167 | Stardew Valley 1.5 Let’s Play! | Modded | Raffadax Production

Good morning afternoon evening or nighttime welcome back to Hemlock Farm joining Sheamus on the 7th of fall year two we have a total earnings of $3.2 million which is huge we are also a planter now that’s cute I like that last episode we obviously spent way too much

Time in the skull Caverns I mean not nearly enough time if I’m being real we leveled up our why am I getting a farming oh right cuz we’re prestiging it um we leveled up our mining skill to level 10 so we can go and reset that now

Which will be fun um yeah and we need to deal with our chaotic inventory of way too many good things um I think I might have crab cakes in here and cakes yes okay oh I put a fridge and yeah I put some extra things in there that’s funny

Okay so one thing I’m thinking is we are going to make a treasure chest and we might put it up by Granda shed I think that’ be kind of fun um we need to put bomb staircase cases that um I think that’s everything here take all of this out yet again oh

Right the mushrooms and then CU we want our tools oh my gosh our inventory is so chaotic okay so coffee healing spicy eel how many how much slots do I have I have four so I have axe hoe watering can and side okay we just can’t get our fishing rod which is okay

Um yeah but we can pop our speed Buffs now at least okay let’s go and empty some of the stuff in the furnace into our furnace cave taking fun in there of course obviously mushrooms mushrooms oh wow we smelted some oh right cuz we went to okay we will come

Back to deal with that after we clean up the rest of our inventory um so we got a lot going on I’m not even going to do the mushrooms we just got to empty out our supplies oh my gosh I’m stuck on a lightning rod all right um yeah let’s

Just plunk everything in hey work our way around cuz I don’t know what goes in what we have a lot of those coins in there there we did pretty good um oh shoot what am I doing with um okay we can put Auto pets here for

Now we can move that there um we will move you here um we need to talk to you okay so we are going to craft probably a stone chest and we are going to take Out these three things yeah cuz then we can move move them down here and we are going to take fine back over here cuz I think we have some pearls in this chest that we can also grab just a few only eight oh we can grab our golden mushroom as well

Mushroom jeez that’s a pumpkin um and we’re going to place this up here let’s place it like literally right in front I think that’s fun and we’ll have like a fun Treasure Chest that we make gold um we need to sell some stuff though one of you and one of you which

Is going to be a lot of look at how much money that is this is like an emergency fund this that’s our rainy day fund up there that’s what that is okay let’s sell this look at our really cute mailbox I love it it’s I

Wish it was a bit toned down though um let’s that sorted so weird I would have thought that the two blade of ruines would sort together what I oh yeah I got you cuz I want to see what the textures are whoa I’m just okay I was trying to

Hop off my horse but I my sorry my deer mouse oh they look so cool what the heck oh yeah I added sorry I totally forgot about this too I added in a new texture it’s it’s from my Hemlock playthrough and it’s basically just taking all of

The vanilla ones and retexturing them to whoa that one looks very oh that looks very like sarif I love look at that gold that is I love the other one though this one is like a lot more like this is I wonder if these are fixed no these I

Don’t know why the textures for this plant is broken but only like the yeah why is it broken H don’t know why cuz that was happening a few episodes ago and I meant to peruse someone else was having an issue on one of the Discord servers for not

Alternative texture stuff but just like with Textures in general but it’s because of conflicting mods I’m like how do you have a conflicting mod with alternative textures I don’t know anyways um we’ll put you away for now cuz it definitely works right we have like these two that are working

Okay yeah that’s fun to have a little Treasure Chest there that’s going to we’re going to get taxed on that stuff we put in there but I think that’s a worthy cause um those are going in nicely let’s smelt the aridium that’s really what we want to smell let’s be

Real oh my gosh this feels so nice after doing a skull Caverns run to cook all of this look at that how many I don’t even remember how many furnaces we have 1 2 3 4 5 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 that’s going to be 30 idium

Bars oh my gosh we’re finally making some way on I need to go and talk to quo sauce before I forget let’s look at our backwards TV um fruit salad thank you goodbye it is raining on um the island tomorrow but we don’t that’s okay cuz we

Got the gem bird Quest let’s check in here we haven’t actually checked in our greenhous for a few days and we may have 13 oh my gosh we have more radioactive bars that me do aridium bars I also just love the mythal bar Sprite I Love This mythal Bar Sprite oh my

Headphones just Kut on me again one second I know you can hear me but I can’t hear anything and I think it’s because I keep on hitting them when I plug them into my desktop one second sorry I’m just plugging things in and unplugging them

There we go I’m back okay I can hear the music again that mythal bar Sprite looks amazing um so we didn’t do the Omni geode exchange but we did rubies what how many Omni JS do we have we have 52 okay so that’s 10 artifact

Trow we have a lot to harvest here I I still don’t know we’ll still water them for now cuz I don’t know what’s happening we have bananas oh my gosh okay I’m going to let that grow mango trees done too we’ll let that grow even though there’s no I don’t know it’s

Fine got all this coffee did I I might have did I add boogies mod to this one um I don’t think so we can go check though I was thinking about finding a solution to my coffee grief that I’ve been encountering oh the star fruit’s

Actually up too maybe we will we will go to the desert today oops I just picked one I don’t think I had any extra star fruit in a shed I can’t remember if I pre-bought I don’t think so it’s a new gifting week so we can definitely go and visit misto and Shu

And if we’re going we uh I don’t know we we’ll see if we can go to the island oh shoot I keep on getting to Greenhouse decorate start um I have some preliminary decorating stuff I want to do in here which I’ve been mentioning for a while nice level

12 I wonder how that influences maybe I’ll hold on to these for kegs I don’t know um yeah actually let’s just take it cuz then we can go to the island and do some gifting do I have my paint bucket on me no cuz we can definitely change this but

What I why I put that there so just like randomly plays is for the fruit pretty sure that’s why I put that there let’s just start collecting all of our fruit in here five iridium quality star fruit that’s crazy um let’s just check in here I

Don’t think I have starf fruit seeds in here no yeah so we’re going to have to go buy them that’s okay um let’s quickly do an animal check up though I’m sorry that you have literally a hazelnut in here um okay let’s grab and throw grab and

Throw um we have lots 2 three 4 5 6 7 eight nice cuz cuz we didn’t do it yeah last episode cuz we just went to the skull Caverns right away I think if it’s a good luck day we will just foro anything unless we have some plans

Already happening whoa we got the thing where hum might like exploded with truffles again what hello I am so confused why there’s no Truffles and then there’s like a million hey like that seems to happen quite frequently um one two three queen of sauce we got that’s all looking good um I might

Put the rabbit foot in here yeah cuz I thought I had one in here swe oh we have some uh stuff in here that doesn’t need to be in here from who knows how many months ago okay um cheese cheese yeah that looking good okay and again we don’t need to put the

Auto patters in here cuz we have that one perk that keeps them pet for us put all that away so we can organize this a little bit I’m going to put the banana up here so I remember um yes there we go in order um that’s going

To be to take to shed and let’s do Wow Let’s just do regular quality ones I guess oh yeah we need to decorate the wall back there too one mod that I also got let me pause the game really quick was if I hold shift B we

Got smart building which is so exciting so we can actually just draw on some stuff and one of the reasons can I how do I deact there we go okay I’m sorry time is flowing again one reason why I got it is because when I was decorating

The bedroom a few episodes ago I was really curious if I could maybe potentially overlap some stuff or like how like maybe just even getting access to certain areas might be easier if I don’t actually have to get Sheamus shoved in that corner right to decorate so probably going forwards decorating

The other rooms we’re going to be experimenting with smart building but I was think even for like the shed that’d be fun cuz then we could potentially just put down rugs and stuff underneath all of these kegs without having to peel them all up which would be really nice cuz I yeah

There’s something brewing there’s something Brewing um I could have put in star fruit too I just realized that uh that’s looking good okay we’ll let those burble away let’s put back in here have I been storing them in here no okay um let me bring just for testing

Reasons cuz I can’t remember if I activated it here and I know I could just check you are don’t don’t belong sorry funan you can come down here with me whoa okay yep time to take care of this let’s dig our way in ah so satisfying sorry I will hopefully

Remember to give a loud noise warning the next time I do that oh what if I do like stone is 100% chance of I knew that wouldn’t be too loud oh a prizy holy where are we keeping our Prismatic shards I don’t even know where that one stacked are we keeping them

Just in our gem chest I’m not too sure where we’re keeping our Prismatic shards um we’ll keep the stuff on us cuz we’re just going to be wrapping around anyways is our yay our age row is on o and we are producing yay cuz you’re at 10 out of

10 oh I love that oh we got gold star age rowback for 855 okay we have some decent money stuff going on hey um let’s go in stash it’s actually 3:30 we can probably run some of this let’s run it to Pier while we have it hey

Oh I’m running out of my speed bus there we go and hello Pierre can we sell you a buttload of stuff um yeah sure I’ll still just sell them why not cool thanks Pierre oh my gosh we have so many trees that we got to take care of okay um let’s now visit

Misto did we inherit three Omni geod I think we did from um hello Mesto I’m going to give you this excellent no problem you are so close aren’t you look at his border with like the sewer borders that’s so cool um um how is he doing oh yeah to

Next episode if we remember to gift gift um is it p m p i need to look how to spell his name I was right okay sure I can ask myself gift Fisto shock um um shalot and Asterid and hello well kobas I just wanted to see the Border that’s literally the reason I’m talking to you I have my eyes on this I’m excited for this um cool oh actually while we are here yes can we Prestige our mining for the small price of

$100,000 which I think is more important than the obelisks right now personally um let’s Boop you and Boop you let’s give Harvey this which I’m pretty sure is just a liked gift yeah that’s fine um okay now let’s go and run to shock really quick um and then we’ll go back to the

Farm I think Robin do you want a coffee oh I’m so sorry for literally just standing in front of you garbage hello I think you’re not new black walnut no you are not so we will find your home sad that Robin laughed cuz I was thinking we’ll building a building um

Hello where can we give you here you go shuck there you go buddy yeah no problem oh that that bring you into the yellow Heartland I think that did hey oh shock you’re doing so good where are you look at youo four Hearts um you said you had

Some new stuff mugart is new isn’t that winter perwinkle cool is rudaba new I didn’t I can’t even remember these aren’t new tobacco’s new plant in the fall okay let’s bring some with us cuz we’re going to be stopping by there cool okay I mean we grab something new let’s now

Run over here shoot one thing that I forgot to do it’s not that I forgot to do I just wasn’t planning it oh my gosh that garbage is oh pinear we missed that maple syrup let’s go and quickly see how our crops are doing here see if there’s anything to harvest garbanzo

Teragon everything’s looking pretty good mustard greens one day look at how lovely the topen is ready to harvest okay um um fenre and oregano black Shamrock cool let’s let’s harvest the toer whoa It’s dropping extra things cool and then let’s just like cuz we bought um eight seeds for

Something so let’s just plant these here get the tobacco growing cuz that’s pretty cool oh my gosh there’s debris Central here and now we need to run back to the farm to take care of business take care of the business um actually might just leave F in here and use my warping

System to make this a bit quicker let’s clean up a little bit so we have a bunch of topen Aur we have what is this sunchoke a root vegetable derived from toon flowers with a sweet artichoke flavor in some regions they may also be called Jerusalem artichokes

Or Earth apples or sunroot that’s cool and then it also wait oh we harvested some oregano okay so we have some stuff to sell oh that is where I’m storing that um and then I have Blackberry yes cuz then all these ores are kind of whatever um what do I want

To do with this I’ll put some of it in the chest actually right now so we can make some seeds out of it in a second I’ve shipped you so all of you are just going to become C’s I need to ship one so we’ll ship

With a good quality one and I need to ship these okay yeah I need to organize these though these Are I can drop them off I still have time it’s only 7:30 I don’t know why I’m feeling so rushed for Time okay back to Farmhouse really quickly just so we can ship these things really quickly when I’m like no it’s fine okay we will no let’s put it on that’s fine just want to get to yeah a more open one okay and we will do yeah let’s do this I

Don’t know if we need gold but we’re going to do it we have so we need we need Co coal really bad holy how are we already so out of coal we’re going to have to get some what are those things called the charcoal kins okay so we’ll just bring these with

Us for now that’s fine um but we need to Zip Zap zoodle To the the island right fan oh I want the beat Obelisk so bad cuz then I won’t feel so bad about leaving Fein around um gifted Mesto gifted shock so now we need to gift these Two got to get these just in case it is the Nautilus have we gotten the Nautilus fossil oh we got a beach warm warp totem we did get the no fossil right we just need the bone flute artifacts yeah bone flute in the right okay so we don’t really need to

Prioritize uh okay fine it’s like 9:00 we got time we got some time oh we have no room in our also going to have to make a lot more bait for this give me the fishing exp because I don’t know how to fish my lowkey plan is oh get that all stored

Did we use every single one of our bait we did okay make more bait for Beach all right funon let’s rock and roll those waves are very loud in my ear I wonder how they’re translating on the video I think it’ll be okay cuz usually when I think things are very loud

They’re actually like perfectly fine in the recording asterid first our espresso is wearing off hello ASD I have a lovely gift for you yeah no worries look at the like trees oh my gosh you in the background I think that might just be a rapid ax thing though

Have you oops oh wait what was your I didn’t even see what your grimo was called I want to look at this again oh look at that all four dwarf squirrels we need for that one ornamental fan ancient seed golden pumpkin yeah it’s good that we’re hoarding everything my

Goodness giant Pearl boom we’ve been keeping them the galok galdrabok I’m so sorry if I said that wrong that’s cool oh pona um the me W of borus hey borus deer Neptune Odin T Tuli kuu goodness Venus okay and you now so what the heck is this

Creature oh teini actually your shop has not expanded too much how are you doing friendship wise with you though I’m assuming you’re near the bottom still oh you’re three hearts you’re doing pretty good ASD okay we are going to to do banana next because whoa it’s so dark it is so

Dark yay we got these ones Done and we have more than enough okay so how which one was it again this how are we doing 122 out of 130 not bad so we need eight more oh my gosh how come I I can’t get into charlot there we go um Charlotte I have a gift for you there

You go 7 out of 10 my friend oh and then talking to you brought you to eight that is so wonderful cool and now we need to sell a few things um busy busy day so we need to sell this and this yes how is this all looking pretty good

This has been growing in okay um we can probably pick this tarot and then we can bring it back with us to make seeds cuz now we can oh my gosh sorry it’s taking a while now we can Harvest not Harvest we can pick up these quality sprinklers because we have the ridium

Ones there prepped and I want to see okay so I haven’t put boogies on here that’s good to know we are going to do I want to bring F in with Me no I think I’m okay okay shoot what is it again five I think it’s okay I think we’ll call Robin because I can’t remember hi Robin I’m calling you almost at midnight hey it’s Robin business hours are here um check building upgrade cost we want to

Build 200 Stone okay I was able to get 100 Stone so that’s good that we checked let’s quickly zoom and zip our way over to the greenhouse I know it’s getting late yikes and drop off whatever goodies we have crafted sprinklers where is our crafted sprinkler po there it is

Shoot um I always do that bones bones go in mon monster I think and we need um 200 of this and we need fish chest for five oh we’re going to have to bring some of that seaweed back from the beach hey and then let’s actually craft how

Much we can probably craft like a heap of bait how many 35 amazing where is our bait there it is um 121 okay we’ll craft 150 I know that we can just um buy it from Willie but why not craft it when we have the supplies what else

Are we going to be using the bug meat for I miss Fein let’s quickly run in here into this chaotic room and we are going to request a fish pond from you it’s so dark oh my gosh where the heck are we going to I don’t even can’t

Hello um we can’t put it here interesting it’s like this whole area is blocked off um we have the barn the grass is growing in okay there do I wait one second I know I’m not on the game I do interesting grass grows very differently on this modded Farm or this

On those stard realy okay I’m G to put it probably closer just because we’re kind of confined in this area we’re not confined we’re just really operating over this area I will put it right there excellent and can I buy a cow cows Oh weird why is it asking

To put it on my main Farm oh do I have to move them out of that Barn into the other Barn that’s interesting I might have to look into that am I getting a bunch of smap ear um let’s just say stardo framework realy framework go animals interesting I thought oh there we go okay so oh that’s

Interesting I it so you have to scroll to the applicable yeah there we go okay I didn’t even see those at the top why I can go down really fast this is there we go um name your whoa why is this so this is finicky that’s okay one second uno momento let’s pull

Up this list here and let’s name You wait I have a name for you am I going to remember it probably not kenite okay and let’s buy one more not here cuz that’s our main Farm oh can we we can beat the system with Marne I just realized that we can buy animals from

Marne on our main farm with that um and we’ll do one more here just so that if they I don’t know if they need both to breed but they will and you will be named this is so funny soda light which I don’t actually know what that

Is it’s used in decorative pieces and jewelry and it looks like a rock in a mountain cool so we got those two going um that Barn is regular I think if I interact with this it’ll yeah get mad at me um which is fine and they’re fine on their own for

The first day so we are going to have to Auto grabber for backyard barn and then yes did that did that I’ll keep we we’ll check it off even though we’re still going to be going back main War bait there okay we’re doing pretty good wow checked off a lot of things off

That list today hey I didn’t even check if we had anything to bring with us to this to Pier when we ran oh no we just had some more PS I threw in there at one point that’s fine okay um make sprinklers for ginger Island cuz I think that’ll be our plan

Next episode which I’m excited about but let’s actually get to bed in our oh is this the first time we’re actually sleeping that’s so exciting actually made it to bed for once and that’s our reset for Mining and level 12 of farming holy oh shoot we didn’t get star

Fruit oops 22,000 from those things holy 15 and 75 wow wow my goodness that’s ridiculous I love it oh I’m just having so much fun sorry I’m putting a lip chop I’m having so much fun playing this right now this playr like there’s like like so many the

Moving parts are happening and they’re like really satisfying you know um anyways let me pause the time and open this we oh shoot I didn’t even do these so many things to do we are going to call it an episode um after I organize this cuz I’m

Going to be recording another one right after this um thank you for joining us on the 7th of fall year 2 on Hemlock Farm we we did so much this episode I think this will be a really fun episode to watch honestly because there’s just there was so many moving Parts but I

Will catch you in the next episode um where we continue our errands and putting around and everything until then bye-bye for now

Welcome to a modded adventure in Stardew Valley, following our farmer Seamus, the druidic scholar as he embarks on his ecological and zymological rite of passage on Hemlock Farm!

Raffadax Production mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8256
MARGO mod located here: https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul

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