I Made the Terraria CAVE UPDATE

In this video I make my own Terraria cave update just like how Minecraft had a cave update what if Terraria had one that added in a bunch of new biomes enemies and bosses let’s hop in the game and find out today we are making the Terraria cave update just like how

Minecraft had its own gigantic cave update that overhauled everything we’re going to be using mods to do that with Terraria and here’s the first handful of mods that I got here let’s just hop into a world just to see what things are looking like we are in the new world

It’s a medium world oh my God what the heck this is a lot more different than I thought it would be with all these mods but yeah I really don’t have well I have a slight problem with Terraria caves I feel like a lot of the times with

Regular Terraria caves you find an entrance to a cave right like say this is the entrance to the cave and then it goes for like 30 steps and then boom that’s it caves in Terraria either Branch like crazy or you mine in 30 Direction is trying to find one that

Branches and when you get those caves that don’t branch and you’re mining forever to find one that does actually Branch it’s a little bit annoying but as we can see here at spawn this is crazy not only do we have bigger areas like this bigger areas to explore oh my God

There’s so much room in here so roomy but on top of that we got things like M shafts down here in the caves and this is from the Orchid M shaft mod and as you can see it’s got a lot of extra content in here too just a nice little

Thing to have on top of having all the caves yeah look at this we got big areas like this which is very cool and then we got some smaller areas some smaller branching paths and stuff just so far from looking at this mod it looks like there’s just a lot more caves connecting

And stuff what is this we got a nice little biome over here more biomes in the cave youd love to see it and then what is this area what mod is this area from yo what the heck is this this is sick it’s got to be the Wisp Lantern mod

Which I lowkey saw like last second and threw it into this little mod pack but this is sick just more areas to explore underground which helps a lot I will say though my only problem is some of these areas do feel a little bit empty and I don’t know if that’s because there’s

Barely any monsters spawning since I’m moving around so much or maybe we just got bad RNG and there’s just not a lot of loot spawning look at this we even we even got all these areas just spread out around and it’s just very very nice it’s

Even in the ice biome which the ice biome definitely a place where I have troubles finding connecting caves the desert not so much desert and the jungle are the two areas where it’s like okay no problem when it comes to finding caves and stuff but now look over here

We look at the jungle caves we do have The Verdant mod and that mod adds in this whole cool area into the middle of the Jungle or on the side of the Jungle and it’s a lot different there’s a lot more just life and vibrant stuff going

On here not saying that the jungle is devoid of any life probably the most Pack full life area in Teraria but look at this and there’s even the stuff at the top where you talk to this statue there’s a lot of cool stuff with this mod not to mention it looks really good

For any Builders or anybody that just enjoys looking at more things in the world look at an area like this just look how big this area is this would be very enjoyable to explore around and see all the new generation going on over here it’s just a big area it’s a breath

Of fresh air and on top of that there’s also this thing I want to check what this is what is this is this straight up just a mountain I think it’s is just a mountain as you see we got the snow on the top you know the little mountain

Peaks and then down here just regular bottom of a mountain and then there’s also little spots inside that potentially might have some loot in around little crevices and crack some of them very oddly shaped but this isn’t the only set of mods here where we could really overhaul and change up the cave

Systems there’s a couple of mods but there’s one main one that I want to check out this right here is easily my favorite current day Terraria mod that adds in New World Generation look at this it looks like a whole different game Terraria 2 type generation and as

You can see the caves are a lot different this is a large world too so we’re getting like the maximum potential not only tons of dungeons tons of stuff to explore like look at all these M shafts look how detailed the M shafts are look at that different types of loot

In them too different types of layout they look really nice like these look like lowkey motels rather than like little abandoned M shafts everywhere but on top of that there is so much other stuff like I don’t even know where to start I want to check out this mod Again

By itself in the future so we’ll just quickly Breeze over some things let’s start with the granite caves which literally just become gigantic capitalizing on the Little Greek SL Roman theme it even has some new music bumping in here and then we go to the uh marble wait no this is marble not

Granite if I mix the two up earlier we go to the Granite one and look at this we got like a whole different theme here in terms of layout instead of it being like a hor IO cave it’s a long like Chasm so very unique very different adds

A lot of life down here a lot of variety and then not to mention look at this we got all these little dungeons spread out in the snow biome we also got a m shaft from this mod over here it’s just so much a gigantic pyramid to explore even

The jungle gets like a whole queen bee area and then even the outside edges get some cool stuff but one thing I want to look at here is this not only do we get one you know either corruption or crimson we get both and the second one

That isn’t the main one of your world so say like you got Crimson so Crimson is going to be at the surface obviously the corruption is all the way down here and this is so sick look how big this area is this looks like a custom like

Adventure Map that’s how sick it looks tons of orbs to break there’s like a good like 15 in there and so much area to fight the boss too and the same thing with the Crimson of course the only thing is I kind of wish they had a

Little bit more variety in the layouts it’s like yep that’s the corruption copy paste boom there’s the Crimson it’s just different colors I wish the layouts were a little bit more different maybe like the corruption has more spikes in it or the Crimson has more spikes in it

Because they do look very similar there but other than that it’s pretty sick and I’m not even going to touch like all these gigantic like labyrinths and stuff everywhere this will be for when I cover the mod again cuz this mod does update a good bit of times and there’s a lot more

Content I’m very excited for the future to see like what goes in Big Empty areas like this under the ocean cuz as you can see there could be a lot lot of good stuff but now that we have you know all the caves and stuff right we need

Something to fill these caves up we got all these new caves from all these mods new layouts we need some bosses and some monsters so I threw in some mods here that add in more enemies and bosses and we’re here in the granite biome guess what we got the thoral mod installed

Because it adds in a granite themed boss the granite energy storm nice little boss fight for down here that’s exactly what we’re looking for if we’re trying to expand the caves and of course since they add in a granite boss you know that they got to have a marble one too these

Would probably be more exciting to fight in like the uh remnants mod world but yeah we got the berry Champion look at that another nice little greek SL Roman theme looking a boss here to fit in the marble biome pretty sick pretty good we’re filling out the biomes here with

Some nice bosses after that you know we get a little bit more on the generic side in terms of filling out a bind with a boss just generic cave bosses I always felt like Terraria should have a cave boss I I thought that when they uh

Released 1.4 there was going to be a cave boss but instead both the bosses 1.4 ended up being just Hol theme bosses which I don’t hate but the Vitality mod adds in a gemstone Elemental which is just a nice and generic cave boss as we

Can see here made out of a bunch of gems of course you find gems in caves like this look at that so that fits in perfectly with what we’re looking for and then I got a mod that I haven’t really touched at all but I just Googled

It really quick and it said that it added in a cave boss and that is the UT trick mod hopefully that’s how you pronounce it uh trick so let’s go to an area where there isn’t lava coating the floor cuz we don’t want the boss to just

Burn but the boss is this dude right here dreader it’s not like Edgar but dread at the beginning and it said that he is a early Game Cave boss and he do look like a lowkey my boy got that pickax on him he ready to do some mining

Damn don’t mind me yo he’s spawning in skeletons that dig skeleton diggers my boy summon in bombs okay I like the whole mining theme of this dude we even got some bosses that you could potentially fight over here in the sand biomes like this Grand ant line there’s

A couple bosses that add ant line bosses that you can fight either on the top of the desert or in the bottom but yeah we pretty much filled out majority of the ones we’re just missing a few for example the uh mushroom biome would be another place to have one one but again

There is more mods that add in bosses that you can fight here for example the secrets of the Shadows mod adds in a nice glow moth that you fight here not only are we filling out the caves with just bosses of course we got to have the generic enemies running around for

Example the marble biome will have these dudes from the thorium mod running around the caves will have these ice enemies running around like there’s just a bunch of variety from the thorium mod alone we even got a flinx matriarch big boy flinx on top of that we got the mod

The utri mod also adds in some more cave dudes for example you know we saw these two skeleton themed ones there we got the Vitality mod itself also adding in some more enemies and then we got assorted crazy things which is lowkey a favorite little tinier mod of mine so

You can see it adds in a bunch of cool little slimes Stone soldiers just more stuff you’re going to see is that a Megalodon yeah just more stuff that you’re going to see under in the cave areas or even above some of these probably spawn above too just a lot of

Unique things that was us pretty much expanding terraria’s C caves giving it our own terer cave update who knows if it will come in a future update they probably think the cave generation is fine which I think it’s not terrible but like I said earlier there’s some things

That I feel like here and there can be touched I would love to see more enemy variants of course both in vanilla Terraria and just a mod that adds in more Terraria enemy variants cuz there really isn’t any mods like that anymore there was one but it’s for an older

Version T mod loader and then there used to be one from 1.3 that added in a bunch of enemy variants but that mod never updated and again vanilla Terraria if they keep updating it bro I would love to see a cave boss it could be either a

Generic cave boss it could be a marble or Granite themed one mushroom biome themed one just something I want to see a cave boss yeah shout out to everyone that made the mods make sure to check them out video should be popping up on the screen make sure to like subscribe

Hit the notification bell all that good stuff and I’ll see y’all next time

Minecraft had a Cave Update, so why not Terraria? Let’s make our own Terraria Cave Update while we wait for a real one!

Mods used:
Better Caves
Orchid Mineshaft
Assorted Crazy Things

0:00 Intro
0:29 New Caves
6:42 New Bosses and Enemies
9:56 Outro


  1. The Remnants mod leaves a large open area under the sea on the dungeon side of world gen for Calamity's Abyss biome to spawn without compatibility issues. If you haven't played with those two installed together, it is a must play.

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