Terraria, But ALL Weapons Have A Random Attack…

In this video I play Terraria but here’s the twist I installed a mod that gives each and every weapon that I have found or crafted a completely random attack here are the rules number one although crafting multiple of the same weapon grants a different attack for each one

I’m only allowed to craft and use the absolute first one and number two if I find a weapon either through breaking Shadow orbs chests or from an enemy any reoccurring weapons will not count so will the weapons I get my hands on have good enough attacks to take down the

Final boss Moon Lord stay tuned to find out okay let’s do this thing well I guess I can check right away what my copper short sword has in stock for Me 3 2 1 oh no way that is the obsidian swordfish but because I’m using the

Copper short sword the range is not that far all right and I forgot to mention that the stats will be taken from the copper shortsword and not from the original stats from the obsidian swordfish so I’ll still be dealing about six damage let’s chop down some trees to get

Started okay I’m good on wood for now I’ve got 189 I see a chest down there so I’m hoping for another weapon what do we have in here okay got another weapon the wooden boomerang anything good with this one uhoh that is not good those are bouncy

Bombs okay I have to be careful with this I guess I can use this though for Mining and it would be really good to make a pathway straight to hell I just wish that there were sticky bombs instead of bouncing bombs another chest ooh the umbrella okay I think the umbrella is

Just a regular umbrella found some Life Crystals down there okay got 140 Health now oh wait that was 18 topaz okay that’s enough for a hook then let’s see if I can find any more weapons maybe something that’s a little more reliable cuz this weapon right now it’s just very

Short like I have to get this close up to deal damage actually there are some cacti here so I can make the cactus sword and see what attack that has all right please something good wait oh my God those are geod hold up yeah it’s this item right

Here may drop valuable shinies when smashed look at how many diamonds I have already and I can spam this thing too I pretty much much have infinite money now oh I can’t wait to sell all of this so now I can hit monsters while making money as well there’s a saying

Hit two birds with one stone and this is pretty much it okay a blowpipe let’s collect some seeds now what do you have for me 3 2 1 Jesus that was a tornado wait oh it doesn’t do damage though oh it’s so unfortunate now I’m kind of curious does

This mod affect throws as well okay not bombs what about grenades oh my God that projectile right there was from the nebula Arcanum a post Celestial pillar weapon weapon okay I need to be sure to save my grenades then because once I use it all then I’ll lose out on

The attack and any new grenades that I find will have a different one okay let’s clean out my inventory before I do any more exploring I am also going to be making some NPC houses to get the merchant in so I can sell all of my

Gems there we go let’s make an anvil now and then the diamond hook beautiful now there are a bunch more weapons I can craft the enchanted Boomerang wooden sword wooden bow Tin broadsword Tin shortsword Tin bow and the topaz staff and of course I will be crafting all of

Them so I think first off the enchanted Boomerang I will be okay with losing the sticky bombs so let’s craft this first ooh and we got Superior on on it okay please something good what’s that that looks like an icy bolt no I don’t think it does damage though does

It oh it’s not oh no I just spread the hollowed I just spread the hollowed oh my God no no no no no no that’s bad wait does that mean that hard mode monsters will start spawning even though I haven’t defeated the Wall of Flesh yet I really hope not

Oh my God is it too late can I kind of Salvage this oh God it’s going to spread everywhere no I can’t even mine this and I only have five bombs right now as long as I get rid of most of the hollowed areas then it shouldn’t count as

Hollowed okay that should be all of the hollowed grass gone but I can’t really do much with the pearlstone block so I’m just going to have to leave it there well there goes this weapon let’s talk to it into the garbage I won’t be seeing you ever again next up just the regular

Wooden sword and I don’t think it does anything yep just a regular wooden sword let’s get rid of this as well now the wooden bow oh baby let’s go that was the North Pole spear let’s go but sadly it’s only going to be dealing about four damage but I’ll keep

It for now next up 10 broadsword what is that wait does this deal damage on me okay it doesn’t those are lasers for sure but what lasers explode what let’s test it out on this this vulture come on walk into it there we go so it does

Deal damage okay well this is a very weird attack but I still think it’s worth keeping okay let’s just see the wooden [Laughter] bow never mind let’s get rid of the 10 broadsword cuz the wooden bow is way better oh and I just ran out of 10 bars

So I can’t check out the shortsword and the topaz staff you know what I can actually check out the frostburn arrows and the flaming arrows cuz each projectile or each ammo have different attacks as well so just regular wooden arrows are equivalent to the North Pole let’s check out the frostburn what the

Heck no get rid of this Frost bur Arrow oh my god well I have to get rid of this okay let’s check out the flaming arrows now and hopefully it’s nothing like that 3 2 1 yes okay I will take that so I think those were Shimmer arrows actually cuz I

Don’t see anything else that looks remotely close to those except the Venom Arrow but I know that doesn’t that kind of effect I do have a lot of iron bars so let’s also check out the iron broadsword short sword and a bow okay the iron broadsword is just a regular

Sword maybe oh yeah it is short sword what is what is that oh is that the Ruby hook oh my God it deals damage wait that is so funny it does hook right let’s see oh yeah there we go and all that’s left is the iron bow but I think it just

Uses the flaming arrows so it’ll just be the Shimmer arrows then yeah okay so bows itself does not affect the attack whatsoever it’s just the ammo all right these are different types of wood as well Palm wood which means that’s another two weapons oh never mind just one I guess

You can’t make a palmwood shortsword then those are magic daggers oh but it only falls down I don’t actually get to throw it h I guess depending on the situation this can come in very handy okay now I’m starting to have too many weapons in my inventory so later on it

Might get very hard for me to keep track on which does what so I’m just going to make some more chests to put the bad ones away I have some javelins what does this do oh my God that’s the eye of cthulu yo-yo well that’s useless okay let’s

Keep on exploring now and see what else I can find oh the merchant has arrived just got to remember to sell all of my gems o Hermes boots beautiful oh okay got the mace wait no this mace hurts me are you serious oh that’s so unfortunate I don’t even know what that

Is oh my god well since I’m back home I might as well sell all of my it items I wonder how much gold I’m going to get or even platinum actually oh yeah One Platinum 37 Gold One Platinum 18 gold 33 holy I am stacked the merchant is

Selling the sickle though so let’s check this one out and nothing okay wait what what the heck um I don’t know what’s happening right now but I can tell you this right now those look like falling stars now if these falling stars can deal damage yeah I’m going to start one-shotting some

Bosses they don’t seem to leave though which is kind of annoying the sound they make all right let’s check it out on the zombie okay I have to lead it backwards come over here please Moment of Truth oh no it does deal the Fallen star damage oh that’s almost

2,000 I may have just gotten the best weapon ever oh and thank God okay they do disappear over time otherwise that noise would have driven me crazy I can also purchase some grenades and I really don’t have to worry about money cuz I have a bunch oh boy and all of these grenades

Are going to have the nebula Arcanum projectiles oh yes so it looks like I’ll be getting rid of every other weapon that I have but what about these throwing knives oh I think that’s from the magnet sphere does it deal damage oh yeah it does I’ll still be

Sticking with the grenades and the sickle with the gold bars let’s make the gold pickaxe I think what I’m going to do right now is take on the Eater of Worlds just because I have some insane weapons now and with these insane weapons I think 180 health is more than enough

Enough oh wow four Shadow orbs just clumped up all together that’s actually kind of nice to see okay and the arena is complete let’s get this thing started but first i’m going to set up some fallen stars wait no it doesn’t work if it’s daytime okay I get it now that makes it

Just a little bit less overpowered that’s fine though the grenades should be more than enough oh my God I will take that all right enough chitchat let’s go go go go okay now will the eat of Worlds get at least one hit on me I don’t think

So Yep this is just going to be way tooy easy and you are done now having some Demonite bars and shadow scales let’s make the nightmare Pickaxe and then just the scale mail and helmet because I already have the ancient Shadow Greaves oh wait I didn’t know the ancient Shadow Greaves count

Towards the regular Shadow Armor Set bonus that’s good to know all right the next boss that I’ll be taking on is is actually Skeletron so let’s head over to the dungeon and I don’t think I’m going to need a big arena for this fight I might

Just summon him right away but because I don’t have any wings or any double jumps or anything like that it might be kind of difficult to dodge some of the attacks okay this should be good enough just a single platform oh zombie arm hello what the heck is that wait does

This deal damage oh it does it’s like some blood well that’s actually very suitable for the zombie arm okay time for the Boss 3 2 1 go go go oh my God Dodge the attacks oh God okay both hands are down oh wait I don’t have anything jump

Up come on come on come on no come on blow it up blow it up okay that was a bit scary I won’t lie look of skulls oh wait was that the Spectre staff’s projectile summons a lost soul to chase your foes it’s a lot slower though but I’m

Pretty sure it takes after the book of skulls speed now inside the dungeon there are a few weapons that I can get my hands on the Water Bolt mamasa magic Missile handgun and many more so let’s go find them all oh Metate has landed it’s going to be worth checking

Out the space gun as well okay the merasa also the suspicious looking eye oh my God what is that it has the sound of I think the shadow beam staff but I don’t think that’s it does it deal damage though oh it does oh that’s actually not

Bad okay I think that’s a water bolt right there yep wait no way that summons gravestones are you serious oh that’s funny okay there’s the Aquis upter all right so uh after using that water scepter my game kind of just shat itself I don’t know what kind of attack could have

Cause that but after relaunching the game all of my weapons now have a different attack so that’s really unfortunate luckily my grenade still have its nebula Arcanum attacks so all was not not lost the other ones well let’s check them out first the sickle okay it summons out Boulders

Morasa summons out a I think that’s like a pet zombie arm oh my God those gravestones water bolts and the Book of skulls so I really hope that doesn’t happen again cuz that was really scary it was like the entire world was getting deleted cuz I heard blocks breaking and

A shadow orb getting destroyed but let’s get on with the video I do have the suspicious looking eye and it is night time so let’s quickly kill the boss it’s mainly just for the shield of cthulu so I can Dash there we go now the next goal is to take on the wall

Of flesh so let’s mine down to Hell okay I found a gravitation potion so that means I’m going to go up to a sky island and grab myself some accessories and the star Fury all right made it to hell now I know there are Shadow chests to be

Opened but low key I’m kind of scared of going back into the dungeon cuz I really do not want to crash again I am however going to mine some hell Stone so that I can make some fire weapons and the molten pickaxe to mine the hard mode

Ores later on all right I think that’s good got 344 healthstone let’s first make the pickaxe then the volcano molten Fury and I guess the M Staff first up the volcano oh my God that’s the dark Harvest whip but I don’t think that’s going to do

Much cuz it barely flings out next up molten Fury oh my God wait these are just pets right I don’t think they do damage oh right my ammo got randomized as well okay well I guess these things are equivalent to the wooden Arrow what about the Flaming Arrow okay

Jester total dud what about the Hellfire arrows oh my God yes okay an or Calum hird shooting out from a bow yep that makes total sense and then finally the M staff what the heck heck I just heard slaps what was that okay well goodbye to you let’s go

Up to some Sky Islands now okay there’s the star Fury oh what is that oh that looks sick I hope this deals damage it does oh but it’s so weak no I won’t lie that’s pretty cool though but looks like I won’t be using it ooh fledgling wings and the shiny red

Balloon oh and here’s the meteor crash site let’s go take a look at the space gun but right after I get this last accessory the lucky horseshoe all right let’s check this thing out what is that okay I know what it is it’s useless goodbye next up yellow phas blade oh

Wait those are fireworks I don’t think it deals damage though right let’s test it out on the zombie oh it does deal Damage okay I think that’s about it I’m all set to take on the Wall of Flesh now okay made it to the end of the world let’s just toss the voodoo doll in 3 2 1 and then let’s stack up our nebula Arcanum and this should be pretty fast oh yeah oh my

God oh yeah if I lost the Arcanum projectiles for this grenade yeah if I lost the nebula Arcanum projectiles for the grenades I think I would have cried cuz all the other weapons had such bad attacks now what do we have in this treasure bag ooh the breaker blade oh shoots

Rocket straight up into the air I don’t think anything is going to top the grenades for a long time let’s go to the corruption now to break some Demon Alters wait no these are homing Rockets what damn okay we’ve got ladium mythro and Adamantite I’m good on padium next up is

The mithil all right that’s enough mithil now onto the Adamantite and that should be enough Adam anti and I think I’m just going to make the melee version of the Adamantite armor just for some more defense there we go with the rest of the Adamantite bars I will be making the Adamantite

Sword and of course it’s something like this God damn it before I take on any of the mechanical bosses I will be going up to a sky island to kill some wyverns for The Souls of Flight to make some better wings okay that’s enough Souls of Flight wait

I just realized oh my God I just got the giant Harpy feather looks like I’ll be making harpy wings then oh that’s beautiful there’s only about a quarter way left of the night so that means I will be taking on the mechanical bosses the next night all

Right it’s finally night time again so I think the first mechanical boss that I’ll be taking on will be the Destroyer three three two 1 let’s go up to the clumped up parts come on oh yeah big damage and I should probably attack further away so my nebula Arcanum

Projectiles can charge up to deal more damage so far so good less than 50% Health now All right 10,000 more health and Destroyer has been defeated it should still be pretty early on in the night so let’s take on the twins next oh yeah yeah these these projectiles are going to stack up so much against this boss oh that’s big damage right there okay second

Phase come on let’s kill the basmat tasm first there we go and the twins have been defeated now just Skeletron Prime Left okay lasers down Canon is down saw is down okay just ahead now Boom Big damage and that’s it all three mechanical bosses have been defeated and now with the hollow bars instead of making the full hollowed armor set I’m going to try something a bit different

Now I’ll be making all four of these weapons Excalibur gungir Hollow jousting land and the dindle and then of course the pickaxe axe drle first no oh my god really okay Goblin arm is approaching that’s good news which means I’ll be able to combine all of my accessories together Gung what are

Those they don’t even deal damage what what okay that’s two out of four useless weapons jousting Lance oh my god really beach balls and finally the Excalibur come on yep that looks like a uh a gold shortsword lovely okay Shadow flame hexall what the were those grappling

Hooks oh yes they are okay the shadow flame bow this time okay this bow just shoots out regular shadowflame arrows oh another Shadow flame bow but we’re not going to use that I did get the shadowflame knife oh my God I got so excited for a

Sec but I realized that this pet doesn’t do damage there we go Goblin Army has been defeated let’s go search for the Tinker oh there’s the tinkerer do not kill him I swear to God bat all right rocket boots and workshop first the Spectre boots and then the blue horseshoe

Balloon let’s head into the jungle now to search for the plantar bulb and hopefully when I craft the chlorite weapons they won’t turn out to be like those hollowed weapons okay I can purchase the ice rod forgot that was a weapon oh oh my God oh my God I can

Summon multiple of these things wait this might be insane do they actually work though on shoot oh they do oh it’s such a shame that it only has 35 magic damage though Boomstick wait did the boomstick just summon out two Hornets for me oh it did

I mean these Hornets aren’t going to do any damage at all but hey it’s still something and then the yellets oh no no no did that really just happen oh my God the yellets have the terrarian yo-yo attacks oh my God okay I need to reforge this I also

Need to find the skeleton Merchant so I can purchased the yo-yo gloves from him as well I think this might be my new main weapon now it’s not going to be the grenades anymore and this life crystal is finally going to get me Max health no wait reforging the

Yellets oh it just completely randomizes it I didn’t know that well I just lost the terrarian yo-yo just like that okay okay I’ve got 357 chlorites now I’m praying to God any of these three weapons right here please have something good okay first up is the chlorite saber 3 2 1

Okay that seems kind of normal but at the same time it isn’t it’s not bad next up is the Claymore oh I think it’s the magnet sphere not the ball but when it zaps and lastly the chlorop FY partisan oh yes okay finally a weapon that’s actually considered good so now I have

Both the nebula Arcanum and I believe this is the nebula Blaze yep oh and there’s the plant Bal so let’s make the arena right here then all right the arena is all complete before I actually break the plant bulb though I’m going to use my ice rods and just summon as many

Of these ice hydras as possible oh my God it’s infinite holy look at that all right I think that’s good enough about 200 should be good enough you know here we go 3 2 1 and let’s put out as many of the nebula Arcanum as possible Jesus it’s like a ice laser

Beam okay let’s switch to our core fight partisan all right second phase I cannot see anything maybe this was a little bit too much I put way too many hydras down oh my God I might actually lose here come on a little bit more oh so close I was really expecting all of

These hydras to just Shred the boss but I think only a handful can actually deal damage and we got the pygm staff and nettle burst okay pygm staff is normal nettle burst uh nothing’s coming out okay let’s enter the temple now to take on Golem okay

Same thing going to summon some Hydra on both sides and I think I’m going to do the top as well just so they can hit every single part all at the same time here we Go okay one hand is down and that’s the head and the fist down just the body now and there we go Golem has been defeated got the possessed Hatchet and it doesn’t have anything beautiful I just love when weapons don’t have any attacks at all and that’s the last one please give

Me a weapon no I got another possessed Hatchet damn okay that’s not going to count before I take on the lunatic cultist I am going to summon the solar eclipse for some more weapons because I think these two weapons are starting to fall off just a bit oo okay Godly I cthulu

Oh whatever this projectile is it still deals damage that was 400 damage oh I think they’re like seeds deadly sphere staff okay yeah this weapon is complete garbage back to the aulu Oh there’s a deal something good something good are these homing Rockets oh yes it is wait okay this might actually be my main weapon now it’s still a bit weak in my eyes but the fact that it has homing on it I think it makes up for the damage

You know what it actually looks like the I Pulu still deals more damage than the desle cuz base damage that thing’s like dealing 200 damage and when it crits that’s almost 400 so yeah I’ll be using this yo-yo for now wait a minute yo Abigail’s FL has Zen

Attack and the solar eclipse has ended let’s go take on the lunatic cultist now here we Go almost done here about 10,000 more Health but I really wish I still had my terrarian or even the sickle that had the Fallen star projectile thousand more health and you are done now I am begging and I am hoping that I get something good from the

Celestial weapons if I don’t then I’m just going to have to stick with the eye of cthulu yo-yo which I kind of don’t want to do okay Stardust pillar has been destroyed anything good from the Stardust weapons oh what’s this okay uh it looks like it uses the

Toxicaria ier bullets and I’m still not sure about these pink things floating around Let’s test out the cell staff now what are those is that a cookie this is such a bad weapon oh my God that’s not even funny there we go nebula pillar is down let’s make the nebula

Arcanum and the nebula Blaze all right first up the nebula Blaze oh my really just when I thought I got something good okay nebula Arcanum do not fail me here and you failed me okay I’ve only got two pillars left so that’s four weapons in total let’s head for the

Solar pillar now solar pillar is down all right solar eruption and the Daybreak let’s check out the solar eruption first please please please um okay at least deal damage come on Moment of Truth 3 2 1 okay okay thank God and then the day break 3 2 1 oh okay I will take

That finally luck is on my side and lastly let’s take down the vortex pillar and there goes the last pillar let’s quickly make the vortex beater and fantasm okay I don’t know if this one deals damage if it doesn’t back to the Daybreak wait quickly go go quickly quickly quickly buy musk

Balls okay go go oh what is this oh my god look all these yoyos what the heck imagine if oh imagine if they were all terrarians okay the fantasm does not deal any damage back to the Daybreak okay the middle eye is finally done oh my God that took

Forever one hand is done one more to go okay 15,000 more Health 10,000 More 3,000 come on let’s go come on no no no no no heal up oh oh my God Go that took way too long all right that’s going to be it guys thank you all for watching that fight with moon Lord took so long oh my God that really drained a lot out of me and not to mention the other inconveniences such as my game crashing

And randomizing all my weapons as well as being so unlucky with the attacks of the weapons I got so many of them dealt damage to myself or should have just killed me but anyways hope you enjoyed my suffering if you did don’t forget to leave a like comment on what other mod

Or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time peace

In this video I play Terraria but here’s the twist… I installed a mod that gives each and every weapon that I have found or crafted a completely random attack. Here are the rules, number 1, Although crafting multiple of the same weapon grants a different attack for each one, I’m only allowed to craft and use the absolute first one and number 2, if I find a weapon either through breaking shadow orbs, chests, or from an enemy, any reoccurring weapons will not count so will the weapons I get my hands on have good enough attacks to take down the final boss Moon Lord? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner

Follow My Twitch!

For business inquiries:

#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


  1. 8:10 at this point i'm fairly sure you're just trying to squeeze comments out of people correcting you that its actually the crystal darts.
    Just this once i wanned to hop on the trend and actually do that.

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