I Attempt to beat Calamity Mod Classic, Its completely broken…

How far can the gear from Calamity 1.0 hold up against the modern day Calamity mod that’s the question I’ve always wondered does zero gee along with calamity’s first ever blade hold up against the evolved devour of gods how far can items made 8 years ago take me

In today’s version of Calamity in this video we will 100% this version in its entirety so stick to the end to find Out okay so some background information before we get started what I’m currently playing on is version 1.0 of Calamity you notice my rage and adrenaline meters are completely gone my flight bar also gone there isn’t even any difficulty game modes heck for The Full Experience why don’t we just remove all the texture

Packs okay this is bring me back to the good old days anyways like I said this also works with the current version of Calamity but I won’t be enabling it right now so I could fully experience 1.0 for myself with some trees cut down

I make a set of wood armor and to the left I SP Thorn is the corruption so without proper gear there’s nothing for me to do but to retreat and explore the other side I found some living wood trees give me an aglet and a one of

Sparking from the other chest it’s so crazy that traces of Dron are nowhere to be seen in this version as the cute little wolf from Bots that I’m so used to are just non-existent I eventually make my way to the desert biome and the vulture drops a desert feather putting

This into my recipe browser we can see this recolored Avenger emblem which is the spawner for the very first boss in Calamity further away I reached the edge of the desert and something pretty lucky happens here the devour worm spawned and chased me which revealed a bury desert

Pyramid underneath the ground which I never would have spotted otherwise so I mined down and got myself the beautiful Sandstorm in a bottle providing me with a great double jump as I Venture further and further down I LW a desert cabin giving me a bar statue and the Thunder

Zapper a pretty decent Mage weapon but I don’t really have the Mana to use it right now after dying to a tomb crawler I respawn and notice the Sun is setting once again so I can shock myself a nice little box do some inventory sorting and spend most of the night mining a

Elevator after not much success of finding a good cave to explore I recoil up and revisit the underground pyramids I find myself two Life Crystals and moving away from the granite biome I reached the blue mushroom biome and from the chest I really didn’t get anything useful but hey the vanity set looks

Pretty nice so that’s what I’m using after some time I slowly approach hell and the gold chest gave me the lava charm and with that I dropped down into the obsidian Towers but with only a cou of pickaxe I I couldn’t really do anything here so I recoil back to base

And make the essential crafting stations I made an amethyst hook and with a small amount of platinum I made a platinum pickaxe which will allow me to mine obsidian which believe it or not is a pretty crucial ingredient within 1.0 and the game plan now fighting the first

Ever iteration of the desert Scourge this is going to be interesting so I make myself the desert Medallion and head over to the desert biome where I built a row of platforms and place the campfire for some extra regeneration and it’s time to fight the desert Scourge

One one thing I immediately notice is how incredibly slow and skinny the boss is like I don’t even have homies boots on me but I can still very comfortably just run backwards and be fine from its quote unquote head charge I completely annihilate this boss fairly easily and

Yeah I guess that’s our first boss down from the treasure bag you’re not going to be happy I got no weapons no accessories only some seashells starfish and coral which can all be obtained from the beach anyways but we did get some victory shards allowing us to make

Either the star Fury or craft some victide armor back at base I only had enough ingredients to make seven bars so I crafted myself the red tide sword throughout the video I’ll be showing you old versus new comparisons of each weapon 8 years apart from each other and

Man for my first ever Calamity weapon I was pretty disappointed so to craft all the Calamity gear available to me I head back to the desert to collect some more materials and since it’s becoming nighttime I spent the rest of the day building some NPC housing and with the morning soon

Approaching I head back to the desert biome and refi the desert Scourge I don’t know why but it’s just so funny seeing how far we’ve come from the early days like this would definitely not slide in today’s modern standards but anyways with another desert Scourge defeated I still do not have enough

Ingredients to make a full set like I know I keep comparing the two versions but like today’s Calamity after one boss fight you’d have enough to craft everything the armor sets the weapons in this version I got to fight this meme worm another three times to get anything

Inflation is definitely real and you notice this trend throughout the rest of the playr this time I tested my red tide sword and I mean with all that work I can now craft a full set of victide armor this is the armor set burus today with a helmet for each class literally a

Mini essay and this is what we have in version 1.0 increases life regen and damage while submerging in liquid pretty simple enough I also crafted the SE bow which deals a little more base damage but fires a lot faster than a typical Platinum bow so to test my new equipment

I do a little Arena preparations for the eye of cthulu I flatten these sand Mounds slightly extended the arena outwards and let the fight begin I mainly used my wooden arrows with the seow for the entire fight and he actually performed decently well the rapid fire rate from the bow made

Keeping up with the eye servants a little bit easier and with the eyes defeat I equi the most important accessory in the shield of cthulu Dash and craft some Demon ey bars which I would ultimately make into the Lights band this is definitely an upgrade to my

Red tide sword and now I head down into the corruption chasms my first orb gave me the musket it’s decent but nowhere near as good as my red tide boat but the second orb gave me the V which has insanely good Pierce and pretty underrated and the final orb which gave

Me some duplicates and I didn’t really try to defeat the E of works as I soon found out aite was another set I could craft now correct me if I’m wrong but when this version of Calamity was out aite was locked as a post eval boss as

You needed a stronger pickaxe to M obsidian but now the materials to craft a light bars were actually possible pretty bosses I spent today doing some underground exploration grabbing some chests Life Crystals and Mining a ton of obsidian I then could craft some diamond dust and rope up towards the sky islands

For the last few materials I needed some feathers clouds rain clouds Sky Mills and Sun plates to the left nothing and it’s kind of funny seeing how empty Calamity feels without the Giant planetoids and little meteorites in the sky to give you loot they definitely help to speed up progression in the

Early game but with the lack of bosses in this version I guess it kind of makes sense to the right side I eventually run into a sky island and got myself the lucky Horseshoe from the chair and spent the rest of the night mining sunplay

Blocks for the sky me clouds for my AOSP equipment and killing the occasional hary for some feathers what was absurd was that a giant hary feather actually dropped from one of the haries which is quite a rare find but obviously without Souls of Flight I couldn’t really make

Any sort of wings or could I from my first T I made a sky Mill and then combined diamond dust with clouds to make some a light bars I got 36 total from this allowing me to make a full set of aerosp armor what a cool set bonus I

Will get a valkyrie minion maybe some extra feathers on attacks no just increases movement speed as health decreases seems pretty useless to me but I used it anyways I still needed some extra materials so I could try out all the aerospec GE so I spent another day farming up within the sky

Islands and with that I made the G Force this does not have any special effects as opposed to the current version but at least it shoots faster and the wind blade well it didn’t do much either now I know you might think I’m disappointed but that’s what I kind of expected from

The very first version what I did not expect was how broken the skyline wings were going to be you got remember in 2016 preh hard mode Wings such as fledging did not exist so this was a first of its kind and my gosh was the mobility on these things so good and

With all the newly acquired equipment I came back to the corruption for the rematch against the EO of Worlds with the gale force paired with just the arrows I completely Shred the Edo of Worlds and without calamity’s anti-cheat wor protection it got decimated fairly quickly the wind blade was just kind of

Decent I guess but I’m pretty sure a blade of grass or lights Bane would be even faster so that’s another boss down and we’re one step closer to fighting the slime God since Calamity has not ner the worm scarf in this version I was quick to equip this accessory giving me

A very nice 177% damage reduction and with the night still pretty young I purchased a bunch of arrows and head over to the dungeon on the way I made sure to mine up some ice so I could crop some frostburn arrows and since I’m feeling super strong right now I just go

Ahead and immediately challenge Skeletron as I mentioned with airite wings I crafted this provided me with some insane movement Skeletron could not keep up and I was easily just able to Circle it that was another boss down and now we begin our journey into the dungeon in the latest version of

Calamity we would now explore the spooky Abyss biome as Abyssal Treasures have been unlocked but for 1.0 a water bolt was pretty nice I also collected some bones water candles gold keys and soon I end up nously dying trigging a goblin army to invade my base usually this

Would be somewhat of a struggle as I aimed to fight this Invasion pretty early on into my playthoughs but with the gale force bow and Water Bolt for piercing it was a fairly quick battle after the invasion I bit myself an airite hmx and use this tool to chop down some

Trees and expanded my storage capacity and speaking of expansions I did the same thing with my NPC prison now begins my proper elevator whilst I’m here I go ahead and collect some hell all as this will be quite useful for St gel later on and I’m not sure if it was

Just me but this armor set seemed extremely broken just wait and see I go ahead and gather some materials to summon the slime God such as rubies and on the way I actually ran into the bound Goblin Tinker which was a huge power boost for us as we get to combine some

Accessories together I also made a start to my pylons by creating additional housing at the snow biome and pairing the Goblin and mechanic together and while I’m here let’s also gather a bunch of I to make some Frost bur arrows now before we fight slime God I had to

Defeat King Slime first like three of them total just so I had enough gel to make the overloaded sludge in this version it costs 100 gel for a consumable slime Gods on in the current version it is 40 bled gel for infinite attempts so as I beat my personal best

Over and over again I got a bunch of random goodies and more importantly 126 gel total so I barely had enough to make another slime crown and use the rest of the gel on the slime God summon I just get one shot at slime God so I better

Make this count I construct a pretty basic Arena expanding my wooden platforms on top of my base and topping it off with some campfires since it was already kind of dark I want to viewing experience to be as best as possible so I waited until daytime to fight the boss but in the

Meantime I just constructed more NPC houses at the desert biome and also at the jungle biome it’s now the next morning and we begin our slime God Showdown yes this is what it looks like in 1.0 not two slime gods and a slime God core Just One Singular slime

It was quite easy with my great piecing Water Bolt but something extremely frustrating was in the true slime God form in second phase it despawned when I got too far away the first phase of the fight was extremely long so this made me pretty upset I decided to do a bit more

Powering off within the jungle B The costic Edge was a weapon I was interested in as it has pretty high base damage and gives sick whatever that means I also ran into the jungle temple so that’s a nice Plus for later down the line after a while in collecting jungle

Spores stingers and Vines I ended the night off by collecting some fallen stars so I could top off my Mana bar I made sure on the way to collect some meteorite which will prove to be useful later on eventually I made it all the way to the dungeon and used my spare

Keys I had to open a gold chest giving me the mirror M off and of course I freed the mechanic because for some reason I could not find her at all when I first explored the dungeon it’s now the next morning and we have some crafting to do I first made my hellstone

Bars which I would then turn into the volcano which then I would ultimately craft into the Night’s Edge then I made myself some meteor armor and the Space Gun these were all be nice to have for my rematch against slime BU as with media armor I had even

More mana and magic damage to use my water bolb there’s nothing much for me to save about the first phase of the fight it’s extremely long but in phase two I made sure to stay as close as possible I refused to let this boss despawn so abusing slime AI I basically

Got it stuck underneath my NPC housing and mowed it down to an easily Victory Royale from the loot we got I was surprised to see Jael doarts as our first pre- Rogue weapon within this version though though there was no Road class so similar to vanilla items it was

Tagged as range damage but still functions pretty similar to what we have today and also with purify gel being dropped I can now make myself the SAT gel armor set this set this set right here is probably the most unbalanced thing in the whole game we know in the

Current version It’s a five helmet armor set with the focus on mobility and survivability but in this version I’m not sure if it was a bug a mod Clash or something of that kind but it provides us with a 100000% su no damage boost in game all it states is that it grants

Minion damage throwing crit and speed boost as HP gets lower simple enough right okay let’s make an inst staff to pay with this set bonus and I’m getting 189 summon damage like what the even from the early days of Calamity it Still Remains perfectly balanced in some ways

You might be thinking there’s no way M’s going to use for the entire run right surely not well you’re just going to have to watch and see with slime go defeated and all of calamity’s main pretty hard mode items obtained there’s nothing much else but for me to

Challenge the Wall of Flesh so I got to work building a short little runway in hell and once it was long enough I went further out to see if maybe there was a glimpse of a Dron lab anywhere in the world but nah they don’t exist yet I

Eventually made my way to the depths of the underground jungle and spotted a beehive this is the perfect opportunity for me to showcase the perfectly balanced satel armor After that was taken care of I placed down a water candle and wait for a Voodoo Demon to spawn it’s so weird how insanely buffed the spawn rates of these things are in the current version of Calamity but without it it actually took a while for one to spawn 6 minutes and 8

Seconds to be precise for one voodoo doll so we better first try this thing so before the fight let’s get ourselves to 300 HP and now it’s time for the Wall of Flesh there wasn’t any real strategy to this fight just try your best to dodge

The lasers by moving up and down and obviously I abuse the hell out of the instaff due to how great its piercing was like looking back at the footage the damage from the instaff is absolutely absurd and yeah after a while blah blah blah summon are always op and I

Eventually kill it so fast in fact I didn’t even need my Runway that I built on to Hard Mode firstly I destroy a bunch of demon Alters to get some hard mode ORS to spawn and similar to vanilla I rushed through all the lower T ores so I could mine some

Cobalt crafting a Cobalt pickaxe to mine some oricalchum and make an Orum pickaxe to mine up some titanium oil now unlike the current version of Calamity where hard mod progression is super flexible in version 1.0 this is pretty streamlined your first set is the dless armor crafted with a bunch of ice them

Ingredients like I hinted at before the insane amount of grinding needed to craft a full set is ridiculous as 10 minutes of Pixie farming only gave me enough ingredients for eight bars of versati so I decided to check out all the possible weapons I could make and

Went for a safe bet in the dark Echo great bat but yeah this weapon is pretty trash so I decided just to stick to my Summoner game plan I realized even though I was on 1.0 sanguin bats and whips was still up for grabs so that was

My next game plan to powering up through the tough early phase of hard mode so I first shed my warrior emblem to a Summoner emblem further stacking my SAT gel armor set and with this I did a little bit of limit testing and as I was

Getting some Bops for the twins fight a Blood Moon decided to spawn in and that was perfect timing as I now have a chance to get the sanguin Stu I made my way above the ice biome and built a nice little safety box above I can confidently say I was pretty

Underprepared for this Blood Moon and it definitely showed when I fish up a dread naus which I stood no chance against all the flying projectiles dealt so much damage and I died a bunch of times thereafter at the end of the night I got absolutely nothing but a bloody teag did

Give me an option to force another Blood Moon on the next night but as for today I went to the right side of my ocean and got to work preparing the ultimate blood moon fishing [Applause] Box and once again it went pretty bad I ended the night with what seemed like every single special blood moon mob except for the dread nless so whilst I let another day go by I restock all my enchanted nightcrawlers and expanded my wooden platform further now the next sequence you’re about to

See is pretty insane and as I was sleeping to speed up the next day cycle the air around me was getting cold meaning a Mech boss was fast approaching and on my first fish I actually got a dread nless to spawn so I quickly had to kill it thankfully sadel armor with my

IM staff is super op and I was able to chill in my box with all these regeneration Bops and luckily on my first kill I managed to snag myself the sanguin star you know these minions as one of summoner’s most essential weapons with a great amount of damage and great

Tracking as well being able to float above the player and focus nearby enemies unlike other minions such as my inst staff which always seem to miss fast bosses you can imagine with a super glass Cannon build I had to heavily rely on my dodging abilities as a stray laser

Could easily half my HP in a single blast I wasn’t planning to fight the mech at the moment but I might as well start now since I got my main weapon and the Knight is still young so I quickly teleport back to base and use my much

Figer to fight the twins similar to Skeletron Prime getting close to the boss is a nogo so standing back and letting my sanguin bats do all the work was what had to be done with my insane Summoner boobs from the SEL armor you could theoretically use this armor set

For the entirety of the run but for the sake of a more entertaining video I’ll use all the other equipment in progression that’s coming up as you can see big damage doesn’t always equal a victory Royale so I’m now 0 and2 against the twins so I open up my skeleton

Treasure bag giving me some Hall bars which I would then turn into the the jendor whip yes whips did not exist back when clamity was released but 625 summon damage yeah I’d win the blood moon was going to be ending soon however so instead of rushing I first head back to

The underground hallow for some key ingredients and do the same thing in the underground corruption B with these I made myself another mechanical eye and the mechanical worm and now I expand my ocean Arena once more reaching all the way to the edge this time I also brought

Some basic Buffs and one last Quick reforge on my whip with my current build I’m quite literally made out of glass meaning I would easily get one shot by any head charge but my damage output is absolutely absurd I wish I had a DPS media here yeah sumon of balance as

Usual and with the Destroyer out of the way now it’s the twins they stood no chance at all so with every mechanical boss now being defeated I can finally make myself the particle accelerator giving me access to more OG Calamity content and in the spirit of trying something new we’re going to be

Switching over to reav equipment and guess what they’re crafted with Dron bars o wow like the exom this requires a lot of Sky themed ingredients such as ancient feathers essence of Cinder and after a while I got kind of bored so I made even more NPC

Housing and headed to the Jungle to farm up some living Dew droplets which are another component to the Reaver set and with 35 Dron bars being crafted I could afford a full set we know in the current version Reaver is a utility based set with VAR different helmets but in 1.0 it

Grants various melee stats scaling as your HP gets lower I didn’t really have a strong melee weapon as of right now so the Excalibur will have to do whilst I build up the components for the terror to me and you’ll see later in this video this is my absolute favorite weapon so

That’s the end of my overpowered Summoner Arc but I still use my Summoner set to farm some mobs because I’m lazy and with more Dron bars I could also make some of the weapons such as the feral Thorn Claymore which in version 2.0.3 it is now a true melee

Weapon that upon hitting an enemy will spawn two pillars of thorns that do not Pierce but the weapon I have now when it was first released FES a Singler Thorn but the range of the projectile can be pretty small wait wait wait what am I talking about it is massive and spent

The rest of the day Gathering some essential accessories such as the fire Gauntlet Berserker glove Terra spark boots and before we fight planta I do a last pit stop in the jungle to collect some chloride and I’m might as well make the hell kite to this tool tip States it

Contains the power of an ancient dragon is this a hint at yarin maybe we are pretty much a strong as we could be up to plant Tera but before we fight her I wanted to test my power against the more weak of us and for my test subject I

Choose Queen slime we can see the main drawback of the Claymore is how short range it is and requires me to take some risk in order to do damage I quite like this play style and the Reaver set I have on also helps me recover from any

Fatal mistakes I did not really struggle at all which gave me a good indicator on how much I can limit test against plant Tera and let me first start off by saying ever since I defeated calamity’s get fixed boy version of planta this version of her just seems so easy in her

First phase I performed a basically circular motion and even though I got hit multiple times the sheit amount of tankiness from my build is great and after a while I was able to make it onto Phase 2 now she can actually hurt in this phase so I got to be somewhat

Careful this meant I had to stay further back and let her Ram into my THS it also helps that this weapon pierces so you may dealing with her tentacles that much Easier after it defeat we unlock something known as living shards these can be obtained with other materials to craft copics bars and make the araxia set and we can also go further with this by combining the previous Dess bars Dron bar bars and the newly obtainable Copic

Bars to make bars of light but a little more on these later since we’re going to be fighting some really tough enemies within the dungeon I’m back to the Jungle to collect some chlori and I head to hell to collect some more essence of chaos after that light grind session I

First make eight chaos serpent shards to make 32 Copic bars which isn’t exactly enough to make a full armor set so I craft myself a planta fruit and killed panta once more and that puts me at 44 copics bars meaning I have enough to make a brand new Calamity armor set if

You haven’t noticed already this is actually the hydrothermic set but in this version it is Mage Focus as opposed to the multiclass helmets that we’re used to so we’ll be clearing out the dungeon for some ectoplasm as well as some really great Mage weapons in the first couple minutes I did collect the

Magnets feed but that was really it for my first trip in the dungeon nothing else was really that important so we’ll empty out our inventory and we’re back for another trip a few few minutes later I finally got the shadow bolt stuff and this made farming in larger groups of

Enemies so much easier I took a little break from the dungeon farming and instead continued with the grind or farming Essence which will be much needed for future item crafts with 26 Copic bars right now I craft discordian wings along with discordian wings I make myself the Hellfire hamb brush this

Looks exactly like a sword but is actually a melee weapon in today’s Calamity mod but here it is a mage weapon that spews lava on every swing this is pretty pretty decent I guess but we are going to need much stronger weapons if you want to stand a chance

Against Moon Lord and the weapon that caught my eye the most was the terror to me we know this weapon has went through a significant rework in the recent era of Calamity and within this version requires basically every single Calamity sword in the game kind of similar to the

Zenith and its crafting tree so for the next few days I made myself the naughty present planted some pumpkins so I could eventually craft the Pumpkin Moon Medallion and raided the Golem Temple for a solar tablet since it was daytime I started off with the solar eclipse the

Only thing I’m really after is the broken hero sword and well on my first moon attempt we got that pretty easily that solves our ter blade component so next up is the Golem this is a piss easy boss so here’s a quick compilation of all my Golem Kills all of that gives us 31 energy orbs and their main function is to make tagon armor all I got from the in-game description was that it grants multiple defense boosts if your health gets low and and I’ve also noticed it boost a Max HP here is my current stat sheet and I’m

Sure there are more details to this but just know it has the same premise as the current tagon armor set it is tanky as opposed to Celestial armor sets which are focused on damage also I’m not too sure why you wouldn’t use be armor because it just seems flat out better

But I’m going to just pretend they don’t exist and apart from the other Euro Bloom options one item I was eager to craft was the gamma fusade that requires 50 Souls of M in its recipe so I sleep through the rest of the day until it

Becomes night time then I go ahead and kill a bunch of Destroyers and with my ton armor set I was surprisingly able to face tank the entire Destroyer fight without any issues at all and with a bunch of souls collected I now head up into space so I

Can craft some ancient feathers the jungle biome for some living Dew shards and finally the tundra biome for some essence of elen there was some more grinding for other materials but I can’t be bothered showing you everything with Copic spars Dron bars and vers light bars we can combine these all together

To make the bar of life These are basically the life hours in regular version of Calamity it gives us some pretty great weapon choices and of course we cannot forget about cause of Calamity and with that I made myself the gamma fusite and blade of em the Mage

Weapon functions pretty similar but it has slightly different and pretty ER rapy VFX it FES a stream of high velocity projectiles they deal a ton of damage and the blade of em has was actually super excited to see this weapon only for it to be a true melee weapon with

Nothing special about it at all so I decided another weapon that was available at this tier was our life hunt sight this weapon fires miniature SES that heal the player when he damages an enemy which is a nice alternative to the Grind of the vampire knives whilst I’m

At it my final weapon for now was the terror blade but I didn’t end up using it a whole lot so I could truly experience this old ass Calamity weapons all that’s left to do was clear the remaining invasions we are pretty strong right now and with the GMA fuse I was

Easily able to melt down all the mobs that is except for the pumpkins which actually require me to use some brain power my first kill dropped the Raven star and since it was a Summoner weapon I might as well abuse this with the satel armor so I could speed up the

Invasion a bit more nothing else much for me to say so let’s just fast forward to the frost Moon once more change I made was using the Morning Star whip just to speed clear everything so we could get to the later waves pretty fast and let’s just say even though the stat

Was pretty hard mode here it is still strong hours and hours later into my playthrough I didn’t need anything from this event so I canceled it early and began my track to the dungeon it’s lunatic CST time for consistent damage I utilize my gamma tone for its insane DPS

And easy tracking to melt the boss down the only really tricky part about the cultist is making sure you don’t hit the wrong clone and you can easily tell by the yellow markings on his hood but if I’m being really honest it didn’t matter that much since I had tagon armor I

Could basically use any weapon I wanted and be absolutely brain dead with my dodging yeah this is sure some perfectly balanced gameplay and in addition to the cultist dropping the ancient manipulator we also got M blobs which if we’re talking about the current version of Calamity this will be used for Luna T

Rogue equipment but in this version it is used to make some of the strongest gear in the game we don’t have quite enough for everything so obviously we’re making the ter to me first this does require some final blades to be crafted in the Zera great sword which will

Require me to head to the dungeon and kill a rage claster for the Spectre star then combine these together at the particle acceler Ator and this great sword this melee weapon is what I’m used to a blade that shoots random projectiles then we go to the snow biome

And do a bit of killing mining ice getting the ice machine mining more ice and oh my God it requires 750 blocks of ice like what and our final blade is the Mariner which requires us to go to the beach and M up some coral and

Starfish and after that we got the holy grow of Swords the Zenith before the zenith was actually in the game the ultimate ter toy blade this function basically identically for the entirety of this weapon has been in the game for so there’s still some powering up we can

Do such as crafting the Frozen shield for some insane Synergy with my taragon armor and do a bit of reforging man I miss calamity’s current reforge system anyways time for the first pillar which will be nebula mainly because these will drop M blobs which we

Can use the KRA zerak armor in the end we got 2 10 which will be plenty to make all that we need but since we’re turning these into M bars I head to the Jungle to collect some more chlori and with 75 bars total I first make the zerox

Set imbued with rage and wrath as HP decreases this set is an absolute Beast I never knew the name zerok was this old in Calamity and for anyone with more knowledge than me what was zerok in version 1.0 but anyways let’s test my might against Duke fishon the main

Reason for this boss is to get the razor blade typhoon which is a core ingredient in making the nuclear Fury possibly the strongest Mage weapon in this version of Calamity the fight itself can usually be pretty difficult but with the hobing capabilities of the terit toy I didn’t

Really struggle with DPS and killed him quickly before the sun slowly sets sadly I didn’t get the razor blade typhoon so I had to sell everything and spend my entire life saving saing on Treasure bags and finally I can make the nuclear Fury it functions pretty similar

To what we have today minus the new and improved V effects and fun fact this weapon can also be found in thorum mod as a patreon item for fabsil which is the original creator of Calamity that we’re playing right now with that being said there’s nothing much for me to do

In terms of progression so let’s destroy all the pillars and begin the moonl fight beginning with Stardust this is the easiest pillar solar I pretty much stayed underground with the nuclear Fury to destroy everything a super a nice weapon and Vortex wasn’t much different just nuclear Fury spam and with the last

Pillow being destroyed I teleport to my ocean biome and I wait for mood Lord to Spawn I’ll be using the terror to me as my main form of damage against the eyes and heads as it allows me to stay further away without needing me to aim as much my secondary weapons consisted of the nuclear Fury and Stardust Dragon just for some extra damage just remember

I’m using a a multiclass set in the zerok armor so this allowed me to get some insane damage numbers after a bit of time I managed to kill its right hand and very shortly after it’s left hand you would want to ideally take all three of its parts at the same time to

Minimize the amount of time the true cthulu could be firing at you the miniature lasers are nothing to scoff at and it was a fairly challenging battle but we still have so many bosses left in this run now we are po Moon Lord and we have

One final boss to 100% this version of 1.0 Calamity and enter our final End Game Challenge so now I’m going to be doing some preparations to get stronger gear I first head over to the Oasis and convert some of the sand into hallow which will allow me to farm up some

Light shards and then I just did the same thing on the other side for dark shards and as I was farming a martian Scout actually spawned in so I might as well use this time to get the influx waiver as well though the Martians won’t actually spawn until I return to base

And as I was farming some more shards my tery projectiles seem to have triggered the cultist fight so I had to quit and reload my world which meant it was time to fight some aliens normally without a specialized Arena the Marti invasions can be quite difficult though with the

Nuclear Fury and zero TI equipment I could easily just delete everything in my path even the Martian sourcers were no match for me with my battlecry active The Invasion went pretty quickly so I head back to the desert Shard farming spot and triggered another Martian Invasion and this time I was successful

Obtaining the influx waiver and since it was still nighttime I melt one last Devourer for some Souls of Might and with all the ingredients obtained I craft myself the Galactica blade according to the official wiki this weapon right here was actually the first ever weapon created in Calamity and in

This version in particular it shoots a bunch of stars that release from the blade as opposed to the current version which Rains Down Galactic comment from the sky this weapon was by far the strongest weapon in the game the last thing I have to do now is to fight the

Actual devour of gods right here here I have the cosmic worm and as I was trying to spawn it in yeah it didn’t actually work at all I was spam clicking right clicking spawning at different areas I could not actually spawn it in normal so I made the executive decision to use

Some cheats yeah yeah I know but only to spawn the boss so let’s go with our very first attempt at the devour of gods remember this is what we can have today and this is what we have 8 years ago yeah not as epic as you might have

Thought but here’s the full fight for you guys anyways enjoy A Now there was a pretty funny highlight of the fight which I had no idea about where the devour of gods actually freezes me into place and I literally couldn’t do anything about it luckily for me though the probes only dealt one damage but the head charge was 200 plus

Damage I was literally just matching my buttons until I was finally freed with around 50 HP and yeah I’m the best Calamity mod player in the World My job from the treasure bag was a nebulus score which served no purpose in this version but we also got some nebula fragments and some luminite and that marks the end of the official chapter now we’re going to see how far I can make it with endgame vanilla and

Calamity 1.0 equipment on the latest version of Calamity so I disabled my cheats and I’m sure there won’t be any more gamebreaking bugs right and here we’re officially loaded into the challenge what are the rules while I’m playing on revengeance mode I can’t use any of the current Calamity items which

Means no Buffs no permanent powerups and no current equipment the only exception of course is boss spawners and the final goal will be the thear of gods I won’t bore you with the grinding involved to reach my final desired year so let me just show you my endgame Loadout that

I’ll mainly use for the remainder of the challenge and let’s get straight into the Boss Rush beginning with the profane Guardians this fight is extremely long and drawn out so let’s use this time to discuss my load out solar armor provides us with some amazing melee stats that

Can even compete DPS wise with gear such as tagon and blood flare but of course these are banned as for weapons I mainly use the Galactica blade as our highest DPS option by far though this will change once we get to the devour Gods just wait and see now I haven’t really

Fought the newly reworked profane Guardians in so long and I can say that they are definitely harder than before I love the distinct versions of each guardian and make it way easier to tell which is which your main focus and who you want to kill first is the Healer

This can be slightly difficult for me as the Galactica comments do not Pierce but slowly enough we take the Healer down after that the fight gets significantly less crazy and I can finally breathe in this phase your next Target is the guardian Defender which casts profane rocks to circle around itself and attach

And launch at the player I found this move pretty hard to see but the damage is not nearly enough and it was fairly easy to do as for the final Guardian the guardian Commander this was the easiest phase with only one boss to keep track

Of all you have to do is Dodge its holy blast and watch for the explosions pretty easy and soon enough that’s our first post Moon Lord boss down so far calamity 1.0 equipment can hold against the modern era but will that change against Providence nah not really it was

Quite easy but I do have to preface by saying I am super experienced with this fight I fought the old versions of this boss reworked versions infernum versions this fight is ingrained into my head and I was easily able to first try Providence I will add I love the

Improved visuals of the border so I actually know when I’m too far away from the boss in Phase 2 the only thing you will struggle against is either heron phase Divine Crystal phase or my personal hardest part is when she calls out her Guardians to Aid her in battle

But you can just save your Rage or adrenaline for this phase and there shouldn’t be any issues so that’s Providence slain and certain me that I cannot equip the elisian shield my beloved Dash accessory and the next phase of the Boss Rush will be the Sentinels progression wise these are

Mostly fought post Providence with sha gear however in reality these can be summoned immediately after the moon Lord and give very nice weapons for the respective classes the difficulty have however is not at all a challenge in comparison signis would directly run into my Galactic comments decimating his

HP bar and with the help of adrenaline I was quick to melt this BX and the same thing can be said for the storm waver this is when the weakness of my load out started to show the previous encounters my DPS was nowhere near as optimal as you can

Probably imagine but with no pacing capabilities from my current Loadout this led to the fight being so long with a high kill time of around 3 minutes and 45 seconds and this was especially evident against the ceaseless void killing the dark plasma balls was super hard and on multiple attempts I

Struggled quite a bit it was even more annoying because of the Warped gravity which made dodging even more harder than before I even tried fighting it in Rage outside of the dungeon but that was a pretty silly idea as even though I had infinitely more space enraged bosses are

Not good and speaking of enraged on my next attempt I decided that maybe that the reason I was losing was because of the missing dungeon walls so using the Shimmer dungeon walls I patched some areas but not everything just enough so the biome state was all dungeon around

My arena with that on my very next attempt things seemed so much better don’t get it twisted though it was still super drawn out and challenging as the amount of flying projectiles were hard to keep track of but slowly after some time we managed to defeat the ceaseless

Void and now all the Sentinels have been defeated and it’s time to to fight the devour of gods this fight was definitely the most challenging of the entire run it was super frustrating and it doesn’t help that my load out is complete every class has a designated weapon for dog

Which ideally consists of an absurd amount of PE melee users love the teror blade Mage users use the shadowbolt staff or Dark Spark Summoners we don’t talk about the disgusting class makes this game so easy and Rogue with the stealth strike wave pounder but the Galactica blade it was not going to cut

It the DPS was just too low and not viable at all I even tried the nuclear Fury with nebula armor and that seemed pretty decent but I still struggled a lot and well guys if all else fails what class do we always go back to it’s the Summoner class the destroyer of

Universes the best class in any version of Calamity the load out I’ll be using consists of the statel armor set but the trade offer is one head charge will annihilate me all one Str laser and all my HP is gone meaning the battle against the Devourer will be one of pel skill

And dodging so let the final challenge Commence A That’s the end of the playthrough but maybe not the end of the journey as the dev team has recently announced another version of the Calamity Classic series with most post mood Lord content if you would like to see a continuation of this series of me fighting all the OG post

Moon Lord bosses let me know in the comments below and I’ll make a part two subscribe and goodbye

What was Terraria’s most popular mod 8 years ago? With the Calamity Mod Classic V1.0, we got to experience the OLD versions of all your favorite bosses. How far can items made in v1.0 take me in today’s mod?

► Comment below for a continuation of the series within the next MAJOR version of Calamity Mod Classic (v1.1.7)

~ Other Useful Links ~
► Music by @Phyrnna, @ENNWAY & @DMDOKORO
► OSTs Terraria & Stardew Valley
► [ALL BOSSES VOD]: https://youtu.be/bm9cLrnCLJ8

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► For business inquiries: murasama1.busness@gmail.com

~ Chapters ~
0:00 Chapter I Primitive
13:55 Chapter II Prospect
19:46 Chapter III How Did We Get Here?
28:03 Chapter IV Reality
36:28 BONUS: Trials of the Devourer

#terraria #calamity

Play Terraria Now:
Steam (PC) : https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/

Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Dig, Fight, Explore, Build: The very world is at your fingertips as you fight for survival, fortune, and glory. Will you delve deep into cavernous expanses in search of treasure and raw materials with which to craft ever-evolving gear, machinery, and aesthetics? Perhaps you will choose instead to seek out ever-greater foes to test your mettle in combat? Maybe you will decide to construct your own city to house the host of mysterious allies you may encounter along your travels?

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, such as Death mode and revengeance mode five new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than thirty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is 100 days, 100 days terraria, 100 days minecraft or 100 days calamity mod, 100 days in calamity mod classic, I spent 100 days in the first version of calamity,


  1. the real question is…
    How much EBF music did you use in this video? 😂😂
    Anyway, amazing video! I still remember the old days of the calamity mod, and, of course, the green siren….

  2. "V1.0" tends to signify a finished version, or a full release, of a game or mod. With this in mind, it's kinda crazy how incomplete and low-polish Calamity's 1.0 is, huh?

  3. While I understand that the goal was to see what you can do today with v1.0 calamity items the comparison just doesn’t seem entirely fair when you are on v1.4.4 of base terraria. The items are out of their original context so of course they are going to be underwhelming. The balance issues are pretty funny though

  4. I need to know, since I am quite new to calamity, and am too lazy to do any deep searching, what do you mean by "Anti-cheat worm protection"? Like what DoG does during the first few seconds of the fight, and the phase change where you can't hit the body to deal massive amounts of damage to the wrapped up segments, or like too many segments can't be hit.

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