Hey it’s me GV and welcome to the first ever tier list Thursday which is exactly what it sounds like we’re going to take a tier list each week and do them uh I’m a very opinionated person I like to think that I’m very knowledgeable when it comes to video games especially but

You know some other topics in life of course as well uh I love music I love film you know stuff like that whatever um I’ll say this right off the bat if you have any tear suggestions join our Discord there should be a link in the description

Below uh which I’ll make sure at least goes uh moving forward will be there uh after you know this video um or tweet them to me tweet them to me at grovana um or yeah put them in the Discord we literally have a tier list channel in

The Discord which the Discord is open and free to everyone and will remain open and free to everyone moving forward um yeah you know it’s it’s not the most creative idea but it’s some something that I think will be a lot of fun for me

Uh so I you know you got to follow the fun baby that’s what my grandpa always used to say you got to follow the fun he died of a heroin addiction that was a really dark horrible joke I’m sorry Grandpa if you watch still live sorry if

You watch this speaking of Grandpa we got Grandpa over here let’s start with him maybe um anyways uh we’re going to kick this one off with ranking the stardew valley characters and to the person that’s going to say what I didn’t know you love stardew Valley uh yeah man um little

Quick story uh and we’ll go through this quick because tier lless videos can take a long time uh basically 2019 was hyper depressed uh had gone through something personal uh a whole Myriad of things in 2019 2019 was the worst year of my life and uh basically found stardy Valley and

It was a wonderful uh distraction and basically it really really really like helped me to cope with that year um which I don’t want to get too into because I’ve talked about it at naum but uh yeah stard Valley really really really was the distraction that I needed

Um so yeah I put uh should have checked before this video but great many hours into it got every achievement except for that still have 39 out of 40 because there’s that horrible horrible prairie king achievement they might have changed it now cuz back in the day it was like impossible basically so

Anyways um yeah we’ve got all the stardew valley characters here and we will rank them s a b c d i feel like there should be an F but this is how they’re always laid out so let’s get right into it we will start with Grandpa uh if you don’t know Grandpa

Basically set you upon your quest he dies he says hey if you’re in the if you’re in the you know you got get caught up in the Modern World come on down to St your Valley take over my farm and uh you’ll feel much better um I don’t remember much of the interactions

Past that uh it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to year three which is where I feel like there’s some more stuff that happens um as indicated by the shrine or whatever uh but you know I mean he’s he’s one of these ants I always forget

How to pronounce this word is it ants I can actually look it up right now is it an or anciliary it’s ancillary is it not going to give you the little sound thing you’re not going to give me the sound thing really what okay do I have to click you I have to

Click you ancillary ancillary okay my brain always tells me it’s anciliary but no it’s not you know one of these ancillary characters that you know isn’t really one of the main people um he will go in be tier yes yes I mean he’s just kind of there but he’s

Cool and he starts you off on your journey and that’s quite neat uh who the hell is this I’m gonna have to research who this is who the hell is this guy so I guess I should preface this I did everything in stardew Valley before the big 1.5 patch so this

Guy might be a 1.5 I’m literally going to search stardew Valley Goblin who how to defeat the Goblin Pro I don’t want to spoil anything who who is this Goblin man I don’t remember this at all he might be a new thing henchman is that what he’s called oh I do remember this

So they basically just put anybody that has a Sprite in here because this guy’s like this guy’s like very he doesn’t he doesn’t do too much if I remember correctly uh yeah he’s a goblin henchmen um I I’m not going to spoil anything for this game uh so just keep that in mind

Uh so if there’s characters that are kind of spoilerish then we’ll kind of just you know talk about them quickly and move on uh this character is a c character he’s just uh you know he’s he’s a henchman that’s what he is from what I remember he doesn’t really I have

Experienced this character I just don’t remember much about him uh let’s go for Gil next uh Gill’s kind of like the wisened adventurer club dude that doesn’t have too much to do with anything but you can kind of tell he’s put in his dues and is able to Garner

Respect from the town or at least um the other guy which I’m actually forgetting his name uh this Marlin right yeah Marlin uh so Gil I’d say is a b character he doesn’t really have much to do or interact but he also you know you can

Kind of tell he doesn’t need to he’s got respect kind of built into him uh let’s go with Alex Alex is sports bro a lot of these characters in sturdy Valley are very one-dimensional um they kind of have their thing and that’s their thing uh I never really liked Alex cuz he’s just

Typical jock and that’s basically where it ends um keep in mind a lot of these I did not romance so if you go through the romance pack I did Max out the relationships of everybody again post or pre 1.5 patch the duck pond patch or whatever the

Where they added all the stuff um so you know if you romance these people and then they change through that I have not experienced that outside of the people that I’ve romanced so for Alex uh he is going to go c as well I don’t like Alex

But he’s kind of you know just there he’s a he’s a jock what else is there to be said uh we’ve got kobus kobis uh is an interesting fella uh I’m going to put put kobis in the a tier I like kobis a lot and that’s all that

I’ll say about that uh next up let’s go with Sebastian he is your emo boy um he likes doing all the emo stuff eating weird foods uh going to the dock late at night uh talking about how dark life is or whatever the hell yeah he’s he’s emo

Boy I don’t particularly like characters like this that um are not only one-dimensional but on top of that are also depressive it’s just like all right well yeah okay life can suck what are you going to do about it you know crap or get off the pot uh so for

Sebastian I would have to say he would also be C tier for me doesn’t quite make it to D which is the bottom of the barrel um do I like him more than Alex do I like him more than Alex yeah I’d say I’d say he goes above Alex for sure

Uh Clint I don’t like Clint at all uh Clint is Sebastian but without the emo Edge uh he is boring blacksmith man that is also always depressed I get it life sucks I understand but again what are you doing about it if you just complain constantly to everybody you’re not

Really going to have anybody on your side um you’re just going to kind of ostracize those around you and that is Clint Clint for me goes in deter unfortunately I don’t like Clint uh Emily I just realized these are all alphabetical order aren’t they uh so

We should maybe should we go in order or does it not really matter let’s go with Emily uh Emily I kind of always make to be a crazy lady she’s just got those like eyes that are like she’s got the smile and the eyes that are like you

Know um you wake up next to feces in your bed or something one day you know what I mean um it’s unfortunate too cuz she’s got blue hair and I love the color blue but uh Emily doesn’t do it for me unfortunately yeah I can’t see myself

Ever Romancing Emily ever in in in a playthrough of stardy Valley unfortunately she’s she’s craftsy and artsy and she um you know is has weird dream cutcenes with yoga stuff and all sorts of bizarre things uh but unfortunately she goes to the block next prisoner she goes to Sea uh and

Then I should go about I probably I like her better than Sebastian top of CER so far uh Abigail Abigail was my first ever romance in stardo Valley um she’s very young I think she talks about high school or something but the first time that I played stard Valley was years ago

I think 2019 like said or 2018 rather then so I was a lot younger myself so it wasn’t as weird and creepy now it’s kind of weird cuz I’m a lot older and so you know Abigail is kind of not able to be romanced I it’s too creepy for me now

But back in the day you know she was uh the gamer girl the cool flute playing graveyard visiting uh Chrono Trigger poster having girl with colored hair which in real life is is very much my type um very much my type so yeah Abigail’s got to be S tier for sure my

First uh wife in in stardew Valley uh yeah got to would be a disservice to not put her in s tier uh let’s go with Jass uh the kids are kind of just there you know they’re just kids that’s kind of their personality uh Jass is a little shy I

Guess that’s her outstanding trait is her shyness uh not much going on here but not you know she’s a kid I mean she’s she’s still learning and developing her personality and all that sort of stuff so I think we’ll put her in B tier uh yeah and we’ll go with the other kid

Which is Vincent um same sort of thing they’re both kids they’re likable enough um I don’t really think they have much of a personality to be honest within the game so I will put Vincent in B tier as well uh okay moving on we’ve got I think her

Name is Evelyn but she says that you can call her granny um you know if I was like a memester you know like you get like these reactionary like you know like oh Evelyn oh my God granny nice granny that’s s tier easy but I’m looking I I like to

Look at things objectively honestly and objectively and Granny’s great um she’s really really nice she has to deal with this guy’s BS uh yeah she’s uh she’s a very nice old grandma character that’s basically who she is I will put her in a tier she

Is a very nice lady uh this guy I don’t think does anything maybe we could do some on the spot research uh uh like that and like that I don’t think this guy has any yeah his name is literally Bouncer and I think that’s just about it

Yeah he he is literally a bouncer honestly they probably shouldn’t have put just the characters that don’t really have anything to do with anything on this tier list cuz what do I do with this he’s a bouncer that’s what he does uh put him in D for not having even a

Character uh okay Caroline um I feel like her entire personality is wife and that’s that’s like I said sty Valley is very kind of onedimensional with its characters unfortunately uh yeah I think um Carol I don’t even I can’t even think of she’s got green hair that’s cool

She uh what do I even she’s she’s got like no personality at all I she’s just from what I remember maybe she has like a quirk or two that I’m forgetting but yeah she’s just kind of there easily one of the most forgettable characters I think in stardy Valley unfortunately I

Will put her here past the goblin the Goblin’s the GateKeeper of of rank d uh she yeah she’s unassuming she’s whatever uh Demetrius has some character actually uh there’s some funny cut scenes with Demetrius um I don’t again I don’t want to spoil anything because if you haven’t

Played stury Valle you honestly should it’s amazing was made by one guy um and is one of the most successful games of all time um Demetrius is a scientist nerd dad who is very protective of his daughter uh almost too protective uh I like Demetrius I will put Demetrius in B

Tier and even at the top cuz he’s one of the main characters in The Village uh I think this guy is literally called dwarf stardew Valley dwarf I believe yeah he’s a dwarf uh and he sells things I believe and I think that’s about it so

He is a character that you can kind of interact with and actually do some stuff with but other than that he doesn’t really have much of a personality um but you know he’s a dwarf that’s pretty cool uh I will put him at

The end of B tier I do like him he just uh you have to discern his language which is cool as well uh next up let’s go for the mayor I think this guy doesn’t have too many scenes um he kind of just shows up to

Kind of like what’s going on in the town he doesn’t really even have an I think is his name literally mayor probably uh yeah this guy’s whatever he’s just a mayor so you know I like his uh art and I like his jubilant seeming nature that’s about it uh Morris oh boy

Morris what do we say about moris so again if I was like a meme you know reactionary person be easy at the bottom of D he’s so evil and bad andah you know life doesn’t work that way like there’s nothing’s pure black or white um so Morris’s the joa corporation

Representative uh and he is a piece of crap like he actually has cut scenes where he is genuinely downright uh kind of evil or kind of at least you know like sadistic or very rude at least um so yeah he’s not good but as a character I think you need an

Antagonist you can’t can’t just have everybody like hey we all love each other life’s great and that’s it I think it’s cool that stard Valley has an element of more you know of Morris in there so in terms of being a character of stardew Valley you know I think I

Would put him in the B tier cuz he actually shakes things up and it’s not just all honky Dory and he offers the player some greed oriented choices so that’s kind of cool uh and I would put him probably around here cuz again a lot of these characters kind of just there

Or you they or their ancillary like Grandpa uh let’s see let’s go with Marney Marney is cool Marney has an interesting relationship with one of the town’s members um she also cares for animals which is really nice she also has a shop so she’s got like you know she she

Provides a service and she’s got some weird back not back story she got some weird stories with other members and she’s an animal lover so that’s cool and I also like her Sprite work uh I would put Marty in the a tier I think Mar is a great

Character uh let’s go with Shane so Shane’s hard to talk about without spoiling he’s your typical jerk on the surface but has more going on underneath um I don’t think that’s an excuse for the way that Shane acts when you first meet him he is straight up a

Jerk and you know we’re all dealing with stuff to just be outwardly hateful to people that are like you know how he part and we’re deeply analyzing stardy Valley I get it but like yeah I know I don’t like those types of characters I don’t care that they’re redeemed and all

This crap I don’t care like you can treat people with common respect you know what I mean so sh Shane I don’t like um but yeah you have to play his you have to go through his story to really understand everything uh yeah I’m going to put him at the top

Of D unfortunately I don’t like Shane I don’t like people like that I really don’t uh Harvey he is your nerdy doctor type um I always give him like the the the the Chucky’s dad Chucky finster’s dad’s voice from Rugrats um yeah you know whatever he’s a

N doctor that’s kind of it uh if I remember right um so he would go in B tier and he will go kind of near the end of B tier I I’ll put him with the actual characters because again you know Jass and Vincent are characters but they’re they’re kids there’s like

Nothing going on there uh Gus Gus is the proprietor of the star drop Saloon and he’s your typical very jubilant uh Chef character he likes to cook and he’s very very wholesome and Gus is great I honestly would put Gus in s tier he is a top tier stard Valley

Character not only is he you got the base personality hey hey how’s it going I’m Gus I’m jubilant but then on top of that you got the fact that he likes to cook you got some cut scenes where it flushes that out you got some cut scenes

Where it flushes out his kindness um top tier uh Gunther this guy unfortunately just seems like a cut character um this guy is like a he’s got a cool Sprite and he is the like artifact collector and the manager of the library SL Museum uh but they didn’t give him

They didn’t you can’t like have a relationship with him in terms of like you know like like you can with all these other characters I really think they cut like his stuff it feels like he got cut which is very unfortunate CU otherwise he’s cool I got

To put him in C tier cuz cuz he doesn’t really you know what I mean he’s he’s jovial I like him I’ll put him in I’ll put him above the dwarf yeah he’s kind of yeah kind of same thing with Gil like these two kind of like are supposed to be somebody but

There just wasn’t enough time or something you know what I mean okay uh let’s go with mayor Lewis who’s a controversial one apparently some people don’t like May Lewis uh I happen to like Mar Lewis I think he is there some funny cut scenes which I won’t spoil there’s

Some funny quests from him or at least a funny quest which I won’t spoil but you know he’s your typical like I always give him a British accent hello and welcome to stalo Valley nice to see you um yeah I like bar Lewis I think he is

He’s you know he does his best as the bear he’s involved with all the events uh he’s a good guy uh we’ll put him in a tier right next to Marne uh this guy’s name is Keith right so he looks like Lieutenant Serge from Pokemon um this guy is weird I don’t

Want to spoil anything he’s not a conventional member of stardew Valley um he from what I remember is just kind of very stoic he uh he the game the game goes in the game weirdly enough has a lot of references to war and he is like kind of the war

Character the the soldier um yeah he’s just kind of it’s weird the vibe is very weird with this character cuz it just doesn’t really fit stardy Valley I feel like that being said I mean he’s he’s interesting he’s just kind of like stoic and uh yeah he’s got

Some stuff going on if I remember right so I would put him probably at the top of B tier cuz he spices things up in Sp in sty Valley in terms of gameplay uh then Haley uh obviously very pretty um your typical she she’s like Boon’s wife in

Fall New Vegas right the girl that like thinks she’s better than everybody and shouldn’t be here at least it’s if I remember that’s how they describe her uh but apparent and I don’t remember cuz I I never romanced her but I did but I have done playthroughs where I intended

To romance her because apparently she does she gets the Shane treatment where like on the surfice she’s very vapid and very like you know superficial whatever but apparently she does get better um so honestly why not put her with Shane I don’t know she I don’t know Shane is

Openly a jerk Haley I feel like just wants to leave the valley and get out of there but she’s kind of openly a jerk too now that I think about it right I don’t think she’s as bad as Shane if I remember right though um she’s an interesting character she she’s

A lot more in and Shane’s an interesting character too he it’s just he just really rubs me the wrong way yeah she’s a little she’s a little hard to place where do we place Haley I think we place her in B tier cuz I don’t quite remember once you max out

Her relationship I really don’t remember where that goes um and I do not know what happens if you romance her either I’m going to put her kind of yeah next to yeah next to Morris Cuz she at least you know makes the player think about how everything’s not just everyone’s just

Happy all the time you know what I mean uh next we got Willie Will’s the fisherman um I like Willie a lot he I love the fishing in stardy Valley apparently people hate the fishing what’s wrong with you um Willie gives you the rods and he he’s your typical

Guy just loves fishing that’s only if it smells itself uh I like Willie a lot is he eights here that doesn’t really can you even socialize with Willie I forget does he even have like a whole story line they might might have added that cuz they added some stuff with him that I

Have not experienced uh I think Will’s near the top of beach here for me yeah uh Elliot I always give this guy the very grandiose way of talking CU his hair is just so meticulously you know coralled um this was my girlfriend’s um uh husband

Hbond uh Elliot’s cool I uh he’s like a writer lives it’s weird he dresses very fine and everything his hair is very fine but then he lives in a Shack on the beach and writes he’s you know he’s got some interesting stuff going on he’s

Kind of like I think a little more um keeps to himself and has like a poet’s Soul he’s a cool character uh is he a not for me personally but I’m sure a lot of people would put him in a to S which I understand I think he goes near the

Top of B tier for me George good boy where do I even start with this guy this guy is he even more of a jerk than Shane he kind of is but also he’s crotchety he’s your typical crotchety old man who’s just bitter and hates life

And he’s bound to a wheelchair and he just yeah he just hates life he I don’t you can see the scowl on his face right here I don’t like those types of people I don’t want to end up like those types of people um I don’t think it it’s an

Excuse to just like you’ve had some hardships and you know same thing with Shan you’ve had some hardships and now you’re just a jerk to everybody um yeah I if I remember right he does you know same thing you go through his story and you realize okay

There’s more than the surface and you know you realize why he’s angry and stuff and I get that and I give him more of an excuse than Shane because Shane’s still really young but George yeah he I don’t think George is detier for me but he’s definitely yeah bottom of sea I think

Like I get it you’re an old man and you’re mad at the world or whatever I get it but it’s just like you’re so rude and mean and angry and just not happy to be around um Jodie I think her name is uh Jodie unfortunately she is more interesting

Than Caroline Caroline is just a nonch character like I don’t think there’s anything going on with this character jod at least I if I remember right has some wholesomeness some like some spunk a little bit um she’s cool she’s she’s you know doesn’t have much going on I

Always like put jod and Caroline kind of together because they’re just like you know they’re just it’s a lady that’s you know that’s pretty cool um so I would put her honestly near the bottom of B tier kind of yeah kind of with Harvey because they’re just kind

Of there but they you know they’re kind they got their little Sparks uh Maru is the daughter of Demetrius and uh Robin it’s so weird some of these people look like the same age but then they’re like mothers versus teenagers or early 20-year-olds or whatever uh Maru is the

Nerdy girl she follows in her dad’s footsteps um I there’s just something about her that I can’t like I’m I don’t know I’m I’m just not into I can’t see myself Romancing her ever I don’t know why I don’t know why like Haley I could see it

Even though she’s kind of mean uh you know Abigail first first wife uh some other girls here for sure I could see Romancing uh you know like Emily I can’t see it all it’s like Emily it’s like they’re fine characters I just can’t for there’s something off about them you

Know what I mean uh not off cuz like there’s nothing off about bar she’s just a she’s just a nerd that’s her Main thing she just a a nerdy chick but that’s about it uh she’s fine I would put her in B tier probably yeah right next to her dad

Honestly yeah okay moving right along pam pam lives in a trailer and is I think pretty much confirmed an alcoholic I think that’s like l correct um yeah she yeah she’s nice like Pam’s nice but she’s your typical I think Barfly like if you were to see a lady

Show up at a bar every single night and wreak of cigarettes and booze I think that’s Pam so yeah she also drives a bus spoiler alert um she she she’s a bus driver so I think that’s kind of a bad combination cuz I think if you’re an alcoholic

Sometimes your alcoholism can like go into the next day and then if you’re driving a bus full of people probably not a good combo but maybe I’m being judgmental she’s got curly fries for hair uh yeah I like Pam she’s she’s just kind of there um and she yeah her main

Trait is that she’s an alcoholic uh so where does Pam go um probably in be you know she’s got character Pam’s got a lot of character which I like probably B tier probably right about here yep uh lius I do not like lonus I understand I think

He’s like a fan favorite he he’s basically a homeless person that lives in a tent and he always complains about people picking on him when you never see evidence of that ever he’s like you coming here to crap on my shoes it’s like no I’m just trying to give you a

Gift are you coming here to snap me in the face like no what are you talking about and he yeah the there’s like an early cut scene that rubs me the wrong way with him too where you try to give him your honest response he’s like well

No I don’t I don’t like lonus I feel like he’s he’s has like a a uh humiliation Kink or something um yeah honestly he is in C tier near the bottom probably above Caroline uh Mr Q or Mr key this guy’s like a gimmick character he basically

Just exists to kind of offer mystery to the game with certain quests and stuff uh cool design of course and very mysterious uh you know when someone’s a gimmick character they’re not really usually my favorite um that being said I could be forgetting some of his like

Actual personality uh I would put him in beer as well and I would put him probably here he’s kind of like Willie he just like kind of serves a purpose for the game Will’s the Fisher guy uh Mr key Q whatever his name is he kind of

Like the the mystery man you know what secrets in stardy Valley await thee uh penny has cinnamon rolls for hair as does Princess Leia really cute really sweet very shy Bookworm um I like penny a lot could definitely see a romance path for Penny at some point um play through uh yeah I

Like Penny um you know shy girls are very often my type in in real life um because it usually ties into like intelligence and I I really like intelligent women um yeah I like penny a lot I would put penny in does she reach H does she reach a

Tier yeah she and she hangs out out with the kids and like teaches them and stuff and she’s also the daughter of Pam and still came out like you know not hopefully an alcoholic and I I I don’t I feel like I’m being mean to Pam I just

Always give Pam the hey Dutch what you doing you know that sort of thing yeah I think we’ll put penny in a here I do like Penny uh Leah uh Leah is super cool I always give her like a hippie druggie when I say druggy that’s always super

Harsh I mean just like probably smokes a lot of weed I yeah saying drug is way too harsh mean she smokes a lot of weed I would bet um hangs out in the forest and she’s like a sculptor cuz I guess is Emily a painter

I don’t know is Emily an artist I don’t know but yeah Leah’s super cool um I could also definitely see doing a playthrough where I romance Leah um for sure she also goes in a tier probably behind Penny because um I think Penny’s sweetness is really nice uh then we got

Marlin he is just kind of like the adventure Guild guy to kind of like Lead You Through The Adventure Guild you know and just be there to offer you challenges and sell you weapons and stuff uh cool design ey patch you know I I picture him

Always as like an anime character uh he just seems like you know the the grizzled anime the veteran of a certain cause or something so he’s cool but he unfortunately is kind of like some of these other characters where he doesn’t really have a relationship you can forge with him uh

I think I’ll put him yeah he’s kind of above Grandpa and all these people he’s even he has more personality than a lot of these people um yeah I would put him probably here behind Maru uh we got Pierre the shopman the salesman the shopkeeper how do you

Describe I don’t know you know what I mean uh Pierre he is is just a dude he’s he’s got personality he’s like a you know he’s he wants he’s eager to sell you seeds for your farm um I think his kind of little component is that he’s

Kind of like a little too money hungry like he’s always pushing it and like I think his wife is like I wish he would spend time with us instead of you know trying to sell seeds or whatever so he’s got some character he’s got some interesting stuff and obviously very

Important to the game cuz that’s how you get your seeds um yeah integral part of stardy Valley I would put his in B tier and I would put him in high B tier uh probably behind Elliot then we’ve got Sam um Sam to me is kind of like Abigail like they’re

Cool they’re nice they’re Abigail is not even that nice but they’re cool they’re nice they’re like you know they’re they’re interesting people to want to romance but they’re also seemingly very young like you know Abigail like said when I first played the game I was like

Oh gamer girl sign me up uh but then yeah both her and Sam kind of just seem like kids now that I’m older you know what I mean so yeah cool guy uh he’s in like a band with Abigail and Sebastian are they all forget who’s in the band I

Feel like it’s him Sebastian Abigail Abigail play oh yeah Abigail plays they gave Abigail so much stuff she plays flute she plays drums I think and all the other stuff uh yeah Sam’s cool uh I like Sam um he is high B tier for me probably above Pierre does he beat

Elliot no cuz I feel like Elliot’s you know so we’re fine uh we have Sandy Sandy is spoiler territory but she is very cool love her design love her weird shirt um and if I remember right her personality is very jubilant and very outgoing um a very attractive person in

Terms of Personality um as far as St valos so yeah Sandy is definitely High a tier I think yeah right there uh the wizard the wonderful Wizard of stard you this guy’s a bit of a jerk he’s kind of pompous um but you know knowledgeable and he represents like Mr key uh he

Represents a lot of the mystery of stardy Valley kind of leads you through the mystery a bit uh but he’s his pompous nature turns me off his Design’s cool his Abode is cool it’s cool that he introduces you to some of the weird stuff in the game uh but I don’t like

That he is kind of rude so I will put him in B tier kind of above Pierre then finally Robin Robin is the carpenter she builds your house upgrades and she is an easiest here um yeah Robin is awesome um she is she’s got a lot

She’s got a very funny side to her and she’s got you know she’s she builds the stuff as well and yeah she’s very sweet funny outgoing person which is you know very cool to interact with and there we go ladies and gentlemen that is stardew Valley characters ranked as

You’ll notice by this video I’m very like objective where I try to be again I I don’t like the Ty kobis oh my God crob is so cool s+ cheer you know wizard he’s so weird s+ cheer oh morish evil no no no bottom of D no

No no I I don’t like I like actually looking at stuff and trying to genuinely sus out where they fall you know in terms of what the overall theme is which in this case is stardy Valley like what what does the character add to the game

I feel like so uh that’s it for tier list Thursday first ever episode I had a lot of fun I hope you enjoyed watching the video um if you want to see more let me know cuz we’re in the experimental stage of the channel uh there’s like a

Cough that always just like it’s like I’m here now and then it like makes me like like sucks the the the voice out of my mouth anyways um yeah let me know uh leave me teer the suggestions join the Discord if you’d like leave me them in

The tier list uh Channel or you can leave them in the comments or you can tweet at me what you’d like to see covered uh obviously I’ll do anything man I mean I I really enjoy talking if it’s not clear about opinionated things so uh and let me know if you agree or

Disagree and all that good stuff uh put some discourse in the comments because I would love to see what you all think and yeah that’s it for the first episode of tier list Thursdays thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video Bye-bye

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Welcome to this week’s Tier List Thursday where we’re ranking all of the Stardew Valley characters – enjoy!

Playlist for this series:
To be added.

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/grohlvana-shirts-merch

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Outro by MATERIA

With all of my videos and streams I try my best to let my love for games shine through and to keep us both entertained, or at the very least provide a much-needed distraction. Thank you for watching :^)

#stardewvalley #stardew #tierlist


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