I Fooled My Girlfriend with a Secret Base in Minecraft

Today I plan to build my craziest secret base yet with the most illegal and deadly traps all to troll and surprise my girlfriend so let’s do this gamer starting with grabbing our little friend Ender boy and so if we slap this bad boy down and open it oh my goodness those

Are a lot of items and I don’t even think that’s all of them I actually don’t know which one I’m going to be using first but I think it’s going to be the magic flower door so I’m going to grab this one break this hide the evidence well actually I’m not worried

About anyone finding this because we have 1 hour to build the ultimate secret girlfriend base and holy crap wait that means we got to hurry bro okay there’s a border and it ain’t even that big bro okay actually it’s not necessarily small either that’s what she actually I can’t

Even make those jokes anymore I mean it makes sense this is kind of like an episode of bason except my girlfriend’s literally going to be the one trying to find it yo this is perfect wait a second I mean I don’t know if it makes it a

Little obvious but maybe we can have the entrance of the base using the magic flower door which I’m going to show you how this works in a second inside of this biome yeah it’s so so pretty and and romantic yeah that’s right I may be a dumb ugly cyborg but I’m a romantic

One okay dude I’m not going to lie I’m so nervous for this there’s also a village here in the center which we could use now one thing crucial is let’s SL kill ourselves and let’s see where we spawn ah okay we spawn in this Forest so

Here’s my idea Gamers we can still have our magic flower door in the Cherry Blossom since we start here dude I have a perfect way to lure her and essentially tricking her into wanting to find the secret base if we open up the Ender Chest we have a little cat called

Zuko he’s so cute look at him oh oh my gosh hold on can I make him sit oh my okay dude I’m sorry this is my girlfriend’s real life cat Zuko and he’s the cutest thing ever maybe even cuter in Minecraft who’s a cute little cat

Who’s a no Zuko were harmed in this video okay no but seriously what we could do though is show her Zuko and then y him I’m not too sure how good at chasing she is but we’ll go from there all the way over here I’m pretty certain

I’ll be able to lose her cuz I’m Minecraft expert but she’s lucky pretty cracked too so we’re going to have to be on our Speedy game but once we lose her let’s hop into spectator and okay yeah this Village is going to be crucial to the journey or whatever you guys will

See why in a second but let’s go over here where we’re going to build the entrance to the secret base and wait okay I actually just like huh yeah wait this spot right here is actually just perfect so if I place this down dude I can’t I’m pretty sure this is a big

Block it’s a 5×5 so let’s go ahead and just break a 5×5 and boom okay let’s try and place this bad boat right there dude it worked oh my gosh it freaking worked wait can I place one wait I can place them on Stacks that is so cursed but no

We’re wasting time so as you can see it looks like a normal little area a normal 5×5 you wouldn’t even think anything of it because we can actually place other blocks on top of our big block oh my gosh wait that actually hides it so well

Dude I really hope she’s able to find this we’ll have proper Clues and stuff leading from the village all the way here plus there’s just one sussy little poppy dude I think she’s going to get this she’s so smart and so the only way to unlock this secret base entrance is

By right clicking this with bone meal ready 3 2 1 I can’t wait for her reaction boom Oh my God stand back and then yo look at that it literally just makes a hole so I’m thinking what we can do is actually dig out boom okay wait I

Think we got to go a lot deeper than that okay how about now oh that is pretty good I just paste it in the stone pillar and then spam this command there you go we’re breaking a cylinder shape each time go go go go there you go that

Took so long but dude it’s beautiful inside of this giant hole we’re going to make the craziest dropper ever and super quickly let’s go to the Village build a dock let’s grab ourselves a command block let’s pce in this command yeah it’s a really big command guys boom all

It does is give me a special villager egg a little bit of a Minecraft hack boom there you go hello Mr villager you have a fish on your pants I don’t know why if we right click him though he trades an emerald for magic bone meal

Used to find the sussi as secret base entrances there you go that’s that’s literally one hint right there if everything goes according to PL are you are you serious bro if my girl wants any chance to find her secret base she’s going to have to talk to this fisherman

Boy I feel like the bone meal is a really good clue and I’m going to add Pathways maybe off camera to make things more of a really cool adventure map but we got to go go go and focus on the base we don’t have infinite time okay wait

This actually looks so sick done let’s fill this bottom part with water and if we go inside our inner chest yes we have the beacon death lasers dude these are so sick dude and I don’t think we’ve ever used them inside of a dropper so lowkey if I just place them like that

All oh my goodness that is so sick holy crap she’s going to feel like a secret agent well actually not even feel like one she literally is one let’s put all the lasers down Gamers look at this bro bro this looks awesome dude and I’m not even like technically done I’m just

Still placing like a lot more I don’t even know if this is possible like I think your freaking your arms your legs your butt crack is just going to get fried by the time you get here oh my gosh and what if we just Place one like

There there you go that’s almost perfect and this one can move oh my my goodness yo I have no idea if she’s going to be able to dodge us but I guess we will see my girl might be getting a haircut in today’s video not by choice and so I

Think this might be the perfect spot right here to continue hold on a second can I make this the shape of a heart I feel like that’d be kind of nice you know just after we almost killed her with like lasers hey yeah I did it see

Guys again I’m so romantic right I’m such a good boyfriend just you know almost killing my girlfriend with lasers and then having a little heart entrance okay and at the end of the hallway there you go let’s put a door there what we

Can do is get a try trial key oh my gosh there you go without the trial key the door is locked and now with the trial key the door is open he yoink Minecraft why won’t you add this feature I added it myself what we could also do is put

An enchanted chest down it’s basically just a normal chest again another feature I took it upon myself to add with the trial key in the center so she’s actually going to have to avoid getting a haircut grab this key to open the iron door which wait can I close it

Oh I can’t even close it so opening this door would lead her to a new room which nah we’re going to have to make this way bigger bam we should probably make make a little small platform for her there you go wow aren’t I such a gentleman I

Do want to change up the pattern of these blocks I don’t want this room to just stay the same we’re going to make it look a lot more dangerous but speaking of dangerous oh my gosh wait right here in the middle bubblegum launcher and we got these magic disappearing platforms we’re about to

Make the coolest parkour you’ve ever seen oh and if you dare say Bic you’re so mean why you make your girlfriend do that was a long sentence she literally loves parkour okay so like uh don’t blame me blame her you like parkour all right let’s see okay wait that actually

Looks kind of cool ooh no but I like this one more cuz it gives it more of a dungeon feel if I’m being honest Gamers I didn’t even mean for like the pink concrete I mean it just fell from the roof cuz I messed up but we could

Actually make that work maybe if she fails dude she has to come back up on like ladders yeah cuz if we go inside of her Ender Chest oh my gosh why make lava parkour when we can use wait where’d it go sludge oh God no this is terrible

She’s going to hate this and there you go we’re done and if we step on it it literally turns you green and basically poisons until until you die it’s like lava but like actually worse what happens when we place on our magically disappearing platforms oh my gosh can I

Go through it yo oh oh dude it actually perfectly works that is so freaking cool so if you stand on it you’re good the second it disappears you fall into the poop and I’m rooting for my girlfriend I don’t want her to fall into poop but if

She does she has a way to go up it’s okay what we can do is just place them all over the place at different times yo there you go that’s like way simpler I mean I don’t even know if it makes it harder holy crap that is so awesome

Maybe we save the bubblegum launchers for like maybe oh my God the next room you know what I changed my mind I am going to use this one bubblegum launcher two bubblegum launcher boom oh my goodness okay this is actually going to be terrifying I mean it looks really

Cool I’m just genuinely terrified for her whether or not she’s going to be able to do this but I believe in my girlfriend she’s going to be awesome I love how I’m encouraging her but deliberately making it near impossible okay but now I want this next room to be a totally different creative

Twist it’s going to look like a maze but it’s not going to be a maze at all okay yeah this is perfect so let me explain myself the goal here is to make a beautiful garden because if we grab our enter chest we got some teeny berries

And some gra berries you guys are going to see what these things do in a second they are crazy and we accidentally made such a really pretty pattern little random sphere right here which if we just break and do something like this there you go we have a nice little like

Center area we can add some Vines and if my calculations are correct we should be able to there you go place these grap berries right there okay this is going to be crucial there you go they’re growing yes we got to make sure they actually grow the actual Berry let’s put

Some more Vines down we can add some water here but we’re definitely going to need some Spore blossoms with just a few of these bad boys now like I said everything looks really pretty but it’s going to get a little bit more dangerous in a second especially since there you

Go yeah let’s place down all of these berries right here these are going to be extra crucial maybe for some direction we can add some yeah yo the mud braks look so good I’m just trying to make this look really pretty for her let’s add some more grape berries up here and

Some regular glowberries as well okay wow this place is looking pretty good now let’s continue the pattern over here that way looks like she’s kind of going through sewers into this beautiful garden I almost forgot there’s like a whole tab of flowers over here that I

Can just yoink we definitely got to put down some sunflowers cuz those are our favorite wait I didn’t even know this was in Minecraft what the heck does this do I mean it’s beautiful though I guess we’ll add it but of course Gamers there’s a reason why I added the two new

Flowers if I go ahead and yo there you go the Teeny be berries and we go ahead and uh yo some great berries let’s first eat the Teeny ones yo they made me teeny come on did you guess that I mean it makes sense they’re called teeny berries and of

Course the gra berries if I eat them oh gosh I may regret this oh I I I still fit let’s go okay we’re going to need another door and you guys are going to see why wait it actually can be any door maybe oh what just happened oh okay I got tiny again

And let’s continue the same pattern that way she knows where to go over here there you go let’s lock that bad boy now they can’t even open it because she’s going to need to get herself another key I don’t know where we should put it but we should basically hide like an

Entrance wait wait a second dude what if it’s up this sewer right here the only way she can get up there is by going teeny mode and now we can make ourselves yeah it could be like a little maze oh oh what the heck I grew

Oops and Dy mode we can have random spots with more sludge okay now I don’t oh there you go yeah I was going to say I don’t mind if I actually get big now but even at this SI guys you can’t reach the top unless you have the great berry

Witch okay wait can I fit in here yes I can this is actually perfect size I didn’t even mean to do it like that there you go with that command we got ourselves an item frame but not a normal one an invisible one there you go dude

That is so cool oh but if you thought it was that simple Gamers no no no it’s not just yoink the key and you’re done because just to make it a little bit more challenging I think she’s definitely going to need some like heels or something cuz these rats bro if I go

Into survival mode look at this oh my goodness they literally tear you up bro oh he just launched that mean yeah neither I or my girl likes rats I don’t know many people do I mean they’re not they’re cute kind of N I would save one just you know don’t like battling them

To the death in a sewer with poop oh and I don’t think they like the poop either so maybe right here yeah I can give her an iron sword that could be pretty good not only that maybe over here we can put like yeah there you go an iron chest

Plate hey man anything is good right yeah golden apple right here maybe another golden apple right there we can put another one on the ground over here there you go yeah now I feel like I’m being too nice so yeah she’s going to have to survive this crazy sewer of

Death make it up here grab the key then escape again making her way past over here onto the next room I have a pretty big idea which I hope we have enough time for why why is that so creepy I mean it literally just looks like a a

Dark hallway with just a door right there well no that’s not what it looks like it is that’s exactly what this is now past this door I want it to open into a beautiful theater room we’re running out of time so we’re going to have to be a little quick with this

One and inside this chest we’re going to put this secret potion in inside it’s called the next ACT potion but it’s just a blindness potion let’s put that in there the reason is because these buttons right here need to be manually equipped with either gunpowder if we

Grab that or a fireworks star because let me show you if I right click with a fireworks star when she presses it that’s the right answer but if she chooses the wrong one the gunpowder she’s going to take a lot of damage hold on is this going to kill her so yeah

Let’s put this in there and that in there as well as well as another key if she wants access to the Next Room AKA behind the scenes Boom the door is going to be locked she’s going to need a key now I’m not going to lie out of all the

Rooms I’m probably most excited for this one only cuz the questions I’m going to be asking her are going to be amazing so if you guys are excited smash the Subscribe button oh oh we’re good we got it yay I want to add that danger pattern

Right here as well there you go just like that because past this rainbow part before she knows it she’s in this new room oh my gosh this is lowkey kind of cool I want to make like a little Starship area we got a firework time bomb and some lead cuffs now you guys

May remember or may not remember what the lead cuffs do they basically tie any person up and let’s just say we’re about to tie my girl for up to this firework Time Bomb for the most explosive yet romantic ending that you’ve ever seen in your entire life and we’re running out

Of time so let’s place down the firework Time Bomb oh my gosh that actually looks very terrifying and so we’ll actually be able to tie her up to this thing once we meet her here at the final room this is the grandfather of all fireworks Gamers

And if we look yeah the string is r right here dude we’ll break him when it’s time before the countdown you know so it doesn’t explode inside of here remember the entire time she is coming to save her cat Zuko which we’re going to use as the perfect bait and now once

At this final room it’s going to send her up flying she’s going to think she’s about to just die and lose everything including you know getting her or saving her catso but in reality I want to have a cute sign maybe like up here I’m going

To do this off camera so you got to watch till the end to see what it says to surprise my girlfriend and I guess you guys too the hour’s up and now it’s time for her to log on so she’s going to log on at any second I’m first going to

Give her this poppy then well I think you get where I’m going with this right when I’m going to give her her cat nah nah nah I’m yuning it I just got to make sure I’m like faster than her so you know what yo I’m going to cheat real

Quick there you go okay I gave myself speed one that way we can actually like you know go go go hey hi how’s my beautiful girlfriend I’m doing good how are you I’m good hold up hold up I got this for you yeah y thank yeah you’re welcome I’m

So romantic right in here take some carrot oh wow oh he’s feeding me and giving you wow and now take a tone of undying not that you’re going to need it you know yeah I was going to say why why would I need this also I have the best present of it

All I have your cat Zuko how did you how did you get my cat turn around here I’ll spot him for you I think I want to turn around no turn around I’m going to Y him he’s mine see you no no no go go go go go go go go go

Go oh my gosh we got to Loser we got to L her we got to ler oh my God she’s right there go no stop Andy you don’t have to chase me you know you don’t have to chase me you don’t have to chase me okay okay okay okay I can’t unun you

Fine fine fine too Speedy yeah you’re too Speedy hey uh here I guess yeah I guess I’ll just drop you your cat right uh yes please pleas okay here go psych oh my God oh my God oh my God I just poofed and I gave her a phone I don’t

Even know what this is come come on phone used to summon the most handsome man in history specifically to guide you with tips or hints warning a a heart will be sacrificed per use okay so this is just going to summon Danny cool cool cool what she’s not going to summon me

There’s flowers everywhere I don’t know where I’m supposed to dude this little bot Burger she’s not going to summon me like I have to go this way wow okay she’s smart I told you guys my girlfriend is so smart of course she’s my girl bro what you think I’m going to

Date a dummy n fam oh my God she’s actually just following the she’s actually just following the path come on it’s going to lead her to the Village flower pedal scattered everywhere and this is just taking me nowhere oh okay there’s a village cool cool Co she saw

The village she saw the village okay okay freaking dude he took my cat he took my C who does that it’s Valentine’s Day and he just he just just took my cat oh my God she getting mad I forgot how to swim she just she forgot to swim dude that’s

The thing she’s really good at Minecraft but it been it’s been so long dude I’m actually so nervous okay okay she’s ignoring the entire Village bro she’s so 200 IQ I actually haven’t even played Minecraft since this update happened wait oh my god um this doesn’t look like it’s normal oh my God

Yes she’s so intelligent bro is she going to is she going to talk to him is she going to talk to the Villager can I trade with you oh oh oh she going to see the sussi secret base entrances she hates that word yeah okay okay so I need

One Emerald okay okay so she knows to get the emerald but is she going to know to go there and what to do with the emerald or the bone meal villager which I heard over here hello good sir can I please have an emerald wait what does

This guy even trade there has to be a chest here no with emeralds oh my God oh my God hold on maybe I can help her out here get an emerald and just put it in here there you go I can hear I can hear I oh the voices the voices wait she

Heard me no an idiot he’s in the freaking walls you didn’t hear anything he’s in the he’s in the walls I definitely didn’t put an emerald in the chest for you to wrong is is she going to go for it so maybe I have to look in

A chest maybe I don’t have to you’re going the wrong way go dude she’s supposed to use the phone for my guidance okay and it’s supposed to take a heart dude oh my God please Andy check this house come on there’s the door open

Okay is she going to go for that one yes yes no I have to find the chest oh oh you found it that was easy okay this is off to a let let me grab some of these I feel like I’m going to get hungry wait I

Gave you golden carrots wait what I gave her the best food in the game I gave her the best food in the game Andy oh my god dude she hasn’t played Minecraft in so long you can’t blame her she’s so cute offering the bone meal cool cool cool

It’s magic bone meal I didn’t even realize that she has the bone meal I don’t think she’s noticed the flower petals go this way I don’t know what to do cuz the flower petals kind of end here but I feel like I should oh she’s

Speaking it out I don’t want for help oh come on you know you want to have to ask him for help cuz if I ask him for help that means that I can’t figure something out on my own no get out get out get out stop listening to me stop listening to my

Inner thoughts I can hear her brain wait she found it found it dude there’s no shock is she never going to use the phone H so it ends here no it doesn’t end there it just goes up it goes up he knows she’s searching for my secret base wait wait

Okay she’s getting it she’s got to climb the mountain ooh that was a pretty good parkour move okay she’s literally going on the opposite side the trail does follow up over here dude is she going to know to use it on this poppy yes I did it oh this is so pretty

This is actually so cute wait no don’t get distracted by the pig trees oh my gosh the one red poppy the one red poppy dude she’s going to ask for help no way there is a red flower no she’s too smart all these pink flowers no I hate her

Dude come on there’s no shot there’s no shot there’s no shot there’s no shot that’s exactly what I need to use the bone meal on no no no no no what if I’m wrong and then and then I’ve wasted the magic bone meal and I have to go get

Another Emerald that’s a good point use the use the phone use it dang it I I’m going to have to ask him use it use it use it hey what up hello what do I use the bone meal on H what do you useal on yeah it’s the flower it’s the

Flower right I just pooped away I’m gone where did he go stand back oh oh My congrats you found the secret face now I’m going to help you out I’m going to grab you a pink bed so you can set your spawn point not saying you’re going to die or anything no I have a feeling the lasers might kill me actually n they’re uh they’re Valentine lasers

They’re all red and they tickle you no haircutscut why do you lie to me why do you enjoy lying to me all right listen look at me in the eyes if I lie to you all right my face will be gone see I’m not lying to you good luck

Thanks dude she’s not going to use her totem she’s a psychopath for is she just going to go for it oh my God oh my God no way go go girlfriend go oh my gosh oh okay wait the haircut she didn’t even notice the chest she didn’t notice the

Chest oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god dude the laser almost just touched her so you going to try and open it well now oh oh great she noted oh my gosh watch out does she even notice the laser moves walk over here where the big old laser

Is going to die aren’t I yeah yes I am shift you’re a psychopath oh my gosh she’s going to die please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me oh my God yo she’s going again she’s crazy she’s crazy whatever I think she’s

Mad I think she’s mad okay dude this is going to be really difficult dude I have a feeling this going to be really difficult oh everything’s pink that’s so cute oh let me just do that what I’m going to do is actually I’m going to go

Ahead and maybe like if she asks for help I’m going to set this left path ah ah why is it shooting at me why are you shooting at me what’s happening oh my gosh no the pink ball the pink no oh my God oh my God I tried to switch it last

Why was that shooting at me and why is the lava Brown it’s not lava it’s poop okay so I did just add berries on this left right side why does it do that oh oh I could I could have survived not really what it she’s just getting

Splattered no I feel so bad come on watch out watch out oh thanks thanks thanks leave me alone please oh my God she’s going oh my gosh oh my gosh you almost made it I feel so bad no come on jump here here here there there there there there okay

So I have to go to the right she’s actually just Computing wait she’s actually doing something hold on if she does this I don’t even think I can do it oh why I need okay she’s going wait no she just had to jump no wait she figured

Out she figured out the things are there wait oh my God oh my God okay she discovered the invisible blocks she discovered the invisible blocks there you go there you go there you go there you go there you go no keep going straight keep going straight yeah wait

What the I just got pinked I just got slimed what is happening I got shot bubblegum oh my God she’s doing it she’s doing it I made it she did it woo W girlfriend and now to the beautiful garden oh my God wait this is so pretty

She thinks it’s pretty yes I succeed all this just because he was feeling quirky and decided to steal my cat why how did he even do that okay she found the golden apples punch it there you go yeah she’s getting hurt by these berries did she not notice these aren’t vanilla dude

She hasn’t played Minecraft in a bit she may not even know that’s vanilla she may not know that’s not vanilla I have a feeling I might need these I don’t know something about the way today is going she got another one she’s going to see the door it should say it’s locked let

Let’s go in here of course it is okay yeah the door is locked okay she needs to find another key I’m going to type R ring in the chat come on come on come on he wants me to freaking call him yeah come on call me

On your cell phone where is he it’s not working I lost so many hearts wait cuz I cuz I called it and it didn’t work H that’s so weird anyways it takes more every time listen Maybe maybe maybe mod has bug mod maybe has bug don’t worry

I’ll fix it after this video anyways you called what’s up what are you what are you stuck on I need a key you need a key all right key to where I I I just said to open that door oh the door okay uh have you tried eating the plants there

Are some new plants that aren’t vanilla Minecraft oh these oh oh there’s there’s berries ow and there’s one more you said blue ones yeah I said blue ones yeah there you go I pooed oh my God he made me tiny he made me tiny and slow oh this is awful oh I hate

It oh okay I grew back she’s going to eat the big one okay cool now I’m huge w i don’t even fit in here she’s awesome this still doesn’t mean that I know what to do Danny oh my God what is this I’m going to I’m just okay I think maybe in

The water she’s going up she’s going up she’s going up oh my God oh my God tiny and I’m going to go through here oh my gosh okay wait a second this is going to dude this is going to be crazy this is going to be crazy oh I can’t even run it

Makes me so slow oh that’s lava oh ah ah a right okay I’m gonna break these yeah please do I think she just heard that go tiny Andy go go tiny Andy oh my God oh my God what am I supposed to fight these things Oh e e e

E get away from I saved you don’t worry I killed them all yeah dude the rats are so crazy and if she doesn’t get the sword before it’s going to be impossible oh my God oh my God she made it here she made it here okay okay that means there

You go there you go she’s going to get it oh my God she got the key yeah wait she can reach it she can reach it can I have she just not going to go for it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Dude she literally just avoided the rat I just spawned yeah go tiny Andy you did it let’s go tiny Andy she did it g a dark room with a bed kind of terrified okay let me just just do that okay as soon as she makes it I’m going to spawn up here okay

Okay this is not creepy at all cool welcome oh my God to B’s theater oh I want my cat back I will if you answer these questions are you ready to play a game of theater trivia yes yes I am a you don’t sound too excited come on

Yeah let’s go all right let’s grab this let’s grab that let’s grab this stand back boom now that you can’t see any he hey hey get back ow why don’t hit your girlfriend what’s wrong with you yo this is Minecraft yeah now you feel bad don’t you

Nuh aha I can see you again nice right in time for question number one out of three all you have to do is get two right and if you don’t I explode this entire Arena oh lovely along with this little guy what is wrong with you you’re cruel that’s that’s genuinely that’s

Genuinely so messed up how dare you nah it’s Minecraft all right you ready what is my favorite anime me a Demon Slayer B Jiu-Jitsu kaison c one piece oh oh I hate you come on you didn’t even hear I didn’t need to I know it’s one

Pie well do you want to know what D was anyways it was supposed to confuse you attack on Titan no it was well actually that was a really good one I don’t know why I didn’t put that Hunter x Hunter oh Hunter Hunter is a good one that’s my

Yeah I felt like that was going to maybe confuse you but maybe not all right I heard TNT and I did not like that sound there’s no TNT what ready for question number two you’re on to a pretty good start Andy Chan don’t call me that you hated that

Didn’t you yeah don’t don’t call me that with that said question number two who’s the most handsomest man of all alive all right alive hey Steve good looking boy B me me see Dwayne The Rock Johnson H yo bro bro’s pretty good looking man I ain’t

Going to lie or D Zuko which one do you think is the right answer I can’t breath I feel like you don’t even remember the the answers no I know I know that b is you and D is Zuko those are the important ones those are

Nice I do agree with that so so the question is man who’s the most answer is man and Zuko he’s not a man he’s a cat he’s just a baby so I’m going to have to go with be for bionic yeah let’s go dang such a s jeez please

You went through all of this you did all of this ready is the most important one okay I’m ready what’s my dream super car ooh this is actually going to be pretty difficult hey McLaren P1 B Ferrari law Ferrari C Porsche 918 or D SpongeBob Burger car okay that one’s really really

Hard yeah which ones are you stuck on I actually am so curious I’m stuck on the P1 and the SpongeBob car all right you’re off to a good start you got this just choose no cuz I know the real answer is this one that’s the actual

Answer but I know you but I know you so I feel like it’s the answer is actually this one choose that one I there you yeah here you go you did it and I’ll see you in the final room this is it this is

It this is it she is going to need this oh rainbow hello okay I wonder oh welcome Andy you made it scared why are you why do you have armor on there’s something else you should uh worry about a little more than just my armor why why does it

Sound like you’re threatening me right now big talk from the girl with the sword that has The High Ground I do have The High Ground Anakin yeah but not for long oh oh oh is this what’s happening am I yeah yeah no just kidding psych this is ridiculous this actually first

Of all how dare you it’s going to get a little worse than this I’m not going to lie come over here oh great I’m being dragged you’re now strapped to my firework Time Bomb you can’t get up even if you wanted to why do you want to kill

Me it’s fun wor zuk this is fun for you yeah it is this is this actually a lot of fun I actually had yeah no it is this is literally the funnest video I’ve filmed in the last like 3 weeks maybe months is going to stay here he’s all

Cute sit be waiting for you but you have some other stuff some other beeswax to handle yeah wait I can’t see my hands oh well they’re tied up kind of you’re kind of like strapped up to a buom yeah oh all right yeah here actually I got to do

A few things just little mild preparation so you can just stare at him he’s really cute he’s just yeah okay all right go go go go go go go wait what did I call it yeah will you be my Valentine go go go let’s get a reaction it’s time goodbye Andy

Can 10 don’t call me that 9 I already did too late 7 6 5 4 3 2 one bye great great come on come on come on come on come on oh oh my God yes she liked it a a yes I will be yeah I loved it and I

Love you I will be your Valentine yeah yippe all right Kitt cat’s good now oh y my baby any final last words to the viewer um bye like subscribe comment and thank you for watching yeah do that

I Surprised My Girlfriend with a Secret Base

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@Danny Bionic

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