Ranking EVERY Stardew Valley CROP From WORST To BEST

You know what I’m tired of huh biased ranking videos we need more ranking videos that take the numbers into account and today that’s what we’re going to be doing this will be done by a point-based system where each prop is given points based on 10 categories these categories are goal per day

Experience per day bundles recipes availability gifts special production artisan and personal use because you can’t have a ranking video without a little bit of bias just ignore or ignore what I said at the start of the video anyways let me explain the categories goal per day and experience per day are

Self-explanatory categories you have to be a [ __ ] idiot to not know what that means we take the amount of gold and experience per day the crop produces and then rank it based on the other crops and then give the points based on the rankings for a goal per day first place

Will get 80 points and then it’ll go down by two for each rank first place for experience per day will get 40 points points and then it’ll go down by one for each rank for every bundle a crop is in it’ll get 25 points and for

Each recipe a crop is in it’ll get three points extra availability is based on how you’re able to get the crop so if you’re able to get the crop in year one from Pierre joa it’ll get 25 points if you can buy it in the Oasis comes from

Events or drops in the mine it’ll get 10 points if it’s a year two crop that you can get from Pierre or joa it’ll get Five Points points and if you can get it from Ginger Island the traveling cart or the skull Cavern drops it’ll get zero points for the gifts category every

Loved gift is three points every like gift is one point any neutral gift is zero points every dislike gift is negative – 1 point and every hated gift is -3 points for the special category it’ll be for any special ability a crop has that wasn’t factored in so whether

It be a crop being able to become a big crop or if the crop is multi-seasonal for every special ability a crop has it’ll get three extra points the production category accounts for how you are able to create a farm with the crop so if you’re able to just buy the

Seeds you’ll get zero points for the crop if you need a seed maker but the crop is recurring it’ll get negative five points and if it needs a seed maker and it isn’t recurring it’ll get -1 points The Artisan category is if the crop is able to produce any jellies wine

Juices or honey it’ll get three points each for any of those items it is able to create and finally the personal use category if the name doesn’t speak for itself it is based on how often I use the crop on my own so it’ll get 25

Points if I use the crop a lot it’ll get 10 points if I use a crop every now and then it’ll get five points if if I use the crop when I whenever I get the seeds and it’ll get zero points if I couldn’t care less about the crop all right with

That out of the way let’s get into the rankings coming in at number 41 we have a flower which isn’t surprising but the reason why it is in last place actually surprised me and that flower in last place is the poppy so for gold per day

It created 5.7 gold per day which was actually a lot better than I thought it would do it got it to 30 second place giving it 18 points and then experience per day it made 2.86 which got it to 11th Place giving it 30 points it’s also in the chef’s

Bundle so it gets 25 points there it’s in a recipe so it gets an extra three points and its availability gives it 25 extra points it also creates honey so in Artisan it gives it three extra points special you got zero points production you got zero points but the the gifts

Category is where it gets [ __ ] it was hated by 33 of the villagers and only loved by one the one who loved it was Penny so that gives it 96 points which brings its grand total to eight [ __ ] points congratulations poppy you suck yeah duck ass why don’t you shut the hell

Up all right and coming in at number 40 we have oh [ __ ] dude hold on I I I got to take this yo what’s up so prob [ __ ] you mean why is it solo on the list got dude the crop sucks man yeah it’s good in real life but this

Is start of Valley we’re talking about whatever bro whatever I’ll talk to you later man whatever uh sorry about that guys uh coming in at number 40 we have unmilled rice so it made five gold per day which put it in 33rd Place giving it 16 points for experience per day it made

1.17 which put it in 39th place for two points is not in any bundles so zero points there recipes it’s in three so it got nine points availability you can actually buy it at Pierre’s I usually don’t I just PL to when I get drops but

That gives it 25 points there gifts 33 people dislike it and one hated it so that’s – 36 points special zero points production zero points matter of fact if I don’t talk about the category is probably zero points Artisan six points and personal usage was at Five Points

Since I often get the seeds in Spring the first year and I plant them but I don’t go out and buy the seeds so that brings a total of unmilled rice to 27 points number 39 we have the Tulip so for gold per day it created 1.7 gold per

Day which put it in 40th Place it it it it it it It okay it’s tied for 40th Place place so it got two points for that and then it made 1.17 experience per day which put it in 39th place for two more points for availability I got 25 points you can get it from Pierre’s gifts one love 30 likes three

Dislikes giving it 30 points Artis we got three points for that it can make honey and then zero points for everything else which gave it a total of 62 points all right you next what you mean I’m next I kind of look like PA Escobar on the cocaine

Field oh [ __ ] um at number 38 we have a fan favorite The Coffee Bean many people like this Crow because you can make a lot of gold with it so for gold per day it got 27.3 which put it in third place giving it 76 points for experience per day it got 1.82

Which put it in 33rd Place giving it eight points which kind of knocks it down a bit we’re still at a good point total so far but the thing is it’s not in any bundles and it’s not even in any recipes o j but what about coffee that’s

A recipe shut up [ __ ] that’s why your mom bought you Mega Blocks instead of Legos but anyways for availability I gave it 10 points since you can actually get it from killing dust Sprites in the main cave for gifts it got negative 34 points because every villager disliked

It that’s where it gets tipped for special it got three points since the crop itself is the seed like you can plant you can Harvest it and then plant it immediately after harvesting production zero points and then Artisan this is where you get your coffee three points for the coffee giving it the

Total of 66 points pretty pathetic coming from the Coffee Bean honestly at number 37 we have the Smurf comum crop the blue Jizz the blue Jazz made a 2.9 gold per day which put it in 38th Place giving it six points it made 1.43 experience per day putting in in 38th Place for three points bundle zero points recipes three points cuz it’s in the lucky lunch availability 25 points gifts 31 likes

Three dislikes giving it 28 points special zero production zero Artisan three points giving it a total of 68 points at number 36 we have rhubarb so it made 9.2 gold per day putting it in 24th Place giving it 34 points it made two experience per day putting it in

29th Place giving it 12 points it is not in any bundles so we got zero points it is in one recipe so it gets three points you can get it at the Oasis so for availability I got 10 points for gifts 11 likes 19 neutral and four dislikes

Giving it seven points zero points for special zero points for production and six points for Artisan giving it a total of 72 points at number 35 we have my personal least favorite crop the tea leaves well at least my kids AR getting shot in mathematics yo at least my teeth don’t

Look like the family of four I Tbone on Yates Cooney Neck Road on November 18th 2021 what oh nothing man nothing you ain’t hear that um anyways the tea leaves got 14.3 gold per day which put it in 13th Place giving it 56 points you actually don’t get XP from harv is

Seeing this crop so it put it in last place giving it zero points it’s not in any bundles it’s not in any recipes for availability you got 10 points since you get it from Caroline’s two heart event for gifts one like and 33 neutral giving

It 1 Point Z points for special 0 points for production and six points for Artisan giving it 73 points overall at number 34 we have the summmer spangle five gold per day gets it to 33rd Place giving it 16 points 1.88 experience per day getting it to 32nd Place giving it

Nine points zero points for bundles zero points for recipes availability 25 points for gifts one love 30 likes and three dislikes get it 30 points it might have gotten zero points for special but but it is a very pretty crop so it gets a special place in my heart zero points

For production and three points for Artisan get it to a point total of 83 at number 33 we have the crop that you guys smell like and that crop is garlic garlic makes five gold per day putting in 33rd Place for 16 points and it creates three experience per day putting

In seventh place for 34 points it’s not any bundles so zero points it is in two cooking recipes and one crafting recipe so it gets nine points availability it gets Five Points points because it comes in at year 2 for gifts 26 likes six dislikes and two hates giving it 14

Points 0 points on special 0 points on production and six points for Artisan giving it a total of 84 points before we move on to my white viewers garlic powder it is a seasoning use it and number 32 we have the sunflower so the sunflower made 1.7

Gold per day which put it in 40th Place given it two points it made 1.75 experience per day which put it in 34th Place for seven points it is in the die bundle so it gets 25 points it is not in any recipes so zero points there 25

Points for availability for gifts we have one love 30 likes and three dislikes giving it 30 points for special it gets three points since the seeds come from the crop as you harvest it production it got zero points and Artisan it got six points bringing the

Total to 9 points for 31st Place we got the sweet Jem Berry now I know quite a few of you guys might have been expecting this one to be higher on the list but let me give you the reasons why so sweet jberry had 80 gold per day

Which put it in first place giving it 80 points and experience per day it was 2.67 so it got 16th Place and 25 points for that one now the reason why it’s solo is because it’s not in any bundles it’s not in any recipes availability

Gets zero points cuz you get it from the traveling card gifts zero it was was all neutral for special I give it five points instead of three since you get a star drop from it when you give it to the bare statue in the forest for production it got netive 10 points since

The only way you can make a farm with it is if you use a seed maker in Artisan it got zero points which brought its total to 100 points and number 30th we had the terror route see now this crop actually it it genuinely looks like a piece of

[ __ ] like it actually looks like a piece of [ __ ] what the HCK but it made 14.3 gold per day which put it in 17th Place for 56 points it made 2.3 experience per day which put it in 23rd Place for 18 points not any bundles zero points it’s

In one recipe so it gets three points availability you get it at Ginger Island so zero points gifts 29 likes five dislikes giving it 24 points special Z points production zero points Artisan six points bringing its total to 107 in 29th Place we have our last

Flower the fairy Rose so it made 7.5 goal per day which put it in 28th Place for 26 points it made 2.42 experience per day which put it in 21st place for 20 points it is not in any bundles so zero points it is in one crafting recipe

So that gives it three points availability 25 points gifts two love 29 likes and three dislike giving it 30 two points 0 points for special Zer points for production and three points for Artis giving it 109 points by the way this is the best flower for honey

Because the honey produced will give you 680 gold or 9952 gold with the Artisan skill at number 28 we have kale aside from rich white people incorporating this into their diet it makes a gold per day of 6.7 which put it in 31st Place giving it

20% points for experience per day it got 2.83 which put it in 12th Place giving it 29 Points it is 990 bundles so zero points it is in two recipes giving it six points availability it gets 25 points gifts 29 likes four dislikes giving it 24 points zero points in

Special zero points in production six points to nartis and it gets a clean 110 total points at number 27 we have the God damn it [ __ ] every time all right [ __ ] uh hold on guys hold up yo why hops Not Top 10 who is this Pam you alcoholic [ __ ] the Hops ain’t even

That good got all it does is make pale that’s the only reason why you like it whatever bro whatever it’s staying 27th and number 27 we have the Hops so it made 13 goal per day which put it in 17th Place giving it 48 points for

Experience per day it was the highest it got 3.64 which put it in first place for 40 points it is not in any bundles giving it zero points not even in any recipes giving it zero points there as well avail ability gets 25 points gifts 32 neutral and two hate giving it -6

Points special 0o points production 0 points Artisan six points bringing its total to 113 at number 26 we have the radish it got 8.3 gold per day which put it in 25th Place giving it 32 points it made 2.5 experience per day putting it in

19th place for 22 points it is not any bundles so zero points it is in two recipes giv it six points it gets 25 points for availability gifts 29 likes and five dislikes bringing it to 24 points special 0 points production 0 points and Artisan six points bringing this total

To 115 points are youall ready kids I Captain I can’t hear you I captain Oh who makes come taste good is healthy pineapple just are cracking that perly shell the pineapple if any charges be something you wish the pineapple then hop to the school and touch little kids the pineapple the pineapple the pineapple the pineapple the pineapple all all Right oh at number 25 we have the pineapple it made 27.3 goal per day which put it in third place giving it 76 points it made 2.73 experience per day putting it in 15th Place for 26 points it is not in any bundles though so it gets zero

Points for that it is in one cooking recipe so it gets three points zero points for availability for gifts 11 likes 19 neutrals and four dislikes gives it seven points 0 points for special 0 points for production and six points for Artis brings a total to 117

Points come down today and try some corn or we will sacrifice your newborn at number 24 we have another one of my least favorite crops corn it made 1.92 gold per day which put it in 39th Place giving it four points for experience per day it only made 1.54 which put it in

36th place for Five Points the thing that helps it though is that it’s in two bundles it’s in the fall crops and the quality crops bundles which gives it 50 points it’s also in a cooking recipe which gives it three points 25 points for availability for gifts 28 likes five

Dislikes and one hate gives it 20 points special it gets three points since it’s multi-seasonal production 0 points Artis it gets nine points which brings its total to 119 notice how for personal use it got zero points cuz that crop is [ __ ] useless for number 23 we have the beat

So it made 13.4 gold per day which put it in 16th Place giving it 50 points it made 2.67 experience per day which put it in 16th Place giving it 25 points zero points for bundles three points for recipes 10 point points for availability gifts one love 28 likes five dislikes

Giving it 26 points special Zer points production Zer points Artisan six points giving a 120 points speaking of Beats I forgot to go beat my meat hold on I got to real quick and number 22 we have so Young’s favorite crop besides rice the B Choy it

Made 7 .5 gold per day which put it in 28th Place giving it 26 points and it made 3.5 experience per day which put it in second place for 39 points it is not in any bundles so zero points it is in one cooking recipe so it gets three

Points 25 points for availability for gifts it had 29 likes and five dislikes giving it 24 points zero points for special zero points for production and six points for Artis brings its total to 123 coming up in 20th Place we have our first tie between the artichoke and the

Green bean so starting with the one that looks like a butt plug we have a gold per day of 16.3 which put it in 11th place given it 60 points and it made 2.75 experience per day which put it in 14th Place for 27 points it is not in

Any bundle so it gets zero points it is in two cooking recipes so six points there availability it’s a year two crop so it gets Five Points gifts 29 likes five dislikes giving it 24 points special 0 points production 0o points Artisans six points bringing it to 128

Points hey green be I don’t like you you know what that Be all right now time for the green beans so it made a 6.9 gold per day which put it in 30th Place giving it 22 points it made 2.65 experience per day which put it in in 18th Place giving it 23 points it is in the spring crops

Bundle so it gets 25 points for that it’s in One clicking recipe so it gets three points it gets 25 points for availability gifts we have 29 likes and five dislikes giving it 24 points Zer points for special Zer points for production six points for Artisan bringing the total to 128 points and

Immediately following the first tie we have our second tie between the cauliflower and the C C fruit so starting with the cauliflower we have a goal per day of 7.9 which put it in 27th Place giving it 28 points and for experience per day it had 1.92 which put

It in 31st Place giving it 10 points it is in the spring crops bundle so it gets 25 points for that it is in one cooking recipe so it gets three points 25 points for availability for gifts we got one love 28 likes and five dislikes giving

It 26 points three points for special since you can get a a big crop from it zero points for production six points for Aron and personal use I gave Five Points since I often use it in year one of spring but after that I usually don’t

Touch it giving it a total of 131 points following the cauliflower we have the caus fruit so the cactus fruit made 10.7 gold per day which put it in 22nd Place giving it 38 points it made three experience per day which put it in seventh place given it 34 points it is

Actually in the Exotic forging bundle which gives it 25 points it is not in any recipes of zero points you do get it from the Oasis so it gets 10 points in availability for gifts it had three love 10 likes 17 neutrals and four dislikes which gives it 15 points special I gave

It three points since it’s also a forgeable production Zer points Artisan six points which brings its total to 131 points at number 17 we have the eirl crop amaranth now now besides this crop making beer from his vaginal yeast it makes a go per day of 11.4 which put it

In 18th Place giving it 46 points it also makes three experience per day which put it in seventh place giving it 34 points it’s not in any bundles so 0 points there it is only in one cooking recipe so it gets three points 25 points for availability gifts we have 27 likes

Six dislikes and one hate giving it 18 points zero points for special zero points for production and six points for Artis giving it 132 points at number 16 we have amar’s brother we so it made 3.8 goal per day which put it in 36th Place giving it 10

Points and it made 1.5 experience per day which put it in 37th Place giving it four points well then how is it so high on the ranking well if you shut the [ __ ] up and let me explain you would know all right let’s get into it so it’s in the

Fodder bundle which gives it 25 points and it’s in 20 different recipes wheat flour is in 20 recipes which gives it 60 points alone 25 points for availability gifts we got 34 neutrals so that’s zero points special I gave it six points since when you farm it you get hay and

It’s also multi-seasonal production zero points Artisan six points giving wheat a total of 136 points aop check your watch it’s at number 15 we have the yam so it made 10 gold per day which put it in 23rd Place giving it 36 points it made 2.2 experience per day which put it in

28th Place giving it 13 points it is in the fall crops bundle giving it 25 points it is in two cooking recipes giving it six points it has 25 points for availability gifts we have one love 28 likes and five dislikes giving it 26 points special 0 points production 0

Points Artisan 6 points giving it a total of 137 at number 14 we have the starf fruit so it made 26.9 gold per day which put it in fifth place giving it 72 points and it made 3.3 experience per day which put it in third place giving it 38 points

Thing is it’s not in any bundles so it gets zero points there and it’s also not in any recipes so it gets zero points there as well availability I gave it 10 points this is from The Oasis gifts 11 likes 19 neutral and four dislikes giving it 7 points special 0 points

Production 0 points Artisan six points and personal usage I gave it 10 points since towards the end of the game I start using it a lot but in the beginning to the middle I don’t usually use it with all that it brings a total to 143 points in 12th Place we have our

Final tie between the parsnip and the strawberry so starting with the parsnip it made 3.8 goal per day which put it in 36th Place giving it 10 points it made two experience per day which put it in 29th Place giving it 12 points it is in the spring crops bundle and the quality

Crops bundle which gives it 50 points it is in two cooking recipes giving it six points 25 points for availability gifts we have one love 28 likes and five dislikes giving it 26 points special 0 points production 0 points Artisans 6 points in personal usage I gave it 10

Points since during that first spring I like to use it quite a bit bit especially for the equality Crouch bundle but past that I don’t really touch it and that brings a total to 145 points now moving on to the strawberry it makes 20 gold per day which put it in

Seventh place given it 68 points it makes three experience per day which put it in seventh place giving it 34 points it is not in any bundles so zero points it is not in any recipes so zero points there availability it gets 10 points since you get it from the egg Festival

Gifts two love 10 like 18 neutral and four dislike giving it 12 points special zero points production zero points Artisan six points personal usage I gave it 10 points since during that first egg Festival I tried to buy it but past that I usually don’t that brings a total to

145 points at number 11 we have the penis now I’m just playing we have the eggplant so the eggplant made 10.8 gold day which put it in 20th Place getting it 42 points it made 2.3 experience per day which put it in 23rd Place getting

It 18 points it is also in the fall cruts bundle which gets at 25 points it is in two cooking recipes which gets at six points 25 points for availability gifts 29 likes and five dislikes getting it 24 points special zero points production zero points Artisan six

Points getting it a total of 146 points points all right finally made it to the top 10 if you made it this far in the video go ahead and hit that sub and like button that’ll be much appreciated now let’s get back into it kicking off our

Top 10 we have theam H hot pepper sorry anyways the hot pepper made 10.8 gold per day which put it in 20th Place giving it 42 points and it made 2.77 experience per day which put it in 13th Place giving it 28 points it is in

The summer bundle so it gets 25 points for that it is in three cooking recipes so it gets nine points for that 25 points for availability for gifts it was two loved gifts 10 like 18 neutral and four dislike Luna you [ __ ] [ __ ] bringing it to 12 points special 0

Points production 0 points Artisan 6 points bringing the total to 147 at number nine we have the potato so it made 8.3 gold per day which put it in 25th Place giving it 3 two points it also made 2.3 experience per day which put it in 23rd Place for 18 points it is

In the spring crops bundle which gave it 25 points it is in a cooking recipe which gave it three points 25 points for availability gifts 29 likes and five dislikes giving it 24 points special 0 points production 0 points Artis 6 points in personal usage I gave it 25

Points because out of all the spring crops that is the one I go to no matter what at the start of the game I go to the potato [ __ ] the cauliflower [ __ ] the Parson it the potato is where it’s at that brings a total to 158 points speaking of mashed potatoes

That’s what the family four on Yates Cooney Neck Road looked like when I was done I mean uh let’s go to the next one on number eight we had the [ __ ] tomato or however dothy Den Nola says it so we made 11. one gold per day which

Put it in 19th Place giving it 44 points it made 2.22 experience per day which put it in 27th Place giving it 14 points it is in the summer crops bundle which gave it 25 points it is in eight cooking recipes which gave it 24 points there 25

Points for availability 29 like gifts five dislike gifts giving it 24 points special Zer points production zero points Artisan six points giving it 162 points points at number seven we have the Cranberries so it made 18.2 goal per day which put it in eighth place getting

It 66 points it made 2.5 experience per day which put it in 19th Place giving it 22 points it is not in any bundles so zero points it’s in four cooking recipes so it gets 12 points 25 points for availability for gifts there were 11 likes 19 neutrals and four dislikes

Giving it seven points special zero production zero Artisan 6 and personal usage I gave it 25 since it’s my go-to crop during the fall which gave it a point total of 163 by the way cranberry sauce sucks open wide kids cuz I’m going to rape you in the

Mouth at number six we have probably one of the most surprising ones on this list we have the great so we got 16.2 gold per day which put it in 12th Place giving it 58 points and it made 3.2 three experience per day which put it in

Fourth place giving it 37 points it’s in the summer Forge bundle which gave it 25 points and it’s in a cooking recipe which gave it three other points 25 points for availability for gift we have one love 11 like 18 neutral three dislike and one hate giving it eight

Points for special I gave it three points since it’s also a forgeable production zero Artisan 6 giving it a total of 168 points at number five we have the most hated crop which is the red cabbage so it made a goal per day of 17.8 which put it in Ninth Place giving

It 64 points and it made 3.11 experience per day which put it in fifth place giving it 36 points it’s in the die bundle which gave it 25 points it’s in three cooking recipes which gave it nine points availability it’s a year two crop so it got five points gifts 29 like five

Dislike giv to 24 points special 0 points production Z points Artis 6 points giving the red cabbage a total of 169 points at number four we have my personal favorite we have The so the blueberry had a goal per day of 20.8 which put it in sixth place giving it 70 points it made 1.6 experience per day putting in 35th Place given it six points it is in the summer crops bundle which gave it 25 points it’s in two cooking recipes which gives

It six points 25 points for availability for gifts we have 12 likes 18 neutral and four dislikes giving it eight points special 0 points production 0 points Artisan 6 points personal use 25 points this is my go-to for summer crops no matter what always go for this one and

That gives it a total of 171 points and number three we have Penny’s melons so it made a gold per day of 14.2 which put in 15th Place getting it 52 points it made 2.25 experience per day which put it in 26th Place getting it 15 points

It’s in two bundles the summer crops and the quality crops which gives it 50 points it’s in two cooking recipes which gets it six points 25 points for availability gifts we got one love 11 likes 18 neutral and four dislikes getting it 10 points special it can make

Big crops so it gets three points production zero points Artisan six points personal use 10 points after I’ve planted my blueberries for the summer and I’ve got my first harvest that’s when I start investing in melons that brings melons total to 177 I had to go to the nursery home for

Number two because in the number two spot we have ancient fruit God that was [ __ ] corny anyways uh ancient fruit made a gold per day of 44 which got it to Second Place giving it 78 points so I had this rule with recurring crops where I would go through one season of harvest

Instead of just the first one for the ancient fruit I had to do two because you don’t get your first harvest until the next season like you go through the whole season without getting your first harvest anyways it got 3.04 experience per day which got it to sixth place

Giving it 35 points it’s in the missing bundle which got it 25 points it’s not in any recipes of zero points there availability I said 10 points points since you can get it from the bugs in the caves GI 11 likes nine neutral and four dislikes getting at seven points special zero

Production5 since you have to use a seed maker but it is a recurring crop Artisan six points personally use 25 points so the second I have the greenhouse open and I have that seed I am farming this as my main crop getting ancient fruit to

A total of 181 points and the crop in number one is and the croing number one is and the croing number and the croing number one is mother [ __ ] and the number one crop is the pumpkin so the pumpkin made 16.9 gold per day which put it in 10th Place

Giving it 62 points it made 2.38 experience per day which put it in 22nd Place giving it 19 points it’s in the fall crops and the quality crops bundles which gives it 50 points it is in four recipes three cooking and one crafting giving it 12 points availability it has 25 points gifts

Three loves 27 likes four dislikes giving it 32 points special it makes a big crop so it gets three points production zero points Artis six points for personal use I give it 10 points since it’s the same thing with with the melons after I plant the cranberries and

Get my first harvest I’ll start investing more into pumpkins which brings its total to 219 points all right guys that’s the end of the video I hope you all enjoyed if you did like comment and subscribe this video took me a while it took me 60 to

70 hours to make but I enjoyed making it and I plan to make more in the future maybe in different games we’ll we’ll see we’ll see well I hope to see you guys in the next video and I’ll see you guys later Bye

I ranked the crops from worst to best. If you don’t agree, cry about it :/

Don’t forget to subscribe, or else…balls :0

Background music is the Super Mario Galaxy Soundtrack

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  1. I appreciate the effort that went into it, but there's something I don't understand. Why are there so many points allocated for the Bundles and XPPD? You only need to collect the crops once for the Bundles, and eventually, you reach the maximum level, so the value of these points seems insignificant. Am I missing something?

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