Terraria Stream W/@AngelTheProxy13 (1)

E Hello what’s going on everybody my name is sh and this is Angel hello everyone yeah we are back playing another thing at Terraria and inste of an episode this time it’s a stream yep and Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone whether you are single with someone or it’s complicated

Anyways what are we plan on doing this episode I didn’t think we had a plan going into this also real quick announcement um we will probably not be streaming next week or if we do it will not be on Wednesday yeah it might be later in the week probably like on Friday maybe

Saturday who knows birds for no help there I just kind of sit there and FLW in the ground I don’t know what the deal is I’ve been getting a lot of Amber Alerts today on my phone I’m going like three or four oh a chest oh chest oh climbing class nice uh

I have forgotten how to open chests uh right click you might not be able to open it while a minute that might be the problem oh yeah I think with the climbing claw I should be able to slide down walls if I use I I left some silver coins in there for

You I didn’t equip the claws right is that right there we go there you go yeah I left some uh coins in there for you and Potions I think wait did I leave the potions in there I can’t remember I was about to say you can’t

Break a chest if there’s things in it I do remember That oh another chest got some more rope we got a guide to plant fibber cordage some more silver coins I hear a duck okay that’s dark there now it’s not dark duck are you down here duck demolitionist has arrived nice hey another chest let’s see some coins bottles a potions

Oh there’s a thing to increase movement speed if you want it you can have it me let’s see where do I equip that at where’ It Go guess they moving I can hear you fighting something hey was a slime I’m sad I want to know where the duck’s

At um I mean we heard him on the right side so he’s probably like down underground somewhere maybe one of these if this goes anywhere I don’t know that or what is that iron nice sure we going need iron for an upgrade birds are bit overpowered yeah I enjoy not dying though yeah

It I’m going to keep exploring to the left or you going to go down um I’m just going to go look in the chest real quick if it was even still oh yep there it is oh I looted them oh okay yeah you want some of it

I think there was like a few potions and a little bit of coins ah yeah that wouldn’t be too bad to have I guess I’m at the top okay I’m on my way oh well I’m no longer uh over there you got a recall potion on

You um I will check but I don’t think I do I went to drop it but instead it just teleported me home unfortunately I only have lesser healing potions and a mining potion I’m on my way back it’s fine we didn’t go too far I didn’t even have to hit that thing

It just killed the thing before I even got close it’s terrible get out the way hello welcome back yeah onward oh you’re heading up to the left yep weird little pit yeah oops of course you fell into it yeah that’s yeah trees here keep going hey another F star and some bases

Oh wow that’s a big tree OHS there a herb bag and another uh AG thing increases movement speed as well I can’t wear I’ll take oh I guess I’ll take one then difference between mine is yours say AG whatever mine is angry version of it which gives me plus 3% damage whoa Me yeah that’s usually all they got in these Places he’s got a torch and they’re all just got a trap down there hey where is this says research 100 more to unlock duplication weird TKS no more totally didn’t just steal the furniture yeah I seen that there’s a recall potion in there okay do you want the leaf wand or the living

Wood wand uh I don’t want either of them okay there’s another there’s a w of sparkling uses two mana and shoots a small spark oh there’s grenades in this one that’s cool okay o I found a I found a better weapon nice an umbrella yep it does two more damage than my sword

Wow oh I had a sneeze yeah lot of makes the Stars alone’s making this trip wor it yeah for sure a lot of stars frogs are they real frogs or am I just hearing frogs I haven’t seen any frogs a there so many stars I’m at 15 already I see a

Frog I got the Frog oh piranhas uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh okay I’ve changed my mind this umbrella sucks okay probably drinking health potion d Uh oh we’re in a jungle I see all right neat I hear a duck where’s the duck oh another chest H we got more iron nice some more grenades oh we got a radar let me use that it says it will detect enemies nearby I wonder how that

Works also gives me two I think either two or 20 Mana there’s some basic stuff Oh pal trees P One ham we got coconuts and acorns neat Minor Improvement to all stats who’s this guy Billy really want you is the official YouTube World Aaron monkey really he wants a fish huh hold on I forgot he was saying the actual game name reasons oh where’d all the birds go come Back don’t kill the birdies this a pretty big I want the birdies to be my friends I don’t know if we can keep going left anymore I don’t think so not until we get something that lets us breathe underwater or a boat you know would be nice to if we can make

Boats I know we can get like I know we can get gear that does that we can get like floaties and stuff E Ah that’s Great didn’t really even do much a I can’t catch the Dolphins I didn’t even lower it that much yeah I think we’ve gone about as far as we can go without dying anyway well I guess we going head back now yep damn it I’m try to blow B up I’m the duck come here duck I got the duck just keep capturing all these poor animals they’re like help they’re my friends they live in my pocket are they dead or alive they’re alive sure you have a bunch of lime animal stuffed in your pocket they are I can prove

It how many you got in there uh um hold on at the moment I have three squirrels a duck a rabbit three seagull a red squirrel and that’s it can I get your pants what kind of pockets do you have cargo pants Jesus kind of like a whole book bag

Built into your freaking pants that’s why cargo pants are awesome and quite frankly underrated the pocket space is just unmatched yeah you know we could have just done we could have just used the mirror where the recall potion that’s what I just oh I also have a little bird in my pocket ow

Oh we have someone in the chat hello hello oh you got somebody in the chat yeah that’s good hello hope play they’re enjoying yeah I wonder how we can name oh yeah there it is rename chest whoops I just drinking potion okay oh well back to didn’t

Happen my chest too hello donzo how you doing why do I type in the name okay potion oh I see potions safe now it says potions but there we go the whole bottom R has been named at least hey y ah so the person in my chat says that

His brother plays this game he’s on the other stream oh well we hope you guys are enjoying them the last yeah at least now you get to see from both perspectives too idea working on this mine just got to keep going Down Oops I need to set up my inventory get that back up There it’s been a while since we played Terraria too oh yeah like two months or something give or take it’s been a minute oh somebody else too hello there how are you doing sorry dude it’s a it’s a private game it’s just me and an angel hey I have a gift for you

Um for when you come back anyway I’m way out here hello I’m going to try not to hit the wrong button this time we can uh we can probably play so next time if you do want to play with us you know you need keep capturing those birds yes you mean poor

Birds it’s fine for you maybe it’s fine wait why is Billy here For I just realized we don’t have a room in this tower for ourselves no not yet well we can always build up here on the top yeah let’s see aha I do have wood okay you see the thing is I can’t have you even join in the middle of it cuz

We’re I’d have to add you as a friend and all that and it takes some minute all right want streaming oops for Oh you already got the door Okay where Aha Is In so this top room is going to be ours I’m going make us a bony then do It for That looks weird Looking here I might be able to help there we go all using the hammer or whatever yep nice That I’m trying to remember how to make something and I don’t remember how to make it and it’s making me sad I don’t know how to make a lot of things I can’t help you much there okay to Google we go I don’t need to know what it is I just

Need to know how to make It oh okay okay I see I may or may not bought 87 bombs on purpose purpose I shall drein that ocean at least you have your goals in mind I want to see what’s over there fair enough it’s such a far distance for I see in an animal cage got a bunny in

There not just any bunny a golden bunny funny oh uh just became a lightning storm where I’m at yeah over here it did too oh that’s great I really hope I don’t like Zapped or anything it says there’s two enemies nearby me I just bought a katana nice uh Earth

I just noticed that my chat on my uh other screen wasn’t loading oh it just caught up on a bunch of messages oopsie yeah like the stream was playing on my end it’s just the chat wasn’t loading well apparently the one dude’s phone’s almost dead ah well thank you

For watching the stream either way well hope we guys didn’t enjoy I finally made it to the ocean I’m about to start training more of it hooray operation drain the ocean I fully support your dreams of draining the ocean yeah fresh water yeah don’t need the salty water

Here salt water where we’re going we don’t need salt water does take a while to drain it though I’ll tell you that Yeah these bombs are pretty effective it’s super Effective uhoh I might drown don’t Dr don’t Dr Don’t Drown oh no I made it out oh Coral I just blew up some Coral oops that’s not good the ecosystem oh well not not really but um for us it is 12:52 in the morning yeah almost 1:00 in the

Morning yeah we just do our streams at midnight cuz we both have a horrendous sleep schedule plus we’re in nights doesn’t help much yeah these storms are loud just a little bit yeah I’m out of bombs I did lower it quite a bit so is your entire is your goal for

This series going to be just draining the ocean I mean it’s not the entire ocean cuz if you look at the actual map where we are pretty close to the edge but I have trained it a lot that’s fair I haveed hello hello Oh dang it yeah me old Wall storm is so loud I just turn it down like 30% and it still sounds the same Yeah she’s the one who designs everything cuz I I can’t do much either me I just build like little square bases you know make it work and even then with Terraria a lot of my builds just end up being big tower more or less a hotel

A jagged depth meter so I can see how far down I am neat For For E it does look weird don’t it almost like a pickle Juice yeah I’m down on the mines oh careful careful it’s too late oh no it’s on my phone oh no get off get off oh all right let’s see if it works still oh wait it’s not even charged I’ll find out here a little bit after the stream I guess

Whatever well it turned on so I just plugged it in yeah if you if you’re wondering what happened I just build Mountain do all over myself all over myself damn it h on the remote Too Down I can’t see what’s hitting me but something’s like hitting me down here under water fish maybe maybe but it’s like I don’t even see the fish it’s an invisible fish maybe it’s from the sand falling and it’s hitting me or that oh man my sweatshirt is sucked oh wow it does

Kill ow you mean zombie go away Huh it’s like the Torches are now placing in a GD pattern so you can’t just place them all willy-nilly you know oh there’s just gold down here like gold coins nice He I see a jellyfish in her water to be fair that’s where they usually live some Blue Jellyfish well I mean like I’m underground though oh yeah yeah that is slightly strange then I understand to live underwater it’s just he’s underground underwater kind of weird probably makes sense why it’s blue Though I don’t want that there little elevator sha oh thank you for lagging subscribeing dud he say it’s also going to gra yours and I and subscribe a thanks little access area nice I have so much sand hey I got a zombie Banner hello hello thank you subcribing it means a

Lot and we’re glad you guys are enjoying the stream yeah it definitely helps out with the channel too for Ooh zoologist I wonder if that has to do with you kidnapping so many creatures what is that oh oh my God what is that thing what what’d you find a bird’s about to kill it but it’s a face monster what how I just killed it but uh yeah

It’s weird looking no there’s another one come to the right come to the right okay I’m on my way I’m trying to get away so my bird doesn’t kill it weird looking he’s over there oh God I think uh I think that means our corruption or Crimson is over this swing

It must be it must be getting close oh yep there it is yeah so how do we push that back I have no idea Ive never gotten I’ve never played this game long enough to even attempt that okay I’m want to go uh oh that’s a big

Spider yeah there’s a reason I don’t explore the Crimson too much this sword does no damage this spider ow these plants hurt the corruption is bad the Crimson straight up scares me I can’t dig of whatever this is oh my God it’s a flying creature thingy get it bird kill it yeah face

Monster three of them oh no tree girl who’s tree girl is that for the corruption oh oh dear I dropped two gold Oh no I got to go back ow the corruption is getting closer to our house yeah that’s that’s not ideal somebody else joined the chat and

They’re saying someone about a dry on but we have to kill a boss to get it oh yeah that okay yeah that yeah um what what boss is that be if you know all right the person says might have to kill the bee queen um I think she’s over in the

Jungle somewhere if I’m not wrong down in a cave I don’t remember okay I’m probably do that next time we just H gear up or whatever so gear and stuffff cuz we do have ores we can probably make some stuff ooh for four gold and 70 silver I can have a

Cat I got three gold um 70 silver I’ve got some in my piggy bank I’ll have to look and see how much you move the piggy bank oh my stuff’s still in it that’s good um so he says it’s either the aak cthulu Skeletron or brain cthulu not the B

Queen ah okay it’s uh I think we’re probably closest to I have culu if I’m not wrong it says it says kill any of them though and the dry should be able to come though oh good stuff we’ll probably have to do this next time yeah cuz we have to figure out

How to even I have to figure out how to make the um thing to summon the boss okay I have used the cat license so now we wait my cat has arrived where is this kitty yeah where’s the kitty found it kitty kitty L pet pet the

Cat oh my God I can pet the cat this is the best game ever 10,000 out of 10 to feeling Petty you know it’s a good game when you could pet the cat that’s pretty weird near my area I can still teleport to pet the kitty Hello Kitty Billy why are you still here what do you want he’s a homeless kid leave him alone okay he wants he wants

Fish we got two starfish he I was about to say at least for me I don’t know if it’s a different one for you he wanted a clown fish yeah same here yeah I I don’t know there’s a way we can get a fishing rod and I don’t

Remember how to do that I think we have to buy it from one of the people in our Tower hello hello Romeo Romeo where are though Romeo hard on your hair well I tell this is probably what we’ll call it it for the night all righty we hope you guys enjoyed and I

Was going to say we’ll see you next week but we actually won’t yeah we have something planned we’re going to come visit each other you know after that in the next month whatever we should be back to our usual schedule yep so yeah have a good night everybody and hope you

Enjoyed see you peace out

This is a terraria stream we are doing, hope you all enjoy the stream.

My discord if you wanna join

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