The NEW Minecraft Forest Dweller Mod Is More Terrifying…

Not too long ago we took our first dive into the dweller Cinematic Universe and it went well it went exactly how you think it would have went today right here together we’re back at it again with something even worse what could go wrong we’ll be taking a dive into what I

Will call the cave dweller’s cousin the forest dweller wonderful if one had the burning desire to torture oneself with the monstrosity that is known as the forest dweller that Journey will begin right here on a a humble main men here not that scary really it’s not that big of a

Deal with me and you here together it’ll be fine I’m calm collected now with this how it works right off the bat we have a task we need to set out into the great unknown and locate a brand new all righty then well that’s wonderful right off the bat and

Advancement rolls into the screen this area that we have somehow sent ourselves straight into oh this is not a good area it’s not a good area and signs immediately off the bed asking me what my intention is why am I here I don’t know I thought it would be

Cool I think to myself right off the bat we have either the best luck in the world world or maybe the worst luck in the world depending on how you want to look at it now right now even though these loud sounds are so loud it’s terrible right now it’s relatively calm

At least up here in the surface as long as I can stay in the light like anywhere that isn’t like too dim and dark I should theoretically in theory be safe I’m a humble Adventurer a simple lad I come to this distant forign red this Soul this land for you simple I don’t

Know I just I a pickaxe I guess I don’t know I don’t know what to say it all begins the same it all okay okay stop it stop no stop it the story of the forest dweller be begins predictably exactly where you think it would begin over inside of the

Forest biome except only this time the forest biome is a slightly different more evil little bit decayed version of the forest biome instead of our familiar green trees birch trees dotting the landscape we have some kind of weird corrupted red monstrosity as soon as one moves into the biome the whole vibe

Changes we’re going to have a brand new ambian noise it sounds like a evil playing omin is booming in the background and like something out of Taylor’s dream everything has turned red everywhere it’s all that I can see running around inside of this biome we have our familiar friends Sweet to Dear

Pig I could never hurt you innocent and lost just confused in this weird land why do you run the water over here this Dark Water why am I here this water over here it’s so cool looking even under the ground is like hazy almost reminds me of

The B Del’s biome or something he is always watching me who is ah and before we set off one final time leave now okay righty then the entire time you’re inside of this biome this terrifying Ambiance is going to play in in almost loop as if it’s

Warning you that you need to get out of this space and more specifically you need to get out of it before nightfall because once Nightfall sets in this place is well look we’ll just say you’re kaput you’re doneo you’re finished is finalized if you know what I’m saying

Huh and that is the darkest cave I’ve seen in the world that’s not the way I’m calm I’m fine I’m used to the background soundtrack me and my pig dear friend your name dear friend you say it is Alonso oh we’re just exploring we’re walking around on the ground and

Chopping down the trees taking the logs leaving absolutely no terrifying floating trees no and we’re just exploring I want to find a bed I don’t want to deal with nighttime please anything so sheep friend oh sheep friend God that’s beautiful and middle of the night it takes but one mere instant for

Night time to flip over as The Moon Rises the Ambiance so it’s terrifying uh I don’t know what to do here I don’t know what to do here and I hate nighttime legit 100% I hate night time the sounds can leave me alone okay I’m I’m just cutting through I just want to

Live immediately there he is there he is he’s over there in the hill I think if we’re far enough away from him we can maintain a distance it’s not it’s not that bad there’s one of them sitting over there he doesn’t see me I’m just going to keep walking dear

Friend we want to keep our eyes on him at all time if we lose track oh no oh no oh you don’t see me please you don’t see me quick fast think fast the tools that I have are for Ultimate Survival Minecraft okay all righty I friend you

Definitely seem to care about me you’re a little too close for my liking we’ll find a different border I Wrong neighborhood or something on a different note this thing there a brand new structure almost like a ruined portal or something however right now this structure is entirely meaningless

To us for we have to find the key if we want to take advantage of it hey on a side note does anybody know exactly where this music is from because this is like this is my my meditation Vibe or whatever all righty then so this Forest

Over here it seems to be a bit corrupted with the lost souls these unknowing beings how they like to do is they lur they spot off in the distance and kind of stand around creepily with their head turned to crooked as long as we can keep our distance from these buddies over

Here they’re really not that bad like okay as soon as they do that though terrible no terrible sign he knows I’m here he takes his time but he knows I’m exactly where I am so this little buddy the friend in all the dimensions that it will unleash is known as the forest

Dweller out here in broad daylight you’re not so terrible or okay you’re terrifying I don’t like the dark Ambi on to this creature like just the pit of Unknowing is the vibe that it gives me the the terrible eyes and how it runs around like some kind of like strange

Demonic Beast or whatever that this thing is it’s it’s terrible and the claw hands too so the little thing with this being is it is insanely insanely quick and it moves in like an unpredictable unknowing way with his arms outstretched it will be able to hit you from like

Couple blocks away if you’re on the ground even with this thing as long as I’m up here though I see no King I see no King other than myself you can dream of it all day long little buddy the goal with the forest dweller is to of course

Avoid it but but but if you up for a little bit of a challenge and a branch new dimension with say Branch new Wars and tools the goal is to remove it from life well no flipping way I don’t know what it is with my luck it’s almost like

A stage or something but it’s not it’s not almost like a stage I always have the best luck of finding every tool that I need with a netherite sword a netherite set of armor and a little bit of food as well maybe the Journey won’t be so terrible I was thinking if we

Could lure one of these things out into the open maybe we will go yeah yeah you buddy if we lure you out into the open we can time or no okay okay well never mind send back over to home sweet home this thing stalks me immediately right

Off in the distance oh dear friend how about you come over to me let’s hang out I want to I want to talk to you I just we’re friends you come over here come here come here come here we’re friends cool Comm and collected amount of pillar

Come here no no no no I hate how its arms are it’s arms why are they like that stop it you’re weird looking dude the arms the arms are terrifying how it runs like that and spins around it’s like terrifying it’s so uneasy one more one more tickle just a just a

Simple tap come here the Forest dweller is not to dwelling inside of this Forest any longer that thing right there that’s the ticket to success this item the eye of the forest dweller is exactly what we needed at the time of recording this mod hasn’t taken off like I think it is

About to predictably this thing is called the forest dweller the super neat thing about this dweller mod is unlike the other ones there’s actually quite a few things added to the game involving the dweller and it actually all begins with the hunt of the Beast just like its

Name says the eye of the forest dweller is very obviously the eye of the former being I did a little bit of testing in a different world and it seems like a total of nine hits with an unenchanted netherite sword should pretty consistently do the trick absolutely the

Hardest part about this dweller though is trying to outrun it it’s literally impossible one of the most terrible encounters that I’ve had with this thing happens down in the caves on one hand it’s nice it seems like all other hostile mobs are completely banned from

This biome but but on the other hand one could be one second you’re down here Mining and then all in the distance the background you notice the red eyes just standing and staring at you waiting for you to move close enough to this being the fact that it just uneasily stalks

You and calls all of its friends from the darkness is absolutely terrifying leave me alone you weird terrible being leave me alone all right so at this point I see you over there not so scary at this point I have one goal and one goal alone

All I need to do should be pretty simple for as long as I think I can make it to the water there’s no chance these things will be able to survive in there right hey I almost want to see for science is that’s probably a bad idea right hey

Buddy hey buddy you come and try and get me I know you see me I can tell oh you’re in the water over there oh doesn’t thing you move you move so well in the bould or even oh you’re a little stock here let me come a little closer

To you buddy buddy come here come here ah come and get to me no armed with the eye of the forest dweller my single purpose my one goal in life is to relocate that strange Obelisk that I found before because now with this eye it’s unlocked I feel like I remember it

Being like maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah right over this way well if I go quick it shouldn’t be a problem right I’m in the okay all right well maybe a little bit of a problem but I made it out of Al that can’t to be stopped I’m going to be

Honest at night time while I’m being stalked relentlessly by all of these things I could probably do without the music that would be valid I don’t need the Ambiance right now leave me alone so the Obelisk right here essentially a ruined portal with a lot of profits

Right up at the top of it if that’s what you care about every single time I found one of these things it seems to be up high in the air kind of like towering here we’re going to need to like build up to it using some of the most

Beautiful Block in the world though wo it’s no big deal I’m here at the door step to the Devil’s Den I have an option I can use this eye on the portal right here and unleash it all or I could just walk away but no chance I can walk away

I’ve come so far we use it and the portal immediately lights up a little bit of durability is consumed almost as if it’s like a flint and steel or something in perfect timing Dawn Rises the Dwellers of course they not going to burn up in the daytime but eventually

Maybe I move around they just despawn they won’t continually spawn as the sun slowly Rises and an airplane takes off or something leave me alone with the sounds Man 3 2 1 it’s time to go we jump into the portal and immediately we’re taking over to a brand new land a brand

New evil feeling land what is this giant trees yes yes giant trees and weird red water it flows all over this land and oh wonderful the atmosphere inside of this Dimension which I believe to be a work in progress is terrifying it’s it’s not there’s talking in the distance I’m

Hearing talking I legit here talking in the background I I hate it you dear friend the little tiny dog you look a little hungry this is like Old Dan TDM video or something it’s kind of beautiful all over the place you ever wanted a pet dog well I guess this is

The hookup you get a dog you get a dog and you get a dog with the most tempting looking item in the world little dog what do you think oh you don’t and next up for science all over the place we find these tall evil twisting trees towering way

Taller than I could have dreamt to be up out of the sky from up here it’s terrifying if you make it all the way up to these trees that are like old and decayed I mean like you can’t even see anything because of the Ambiance of this

Biome I guess you could like see it a little bit but like the red Haze all over the place is terrible it’s terrifying however did you notice it it’s not here it’s kind of wild like as soon as you make it to this biome you’ve come so far and you have nothing really

To worry about anymore as much as I’ve explored this entire Dimension brand new I haven’t found any terrible monsters that are like trying trying to take me out relentlessly or anything it’s just a lot of sweet dogs a lot of magma blocks and actually a lot of coal blocks as

Well believe it or not this entire Dimension is maybe one of the best farming biomes places of all time and now immediately when we had enter this land there’s like weird red water if we go ahead and pick up the red water we

Get a bucket of a a bucket of oh okay I don’t know exactly what it does like if I walk into it ah okay if I walk into it I guess nothing I guess it’s no big deal it’s just terrifying and once you know what it is it’s even worse aha but right

Behind me finally Al I’m able to find one of the great things here the biggest thing with the forest dweller you find the biome in the Overworld you take it on eventually you find this ore right here at mine so slow with a slightly better pickaxe this block is still

Mine’s insanely slow but it’s fine it’s fine we will we’ll take her time time we’re in no rush find the dwelling you come over to this biome you find the ore then you mine The Ore very slowly and then sure enough you give yourself a little bit of

Raw dark Ruby now this raw dark Ruby stuff it seems to be pretty uncommon you’ll be able to find it up on the surface or down in the caves of this Dimension but it’s not going to be like overwhelming you where every corner you turn you’re going to see like more and

More and more of it I find to find the most of it relatively quickly go down low into one of the caves and run around I’m a prepared lad I would never forget essential survival supplies let’s say I made it all the way over to this biome

And did a little bit more mining I would place my furnace down put some fuel in there and then they raw dark Ruby just like the other raw Orcs we give it just a quick second and in no time we’re granted with a brand new material called

The dark Ruby inside of the crafting table with the dark Ruby we can go ahead and do it after that we walk back over to the ore that once mined insanely insanely slow and now just going to mine a little quicker excuse me sir with the help of a beautiful Ruby pickaxe things

We be quicker to mind than ever before check that out no enchantments or anything on this rubby pickaxe and it’s mining so quickly how about maybe PL old classic Stone we go ahead and mine that thing and oh it’s quick it’s so quick cobblestone as well you can tell that

This pickaxe is much quicker than normal however to be balanced it doesn’t exactly have the most durability in the world maybe you want to enchant it this sword on the other hand oh it’s a deadly dangerous tomb you got to be careful compared to a netherite sword that has

Has eight attack damage and 1.6 attack speed this thing has two attack speed and 12 attack damage that means I could walk around aside of this world and something like a poor cow I don’t even need a crit I can just walk up to this

Thing and slice and dice all in all our brand new friend the forest dweller she’s not so bad as long as you know what to do and keep your eyes on him always is not so bad and thank you all so much for watching this episode a huge thank you

To my patrons fire dragon 19 infer MC the great Vegeta Michael H CK and Skelly Wampus you’re the best this beautiful dweller that we checked out today the link to it is of course down in the description and check it out and for even more dwellers if you haven’t yet

And check out the cave dweller it’s been me wles I’ll see you tomorrow Goodbye

the cave dweller is terrifying but minecraft forest dweller might be worse… inside of a brand new corrupted forest biome lives one of the scariest minecraft mobs of all time. even worse, there lies a secret new dimension deep within as well. today we experience the forest dweller in all of its madness for the first time ever.

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if you read this comment the next dweller i need to check out.


  1. I know this isn’t related but I think the fletching table should be used to stack potion effects or make new arrows like explosive arrows with TNT for example. I hope you see this wattles and maybe reach out to a developer and give them the idea.

  2. Change grass, water and stone colors to gross blood-like tones of red and BOOM: you have Terraria's Crimson in Minecraft Overworld!

    Edit: Oh, just realized they added Terraria's Crimson as a new dimention, actually! Neat!

  3. You should try the "Abomination" mod. Its basically the creature from the creepy pasta "That Thing" and its really well made. The best horror mod out there in my opinion!

  4. 0:19: 🌲 Exploring a new mod in a terrifying forest setting with challenges and unknown intentions.
    3:29: ⛏️ Exploring a dark cave, encountering terrifying creatures, and fearing nighttime in Minecraft.
    6:57: 😱 Encountering a terrifying forest dweller while exploring, attempting to befriend it, but ultimately feeling uneasy.
    10:32: ⚔️ Unleashing the power of the Obelisk in the Devil's Den using a mysterious eye amidst a haunting atmosphere.
    13:47: 🌲 Discovery of rare raw dark Ruby ore in a unique biome in Minecraft.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  5. I just started a Minecraft phase with my cousins but I added in the cave dweller from the fog (herobrine) wither storm terralith for terrain and the voice chat mod practically made a whole new Minecraft update to play with them

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