don’t have much

More cave diving I’m going to do now that I think about it so it can help Finance getting um some iron in the future maybe if we wish to further upgrade the watering can and stuff uh what do we do we need go into the desert today but beyond that unless

We really want to go cave diving I think we’re uh you could just skip on ahead to a Friday oh actually there’s a tree here okay we’re going to be doing some uh tree maintenance here going to have to try to make sure all this crap stays

Down guess it’s true I have neglected the farm of the past couple of days so let’s try to clean it up a little here it feels like a fruitless effort sometimes but we are going to do our best and uh managed to get some resources while we’re at

It all right what else we got I see we have an artifact here which is exciting it’s no longer exciting good good that’s a bread got to love the Baner music you guys ever thinking about going to see the orchestra CU that’s still technically this year so if you’re

Watching this uh a year from now the orchestra has played there beautiful start do Valley Music and probably will not again for a while so um if you sned you lost I’m thinking about it but I don’t know also so the tickets might be sold

Out at this point now that I think about it maybe I’ve screwed myself over who can say who knows I don’t know how popular stardo Valley is especially you know um orchestral remixes of the the music cuz I like it still have yet to change it I

Know some people have made some like special custom mod packs to change the music but I like it no matter how much I hear it it’s just like Minecraft music it’s just I don’t know it’s wholesome you love to hear it uh can I get through there no well

Yes I can all the way back here damn that took quite a while of doing actually and you know Spirits are annoyed I’m not even going to bother um with trash then cuz if they’re annoyed luck is going to be bad oh there’s a tree so let’s instead actually

Should we be crazy and crack open some geod now I’m going to keep what I say true I’m going to hold off got to keep collecting them though yeah that’s good all right put this here I guess so I’m not confused put that there yeah man we almost at 500 wood again that’s

Crazy let’s sell those guys as well smelt up a couple more bars since we got him and I’ll clear off some uh inventory space so let’s go by those geod real quick oh we do got something I wonder if it’s good and it’s not it’s terrible straight up

Terrible rare seeds for sale rare seeds oh I kind of like that TR actually but I kind of like the uh um wow Luigi Vibe we got going on all right we’re going to do a quick Loop see if there’s any other random wormy worms to dig up and there sure are

Nice um looks like that’s pretty much it okay um yeah I guess we could still run by and get some trash on the off chance all nah actually you know unless it’s a good luck day I’m just going to pretty much call it here and go to bed ain’t worth the

Time can’t believe we already like halfway through summer damn actually more than halfway by this point we’re just Blazing that’s crazy man she like we barely started we already got so far done so much all right what do we got we got 20 9 that’s Stellar we are getting to where we need to be and then some I mean if I want to trade it in for

Like treasure troves that’s like not even six so I’m not going to think of it in that terms I’m going to think of it in the terms of cool collectible resources that we can donate to the museum and potential 29 things is pretty nice we got some honey folks

Folks I don’t know I guess I could grow like a summer spangle or something and get some like oh maybe a sunflower yeah I guess we could do like a sunflower honey cuz the timer on that has reset now that I did that uh let’s

Wait for Pierre to open maybe I will do that once the sunflower dies then that’s fine yeah that sounds like a plan I’ll move the honey box up I guess to like near there cuz I know it has to be within like a certain tile parameter of

Uh yeah oh now it can be here actually but I know it can also break so I know it can’t spawn here so if I put like the honey not honey the uh sunflower here I think that should be fine I don’t know we’re doing some some crack crackhead methodology

G all right let’s go digging through the trash no clue if it’s a lucky day but we’re going to do it anyway I suppose we can wait for a like I said a lucky day to actually go cave diving so may maybe I should check the

TV as much as I do want to get into tomorrow I don’t want to end the stream too too soon when I have plenty of content for people to watch after all and makes good progress through our game what am I ultimately after uh getting some more iron ore would be

Nice so I don’t have to pay for it um I don’t know what else you know I the crates I guess I hope to give me some nice I I feel like I had a reason for it I guess maybe Frozen geodes just getting more of those to crack those

Open wouldn’t be too bad yeah we’ll see it we’re going to go um get some sunflowers real quick at least just one uh I guess I can buy 30 corn just to have it for later man everyone’s running around doing something goody good how much were you

10K I’ll think about it I mean I definitely got the money for it I’m probably going to spend a lot more here um but no I didn’t want to pop you what am I doing I wanted a sunflower yeah and the corn I remember the there was something interesting I

Remember where I think Pierre’s sunflower seeds like they cost 200 here to buy what was joja Mar’s price greetings sad looking human yeah they’re definitely a lot less here so I want to test something out uh let’s just buy like I don’t know 50 of them so reselling them back to Pierre

Would be like 20 a piece right we bought them for 125 um while bought him for 200 appear so we’re going to do some science real quick we’ll see if it works cuz I could have just wasted a whole bunch of money for nothing or I could have wasted money

For something but we’re about to find out all right we’re going to put in one we’re going to sell the rest 20 I think I meant to buy 30 but that’s fine it also sells them in the fall so we’re going to put that away for now put away the field snack what’s

Today’s luck like displeased okay never mind we’re going straight to bed so we’re going about to find out our science experiment so those sold okay 20 a piece so never mind we made a net loss cuz I remember there was something about um when you buy it from Pierre I think they cost

More but also in the same vein that because they cost more if you were to harvest up more sunflower seeds when you we’re just getting them naturally from pulling them up from the ground uh they would cost it at more appreciated price but that maybe with

The fact of you you’re like level 10 farming and you got the Artisan trait and all that I can’t quite remember what it was um but I’m not going to worry about it too much okay um what’s today’s look like actually before I run away uh neutral okay so can do it can’t

Do it I know whatever not going to stress about it too much but let’s go enjoy a quick trip to the traveling cart lady and see if we can’t get something cool it would be very nice if we got something else to finish off another bundle somewhere but I’m not going to

Hold my breath quite yet cuz I probably die still can’t quite get to where I need to be in there to get all that wood that’s all right little survive also apologies if I don’t feel like I’m very talkative I’m uh little scatterbrained and it’s the end of my

Work week so I’m a little tuckered out but I’m still trying to do my best for you guys daff that is an expensive daffodil uh I think I’ve always asked the question but I’m pretty sure we don’t need uh an anroy but I’ll check s it’s a sardine on a chub

Damn well we’ll give um good old George his leak here uh yeah but beyond that that’s kind of whatever okay was it Evelyn that wanted bring Evelyn the leak yeah okay pierrei I can’t make that yet I think I need to become friends with lius in enough friends with l to get that

Recipe but I think he just likes food of any kind is what I saw last time so I could probably just I know he really loves yams and stuff speaking of how what am I uh at least one heart with lus yeah I think he’s like four six hard

Events to get that I don’t remember that’s fine I can find gift to give him he likes food I can get him food especially if it’s something uh purchasable from guses then I will make it a lot easier Lewis is an out in the about

Cool I guess I always got to scout out a little bit north to make sure no one’s coming down and going to see my trashy actions here all right let’s give Granny a leak yeah don’t another little bit 5 H back definitely not worth the uh the money it

Cost us to get it but that’s all right ooh Demetrius actually let’s run by let’s go check the trash then run by back to the house get some ice cream and give it to them I do ultimately want to start making friends with Demetrius and Willie

At some point and Willard is coming up on the 24th if I don’t forget I do have some Mead which I had purchased in advance to give to him see I had had plans going on D wow nothing okay let us run on back then go to the

House get some ice cream real quick and we’ll surprise Demetrius cuz I’m pretty sure ice cream is a loved gift by him so is strawberries but I I’m kind of short on stobs if you can imagine had a thing what did I do with them I don’t know whatever I’ll I’ll

Worry about the thing later what I never like ran between those bushes I didn’t even know you could okay do this quick think I actually need to use the r rroom it’s been a while cuz I haven’t been sitting for a hot minute okay um do we have anything to

Sell no that’s all right we got things to stack up here let’s get that oy cream and know if we see a lus maybe we’ll give him one too I don’t think you’d uh say no to a nice cold ice cream on a summer day be weird if he Did but I don’t know why I did that it can’t even give me things all right Demetrius please be home or at least at the lake where I can easily get to you yeah let’s go okay first we’re got to chat with him and then ice cream yay let’s go instant

Friendship yeah I should do that more often H it’s fine all right minus let’s chat with you bud yay you liked it good I’m glad you liked it homie do that give me uh any more hearts with you at the minute nope still just one that’s okay I’ll find a salmon Berry

Or something to give to you luckily I farmed up plenty of those so that should be good okay I don’t think I’m going to dilly d anymore just kidding I’m going to go up North I’m going to Dilly down a little more um but then I’m probably going to

Call it here folks we’ve been at it for a little bit we’ve got a lot of progress done so it’s been a very good time past couple of streams we once again felt like we were dragging our feet just kind of doing you know the groundwork to have these very good

Days but boy is it fun having the good days yes I should probably tally up how much more stuff we need realistically what are we still looking at we got one 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 more things and we’re done I mean there are some you know with like high quality crop there’s uh five stacks of each so I guess technically 40 items if you want to look at it that

Way all my MTH my math may be off on that 38 but we’re like getting there I mean it’s definitely going to be a grind to get the last little bits of things but we are getting where we need to be and I like that a

Lot all right but I’m going to go ahead and have this nice little sleep and I’m going to call it here folks so I hope you’ve enjoyed this stream I’m going to be back again next week uh definitely got to keep grinding away at stard you wow we’re pretty much almost done with

Summer already that’s crazy but now that we’re progressing pretty quick yeah we could just start skipping a lot of days getting what we need we can really streamline the experience uh but I will explore some other fun games SL challenges we can do uh you can

Let me know whatever you’d like to see me do in the future as well either feel free to comment at me uh while I’m live or feel free to leave a comment after the fact uh if you check the description you can also check uh you could see the

Link to my Discord in which you’ll be able to you know speak mouth wordss at me through text uh to let me know what you think what you want to see and all that good stuff but I going to call it here if you want to see any other

Content from me you can check out vods of past streams or any other videos I have done for now I’m going to call it here we’ve done a a fair bit of progress so can’t behooved that at all so hope you’re doing well hope you’re staying warm staying cold uh staying hydrated

Make sure to keep drinking your water don’t forget that and beyond that folks hope you have a good one uh don’t forget to subscribe and hit that notification Bell if you like and I will see y’all next time

This is a challenge run to see if I can complete the community center without getting a single level up in any skill point. The original idea was inspired by @ArgonMatrix and I wanted to see if I can get a different result. {Plot twist, no you cannot complete it un-modded}. DOUBLE PLOT TWIST I’m stupid, yes you can and I will not be using any mods because there are none that fit what I need. This is an important and marked change from previous descriptions I have. I will post a final video after the stream concludes so you are welcome to be a part of the fun and see it happen live before its done up later.

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