The Illegal Terraria PSP Ports

Terraria is a game that has released on a ton  of portable devices over the years since it   originally came out in 2001 with the main one  obviously being the mobile version and there’s   also the switch 3DS and PS v versions but  there was never an official release for the  

PSP version luckily though thanks to the amazing  Homebrew Community there have been three different   fan-made ports of Terraria for the PSP which is  exactly what I’ll be looking at in today’s video   before we jump in though I do need to go over  some important information real quick firstly  

You can find these games on the web archives  PSP Homebrew Library by just searching Terraria   and that’s also the only place I’ve been able to  find them that also means that while i’ go over a   more in-depth history of these games I sadly only  have the games themselves and nothing else so if  

You happen to know anything about them it would  be amazing if you could make a comment covering   what you do now and lastly I’m playing all of  these on a PSP emulator inside of my vaita which  

Isn’t anything too special but I still wanted to  mention it so that way even if you don’t have a   PSP you still know that you can play these games  through a Vita or PSP emulator on another device  

Oh and also don’t pirate Terraria it’s like $5  and none of the pirated versions will compare   to the genuine version the first PSP Terraria is  Direct’s Terraria portable test release 0.2 which   is the most Bare Bones game in this video but it  still has some interesting and odd things to talk  

About the menu has the familiar bouncing Terraria  logo which also changes colors but the neat thing   here is all of the options on this screen work  which won’t be the case for some of the other  

Ones we’ll look at in this video heading to make  a world you’ll be greeted with almost the exact   same world sizes we have in normal Terraria with  the only difference being large is renamed to big  

And when you actually go to make the worlds you’re  able to put a custom name on it which again isn’t   something in the other ones in this video but once  you get into the world you will start to see why  

I say it’s pretty Bare Bones as soon as you spawn  in the first thing you’ll notice is that you don’t   have a background at all and your player character  looks like someone shining a light on it but on  

The flip side you do have a nice selection of  items that you can use to build with although the   lens item is actually a glass wall for whatever  reason once you start exploring though even if   you are on a large World you’ll quickly realize  that it’s still really small and the trees are  

Also pretty glitched with them missing their tops  alongside some other small graphic glitches Going   Underground though you will find a ton of small  empty Pockets which are meant to be caves it’s   just hard to tell since the world itself is small  outside of the world itself though building works  

Okay in this you have to use a slow cursor to  place or destroy anything but I did manage to   make this little Shack on it so it’s definitely  not impossible and while you can’t actually edit   your character’s look in this version you can  choose to play as either a normal-ish looking  

Terraria guy or play a Sprite from other games  which is a pretty neat touch for a game like   this and to close off on this game after digging  around in the game’s files I ended up finding a  

Sprite for the merchant and a slime enemy meaning  the creator of this game was at least trying to   get the NPCs and enemies to work now the next  game isn’t able to have a full playthrough done  

On it but it’s still neat to see which is another  one named Terraria portable the game will load up   the starting menu but the settings button won’t  work at all and even though there is a load game  

Option I was never able to get my worlds to save  the new game button does work however and we are   actually able to choose between three World sizes  which are small expanded which seems like a weird  

Edition and medium so I decided to go with the  small world first once it got done making the   world I spawned into a surprisingly nice version  of Terraria that had its background art and music  

So it was off to a great start the next thing  I noticed though was pretty odd which was the   fact that you only have three items in your hot  bar which seem to be dir dirt Stone and glass  

Trying to build things really confused me though  as it seems like you can only replace blocks and   also build out in a straight line but luckily  destroying blocks was super easy as you don’t   even need a special tool since you can just break  anything by hitting your left trigger knowing  

I could break things the first thing I wanted to  check out was its underground area since it looked   like there might actually be something down there  but as I started digging straight down I quickly   realized there wasn’t anything Underground as it  was 100% filled in with blocks so then I decided  

To see how far down it goes after digging in  the dirt for ages though I eventually ran into   a stone layer which was also the last layer  before you hit a void that would respawn you  

On the surface and while that doesn’t matter too  much since we can’t pick up items and there’s not   any caves in this version it was still neat to  see that the creator of this port was at least  

Trying to get the different layers out of to it  after that I decided to try and actually explore   the world which ended up just being a huge Force  biome regardless of the world size besides that   though this game did have one original feature  not in normal Terraria which was the ability to  

Change between two camera positions with one click  which was definitely a nice touch and to close off   on this game it again seems like the creator of  this game was working on adding more stuff to  

It as if you take a look into the game’s files  you’ll be able to find a folder named NPC which   will have four different enemies and even the eye  of kavulu boss now to end this game off I have to  

Mention the issues with it just in case any of you  guys want to try it for yourself while the game   rarely crashes while you’re in a world and playing  getting into the game itself and leaving the game  

Is where the issues come in as sometimes it would  crash my entire system and force me to restart it   which even then my vaita would have issues just  turning off without safe mode regardless though   it’s still really neat to see someone make this  port and they probably went on to make the other  

Game in this video which has a lot more compared  to this version and finally for the Third PSP   version of Terraria we have Terraria PSP or at  least that’s what its file name is called this  

Is probably the most complete version of Terraria  on the PSP at the moment which kind of sucks for   me since I wasn’t able to get it to run on  my system so I had to use an emulator on my  

PC to get this footage to start out the menu for  this game looks like the second game we covered   earlier in this video but it’s still missing all  of the buttons other than exit and single player  

Which were the only working buttons on the older  version of this game so I guess it makes sense   that they’re gone here once you get past the  odd loading sequence you get after clicking   single player and actually get into the world  you’ll be greeted with an oddl looking player  

Sprite who’s totally white alongside a world that  actually looks like Terraria the world itself is   an extremely small forest biome and underground  isn’t any better since it’s also small but with   the addition of a void you can fall into and get  stuck after you break the last layer of blocks but  

The game makes up for that by having some nice  features we have yet to see in the other games   like actually being able to collect items which  we can keep track of in the hot bar grass which  

Will actually regrow at a pretty fast rate you  can chop down and replant trees and you can even   build semi-decent looking houses with a working  door but you have to go into a different mode to  

Be able to place or break blocks making it a bit  of a hassle Terraria PSP is definitely the most   complete version of Terraria for the PSP compared  to the other two games so if you’re going to try  

To play any of them i’ definitely check out this  version First that wraps up this video and while   these were just The Homebrew Terraria ports I  could find be sure to let me know in the comments  

If you know of any others that I missed thanks for  sticking to the end be sure to like And subscribe   for more Terraria content like this in the future  and as always make sure to have a wonderful day

Terraria has released on almost every popular portable device, but one that it never got the chance to officially released on the psp. Luckily though, thanks to the amazing homebrew community for the psp, we have 3 different terraria ports for the psp, which is exactly what ill exploring in this video.

》Inspired by @ratlobber ‘s psp video:

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